You might like the effect of the Sepia wash from Games Workshop on the silver rather than the Agrax Earthshade. I saw it used on another channel and I tried it on some Heroquest figures I was painting, and it really looks good on the metal I think. But obviously, it’s just my personal opinion.
Чудово розфарбований орк!!! Супер!!!😊😊😊
Дякую цікаве відео 👍
Дуже цікаво і пізнавально👍
Lovely paint job!
Thank you
Ще раз хочу відмітити суперову помальовку. В майбутньому чекаю ще більше такого контенту. 😊
You might like the effect of the Sepia wash from Games Workshop on the silver rather than the Agrax Earthshade. I saw it used on another channel and I tried it on some Heroquest figures I was painting, and it really looks good on the metal I think. But obviously, it’s just my personal opinion.
Thank you. I'll try it