• @binaryspiders
    @binaryspiders 2 роки тому +21

    8:00 shaking rn

  • @araptor46
    @araptor46 2 роки тому +244

    One day crush is going to be calling CEO Stouty about whether he can work at Stoutcorps as a janitor guaranteed.

    • @dogus4728
      @dogus4728 2 роки тому +21

      He will do it for free

    • @furiouslx5303
      @furiouslx5303 2 роки тому +11

      @@dogus4728 janitor internship

    • @angelman906
      @angelman906 2 роки тому

      @@furiouslx5303 fuck, don't give them any ideas

    • @stretchsebe3572
      @stretchsebe3572 2 роки тому

      If he gets any job, undoubtedly he'll call in to ask if he'd be able to go on one of his iconic crazy days out. That and/or to bring cocaine onto the premises.

    • @prodbasedmystik
      @prodbasedmystik 2 роки тому +9

      Crush doesn't do coke. If he did the game would actually be having work done on it.

  • @gabrielchcosta
    @gabrielchcosta 2 роки тому +95

    No archer should ever receive that amount of money. They should actually be fined that amount for being an archer.

    • @TheAtomicWarrior
      @TheAtomicWarrior 2 роки тому +2

      That sounds like something an Agathian Nobleman would say

    • @thecabbage84
      @thecabbage84 2 роки тому +2

      @@TheAtomicWarrior Peasant! My plate armor must be untouched by filthy arrows!

  • @chrislee5268
    @chrislee5268 2 роки тому +34

    Archery is fun because if you get really good, you can invalidate however many hours someone put into learning all their wristy twisty waterfall supervirgin power accel into incelcore drag combos.

    • @enasnI99
      @enasnI99 2 роки тому +1

      Still can't parry arrows 0/10 -IGN

  • @TheNikosawa
    @TheNikosawa 2 роки тому +33

    You of all melee content creators deserve that dono the most. keep up the good work.

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому +5

      thank you sir

  • @MatheusRebelo
    @MatheusRebelo 2 роки тому +29

    it just blows my mind that some super rich people are playing computer games and watching twitch like the rest of us plebs.

  • @urikimaais4459
    @urikimaais4459 2 роки тому +7

    2:38 The legendary RP-dodge

  • @neen4456
    @neen4456 2 роки тому +51

    There's no chance they do it for chivalry, but I really like chiv 2's solution of making horses an occasional opt-in 'powerup' spawn, and I think another melee game could certainly do the same thing with archers, where every now and then they'll just offer to spawn you in on the 'archer wave', and maybe make those archers decent in melee as well. I get that some people love playing archer, but I also feel like some people love playing on horseback, and both aren't always as fun to fight as they are to play (mordhau made archers more fun to counterplay imo).

    • @LaughingMan44
      @LaughingMan44 2 роки тому +4

      Or just make it realistic, so that arrows can't go through plate and has a high chance of ricocheting off of helmets depending on the angle you hit it at, but they can go through weak points in the armor (sides of legs and arm plate, sides and back of breastplate) and gaps in the armour (armpits, arm and leg joints, hands, neck, eye-slits, air vents, etc.). Make wearing plate and other armor give you realistic protection, at the cost of movement speed and maybe slight nerf to swing manip speed. In addition, helmets should restrict your vision, making it a choice to play with visor down or up.
      It's almost like if games try to emulate aspects of reality, even just in abstract ways, a lot of gameplay issues become solved and things balance themselves.

    • @coolboy9979
      @coolboy9979 2 роки тому +35

      @@LaughingMan44 Yea make it realistic so basically every slashing weapon deals 1 damage to plate and include a whole wrestling mode. Also include a food and drinking system, so if you are alive long enough you need to drink, also include a "burned stamina" mechanic, which permenantly reduces your stamina till your character finishes a 10 minute rest.
      Sounds fun af.

    • @LaughingMan44
      @LaughingMan44 2 роки тому

      @@coolboy9979 Oh look, an NPC more interested in sperging out and taking everything as literally as possible to try to start pointless arguments and waste their time instead of understanding the arguments people are making!
      I like how you interpret "emulate *ASPECTS* of reality", and "even just in *ABSTRACT WAYS* " as me saying to have a 1:1 simulation of real life where you have to eat and shit, it really shows off your IQ.
      Instead of doing no damage to plate with a sword, you do reduced damage to plate (OMG JUST LIKE MORDHAU!!!!!!), so that special modes or attacks like half-swording or "mordhau" have a purpose other than abusing jank animations. In addition, stabbing at specific hitboxes (eye-slits, face, armpits, back of legs, etc.) would negate the protection of armor. This would reward skill.
      On the other hand, blunt weapons like maces and hammers could do nearly full damage to plate armor, but be less effective than swords vs light armor or flesh (obviously).
      So basically what Mordhau already does but taken to the next level.
      Yeah, having a cool system where each weapon and armor type have their pros and cons, where weapons can be used in ways to over-come their limitations through skill, having highly detailed hitboxes, having a detail armor system where you can fully customize and balance protection vs. mobility, would be such a boring bad game!!!
      And having a grappling/wrestling aspect to the game!?!?!? WHAT!?!? THAT WOULD BE SO SHIT OMG!!!!
      Do you have brain damage?
      I have no idea why when anyone suggests we ABSTRACT OUT ***ASPECTS**** of reality in order to both balance games better, but also add depth and raise the skill ceiling, special needs kids come out of the wood-work with their NPC/bot-like literal interpretation of what you said and say "LOL U WANT PPL TO HAVE TO PEE AND DIE IRL OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!".
      Are you just here to try to win internet arguments? Are you that insecure?
      This is why games are so braindead these days, it's easier to meet the expectations of simpletons than to innovate.

    • @kennethberger2967
      @kennethberger2967 2 роки тому

      @@coolboy9979 Hell yeah, lets do it

    • @LaughingMan44
      @LaughingMan44 2 роки тому

      @@kennethberger2967 Yeah, our choices are 100% realism or 0% realism, we couldn't possibly have realistic elements to the game without having to shit and piss too!!!
      I can't fathom being that stupid.

    @TH3CAMGUY 2 роки тому +22

    Totally agree with everything you said about Chiv 1. Between Chiv 1/Chiv 2/Mordhau, I always felt Chiv 1 had the most unique feeling weapons, so you could spend a lot of time grinding duel yard just trying to learn the nuances of every single weapon. Regarding scrims, it felt like there was a huge skill difference between the weakest clans and the strongest, which further added to the desire to improve your own skills. It also meant there were way more people getting involved in the comp community, and while there was definitely a lot of toxicity, it was only really prevalent at the highest levels of gameplay (in my own experience at least). Probably the worst thing in Chiv 1, aside from archers, was just how poorly it handled high ping and inconsistent connections in general, as it tended to ruin or severely hamper everyones defensive capabilities.
    Also god damn I miss the Chiv 1 tower shield, even if it wasn't super viable for comp or duels, it was just so cool.

    • @Gorg-oe1hu
      @Gorg-oe1hu 2 роки тому +1

      As janky as chiv 1 was, I agree comp was amazing and every weapon did feel unique. Like longsword had a completely different playstyle vs messer.

  • @MouldyCheesePie
    @MouldyCheesePie 2 роки тому +4

    "Running in with a knife and stabbing people - Birmingham gameplay" lmao 3:39

  • @ilnur9973
    @ilnur9973 2 роки тому +41

    A shame you didn't try out the Skirmisher. It's like Archer with same low health, but with balls to go to melee

    • @Hooktail
      @Hooktail 2 роки тому +3

      My favorite was Raider except you just drop one of your primaries to pick up a bow while still having 20/20 ammo, so you'd have the best heal, Messer, best movement speed, able to tank archer shots more than actual archers... Is this still possible in the game?

    • @SpikeVike27
      @SpikeVike27 2 роки тому

      @@Hooktail kind of, but no zoom while aiming

  • @magmaticfish2099
    @magmaticfish2099 2 роки тому +14

    Stouty is the last person I thought would've got a sugar daddy.

  • @Pvinini
    @Pvinini 2 роки тому +7

    "Birmingham gameplay" Hahahaha

  • @okankorad57
    @okankorad57 2 роки тому +9

    I like how the "gameplay" is in quotation marks

  • @Playa001
    @Playa001 2 роки тому +22

    10:40 I’ve improved massively since they added duel servers to console. Being able to test my metal against some of the best pc players has ascended me to demigod-hood in a short period of time ! And my passion for the game is at its highest I feel.

    • @Rafaelinux
      @Rafaelinux 2 роки тому +5

      Hah, I see what you did there. Like test your mettle, but with a hunk of metal of a sword in your hand.

    • @Gherkins
      @Gherkins 2 роки тому +3

      The only reason I got called a smurf back in mordhau was because I spent my 400 hours sitting in duel yards. Nothing else interested me. I went from gold 3 to diamond 2.

    • @grimlok3487
      @grimlok3487 2 роки тому +1

      ​@@Gherkins I didn't peak nearly as high, but made similar gains spamming naked sledge peasant

    • @Gherkins
      @Gherkins 2 роки тому +1

      @@grimlok3487 after I got diamond 2, I quit and moved on to chiv 2. Hell, I even beat a elite guy on my video if you'd want to check that out

    • @finnn.5557
      @finnn.5557 2 роки тому


  • @Zedd0z
    @Zedd0z 2 роки тому +2

    I love the constant feed of Chiv content, Stouty. Keep it up my man

  • @NitroSperg
    @NitroSperg 2 роки тому +10

    Imagine pitying a man so much that you donate 4k... Chump change for gamers like us...

  • @legomanc4555
    @legomanc4555 2 роки тому +7

    Enjoy the Bahamas lol. That guy was awsome!

  • @krytera3154
    @krytera3154 2 роки тому

    The Australian Chiv 1 community was so good, I miss all the guys I use to play with on the one massive TO server that everyone played on, you'd get on and recognize almost the entire server and clan scrims were just all about having fun. I miss those days, mordhau hasn't been able to scratch that itch and it's even less now that I moved to the US since Mordhaus release

  • @Champion_14
    @Champion_14 2 роки тому +1

    incredible donos, glad to see you get it you earned it.

  • @thelastgreyhawk2161
    @thelastgreyhawk2161 Рік тому +1

    1:23 I leveled up Archer entirely with melee, I was only allowed to get kills with the bow if it was thrown. Many a player charged me, got bonked with a flying bow and met their demise to the initiative ignoring knife.
    On the plus side having such bad stats improves your skills and makes you feel powerful when you start playing a real class again.

  • @cadedashnaw613
    @cadedashnaw613 2 роки тому +2

    The thing I miss most from Chiv1 is most of the TO maps Bestmez in particular

  • @YOQUE2xgpxTRiu
    @YOQUE2xgpxTRiu 2 роки тому +6

    And Tornbanner's adding Heavy Crossbow for the archers, b r a v o.

  • @jadonharper1493
    @jadonharper1493 2 роки тому

    Stouty deserves the dono the most

  • @JibeAndJelly
    @JibeAndJelly 2 роки тому +4

    10:40 well said stout, this is the truth

  • @ToLazy4Name
    @ToLazy4Name 2 роки тому +6

    Crush mad? unbelievable

  • @fcavie3876
    @fcavie3876 2 роки тому +1

    I miss the Objective specific lines in Chiv 2, they did a great job immersing me and making me feel present in the map, but Yer mum jokes are good too.

  • @lmaogottem5984
    @lmaogottem5984 2 роки тому +2

    those donations were wild

  • @fatpaul9592
    @fatpaul9592 2 роки тому +2

    Matthew stout archery gaming

  • @christopherhalo
    @christopherhalo 2 роки тому +2

    virgin knight vs chad archer

  • @Aeriix
    @Aeriix 2 роки тому

    Port Hanshan soundtrack very based

  • @urikimaais4459
    @urikimaais4459 2 роки тому +2

    wait a second this isnt a mordhau drama video

  • @rb-551
    @rb-551 2 роки тому +3

    stouty you should try out chivalry, I think you would enjoy it

  • @mikemhz
    @mikemhz 2 роки тому +1

    Ducking and weaving are superior to dodging even in this game because you lose less stamina and maintain pressure. If you attack again fast enough, and if they don't dodge or "ground cancel" into parry (cancel an attack by hitting any object), then it's a guaranteed hit.

    • @Gorg-oe1hu
      @Gorg-oe1hu 2 роки тому +1

      That was my whole play style in chiv 1 when I played comp. Dodging and weaving is much superior than blocking and in chiv 2s case, dodging.

    • @felipdn3329
      @felipdn3329 Рік тому +1

      sure but its also MUCH less consistent and easily dealt with against skilled players. and you can only pull it off once in a fight.

  • @davebeans64
    @davebeans64 2 роки тому +4

    I see you have turned to the dark side

  • @DVinciFradiqueBraga
    @DVinciFradiqueBraga 2 роки тому +1

    What I hate about archers is not that they kill you from afar. Is that when you finally get near one to hit them, they simple don't die! like they have double the shield or something, and are incredible fast in melee, faster than any others class. That's simple not fair. They are overpowered.

  • @gizmothebest9936
    @gizmothebest9936 2 роки тому +2

    Archer gaming

  • @ilynomad
    @ilynomad 2 роки тому

    Is there a heavy crossbow that one shots lighter classes like in Chiv 1? I used to have so much fun with that.

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому

      I think so

  • @rodekirby121
    @rodekirby121 Рік тому +1

    whats the background song you used for the video? love it

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty Рік тому

      Mass Effect - Noveria: Port Hanshan Plaza (1 Hour of Music & Ambience)

    • @rodekirby121
      @rodekirby121 Рік тому

      @@Stouty life saver

  • @cmonbruh1798
    @cmonbruh1798 2 роки тому

    love to see it

  • @k9_swagdemon
    @k9_swagdemon 2 роки тому

    you deserve it big stout mush mate flex on oppositions and the feds big drilla

  • @whaleshey
    @whaleshey 2 роки тому

    I love you'r videos ! ( sorry for my bad english)

  • @deamooz9810
    @deamooz9810 2 роки тому +5

    Archer is the perfect class for people who just want to chill and enjoy the view of the battle, while also able to contribute to the atmosphere of it without trying too much

  • @MrCholoPants3415
    @MrCholoPants3415 2 роки тому

    What is that beginning music from??? it's so familiar. Mass Effect?

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому

      yeah Noveria

  • @yugen
    @yugen 2 роки тому +2

    wow dude can't believe he donated so much! Congrats! Maybe i'm bad with my money but that's a life changing amount for a lot of people!

  • @pzycho.e6380
    @pzycho.e6380 2 роки тому

    wow your so skilled at this game

  • @pallingtontheshrike6374
    @pallingtontheshrike6374 2 роки тому

    2:15 you got outnumbered by a one-hand spear, and-
    yup, dead

  • @Reubennb
    @Reubennb 2 роки тому +1

    See you in the Bahamas

  • @David_loves_foods
    @David_loves_foods Рік тому

    God damn you hit almost all your shots, I still can't figure out the arrow speed. I always say the archer arrows are bug each time I was sure it was a hit.

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty Рік тому

      lot of luck involved

  • @hektor9139
    @hektor9139 2 роки тому

    i kinda think mordhau needs more advertisement because whenever i tellsomeone about it the just dont know what it is and i saw it once from my fav streamer and never after for like a year until my friend told me about it

  • @The_uglybastard
    @The_uglybastard 2 роки тому

    stout got a new slasherpimp daddy

  • @UmamiPapi
    @UmamiPapi 2 роки тому

    What does one have to do for a living to give away a month's salary at a decent job on a whim?

  • @funnyfish1453
    @funnyfish1453 2 роки тому +2

    The music is familiar but I can't remember what its from

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому +2


    • @sirdiesalot2975
      @sirdiesalot2975 2 роки тому

      The music in the first clip was from Mass Effect 1, think it's the ambient track in Noveria.

  • @MikeT2005
    @MikeT2005 Рік тому

    I'm waiting for Chiv 2 to go free through Epic Games or Humble Bundle then I'll probably switch from Mordhau to Chiv 2. Definitely not paying for another bad game but want my melee FPS fix.

  • @zinzell1841
    @zinzell1841 2 роки тому

    Are you Haley Joel Osment aka Cole Sear from the movie "The Sixth Sense" ?

    • @zinzell1841
      @zinzell1841 2 роки тому

      🥺"I see dead people" 😢

  • @Champion_14
    @Champion_14 2 роки тому +1

    because of the more slidey movement of chiv 2, i find the archer gameplay to be a lot less satisfying than in mordhau. aiming at targets feels more random to me, not that i play it a whole lot anyways.

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому +2

      fr lol found myself blaming the movement at times

  • @jesses9540
    @jesses9540 2 роки тому

    Its hard to believe crush hasn't just buried hes face in coke and given up cuz its about that time

  • @finnn.5557
    @finnn.5557 2 роки тому

    You ever play with a can o beans

  • @hellocommaspacebitch
    @hellocommaspacebitch 2 роки тому

    Oiler poggy woggy

  • @NP-iy3re
    @NP-iy3re 2 роки тому

    Cowardly archer!

  • @markilleen4027
    @markilleen4027 2 роки тому

    have you tried the renown demo

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому


    • @markilleen4027
      @markilleen4027 2 роки тому

      @@Stouty is it good

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому

      @@markilleen4027 honestly, not right now. It's very early days

  • @squanchysquanch1840
    @squanchysquanch1840 2 роки тому +1

    What a fekkin legend donating you 3,000$

  • @nonanimeprofilepic
    @nonanimeprofilepic 2 роки тому

    I was there

  • @detcader_
    @detcader_ 2 роки тому +1

    I think an easy way to ‘nerf’ archer classes is to make them harder to play so:
    No crosshair
    A bit of visible sway so where you shoot isn’t right in the middle (just a very small bit so it makes it harder to get cross map kills on people who are being relatively still)
    Slightly slower fire rate depending on which ranged weapon
    If they implemented all of these I wouldn’t mind them increasing the projectile speed

    • @deadcats6083
      @deadcats6083 2 роки тому

      Just remove them. Saying this for a decade, they are antithetical to the core mechanics. its fucking dumb and all excuses are from the worst players

  • @prdgmshft9107
    @prdgmshft9107 2 роки тому

    Archers are people too

  • @onlymediocre7476
    @onlymediocre7476 2 роки тому +2

    i don't know if this is a thing that you'd be willing to do, but you mentioned the it being end for mordhau and I have, since learning of your existence, wanted to get in a few 1v1s with you at some point in that god forsaken game, just think it'd be fun to get fucking destroyed by your left overhead or w/e.

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому +2

      You can get 30 mins mordhau coaching if you just want some 1v1s, that's basically the only time I play mordhau now

  • @crumpetcommandos779
    @crumpetcommandos779 2 роки тому

    "Birmingham gameplay" hahahahaha

  • @markilleen4027
    @markilleen4027 2 роки тому

    he knows it and it's his fault

  • @MrCrakgueir
    @MrCrakgueir 2 роки тому +1

    Dude, stouty with a lil bit of beard looks like fkn elon musk xd

  • @KingTakara
    @KingTakara 2 роки тому +1

    context on angry crush please

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому +1

      just the usual

    • @fatasfeather7163
      @fatasfeather7163 2 роки тому

      Will stouty 10-0 crush and crush mad about it is all oh and stouty has valid points for mord's sake and crush is just "No game genre is hopeless no need change" when stouty and maaaany other players believe mordhau has the biggest potential but unfortunately devs are super lazy and just released a half assed update in the game

  • @dominator146
    @dominator146 2 роки тому

    What does this game do better than mordhau?

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому

  • @hamood932
    @hamood932 2 роки тому

    stout have you ever played diablo.

  • @osdbest
    @osdbest 2 роки тому +1

    Now use that money to bribe Torn Banner to add 4v4v4v4

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому

      battle royale maybe

  • @bonehed1
    @bonehed1 2 роки тому

    What do you think is a good fix for Archers? I feel like nerfing their damage could help, maybe even giving Footman/Knight more resistance to archer weapons could be good. IMO Archer should be a support class through and through, just picking off important or vulnerable targets, but as it stands a good archer can top scoreboards which honestly should probably never happen, especially considering that they don't directly play the objective, by design.

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому

      make them blockable to start

  • @rasputin____
    @rasputin____ 2 роки тому

    what are you doing guys ? keep feeding stout and he's gonna get lazy smh

  • @hardboiled2987
    @hardboiled2987 2 роки тому

    Can you also interrupt the people actually playing the game as archer in this?

  • @Solus6464
    @Solus6464 2 роки тому +1

    This is why people get so pissed at archers 😂 people with 5 thousand dollar pcs never miss and never could miss. Dude says archers are broken like there are not normal people on council struggling to shoot 20 feet in front of them

  • @microwavegommmm916
    @microwavegommmm916 2 роки тому

    Can someone summarise the beef between crush and Stouty please?

    • @noggin8216
      @noggin8216 2 роки тому +3

      They're both very opinionated people who are very slow to compromise, they both think they know whats best for Mordhau (Stouty being amongst the best of its players, Crush being heavily involved in its core development) They disagree on a lot of topics, and in general, they're both really arrogant. The whole situation could've been avoided if the devs remained "anonymous" and didnt directly interact with the playerbase in discord. That's what made Stouty think he's on even footing.

    • @noggin8216
      @noggin8216 2 роки тому

      (not that I disagree on Stouty's criticism, but he has very little respect for the fact that although they sold a million copies, that doesn't keep the lights on for a game studio forever. He wants a shit ton out of a game he paid relatively little for from a small studio.)

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому +1

      I don't have any "beef" with crush we just trade jabs at each other. Crush's main problem with his game's community stems from his belief that this genre is inherently doomed whereas I believe it will one day become the biggest genre. As a result he feels no need to make changes or do anything to help the game because in his world it is hopeless to try

    • @Stouty
      @Stouty 2 роки тому +4

      @@noggin8216 I paid $400 for this game, furthermore the number of open goal opportunities Triternion have missed are numerous. I see no reason why a team that accrued ~$50M can't pay modders ~1k a piece to put their modded content into the core game

    • @microwavegommmm916
      @microwavegommmm916 2 роки тому

      Cheers for the insight boys

  • @gravelmonarch
    @gravelmonarch 2 роки тому +8

    Archers are unfair by design, that’s why it was used in history. It’s a projectile against melee, of course it’s unfair. We also poured hot oil on thousands of people trying to get into a gate but that’s not fun gameplay. Archers have no place in a melee slasher.

    • @lorenzopaci3945
      @lorenzopaci3945 2 роки тому +1

      thats why you play ambusher and crouch around the sides of the map sprint attacking archers and then owning them with a heavy stab.

    • @brokenpotato438
      @brokenpotato438 2 роки тому +1

      @@lorenzopaci3945 you dropped this king 👑

  • @Gorg-oe1hu
    @Gorg-oe1hu 2 роки тому

    I personally don't think archers should have a place in any melee focused game. Kinda defeats the purpose of the game and archers only exist to be annoying.

  • @deadcats6083
    @deadcats6083 2 роки тому

    Over everything, this is my #1 complaint about chiv2. Archers just ruin the game.

  • @drainthar7384
    @drainthar7384 Рік тому

    I can't understand it. I've never managed to kill anyone with a bow in this game like you do, except for lightly armored opponents. I just started the game and I need a minimum of 2-3 accurate hits.
    W T F?

  • @CrispyTurtl3
    @CrispyTurtl3 2 роки тому

    Now go get some real knights armor

  • @hisan5485
    @hisan5485 2 роки тому

    You know since it was us (The viewers) who helped you rise to fame, don't you think we deserve some kind of reward, maybe if you split that 4.8k with all us so to know, for helping you get noticed by more people...a bit of a compensation one could say.................

  • @kacperuk7364
    @kacperuk7364 2 роки тому

    you look like deafult guy from mele games and you tricked him into donating to game

  • @Glogu07
    @Glogu07 2 роки тому +3

    Mordhau is dying and im sad about it becasue there is no other game like this, chiv2 look goofy as hell i myself shoot bow irl and this bow gameplay feels like he shoting from slingshot...

  • @deamooz9810
    @deamooz9810 2 роки тому +1

    Money laundering stream

  • @proxanis
    @proxanis 2 роки тому +4

    Tyridge give me also 4800$ if my vids helped you !

  • @angulardrift1537
    @angulardrift1537 2 роки тому

    this is why archers should be removed from the game

  • @CrimsonSp33d
    @CrimsonSp33d 2 роки тому

    Your comment section on twitch is toxic asf

  • @bannor216
    @bannor216 2 роки тому

    last week i actually made a battle archer loadout with Longbow and Warhammer char named, Stouty. kek. in mordhau. wtf fukk chiv 2