Making a Realistic Brook Trout Fly!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @MainelyFlies
    @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому +30

    Edit- After a CRAZY amount of requests this fly is now for sale. If you want one you can reach out to me here ( they are not cheap as they take a lot of time and materials to create. Also as a note it's intended for art because the halos will fall off after a few fish and the hard fins are likely to cause spin. But hey if you want one for the wall nows your chance!
    This was a fun tie inspired by Stan Mackerwicz; you can find his Facebook page here ( and even buy a few! While this one is a little over the top to fish, it was a blast to tie and will look great in my tying room! Also, thank you all for following along over the last few years! Never did I think a fly tying channel would have so much interest, yet here we are! Best of luck in the giveaway; I’ll be drawing it in a few weeks, and as always, I’ll see you in the next one with some more practical fly patterns!
    Jesse R.
    Materials needed:
    Hook 1: 9X long streamer hook
    Hook 2:
    Tail grizzly feather:
    Craft fur:
    Fins: (Yarn or parapost works well)
    Recommended UV resin (Finish):
    Recommended UV resin (fill):
    Recommended UV light:

    • @benperchalski4825
      @benperchalski4825 8 місяців тому +2

      Spectacular looking design to choose

    • @cervidslayer
      @cervidslayer 8 місяців тому +1

      "Fun to tie"

    • @larryshannon8257
      @larryshannon8257 8 місяців тому +1

      Flies. Great videos.

    • @falchemist1
      @falchemist1 8 місяців тому +2

      Would you be willing to sell some of these beautiful flies!? Omg so friggen cool

    • @falchemist1
      @falchemist1 8 місяців тому +2

      I tried the fb link and said page wasn’t available 😢

  • @heather0928
    @heather0928 8 місяців тому +117

    I don't fly tie, I don't fly fish, I don't even fish, but I do like to watch . . .
    your videos

    • @MainelyFlies
      @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому +12

      Very cool, happy you still enjoy them! If you ever get the chance give it a try some time, even if its just for the art of it

    • @jaaron2834
      @jaaron2834 2 місяці тому +1

      Perhaps it's time you did....😊

  • @salnichols94805
    @salnichols94805 8 місяців тому +39

    Brookies are the Wood Ducks of trout, and you captured it elegantly. Thats just beautiful.

  • @Soulweeper826
    @Soulweeper826 8 місяців тому +247

    i would be sick to my stomach to loose this fly..

  • @DavidPrice-qu2yc
    @DavidPrice-qu2yc 8 місяців тому +19

    That is hands down the coolest pattern I’ve ever seen. Well done sir 👏

  • @brianmoore4240
    @brianmoore4240 8 місяців тому +85

    Man was really hoping for a giveaway with this one.. I wouldn’t be able to tie this bad boy in a million years 😂

  • @Technologician
    @Technologician 8 місяців тому +17

    I'm a big streamer fisher, and this fly you have tied is the magnum opus of streamers. I'd be too scared to lose it on a snag! Love it! #flies

    • @madhatmatt9706
      @madhatmatt9706 8 місяців тому +7

      bro if i snagged it i would be taking my shoes and waders off and going for a swim

  • @cbranin9869
    @cbranin9869 8 місяців тому +2

    Your videos are the reason I started tying my own #flies instead of buying them! Thanks for all the great patterns and content you post, especially your attention to audio!

  • @jacobcarolan1172
    @jacobcarolan1172 5 місяців тому +10

    If I snagged this fly I would be swimming in the frigid water to get it. The spirit of Whim Hoff would posses me.

  • @bbantel
    @bbantel 8 місяців тому +5

    Its hard to tie flies now without hearing "...and snip the excess free"
    You've outdone yourself with this incredible piece of art. Well done. Congrats on the mile stone - its very well deserved. #Flies

  • @jeremylamovsky9868
    @jeremylamovsky9868 8 місяців тому +7

    Looks like one of those flies you dont realize you screwed up until youre halfway through with a pound of material and a half hour of time...or a day if youre me. Really enjoying youre channel. I dont really mess with flies outside of steelhead which is coming to a close, but im addicted to it now and needed a hobby...preferably a cheaper one but oh well lol

  • @The_Real_Infidel
    @The_Real_Infidel 5 місяців тому

    This is absolutely amazing and taught in a way that was easy to understand. I will never be able to tie that, but it's amazing to see someone with such skill work.

  • @RonChristopher-tx8so
    @RonChristopher-tx8so 8 місяців тому

    Congratulations on 250,000 subscribers. My children and I tie flies based on many tricks and tips you have shown on this channel. Thank you for keeping us all very entertained, and showing us how to tie realistic and very usable flies. #flies

  • @BigBass-xf5yi
    @BigBass-xf5yi 8 місяців тому

    I never got into fly fishing and tying, but absolutely respect the activity as a bass fisherman.
    This fly here is absolutely beautiful and admirable. An absolute art form. 👍🏻🇺🇸

  • @JackCasement-mn8lo
    @JackCasement-mn8lo 8 місяців тому

    I stared fly fishing with my dad at 9 years old. Ever since then I have fly fished and fly tied every chance I get. There is something about seeing a big trout grab a dry fly that you tied. It what’s keeping me fly fishing, this is an incredible fly! You earned 250 000 subs in every way! Keep up the good work! #flies

  • @ZacharyBobbie1611
    @ZacharyBobbie1611 8 місяців тому

    Spot on with the realism! It’s amazing watching this channel start with simple latex worm grubs, to life-like trout patterns! Thank you for posting! Tight lines my friend! 😎🎣

  • @SophiaB.0519
    @SophiaB.0519 7 місяців тому +1

    I know absolutely nothing about flies except that they are put on end of fishing line to catch fish, but I can tell this man produces masterful work

  • @benperchalski4825
    @benperchalski4825 8 місяців тому

    Congratulations on the numbers.... Im new to the channel in the past year but I've learned so much from watching you and this is by far the best looking I've seen you or anyone else tie yet

  • @SkookumBeehives
    @SkookumBeehives 8 місяців тому

    This is the single most amazing and beautiful fly that I have ever seen!

  • @Timmah-_-
    @Timmah-_- Місяць тому

    that’s an amazing fly, i love watching these, their satisfying and your voice is crisp and just makes these videos amazing 😮‍💨

  • @MaggiePies
    @MaggiePies 8 місяців тому +1

    These videos make me feel like a world classfly fishing master! 🤣
    Im a novist bass fisher at best but i definitely wanna start trying out some of these fly patterns. Even if its just gor my shelf.😍😍😍

  • @Kittycat-89
    @Kittycat-89 8 місяців тому +1

    That is too beautiful to fish with. This is and other equally beautiful #flies are a work of art.

  • @yauckoutdoors
    @yauckoutdoors 8 місяців тому +1

    Nice. 4:41 I would run the wire tag end back to hook and wrap it again. But super glue might be good enough. Great work!

  • @chrisharvey9072
    @chrisharvey9072 8 місяців тому

    I've learned a lot abouf fly tying and have improved a ton since I started a yearish ago from these videos. I think this one may still be a bit beyond me, for now. Appreciate all the tutorials and the podcasts you've put out man! #flies

  • @Majigk
    @Majigk 8 місяців тому +1

    What a fly, I am in a fly fishing class at my school and learning to tie flies and fish. This is definitely a fly Ill wanna tie one day. It's insane that the channel is at 250k already🎉 Thanks for all the videos, they have inspired me to get into fly fishing and I really enjoy all the cool flies you tie!❤

  • @Jeff-m9d
    @Jeff-m9d 2 місяці тому

    Just a beginner dry guy for just 45 years
    Dry fles only
    Man you're out of my league
    Fantastic work

  • @MarylandFishing-sw8fv
    @MarylandFishing-sw8fv 8 місяців тому

    @MainelyFlies i have been following you for the past year and recreateing all your flys that I can, i just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me to make Flies.

  • @florianschmidt3614
    @florianschmidt3614 8 місяців тому

    Cool fly, congrats on all the success! Your fly patterns are always interesting and easy to follow. Thanks for the content

  • @griffithandy2950
    @griffithandy2950 4 місяці тому

    Yeah I don’t know how often I would throw this beautiful masterpiece!

  • @rockymegan
    @rockymegan 8 місяців тому +1

    Really awsume pattern Jesse - Stan Mackerwicz may have been the inspiration (I had to go check it out) for the Brooke pattern but you really made it your own. Definitely a Mainly Realistic Brooke Trout Fly! I might be able to tie it but it might look more like a Goby (#flies) when I was done. I volunteer at the VA with Project Healing Waters fly tying, teaching fly tying to fellow disabled vets twice a month sessions- I started out 13 -14 years ago learning as a Veteran myself. Its really rewarding. Been doing it all that time twice a month except during Covid. If I would have put that effort into You Tube I might have a third of the subscribers.
    I really enjoy your channel watched many of them even the 1-2 hour ones. Congrats on your milestone I'm glad I'm part of it. I NEVER leave comments but always Like - Subscribe - and Save my favorites like this one.

  • @ub6ilb975
    @ub6ilb975 8 місяців тому +1

    Wow Best Fly I've Ever Seen, Well Done!

  • @MrTougiejr
    @MrTougiejr 8 місяців тому

    Just when I thought you were a true fly artist already.

  • @robkolakowski3692
    @robkolakowski3692 8 місяців тому

    Inventive and way to make fins. Beautiful fly. Would probably fall apart in two false casts though. Keep it for display and a testament to your tying abilities. 😁

  • @HennryHeavyLemon
    @HennryHeavyLemon 8 місяців тому +1

    I’ve been fly fishing very casually for a few years but it wasn’t until I seen one of your videos last year that I picked up a beginner set and started to my own #flies, and the first fly I tied was your wooly bugger. Congrats on the 250k!!

    • @MainelyFlies
      @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому +1

      That's awesome! Great to hear you picked it up and hope you continue to enjoy it!

    • @HennryHeavyLemon
      @HennryHeavyLemon 8 місяців тому +1

      @@MainelyFlies I do, it’s very relaxing, and much more rewarding when I catch a fish on a fly I tied!

    • @MainelyFlies
      @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому +1

      It definitely is!

  • @MichaelBrown-mq4lh
    @MichaelBrown-mq4lh 8 місяців тому +3

    This is a really cool pattern that I’ve seen Stan post many times. He ties some really cool ultra realistic fly patterns that’d I’d love to try out. #flies

    • @MainelyFlies
      @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому +2

      That's for sure when I first saw It I knew I had to tie it! His is more practical than this. This one is more for show

  • @stevenzittrauer788
    @stevenzittrauer788 8 місяців тому

    Man 250k that’s amazing!!! Honestly I’m surprised though. You are so informative and one of the best tiers I’ve seen. And this tie is just another example of your talent. Thanks and congrats!! #flies

  • @StinNReel
    @StinNReel 4 місяці тому

    This is a work of art. It may not be made for fishing, but just imagine the fish you could catch with it...

    • @dannythorne9761
      @dannythorne9761 4 місяці тому

      Not sure but may be able to get a predotor fish like a pike with it

  • @benpalacz8450
    @benpalacz8450 8 місяців тому

    This isn't fly tying, Its art. this should be in a museum or somewhere on display

  • @Izzy-cp8yt
    @Izzy-cp8yt 8 місяців тому

    Absolutely stunning. After watching so many of your videos, I'm considering trying to use similar techniques to make myself a commemorative pin, in honor of my late dad, who loved tying #flies. Your videos have made me think I can make something at least roughly resembling a fly, even as a total beginner ❤

    • @MainelyFlies
      @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому +1

      Thank you! Thats a great idea and no matter how it turns out I'm sure he would have appreciated it. Hope you do give it a try and very sorry to hear about your loss.. However, on a lighter note you won! Congrats, what you'll need to do is shoot me a message here ( Just title it "Brook Trout Winner" to help me make sure the right person gets it. Once I hear from you I'll have to delete this as I tend to get 10 messages from people claiming they won.

    • @Izzy-cp8yt
      @Izzy-cp8yt 8 місяців тому

      @@MainelyFlies thank you so much! I've sent you an email!

  • @carlandre5826
    @carlandre5826 3 місяці тому

    Hey guy, I don't know nothing about fishing but the work you're doing is amazing. It's not the right word because it looks like it's on another level.
    I heard of peacock bus but maybe you're making a peacock color that's what it looks like to me.

  • @calebdunn6675
    @calebdunn6675 8 місяців тому

    congrats on 250 subs! I love your work, I have caught lots of fish using your flies, keep it up!

  • @williamrogers4556
    @williamrogers4556 8 місяців тому +1

    That fly is amazing

  • @isaacford4160
    @isaacford4160 8 місяців тому +2

    What will you catch off this?????? Or is it just a wall hanger pattern #flies

  • @missionmafia2
    @missionmafia2 8 місяців тому +1

    I had to see this one again here in Canada we have bull trout and they like kocanee I have seen crude flies made of white rabbit fur still watching😊#flies

  • @thelilscarecrowextra1372
    @thelilscarecrowextra1372 8 місяців тому +1

    This one was sick🔥🔥🔥

    @LAUGHOUTLOUDPUPPETS 7 місяців тому


  • @nextlevelangling
    @nextlevelangling 8 місяців тому

    I don't think I could bear to tie something as beautiful and throw it around out here around the northern pike just to get destroyed!

  • @johnklintworth2465
    @johnklintworth2465 12 днів тому

    Great fly I would never even come close to the water with that btw what for rod do you have in the thumbnail

  • @TheCreekBoys2001
    @TheCreekBoys2001 8 місяців тому

    Didn’t expect it to turn out that way. Way better than I would have ever thought! Very cool fly 👍 #flies

  • @LiamLafrance931
    @LiamLafrance931 8 місяців тому +2

    #flies love it man!!! I enjoy trying to tie some of your simpler flies with the materials I have be cause I can't buy all the right ones😂 my box is currently overflowing with my scrappy renditions of your flies and others, hope I win😂 also its my birthday in a couple of days! Hoping to get out and do some fishing

  • @mauricebrown9094
    @mauricebrown9094 8 місяців тому

    One of the coolest flies I have ever seen tied. Well done pal. Would love to see this guy underwater in the future. #Flies.

  • @Skewdawoodo-ms3uf
    @Skewdawoodo-ms3uf 8 місяців тому

    holly cow its like a jointed fly... crazy never really seen that

  • @LeonardChurch33
    @LeonardChurch33 8 місяців тому +1

    This is an insanely beautiful and equally complicated fly. I'd be scared to fish it, but you're right that it would look great on a shelf. #Flies

    • @MainelyFlies
      @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому

      I don't think this one will ever see the water. It's a good memory but not exactly built for durability, as I forgot to tie in the side feathers, and the blue halos will surely drop off after 1-2 catches. I also think the hard fins would cause some spinning as well. Nonetheless, it was a very fun tie!

  • @Tomasco13
    @Tomasco13 8 місяців тому

    How durable is a streamer like this in use, or is this just a fly to demonstrate what can be done? Either way, it's gorgeous little work of art!

  • @tmetz44
    @tmetz44 8 місяців тому

    That's an unbelievable pattern. You are a true artist and master of your craft. #flies

  • @lewisreeves758
    @lewisreeves758 8 місяців тому

    Awesome tie, I love the beauty that God created in the Brook trout. Fly on!

  • @richardzacamy4605
    @richardzacamy4605 8 місяців тому +1

    This Looks AWESOME

  • @davidmcculley7206
    @davidmcculley7206 8 місяців тому

    That’s a piece of art. Not sure I would throw it as such.

  • @twaanjackson
    @twaanjackson 8 місяців тому

    Congrats on the big milestone!
    Love this fly! Personally, Brooks are the best looking trout. Love this pattern so much.

  • @ernieflynn5124
    @ernieflynn5124 7 місяців тому

    What a fly!! Amazing my friend.

  • @mikekuczynski1552
    @mikekuczynski1552 8 місяців тому

    As a fly tier I’ll have to tie a couple of these up just for fun . Thanks for sharing this with us .

  • @серж-щ6я
    @серж-щ6я 7 місяців тому

    Дуже вразила Ваша майстерність! На такий стрімер шкода ловити, їм треба милуватись😊...Дякую за відео!

  • @kencofishing6404
    @kencofishing6404 2 місяці тому

    Love the salmon, looked a bit like grand lake stream. I am always up for an adventure in north Maine woods

  • @RichardRempel-c6j
    @RichardRempel-c6j 8 місяців тому

    Being a Canadian West Coast anglers not many Brownies to eat Brookies in our area but i think a few changes in ingredients to the material list would get Bull Trout to kill this fly. Nice tie, will try this one out. Thanks

  • @vensiusletsgo4389
    @vensiusletsgo4389 8 місяців тому

    I've rarely seen such a beautifull fly, it's almost something that you go in a museum than being used XD i'm impressed really #flies

  • @robertday5665
    @robertday5665 8 місяців тому

    #Flies, It’s always a treat to watch you work the threads. Love the Brook trout.

  • @peterparsons7141
    @peterparsons7141 7 місяців тому

    FYI… Rod Haig-Brown at the start of one of his books, talks about the carnivorous nature of brook trout. He mentions when he was a young river rat how he released a small slightly damaged trout, to see it get engulfed by a larger trout in the pool.
    I read that years ago and knew from experience that some of my best spoons, spinners and flys had colouration similar to a small trout. Some anglers will know that is places where bait fish are scarce, and trout are plentiful that lures that attract larger fish mimic small trout. Large trout are very carnivorous.
    The beautiful streamer you are tying might not catch a lot of small fish, definitely a large fish fly.
    I would love to have that streamer out in big water, gets the adrenaline pumping thinking about it.

  • @KeaveMind
    @KeaveMind 8 місяців тому

    Absolutely beautiful! I would absolutely love to see this under water

  • @joecruse4531
    @joecruse4531 8 місяців тому

    Fries. Love your channel. Love this fry pattern

  • @jamesy1979
    @jamesy1979 8 місяців тому

    Wow that looks freaking amazing 😮

  • @RandoStuffNZ
    @RandoStuffNZ 5 місяців тому

    This is an awesome fly, love it.

  • @aaronvincent3431
    @aaronvincent3431 3 місяці тому

    This is awesome! Art and function. Thanks
    #flies #flies #flies

  • @jimkirchner6028
    @jimkirchner6028 8 місяців тому

    Beatiful fly!! It just proves that there is an artistic side to flytying. #flies

  • @jdpease1919
    @jdpease1919 8 місяців тому

    You inspired me to start tying #flies and it has been so fun for me. Congratulations on the milestone!!!

  • @4of333
    @4of333 8 місяців тому

    #flies got out of tying probably 20 years ago your vids helped get me back on the wagon new vise is on its way thank you

  • @Alaskahuntr
    @Alaskahuntr 8 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for the materials needed to try and re-create that pattern! I would probably just make one to put on display. That would be a fun one to tie on a cold winter day sitting by the fire. #Flies

    • @MainelyFlies
      @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому +2

      No problem, Its definitely a project! Think it took me 1-2 hours with all the material prep. Those halos were very tedious

    • @Alaskahuntr
      @Alaskahuntr 8 місяців тому

      @@MainelyFlies I bet!! Awesome video!

  • @BeyerOutdoors
    @BeyerOutdoors 8 місяців тому

    The first one I'd make of that, I'd have to keep as artwork. The second one, I'd make I'd send to fly tying contests (if I can find any). The third one, I'd try fishing with. And that long shank, I need some of those because that'd open up a whole world of patterns. Thank you for the video.

    • @MainelyFlies
      @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому +1

      That would be cool I haven't really heard of any other than small IG contests. Might want to make the fins soft on the fishing one and add some weight under the shank to keep it from spinning. Also, if you find some 9x let me know hard to find them now. These were from my grandfathers collection that was passed to me

    • @BeyerOutdoors
      @BeyerOutdoors 8 місяців тому

      @@MainelyFlies Ok, will do. Thank you for sharing.

  • @patrickandcourtneyl1348
    @patrickandcourtneyl1348 8 місяців тому

    More like an art piece. Wouldn't want to risk losing it.

  • @FlyfishingIdaho317
    @FlyfishingIdaho317 8 місяців тому +1

    Just got into tying at 13 love your vids. Would love to try this, but it looks kind of hard. #flies

  • @ruthcoates9587
    @ruthcoates9587 8 місяців тому

    Awesome tie! I think I’ll give it a try!

  • @ikazukison2
    @ikazukison2 Місяць тому

    So unless I manage to shoot a turkey this May, I basically can't make this fly
    that's what you're saying!?
    I can't substitute like dove feathers or pigeon feathers?

  • @monicaschiess7534
    @monicaschiess7534 8 місяців тому

    I love watching you tie, it's amazing to watch you create this art. #flies

  • @mdaley3102
    @mdaley3102 5 місяців тому

    All I can say is WOW, that is so realistic. Two of those would be good, one to fish and one for show. #flys

  • @umaarelahi65
    @umaarelahi65 6 місяців тому

    This is not for fishing its a piece of art

  • @cdub166
    @cdub166 8 місяців тому

    I've watched your short videos for a while. This is my first full episode! #flies

  • @forscheri
    @forscheri 8 місяців тому

    Very cool pattern; I wonder how it would fish?
    I love the turkey feather for the squaretail!

  • @firstfork
    @firstfork 8 місяців тому

    great streamer !! Going to try tying one.

  • @pyroanimus
    @pyroanimus 8 місяців тому

    That's not a FLY it's a FRY! (Joking, It looks amazing!)

  • @ClintRyther
    @ClintRyther 8 місяців тому

    This is more art than it is fly tying! Another awesome video! #flies

  • @jasonerickson1033
    @jasonerickson1033 Місяць тому

    Wow is all I can say pretty artistic that’s for sure. Great job!

  • @robertperman8967
    @robertperman8967 8 місяців тому

    Wow😳😳😳what a ty!! That’s beautiful!! Tight lines🐜🐛🕷️!!!! #flys!!

  • @gregorymillar285
    @gregorymillar285 8 місяців тому

    Outrageous job. Beautiful work

  • @GlenSchoeppner
    @GlenSchoeppner 4 місяці тому +1

    Imagine casting that streamer

  • @nell5871
    @nell5871 8 місяців тому +1

    When will this Brook trout be ready to purchase? I went on the website and can't locate it?

    • @MainelyFlies
      @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому

      Don't think I'll be selling this one its far to time consuming so the price would be really high

    • @nell5871
      @nell5871 8 місяців тому

      @MainelyFlies thank you for letting me know.. I'm the guy from Skaneateles that you have mailed stuff to.. I love your Flys, and they are very effective when used properly.. FYI.. I would pay whatever it is for that Brook trout fly.. time is money

    • @MainelyFlies
      @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому +1

      @@nell5871 Well I'll consider it. Its also more of art than a practical fly. The halos are likely to fall off when fished and the fins might cause it to spin. Definitely appreciate the support and I'll keep everyone posted if it goes up on the site

    • @nell5871
      @nell5871 8 місяців тому

      It would definitely be a mantel piece. And great for conversations..

  • @appiebrule
    @appiebrule 8 місяців тому

    Congratulations on the 250K. I've always found your videos helpful and fun to watch! #flies

    • @MainelyFlies
      @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому

      Thank you! Plenty more to come!

  • @jonfillion3732
    @jonfillion3732 8 місяців тому +1

    #Flies that is a work of art there. a fine display piece, would almost be afraid to loss it fishing but then knowing you bagged a monster of a fishbon this would make it worth it all.

    • @MainelyFlies
      @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому +2

      Definitely just art, I wouldn't recommend fishing this one. The fins will probably cause it to spin not to mention the 1-2 hours it took to prep and tie in the materials. Although I'm sure it would work... now I'm debating fishing it on my other channel for a video.

  • @Skweazle
    @Skweazle 8 місяців тому

    You dont worry about the trailer coming off with it only being secured with thread and glue?

    • @MainelyFlies
      @MainelyFlies  8 місяців тому

      No I’ve never had one pull free when secured like this

  • @bensmith4563
    @bensmith4563 8 місяців тому

    I used to tie Flys when I was in high school still have a couple of them though mine were kinda trash and super janky didn't even really catch bluegill with them wouldn't mind doing it again but it's kinda expensive to get into

  • @Joe-m5w
    @Joe-m5w 8 місяців тому

    I have absolutely loved these videos and used them as tutorials many times and caught tons of fish very inspiring #flies

  • @leonardo338
    @leonardo338 8 місяців тому

    This #flies to the top of my list of best Mainly fly videos.