I have never heard a better in depth Bible study! The holy spirit shines through every message you teach Pastor Nolan. Thank you for sharing your teachings with us.
I have an obsession with finding depth in the scriptures, deeper meaning and understanding. It is a hard challenge to find pastors who have knowledge beyond the fluff. I am so thankful I found you and your teachings. You make the most difficult scriptures seem easy to understand. God has blessed you please keep making videos. I love your teachings.
In 2012 my ex-husband walked away from our marriage so I moved back to the town I was born in. It is a small town on Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada which one only passes through from one city to another but only people who grew up here and stayed here in this Valley are really here. Otherwise it is filled with drug addicts and drug dealers and every evil that goes along with it. There is no church here that is 'alive' but rather just the Institutionalized Churches & denominations plus a couple of non-denominational churches that still follow a very old charismatic routine. Worship is lacking but in some the worship is simply an excuse to still 'rock it out' but call it Christian. There is no place to be mentored. There is no place to function in the gifts we each have been given and there is no teaching at all. Please know that when I say I am BLESSED by Pastor Nolan's teachings I REALLY MEAN IT!! I MISS THE FELLOWSHIP of the Church but at least I am getting good, solid teaching and I enjoy every minute of it. He is so easy to understand and I find I am constantly being affirmed in what I have learned on my own and also learning new things in every video I watch. Thank you Cornerstone Fellowship for airing your services and thank you Pastor Nolan for the time you have taken to learn what you teach and to pass it along to everyone who wants to learn the Bible.
@juliadianavanyo5927 my walk with the Lord has been a difficult one but Pastor Nolan's, Derek Prince's and Randy Kay's ministries have been extremely helpful to me. God bless you.
Who else have you heard teach? It’s always good to hear basic teachings. That’s why there so good to people, they can be understood. If you like to hear a little more meaty teachings try Chuck Mislar
I just wanted to thank you for your sermons/teachings. You are an excellent teacher and I am binge watching as many videos as I can. It's so hard to find teachings that stick with the Word, exalt Christ, teach...deeper? More in depth? topics that help me grow. At some point in my walk I discovered I had relied on others to teach me and I did not spend enough time doing my own study and was led into Calvinism, extreme charismania, and I was totally off track. Praise God He is faithful to keep us on the narrow path and if we are listening/paying attention He will bring us back to Him. All that to say I am grateful for these videos!
Wow! I love it, it explains so much. You’ve got a believer in me. The Lord is calling me to learn more and I think I’ve found my teacher. God bless you all.
I have gone to many churches many religions and I keep looking for explanations because the other religions have confused me and I have felt so lost and guilty because my insides long for God and I want to be found. So little by little I am making my way to a better understanding of what is true and what have been detours but I keep persevering because I want my family to come to know and love God and understand why it is imperative that they accept Jesus as our Savior and our only way to God. So I have found your videos and I am watching and waiting for the nite to turn into day so I keep listening. Thanks for such explanations they are so there in front of us. But we are like children sometimes needing someone to take us by the hand and show us that Jesus is there just waiting to take us to God. I will keep asking and hope that you can reply. Thanks so much
He is the best pastor I have ever seen,I have seen and heard all of them and I mean all! He is so in depth with all of his teachings,he is without a doubt a man of God,holy spirit filled to the core! I love this man so much,I'm so blessed to have found him:)I can't and won't stop watching/ listening to his teachings/ sermons! Thank you God in the name of Jesus! God bless him and his ministry!
Hey pastor Nolan, I watch Shawn Ryan’s show and someone in the comments brought me to you and honestly it’s really opening for my eyes but taking it gradually as the more knowledgeable I become.
Man this bible study is deep so deep my God you don't hear these kind of bible studies in the churches I enjoyed it and learned a lot. Thank you brother Shalom.
God hates all secular movies and music, Horror, action, violence, soap opera, hiphop, reggae, pop, RnB, blues, Rock etc. Its a sin to watch or entertain yourself with these things. These things attract demons They open doors or portals to the demonic realm, And demons come through and possess people in their ignorance.
There’s a lot of churches that teach very good teachings. Lots of teacher’s out there that have the gift of teaching. That’s why the Spirit gave the church’s teacher’s. There all over, just need to find them. You won’t find them on tv. But your right about Allen, he’s does teach well.
I’ve never wanted to sit down and listen to a Bible study or teaching as much as I do hearing this man preach. I LOVE the way he teaches and breaks downtime passages using original meanings from the original texts along with explanations. It’s FASCINATING! I’m hooked. Glory be to God!!
Wow what an AMAZING AMAZING teacher you are! I am BLOWN AWAY with the wonderful way you teach!!! Thank you SO much for helping me as a complete new beginner to religion at 50yrs old( i am SO ashamed to say) but i had NO IDEA this is what the bible was about, I thought stupidly that it was prayers and hymns 😞 i am now SO interested thanks to you and i am trying SO desperately hard to get my 14yr old and my 19 yr old kids to PROMISE me that they will please listen to your channel and do something NOW and to believe in Jesus and god NOW! It is ALL so very interesting, i can’t believe i had no clue it was about so many things. If only there were trillions of teachers like you then there would be SO many more believers! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work 🙏🏽💙❤️💙
I really enjoyed this sermon and I’m looking forward to watching the rest. This topic is more relevant than ever. As someone who has experienced the unseen world I know that there is so much more than what we can see through our five senses. This series is going to help j my e as a soldier of Christ and I look forward to watching it.
I've recently discovered This Pastor at Cornerstone Fellowship and have saved many of his teachings to view/listen to. I appreciate his simple way of expressing Biblical concepts/theories/facts. Thank you🙏
Thank you for this teaching. It may have been done a year ago, but the Word of God is truly not void and right now in May, 2021 it is accomplishing something in my life. God bless you.
🦋🌸👸🏽 Your dad took the time to explain about God and the Bible, how Beautiful is that which I think, I’m right it starts from home 🏡 It all begins at home how you educate your children. I’m going to continue to proceed watching, Thankyou 🌸🦋
@@allennolan I was in church this morning and saw the name, Beelzebul, mentioned as the prince of demons. I immediately thought of your teaching on the nephilim. My question is, "How is this particular nephilim known by name, so many years after the flood?" He is mentioned in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. I really enjoy your explanation of biblical subjects. Thanks.
9/9/23-I’ve always preferred teaching over preaching and your lessons are AMAZING! You, Pastor, are amazing at PREPARING the church for eternity with no promises of where they will spend it. Your great at conveying their roll in their salvation and where they spend eternity. WhT a blessing!
My name is Leo an I'm in a biblical approach rehab and this helps me not only to stay clean but why I don't sometimes want to clean because I know I'm own worst enemy think God an Allen Nolan
Thank you for explaining these things I've always wanted explained to me, that I never found anyone that could explain it like you are doing here. May God bless You and Keep You.
Thank God for his word, his teachers, drawing me true his holy spirit, giving me a heart to receive and accept his word, and the internet, so his word can reach every end of the world.
Praising God for all of these wonderful teachings from this gifted man of God. Yes, the spiritual realm is VERY real. I flow prophetic. When you can see into the spiritual realm you can see Everything. I have seen my angel, the Lord 3xs, a demon. I have had one theophany experience. I saw the plane crashing the day before 9/11 & a vivid open vision of the rapture on Dec 30th 2021. I've had some amazing open visions and revelations that have been at times a lil' overwhelming. When I first got saved God spoke to me and said Be Still and Know That I am God. He last spoke to me on 11/11/18. The Lord spoke to me in a still small voice twice. The Holy Spirit told me about 8 yrs back one day that something major was going to happen. The following day He said not Only is something major gonna happen but it will be felt all around the world. Pandemic. In March 2019 right after prayer as I'm heading out to do street ministry the Holy Spirit told me to social distance myself.
Description of dimensional limitations of man is great. I love to think about this. I remember the first time this realization came to me in my personal study of apologetics and the creation of the universe. Once I realized time was another just another dimension and God was outside of it so many other things became clear.
I'm surprised that there aren't more people subscribed to this account. I just found it this week and it is the most in-depth, Biblical-based material that I've found on YT. I was drawn in with the alien series; sure, a "silly" series, but the alien subject was causing a lot of internal struggle and Allen Nolan's sermons got me out of a bind. I had been using the concept "multidimensional" to quantify the spiritual world, I'm glad that it wasn't just a pet hypothesis but that others find it to be logical as well.
45:45 YES!!! And AMEN!!! It is very rare to hear a Christian explain this! Science PROVES the Bible. And the Bible explains things that we now know scientifically. This is a wonderful revelation I hope everyone discovers!
Thank you Pastor Allen! Your teachings on scripture remind me of the teachings of Chuck Missler. My wife and I are truly blessed by your insights into God's Holy Word. Praise God for your ministry. We have learned so much from your witness.
I am a disciple of Christ. My goal is to help spread the gospel including preaching deliverance to the captives as God has commanded us in Lk 4:18 and Mk 16:17. Believe me when I said there are demons. I started my deliverance ministry about 4 months ago. They are all Christians. Most Christians have demons and they don't know it or refuse to believe it.
Check out Derick Prince where he casted out over 70 demons from a pastors wife and had a conversation with a particular demon who had knowledge of I believe it was East Africa and of the native tribes there and Derek Prince said that there's no way that this demon would have known anything about that unless he was there and it shows you the personality and the things that they cause people to do anyway it's one of Derek Prince's videos God bless you it's very interesting check it out
I'm Totally His! He My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Even My Name Shows that I'm Totally His! Jose-Joseph Manuel-Emmanuel and Cruz meaning the Cross for Christ! This is Why Our LORD had My Mother Name Me this Way! Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah to Our LORD Jesus Christ for His Great Love and Mercy! And Yes this is Why I Can't Wait to be Rapture Soon to be with My LORD and Saver Jesus Christ!
Wow, Awesome video. I like the way you teach. And you are teaching what no one wants to talk about. I totally Subscribed. 👍👍👍 Keep up the good work pastor. 💯
Pastor Alan, I enjoy your great teaching! I am not afraid of any evil thing because He that is in me is Greater than he that is in the world. When I started this video I did not expect to see a loooong clip of evil movies. I fast forwarded that part because I don’t want to be exposed. Frankly I’m somewhat surprised you put that nonsense up on the screen in your church. I would recommend that you not do that anymore. Teach us about angels snd demons. Please don’t show us what the world has to offer. I think we all get enough of that. My wife and I send this with the love of God in our hearts for you and your family and ministry.
Hello... and great sermon as always, I was interested with the part of the Heaven will roll up like a scroll, and it is split and there is some kind of substance. When God flooded the earth “He opened the windows of Heaven” that’s not complicated to explain, it’s the Firmament opening up to let water in, as it’s said God separated the waters from below and above. Plus space breaks the 2nd law of thermodynamics, you can’t have a high pressure next to a low pressure system, the gas will would fill the available volume.. instantly ... that’s why you can’t have Gas pressure “Without” a container”. The container is the “Firmament” the only thing that has been into space... is your mind. God Bless 🙏
How is it that in Ezekiel verse 17 when God speak of creating Lucifer, evil was found in him? Did God make a mistake or imperfection when He created the top angel?
Outside of the spiritual instruction which I found very enlightening I appreciate the reference to the theoretical physics called string theory. It is uplifting to hear Biblical truth reconciled with science. From what little I understand of it there are 10 or 11 physical dimensions and one dimension of time. I have my own suspicion that there are 9 physical dimensions and at least 2 of time. Our 4 dimensional world (3 space and 1 time) is the intersection of two other 3 dimensional worlds in motion relative to each other. Physicists refer to these types of structures as "branes", short for membranes and implying some sort of flexibility, which is a useful attribute. Better than "planes" since the phrase "spiritual plane" has occult connotations. There must be at least one extra time dimension to allow for the relative motion to occur. If we call one of these the world of "possibility" and the other the world of "variability" this gives us a way to work on understanding several puzzles. God has determined the possible by enacting the laws of nature for His creation but many other things may influence the variable, including our own actions. This framework can allow us to think about issues like predestination vs. free will without facing irreducible contradictions, and having more than one dimension of time might resolve the coexistence of time and eternity. How many biblical passages have stymied explanation on these matters? All praise to the LORD!
I was plagued with sleep paralysis for 20 years before I recommitted to the Lord. I can tell you first hand that demons exist. I’ve seen them in that space between awake and asleep.
Sleep paralysis are witchcraft spirits sent to you to oppress you. You also had spirits attached to you that need fasting to break, probably spirit spouses.
I like the 2D world comparison. Just a question, would the flat landers not be able to see the place of contact where your finger breaks into their world, but not the rest? So why would we not be able to see where angels touch our worlds? Thanks in advance and God bless!
As far as I knew, the Phoenician deity Melqart was worshiped in the temple of Tyre, not Ethbaal III. Where did you find that it was Ethbaal III who was worshiped there?
Pastor Nolan. I am having a very hard time understanding casting out demons. Jesus always cast out demons everywhere He went. Didn’t He give us the authority to cast demons out too
Our main commission from Jesus was to preach the gospel. When Michael fought with the dragon he didn’t use his own power. He said to satan, the Lord rebuke you
No one as seen the face of God and lived. But now that God became man we will see him. By seeing the face of God we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye 👁️ We'll be transformed.
Hello Does Allen Nolan have any teachings on Psalms 82 regarding the "divine council"? Seems to be a contentious topic and would like to know his thoughts. Thank you
What’s up with the hand jester that pasted Nolan Continue to represent, I do enjoy the teaching he teaches from the Bible, Will someone explain it to me I’m just curious and thank you
Hello and great sermon, is it ok to watch a movie like the one showed here? As long as you used Spiritual decrement? Or is this the you can’t sit at the table with God and Satan? Thx God Bless 🙏
Christ was filled with Supernatural Holy Spirit and was an exorcist and walked around everywhere doing miracles.. He was a street teacher fasting and praying . Christ's said to continually pray for Gods people because the evil ones devil's demons are trying to destroy.
Sir Allen Im becoming confused. In the last sentence of the verse God said to Satan "I throw you to the ground. Does this mean sir that satan and those angels wd him are on the earth and not in the heavenly realms? I hope I will know the answer to this. Thank you sir
This is exactly how I have been tought to believe the bible...... Amazing...... The new earth is all real... All of this will happen but to the unbeliever this is all malarky..... Believe.....
a school chum went to college and she came home and was totally different. You must be careful on who you talk to because she was interfered with from a nimrod. One of the smartest in the class. Her parents were probably hurt. She was not safe at school.
Pastor, this question is out of this theme but let me ask anyway. Had Thomas the disciple been allowed to touch King Jesus's wounds before HE had ascended to heaven (because HE had forbidden the rest to do so)?
Pastor allen has the gift of preaching the Word to make it clear as day to us who listen 🙏
I have never heard a better in depth Bible study! The holy spirit shines through every message you teach Pastor Nolan. Thank you for sharing your teachings with us.
Really? There’s a lot of them out there. Try Chuck Mistler. His teachings are a lot more meaty.
In all fairness, Chuck Missler was at it much longer than this gentleman.
Agree he's a good teacher of the word
I think both of these pastors are exquisite teachers and preachers. They poor their heart and soul into the Word. Please be respectful.
I have an obsession with finding depth in the scriptures, deeper meaning and understanding. It is a hard challenge to find pastors who have knowledge beyond the fluff. I am so thankful I found you and your teachings. You make the most difficult scriptures seem easy to understand. God has blessed you please keep making videos. I love your teachings.
I feel the same way
This. I feel at home
Thank you for sharing the word of God!!
Always interesting, educational and fascinating!! ❤
In 2012 my ex-husband walked away from our marriage so I moved back to the town I was born in. It is a small town on Vancouver Island on the west coast of Canada which one only passes through from one city to another but only people who grew up here and stayed here in this Valley are really here. Otherwise it is filled with drug addicts and drug dealers and every evil that goes along with it. There is no church here that is 'alive' but rather just the Institutionalized Churches & denominations plus a couple of non-denominational churches that still follow a very old charismatic routine. Worship is lacking but in some the worship is simply an excuse to still 'rock it out' but call it Christian. There is no place to be mentored. There is no place to function in the gifts we each have been given and there is no teaching at all. Please know that when I say I am BLESSED by Pastor Nolan's teachings I REALLY MEAN IT!! I MISS THE FELLOWSHIP of the Church but at least I am getting good, solid teaching and I enjoy every minute of it. He is so easy to understand and I find I am constantly being affirmed in what I have learned on my own and also learning new things in every video I watch. Thank you Cornerstone Fellowship for airing your services and thank you Pastor Nolan for the time you have taken to learn what you teach and to pass it along to everyone who wants to learn the Bible.
Les Feldick also has some great Bible study videos on UA-cam. Les has passed away, but his teachings live on. You should check them out.
@juliadianavanyo5927 my walk with the Lord has been a difficult one but Pastor Nolan's, Derek Prince's and Randy Kay's ministries have been extremely helpful to me. God bless you.
This is true for me too. His Ministry has helped me so much, to grow in the LORD and HIS WORD!!
You Are the Best Bible Teacher Pastor Allen. I Have Never Never Heard It Explained So Well. God Bless To You And Your Family.
Who else have you heard teach? It’s always good to hear basic teachings. That’s why there so good to people, they can be understood. If you like to hear a little more meaty teachings try Chuck Mislar
Beautiful Scriptures
I just wanted to thank you for your sermons/teachings. You are an excellent teacher and I am binge watching as many videos as I can. It's so hard to find teachings that stick with the Word, exalt Christ, teach...deeper? More in depth? topics that help me grow.
At some point in my walk I discovered I had relied on others to teach me and I did not spend enough time doing my own study and was led into Calvinism, extreme charismania, and I was totally off track. Praise God He is faithful to keep us on the narrow path and if we are listening/paying attention He will bring us back to Him.
All that to say I am grateful for these videos!
Amazing gift to the body of Christ
Wow! I love it, it explains so much. You’ve got a believer in me. The Lord is calling me to learn more and I think I’ve found my teacher. God bless you all.
Good for you. Its always good to learn all the basics.
I have gone to many churches many religions and I keep looking for explanations because the other religions have confused me and I have felt so lost and guilty because my insides long for God and I want to be found. So little by little I am making my way to a better understanding of what is true and what have been detours but I keep persevering because I want my family to come to know and love God and understand why it is imperative that they accept Jesus as our Savior and our only way to God.
So I have found your videos and I am watching and waiting for the nite to turn into day so I keep listening. Thanks for such explanations they are so there in front of us. But we are like children sometimes needing someone to take us by the hand and show us that Jesus is there just waiting to take us to God.
I will keep asking and hope that you can reply. Thanks so much
Your Congregation is very Blessed to have Pastor Allan. God Bless from Kentucky
He is the best pastor I have ever seen,I have seen and heard all of them and I mean all!
He is so in depth with all of his teachings,he is without a doubt a man of God,holy spirit filled to the core! I love this man so much,I'm so blessed to have found him:)I can't and won't stop watching/ listening to his teachings/ sermons! Thank you God in the name of Jesus! God bless him and his ministry!
That is facts, I’ve listen to so many . And I feel a understand so much more listening to this minister
What a great series! Thank you for all you do!
I love this man he’s gives some of the best preaching I’ve ever heard
When this pastor speaks I'm gripped. I can't focus on anything else but what he says. I just spilled my porridge all over the place. 😳
Hey pastor Nolan, I watch Shawn Ryan’s show and someone in the comments brought me to you and honestly it’s really opening for my eyes but taking it gradually as the more knowledgeable I become.
Man this bible study is deep so deep my God you don't hear these kind of bible studies in the churches I enjoyed it and learned a lot.
Thank you brother Shalom.
Huh if you think this iz deep check out mike hoggard on yt
God hates all secular movies and music,
Horror, action, violence, soap opera, hiphop, reggae, pop, RnB, blues, Rock etc.
Its a sin to watch or entertain yourself with these things.
These things attract demons
They open doors or portals to the demonic realm,
And demons come through and possess people in their ignorance.
There’s a lot of churches that teach very good teachings. Lots of teacher’s out there that have the gift of teaching. That’s why the Spirit gave the church’s teacher’s. There all over, just need to find them. You won’t find them on tv. But your right about Allen, he’s does teach well.
I’ve never wanted to sit down and listen to a Bible study or teaching as much as I do hearing this man preach. I LOVE the way he teaches and breaks downtime passages using original meanings from the original texts along with explanations. It’s FASCINATING! I’m hooked. Glory be to God!!
Wow what an AMAZING AMAZING teacher you are! I am BLOWN AWAY with the wonderful way you teach!!! Thank you SO much for helping me as a complete new beginner to religion at 50yrs old( i am SO ashamed to say) but i had NO IDEA this is what the bible was about, I thought stupidly that it was prayers and hymns 😞 i am now SO interested thanks to you and i am trying SO desperately hard to get my 14yr old and my 19 yr old kids to PROMISE me that they will please listen to your channel and do something NOW and to believe in Jesus and god NOW! It is ALL so very interesting, i can’t believe i had no clue it was about so many things. If only there were trillions of teachers like you then there would be SO many more believers! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your hard work 🙏🏽💙❤️💙
I love these stories to help instruct us along the way. Thank you word.
I really enjoyed this sermon and I’m looking forward to watching the rest. This topic is more relevant than ever. As someone who has experienced the unseen world I know that there is so much more than what we can see through our five senses. This series is going to help j my e as a soldier of Christ and I look forward to watching it.
This is awesome teaching and Biblically sound! Great stuff!
I've recently discovered This Pastor at Cornerstone Fellowship and have saved many of his teachings to view/listen to. I appreciate his simple way of expressing Biblical concepts/theories/facts. Thank you🙏
I love the deeper studies of the Bible. And pastor Allen does a great job teaching, preaching
Thank you for this teaching. It may have been done a year ago, but the Word of God is truly not void and right now in May, 2021 it is accomplishing something in my life. God bless you.
@@allennolan wow! God is good!!!
🦋🌸👸🏽 Your dad took the time to explain about God and the Bible, how Beautiful is that which I think, I’m right it starts from home 🏡 It all begins at home how you educate your children. I’m going to continue to proceed watching, Thankyou 🌸🦋
@@allennolan I was in church this morning and saw the name, Beelzebul, mentioned as the prince of demons. I immediately thought of your teaching on the nephilim. My question is, "How is this particular nephilim known by name, so many years after the flood?" He is mentioned in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. I really enjoy your explanation of biblical subjects. Thanks.
9/9/23-I’ve always preferred teaching over preaching and your lessons are AMAZING! You, Pastor, are amazing at PREPARING the church for eternity with no promises of where they will spend it. Your great at conveying their roll in their salvation and where they spend eternity. WhT a blessing!
My name is Leo an I'm in a biblical approach rehab and this helps me not only to stay clean but why I don't sometimes want to clean because I know I'm own worst enemy think God an Allen Nolan
I get everything your saying. God bless you for explaining questions I have had trying to put it together.
Thank you for explaining these things I've always wanted explained to me, that I never found anyone that could explain it like you are doing here. May God bless You and Keep You.
I think we are fascinated because innately we know it is real and what we have to fight against 🙏✝️🥰
Exactly 💯🎯 And so many want to keep us from this life saving knowledge.
Thank God for his word, his teachers, drawing me true his holy spirit, giving me a heart to receive and accept his word, and the internet, so his word can reach every end of the world.
Thank you pastor allen from the bottom of my heart 💜
I'm listening to this on Friday 30th 2023. Enjoying it very much
Praising God for all of these wonderful teachings from this gifted man of God. Yes, the spiritual realm is VERY real. I flow prophetic. When you can see into the spiritual realm you can see Everything. I have seen my angel, the Lord 3xs, a demon. I have had one theophany experience. I saw the plane crashing the day before 9/11 & a vivid open vision of the rapture on Dec 30th 2021. I've had some amazing open visions and revelations that have been at times a lil' overwhelming. When I first got saved God spoke to me and said Be Still and Know That I am God. He last spoke to me on 11/11/18. The Lord spoke to me in a still small voice twice. The Holy Spirit told me about 8 yrs back one day that something major was going to happen. The following day He said not Only is something major gonna happen but it will be felt all around the world. Pandemic. In March 2019 right after prayer as I'm heading out to do street ministry the Holy Spirit told me to social distance myself.
Description of dimensional limitations of man is great. I love to think about this. I remember the first time this realization came to me in my personal study of apologetics and the creation of the universe. Once I realized time was another just another dimension and God was outside of it so many other things became clear.
I'm surprised that there aren't more people subscribed to this account. I just found it this week and it is the most in-depth, Biblical-based material that I've found on YT. I was drawn in with the alien series; sure, a "silly" series, but the alien subject was causing a lot of internal struggle and Allen Nolan's sermons got me out of a bind. I had been using the concept "multidimensional" to quantify the spiritual world, I'm glad that it wasn't just a pet hypothesis but that others find it to be logical as well.
45:45 YES!!! And AMEN!!! It is very rare to hear a Christian explain this! Science PROVES the Bible. And the Bible explains things that we now know scientifically. This is a wonderful revelation I hope everyone discovers!
This is my church! Thank you 👍.
Wow! Wow! awesome teaching.! this all makes since to me now.
Glad it was helpful!
His lectures are very interesting I like it, he explain it very well.
Thank you Pastor Allen! Your teachings on scripture remind me of the teachings of Chuck Missler. My wife and I are truly blessed by your insights into God's Holy Word. Praise God for your ministry. We have learned so much from your witness.
Sir Thank You For This Beautiful Message...
Your Study Is Awesome..!!!!
May God Bless You And Use You More 'n More.... :)
Very knowledgeable and concise Pastor Allen!
I have some serious catching up to do. I just started watching Cornerstone only last month.
I just found him not to long ago and love him
All the praise and the worship is to YHYW God almighty.
Praise God
Awesome really enjoyed this Bible study
There is a lot of Chuck Missler in this sermon. He was one if the very best teachers.
Yes! One of my favorites, he's truly missed
Same 😊😊😊
I am a disciple of Christ. My goal is to help spread the gospel including preaching deliverance to the captives as God has commanded us in Lk 4:18 and Mk 16:17. Believe me when I said there are demons. I started my deliverance ministry about 4 months ago. They are all Christians. Most Christians have demons and they don't know it or refuse to believe it.
Check out Derick Prince where he casted out over 70 demons from a pastors wife and had a conversation with a particular demon who had knowledge of I believe it was East Africa and of the native tribes there and Derek Prince said that there's no way that this demon would have known anything about that unless he was there and it shows you the personality and the things that they cause people to do anyway it's one of Derek Prince's videos God bless you it's very interesting check it out
A demon cannot dwell in a true vessel of God
I really enjoyed this. Thank you.
Good teaching
Wow catching this sermon yrs after its been preaced. Still just as good
Another superb Biblical teaching from Pastor Nolan.
@@allennolan God Bless your ministry. Love from India.
I like Science that Truly Agree with the Bible!
This is good. Bible. Thanks pastor from europe.
Excellent ❤ thank you
Absolutely brilliant brilliant teaching bless you Allen
Good stuff.
I'm Totally His! He My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Even My Name Shows that I'm Totally His! Jose-Joseph Manuel-Emmanuel and Cruz meaning the Cross for Christ! This is Why Our LORD had My Mother Name Me this Way! Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah to Our LORD Jesus Christ for His Great Love and Mercy! And Yes this is Why I Can't Wait to be Rapture Soon to be with My LORD and Saver Jesus Christ!
Great teaching!!!
You’ve blown my mind
Me too!
Hallelujah !
Wow, Awesome video.
I like the way you teach.
And you are teaching what no one wants to talk about.
I totally Subscribed. 👍👍👍
Keep up the good work pastor. 💯
Pastor Alan, I enjoy your great teaching! I am not afraid of any evil thing because He that is in me is Greater than he that is in the world. When I started this video I did not expect to see a loooong clip of evil movies. I fast forwarded that part because I don’t want to be exposed. Frankly I’m somewhat surprised you put that nonsense up on the screen in your church. I would recommend that you not do that anymore. Teach us about angels snd demons. Please don’t show us what the world has to offer. I think we all get enough of that. My wife and I send this with the love of God in our hearts for you and your family and ministry.
Reminds me of the chuck Missler study 😊
Hello... and great sermon as always, I was interested with the part of the Heaven will roll up like a scroll, and it is split and there is some kind of substance. When God flooded the earth “He opened the windows of Heaven” that’s not complicated to explain, it’s the Firmament opening up to let water in, as it’s said God separated the waters from below and above. Plus space breaks the 2nd law of thermodynamics, you can’t have a high pressure next to a low pressure system, the gas will would fill the available volume.. instantly ... that’s why you can’t have Gas pressure “Without” a container”. The container is the “Firmament” the only thing that has been into space... is your mind. God Bless 🙏
How is it that in Ezekiel verse 17 when God speak of creating Lucifer, evil was found in him? Did God make a mistake or imperfection when He created the top angel?
Great question luv,curious as well
Outside of the spiritual instruction which I found very enlightening I appreciate the reference to the theoretical physics called string theory. It is uplifting to hear Biblical truth reconciled with science. From what little I understand of it there are 10 or 11 physical dimensions and one dimension of time. I have my own suspicion that there are 9 physical dimensions and at least 2 of time. Our 4 dimensional world (3 space and 1 time) is the intersection of two other 3 dimensional worlds in motion relative to each other. Physicists refer to these types of structures as "branes", short for membranes and implying some sort of flexibility, which is a useful attribute. Better than "planes" since the phrase "spiritual plane" has occult connotations. There must be at least one extra time dimension to allow for the relative motion to occur. If we call one of these the world of "possibility" and the other the world of "variability" this gives us a way to work on understanding several puzzles. God has determined the possible by enacting the laws of nature for His creation but many other things may influence the variable, including our own actions. This framework can allow us to think about issues like predestination vs. free will without facing irreducible contradictions, and having more than one dimension of time might resolve the coexistence of time and eternity. How many biblical passages have stymied explanation on these matters? All praise to the LORD!
Gracias por la traducción. 🇲🇽🙌🔥
Donde se encuentra la traducción?
Rev. Chuck Missler explained dimensions similar to this but he had animation video. Rev. Chuck Missler will be missed 🙏
I don't like scary movies, I just don't like darkness that's why my light's are always on at night
Love your truthful, words
Your the best of the best
Hi Pastor I'm just asking if you can comment on versr 18&19 of Ezek 28? Need to know. I am in the Islands, and enjoy your lessons.
Perfection 💓
How can I see these in Spanish do you have any preachings traduced to Spanish?
Thank you 🙏🏼 I love these teachings I’ve learned a lot I would like to share with my Spanish speaking mom and husband ❤️ God bless
I was plagued with sleep paralysis for 20 years before I recommitted to the Lord. I can tell you first hand that demons exist. I’ve seen them in that space between awake and asleep.
Sleep paralysis are witchcraft spirits sent to you to oppress you. You also had spirits attached to you that need fasting to break, probably spirit spouses.
Watching this in September 2021. Very good study.
Just a thought: I may not have shown such a long clip of the movie trailer. Sadly, it may make people want to go see it.
Do you have any videos on Satan and exactly where he is today?
This is a perfect way to describe KABALLAH!!
I like the 2D world comparison. Just a question, would the flat landers not be able to see the place of contact where your finger breaks into their world, but not the rest? So why would we not be able to see where angels touch our worlds? Thanks in advance and God bless!
As far as I knew, the Phoenician deity Melqart was worshiped in the temple of Tyre, not Ethbaal III. Where did you find that it was Ethbaal III who was worshiped there?
Same spirit
Pastor Nolan. I am having a very hard time understanding casting
out demons. Jesus always cast out demons everywhere He went.
Didn’t He give us the authority to cast demons out too
Our main commission from Jesus was to preach the gospel.
When Michael fought with the dragon he didn’t use his own power. He said to satan, the Lord rebuke you
No one as seen the face of God and lived. But now that God became man we will see him. By seeing the face of God we will be changed in the twinkling of an eye 👁️ We'll be transformed.
Does Allen Nolan have any teachings on Psalms 82 regarding the "divine council"? Seems to be a contentious topic and would like to know his thoughts.
Thank you
What’s up with the hand jester that pasted Nolan Continue to represent, I do enjoy the teaching he teaches from the Bible, Will someone explain it to me I’m just curious and thank you
Pstr Allen. I have friends they can see sometimes these spirits even trying to talk to them. How is this sir? Thank you
Hello and great sermon, is it ok to watch a movie like the one showed here? As long as you used Spiritual decrement? Or is this the you can’t sit at the table with God and Satan? Thx God Bless 🙏
Pastor please give mi advice abaut fighting with jezebel spirit.
Christ was filled with Supernatural Holy Spirit and was an exorcist and walked around everywhere doing miracles.. He was a street teacher fasting and praying . Christ's said to continually pray for Gods people because the evil ones devil's demons are trying to destroy.
Watching this may 29th 23.
You left out Paranormal Activity there 😉
Sir Allen Im becoming confused. In the last sentence of the verse God said to Satan "I throw you to the ground. Does this mean sir that satan and those angels wd him are on the earth and not in the heavenly realms? I hope I will know the answer to this. Thank you sir
This is exactly how I have been tought to believe the bible...... Amazing...... The new earth is all real... All of this will happen but to the unbeliever this is all malarky..... Believe.....
Were Adam and Eve redeemed when Jesus gathered those he took from Abraham’s bosom?
a school chum went to college and she came home and was totally different. You must be careful on who you talk to because she was interfered with from a nimrod. One of the smartest in the class. Her parents were probably hurt. She was not safe at school.
Pastor, this question is out of this theme but let me ask anyway. Had Thomas the disciple been allowed to touch King Jesus's wounds before HE had ascended to heaven (because HE had forbidden the rest to do so)?