Wait hold up, 0 comments? The world is lost. This topic, though far out to most is essentially basic in nature and completely overlooked. I searched for this and completely agree
When you live in the shackles of the real world you are prevented from acting in certain natural ways as it might be looked down upon or frowned upon. Like an elephant being tied to a chair, we live in the illusion that we are obligated to conform to certain practices or face certain demise. When all the while all we need in life to survive is food and shelter and that is just as simple as it gets. The way it was intended. When you are a philosophical person, you get to live outside of these bounds and experience life completely different from everyone else. This is why philosophy is critically important
I think Marx is often misinterpreted on his Opium of the people quote. During the time he wrote Opium had a very different social value and meaning in society then it has today. Taking this quote out of the historical context the idea of opium is embedded twists its meaning and give us a false idea of what Marx thought. I recommend to read Andrew McKinnon analyzing the meaning of Opium for more details.
Wait hold up, 0 comments? The world is lost. This topic, though far out to most is essentially basic in nature and completely overlooked. I searched for this and completely agree
Glad you found it!
I'm pulling for you dude. We ought to beef these things up though, no? I mean, a whole video on ideology without mentioning Althusser or Zizek?
Fair enough! If you were to recommend any particular passages, what would they be?
When you live in the shackles of the real world you are prevented from acting in certain natural ways as it might be looked down upon or frowned upon. Like an elephant being tied to a chair, we live in the illusion that we are obligated to conform to certain practices or face certain demise. When all the while all we need in life to survive is food and shelter and that is just as simple as it gets. The way it was intended. When you are a philosophical person, you get to live outside of these bounds and experience life completely different from everyone else. This is why philosophy is critically important
Absolutely agree! It’s funny that something which sometimes has a reputation for being useless is actually intensely practical
This guy gets it
I think Marx is often misinterpreted on his Opium of the people quote. During the time he wrote Opium had a very different social value and meaning in society then it has today. Taking this quote out of the historical context the idea of opium is embedded twists its meaning and give us a false idea of what Marx thought. I recommend to read Andrew McKinnon analyzing the meaning of Opium for more details.
That’s a great point. Are you saying that Marx understood opium to have some sort of legitimate or necessary social role?