Especially Sherri because not to long ago white people used the Bible to condone slaving black people and their belief that white people were above black people.
Marriage a religious ritual, i hate when a hater don't think deep than their clothes. Its so sad. Now hear this, you can be forgiven for being a fool, we ALL have sin, my sins are worse, we all cause pain to the lord, repent and sin no more. And if your lover loves you they'll respect your religion to not have sex with the same gender, because reproduction is what sex is For. And its to be done after you get married in the eyes of God.
@@lancerogers9694 "in the eyes of god", stop bringing religion into this! I know you are a religious person but to deny people something because you feel it is wrong, religiously, weakens your argument because not everyone practices the same faith. There should be no impediment on the rights of one group for the simple reason of religion, it goes against the principles of our secular state: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
@@kaybay5210 you can't say ignore religion because that is what the basis of this country was started on. Religion. And marriage is a religious ceremony. It is where it comes from. Now legally sure everyone should be able to do what they want. But they shouldn't be allowed to get married in a church unless the church allows it because it is willingly taking part in sin. It is not a sin to like the same sex. It is a sin to have sex with the same sex. Is it hate if the Bible says so? And our job is to not make judgement but Inform. So it's not hate to say gay marriage is a sin. It's wrong to hate gay people for it.
Oh Sherri! what conflict! I don't want rights to be taken away from my Gay friends but God says "Marriage" is between a "Man and a Woman"! Tell us about that as you go through your DIVORCE!
It’s just such a dumb subject, sorry for my phrasing. It is just a word, and a singular word can have different meanings for different individuals. Just because one believes that marriage is for all sexualities does not mean that the meaning of the Word has to change for the other party. Just accept it and let the other side act upon their belief of the word marriage and realise that they do not have to intersect with eachother.
@@beeleg exactly, its not- so gay marriage shouldve never been an issue. It should've been granted from the start. Marriage is no longer exclusive to religion.
Sherri is an embarrassment to women and blacks. How can you possibly say you have gay friends and are accepting of their lifestyle but then turn around and say you don't support gay marriage. What kind of mean spirited crap is that?! If you think it's okay to be gay, WHY DO YOU THINK GAY MARRIAGE IS WRONG?!
I never understood why people call it "the homosexual lifestyle" like it's not really a lifestyle. You can get married to someone of the same sex or opposite sex and still live your life the same way, go to work or school, have a family and do whatever a heterosexual would be doing.
im watching this in 2018 and OHMYGOSH this is insaaaaneee! Seeing how controversial it was for the time to think that gay people could be married is so eye-opening in how much has changed the past eight years. It's really shookening to see how young some equal rights are in this country. :))))))
Laura de Arriba.....I hope you think Bill Clinton is sexist since he was impeached for having an an affair in the White House, not to mention Cuomo,s sex allegations. Oh yeah did you know your hero Joe Biden has sex allegations too????? HYPOCRITE!!!!!!
Sherri's statement seems very contradicting and I've heard it way too many times. You support gay rights but not gay marriage. And here we go! Let's bring religion into this even though it's an irrelevant argument. You're only on the fence about the situation because "you're a Christian", so in other words, you let your religion do the thinking for you. You're either for it or against it.
Because in order to be recognized as a religious institution by the American government you have to do charity work. And the money they put in for their charitable causes replaces the tax. (that rule still seems a bit sketchy to me though)
I'm sorry but a church does not perform a MARRIAGE it performs a WEDDING two different things. Marriage is a legal contract a wedding is religious so im sorry but there is nothing holy about a marriage. Also besides we have changed the basis of marriage because marriage used to be a man literally buying a woman and owning her now its not like that.
GodMothaKyle Word Origin and History for sanctimony n. 1530s, from Middle French sanctimonie, from Latin sanctimonia "sacredness, holiness, virtuousness," from sanctus "holy"
Carly York All that I am saying is that it's rich how people pick and choose what they believe from the bible. The bible says you should stone people who work on Sundays, it also says you can sell your daughter into slavery. We don't practice this stuff anymore, the fact is the bible is just a dusty 2000 year old book that for some reason people took seriously.
I’m so glad Melissa Etheridge came on soon after to educate Elizabeth on this. You CAN NOT vote, as a majority, on the rights of the minority. That is called bullying!
I was at UCLA in a film program when this came up on the ballot. I will never forget I walked into one of my regular classes, started chatting with a couple of students who I'd regularly talk to before class started when somehow the topic of Prop 8 came up. The two of them informed me they had gone to church the Sunday prior to the election and their pastors had told them to vote against gay marriage. When I asked them to further elaborate the answer was always the same dumb "because my pastor said so". I couldn't believe the level of ignorance I was hearing especially in one of the most progressive schools/cities in the country. I remember being so sickened by that conversation that I quickly collected my things and sat far far away from them for the remainder of the quarter. I never had another conversation with them again.
A child growing up with two moms or two dads is in no way harmed by that. In fact, growing up with parents who has fought to get you, and who knows how lucky they are to have you, can be an amazing gift. And growing up with parents who, because of the prejudice, cruelty and hatred they meet, teaches you the value of love, respect, compassion and open-mindedness is to me far more preferable than being taught narrow-mindedness, prejudices and hatred by people like you.
@@mikekirkland2487 yes he did, God can (and does) change hearts. He taught in the good book about loving thy neighbor as their own. Yet said nothing about same sex marriage. May His will be done... xo
But cultures that predate Christianity preformed same sex marriages!!! I'm sorry but Christians don't own the word marriage. And calling it a marriage won't effect anyone really. Life will go about as it always will. The only thing you'll have to worry about is how much your next bill costs that comes in the mail or if you'll be laid off work or the rocketing gas prices!! Who has the time and energy to care about it? Really..if gay marriage is affecting your marriage then one of you is gay. Love is love and love is beautiful. End of story.
Until recently in our history only humans that owned land could vote in parliamentary elections, the vast majority of humans will never own land. Should this still be because it was for so long? Why not redefine marriage? we redefined the voting franchise, why cherry pick?
Religious people have the right to be involved in public life. They just don't have the right to make everyone else follow their personal religious beliefs. Some of them don't get that.
I think it is downright cruel of the heterosexual world to deny us marriage. They're basically telling us " you can't get married because of the way you were born"
60 years ago, if the issue of segregation had been taken to a public vote, it would have had overwhelming support by the majority of voters. Would you have called that a good examle of democracy at work?
Our country has gotten so boring. Its nothin but adult children arguing of race, gays, and religion every single day. I cant imagine living like that everyday. So rediculous.
the question i whould ask..if a church refused too marry an interracial heterosexual couple with elizabeth and sherri be supportive because you cant "force" churches to do anything they dont "believe" in
I totally agree with you as long as they keep theirs religion out of our lives and don't try to force their believes on us I have no problem but they still have the right to operate in their church as they see fit
Churches are not forced to marry anyone they don't want to marry. Nor would they be forced to do so. They already have regulations about which straight people they will marry..they've always done this, and NEVER have been forced to marry straight couples that they didn't want to marry. This is a lie being spread by the anti gay marriage side, to scare people into being against it. It is an absolute LIE.
That's not true i live in sweden and a preacher has been arested here for not wanting to marry gay coupels. And i belive that he has the right to operate in his church as he feels is right. Im gay and if i am going to get married one day i would not want to do that in a church who dosent support gay marrige. As i am entildeld ro my belfies and human rights so are they. We cant accept from everyone to respect our belives if we dont respect theirs. You cant force people into beliving something they are not okay with. There are plenty of churches who support gay marrige why not get married there instead of going somewhere when you already know they are not for it. Everyone has the right to belive in what they want. It's called democratcy. (Sorry for my bad english its not my first languege)
Well that's youre opinion and you're entildeld to it. I am just way past of giving a shit about what people think about my so called "lifestyle choice". We are all diffrent and thats how the world works. I have plenty of friends of diffrent religions, cultures and opinions and i respect all their belives and opinions. Respecting someones belives dosent mean that you have to agree with them. To each their own we all feel diffrent about many things. I do however not respect people who belive that it is ok to force someone else into beliving in what they think is right. As long as we can live peachefully with eachother whats the big deal. We have the right to marry but as i said some churches are not supporting it and thats ok beacause there are so many churches who are willing to marry same sex coupels. Sure it would be great if everyone was ok with it but that is not the way it is.
Except you have people whose religion is based *primarily* on enforcing their moral code on others, which is exactly what this opposition to gay marriage in America _is_. So you can't have it both ways and say you respect the beliefs of your religious friends if their religion dictates that everyone should live the way _their_ religion dictates. And while _they_ might believe that, their religions dictate it... which is why I do not respect those kinds of beliefs. And by the way, I don't need to be reminded that I'm "entitled" to my opinion; I already know that. It's my opinion that I'm bringing to the table, not my entitlement to it. And I'm an atheist... I don't care what the church does or doesn't do because religion doesn't dictate marriage in this country, but since so many people are crazy to get sky daddy approval, this crap will continue.
@G41MCombo If your use of "intra" was a typo, why, exactly, did you make it not once, but multiple times? Seems like someone's a little humiliated at the moment.
I'm a Christian and I'm also all for equality and gay marriage. The Bible is so outdated, please stop quoting from it. The Bible also states that you should be stoned for eating shrimp.
Marriage between a man and a woman (whether they are christians or not) is acceptable in the eyes of the Lord. I Cor 6:9 indicated that those that practice homosexuality or any other sin will not inherit the kingdom of God. A preacher should not have to be forced to marry anyone if it against his religious beliefs...period. If a gay couple wants to marry with anyone that would perform it, so be it...but it still won't be found acceptable in the eyes of the Lord. I have had quite a few gay friends that I love dearly, but they know where I stand in regards to homosexuality and we still respect each other.
+William Ayers i think it's cause the USA is still a place with a lot of conservative religious people who are pretty ignorant and think their way of thinking is the only right way
+celineztromp NOPE it's because the rights of the gay people have the ability to infringe on other peoples rights such as the religious ones. It is also a tactic the government uses to distract a majority of people while they take away some of our other rights. The gay people did have civil union which could have been expanded u[pon; but that's not the route everybody decided to take. And now you have to ask yourself why.
The separation of Chruch and State the right to believe what you want. Gay people can believe that what they are doing isn't wrong but it doesn't mean Christians have to. just like Christians can't MAKE Gay people do or act according to their beliefs. To have repercussions according to your beliefs as long as individual citizens are not involved is unconstitutional.PERIOD. What I am saying is the gay people could have known this was their belief and gone to another bakery and not file a lawsuit.
ive gone to public school most of my life and until i started going to catholic school in 10th grade this was the first time gay marraige and homosexuality was ever mentioned and discussed
true but at the same time,the people who make certain things legal or illegal need to be convinced that it is in their head normal and reasonable to legalise it...even if religious bond is not apart of it , you have to look at the reasons why they dont accept it
It always kills me to hear people scared about "this being taught in schools". What it really sounds like, is that they don't want schools teaching that homosexuality is acceptable. Homosexuality is part of reality. If they can teach about pregnancy and other parts of reality dealing with sexuality, it's rather strange that these adults who we've deemed competent enough to teach are supposed to pretend homosexuality doesn't exist.
Oh Sherri such a hypocrite I understand she believes marriage should be between man and woman yet she refused to accept the baby she wanted a syrogate to have.
Yeah I know. Jefferson was in France. But he wrote to Madison and convinced him through several letters to write the Bill of Rights and even cited what each section should contain.
I would have to look up the case. They might have referred to Jefferson statement in that letter but it isn't the only place that the concept was written. James Madison wrote about it in several places with different words like separation of religion and government.
why should we respect those who refuse to respect us? what those four judges did was right, they deserve awards, not death if you dont support/accept gay marriage, then you dont support/accept gay people
Sherri is so likable, so it's really sad to listen to her as she engages in discussions that reveal her biases and prejudices. Anyone who asserts that they believe in equality but choose to limit another person's equality is a scary person who is capable of causing or contributing to great harm to other people. Those who say "I struggle with it because I am a Christian" are Christian in the sense of being a member of a contemporary church cult and certainly not a follower of the teachings ascribed to Jesus Christ, who taught that all people are children of God and that the correct way to live one's life is to love their neighbors and to treat others how they want to be treated. He did not instruct his followers to self-identify as superior children of God and to dehumanize, limit freedoms of and cause harm to other people. It's particularly upsetting and also telling about human nature that some people who belong to demographic groups that are not treated equally and that continue to struggle for their human rights under the law participate in diminishing others under the law. It's not a case of black versus white or gay versus straight or gay versus transgender or native-born American versus immigrant; it's a case of so many people determining to be superior in some way to other whole groups of people and rationalizing why that should be allowed. Many people attribute the behavior to fear/phobias, but I believe it's also attributable to many people having a natural inclination to want to diminish others so that they can feel superior to them. It's unnecessary, it's reinforced by major world religions, and it's time for this way of thinking to be put to bed.
Requirement is in quotations because I (or the overwhelming majority of people for that matter) don't consider polygamy a requirement of an religion or anything else for that matter.
I'm sorry but as an american I was always taught separation of church and state. If we are using the rule of separation of church and state then someone please explain to me how the state is allowed to deny two consenting adults the right to enter into a civil union?
Weddings are not marriages. Weddings are ceremonies. Marriages are CONTRACTS. Weddings are more free and can be conducted in many different settings, in many different ways, and for many different fees. Marriage is more regulated and is a document, which is conducted by the state, through the state, and for state-granted benefits. Marriage isn't solely religious. Keep your religion out of our laws.
I agree! Putting a pastor in jail for preaching agains homosexuality is a confrontation to the right of free speach and opinion. The same-sex marriage should be allowed in churches, but not mandatory, so any church that is agains gay marriage would be able not to perform one, but on the other hand, the churches that are for gay marriage would be able to perform it. And also, there is always the civil union, for those who are not religious, like myself.
Open message to everyone. I don't mind one bit answering your questions in fact I rather enjoy it. But please if you are going to reply to something I have posted. Please don't just post, but reply to what I have written. Please doe just post it @bigjohnowens without replying to what I have written. Thank you.
Your welcome! I'm glad that it made them happy! and thank you and both of ur moms for the kind response. it really made my night. :) this country was founded on 2 important facts. 1-all men are created equal. 2-this country prides itself world wide for being, "the land of the free" when u tell two ppl of the same sex they can not marry, that is neither equal, or free. tell ur moms i said hi :)
ik its 2016 and gay marriage is legal in all states now but people still discriminate. i don't get how religious people say "i believe marriage is between a man and a woman" i don't care what you believe let people marry whoever they want and marry the different sex and move on with ur life.
"so what did they use to make their decision in Everson v Board of Education? Please inform me." The letter to the Danbury Baptist church was the majorty of their basis for their decision.
thank you. it's really sad that u, who are look so young, knows this and has no trouble understanding this and older folks have a huge problem with it. it shouldn't even be an issue. it's only because of their fear and ignorant paranoia. and it pisses me off. but im glad we got u on our side. i just wish a lot more people were as wise and smart as u! :)
Marriage is a legal contract and if a pastor doesn't want to marry a same-sex couple in a state where same-sex marriage is legal, that pastor has no legal right to discriminate.
@whatsgoingon07 Please explain, in graphic detail, with supporting examples, and referring to specific laws, how, exactly and precisely, your pastor will be jailed due to marriage equality. It seems a little difficult to believe considering that accusation would require amending the Constitution.
i dont understand why elizabeth keeps going on about the word, how and why does it effect people if a gay couple call their legal union marriage, i dont understand it, why would it, how would it effect her marriage, its just ridiculous.
I love it how some people are so quick to bring up the bible and religious views when it suits them. But so quick to be deflective and rational when they have to to use those same religious views against themselves and their errors.
The correct response is if youre in a union your marriage" singularly likely has 'NO effect' on me or anyone else for that matter. However, the issue is NOT regarding YOU individually, rather it's about public policy, the law and our society collectively. The concernof traditional morality is that over time, and in sufficient quantity gay marriage WILL, ineluctably, alter SOCIAL concepts of normative family structure. Also the law DOES currently modify some abortion rights!
But it is "new" and "special" because until the past few years men didn't "marry" other men and women didn't "marry " other women in Western society (compared to thousands of years of history). And no one is saying that a gay person can't get married. They just need to follow the definition of marriage and marry someone of the opposite sex.
@bigjohnowens - You haven't read much of James Madison's works have you. He talks of separation of religion and government and states it in several different ways. He also was one of the key people to write the first amendment.
You can't go to jail for refusing someone. It's your church your rules. BUT if I can go to a court house and get married as a gay person and a partner I should be able to do so.
". . .can not establish it's own religion . . . " That is only one part of the equation. The other part is that it can't establish one religious belief over another.
Sherri isn't/wasn't conservative, she was afraid of something that differed from her personal views/religion. Elisabeth was the same way but definitely more conservative in political beliefs as time has revealed. In any case, their "fear" of those different from them is exactly what breeds homophobia in America, to this day. It's now happening with trans people... sad in America, we can't learn from past mistakes. Live and let live.
I hate when people hide their prejudices behind religion!! It's so hypocritical.
Right! Every religion basically says, in their own way, to love your neighbor... That's why it's bull when people use their religion is excuse.
Especially Sherri because not to long ago white people used the Bible to condone slaving black people and their belief that white people were above black people.
Marriage a religious ritual, i hate when a hater don't think deep than their clothes. Its so sad. Now hear this, you can be forgiven for being a fool, we ALL have sin, my sins are worse, we all cause pain to the lord, repent and sin no more. And if your lover loves you they'll respect your religion to not have sex with the same gender, because reproduction is what sex is For. And its to be done after you get married in the eyes of God.
@@lancerogers9694 "in the eyes of god", stop bringing religion into this! I know you are a religious person but to deny people something because you feel it is wrong, religiously, weakens your argument because not everyone practices the same faith. There should be no impediment on the rights of one group for the simple reason of religion, it goes against the principles of our secular state: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
@@kaybay5210 you can't say ignore religion because that is what the basis of this country was started on. Religion. And marriage is a religious ceremony. It is where it comes from. Now legally sure everyone should be able to do what they want. But they shouldn't be allowed to get married in a church unless the church allows it because it is willingly taking part in sin. It is not a sin to like the same sex. It is a sin to have sex with the same sex. Is it hate if the Bible says so? And our job is to not make judgement but Inform. So it's not hate to say gay marriage is a sin. It's wrong to hate gay people for it.
Putting all other things aside, can I just ask you one question. How does two men or two women marrying affect your life whatsoever?
tosheatower.....It doesn't , but straight people get tired of hearing it over and over and over. Its booooooring.
@@breal1183 I’m straight and so are many of my friends. I could care less, and I’m not bored seeing people obtain their human rights. I celebrate it.
@@breal1183 And I am sick of hearing about straight people. You people are everywhere. I am tired of seeing it.
@@breal1183 and I'm tired of seeing and hearing about straight people, it's everywhere I look, all up in my face all the time. So what's your point?
@@lazynomad42 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Oh Sherri! what conflict! I don't want rights to be taken away from my Gay friends but God says "Marriage" is between a "Man and a Woman"! Tell us about that as you go through your DIVORCE!
xoxxobob marriage isn’t strictly religious.
It’s just such a dumb subject, sorry for my phrasing. It is just a word, and a singular word can have different meanings for different individuals. Just because one believes that marriage is for all sexualities does not mean that the meaning of the Word has to change for the other party. Just accept it and let the other side act upon their belief of the word marriage and realise that they do not have to intersect with eachother.
That's ok that God says that, but not everyone believes in God, so what then?
@@beeleg exactly, its not- so gay marriage shouldve never been an issue. It should've been granted from the start. Marriage is no longer exclusive to religion.
Sherri is an embarrassment to women and blacks.
How can you possibly say you have gay friends and are accepting of their lifestyle but then turn around and say you don't support gay marriage. What kind of mean spirited crap is that?! If you think it's okay to be gay, WHY DO YOU THINK GAY MARRIAGE IS WRONG?!
She does not agree with it as a lifestyle to live for herself, BUT she respects those who live the LGBT lifestyle
Why do you call it a lifestyle, homosexuality is more than a lifestyle
Its actually the way heterosexuals tend to view it.
TheAlmacias and shes had 2 divorces, how ironic.
I never understood why people call it "the homosexual lifestyle" like it's not really a lifestyle. You can get married to someone of the same sex or opposite sex and still live your life the same way, go to work or school, have a family and do whatever a heterosexual would be doing.
Watching this in 2021, this is honestly astounding. How far we've come.
And now we are on the verge of going backwards
Watching in 2022. Roe v Wade has been overturned and some states are going after same sex marriage!
@@dansmodacct going backwards is a forgone conclusion.
I love Whoppi's Logic! " Marrigage is not taught in school so why would gay marriage be taught in school?"
im watching this in 2018 and OHMYGOSH this is insaaaaneee! Seeing how controversial it was for the time to think that gay people could be married is so eye-opening in how much has changed the past eight years. It's really shookening to see how young some equal rights are in this country. :))))))
"I have gay friends/familymembers so I can't be a homophobe" LOL
Just like Trump has female friends and isn't sexist.
Laura de Arriba.....I hope you think Bill Clinton is sexist since he was impeached for having an an affair in the White House, not to mention Cuomo,s sex allegations. Oh yeah did you know your hero Joe Biden has sex allegations too????? HYPOCRITE!!!!!!
@@breal1183 why all the assumptions about her "heroes" lol she really hit a nerve threre
Sherri's statement seems very contradicting and I've heard it way too many times. You support gay rights but not gay marriage. And here we go! Let's bring religion into this even though it's an irrelevant argument. You're only on the fence about the situation because "you're a Christian", so in other words, you let your religion do the thinking for you. You're either for it or against it.
AJ H. And now she has a child she wants nothing to do with..... very Christian
@@Ivyw90 her child is gay?
her entire argument was based on claiming preachers would be sent to prison, that clearly never happened so she was waaay off base there...
Whoopi is the most calm and well put together woman to ever grace the view. Like holy shit
Um why are churches tax exempt in America? I mean ... WHAT?
cause 90% of people in the u.s. are religious so it will effect them negatively
Benjamin Rome Clarke because we’re still backwards on many issues. But the secular free thinkers are trying to set things right.
Because in order to be recognized as a religious institution by the American government you have to do charity work. And the money they put in for their charitable causes replaces the tax. (that rule still seems a bit sketchy to me though)
Thank God the the Supreme Court ruled for justice and settled this on 6/26/15. Sherri and Hasselbeck - you LOSE, Love and Christ's teachings WIN.
What did Sherri's church say about her multiple abortions? I guess she cherry picks what to believe or not believe in her religion.
She Sherri picks! 😄
Honestly, she hides behind the religion thing but she’s basically just a homophobe and a transphobe. Absolute ignorance.
...better yet, her multiple divorces. And to think, she was worried gays would ruin the sanctity of marriage. Such a clueless hypocrite! lol
I'm sorry but a church does not perform a MARRIAGE it performs a WEDDING two different things. Marriage is a legal contract a wedding is religious so im sorry but there is nothing holy about a marriage. Also besides we have changed the basis of marriage because marriage used to be a man literally buying a woman and owning her now its not like that.
***** I do
GodMothaKyle then why is Marriage legally referred to as sanctimonious
adjective: sanctimonious
making a show of being morally superior to other people.
GodMothaKyle Word Origin and History for sanctimony
1530s, from Middle French sanctimonie, from Latin sanctimonia "sacredness, holiness, virtuousness," from sanctus "holy"
Carly York All that I am saying is that it's rich how people pick and choose what they believe from the bible. The bible says you should stone people who work on Sundays, it also says you can sell your daughter into slavery. We don't practice this stuff anymore, the fact is the bible is just a dusty 2000 year old book that for some reason people took seriously.
Sheryl oh Lord. Contradiction is overwhelming.
"Separate but equal" is what always comes to my mind when I hear "civil unions" brought up from the conservative perspective of gay marriage
Wow, this is an excellent point
I’m so glad Melissa Etheridge came on soon after to educate Elizabeth on this. You CAN NOT vote, as a majority, on the rights of the minority. That is called bullying!
I was at UCLA in a film program when this came up on the ballot. I will never forget I walked into one of my regular classes, started chatting with a couple of students who I'd regularly talk to before class started when somehow the topic of Prop 8 came up.
The two of them informed me they had gone to church the Sunday prior to the election and their pastors had told them to vote against gay marriage. When I asked them to further elaborate the answer was always the same dumb "because my pastor said so". I couldn't believe the level of ignorance I was hearing especially in one of the most progressive schools/cities in the country.
I remember being so sickened by that conversation that I quickly collected my things and sat far far away from them for the remainder of the quarter. I never had another conversation with them again.
A child growing up with two moms or two dads is in no way harmed by that.
In fact, growing up with parents who has fought to get you, and who knows how lucky they are to have you, can be an amazing gift. And growing up with parents who, because of the prejudice, cruelty and hatred they meet, teaches you the value of love, respect, compassion and open-mindedness is to me far more preferable than being taught narrow-mindedness, prejudices and hatred by people like you.
Thank god we have equal marriage now lol
God(Yahweh) didn't have anything to do with this!
@@mikekirkland2487 yes he did, God can (and does) change hearts. He taught in the good book about loving thy neighbor as their own. Yet said nothing about same sex marriage. May His will be done... xo
But cultures that predate Christianity preformed same sex marriages!!! I'm sorry but Christians don't own the word marriage. And calling it a marriage won't effect anyone really. Life will go about as it always will. The only thing you'll have to worry about is how much your next bill costs that comes in the mail or if you'll be laid off work or the rocketing gas prices!! Who has the time and energy to care about it? Really..if gay marriage is affecting your marriage then one of you is gay. Love is love and love is beautiful. End of story.
I have two moms. They were so happy to see this comment. Thank u. Ur soooo right!
Until recently in our history only humans that owned land could vote in parliamentary elections, the vast majority of humans will never own land. Should this still be because it was for so long?
Why not redefine marriage?
we redefined the voting franchise, why cherry pick?
Religious people have the right to be involved in public life. They just don't have the right to make everyone else follow their personal religious beliefs. Some of them don't get that.
I think it is downright cruel of the heterosexual world to deny us marriage.
They're basically telling us " you can't get married because of the way you were born"
Religion should not be law
Or start paying taxes. If you want to chip in with your opinion, chip in with your pocket too or shut up lol
Someone tell Elizabeth that she can’t call her husband her husband anymore - see how she likes it
California passed a law that makes teaching LBGTQ History mandatory as of 2016 school year!
60 years ago, if the issue of segregation had been taken to a public vote, it would have had overwhelming support by the majority of voters. Would you have called that a good examle of democracy at work?
Our country has gotten so boring. Its nothin but adult children arguing of race, gays, and religion every single day. I cant imagine living like that everyday. So rediculous.
Watching this now, is so mind blowing. Why is America always so behind every other first world nation.
the question i whould ask..if a church refused too marry an interracial heterosexual couple with elizabeth and sherri be supportive because you cant "force" churches to do anything they dont "believe" in
Im gay but I feel like you can't force a church to weed two people in their church if it's against their believes but that's only my opinion.
I totally agree with you as long as they keep theirs religion out of our lives and don't try to force their believes on us I have no problem but they still have the right to operate in their church as they see fit
Churches are not forced to marry anyone they don't want to marry. Nor would they be forced to do so. They already have regulations about which straight people they will marry..they've always done this, and NEVER have been forced to marry straight couples that they didn't want to marry. This is a lie being spread by the anti gay marriage side, to scare people into being against it. It is an absolute LIE.
That's not true i live in sweden and a preacher has been arested here for not wanting to marry gay coupels. And i belive that he has the right to operate in his church as he feels is right. Im gay and if i am going to get married one day i would not want to do that in a church who dosent support gay marrige. As i am entildeld ro my belfies and human rights so are they. We cant accept from everyone to respect our belives if we dont respect theirs. You cant force people into beliving something they are not okay with. There are plenty of churches who support gay marrige why not get married there instead of going somewhere when you already know they are not for it. Everyone has the right to belive in what they want. It's called democratcy. (Sorry for my bad english its not my first languege)
Well that's youre opinion and you're entildeld to it. I am just way past of giving a shit about what people think about my so called "lifestyle choice". We are all diffrent and thats how the world works. I have plenty of friends of diffrent religions, cultures and opinions and i respect all their belives and opinions. Respecting someones belives dosent mean that you have to agree with them. To each their own we all feel diffrent about many things. I do however not respect people who belive that it is ok to force someone else into beliving in what they think is right. As long as we can live peachefully with eachother whats the big deal. We have the right to marry but as i said some churches are not supporting it and thats ok beacause there are so many churches who are willing to marry same sex coupels. Sure it would be great if everyone was ok with it but that is not the way it is.
Except you have people whose religion is based *primarily* on enforcing their moral code on others, which is exactly what this opposition to gay marriage in America _is_. So you can't have it both ways and say you respect the beliefs of your religious friends if their religion dictates that everyone should live the way _their_ religion dictates. And while _they_ might believe that, their religions dictate it... which is why I do not respect those kinds of beliefs.
And by the way, I don't need to be reminded that I'm "entitled" to my opinion; I already know that. It's my opinion that I'm bringing to the table, not my entitlement to it. And I'm an atheist... I don't care what the church does or doesn't do because religion doesn't dictate marriage in this country, but since so many people are crazy to get sky daddy approval, this crap will continue.
"I don't know what your quote is around jailed. Jailed is jailed." 😂 Dying.
Love Whoopi! I believe everybody should have the right to protect the one he/she loves and cares.
Two for fear.
Two for logic.
WTH does your bible have to do with citizens rights??
@G41MCombo If your use of "intra" was a typo, why, exactly, did you make it not once, but multiple times? Seems like someone's a little humiliated at the moment.
I'm a Christian and I'm also all for equality and gay marriage.
The Bible is so outdated, please stop quoting from it. The Bible also states that you should be stoned for eating shrimp.
Caz A knock it off
Caz A God hates you. Jai guru deva om.
Marriage between a man and a woman (whether they are christians or not) is acceptable in the eyes of the Lord. I Cor 6:9 indicated that those that practice homosexuality or any other sin will not inherit the kingdom of God. A preacher should not have to be forced to marry anyone if it against his religious beliefs...period. If a gay couple wants to marry with anyone that would perform it, so be it...but it still won't be found acceptable in the eyes of the Lord. I have had quite a few gay friends that I love dearly, but they know where I stand in regards to homosexuality and we still respect each other.
It's amazing how long 4 women can talk on a subject and not get anywhere.
Hi from England. Why is it such a big issue in the USA?
+William Ayers But why don't we have the same la-di-da in the UK?
+William Ayers i think it's cause the USA is still a place with a lot of conservative religious people who are pretty ignorant and think their way of thinking is the only right way
+celineztromp NOPE it's because the rights of the gay people have the ability to infringe on other peoples rights such as the religious ones. It is also a tactic the government uses to distract a majority of people while they take away some of our other rights.
The gay people did have civil union which could have been expanded u[pon; but that's not the route everybody decided to take. And now you have to ask yourself why.
+William Ayers The problem doesn't start with religion the problem starts with manipulation of our government.
The separation of Chruch and State the right to believe what you want. Gay people can believe that what they are doing isn't wrong but it doesn't mean Christians have to. just like Christians can't MAKE Gay people do or act according to their beliefs. To have repercussions according to your beliefs as long as individual citizens are not involved is unconstitutional.PERIOD. What I am saying is the gay people could have known this was their belief and gone to another bakery and not file a lawsuit.
ive gone to public school most of my life and until i started going to catholic school in 10th grade this was the first time gay marraige and homosexuality was ever mentioned and discussed
"So it is a struggle that I have", yep, sounds like christianity alright.
Yikes Sherri...I'm surprised this hasn't been dug up and plastered all over the internet yet.
“We” whoopi had a freudian slip haha
Did Whoopi just come out at 3:46
Please people quit with the fairy tale book!
". . .What rights aren't gays being granted . . ."
The fundamental right to marry the person of one's choice.
......... now whoopie..... you knowwwwwwwww you just a tad 👌🏽 gay
true but at the same time,the people who make certain things legal or illegal need to be convinced that it is in their head normal and reasonable to legalise it...even if religious bond is not apart of it , you have to look at the reasons why they dont accept it
this is crazy gay marriage is marriage
It always kills me to hear people scared about "this being taught in schools". What it really sounds like, is that they don't want schools teaching that homosexuality is acceptable. Homosexuality is part of reality. If they can teach about pregnancy and other parts of reality dealing with sexuality, it's rather strange that these adults who we've deemed competent enough to teach are supposed to pretend homosexuality doesn't exist.
As an atheist i'm glad to listen to people like yourself. I always thought the value of social life is tolerance.
Oh Sherri such a hypocrite I understand she believes marriage should be between man and woman yet she refused to accept the baby she wanted a syrogate to have.
Yeah I know. Jefferson was in France. But he wrote to Madison and convinced him through several letters to write the Bill of Rights and even cited what each section should contain.
I would have to look up the case. They might have referred to Jefferson statement in that letter but it isn't the only place that the concept was written. James Madison wrote about it in several places with different words like separation of religion and government.
why should we respect those who refuse to respect us?
what those four judges did was right, they deserve awards, not death
if you dont support/accept gay marriage, then you dont support/accept gay people
Right, right, right. Just because you do not like the answers doesn't make them incorrect.
@bigjohnowens - so what did they use to make their decision in Everson v Board of Education? Please inform me.
Sherri is so likable, so it's really sad to listen to her as she engages in discussions that reveal her biases and prejudices.
Anyone who asserts that they believe in equality but choose to limit another person's equality is a scary person who is capable of causing or contributing to great harm to other people. Those who say "I struggle with it because I am a Christian" are Christian in the sense of being a member of a contemporary church cult and certainly not a follower of the teachings ascribed to Jesus Christ, who taught that all people are children of God and that the correct way to live one's life is to love their neighbors and to treat others how they want to be treated. He did not instruct his followers to self-identify as superior children of God and to dehumanize, limit freedoms of and cause harm to other people.
It's particularly upsetting and also telling about human nature that some people who belong to demographic groups that are not treated equally and that continue to struggle for their human rights under the law participate in diminishing others under the law. It's not a case of black versus white or gay versus straight or gay versus transgender or native-born American versus immigrant; it's a case of so many people determining to be superior in some way to other whole groups of people and rationalizing why that should be allowed. Many people attribute the behavior to fear/phobias, but I believe it's also attributable to many people having a natural inclination to want to diminish others so that they can feel superior to them. It's unnecessary, it's reinforced by major world religions, and it's time for this way of thinking to be put to bed.
Reynolds v. United States stated that religious duty was not a suitable defense to a criminal indictment. It didn't make polygamy legal or illegal.
Requirement is in quotations because I (or the overwhelming majority of people for that matter) don't consider polygamy a requirement of an religion or anything else for that matter.
I'm sorry but as an american I was always taught separation of church and state. If we are using the rule of separation of church and state then someone please explain to me how the state is allowed to deny two consenting adults the right to enter into a civil union?
Weddings are not marriages. Weddings are ceremonies. Marriages are CONTRACTS. Weddings are more free and can be conducted in many different settings, in many different ways, and for many different fees. Marriage is more regulated and is a document, which is conducted by the state, through the state, and for state-granted benefits. Marriage isn't solely religious. Keep your religion out of our laws.
I agree!
Putting a pastor in jail for preaching agains homosexuality is a confrontation to the right of free speach and opinion.
The same-sex marriage should be allowed in churches, but not mandatory, so any church that is agains gay marriage would be able not to perform one, but on the other hand, the churches that are for gay marriage would be able to perform it.
And also, there is always the civil union, for those who are not religious, like myself.
Whoopie: ". . . kids who are the product of a gay couple . . . " Touche.
@jfsfrnd No you mentioned Everson v. Board of Education and what do you think you think they used to make their decision.
Don't blame me this was a secular debate till one of you guys opened the door. I'm happy to provide more secular reasons for my position.
Which two comandments are you speaking about?
How many priests in jail so far?
@bigjohnowens - if government supports, affirms and celebrates religion, which religion would that be?
I love Easter. It's my favorite Zombie holiday, next to Halloween.
I didn't cite the Danbury Baptists letter. You did.
i agree with whoopi all the way seriously
Open message to everyone. I don't mind one bit answering your questions in fact I rather enjoy it. But please if you are going to reply to something I have posted. Please don't just post, but reply to what I have written. Please doe just post it @bigjohnowens without replying to what I have written. Thank you.
Wow...I'm surprised Elizabeth didn't say her piece 5 seconds into the video
Your welcome! I'm glad that it made them happy! and thank you and both of ur moms for the kind response. it really made my night. :) this country was founded on 2 important facts. 1-all men are created equal. 2-this country prides itself world wide for being, "the land of the free" when u tell two ppl of the same sex they can not marry, that is neither equal, or free. tell ur moms i said hi :)
ik its 2016 and gay marriage is legal in all states now but people still discriminate. i don't get how religious people say "i believe marriage is between a man and a woman" i don't care what you believe let people marry whoever they want and marry the different sex and move on with ur life.
thanks though this has been the most civil debate i've had on youtube lol and you've given me a lot to think about
"so what did they use to make their decision in Everson v Board of Education? Please inform me." The letter to the Danbury Baptist church was the majorty of their basis for their decision.
thank you. it's really sad that u, who are look so young, knows this and has no trouble understanding this and older folks have a huge problem with it. it shouldn't even be an issue. it's only because of their fear and ignorant paranoia. and it pisses me off. but im glad we got u on our side. i just wish a lot more people were as wise and smart as u! :)
What part of the video did you find confusing?
Can you imagine what sex education is like as a gay child? I had to be exempt from that class. #traumatic
it has more to do with the rights that married couples get more than the actual religious bond.
Marriage is a legal contract and if a pastor doesn't want to marry a same-sex couple in a state where same-sex marriage is legal, that pastor has no legal right to discriminate.
@whatsgoingon07 Please explain, in graphic detail, with supporting examples, and referring to specific laws, how, exactly and precisely, your pastor will be jailed due to marriage equality. It seems a little difficult to believe considering that accusation would require amending the Constitution.
i dont understand why elizabeth keeps going on about the word, how and why does it effect people if a gay couple call their legal union marriage, i dont understand it, why would it, how would it effect her marriage, its just ridiculous.
I love it how some people are so quick to bring up the bible and religious views when it suits them. But so quick to be deflective and rational when they have to to use those same religious views against themselves and their errors.
Totally right Whoopi
IT's a mixture of both. Gay marriage is about love, unity, recognition, and benefits.
Is that where you collected your collection of "quote mined" statements? LOL
I have yet to see anyone answer how a gay marriage affects a straight marriage.
The correct response is if youre in a union your marriage" singularly likely has 'NO effect' on me or anyone else for that matter. However, the issue is NOT regarding YOU individually, rather it's about public policy, the law and our society collectively. The concernof traditional morality is that over time, and in sufficient quantity gay marriage WILL, ineluctably, alter SOCIAL concepts of normative family structure. Also the law DOES currently modify some abortion rights!
But it is "new" and "special" because until the past few years men didn't "marry" other men and women didn't "marry " other women in Western society (compared to thousands of years of history). And no one is saying that a gay person can't get married. They just need to follow the definition of marriage and marry someone of the opposite sex.
@bigjohnowens - You haven't read much of James Madison's works have you. He talks of separation of religion and government and states it in several different ways. He also was one of the key people to write the first amendment.
2023 we now realize that this was the beginning to the end of God’s view on marriage and gender
You can't go to jail for refusing someone. It's your church your rules. BUT if I can go to a court house and get married as a gay person and a partner I should be able to do so.
marriage was never a religious undertaking, marriage started as a legally binding agreement, not religious
". . .can not establish it's own religion . . . "
That is only one part of the equation. The other part is that it can't establish one religious belief over another.
People are always commenting that Elisabeth was the homophobic one- but this clip shows that Sherri is really the more conservative one.
Sherri isn't/wasn't conservative, she was afraid of something that differed from her personal views/religion. Elisabeth was the same way but definitely more conservative in political beliefs as time has revealed. In any case, their "fear" of those different from them is exactly what breeds homophobia in America, to this day. It's now happening with trans people... sad in America, we can't learn from past mistakes. Live and let live.