God is going to use this type of music to move so many hearts and minds and break so many barriers its unreal. These guys are changing lives; saving lives infact. Seeing them live is a truly Godly experience, just because of the power of the worship. I literally felt Jesus at one of their shows, he was stage diving, throwing down, and singing along at the chants just like everyone else. He made that worship so, so powerful
I remember seeing them live. A guy elbowed me in the face in the pit so hard it left an impression of my teeth in my cheek. I might have seen god during that performance, I think it was just 80% of a concussion though.
@@nickocskai8399 bro if you never saw these guys live you don’t even know, I’m positive that comment is 100% serious. Dudes used to preach at shows and stuff so they attracted the wildest christians lol. I swear on my life I went outside at one of their shows once after a song, smoked like 3 cigarettes, went back in and they still hadn’t started the next song ‘cause the dude was still talking about Jesus. Sick band though.
This Little Light Of Mine I'm gonna Let It Shine This Little Light Of Mine I'm Gonna Let It Shine!! Beack!! Fuck Satan & those demons within you know? Know!? Or no! No!!~!!! No!!!!!! No!!!! In the name!
I love how honest and open these dudes are. They're straight up about EVERYTHING. "You were made to burn!" How many christian bands can you think of that will cut straight to the point like that? I love it.
Impending Doom does this! Both are the best Christian bands I've ever heard. Still here after all these years since listening to For Today's 2nd album.
I'm can't relate to the lyrics because I'm agnostic, but man, I have so much respect for this band. They are insanely talented, and are even more badass for inspiring tons of people. Props from a non-christian! Lol.
Now I understand those masks and the name of the song. In Revelation it says that the four seraphim before the throne of God each had a different face. One like a lion, one like an ox or calf, one like a man, and one like an eagle. At first those masks were creepy, but now i understand.
Did anyone notice, that the guys in costumes are representing the 4 Evangelists Matthew (the guy with the beard), Mark (Lion), Luke (Bull) and John (Eagle)? :D
Yeah, the God of this world does want the world to burn and his name is Satan. He is no where near as powerful as the one true God, our creator who created all things including this universe and earth. The one true God loves us all, and he wants all of us to be saved, which is why he sent his only begotten son to save the world from there sins. He took every human beings sins upon him on that cross, he is our savior and his name is Jesus Christ and he is LORD over all! It doesn't matter what you look like what your skin color is it doesn't matter he loves you and is waiting for you to call out to him. Satan only wants to destroy you meanwhile Jesus wants to shower you with love and mercy and he will grant you everlasting life if you believe in him and what he did for us on the cross. He paid the fine for our sins on the cross and all he wants is you to believe and trust in him, thats it! He did the rest for us on the cross!
One of my friends did a great cover of an ABR song at church once and everyone loved it, even the old ones. They said they loved the passion and the energy.
Saw these guys at RTD over the weekend, met a seraphim in the prayer tent that night, not long after this song was played. We talked for hours, when he hugged me I was overloaded with energy, thought, and a message. Woke up the next day with three days worth of hair growth and several cuts healed completely. Praise God for what is to come.
Galatians 5:13-1(NIV) 13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh[a]; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
Pennington091 Coming from the same religion where Jesus said: "If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple.". (Luke 14:26, NIV)
Thomas Monahan What?????? First of all, your first statement "Because He wanted to surround Himself with the ones that needed help...." is just inaccurate...Especially when you consider the cult-like mentality that Christianity instills within its "true believers". The true interpretation of those words is that he's saying reject everything in your life if you want to be my followers, meaning that one should "hate" (and that it implies such as killing your whole family at God's request) everything to give God/Jesus all of the focus in one's life. I believe that's called brainwashing...It was the same tactic used by Hitler, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, David Koresh, and many others throughout history who use a mix of emotional appeals and religion (Usually Christianity in one form or another) to manipulate others to their will and control them into doing things or behaving a certain way. Then, there's your second statement, "But you must be a judge mental person who steers away from the down trodden", it took me a minute to re-read this almost illegible piece of writing to see that you meant to call me "judgmental". That couldn't be more of an ironic statement coming from a Christian apologist. I made one statement that is DEFINITIVELY true about that insipid religion and you tried to make me look like an idiot by giving some bullshit interpretation of the words and then insulting me. And who gives a fuck about the "down trodden"? Does God really care? REALLY? If God is so great then he would be humane enough to help these desperate people. So either he's an asshole who enjoys the suffering of others OR he simply isn't real... But you know what, I will say that I am "judge mental" in the sense that I do hate Christianity for what it is and what it has done for the human race and most especially for the fact that it is still used as nothing more than a tool for manipulation and power in this country. So yes, I scoff at those who give credence to an enslaving book written over 2000 years ago about a bunch of anti-scientific rubbish that people have killed each other over. I mean imagine if Bronies or Trekkies or Marvel Geeks started slaughtering each other over the various versions of the characters or superheroes they felt was the "truest" representation. We all would think they were batshit...and yet we don't give the same consideration to Muslims, Christians, and Religious Jews or any other faith or theism for that matter. If we ridiculed them for their silliness and delusional mindsets and behaviors to the point that they felt that they were utterly socially unacceptable, maybe they would finally let go of that garbage.Seriously the world would just be better off without religion, period.
Thomas Monahan You said: “Hahahahahahaha! Yes! The basis of Jesus' teachings is to hate and kill! Exactly!! That must be why He told us to love our enemies. Thank you for your time, have a nice life. :)))” Yeah because no one has ever killed anyone in the name of God(s) in the entire history of the human race ever… All of the “love” in the Bible is contradicted by what God did (his destructive wrath, his vengeful laws, the raping of Mary while she was asleep) and what Jesus actually said (such as the aforementioned verse). It’s also invalidated by the fact that there are conditions that come with “God’s love”. For example, you can’t like other God(s), and you have to obey everything that he says. He’s your “father,” so he created you, but he will destroy you if you don’t listen to him you will be burned to death over and over and over and over and over and over and over again (to the infinite power) for all eternity…because that’s just how he deals with his kids when they disobey. But he does the same thing when you don’t acknowledge his existence or don’t give him enough attention…(kind of sounds like an abusive spouse or a crazy, jealous, stupid bitch, but that’s just my opinion). So basically, you can attain “God’s love” by throwing away your life and being his servant for eternity at the risk of burning forever, that’s a one sided relationship if I ever saw it! And of course, this all on an individual basis, so if you are the only one in your family to go to Heaven and your spouse, grandparents, parents, and children all writhe in agony for eternity well…at least you still have Jesus. Now that’s a real form of comfort knowing that you will never see your family again and that they are suffering forever, ain’t it ? ;) Thus, the Biblical “love” you speak of is outweighed by the overt complexities with which it requires to obtain it in the first place. Put simply, your God’s love is a case of the juice not being worth squeeze as result of his own bullshit. You also said: “you have it all figured out lmao kind of hilarious that someone can be so bitter” Now I assume this your defense to everything else I said??? Well, it’s a total failure if that is the case. First of all, me being “bitter” is irrelevant. But if you really want to know…Yes I am bitter. I’m bitter that human beings are still having wasted conversations on religion when it really shouldn’t be an issue anymore. But it’s not so much of an issue due to its popularity (lots of stupid/utterly pointless things are popular: Justin Beiber, Kim Kardashian, Game of Thrones, Minecraft overpopulating the planet by following the trend of the media rejoicing babies, Alex Jones, conspiracy theories, etc.). My issue stems from its power and enforcement at the higher level. You little theists want to act like you’re defending yourselves when it is you have traditionally made laws to oppress and hurt others. As such, you goddamn right if I’m going to be at least a little fucking bitter about the whole matter. You people should do less bitching, have less power, and should be mocked and ridiculed for the absurd little undereducated parasites that you are. Also, you literally addressed NOTHING in my post. You just smugly and sarcastically said “you have it all figured out”. So the issues that go unresolved: Christianity is as much a cult as ISIS/Al-Qaeda, The Manson Family, Jones Town, Children of God/The Family International, The KKK, The Branch Dividians, Aum Shinrikyo, or the Nazis. God’s lustful masturbation to poor people dying in the street, or watching the sex trade of children, slavery, people in sweat shops, cancer, ALS, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 9/11, The Holocaust, school shootings, AIDS, Ebola, cyber bullying/teen suicide and a number of other things that this “loving” being allows to go on in the world completely devoid of his intervention. But I guess he “works in mysterious ways” and “this is all part of his plan” right? What rational human being would blatantly follow a fucked up entity that claims that all of these atrocities are a part of their greater design? That’s pretty messed up shit, but I guess a brainwashed follower who has to play martyr (such as yourself) has to delude themselves into thinking this is a “loving” God, right? :) You also didn’t address the anti-scientific aspects of the Bible that just simply don’t go very well with what actually exists in reality. A few examples: Talking snake in Garden of Eden (so I guess all of linguistics and its various branches originated from this creature?) Noah’s Ark, every organism in existence, even every insect and micro-organism? Assuming they all fit and were able to survive for such an extended period of time on wooden boat, what the fuck did they eat when they finally got off? The 10 Plagues You do understand the difference between magic and reality right? (Not to mention that with killing all of the “first born”, the whole “pro-life” argument goes completely out the window). Jonah in the belly of a Whale I guess he was horrible deformed afterwards from all the stomach acids? The Virgin Birth Let me get this straight. God goes into the room of a sleeping virgin woman (who was married, so he loses points for adultery), impregnates her, and then has that child be a boy who is actually himself in human form? Interesting, it would seem that God has an Oedipus Complex in that he wanted to not only de-virginized his own mother, but wanted to do while he was coming out if her vagina. So in a sense, he fucked (or should I say “penetrated”?) his mom while he was being born …Wow talk about some crazy bullshit. ALL OF THIS should be more than sufficient evidence for why one would hate your religion and the idiocy of its followers, especially in regards to LAWS made on the basis of this nonsense.
Thomas Monahan How long did it take you to NOT refute ANY of the points I made? You simply gave me a "blah, blah, bullshit" response. Thanks for proving that true believers have no brain and would be better off being dumped off in a concentration camp. Also, I didn't SAY A FUCKING thing about Protestants and Catholics, I was talking about the nonsense that's ACTUALLY in the Bible, it's indefensible bullshit. And "Hardships are a test of faith that you have succomb to, obviously". REALLY?! I suppose that's what you say to starving children in Africa who contract AIDS right?! If you were to "testify" to them, you'd say "Oh well God is making you suffer to test you because he loves you". HOW FUCKING RIDICULOUS!
AzazelZaphorOmega Being one that rejects so profusely, how could one take such sentiments seriously? I don't mock, but rather acknowledge there may have been something in your life, your childhood maybe, that is causing this deflection. I have great sorrow for any that would lead any astray, especially by pounding so aggressively. But whether a slave to myself or the God that reigns supreme, I'd rather be a slave for Him (in the full context-one of the commandments was not to kill so I have no knowledge where the Crusades got "Killing in the name of God" from...*shudders*) because I know I couldn't trust myself to do anything but fall. But praise God that He's always there to pick me back up. What I'm saying doesn't make sense to you now...but one day, know that I will rejoice with you in Heaven brother!!
Hey Facedown, you know what would be a good collab? If the bands on your label did a worship metal album...like For Today doing a metal version of How He Loves Us, Saving Grace doing Open the Eyes, etc. Aye? I know I'm a late fan, but I'm loving all of this. Thank you for keeping it posted for late fans like me!
I'm just saying, some believers aren't able to worship the traditional way for lack of passion in the vessel. Now, you get Mattie Mullins screaming out I can Only Imagine....
Jesus said Christianity will be attacked until the end of time, because it is the one true faith. :) This music is so inspiring, and I would be happy to die for God.
I had no clue this was a Christian band. I listened to them all the time and their music put me in the mode before my games on Fridays. They will always be on all my playlists. Great music. Great band.
Sickest. Thing. Ever!!! Who's got the fire in em?! You were meant to burn! Amen! Let it burn bright for the world to see, ignite the world!!!! Praise God, may the Lamb receive the full reward for His sacrifice!
Lyrics: Burn, and let the whole world see! You were made to burn. And let the whole world see! You were made to burn. And let the whole world see! You were made to burn. I see an old breed of prophet arising, speaking as voices from another age, set ablaze with the flame of the Spirit of God, and sent from before the throne. Sent from before the throne. We are sent from before the throne to stand up and speak out, and let hell tremble when they hear us say, "We are the burning ones, and we wil not be contained!" "We are the burning ones, and we will not be contained!" Oh Burning ones, arise! Come forth! Oh take your flame, ignite the world. We are the only hope for a hopeless world to see the face of the living God. Oh take your flame, ignite the world. Under the name above all names, we declare that the glorious One lives. Take your flame, ignite the world. Take your flame, ignite the world! Take your flame, ignite the world. Take your flame, ignite the world! Come to the throne! Come to the throne! You were made to burn and let the whole world see! Burn, and let the whole world see. Burn, and let the whole world see. Oh take your flame, ignite the world! Oh take your flame, ignite the world! Ignite the world! Take your flame, ignite the world! Take your flame, ignite the world! Take your flame, ignite the world! Take your flame, ignite the world!
Seraphim (The Burning Ones): The holy ones who endlessly worship God without rest for eternity. They are six winged beings who are considered the highest of the angelic class, caretakers for Gods throne. Cherubim: Cherubim have four faces: one of each a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle. They have four conjoined wings covered with eyes, a lion's body figure, and they have ox's feet. Cherubim guard the way to the tree of life in the Garden of Eden.
Revelations 4:6-11 6 Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal. In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. 8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’[a] who was, and is, and is to come.” 9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: 11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”
Yeah! Whenever I see cherubim depicted they're always naked babies with wings! They need to show these cool 4 faced things instead of that naked baby crap!
dude, 9 years later, do you by chance have a source? I'd like to read more about this. It fascinates me!! Like my comment if you respond, would really appreciate it! Be well brother!
Thank you for changing my life FOR TODAY !!!!! I've listened to your music in my hard times and it was really helping me. Especially this song. This is my favorite
I rarely care about the lyrics, so I don't care if For Today is a band that preaches religion. THIS SONG IS FUCKING AMAZING. Why can't the people with different beliefs just look past that and enjoy the music?
You, good sir, are some kind of awesome. But I fear your effort may be futile. Humans will be humans. They fear what they don't understand and reject it. One can hope though. I don't usually associate Christianity with death metal, but I enjoyed the song nonetheless.
Because the bands have lyrics for a reason; have you ever questioned what is the point of what I listen to? A lot of others do, it's a way to spread around the word man. That's what music is for; Messages.
Lyrics are important to me, and am a Christian. But religion is not a driving force for me, I listen to most music which just isn't completely negative and hate filled.
They can't when these assholes make it a point to turn a metal show (for whom we weren't even their for them) into fucking church and praising Christ. That kind of repugnant bullshit makes me wish that all theists in America could be down graded to second class citizens wherein it was legal to round them all up, cram them uncomfortably into boxcars, and ship them to concentration camps where they are aggressively worked to death and ultimately burned in mass pile along with every holy book in existence. Maybe I'll just take my aggression by burning a church tot the ground instead...
AzazelZaphorOmega lol 😂 Look how full of hate you are! they’re spreading the word of Christ. But it’s ok for other bands to preach Hate and satanism though right?
I didn't say that others can't, I just say that I don't want others to tell me what to believe in, and I don't want others to say "I hope you'll believe in God" and start preaching to me why I should.
For Today and Oh Sleeper were the most powerful and prophetic Christian Metal bands to date....WE NEED THEM BACK! There is a sever void of this kind of boldness in the industry now...
Holy Jesus, Yeshuah, My Spirit, My King, my life, my thoughts feelings emotions. The Way The Truth The Life Your not on a spinning whirling twerling ball baal anymore
saw them live with in the midst of lions, and for the fallen dreams, in nasheville about a week ago, sickest show ive been to in a while. we got them to encore and they played agape, straight up got everyone moving
what if i tell you there is a life after death? If I'm wrong nothing happens, if your wrong and I'm right you burn in hell can't hurt to belive now can it?
philip adams chill out man!, if you believe in life after death that's okay, I was talking to people who criticize this band because of their beliefs..
philip adams Pascal's wager is a pile of crap man. Totally outdated now that there's overwhelming evidence that contradicts most things in almost every religious text. Regardless, if someone believes in any god through Pascal's wager, it is not a true belief, only a safeguard used for selfish reasons. Trying to make someone believe in a god by saying 'what if' is like me saying 'what if your belief in god actually condemns you to hell, may as well stop believing' If someone believes in a god, it should be through their actual belief, and not their risk protection.
Totally fine by that, but I hate the fact both sides argue. I am a Christian, and this music is out here to spread the word of God and bring those in need to Salvation, but still, here to just chill and listen? Absolutely no problem with that. Atheist or not.
philip adams Seriously mate, I see your name everywhere. stop. If you want to preach the gospel to others make sure that you believe it in the first place because your comments show you're not there yet...
I am an atheist, but I really enjoy the feeling they put into their song. I respect that message, because taking one's faith to influence others by trying to help them is one oft the most powerful and most abused forces in our world. As long as you don't try to change someone's religious beliefs faith and freedom of thought can go hand in hand.
I'm an atheist, and I still love For Today. Whether or not a band is religious, or whether or not their music heavily pervaded by religious themes, does not affect the quality or lack thereof in their music. Just like it for what it is.
I love how they emboldened kids to stand for God in the metal scenes they were a part of. I remember being lost and a huge part of me coming to God was the active Christian metal bands in the metal scene i was playing in and a part of back in the day. Crazy, at the time, no one even thinks about the seeds being sowed in peoples lives. Gods will > anything ever.
Had to come here after Jeff said part of his inspiration for the style of Elijahstream's new show ElijahFire came from hearing the line "burning ones arise"
man, i just came from Asking Alexandria's Morte Et Dabo... it's a really cool song and all, but the lyrics... coming back in these "safe waters" feels like a relief... praise
God is going to use this type of music to move so many hearts and minds and break so many barriers its unreal. These guys are changing lives; saving lives infact. Seeing them live is a truly Godly experience, just because of the power of the worship. I literally felt Jesus at one of their shows, he was stage diving, throwing down, and singing along at the chants just like everyone else. He made that worship so, so powerful
Lmfao what the fuck
I remember seeing them live. A guy elbowed me in the face in the pit so hard it left an impression of my teeth in my cheek.
I might have seen god during that performance, I think it was just 80% of a concussion though.
@@nickocskai8399 bro if you never saw these guys live you don’t even know, I’m positive that comment is 100% serious. Dudes used to preach at shows and stuff so they attracted the wildest christians lol. I swear on my life I went outside at one of their shows once after a song, smoked like 3 cigarettes, went back in and they still hadn’t started the next song ‘cause the dude was still talking about Jesus.
Sick band though.
@@SDREHXC I agree 100%
@@SDREHXC I think the preaching makes it so much better 🤘💀
This song is the metal equivalent of "This little light of mine."
lol loved that song little light of mine when young but sense I'm old an grumpy I like this one just as much ✌️
This Little Light Of Mine I'm gonna Let It Shine This Little Light Of Mine I'm Gonna Let It Shine!! Beack!! Fuck Satan & those demons within you know? Know!? Or no! No!!~!!! No!!!!!! No!!!! In the name!
10 years later still listening
@@kirisutegomen12 same brotha
@@kirisutegomen12 same brother
I love how honest and open these dudes are. They're straight up about EVERYTHING. "You were made to burn!" How many christian bands can you think of that will cut straight to the point like that? I love it.
Song still rings true in 2023. Prepare brother.
Christ come swiftly!!
@@WhopyStompyi know not what i have been preparing for but i know god is with me always. I fear not.
Impending Doom does this! Both are the best Christian bands I've ever heard. Still here after all these years since listening to For Today's 2nd album.
Violent in the pit, humble in the fight
Jesus is our saviour and we have to spread his love
Amen brother
Throwback to the best days of metalcore
The final days of metalcore honestly
ten years have passed since I met this magnificent band! I will never forget the concert in Brazil! hail guys!!
When we’re they in brazil
Met them a couple times when I was an edgy atheist kid they definitely were the soundtrack to my coming of faith. Miss these guys
@@kylemiller4999 Glad you found the light brother! Amen
"Set ablaze with the flame of the Spirit of God!"
Man that is way too good!
Take your flame, ignite the world... Never stop proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ! He is the power and the glory; Forever!!
I'm can't relate to the lyrics because I'm agnostic, but man, I have so much respect for this band. They are insanely talented, and are even more badass for inspiring tons of people. Props from a non-christian! Lol.
Ainda com saudade da banda.... 😢
good memories 8th grade all over again and now I'm a freshman in college this is still my favorite band
+Micayla Forsyth I was 12 when I heard this band and I I have never stopped listening it's been 7years now
Now I understand those masks and the name of the song. In Revelation it says that the four seraphim before the throne of God each had a different face. One like a lion, one like an ox or calf, one like a man, and one like an eagle. At first those masks were creepy, but now i understand.
Did anyone notice, that the guys in costumes are representing the 4 Evangelists Matthew (the guy with the beard), Mark (Lion), Luke (Bull) and John (Eagle)? :D
I think that's the point. ;-)
Actually they represent the four faces of seraphim. But your answer is very intresting too. Good observation
Ezekiel chapter 1.....
A composition of the Four Living Creatures into one tetramorph
me: Wanna listen to some music?
friend: I only listen to Christian
Hahaha! Good one.
Yasss I remember my grandma telling me this is devil music when I was 16 and I was like “hmmm if you say so 😅”
богоугодная хуйня
head bang like your eternal soul depends on it
It’s underrated how prophetic and holy this song is and the timing of it…. BEHOLD! I AM doing a New thing!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Im just content with I can listeb to this stuff. And HE will see it as worship, as he says too.
Dude I used to get rocked when I was younger by this. It moved me to tears and not too long later I got rocked by the Holy Spirit.
i love those massive bass hits
"Take your flame..Ignite the world.." Powerful stuff. Its exactly what God wants us to do :)
Yeah, the God of this world does want the world to burn and his name is Satan. He is no where near as powerful as the one true God, our creator who created all things including this universe and earth. The one true God loves us all, and he wants all of us to be saved, which is why he sent his only begotten son to save the world from there sins. He took every human beings sins upon him on that cross, he is our savior and his name is Jesus Christ and he is LORD over all! It doesn't matter what you look like what your skin color is it doesn't matter he loves you and is waiting for you to call out to him. Satan only wants to destroy you meanwhile Jesus wants to shower you with love and mercy and he will grant you everlasting life if you believe in him and what he did for us on the cross. He paid the fine for our sins on the cross and all he wants is you to believe and trust in him, thats it! He did the rest for us on the cross!
One of my friends did a great cover of an ABR song at church once and everyone loved it, even the old ones. They said they loved the passion and the energy.
God blessed them to speak and they did it with music. Love it
0:49 "I see a new breed of dolphin arising"
+Eric Sawada He said I see a new breed of prophet arising.
+Excotic JiinxX I think he was trying to make a joke lol
+Eric Sawada oh my gosh, cracked me up, haha :D
That made me laugh out loud
his vocals are so powerful
I think your not wrong brother
10 years later and Still one of my favorite songs of all time.
This is my third time getting chills....this may be our new intro song for our radio broadcast. Wow.
Saw these guys at RTD over the weekend, met a seraphim in the prayer tent that night, not long after this song was played. We talked for hours, when he hugged me I was overloaded with energy, thought, and a message. Woke up the next day with three days worth of hair growth and several cuts healed completely. Praise God for what is to come.
Galatians 5:13-1(NIV)
13 You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh[a]; rather, serve one another humbly in love. 14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”[b] 15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
Pennington091 Coming from the same religion where Jesus said:
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and
children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person
cannot be my disciple.".
(Luke 14:26, NIV)
Thomas Monahan What??????
First of all, your first statement "Because He wanted to surround Himself with the ones that needed help...." is just inaccurate...Especially when you consider the cult-like mentality that Christianity instills within its "true believers". The true interpretation of those words is that he's saying reject everything in your life if you want to be my followers, meaning that one should "hate" (and that it implies such as killing your whole family at God's request) everything to give God/Jesus all of the focus in one's life. I believe that's called brainwashing...It was the same tactic used by Hitler, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, David Koresh, and many others throughout history who use a mix of emotional appeals and religion (Usually Christianity in one form or another) to manipulate others to their will and control them into doing things or behaving a certain way.
Then, there's your second statement, "But you must be a judge mental person who steers away from the down trodden", it took me a minute to re-read this almost illegible piece of writing to see that you meant to call me "judgmental". That couldn't be more of an ironic statement coming from a Christian apologist. I made one statement that is DEFINITIVELY true about that insipid religion and you tried to make me look like an idiot by giving some bullshit interpretation of the words and then insulting me. And who gives a fuck about the "down trodden"? Does God really care? REALLY? If God is so great then he would be humane enough to help these desperate people. So either he's an asshole who enjoys the suffering of others OR he simply isn't real...
But you know what, I will say that I am "judge mental" in the sense that I do hate Christianity for what it is and what it has done for the human race and most especially for the fact that it is still used as nothing more than a tool for manipulation and power in this country. So yes, I scoff at those who give credence to an enslaving book written over 2000 years ago about a bunch of anti-scientific rubbish that people have killed each other over. I mean imagine if Bronies or Trekkies or Marvel Geeks started slaughtering each other over the various versions of the characters or superheroes they felt was the "truest" representation. We all would think they were batshit...and yet we don't give the same consideration to Muslims, Christians, and Religious Jews or any other faith or theism for that matter. If we ridiculed them for their silliness and delusional mindsets and behaviors to the point that they felt that they were utterly socially unacceptable, maybe they would finally let go of that garbage.Seriously the world would just be better off without religion, period.
Thomas Monahan
You said: “Hahahahahahaha! Yes! The basis of Jesus'
teachings is to hate and kill! Exactly!! That must be why He told us to love
our enemies. Thank you for your time, have a nice life. :)))”
Yeah because no one has ever killed anyone in the name of God(s) in the entire history of the human race ever…
All of the “love” in the Bible is contradicted by what God did (his destructive wrath, his vengeful laws, the raping of Mary while she was asleep) and what Jesus actually said (such as the aforementioned
verse). It’s also invalidated by the fact that there are conditions that come with “God’s love”. For example, you can’t like other God(s), and you have to obey everything that he says.
He’s your “father,” so he created you, but he will destroy you if you don’t listen to him you will be burned to death over and over and over and over and over and over and over again (to the infinite power) for all eternity…because that’s just how he deals with his kids when they disobey. But he does the same thing when you don’t acknowledge his existence or don’t give him enough attention…(kind of sounds like an abusive
spouse or a crazy, jealous, stupid bitch, but that’s just my opinion).
So basically, you can attain “God’s love” by throwing away your life and being his servant for eternity at the risk of burning forever, that’s a one sided relationship if I ever saw it! And of course, this all on an
individual basis, so if you are the only one in your family to go to Heaven and your spouse, grandparents, parents, and children all writhe in agony for eternity well…at least you still have Jesus. Now that’s a real form of comfort knowing that you will never see your family again and that they are suffering
forever, ain’t it ? ;)
Thus, the Biblical “love” you speak of is outweighed by the overt complexities with which it requires to obtain it in the first place. Put simply, your God’s love is a case of the juice not being worth squeeze as
result of his own bullshit.
You also said:
“you have it all figured out lmao kind of hilarious that someone can be so bitter”
Now I assume this your defense to everything else I said??? Well, it’s a total failure if that is the case.
First of all, me being “bitter” is irrelevant. But if you really want to know…Yes I am bitter. I’m bitter that human beings are still having wasted conversations on religion when it really shouldn’t be an issue
anymore. But it’s not so much of an issue due to its popularity (lots of stupid/utterly
pointless things are popular: Justin Beiber, Kim Kardashian, Game of Thrones, Minecraft overpopulating the planet by following the trend of the media rejoicing babies, Alex Jones, conspiracy theories, etc.).
My issue stems from its power and enforcement at the higher level. You little theists want to act
like you’re defending yourselves when it is you have traditionally made laws to oppress and hurt others. As such, you goddamn right if I’m going to be at least a little fucking bitter about the whole matter. You people should do less bitching, have less power, and should be mocked and ridiculed for the absurd little undereducated parasites that you are.
Also, you literally addressed NOTHING in my post. You just smugly and sarcastically said “you have it all figured out”.
So the issues that go unresolved:
Christianity is as much a cult as ISIS/Al-Qaeda, The Manson Family, Jones Town, Children of God/The Family International, The KKK, The Branch Dividians, Aum Shinrikyo, or the Nazis.
God’s lustful masturbation to poor people dying in the street, or watching the sex trade of children, slavery, people in sweat shops, cancer, ALS, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 9/11, The Holocaust, school
shootings, AIDS, Ebola, cyber bullying/teen suicide and a number of other things that this “loving”
being allows to go on in the world completely devoid of his intervention.
But I guess he “works in mysterious ways” and “this is all part of his plan” right? What rational human being would blatantly follow a fucked up entity that claims that all of these atrocities are a part of their greater design? That’s pretty messed up shit, but I guess a brainwashed follower who has to play martyr (such as yourself) has to delude themselves into thinking this is a “loving” God, right? :)
You also didn’t address the anti-scientific aspects of the Bible that just simply don’t go very well with what actually exists in reality.
A few examples:
Talking snake in Garden of Eden (so I guess all of linguistics and its various branches originated from this creature?)
Noah’s Ark, every organism in existence, even every insect and micro-organism? Assuming they all fit and were able to survive for such an extended period of time on wooden boat, what the fuck did they eat when they finally got off?
The 10 Plagues You do understand the difference between magic and reality right? (Not to mention that
with killing all of the “first born”, the whole “pro-life” argument goes completely out the window).
Jonah in the belly of a Whale I guess he was horrible deformed afterwards
from all the stomach acids?
The Virgin Birth Let me get this straight. God goes into the room of a sleeping virgin woman (who was married, so he loses points for adultery), impregnates her, and then has that child be a boy who is actually himself in human form? Interesting, it would seem that God has an Oedipus Complex in that he wanted to not only de-virginized his own mother, but wanted to do while he was coming out if her vagina. So in a sense, he fucked (or should I say “penetrated”?) his mom while he was being born …Wow talk about some crazy bullshit.
ALL OF THIS should be more than sufficient evidence for why one would hate your religion and the idiocy of its followers, especially in regards to LAWS made on the basis of this nonsense.
Thomas Monahan How long did it take you to NOT refute ANY of the points I made?
You simply gave me a "blah, blah, bullshit" response. Thanks for proving that true believers have no brain and would be better off being dumped off in a concentration camp.
Also, I didn't SAY A FUCKING thing about Protestants and Catholics, I was talking about the nonsense that's ACTUALLY in the Bible, it's indefensible bullshit.
And "Hardships are a test of faith that you have succomb to, obviously". REALLY?! I suppose that's what you say to starving children in Africa who contract AIDS right?! If you were to "testify" to them, you'd say "Oh well God is making you suffer to test you because he loves you". HOW FUCKING RIDICULOUS!
AzazelZaphorOmega Being one that rejects so profusely, how could one take such sentiments seriously? I don't mock, but rather acknowledge there may have been something in your life, your childhood maybe, that is causing this deflection. I have great sorrow for any that would lead any astray, especially by pounding so aggressively. But whether a slave to myself or the God that reigns supreme, I'd rather be a slave for Him (in the full context-one of the commandments was not to kill so I have no knowledge where the Crusades got "Killing in the name of God" from...*shudders*) because I know I couldn't trust myself to do anything but fall. But praise God that He's always there to pick me back up. What I'm saying doesn't make sense to you now...but one day, know that I will rejoice with you in Heaven brother!!
Hey Facedown, you know what would be a good collab? If the bands on your label did a worship metal album...like For Today doing a metal version of How He Loves Us, Saving Grace doing Open the Eyes, etc. Aye? I know I'm a late fan, but I'm loving all of this. Thank you for keeping it posted for late fans like me!
+Daniel Owens YES PLEASE!!!
I'm just saying, some believers aren't able to worship the traditional way for lack of passion in the vessel. Now, you get Mattie Mullins screaming out I can Only Imagine....
its such a legit idea! I would listen to it everyday!!!!
agreed. The Great Commission did Be Lifted high by Hillsong.
+Daniel Owens same plz^^
R.I.P For Today you will be missed
2024 e aqui estamos como se fosse a primeira vez!
Jesus said Christianity will be attacked until the end of time, because it is the one true faith. :) This music is so inspiring, and I would be happy to die for God.
It would be an honor to die for him
It would truly be an honor my friend.
Chris Ortego I want to die kicking ass in the war against the demons that's how I want to go in his name lol
+Dante and resurrect! again and again. Christians don't die, they just go to heaven and regroup!
If one knows so much more background, you guys sound so damn pathetic. OMG read what Jesus actually says.
I had no clue this was a Christian band. I listened to them all the time and their music put me in the mode before my games on Fridays. They will always be on all my playlists. Great music. Great band.
Olá irmão
Sickest. Thing. Ever!!! Who's got the fire in em?! You were meant to burn! Amen! Let it burn bright for the world to see, ignite the world!!!! Praise God, may the Lamb receive the full reward for His sacrifice!
So nostalgic for me, one of the first hardcore/metalcore bands that i started to listen
Burn, and let the whole world see! You were made to burn.
And let the whole world see! You were made to burn.
And let the whole world see! You were made to burn.
I see an old breed of prophet arising, speaking as voices from another age, set ablaze with the flame of the Spirit of God, and sent from before the throne.
Sent from before the throne.
We are sent from before the throne to stand up and speak out, and let hell tremble when they hear us say,
"We are the burning ones, and we wil not be contained!"
"We are the burning ones, and we will not be contained!" Oh
Burning ones, arise! Come forth!
Oh take your flame, ignite the world.
We are the only hope for a hopeless world to see the face of the living God.
Oh take your flame, ignite the world.
Under the name above all names, we declare that the glorious One lives.
Take your flame, ignite the world. Take your flame, ignite the world!
Take your flame, ignite the world. Take your flame, ignite the world!
Come to the throne! Come to the throne!
You were made to burn and let the whole world see!
Burn, and let the whole world see. Burn, and let the whole world see.
Oh take your flame, ignite the world! Oh take your flame, ignite the world!
Ignite the world! Take your flame, ignite the world!
Take your flame, ignite the world! Take your flame, ignite the world! Take your flame, ignite the world!
It is never selfish to cry for help in your time of need. know that you are among brothers and you have our support
1:44 I love how they just hit the burning thing with their torches, just as the drummer hits the bass. Geniosity in progress.
extraño a for today, quien también lo extraña?
Yo extraño "for today."
Yo :(
no podría estar mas de acuerdo
Men the fact that you dont believe, doesnt mean the others cant!
I DO Believe in God, and gives me strenght to overcome every singleday...
Seraphim (The Burning Ones): The holy ones who endlessly worship God without rest for eternity. They are six winged beings who are considered the highest of the angelic class, caretakers for Gods throne.
Cherubim: Cherubim have four faces: one of each a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle. They have four conjoined wings covered with eyes, a lion's body figure, and they have ox's feet. Cherubim guard the way to the tree of life in the Garden of Eden.
Revelations 4:6-11
6 Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.
In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. 7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. 8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:
“‘Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty,’[a]
who was, and is, and is to come.”
9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say:
11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honor and power,
for you created all things,
and by your will they were created
and have their being.”
Yeah! Whenever I see cherubim depicted they're always naked babies with wings! They need to show these cool 4 faced things instead of that naked baby crap!
He does caretake his own throne?
Demi Gods
dude, 9 years later, do you by chance have a source? I'd like to read more about this. It fascinates me!! Like my comment if you respond, would really appreciate it! Be well brother!
One of the best bands ! Love the lyric’s especially
We need more bands like For Today !
12 years later and Impending Doom is still going strong! The only other Christian metal band I know of keeping the message alive.
Thank you for changing my life FOR TODAY !!!!! I've listened to your music in my hard times and it was really helping me. Especially this song. This is my favorite
I rarely care about the lyrics, so I don't care if For Today is a band that preaches religion. THIS SONG IS FUCKING AMAZING. Why can't the people with different beliefs just look past that and enjoy the music?
You, good sir, are some kind of awesome. But I fear your effort may be futile. Humans will be humans. They fear what they don't understand and reject it. One can hope though. I don't usually associate Christianity with death metal, but I enjoyed the song nonetheless.
I am indeed an Atheist and I am also indeed in love with this bad and this song.
Because the bands have lyrics for a reason; have you ever questioned what is the point of what I listen to? A lot of others do, it's a way to spread around the word man. That's what music is for; Messages.
I can !!
Lyrics are important to me, and am a Christian. But religion is not a driving force for me, I listen to most music which just isn't completely negative and hate filled.
I love this song! Top 5 favorite songs of all time!!
1:46 SO EPIC
YEEES!! I agree completely!
so is 253
Lance Lowery So true! That breakdown is spine-chilling! ;-)
Burning ones arararise
1:05 so awesome😎!. we are set for before the throne😊!
Love that breakdown
Really wish these guys were still together. What a powerful song
I like metal cross and what its all about. bblessed and METAL ON!
i love how for today always has badass breakdowns in thir songs
I don't believe in god, but that doesn't mean an atheist can't enjoy this band.
They can't when these assholes make it a point to turn a metal show (for whom we weren't even their for them) into fucking church and praising Christ. That kind of repugnant bullshit makes me wish that all theists in America could be down graded to second class citizens wherein it was legal to round them all up, cram them uncomfortably into boxcars, and ship them to concentration camps where they are aggressively worked to death and ultimately burned in mass pile along with every holy book in existence. Maybe I'll just take my aggression by burning a church tot the ground instead...
AeonStormscar God believes in you and that's all that matters!
AeonStormscar u dont have to to like this band
recieve JESUS now and recieve eternal life, bow those knees in JESUS name!
AzazelZaphorOmega lol 😂 Look how full of hate you are! they’re spreading the word of Christ. But it’s ok for other bands to preach Hate and satanism though right?
I didn't say that others can't, I just say that I don't want others to tell me what to believe in, and I don't want others to say "I hope you'll believe in God" and start preaching to me why I should.
i blast this evry day
This brings memories, what a throwback 🥲
GOd bless for today
keep making songs :)
For Today and Oh Sleeper were the most powerful and prophetic Christian Metal bands to date....WE NEED THEM BACK! There is a sever void of this kind of boldness in the industry now...
Br.... Banda de Metalcore cristão, por Deus eles me ajudaram muito, em momentos triste.
Nos meus momentos difíceis também foram eles que me ajudaram bastante!
Praise God for a band like this, who can go throughout the world proclaiming the name of the true King. #notashamed
1:45 my best part
Mine too
Love these dudes. Good guys with a great vision for this generation. It's awesome to hear the love of God through this music.
Holy Jesus, Yeshuah, My Spirit, My King, my life, my thoughts feelings emotions. The Way The Truth The Life
Your not on a spinning whirling twerling ball baal anymore
Toured with these guys years ago... Such amazing guys. So glad to see that these guys made it.
In the Name above all names we declare that the Glorious One reigns! YESSS
+Malik Ore \m/
lol i know i wished my church played this for worship.. *dials phone* hey pastor Mike u should listen to this.. lol god bless you have a great day..
banda foda
let's get it burning ones arise awesome. Drums and rhythm r on fleek
anyone here because of Davis, nick, and marc?? lmao
Tyler1 Head meat
@ throwables what are you talking about , and I who ? I don’t know those people either !
saw them live with in the midst of lions, and for the fallen dreams, in nasheville about a week ago, sickest show ive been to in a while. we got them to encore and they played agape, straight up got everyone moving
quem tá vendo essa música em 2016
+yasmin namikaze eu quero baixar modern combate 5 mais não consigo como fasso.
+yasmin namikaze valeu.
eu mano for today e foda
+DDA GAMES foda por demais. hardcore puro
+Joao Freitas *metalcore
This is so dope this is my type of Christian metal music please come to Denver I'd love to see you guys live, Amen this is dope.. 🙏🖤✨️
151 people do not know what good music is...
I love For Today!!!! I hope they release a new album soon!!!
What if I told you that we can be atheists and still listening to this kickass music
what if i tell you there is a life after death? If I'm wrong nothing happens, if your wrong and I'm right you burn in hell can't hurt to belive now can it?
philip adams chill out man!, if you believe in life after death that's okay, I was talking to people who criticize this band because of their beliefs..
philip adams Pascal's wager is a pile of crap man. Totally outdated now that there's overwhelming evidence that contradicts most things in almost every religious text.
Regardless, if someone believes in any god through Pascal's wager, it is not a true belief, only a safeguard used for selfish reasons. Trying to make someone believe in a god by saying 'what if' is like me saying 'what if your belief in god actually condemns you to hell, may as well stop believing'
If someone believes in a god, it should be through their actual belief, and not their risk protection.
Totally fine by that, but I hate the fact both sides argue. I am a Christian, and this music is out here to spread the word of God and bring those in need to Salvation, but still, here to just chill and listen? Absolutely no problem with that. Atheist or not.
philip adams Seriously mate, I see your name everywhere. stop. If you want to preach the gospel to others make sure that you believe it in the first place because your comments show you're not there yet...
this still hits hard after all this years
Matty has lost mad weight since this.
I am an atheist, but I really enjoy the feeling they put into their song. I respect that message, because taking one's faith to influence others by trying to help them is one oft the most powerful and most abused forces in our world. As long as you don't try to change someone's religious beliefs faith and freedom of thought can go hand in hand.
chug chug chug..snore.
yup, there's definitely NO melodies or technical riffs in this song AT ALL.
Haha if u actually learnt how to play it than u would realise that their strumming style is techniqual
Hector Bob It's spelled technical not "techniqual".
Lord have I lost my roots but man does this hit home.
RIP FOR TODAY sucks you guys are bout to be broken up
yup with a million views they're obviously dead
they announced they're breaking up soon. Wise ass
Trevor Hill feel stupid now don't you
its called research son
phuckingemailmehere ik
***** yeah its the same thing
I'm an atheist, and I still love For Today.
Whether or not a band is religious, or whether or not their music heavily pervaded by religious themes, does not affect the quality or lack thereof in their music. Just like it for what it is.
wtf is this mix
CallMiSoko I started listening and I couldn't stand it, I'm glad I'm not the only one who hears a horrible mix. Other versions sound much better
Me too. Sick concert!
christian band, 666.000 views.
good thing 666,000 isnt the number of the beast huh. lol
Excuse u, 666 is the number of the beast. Not 666,000.
you don't say.
guess what it aint 666,000 views anymore bro x3
i heard the last 2 albums.... and i love each song of this albums!
I love how they emboldened kids to stand for God in the metal scenes they were a part of. I remember being lost and a huge part of me coming to God was the active Christian metal bands in the metal scene i was playing in and a part of back in the day. Crazy, at the time, no one even thinks about the seeds being sowed in peoples lives. Gods will > anything ever.
Had to come here after Jeff said part of his inspiration for the style of Elijahstream's new show ElijahFire came from hearing the line "burning ones arise"
this song has some of my favorite lyrics ever. For Today, you guys are freaking awesome.
love For Today and their love for God and their boldness of faith
you know what the best part about this song is every single bit of it
Whos still on it? 2024
man, i just came from Asking Alexandria's Morte Et Dabo... it's a really cool song and all, but the lyrics... coming back in these "safe waters" feels like a relief... praise
Dude I love the burning ones arise haha with the SICK stuttering
Yea they are solid. Love their ballad Beyond the Gates.
Met the band back in warped tour 2014 best year of my life 🙏🏽🤙🏽
TAKE YOUR FLAME IGNITE THE WORLD!!! 🤘💀 so heavy to hear that.
2:50 damn that part is awesome.
+osarumen erhunmwunsee yes yes yes!