Αν και άθεος δεν μπορώ παρά να υποκλιθώ στο μεγαλείο και την ψυχική ακτινοβολία αυτού του ιεράρχη .Τιμή και δέος.Μακάρι να είχαν τις μισές του αρετές έστω και το ένα δέκατο των μητροπολιτάδων και ανώτερων ιεραρχών.Σπάνια εξαίρεση γενικά όχι μόνο για το ανώτερο ιερατείο
sas dhino liges lexis apo ta pio arkea lexis, sta aglika, alvanika, ke sto telos(kato) sta ellinika, gia na dhite pu ine lexis pu ine fiakti apo i alvaniki glosa. γα'λα - ga'la(=qumesht, klumesht = milk(e), latex), -[g - al(=yll; diell) - a = that - al(=star; sun) - a(=is) = that - star(sun) - is = is star, is sun, is the first(like the sun, or like the star), is the best food; is wite(like the star, or like the sun); -with the current greek it will be: ''pu - asteri(ilio) - ine'', -copliance is only with albanian language] = milk(e), latex. γα'λα - ga'la, -[g - al(=yll; diell) - a = asht i pari ushqim; asht ma i miri(si dielli, ylli); asht i bardh(si drita e diellit); -me greq. do qe: ''pu - asteri(ilio) - ine'', -perputhia asht vetem me shqipen] = qu'mesh(klumesh), ta'mli. γαλα'κτινος - gala'ktinos(= is of milk; is milk production, enters in milk products/ is white(as milk)), -from [γαλα(=klumesh = milk) - k - t - in(hyn) - os = milk - that - to - enters - is = enters in milk, is milk, is from milk, is white as the milk; -(=''gala - pu - na - beni - ine'', -it will be with the current greek; -where and ''ga'la'' is explanationed only with allbanian language; -but is in allbanian language ''gala - k(q) - t - in(hyn) - os''). γαλα'κτινος - gala'ktinos, -[γαλα(klumesh) - k-t-in(hyn) - os; -(gala - pu-na-beni - ine, -do qe me ''greek'' e sotme, -ku edhe ''ga'la'' spiegoet vetem me shqipen) = gala - q-t-hyn-eshte = ne gala hyn, gala ber, i ber nga gala(= nga klumshi)], nga [γα'λα] = prei klumeshi; prodhim klumeshi/ i bardhe, i bardhe si klumesh. γαλακτοποσι'α - gala-k-to-pos-i-a(=drinking of milk/ food with milk products/ milk does(produces)), -[klumesh - k - te - pish - i(=hy) - a = klumesh - q - te - pish - hy - a(ash) = milk - that - to - drink - enters - a(=is) = enters in the people that drink milk/ -and: klumesh - q - te - pis(besh) - i(=hy) - a = milk - that - to - do(make) - enters - a(=is) = enters in the people that produce the milk], from [γαλακτο - πο'της(potis)] = drinking of milk/ food with milk products/ milk does(produces). -(with the current greek it will be: ''ga'la - pu - na - pi(=kani; pini) - beni - ine''; -copliance is only with allbanian language; -where and ''gala'' is from allbanian language. γαλακτοποσι'α - gala-k-to-pos-i-a, -[klumesh - k-te-pish - i(hy) - a = klumesh - q - te-pish - hy - a(ash) = hyn ne ata qe pi klumesh/ -dhe: klumesh - q - te - pos(besh) - i(=hy) - a = hyn ne ata qe bon klumesh], nga [γαλακτο - πο'της(potis)] = pirie qumshi/ ushqim me prodhime qumshi/ qumesh bosh(=besh, punosh). -(me greek e sotme do te qe: ''ga'la - pu-na - pi - ine''; -ku edhe vet fiala ''ga'la'' zbertheet vetem me shkipen: ''ga'la = g - al(yll, diell) - a = i bardh(si Dielli(ylli)); i pari ushqim(si Dielli(ylli)). γαλουχε'ω - gal-uqe'-o(=feed with milk, drink milk/ (metaphorical) feed with knowledge(give knowledge)), from -[gala - uçe'(ushqe) - o = gala(klumesh) - ushqe - o = gala(=milk) - feed - o(=is) = milk - feed - o(=is) = feed with milk; -where: ''uqe' = uçe' = ushqe' = feed''], say from... [γα'λα + εχω(= eko = kam = have), -no has connection with 'exo = have''; -grecian try to give wrong explanations(where not to seems Allbanian language)] = feed with milk, drink milk/ (metaphorical) feed with knowledge(give knowledge). -in current greek it will be: ''gala - trefome''; -but is albanian ''gala - uqeo = gala - ushqeo = gala(=milk) - feed''. γαλουχε'ω - gal-uqe'-o, -[gala - uçe'(ushqe) - o = gala(klumesh) - ushqe; -ku: ''uqe' = uçe' = ushqe' ''], thon nga... [γα'λα + εχω(= eko = kam; -etj), -por ska lidhie me ''exo''; -greket mundoen te japin spiegim te gabuar(ku te mos duket shqipia)] = ushqeem me klumesh, pi klumesh/ (metaforik): ushqei; i (j)ap di'e. (me greek e sotme do qe: ''gala + trefome''). γαλoυ'χησις - gal-u'qis-is, -[gala - uqis(ushqesh) - is = klumesh - ushqesh-ish = gala(=milk) - feed - is = feed with milk], -from [γαλουχι'α = gala - uqi(ushqe) - a] = suck of the milk with lips from the child; feed with milk, to feed someone with milk. -with todays greek language it will be ''gala - trefese - ine''; -copliance is only with Albanian language. γαλoυ'χησις - gal-u'qis-is, -[gala - uqis(ushqesh) - is = klumesh - ushqesh-ish], nga [γαλουχι'α] = buzzenia(thithia e qumeshtit me buze nga femia); ushqimi me qumesh; te ushqehesh me qumesh, te ushqesh dike me qumesh. -me greqishten e sotme do qe ''gala - trefese - ine''; -perputhia si gjithemon asht vetem me shqipen. Note: The upper words that contain the word 'gala = klumesht, qumesht = milk(e)' are from the oldest words of ancient illyrian(= illine = 'Greek') language, and all have the meaning in Albanian language. Below these words are interpreted in greek language. Shenim: Fialet e me siperme qe permbain fialen ''gala = klumesh'' jan nga fialet ma te lashta illire(=illine = ''greke''), dhe te gjitha kan kuptim shqip. Me poshte keto fjale jan te interpretuara edhe ''greqisht''. γα'λα - ga'la, -[g - al(=yll; diell) - a = pu - al(asteri; ilio) - ine = ine asteri(=al), ine o protos fagito, ine o kaliteros fagito(san to ''al = asteri''), ine aspro(san to fos pu kani to ''al = asteri; i to ilio''); -me tin elliniki glosa tha itan: ''pu - asteri(ilio) - ine'', ala ine ''g - al - a = pu - asteri - ine''; -συμμόρφωση pigeni mono me tin alvaniki glosa] = qu'mesh(klumesh) = gala. γαλα'κτινος - gala'ktinos(ine apo to gala, beni se gala, ine paragogji tis galas/ ine aspros(san to gala), -[γαλα(=klumesh) - k - t - in(=hyn=beni) - os = gala - pu-na-beni - ine = beni se gala, ine apo gala; ine 'aspro' opos ine to gala(etsi tha itan me tin simerini elliniki glosa); -bori na pis ke ''gala - ktizmeni - os(=ine)''; -ala: gala - k - t - in(=hyn=beni) - os = gala - pu - na - beni - ine'' ine mono apo tin alvaniki glosa]. γαλακτοποσι'α(gia na pinis gala; fagito pu to kanis(=pis) apo gala, paragogji tis gala(pu to pis(=kanis) apo gala); - gala-k-to-pos-i-a, -[klumesh - k - te - pish - i(hy) - a = klumesh - q - te - pish - hy - a(ash) = gala - pu - na - pini - beni - a(=ine)/ -ke: klumesh - q - te - pis(=besh=kanis) - i(=hy) - a = gala - pu - na - pis(=kanis) - hy - a(=ine)/ -ke: klumesh - pish - a = gala - pinis - a(=ine)/ ke: klumesh - pis(besh) - a = gala - kanis - a(=ine); -συμμόρφωση pigeni mono me tin alvaniki glosa]. γαλουχε'ω - gal-uqe'-o(=trefome me gala), -[gala - uçe'(ushqe) = gala(klumesh) - ushqe = gala - trefome/ ke: ''gala - trefo(kapion)''; -pu: ''uqe'(= uçe' = ushqe') = trefome, trefo(ellinika)''; -συμμόρφωση pigeni mono me tin alvaniki glosa]. γαλoυ'χησις - gal-u'qis-is(=na trefese me gala, na pinis gala), -[gala - uqis(ushqesh) - is = klumesh - ushqesh-ish = gala - trefese - is(=ine)]. -συμμόρφωση pigeni mono me tin alvaniki glosa]. γαλουχι'α - galouqi'a(=na trefese me gala; na fas ke na pinis gala) -[gala - uqi'(ushqe) - a = klumesh - ushqe - a(=ash) = gala - trefese - a(=ine); -συμμόρφωση pigeni mono me tin alvaniki glosa]. Σημείωση: Ta parapano logia ine apo ta pio palia logia tis ellinikis glosas; -opos ta vlepete, to noima to pernun mono me tin allvaniki glosa. γεωπονε'ω - gjeo-pone'o(= tok - punoi = land(soil) - I work = I work the land), say from [γεωπο'νος = geo-ponos] = I work the land. -(with today's greek language is: ''gjeo - dhuleuo''; -compliance is only with albanian language; -but and greek ''duleuo = punoi = I work'' is from Albanian language, from ''dul = dill, diell'' = I work, produce, bring in the sun(=dil = dul), bring in the light. γεωπονε'ω - gjeo-pone'o, -[tok - punoi], nga [γεωπο'νος] = (j)am buik; punoi token. -(me greqishten e sotme do qe: ''gjeo - dhuleuo''; -asni perputhie kur me shqipen perputhia eshte e plote).
Your whole text can be described with one word; paretymology. A childish attempt too. Not even worth of being called fraud. Go back to your cave or mountain.
Υποκλίνομαι στο μεγαλείο της πνευματικότητας Αυτού του Αγίου της εποχής μας ❤
O kaliterosssss 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Υπάρχει ελπίδα...καταπληκτικός άνθρωπος!!!!
Poli kalos ! ❤
Ενας αγιος ανθρωπος επι της γης
Ο λόγος του με ηρεμεί
Αν και άθεος δεν μπορώ παρά να υποκλιθώ στο μεγαλείο και την ψυχική ακτινοβολία αυτού του ιεράρχη .Τιμή και δέος.Μακάρι να είχαν τις μισές του αρετές έστω και το ένα δέκατο των μητροπολιτάδων και ανώτερων ιεραρχών.Σπάνια εξαίρεση γενικά όχι μόνο για το ανώτερο ιερατείο
bravo !
Ανεπανάληπτος με την εκλογή του έδειξε ο Θεός την άπειρη αγάπη του στους πονεμενους και στους φτωχους
Φωτισμένος ιεράρχης!
Κι εγω εφθασα στο βαθος της χαραδρας.......
Λαθος μου......που δεν έμεινα....
sas dhino liges lexis apo ta pio arkea lexis, sta aglika, alvanika, ke sto telos(kato) sta ellinika, gia na dhite pu ine lexis pu ine fiakti apo i alvaniki glosa. γα'λα - ga'la(=qumesht, klumesht = milk(e), latex), -[g - al(=yll; diell) - a = that - al(=star; sun) - a(=is) = that - star(sun) - is = is star, is sun, is the first(like the sun, or like the star), is the best food; is wite(like the star, or like the sun); -with the current greek it will be: ''pu - asteri(ilio) - ine'', -copliance is only with albanian language] = milk(e), latex.
γα'λα - ga'la, -[g - al(=yll; diell) - a = asht i pari ushqim; asht ma i miri(si dielli, ylli); asht i bardh(si drita e diellit); -me greq. do qe: ''pu - asteri(ilio) - ine'', -perputhia asht vetem me shqipen] = qu'mesh(klumesh), ta'mli.
γαλα'κτινος - gala'ktinos(= is of milk; is milk production, enters in milk products/ is white(as milk)), -from [γαλα(=klumesh = milk) - k - t - in(hyn) - os = milk - that - to - enters - is = enters in milk, is milk, is from milk, is white as the milk; -(=''gala - pu - na - beni - ine'', -it will be with the current greek; -where and ''ga'la'' is explanationed only with allbanian language; -but is in allbanian language ''gala - k(q) - t - in(hyn) - os'').
γαλα'κτινος - gala'ktinos, -[γαλα(klumesh) - k-t-in(hyn) - os; -(gala - pu-na-beni - ine, -do qe me ''greek'' e sotme, -ku edhe ''ga'la'' spiegoet vetem me shqipen) = gala - q-t-hyn-eshte = ne gala hyn, gala ber, i ber nga gala(= nga klumshi)], nga [γα'λα] = prei klumeshi; prodhim klumeshi/ i bardhe, i bardhe si klumesh.
γαλακτοποσι'α - gala-k-to-pos-i-a(=drinking of milk/ food with milk products/ milk does(produces)), -[klumesh - k - te - pish - i(=hy) - a = klumesh - q - te - pish - hy - a(ash) = milk - that - to - drink - enters - a(=is) = enters in the people that drink milk/ -and: klumesh - q - te - pis(besh) - i(=hy) - a = milk - that - to - do(make) - enters - a(=is) = enters in the people that produce the milk], from [γαλακτο - πο'της(potis)] = drinking of milk/ food with milk products/ milk does(produces). -(with the current greek it will be: ''ga'la - pu - na - pi(=kani; pini) - beni - ine''; -copliance is only with allbanian language; -where and ''gala'' is from allbanian language.
γαλακτοποσι'α - gala-k-to-pos-i-a, -[klumesh - k-te-pish - i(hy) - a = klumesh - q - te-pish - hy - a(ash) = hyn ne ata qe pi klumesh/ -dhe: klumesh - q - te - pos(besh) - i(=hy) - a = hyn ne ata qe bon klumesh], nga [γαλακτο - πο'της(potis)] = pirie qumshi/ ushqim me prodhime qumshi/ qumesh bosh(=besh, punosh).
-(me greek e sotme do te qe: ''ga'la - pu-na - pi - ine''; -ku edhe vet fiala ''ga'la'' zbertheet vetem me shkipen: ''ga'la = g - al(yll, diell) - a = i bardh(si Dielli(ylli)); i pari ushqim(si Dielli(ylli)).
γαλουχε'ω - gal-uqe'-o(=feed with milk, drink milk/ (metaphorical) feed with knowledge(give knowledge)), from -[gala - uçe'(ushqe) - o = gala(klumesh) - ushqe - o = gala(=milk) - feed - o(=is) = milk - feed - o(=is) = feed with milk; -where: ''uqe' = uçe' = ushqe' = feed''], say from... [γα'λα + εχω(= eko = kam = have), -no has connection with 'exo = have''; -grecian try to give wrong explanations(where not to seems Allbanian language)] = feed with milk, drink milk/ (metaphorical) feed with knowledge(give knowledge). -in current greek it will be: ''gala - trefome''; -but is albanian ''gala - uqeo = gala - ushqeo = gala(=milk) - feed''.
γαλουχε'ω - gal-uqe'-o, -[gala - uçe'(ushqe) - o = gala(klumesh) - ushqe; -ku: ''uqe' = uçe' = ushqe' ''], thon nga... [γα'λα + εχω(= eko = kam; -etj), -por ska lidhie me ''exo''; -greket mundoen te japin spiegim te gabuar(ku te mos duket shqipia)] = ushqeem me klumesh, pi klumesh/ (metaforik): ushqei; i (j)ap di'e.
(me greek e sotme do qe: ''gala + trefome'').
γαλoυ'χησις - gal-u'qis-is, -[gala - uqis(ushqesh) - is = klumesh - ushqesh-ish = gala(=milk) - feed - is = feed with milk], -from [γαλουχι'α = gala - uqi(ushqe) - a] = suck of the milk with lips from the child; feed with milk, to feed someone with milk. -with todays greek language it will be ''gala - trefese - ine''; -copliance is only with Albanian language.
γαλoυ'χησις - gal-u'qis-is, -[gala - uqis(ushqesh) - is = klumesh - ushqesh-ish], nga [γαλουχι'α] = buzzenia(thithia e qumeshtit me buze nga femia); ushqimi me qumesh; te ushqehesh me qumesh, te ushqesh dike me qumesh. -me greqishten e sotme do qe ''gala - trefese - ine''; -perputhia si gjithemon asht vetem me shqipen.
Note: The upper words that contain the word 'gala = klumesht, qumesht = milk(e)' are from the oldest words of ancient illyrian(= illine = 'Greek') language, and all have the meaning in Albanian language.
Below these words are interpreted in greek language.
Shenim: Fialet e me siperme qe permbain fialen ''gala = klumesh'' jan nga fialet ma te lashta illire(=illine = ''greke''), dhe te gjitha kan kuptim shqip.
Me poshte keto fjale jan te interpretuara edhe ''greqisht''.
γα'λα - ga'la, -[g - al(=yll; diell) - a = pu - al(asteri; ilio) - ine = ine asteri(=al), ine o protos fagito, ine o kaliteros fagito(san to ''al = asteri''), ine aspro(san to fos pu kani to ''al = asteri; i to ilio''); -me tin elliniki glosa tha itan: ''pu - asteri(ilio) - ine'', ala ine ''g - al - a = pu - asteri - ine''; -συμμόρφωση pigeni mono me tin alvaniki glosa] = qu'mesh(klumesh) = gala.
γαλα'κτινος - gala'ktinos(ine apo to gala, beni se gala, ine paragogji tis galas/ ine aspros(san to gala), -[γαλα(=klumesh) - k - t - in(=hyn=beni) - os = gala - pu-na-beni - ine = beni se gala, ine apo gala; ine 'aspro' opos ine to gala(etsi tha itan me tin simerini elliniki glosa); -bori na pis ke ''gala - ktizmeni - os(=ine)''; -ala: gala - k - t - in(=hyn=beni) - os = gala - pu - na - beni - ine'' ine mono apo tin alvaniki glosa].
γαλακτοποσι'α(gia na pinis gala; fagito pu to kanis(=pis) apo gala, paragogji tis gala(pu to pis(=kanis) apo gala); - gala-k-to-pos-i-a, -[klumesh - k - te - pish - i(hy) - a = klumesh - q - te - pish - hy - a(ash) = gala - pu - na - pini - beni - a(=ine)/ -ke: klumesh - q - te - pis(=besh=kanis) - i(=hy) - a = gala - pu - na - pis(=kanis) - hy - a(=ine)/ -ke: klumesh - pish - a = gala - pinis - a(=ine)/ ke: klumesh - pis(besh) - a = gala - kanis - a(=ine); -συμμόρφωση pigeni mono me tin alvaniki glosa].
γαλουχε'ω - gal-uqe'-o(=trefome me gala), -[gala - uçe'(ushqe) = gala(klumesh) - ushqe = gala - trefome/ ke: ''gala - trefo(kapion)''; -pu: ''uqe'(= uçe' = ushqe') = trefome, trefo(ellinika)''; -συμμόρφωση pigeni mono me tin alvaniki glosa].
γαλoυ'χησις - gal-u'qis-is(=na trefese me gala, na pinis gala), -[gala - uqis(ushqesh) - is = klumesh - ushqesh-ish = gala - trefese - is(=ine)]. -συμμόρφωση pigeni mono me tin alvaniki glosa].
γαλουχι'α - galouqi'a(=na trefese me gala; na fas ke na pinis gala) -[gala - uqi'(ushqe) - a = klumesh - ushqe - a(=ash) = gala - trefese - a(=ine); -συμμόρφωση pigeni mono me tin alvaniki glosa].
Σημείωση: Ta parapano logia ine apo ta pio palia logia tis ellinikis glosas; -opos ta vlepete, to noima to pernun mono me tin allvaniki glosa.
γεωπονε'ω - gjeo-pone'o(= tok - punoi = land(soil) - I work = I work the land), say from [γεωπο'νος = geo-ponos] = I work the land. -(with today's greek language is: ''gjeo - dhuleuo''; -compliance is only with albanian language; -but and greek ''duleuo = punoi = I work'' is from Albanian language, from ''dul = dill, diell'' = I work, produce, bring in the sun(=dil = dul), bring in the light.
γεωπονε'ω - gjeo-pone'o, -[tok - punoi], nga [γεωπο'νος] = (j)am buik; punoi token. -(me greqishten e sotme do qe: ''gjeo - dhuleuo''; -asni perputhie kur me shqipen perputhia eshte e plote).
Your whole text can be described with one word; paretymology. A childish attempt too. Not even worth of being called fraud. Go back to your cave or mountain.