Please, could you add English subtitles for all Dimash's International fans, it will be great for everyone to understand what others are saying. Thank you very much for your understanding ❤
Обожаю эту песню Димаша! Его энергия и харизма вырывается из его глубин и уже невозможно её удержать! Как же это заразительно и не оставляет шансов не быть увлеченным безоговорочно этим! Браво любимый Артист!
Dimash se ha convertido un hombre sumamente atractivo sexy está rompiendo barreras ,pero siempre dentro de los límites es un profesional de alto nivel❤❤❤
As always, Dimash WOWED the Chinese audience with this song and his MJ inspired dance style, and they all loved his performance and witnessed a different side of Dimash. A very sexy and handsome side of him. 😊❤
И распирает мою душу гордость , что семь лет назад я познала это ЧУДО - ЧУДНОЕ , ДИВО - ДИВНОЕ по - имени ДИМАШ ! И нет для меня теперь ничего прекраснее ! Совершенство во всем ! Спасибо , дорогой , береги себя , будь здоров и счастлив . Из России с любовью .
It was hot! Dimash performed it at Moscow concert and it was great, too. I love him dancing, playing piano, drums, jazzing, etc. He is much fun. Thank you to Singing with Legends. Thank you for translation.
It can be said of every singer in this genre, it is similar to MJ dance moves, but there is only one Dimash ❤and he surpasses them all in diversity of vocal range and class
Димашжан самый талантливый самый красивый артист и Человек! Как же приятно видеть любовь китайских зрителей и DEARS от их любви к нашему ДИМАШУ душа ликует и поет !❤❤❤❤❤😂
Oh, how about English subtitles? I would love to know what everyone is saying. It looks cute and makes watching Dimash more enjoyable when I can understand you all. Love this performance. One of his best of this song. As always a stunning performance. 🤩
Dear, here is a brief summary of the entire episode. Later, when I am not so busy, I will try to provide a translation of what was said in this video. At the start of the episode, the singers threw darts to decide if they would give solo performances or partner with another singer for a duet. Each singer was initially placed in isolated rooms so that the audience could play a guessing game, which is why their faces were obscured by an animal emoji and their voices were changed. They were also given nicknames, and Dimash was the “Eagle Boy.” When Dimash was going on stage, he forgot to stop and talk with the host and walked straight onto the main stage, so he apologized with a cute accent when he realized his mistake. Gong Linna, the lady who performed first, enjoyed Dimash’s performance and chose him as her duet partner for the next episode. She said that her impression of him was that even though he is energetic when performing, he seems to carry a heaviness or sadness inside. She said that this is the kind of singer she is interested in, and because she had only seen Dimash on TV before and was meeting him for the first time, she wanted to take the chance to collaborate with him. She complimented Dimash for being able to sing and dance so well at the same time and said that he is "very handsome." All the performances next time will be collaborations between two or three singers. Dimash also asked to duet with Huang Xiaoyun, the female singer who performed an impromptu duet of the Russian song “Nightingale” with Dimash. In the next episode, one performance will have the chance to win a special award. By the way, I don't think Dimash and Huang Xiaoyun have formally met before, but they have a connection to each other because of Terry Lin, also known as "Papa Lin" to Dimash. You might have heard that Dimash called Huang Xiaoyun his “younger sister.” While this is a traditional way to refer to a younger woman or girl in Chinese culture, I wonder if there’s another reason for it. As we know, Dimash respects Terry Lin like he is his own father. Coincidentally, Terry Lin and Huang Xiaoyun have performed together before and have stated that they see each other as family members. So, in this sense, Huang Xiaoyun is basically Dimash’s “younger sister.” I don’t know if Terry Lin mentioned this to Dimash, though. But he did tell Huang Xiaoyun about Dimash being his “son.” Perhaps we will find out after their collaboration on the next episode.
Sorry for taking so long! Here is a translation of this video, but I omitted all the parts spoken in English to try to keep this as concise as possible. At the beginning, the host welcomes Dimash on stage. Wu Mochou, the female singer backstage, comments that Dimash has taken on the responsibility of representing foreign singers on this season of the show. (After Dimash mistakenly walks past the host) Words on screen: Making a beeline for the stage with single minded determination to perform The host calls Dimash back, and he apologizes in Mandarin. Words on screen: Heading back-he doesn’t have that much experience [here] Dimash: “So sorry, so sorry!” (pardon me/I’m sorry) Host: “Let me tell you, he’s really so eager/in a hurry to perform for you!” (After Dimash’s performance:) Host: “The first person to stand up during his performance was Teacher Gong Linna.” Words on screen: An immersive experience, still not done [dancing] yet (Gong Linna tries to imitate Dimash’s dance moves) Gong Linna: “Like this, right?” Words on screen: A dancing soul that cannot be concealed Gong Linna agreed with the host’s words that it was an amazing performance and said that she definitely enjoyed it. Gong Linna: “In my memory, you normally sing lyrical songs-grand songs with high notes. But in this song there really weren’t any high notes, and there was a lot of dancing. And when he sang, I didn’t hear the sound of panting at all.” Words on screen next to Dimash: Displayed charm/charisma and chic dancing skills Host: “His breathing is very stable!” Gong Linna: “Singing and dancing at the same time-so handsome!” Words on screen: She became a fangirl in seconds Dimash: “Thank you!” (his accent when he speaks Mandarin is very cute) Huang Xiaoyun: “Wow, [his performance] really shocked me! It’s the first time that I’ve seen Dimash 哥 (big brother) be so free on stage. He is really so handsome! And during his performance, the entire audience kept screaming and calling out. Now I feel so impatient to sing and dance with you!” Host: “Uncle Tengger has collaborated with him before, right?” Tengger: “Yes, we sang “Hongyan” together before.” Dimash: “Thank you, teacher!” Tengger: “Today, it felt like I was watching Dimash’s own concert!” Tengger also praises the band for their performance. (he makes sounds to imitate the band) Host: “But, what if Dimash used this kind of song to collaborate with you?” Tengger: “That… that is more difficult.” Host: “Actually, I think you can do it!” Tengger: “No, can’t do it, can’t do it!” (not possible!) Words on screen: I beg you to let me off the hook Host: (to Zhang Qi) “What about you?” Zhang Qi: “Brother, quit joking around! I can’t dance at all!” (He uses a pun to crack a joke-it doesn’t make sense in English) Wu Mochou: “This type of performance has lit up my passion for singing and dancing!” (She goes on to make a joke about feeling fired up/heated up because of his performance.) Host: “Dimash’s performance today showed us a different side of him! We look forward to seeing even more sides of him in the upcoming episode.” Dimash (turning and bowing to the audience): “Thank you very much, thank you very much. I love you!” (The rest is not included in this short video, but in the full episode it is shown directly after this segment) Dimash goes to the other singers to shake hands with them and hug them. Huang Xiaoyun: So amazing! (Backstage interview with Gong Linna about meeting Dimash) Gong Linna: “It’s my first time meeting Dimash. Before, I only watched him perform on TV. I know that he is an outstanding male singer from Kazakhstan, and that the changes/shifts in his voice are very abundant. I really enjoyed his singing!”
I loved every second of Dimash❤ Listening to him sing, seeing and feeling his electrifying dance⚡️ admiring the respectful way he treats his fellow performers... They all are amazing🤩 It's an endless joy to watch Dimash's activity. Thank you for summarizing it and sharing it with us🥰 I’m looking forward to next Sunday's show. I can't wait to see what wonderful performance Dimash has in store for us.🔥
Hopefully they will add subtitles soon! Until then, here is a brief summary of the entire episode. When I am not so busy, I will try to provide a translation of what was said in this video if they haven't added subtitles by that time. At the start of the episode, the singers threw darts to decide if they would give solo performances or partner with another singer for a duet. Each singer was initially placed in isolated rooms so that the audience could play a guessing game, which is why their faces were obscured by an animal emoji and their voices were changed. They were also given nicknames, and Dimash was the “Eagle Boy.” When Dimash was going on stage, he forgot to stop and talk with the host and walked straight onto the main stage, so he apologized with a cute accent when he realized his mistake. Gong Linna, the lady who performed first, enjoyed Dimash’s performance and chose him as her duet partner for the next episode. She said that her impression of him was that even though he is energetic when performing, he seems to carry a heaviness or sadness inside. She said that this is the kind of singer she is interested in, and because she had only seen Dimash on TV before and was meeting him for the first time, she wanted to take the chance to collaborate with him. She complimented Dimash for being able to sing and dance so well at the same time and said that he is "very handsome." All the performances next time will be collaborations between two or three singers. Dimash also asked to duet with Huang Xiaoyun, the female singer who performed an impromptu duet of the Russian song “Nightingale” with Dimash. In the next episode, one performance will have the chance to win a special award. By the way, I don't think Dimash and Huang Xiaoyun have formally met before, but they have a connection to each other because of Terry Lin, also known as "Papa Lin" to Dimash. You might have heard that Dimash called Huang Xiaoyun his “younger sister.” While this is a traditional way to refer to a younger woman or girl in Chinese culture, I wonder if there’s another reason for it. As we know, Dimash respects Terry Lin like he is his own father. Coincidentally, Terry Lin and Huang Xiaoyun have performed together before and have stated that they see each other as family members. So, in this sense, Huang Xiaoyun is basically Dimash’s “younger sister.” I don’t know if Terry Lin mentioned this to Dimash, though. But he did tell Huang Xiaoyun about Dimash being his “son.” Perhaps we will find out after their collaboration on the next episode.
I am so sorry for the long wait! Here is a translation of the video. I removed the parts spoken in English to try to keep this shorter. Feel free to copy my comment and share it with others if you see more Dears asking for a translation 😄 At the beginning, the host welcomes Dimash on stage. Wu Mochou, the female singer backstage, comments that Dimash has taken on the responsibility of representing foreign singers on this season of the show. (After Dimash mistakenly walks past the host) Words on screen: Making a beeline for the stage with single minded determination to perform The host calls Dimash back, and he apologizes in Mandarin. Words on screen: Heading back-he doesn’t have that much experience [here] Dimash: “So sorry, so sorry!” (pardon me/I’m sorry) Host: “Let me tell you, he’s really so eager/in a hurry to perform for you!” (After Dimash’s performance:) Host: “The first person to stand up during his performance was Teacher Gong Linna.” Words on screen: An immersive experience, still not done [dancing] yet (Gong Linna tries to imitate Dimash’s dance moves) Gong Linna: “Like this, right?” Words on screen: A dancing soul that cannot be concealed Gong Linna agreed with the host’s words that it was an amazing performance and said that she definitely enjoyed it. Gong Linna: “In my memory, you normally sing lyrical songs-grand songs with high notes. But in this song there really weren’t any high notes, and there was a lot of dancing. And when he sang, I didn’t hear the sound of panting at all.” Words on screen next to Dimash: Displayed charm/charisma and chic dancing skills Host: “His breathing is very stable!” Gong Linna: “Singing and dancing at the same time-so handsome!” Words on screen: She became a fangirl in seconds Dimash: “Thank you!” (his accent when he speaks Mandarin is very cute) Huang Xiaoyun: “Wow, [his performance] really shocked me! It’s the first time that I’ve seen Dimash 哥 (big brother) be so free on stage. He is really so handsome! And during his performance, the entire audience kept screaming and calling out. Now I feel so impatient to sing and dance with you!” Host: “Uncle Tengger has collaborated with him before, right?” Tengger: “Yes, we sang “Hongyan” together before.” Dimash: “Thank you, teacher!” Tengger: “Today, it felt like I was watching Dimash’s own concert!” Tengger also praises the band for their performance. (he makes sounds to imitate the band) Host: “But, what if Dimash used this kind of song to collaborate with you?” Tengger: “That… that is more difficult.” Host: “Actually, I think you can do it!” Tengger: “No, can’t do it, can’t do it!” (not possible!) Words on screen: I beg you to let me off the hook Host: (to Zhang Qi) “What about you?” Zhang Qi: “Brother, quit joking around! I can’t dance at all!” (He uses a pun to crack a joke-it doesn’t make sense in English) Wu Mochou: “This type of performance has lit up my passion for singing and dancing!” (She goes on to make a joke about feeling fired up/heated up because of his performance.) Host: “Dimash’s performance today showed us a different side of him! We look forward to seeing even more sides of him in the upcoming episode.” Dimash (turning and bowing to the audience): “Thank you very much, thank you very much. I love you!” (The rest is not included in this video, but in the full episode it is shown directly after this segment:) Dimash goes to the other singers to shake hands with them and hug them. Huang Xiaoyun: "Just so amazing!" (Backstage interview with Gong Linna) Gong Linna: “It’s my first time meeting Dimash. Before, I only watched him perform on TV. I know that he is an outstanding male singer from Kazakhstan, and that the changes/shifts in his voice are very abundant. I really enjoyed his singing!”
وفرو الترجمة ايش ذا؟؟؟؟ where is the subtitles!!!!
❤Dimash is the best! ❤
Argentina presente !!!!
El enloquese al mundo 🌎 ❤❤❤
Wonderful 💗
Amazing performance ❤❤❤Bravo ❤❤❤
Thank you! Song is very hot hit! 😅❤❤❤
So much fun to watch! 🤩
Beautiful dimash 🔥❤️❤️
Dimash is so awesome.❤️
Habilite los subtitulos por favor
We love Dimash❤❤❤
Люблю его в разных образах .
Так даже интереснее .
Димаш - самый лучший !
Me encanta verle bailar... con esa canción....una maravilla. Un deleite para los ojos y el oído.
Dimash can sing anything! Great song ❤
Que miradaaaa que seductor ❤
Super show 🔥 With love from Latvia 🇱🇻
Wonderful ! 👏 Thank You ! Bravo Dimash 💖 !
All love for Dimash ❤❤❤❤❤
I’m always amazed at Dimash’s infinite talent❤❤️🔥
I hope we will have subtitles soon. Dimash was 💥🔥🕺!!! ❤
Great Show, thank you for having Dimash, 😊 regards from Portugal ❤️
Lindo demais!❤❤❤
Dimash and Tengri are the best 👏🌼🍀
very cool😎😎😎
What a joy watching Dimash in your show! Waiting for more performances by him.
Please, could you add English subtitles for all Dimash's International fans, it will be great for everyone to understand what others are saying. Thank you very much for your understanding ❤
You've always had it... Present' my friend...
What a great performance by Dimash ❤❤❤
Great show. Thank you for inviting Dimash !
А вы знаете, что музыку к этой песне написал Димаш?! 🔥💥 👏👏
Always an amazing performance🔥👏👏👏 Dimash is amazingly cool😎👍
Mi principe jamás decepciona. Lo veo desde Buenos Aires
Hello, I'm here for give Dimash love 😁😁😘😘
Amazing, delightful, incredible Dimash❤️💎❤️
Me gusta mucho
My Dimash Qudaibergen is the best ❤
Beautiful Dimash. ❤❤
Самый лучший! ❤
Обожаю эту песню Димаша! Его энергия и харизма вырывается из его глубин и уже невозможно её удержать! Как же это заразительно и не оставляет шансов не быть увлеченным безоговорочно этим! Браво любимый Артист!
Dimash se ha convertido un hombre sumamente atractivo sexy está rompiendo barreras ,pero siempre dentro de los límites es un profesional de alto nivel❤❤❤
I’m here to support Dimash … u Dimash ❤❤❤❤❤
Dimash is dancing like Michael Jackson,oh my Goodness,I like it.
Ох, красевец наш!здорово 👍
Dimash is a beautiful soul whose legend will live on forever❤
🎉✌🏻🤞🏻 Kazakh Prince 👑💥
Amazing always! Lo esperamos en México! Amamos a Dimash!
Thank you! Bravo Dimash!!!
Cada vez mas seguro y hermoso ❤ con su bella voz inigualable
Dimash in all his splendor. Love this side of him too. ❤❤❤
As always, Dimash WOWED the Chinese audience with this song and his MJ inspired dance style, and they all loved his performance and witnessed a different side of Dimash. A very sexy and handsome side of him. 😊❤
What a wonderful performance!❤ Congratulations 👏👏👏🌹❤️
Thanks for having Dimash! Great show, awesome performance! 🕺🎶🔥
И распирает мою душу гордость , что семь лет назад я познала это ЧУДО - ЧУДНОЕ , ДИВО - ДИВНОЕ по - имени ДИМАШ ! И нет для меня теперь ничего прекраснее ! Совершенство во всем ! Спасибо , дорогой , береги себя , будь здоров и счастлив . Из России с любовью .
Dimash byl jako vždy velice , super perfektní ! Jediné co mě mrzí že tvůrci tohoto videa tu nedali titulky .
ديماش الماس❤❤❤
Meu amor é todo seu Dimash! 💕🇧🇷
Wow Dimash 🔥❤️🔥
I’m looking forward for his next performance 🤩❤️
Sería genial tener subtitulos en Español¡
It was hot! Dimash performed it at Moscow concert and it was great, too. I love him dancing, playing piano, drums, jazzing, etc. He is much fun. Thank you to Singing with Legends. Thank you for translation.
Mi niño hermoso 😊❤
Класс .молодец.жарасын принц!!
Dimash is so sweet and hot! ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥 Please, add English subtitles, I want to understand what the host and the other singers said! 🙏
Adorableness and manly charm exist in one person, It's Dimash ❤❤❤
Our beautiful legendary Dimash ♥️. Another astonishing performance 🌹
Димаш прекрасен, как всегда! Талантище, красавец, очаровашка . Браво, Димаш!
It can be said of every singer in this genre, it is similar to MJ dance moves, but there is only one Dimash ❤and he surpasses them all in diversity of vocal range and class
Dimash 🥰🥰🥰
Зажигательная и классная "Give Me Your Love" 🔥👏👏
I love it!!!🥰😍🙂👌👌👌👌🎵🔥🎵🔥🎵🔥🎵🔥🎵🔥🎵🔥🎵🔥🎵❤️
Гений вокала -Димаш❤❤❤
Димаш-огонь🔥Димаш-любовь❤Твой голос невероятный! Люблю❤
❤ Dimash ❤ 👏💃
Hermosa presentación, DIMASH, genial.
Increíblemente bello❤
Димашжан самый талантливый самый красивый артист и Человек! Как же приятно видеть любовь китайских зрителей и DEARS от их любви к нашему ДИМАШУ душа ликует и поет !❤❤❤❤❤😂
❤❤❤❤Dimash maravilloso!!!😍😍😍
Браво!!!браво!!! Димаш!прекрасный артист, удачи и процветания! Любимый голос❤❤❤
Oh, how about English subtitles? I would love to know what everyone is saying. It looks cute and makes watching Dimash more enjoyable when I can understand you all. Love this performance. One of his best of this song. As always a stunning performance. 🤩
Dear, here is a brief summary of the entire episode. Later, when I am not so busy, I will try to provide a translation of what was said in this video. At the start of the episode, the singers threw darts to decide if they would give solo performances or partner with another singer for a duet. Each singer was initially placed in isolated rooms so that the audience could play a guessing game, which is why their faces were obscured by an animal emoji and their voices were changed. They were also given nicknames, and Dimash was the “Eagle Boy.”
When Dimash was going on stage, he forgot to stop and talk with the host and walked straight onto the main stage, so he apologized with a cute accent when he realized his mistake.
Gong Linna, the lady who performed first, enjoyed Dimash’s performance and chose him as her duet partner for the next episode. She said that her impression of him was that even though he is energetic when performing, he seems to carry a heaviness or sadness inside. She said that this is the kind of singer she is interested in, and because she had only seen Dimash on TV before and was meeting him for the first time, she wanted to take the chance to collaborate with him. She complimented Dimash for being able to sing and dance so well at the same time and said that he is "very handsome."
All the performances next time will be collaborations between two or three singers. Dimash also asked to duet with Huang Xiaoyun, the female singer who performed an impromptu duet of the Russian song “Nightingale” with Dimash. In the next episode, one performance will have the chance to win a special award.
By the way, I don't think Dimash and Huang Xiaoyun have formally met before, but they have a connection to each other because of Terry Lin, also known as "Papa Lin" to Dimash. You might have heard that Dimash called Huang Xiaoyun his “younger sister.” While this is a traditional way to refer to a younger woman or girl in Chinese culture, I wonder if there’s another reason for it. As we know, Dimash respects Terry Lin like he is his own father. Coincidentally, Terry Lin and Huang Xiaoyun have performed together before and have stated that they see each other as family members. So, in this sense, Huang Xiaoyun is basically Dimash’s “younger sister.” I don’t know if Terry Lin mentioned this to Dimash, though. But he did tell Huang Xiaoyun about Dimash being his “son.” Perhaps we will find out after their collaboration on the next episode.
@@00-Eressea Thanks! 😘
Sorry for taking so long! Here is a translation of this video, but I omitted all the parts spoken in English to try to keep this as concise as possible.
At the beginning, the host welcomes Dimash on stage. Wu Mochou, the female singer backstage, comments that Dimash has taken on the responsibility of representing foreign singers on this season of the show.
(After Dimash mistakenly walks past the host) Words on screen: Making a beeline for the stage with single minded determination to perform
The host calls Dimash back, and he apologizes in Mandarin. Words on screen: Heading back-he doesn’t have that much experience [here]
Dimash: “So sorry, so sorry!” (pardon me/I’m sorry)
Host: “Let me tell you, he’s really so eager/in a hurry to perform for you!”
(After Dimash’s performance:)
Host: “The first person to stand up during his performance was Teacher Gong Linna.” Words on screen: An immersive experience, still not done [dancing] yet
(Gong Linna tries to imitate Dimash’s dance moves) Gong Linna: “Like this, right?” Words on screen: A dancing soul that cannot be concealed
Gong Linna agreed with the host’s words that it was an amazing performance and said that she definitely enjoyed it. Gong Linna: “In my memory, you normally sing lyrical songs-grand songs with high notes. But in this song there really weren’t any high notes, and there was a lot of dancing. And when he sang, I didn’t hear the sound of panting at all.”
Words on screen next to Dimash: Displayed charm/charisma and chic dancing skills
Host: “His breathing is very stable!”
Gong Linna: “Singing and dancing at the same time-so handsome!” Words on screen: She became a fangirl in seconds
Dimash: “Thank you!” (his accent when he speaks Mandarin is very cute)
Huang Xiaoyun: “Wow, [his performance] really shocked me! It’s the first time that I’ve seen Dimash 哥 (big brother) be so free on stage. He is really so handsome! And during his performance, the entire audience kept screaming and calling out. Now I feel so impatient to sing and dance with you!”
Host: “Uncle Tengger has collaborated with him before, right?”
Tengger: “Yes, we sang “Hongyan” together before.”
Dimash: “Thank you, teacher!”
Tengger: “Today, it felt like I was watching Dimash’s own concert!” Tengger also praises the band for their performance. (he makes sounds to imitate the band)
Host: “But, what if Dimash used this kind of song to collaborate with you?”
Tengger: “That… that is more difficult.”
Host: “Actually, I think you can do it!”
Tengger: “No, can’t do it, can’t do it!” (not possible!) Words on screen: I beg you to let me off the hook
Host: (to Zhang Qi) “What about you?”
Zhang Qi: “Brother, quit joking around! I can’t dance at all!” (He uses a pun to crack a joke-it doesn’t make sense in English)
Wu Mochou: “This type of performance has lit up my passion for singing and dancing!” (She goes on to make a joke about feeling fired up/heated up because of his performance.)
Host: “Dimash’s performance today showed us a different side of him! We look forward to seeing even more sides of him in the upcoming episode.”
Dimash (turning and bowing to the audience): “Thank you very much, thank you very much. I love you!”
(The rest is not included in this short video, but in the full episode it is shown directly after this segment)
Dimash goes to the other singers to shake hands with them and hug them.
Huang Xiaoyun: So amazing!
(Backstage interview with Gong Linna about meeting Dimash)
Gong Linna: “It’s my first time meeting Dimash. Before, I only watched him perform on TV. I know that he is an outstanding male singer from Kazakhstan, and that the changes/shifts in his voice are very abundant. I really enjoyed his singing!”
I loved every second of Dimash❤ Listening to him sing, seeing and feeling his electrifying dance⚡️ admiring the respectful way he treats his fellow performers... They all are amazing🤩 It's an endless joy to watch Dimash's activity. Thank you for summarizing it and sharing it with us🥰 I’m looking forward to next Sunday's show. I can't wait to see what wonderful performance Dimash has in store for us.🔥
Шоу очень понравилось. Димаш великолепен как всегда. Но очень не хватает субтитров, чтобы понять, о чем говорят.
Dimash Qudaibergen
Cada vez se supera así mismo
Perfect Dimash! 😍😍😍💘💘🎊🎊🎊 Amazing performance!
What a wonderful performance! ❤❤❤😘😘😘👏👏👏 Dimash is a handsome man.
Can you please enable subtitles for the non Chinese?
Hopefully they will add subtitles soon! Until then, here is a brief summary of the entire episode. When I am not so busy, I will try to provide a translation of what was said in this video if they haven't added subtitles by that time. At the start of the episode, the singers threw darts to decide if they would give solo performances or partner with another singer for a duet. Each singer was initially placed in isolated rooms so that the audience could play a guessing game, which is why their faces were obscured by an animal emoji and their voices were changed. They were also given nicknames, and Dimash was the “Eagle Boy.”
When Dimash was going on stage, he forgot to stop and talk with the host and walked straight onto the main stage, so he apologized with a cute accent when he realized his mistake.
Gong Linna, the lady who performed first, enjoyed Dimash’s performance and chose him as her duet partner for the next episode. She said that her impression of him was that even though he is energetic when performing, he seems to carry a heaviness or sadness inside. She said that this is the kind of singer she is interested in, and because she had only seen Dimash on TV before and was meeting him for the first time, she wanted to take the chance to collaborate with him. She complimented Dimash for being able to sing and dance so well at the same time and said that he is "very handsome."
All the performances next time will be collaborations between two or three singers. Dimash also asked to duet with Huang Xiaoyun, the female singer who performed an impromptu duet of the Russian song “Nightingale” with Dimash. In the next episode, one performance will have the chance to win a special award.
By the way, I don't think Dimash and Huang Xiaoyun have formally met before, but they have a connection to each other because of Terry Lin, also known as "Papa Lin" to Dimash. You might have heard that Dimash called Huang Xiaoyun his “younger sister.” While this is a traditional way to refer to a younger woman or girl in Chinese culture, I wonder if there’s another reason for it. As we know, Dimash respects Terry Lin like he is his own father. Coincidentally, Terry Lin and Huang Xiaoyun have performed together before and have stated that they see each other as family members. So, in this sense, Huang Xiaoyun is basically Dimash’s “younger sister.” I don’t know if Terry Lin mentioned this to Dimash, though. But he did tell Huang Xiaoyun about Dimash being his “son.” Perhaps we will find out after their collaboration on the next episode.
@@00-Eressea thank you so much for this information, it will be wonderful if you can provide a translation when you have time ❤️
I am so sorry for the long wait! Here is a translation of the video. I removed the parts spoken in English to try to keep this shorter. Feel free to copy my comment and share it with others if you see more Dears asking for a translation 😄
At the beginning, the host welcomes Dimash on stage. Wu Mochou, the female singer backstage, comments that Dimash has taken on the responsibility of representing foreign singers on this season of the show.
(After Dimash mistakenly walks past the host) Words on screen: Making a beeline for the stage with single minded determination to perform
The host calls Dimash back, and he apologizes in Mandarin. Words on screen: Heading back-he doesn’t have that much experience [here]
Dimash: “So sorry, so sorry!” (pardon me/I’m sorry)
Host: “Let me tell you, he’s really so eager/in a hurry to perform for you!”
(After Dimash’s performance:)
Host: “The first person to stand up during his performance was Teacher Gong Linna.” Words on screen: An immersive experience, still not done [dancing] yet
(Gong Linna tries to imitate Dimash’s dance moves) Gong Linna: “Like this, right?” Words on screen: A dancing soul that cannot be concealed
Gong Linna agreed with the host’s words that it was an amazing performance and said that she definitely enjoyed it. Gong Linna: “In my memory, you normally sing lyrical songs-grand songs with high notes. But in this song there really weren’t any high notes, and there was a lot of dancing. And when he sang, I didn’t hear the sound of panting at all.”
Words on screen next to Dimash: Displayed charm/charisma and chic dancing skills
Host: “His breathing is very stable!”
Gong Linna: “Singing and dancing at the same time-so handsome!” Words on screen: She became a fangirl in seconds
Dimash: “Thank you!” (his accent when he speaks Mandarin is very cute)
Huang Xiaoyun: “Wow, [his performance] really shocked me! It’s the first time that I’ve seen Dimash 哥 (big brother) be so free on stage. He is really so handsome! And during his performance, the entire audience kept screaming and calling out. Now I feel so impatient to sing and dance with you!”
Host: “Uncle Tengger has collaborated with him before, right?”
Tengger: “Yes, we sang “Hongyan” together before.”
Dimash: “Thank you, teacher!”
Tengger: “Today, it felt like I was watching Dimash’s own concert!” Tengger also praises the band for their performance. (he makes sounds to imitate the band)
Host: “But, what if Dimash used this kind of song to collaborate with you?”
Tengger: “That… that is more difficult.”
Host: “Actually, I think you can do it!”
Tengger: “No, can’t do it, can’t do it!” (not possible!) Words on screen: I beg you to let me off the hook
Host: (to Zhang Qi) “What about you?”
Zhang Qi: “Brother, quit joking around! I can’t dance at all!” (He uses a pun to crack a joke-it doesn’t make sense in English)
Wu Mochou: “This type of performance has lit up my passion for singing and dancing!” (She goes on to make a joke about feeling fired up/heated up because of his performance.)
Host: “Dimash’s performance today showed us a different side of him! We look forward to seeing even more sides of him in the upcoming episode.”
Dimash (turning and bowing to the audience): “Thank you very much, thank you very much. I love you!”
(The rest is not included in this video, but in the full episode it is shown directly after this segment:)
Dimash goes to the other singers to shake hands with them and hug them.
Huang Xiaoyun: "Just so amazing!"
(Backstage interview with Gong Linna)
Gong Linna: “It’s my first time meeting Dimash. Before, I only watched him perform on TV. I know that he is an outstanding male singer from Kazakhstan, and that the changes/shifts in his voice are very abundant. I really enjoyed his singing!”
@@00-Eressea you are an absolute angel ❤️
Выступление замечательное. Димаш великолепен!.
Bravo, Dismash
Жалко, что нет субтитра!