마음속 평화는 어떻게 만들어내는가? [플럼빌리지 틱낫한 스님 2013 내한법문 잠실실내체육관 2부]

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
  • 틱낫한 스님이 BTN불교TV 초청으로 한국을 방문해 2013년 5월 13일 잠실실내체육관에서 하신 멈춤 그리고 치유 법문 2부입니다. 스님은 마음속의 평화를 어떻게 만들 수 있는 지 법문하셨습니다. 많은 이들이 평화를 갈구하지만, 평화롭지 못한 이유는 무엇일까요?
    스님은 마음속 행복을 구하기에 앞서 마음속 고요와 평화를 찾으라고 말합니다. 고요와 평화는 마음속의 두려움, 불안, 화, 분노를 다스리는 것에서 찾을 수 있다고 말합니다. 만족할 줄 아는 지혜, 불안과 분노를 치유하는 명상을 하라고 말합니다.
    #틱낫한스님 #힐링 #틱낫한#명상
    현존하는 4대 성인 틱낫한 스님 방한 특집 대중강연
    틱낫한(Thich Nhat Hanh)은 베트남 스님으로, 시인이자 학자이며 인권 운동가다. 1967년 마틴 루터 킹의 추천으로 노벨 평화상 후보에 오르기도 했던 틱낫한스님은 지금까지 100권이 넘는 저서를 냈으며 그중 60권이 영어로 출간되었고 국내에 번역되어 소개된 책도 50여 종에 달한다. 스님은 현재 프랑스에 위치한 플럼빌리지에서 수행하고 있으며, 스님의 깨달음의 삶을 만나고 가르침을 얻기를 원하는 많은 사람들을 위해 세계를 여행하고 있다.
    최다 불교콘텐츠 집합소!!
    ▣채널안내- 좀더 빠르고 다양하게 보실수 있습니다~~
    *IPTV-KTolleh:233,SK B TV:305, LGU+ TV:275, (전국공통)
    *지역케이블:케이블가입자경우 BTN채널번호가 지역별로 달라서
    페이지 링크하셔서 지역별 번호확인하시면 됩니다~ ☞
    ▣인터넷 홈페이지또는 모바일 앱을 통해서도 더 많은 프로그램을 시청하실수 있답니다
    ☞바로가기: goo.gl/mx8DFd 클릭!
    한국불교대표방송BTN www.btn.co.kr


  • @jinahjo3922
    @jinahjo3922 2 роки тому +3

    감사합니다 덕분입니다 🙏 💕 😄 뉴욕입니다
    모든생명께 나의 가쁨을 회향합니다. 행불하소서. !!!!!

  • @유네버다이
    @유네버다이 4 роки тому +4

    좋은 법문 잘듣고 갑니다

  • @김숙이-h9o
    @김숙이-h9o 2 роки тому +1


  • @행숙이-s3g
    @행숙이-s3g 2 роки тому +3

    참으로 훌륭하십니다 꼭 살아계신 부처님 보는것같아 너무 좋았습니다 모든 스님들과 불자님들 일체중생드님께 귀의합니다

  • @한진용-c9p
    @한진용-c9p 6 років тому +4

    공감과 감동입니다

  • @rodayi8297
    @rodayi8297 10 років тому +6

    What a beautiful dharma talk.

  • @조영향-c2c
    @조영향-c2c 4 роки тому +2

    현존하는 4대 성인 틱낫한 스님의
    무한한 자.😁🤣😂

  • @Waldn
    @Waldn 4 роки тому +2

    ■ 내면의 고통인 두카 즉, 화 두려움 의심은 내 책임이다.

  • @bth992002
    @bth992002 6 років тому +2

    Thich Nhat Hanh_ (Journals 1962)
    -Small enlightenments have to succeed each other. And they have to be fed all the time, in order for a great enlightenment to be possible. So a moment of living in mindfulness is already a moment of enlightenment. If you train yourself to live in such a way, happiness and enlightenment will continue to grow.
    - The secret of Zen masters is discovering the path of return to such moments and knowing how to pave the way for such moments to arise. The masters know how to use the dazzling light of those moments to illuminate the journey of return, the journey that begins from nowhere and has no destination.
    -As a novice, I was required to read Buddhist philosophy. I was only sixteen and unable to grasp concepts like Interdependent Co-Arising, and Oneness of Subject and Object. It was difficult to understand why the perceiver could not exist independently from the object being perceived. I managed to get a high mark on my philosophy exams, but I didn’t really understand. I reasoned that thanks to awareness, the finite world of phenomena could partake of the transcendent realm of consciousness. Being can only be defined in opposition to nonbeing, and if there is no awareness of either being or nonbeing, it is as though nothing exists. The deeper implications were not at all clear. As I write these lines, no one else has read them yet. These lines that contain my thoughts, feelings, paper, ink, time, space, and handwriting, as well as all the other phenomena that have contributed to their existence, exist only in my consciousness. Readers who may one day read these lines also lie within my consciousness. All phenomena - Vietnam with her flowering grapefruit and orange trees, graceful coconut trees, and towering areca palms, and the lively city of New York, with its sun, snow, clouds, moon, and stars - lie within my own consciousness. They are merely concepts. My world, including all my friends and readers, all the grapefruit and starfruit trees I have ever touched or thought about, is a world of concepts. When you read these lines, will you see me in them? This city, as well as my thoughts and feelings will then become concepts in your consciousness. For you, these concepts are not the result of direct contact with the objects of my consciousness. Void of physical reality, these concepts are shared through the medium of consciousness. The physical basis of consciousness, both personal and collective, has disappeared.
    - In the conceptual world, subject and object are two sides of the same coin. This became clear to me late one night less than two years ago, when I was staying at Bamboo Forest Temple. I awoke at 2:30 a.m. and could not get back to sleep. I lay quietly until I heard the first bell. Then I sat up and tried to locate my slippers with my feet, but they must have been too far beneath the bed. So I walked to the window barefoot. The cool floor beneath my feet felt totally refreshing and invigorating. I leaned against the windowsill and peered outside. It was still too dark to see anything, but I knew that the plants in the garden were still there - the oleander bush still stood in the same corner and the wildflowers still grew beneath the window. I experienced how the subject of awareness cannot exist apart from the object of awareness. The oleander and the wildflowers were the objects of consciousness. Subject and object of consciousness cannot exist apart from each other. Without an object, the subject cannot be aware of anything. Mountains and rivers, earth and sun, all lie within the heart of consciousness. When that realization arises, time and space dissolve. Cause and effect, birth and death, all vanish. Though we dwell a hundred thousand light years from a star, we can cross that distance in a flash. The saints of the past can return to the present in a microsecond, their presence as vivid as a bright flame.
    I stood by the window and smiled. Someone seeing me grinning like that might have thought me deranged. The curtain of night was totally black, but not without meaning. This was infinitely clear in my consciousness. All of the miraculous existence was illuminated by that smile.
    You are there because I am here. We inter-are. If we do not exist, nothing exists. Subject and object, host and guest, are part of each other. I knew that when morning came, I would not find anything new or unusual about the visible world. The blue sky in the west and the pink horizon in the east exist only in my consciousness. Blue does not have a separate life, nor does pink. They are only blue and pink in my consciousness. It is the same with birth and death, same and different, coming and going. These are all images in our consciousness. If you look into my eyes, you will see yourself. If you are radiant, my eyes will be radiant. If you are miraculous, my consciousness will be miraculous. If you are distant and remote, I will be distant and remote. Look into my eyes and you will know if your universe is bright or dark, infinite or finite, mortal or immortal. The poet Tru Vu wrote:
    Because eyes see the blue sky, eyes glisten sky-blue.
    Because eyes see the vast ocean, eyed extend as far as the sea.
    -As my smile flashed in the dark night, I felt as gentle as a cloud, as light as a feather floating on a stream of cool water, my head held by the little waves. Looking up, I saw the blue sky and white clouds that had passed during the day. The clouds were still white, the sky was still blue, perhaps even whiter and more blue. Is that not a sign of the birthless and deathless nature of reality?
    -I heard the autumn leaves rustling in the forest, grasses in the fields. Then I spotted a star in the sky and immediately returned to the place where I was standing, my feet touching the cool floor and my hands resting on the windowsill. “I am here,” the star said. “Because I exist, the universe exists. Because I exist, you exist. Because I exist, the pebbles and the distant clouds exist. If all of these don’t truly exist, how can I?
    -The existence of a speck of dust makes everything else possible. If dust does not exist, neither does the universe, nor you, nor I.” I am happy to be on this earth.
    -The river reflects everything in herself. Thanks to the river’s flow, the flux of life is possible. And death lies within life because without death there could be no life.
    -Let us welcome the flow. Let us welcome impermanence and non-self. Thanks to impermanence and non-self, we have the beautiful world praised by Zen poets - the sheen of banana trees, the tall and perfumed areca trees reaching to the sun.
    - The earth is filled with dust. Our eyes are filled with dust. There is no need to seek a Pure Land somewhere else. We only need to lift our heads and see the moon and the stars.
    -The essential quality is awareness. If we open our eyes, we will see. I am sure that heaven has areca, starfruit, lime, and grapefruit trees.
    -I laugh when I think how I once sought paradise as a realm outside of the world of birth and death. It is right in the world of birth and death that the miraculous truth is revealed.
    _Thich Nhat Hanh