I would like to ask you, since in your country is the only one where women got against the government, basically against religion. The reason why is happening in Iran is the consequences of many Iranians having higher education: university? I saw just one video about Iran, some time ago, I forgot the channel, but in short I understood that Iran it's rich in natural resources and the fact that many Iranians have higher education. I'm interested if higher education leads people to understand the economics of the world, the development and the future which contradicts religion. A great example is the Middle Ages in Europe and before that a more prosperous society as Roman Empire and Ancient Greece, where religion did not play such a big role. I compared the art, constructions between those times and its incomparable. And then its Renaissance “rebirth” following the Middle Ages, which also concentrated on art, philosophy, literature, economy.
Islam co-existed with Christianity in Egypt and in middle east for millenia, it co-existed with judaism and Christianity in Andalucia (Spain) and the Ottomon empire, it co-existed with Buddhism, Hinduism in India, Indonesia, Malaysia...and in China with the Chinesse folk, In Africa with Christianity and African religions Stop dividing and creating hatred
@@mahmoodabbasi6120 nah only if Islam is dominant can it "coexist" with others. It don't take no scholar to recognize that's the definition of oppression not coexistence
This is THE BEST explanation of the conflict I have ever heard! Wowowowow! The entire world needs to watch this! Please have this interview again. It is really needed! Thank you so much!
This is why I am skeptical of the idea of relocating or resettling the Palestinian population in neighbouring countries. Egypt doesn't want them. Lebanon doesn't want them. Jordan doesn't want them. They already have plenty of them, in addition to refugees from other countries (Syria, Sudan, etc.). As well, we don't know if Palestinians are willing to live in Israel peacefully, although there is a sizeable Israeli Arab population.
@irkhanbasc the Israeli Arabs in Israel are a kind of Palestenians as what are the Israeli Arabs? It is the Arabs that didn't flee or go away when the Arab armies ordered them to go and then come back after they finish the job. So the Israeli Arabs are the same people but the ones that weren't considered traitors and stayed.
What people don’t get is when Palestinians shout “End the occupation!” They aren’t talking about the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, they mean those areas PLUS Israel. It’s because of that ethos that a two state solution is not going to happen.
what is sad and worrying is seeing the crowds in London and elsewhere calling for 'jihad'. 'freeing Palestine' ' a cease fire' .they don't say' free the hostages' they don't say ' Vote out Hamas' bunch of idiots !! 😞
@@vincentl.9469 That’s because if prostitution is the world’s oldest profession, the hatred of Jews is the world’s oldest hatred. People keep believing the lies.
Ah yes, it's because of a verbal (that you have to assign a further meaning to no less ..), not the physical illegal settlements that Israel builds....😅
Look him up. It's misinformation. No wonder his name doesn't come up in debates. Especially since the horrors of October 7. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones are mentioning him lul
the true ze zijn daar omdat arafat ze daar heeft gezet ze willen alles wat de joden hebben hoge intelligentie hoge muzikaliteit ze kunnen niets geen water? hebben ze nooit gehad kregen ze vanisrael electrisiteit ook
Robert Spencer is exactly right on this one. Everyone always whines about Israeli “theft” of land, but no one seems to talk about the land that was stolen by Islamic Arabs from Maronites, Assyrians, Druze, Lebanese Christians, and other minorities. If we take that into account, Israel actually has far more indigenous claim to the land as well as the minorities mentioned above. The truth is that the Palestinian national identity, relative to all of human history, is as old as Muhammad’s wife Aisha.
And when did the Israel claim , 1500 bc. How about people before that ? And then, how long did Israel existed as 1 country, few hundred years. Why specifically them!
@@amronemhb And if you don't like the idea of a Jewish state, at least you recognize that there was a time they owned the land for a hundred years. On that basis, why did the Arabs foolishly refuse the two-state solution in 1947? If only the Arabs had anything else more important than dying for the Al Aqsa Mosque, don't you think the billions of dollars sent to the Palestinian authorities over the last twenty years could have been monitored and accounted for to transform that place into a Singapore or a Taiwan shipping semiconductors or more useful technical resources to the rest of the world?
@@amronemhbthe Arabs aren't trying to murder others races . This man's saying facts not opinions or whataboutism .Islam fears the Jews because there religion .is a threat to Islam .because Israel wins every war so how can Islam be superior to the Jewish religion .
@@kobi2024 those protests in London and elsewhere are supposedly about 'freeing' Palestine, but as the now redundant British Home secretary Suella said, a good part of it it is hate ..few of them call out Hamas for what they are ..
I was born in a muslim-majority country, but i live in the us now. I wish the US government would restrict the amount of muslims that migrated to this country.
None of the US president understood the problem in depth, that's one reason Second, nobody wants to address the religious issue, nobody has the guts to acknowledge that the issue is not political but Religious
Well they say what makes them look good on the day, at that time and it doesn't matter too much if they are one day proved wrong because they won't be in office then. They just don't care enough.
You are absolutely right, the mainstream media will never aired truths of this nature, all because of fundings they are getting from Arabs nations, instead the west stations will be the once been used to smear Israel.
Lebanese people have a diverse religious culture. Half of the population is Christian and the country is so small it cannot bear any additional population. So please, leave us away from this issue we won't accept any outsiders and give them tmour citizenship. This would mean the end of Middle Eastern Christians!
Europeans don't give a f* about Christians The Christians of middle east the Lebanese, Assyrians are only fodder for whataboutery and showing hate for Muslims in eyes of the west.
This interview is as fresh today as it was when it was first broadcast three years ago. The book is as fresh as it was then. This is a rare thing to behold. This video should be rebroadcast/repeated over and over again. We have so many people who have not got the message and that includes Muslims as well. Robert Spencer is one of a handful of people who have this special insight into probably the most important issue of our time. We have other giants who work daily with Muslims in order to confront their books and invite them to Christ. Still, we need leaders and politicians to get into the discourse and focus on the message Robert Spencer has brought to the table for decades now.
Why Christ is better than anyone else's prophets? That is what is wrong with Christianity, preaching only Jesus can save. Guess which religion has the most exiting atheists?
For goodness sake, stop trying to fight fire with fire. Your imaginary friend is no better than anyone else's. The only way out of this infantile mess is to grow up.
You are mis-quoting. Jesus said "if you follow my commandments you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.' It is not any truth that shall set you free, it is the truth learned by following Jesus' commandments such as 'love one another'.
@graemebooth6357 I'm not misquoting at all. The PURPOSE of all true religion is to realise the truth of the oneness of all life, in God, BECAUSE it is the truth. What other truth could possibly bring eternal life, and the Kingdom of Heaven??? It cannot come by calling oneself a " Christian " or by having beliefs , as belief is not knowledge, is it ?
@graemebooth6357 Truth is another word for Reality. We have forgotten what our Reality is, because ALL our beliefs are illusions. It is impossible to be a body. Time is unreal, because it can obviously never not be the present moment. The world cannot exist outside of our minds. We cannot be separate from each other, or God. God , according to Jesus , is perfect, unconditional love , who never judges anyone. " God judges no one " John 5 : 22. Traditional Christian dogma is useless, because it doesn't explain the root cause of suffering, what the Kingdom of Heaven actually is, or most importantly HOW it can be known.
A quote here from Spencer's book where a PLO guy admits that "there is no such thing as a Palestinian people" - Quote - ""In August 1977 Zahir Muhsein, a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and a military commander of the PLO, in an interview with the Dutch newspaper, TROUW, declared the Palestinian people to be a propaganda invention. His exact words were: “The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism. “For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we claim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan”. - end quote “The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process“, Robert Spencer, 2019, pp 95-96
@@ukomiukomi887did you Google it and see if that statement is supported or refuted by legitimate sources? Or are you just in your usual jew-hating froth?
It's uncomfortable, but it's the truth - Those who call themselves Palestinians today are descendants of Jordanian, Egyptian, Lebanese and Syrian migrant workers who were imported to this piece of land from the time of the Ottoman Empire until the time of the British Mandate. They are all Arabs who came from the Arabian Peninsula and have no historical or legal right to the Land of Israel. Therefore, the very fact that Israel is willing to go with them to territorial concessions in favor of living in peace is not obvious.
This is true. Every time I research the history of the land of Canaan, from beginning of Noah to Abraham, to the Romans, to the Ottoman empire- it had always pointed to the state of Israel and the Jews.
@@keratomeliusisBut they quite literally did exist ? Unless you mean existed in Canaan ? Which case you're dead wrong. Abraham sent his child, Isaac, to that land, following the prophecy which Hashem laid upon them.
@@yea_baby123 judaism is a religion, there are many Palestinian jews as well as Muslims and Christians. Non Palestinian jews came from europe, africa, other mid eastern states
This is an interview from 4 years ago? He just described perfectly the current situation of Israel facing Hamas. Strong words that ring true! God bless you and the state of Israel
de eerste x dat iemand vertelt hoe het in elkaar zit dat doe ik al jaren dan word ik er af gegooid ik heb zoveel boeken gelezen maar ze lezenniet iedere avond de hele geschidenis op tv ook over de holokost daar snappen ze ook niets van ik ging vanaf mn 15de naar de bios heb al die films gezien die de nazi.s zelf mmaaktenhet word tijd dat de hele wereld dat ook ziet en de films van7 oktober ik hui l nog steeds ik haat die monsters en ze worden in de watten gelegd
@@kimbirch1202well he shouldn’t be. Rightly banned ! Ffs we have jihadists shouting in our streets and Islamic grooming gangs and you think this educated man should be banned! You are what’s wrong with the uk. Go live in an Arab state and enjoy all the rights their world affords you - like Freedom of speech ha! ha!
I would love to hear what does the celebrities who write “ free Palestine” In their social media while they’re in the comfort of their mansions, how do they think the conflict should be solved. It would be very interesting to hear their “intelectual” opinions since they claim they’re very educated in the topic….
@@geasy5874the war crimes are in your mind the say way the country is not occupying land. we all see where you're coming from and you haven't heard a word they said.
With an open mind to what? This dude is guilty of half-baked research. Even anyone who had a Muslim neighbor would know what he is saying is a total farce. Do your own research. Don't rely on people to give you a summary because these people have their own agenda to sell.
The man before me said it, so I won't repeat it. Now you should ask yourself if he is right. How did these Jews live so long there and why did the Arabs, on the land conquered from Byzantium, give the Jews to return?
This dude has no idea what he is talking about! He is a zionist puppet using talking points and spewing hatred. Jews and Muslims lived side by side peacefully for centuries. Do your own research.
It’s absolute gibberish and nonsense. it’s like Germans saying Jews didn’t like to live so they where just helping them out. It sickening to listen to. For anyone who is able to view things from an objective point. The man sounds semi retarded at best. If you think there is any basis for his outrageous claims I would suggest you try finding other historical sources. To claim Palestinians are Armenian people is utter ridiculous and only for the ignorant and people that haven’t gone to school so they have learned how to be critical to information and find sources themselves. You need to read other books
The history is well documented.Exactly as he has explained.There are many travelers and writers that mention the lack of people in that area at that time .People mainly Arabs drifted in when Jewish settlers began working the land and developing trade.The British issued every body with a Palestinian passport when they had the mandate after the ottoman control was relinquished.There should be no argument about that it is well understood from history.But the Jews were there thousands of years back.
99.9 % of the total land in the Middle East is occupied by the Arab Muslims which leaves a very small area of land for Christians Jews and others ( less than 1% ) . Israel is only a tiny state and Saudi Arabia is over 100 times its size. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and also has over 2 million Arab Muslims with full citizenship and rights. No Jews are allowed live in the 50 Arab states and were expelled when Israel became a nation. There we forced to leave without their properties. Israel took all these refugees home and it’s here where they call home
A world famous Russian writer Gogol was in Palestine in 1848. From his letter we know that the land was uninhabited except for a few beduins. There were small Jewish viliges, but almost no real agriculture.
Your ignorance and cherry picking is so laughable. If it was empty of people. Why did Napoleon found so much trouble defeating the pasha of Acre? If its so empty why did 10000 arabs from Nablus Jericho and Hebron rose up in rebellion against Muhd Ali the Albanian and laid seige to Jerusalem itself.
@@sonnymak6707 I quoted Gogol who visited Palestine and left his impression in writing. Later, Mark Twain, had a similar impression. Not being there at that time myself I have to rely on those two great writers who didn't have any reason to be biased. As for the siege of Akre, there were only 5,000 garrisons in the city. The Napoleon army was harassed by the English and many french soldiers were dying from the plague. Interesting that Napoleon thought that Palestine should belong to the Jews. Apparently he was the first Zionist. Calling me ignorant is laughable, as I am sure you didn't read Mark Twain or Gogol.
@@markpong5435 I did. And I also read a whole gamut of french travellers from Napoleans generals to missionaries. I also read Archeological Survey of Palestine publiched in the 1880s in Great Britain. It has a whole section on the Palestinian Fellahin (peasants) their numbers how many villages and why they were so stubbornly and violently attached to their land around Nazareth Nablus Jericho Hebron Ramleand Lydda.
@@markpong5435 Not to belabour the point and I apologise for my harsh language. Another way to test this theory is through Ottoman population census and Bernard Lewis have spent enormous amount of time going through Ottoman archives.
Thank you for posting this. One other thing, almost no muslims that claim to have been kicked off their land, have an actual land deed showing their purchase. For the very few that do, they were just assigned to squatters so that taxes could be collected. No actual purchase was made however. This is very different than the Jews that arrived and purchased the land, without making any religious claims of ownership which they could have made.
you could give the Palestinians everything they wanted, even Israel, that still wouldn't change a thing:! similar to some blacks in America, always blaming others for their failures, it' doesn't matter, they'll always blame others';
I find it interesting that one of the Hamas rockets was headed to the Dome of the Rock, and Israel spent one of their Iron Dome anti-missile to save it. I do think it so regrettable that Israel saved Hamas from destroying it.
For the first time a proper analysis of the problem of Hamas and how they use takhia to their immediate advantage, and prophet as their model in everything that think and do.
More than 3 yrs old book but how its every word relevant for all time.... because they r based on old facts , The big mistakes western countries had done , by not listening to Mr Robert Spencer lessons ....
2-state-solution was performed in 1946 by creation of the Kingdom of Jordan in TransJordan and 1948 for The State of Israel in Cis-Jordan, according to the LoN rulings from 1922.
All these people predicted these Palestinians lies. Yet all these people are calling for two states which is ridiculous. Israrl keep going. Brave IDF i am praying for you. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🙏🙏🙏💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️
Just look up,in the back of your BIBLE. The land GOD gave to lsrael! In a few years they will have it back. The land they have NOW is microscopic to the land GOD gave to lsrael!
In the Quran you will find the word ‘kafer’ which is mistranslated as ‘unbeliever’ of ‘infidel’. In reality, ‘kafer’ is someone who INTENTIONALLY COVERS THE TRUTH. Are you interested in learning and growing closer to the Lord or are you committed to spread hate and falsehoods?
A man owns a car. He is thrown out and a squatter moves in. He lives there many years. The car is a mess, the seats battered and paint flaked, engine slumped. The owner gets in through the boot after the squatter locks the doors. But slowly the owner manages to get inside and fixes the seats while the squatter sits on the roof banging with his heel. Which one should the policeman arrest? He is new to the beat. Knows nothing about the man in the car, but hears the man on the roof saying, "I am just fixing the dents in the roof. But the man inside is stealing the seats!" "Who owns the car?" asks the policeman. "My great grandfather lived here first." the man on the roof exclaims, and waves a broken brake lever as proof of ownership. "Out you get," says the policeman. "Leave your driver's licence, paperwork and keys on the seat. And while you're at it, unhook your 3,500 year old caravan full of spare parts and photos of your darn car, you thief!"
"leave your drivers license" Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Israel has for decades forced everyone in Israel an Palestine to participate in an national identity card scheme which is materially equivalent to the 666 scheme china has now forced over a billion souls to participate in. The Palestinians are genetic descendants of ancient Israelites as are the modern Israelites, their issue is a religious one. Do you support the Jewish religion which specifically denies Jesus Christ, or do you support the muslim religion which specifically denies that Jesus Christ is the son of God?
@@fukushimaisrevelation2817 the jews are still living out thier history and will end at the second coming of Jesus Christ and all israel will accept him as the saviour
Kenneth Perry So do you imagine that the Jewish individuals who have been convicted of murder by the Israeli courts over the last 70 years will be saved by Jesus after Jesus comes back? What do you imagine it means to be saved by Jesus? Moses murdered the Egyptian before fleeing Egypt do you imagine Moses will be saved by Jesus?
@@fukushimaisrevelation2817 both jew and gentile must accept Jesus as Lord. Jesus said no man comes to the Father but by me. The jews are under Gods promises but that doesnt mean they are nice people
@@kennethperry5500 which of Gods promises do you imagine jews are under? God promises to curse in Deuteronomy 28 god an god promises to bless jewish food basically if jewish people keep all the law perfectly an dueteronomy promises to rain down curses upon Jewish people if they do not keep every part of the hundreds of commandments diligently. Deuteronomy 28:2 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: Deuteronomy 28:14 And thou shalt not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them. 15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee: Deuteronomy 28:20 The Lord shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me. Deuteronomy 28:21 The Lord shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it. 22 The Lord shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish. Deuteronomy 28:26 And thy carcase shall be meat unto all fowls of the air, and unto the beasts of the earth, and no man shall fray them away. Deuteronomy 28:28 The Lord shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart: 29 And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee. Deuteronomy 28:37 And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the Lord shall lead thee. etc etc etc So really what promise do you image the Jewish people are entitled to from the Lord who came up with Deuteronomy as a contract? Do you really imagine the Jewish people will dwell before the creator for eternity when they could not dwell before the creator for a few centuries? My guess is God will take the most righteous Jewish people to be sure the righteous will have their inheritance, but in general I think folks are overly optimistic on the plight of the Jewish people before the creator. Perhaps the Lord the creator Jesus Christ will look at their hearts an have mercy on those who tried with contrite hearts before him but in general I think billions of Jewish people are going to be disappointed at the resurrection to not receive access to the kingdom of heaven an access to the life extending fruit from the tree of life. But we can hope I guess that the Lord will have mercy upon the Jewish people, even though they give him no reason to have mercy upon them. Deuteronomy is not a contract a sane person would agree too. Thus the Israelites agreed to it after having been traumatized as slaved in Egypt 400 years an then traumatized by wondering in the desert for 40 years eating birds an what appears on the ground after birds for 40 years.
YERUSHALAYIM, cradle of Jewish civilisation and Holiest city of the Jewish people, was 80% Jewish in 1864 (Ottoman Turk occupation census) before @rob colonial migrant settlers came flooding in by the hundreds of thousands 1880+ after Jews had bought and developed the land (drained swamps, irrigated the desert, improved agriculture etc) and also during the British Mandate when 500,000+ @rob colonial migrant settlers came (many illegals) even in the 1930s+ according to the 1937 Peel Commission Report. Grand Mufti, Hitler’s ally who incited horrific hate and violence against the Jewish people already living there such as the 1929 massacre in the ancient Jewish city of Hevron (Abraham), wiping out helpless Jews of their city and others. Mufti also pressured the British to refuse Holocaust survivors while @rob colonial migrant settlers came flooding in.
This is laced in the most horrific lies and distortions . Clearly these two men do not believe in Gods wrath or the day of judgment , they lie with such ease !
Because it takes time and effort. Its easier to take one side and go with the flow. And the most important one: critical thinking, which unfortunately is not encourage in our educational system nor in the religion. Socrates was right : to reflectively question common beliefs and explanations, carefully distinguishing those beliefs that are reasonable and logical from those which - however appealing they may be to our native egocentrism, however much they serve our vested interests, however comfortable or comforting they may be - lack adequate evidence or rational foundation to warrant our belief. By the way Robert Spencer is from a Greek origin, just a nugget.
How can anyone in his right mind suggest that Hamas and its Palestinian supporters (80%) deserve a peace process, not to mention a two-state-solution. They do not, and I hope that Israel and most of the civilised world can see it that way, too, and act accordingly. The revival of the Abraham accord is of much greater importance to secure safety and a lasting peace in the region.
It is not about land, it's about religion because Islam can NOT coexist with others.
Ex-Muslim from Iran.
I would like to ask you, since in your country is the only one where women got against the government, basically against religion. The reason why is happening in Iran is the consequences of many Iranians having higher education: university?
I saw just one video about Iran, some time ago, I forgot the channel, but in short I understood that Iran it's rich in natural resources and the fact that many Iranians have higher education. I'm interested if higher education leads people to understand the economics of the world, the development and the future which contradicts religion. A great example is the Middle Ages in Europe and before that a more prosperous society as Roman Empire and Ancient Greece, where religion did not play such a big role. I compared the art, constructions between those times and its incomparable. And then its Renaissance “rebirth” following the Middle Ages, which also concentrated on art, philosophy, literature, economy.
From Israel, you are completely right.
Islam co-existed with Christianity in Egypt and in middle east for millenia, it co-existed with judaism and Christianity in Andalucia (Spain) and the Ottomon empire, it co-existed with Buddhism, Hinduism in India, Indonesia, Malaysia...and in China with the Chinesse folk, In Africa with Christianity and African religions
Stop dividing and creating hatred
@@mahmoodabbasi6120 nah only if Islam is dominant can it "coexist" with others.
It don't take no scholar to recognize that's the definition of oppression not coexistence
This is THE BEST explanation of the conflict I have ever heard! Wowowowow! The entire world needs to watch this! Please have this interview again. It is really needed! Thank you so much!
Jordan threw out the PLO after they tried to overthrow the jordanian government. They then went to Lebanon and look how that went...
This is why I am skeptical of the idea of relocating or resettling the Palestinian population in neighbouring countries. Egypt doesn't want them. Lebanon doesn't want them. Jordan doesn't want them. They already have plenty of them, in addition to refugees from other countries (Syria, Sudan, etc.). As well, we don't know if Palestinians are willing to live in Israel peacefully, although there is a sizeable Israeli Arab population.
@irkhanbasc the Israeli Arabs in Israel are a kind of Palestenians as what are the Israeli Arabs?
It is the Arabs that didn't flee or go away when the Arab armies ordered them to go and then come back after they finish the job.
So the Israeli Arabs are the same people but the ones that weren't considered traitors and stayed.
Bicause there" leaders" are full of hate and dont want peace -for short
Well they destroyed Lebanon why Christian Lebanon will want them??? @@irkhanbasc
@@irkhanbasc "As well, we don't know if Palestinians are willing to live in Israel peacefully".
Have you watch the video?
What people don’t get is when Palestinians shout “End the occupation!” They aren’t talking about the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, they mean those areas PLUS Israel. It’s because of that ethos that a two state solution is not going to happen.
what is sad and worrying is seeing the crowds in London and elsewhere calling for 'jihad'. 'freeing Palestine' ' a cease fire' .they don't say' free the hostages' they don't say ' Vote out Hamas' bunch of idiots !! 😞
@@vincentl.9469 That’s because if prostitution is the world’s oldest profession, the hatred of Jews is the world’s oldest hatred. People keep believing the lies.
Ah yes, it's because of a verbal (that you have to assign a further meaning to no less ..), not the physical illegal settlements that Israel builds....😅
If this was true and Israel was content with having the greater majority of these lands, they would not continue settling their own in West bank.
I am watching this video in January 2024 and my God this man is so accurate in everything he said.
❤. Great interview
Lmao the israelis are European converts
Look him up. It's misinformation. No wonder his name doesn't come up in debates. Especially since the horrors of October 7. That said, I wouldn't be surprised if Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones are mentioning him lul
That's not an accurate assessment either@@poorindiansanddogsarenotal1276
the true ze zijn daar omdat arafat ze daar heeft gezet ze willen alles wat de joden hebben hoge intelligentie hoge muzikaliteit ze kunnen niets geen water? hebben ze nooit gehad kregen ze vanisrael electrisiteit ook
@@poorindiansanddogsarenotal1276 Middle east is islam converts.
Robert Spencer is exactly right on this one. Everyone always whines about Israeli “theft” of land, but no one seems to talk about the land that was stolen by Islamic Arabs from Maronites, Assyrians, Druze, Lebanese Christians, and other minorities. If we take that into account, Israel actually has far more indigenous claim to the land as well as the minorities mentioned above. The truth is that the Palestinian national identity, relative to all of human history, is as old as Muhammad’s wife Aisha.
what absolute garbage.
And when did the Israel claim , 1500 bc. How about people before that ? And then, how long did Israel existed as 1 country, few hundred years. Why specifically them!
And if you don't like the idea of a Jewish state, at least you recognize that there was a time they owned the land for a hundred years. On that basis, why did the Arabs foolishly refuse the two-state solution in 1947?
If only the Arabs had anything else more important than dying for the Al Aqsa Mosque, don't you think the billions of dollars sent to the Palestinian authorities over the last twenty years could have been monitored and accounted for to transform that place into a Singapore or a Taiwan shipping semiconductors or more useful technical resources to the rest of the world?
@@amronemhbthe Arabs aren't trying to murder others races . This man's saying facts not opinions or whataboutism .Islam fears the Jews because there religion .is a threat to Islam .because Israel wins every war so how can Islam be superior to the Jewish religion .
Israel is fighting for the entire West and civilised world not just itself. We should be grateful.
Exactly what I’ve been saying.
Israel is just the front line of the west, if Israel wasn't a thing, Europe would be the front line.
@@kobi2024 those protests in London and elsewhere are supposedly about 'freeing' Palestine, but as the now redundant British Home secretary Suella said, a good part of it it is hate ..few of them call out Hamas for what they are ..
its a fight against islamic religion
@@oscaralegre3683not quite. It's a fight to save our own religions and countries from Islam.
Every peace 'plan' will fail when only one party wants peace and the other wants war.
The Israelis don’t want peace, either.
What would it take for the arabs to choose peace rather than endless war?
@@ThaDonJsuancore ideological shift.
what makes you think that the israeli government wants peace? they are literally telling you the opposite and doing the opposite aswell...
The other wants to exterminate the party that wants peace.
I was born in a muslim-majority country, but i live in the us now. I wish the US government would restrict the amount of muslims that migrated to this country.
You’re sooooo right 1 billion times Ooh my God
You would not have been able to come here then. I agree though
not just you! same in Europe, but people so naive and don't really understand what the hell are they doing🤬
Drawbridge immigrant
I wish they also deport all immigrants starting with you
@@Heretta why don’t u tell us Einstein?
Whole world should listen to this!
None of the US president understood the problem in depth, that's one reason
Second, nobody wants to address the religious issue, nobody has the guts to acknowledge that the issue is not political but Religious
The us politicians understood - the Arabic world was not willing to do the same
Because it was, for a very long time a national issue. And for most of the Israeli Jew it still is a national issue.
Well they say what makes them look good on the day, at that time and it doesn't matter too much if they are one day proved wrong because they won't be in office then. They just don't care enough.
TRUMP DID. Why do YOU think he put them on the DO NOT ENTER USA list.
This should be aired on all news channels so people learn the truth instead of all the rubbish being spouted!!
oh yes!
Pat should have asked him why Ultra Orthodox Jews ✡️ spit on Christians ✝️ and churches
That is a very legitimate Question
You are absolutely right, the mainstream media will never aired truths of this nature, all because of fundings they are getting from Arabs nations, instead the west stations will be the once been used to smear Israel.
I agree!
Lebanese people have a diverse religious culture. Half of the population is Christian and the country is so small it cannot bear any additional population.
So please, leave us away from this issue we won't accept any outsiders and give them tmour citizenship. This would mean the end of Middle Eastern Christians!
As an Israeli your country is the last one that needs mass immigration to it (except maybe Syria)
Europeans don't give a f* about Christians
The Christians of middle east the Lebanese, Assyrians are only fodder for whataboutery and showing hate for Muslims in eyes of the west.
Yasser Arafat destroyed a beautiful, peaceful country, and Lebanon can't recover, because of outside interference from Syria and Iran.
This interview is as fresh today as it was when it was first broadcast three years ago. The book is as fresh as it was then. This is a rare thing to behold. This video should be rebroadcast/repeated over and over again. We have so many people who have not got the message and that includes Muslims as well. Robert Spencer is one of a handful of people who have this special insight into probably the most important issue of our time. We have other giants who work daily with Muslims in order to confront their books and invite them to Christ. Still, we need leaders and politicians to get into the discourse and focus on the message Robert Spencer has brought to the table for decades now.
This interview is a blatant lies of a zionist hasbara empty land
Why Christ is better than anyone else's prophets? That is what is wrong with Christianity, preaching only Jesus can save. Guess which religion has the most exiting atheists?
@@HarjotM604 Many christian countries is not backward countries.
@@joecanteen7428secular *
For goodness sake, stop trying to fight fire with fire. Your imaginary friend is no better than anyone else's. The only way out of this infantile mess is to grow up.
Robert should be the adviser of US policy makers....
How relevant it is to this day!
Sad that majority of people are just ignorant about history. Mentality of masses is sick.
I felt sad with most of western kids this days. They are relying information via tiktok.
@Clarky805you say.
Without the lies., Islam dies.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free! *God bless Israel.*
@@normarojo5834 I only care about what the God of the Bible calls me, and not man. And He calls me to bless Israel; the apple of God's eye.
And what is that Truth that Jesus teaches will set us free ?
You have no idea.
You are mis-quoting. Jesus said "if you follow my commandments you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.' It is not any truth that shall set you free, it is the truth learned by following Jesus' commandments such as 'love one another'.
@graemebooth6357 I'm not misquoting at all.
The PURPOSE of all true religion is to realise the truth of the oneness of all life, in God, BECAUSE it is the truth.
What other truth could possibly bring eternal life, and the Kingdom of Heaven???
It cannot come by calling oneself a " Christian " or by having beliefs , as belief is not knowledge, is it ?
@graemebooth6357 Truth is another word for Reality.
We have forgotten what our Reality is, because ALL our beliefs are illusions.
It is impossible to be a body.
Time is unreal, because it can obviously never not be the present moment.
The world cannot exist outside of our minds.
We cannot be separate from each other, or God.
God , according to Jesus , is perfect, unconditional love , who never judges anyone.
" God judges no one " John 5 : 22.
Traditional Christian dogma is useless, because it doesn't explain the root cause of suffering, what the Kingdom of Heaven actually is, or most importantly HOW it can be known.
A quote here from Spencer's book where a PLO guy admits that "there is no such thing as a Palestinian people" -
Quote - ""In August 1977 Zahir Muhsein, a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and a military commander of the PLO, in an interview with the Dutch newspaper, TROUW, declared the Palestinian people to be a propaganda invention. His exact words were:
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.
“For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we claim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan”.
- end quote
“The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process“, Robert Spencer, 2019, pp 95-96
Killers of prophets and traiters of Jesus always spread lie.
@@ukomiukomi887You mean conspiracy theorists.
Can I have the exact reference for that quote. It should be in the book.
I will buy this book
@@ukomiukomi887did you Google it and see if that statement is supported or refuted by legitimate sources? Or are you just in your usual jew-hating froth?
It's uncomfortable, but it's the truth - Those who call themselves Palestinians today are descendants of Jordanian, Egyptian, Lebanese and Syrian migrant workers who were imported to this piece of land from the time of the Ottoman Empire until the time of the British Mandate. They are all Arabs who came from the Arabian Peninsula and have no historical or legal right to the Land of Israel. Therefore, the very fact that Israel is willing to go with them to territorial concessions in favor of living in peace is not obvious.
Rest in peace Mr Robertson. Thank you for this extremely interesting interview.
Great to see Robert on here with Pat… 2 great men I admire! 🙏🏼✝️😊🏴🇮🇱🇺🇸🇬🇧🙏🏼
This conversation took place 4 years ago!!! And it explains everything that is happening now!
Land is not the issue, religion ( Islam) is the problem.
Let them keep deceiving themselves 😂
This is true. Every time I research the history of the land of Canaan, from beginning of Noah to Abraham, to the Romans, to the Ottoman empire- it had always pointed to the state of Israel and the Jews.
If you had really RESEARCHED the land of Canaan you would find that neither Noah nor Abraham ever existed
@@keratomeliusisBut they quite literally did exist ? Unless you mean existed in Canaan ? Which case you're dead wrong.
Abraham sent his child, Isaac, to that land, following the prophecy which Hashem laid upon them.
@@littlelillia What is your proof of their existence?
OK only Palastain existed if it make you happy- and Jews came from the moon@@keratomeliusis
@@yea_baby123 judaism is a religion, there are many Palestinian jews as well as Muslims and Christians.
Non Palestinian jews came from europe, africa, other mid eastern states
Everyone shouting from the river to the sea... should hear this. So easy to understand who the land belongs to and who was first there.
This is an interview from 4 years ago? He just described perfectly the current situation of Israel facing Hamas. Strong words that ring true! God bless you and the state of Israel
He is so right. And israelis finally understands this now
We already understood this. Hopefully the rest of the world understands this.
I was starting to forget, unfortunately we needed oct 7 to remind us
Incredibly powerful and moving. Isreal, you are in thoughts and prayers every day.
Historically the Arabs started wars against Israel, lost them, lost land and then cried about it !!!
Historically that has always been arab land "Israel is the last colonial state" Noam Chomsky
@@JosephV-p7c if you bother to research this, that statement falls apart very quickly.
@@JosephV-p7cArab peninsula only
@@JosephV-p7c Noam Chomsky is talking aload of shi*** . Even Quran said God gave the lad Israel to the jews.
This video making a huge comeback 👏👏🇮🇱
Robert Spencer’s book should be mandatory reading for all federal employees. Maybe then they might make good decisions about Israel and Palestine .
they dont care they are part of the take down sorry to say. Only real one is TRUMP 2020
@theraven900 The book is very historically accurate.
This book should be discussed at Harward, UPENN, MIT, across the US , Europe and all peace loving nations.
de eerste x dat iemand vertelt hoe het in elkaar zit dat doe ik al jaren dan word ik er af gegooid ik heb zoveel boeken gelezen maar ze lezenniet iedere avond de hele geschidenis op tv ook over de holokost daar snappen ze ook niets van ik ging vanaf mn 15de naar de bios heb al die films gezien die de nazi.s zelf mmaaktenhet word tijd dat de hele wereld dat ook ziet en de films van7 oktober ik hui l nog steeds ik haat die monsters en ze worden in de watten gelegd
Why isnt this man on British TV , The British public need educating on this subject.
Because he's rightly banned from.Britain
@@kimbirch1202well he shouldn’t be. Rightly banned ! Ffs we have jihadists shouting in our streets and Islamic grooming gangs and you think this educated man should be banned! You are what’s wrong with the uk. Go live in an Arab state and enjoy all the rights their world affords you - like Freedom of speech ha! ha!
Simple answer is he is banned from the UK.
I would love to hear what does the celebrities who write “ free Palestine” In their social media while they’re in the comfort of their mansions, how do they think the conflict should be solved. It would be very interesting to hear their “intelectual” opinions since they claim they’re very educated in the topic….
Or the celebrities that said israel has a right to defend itself. Not knowing the war crimes israeli would later on go on and commit
You really think your educated? You let the zionist Jesus haters brainwash you.
@@geasy5874the war crimes are in your mind the say way the country is not occupying land. we all see where you're coming from and you haven't heard a word they said.
@@geasy5874 yeah, but hey they are playing the same game the monkeys are playing. here nothing, see nothing, say nothing. ;-)
I wish every Muslim would watch this with an open mind, it’s so obvious to see
So obvious..
Lol they would never believe in this guy
They would say he is zionist agent
@@indrawoody4382 yeah so obvious how fake the whole thing is
With an open mind to what? This dude is guilty of half-baked research. Even anyone who had a Muslim neighbor would know what he is saying is a total farce. Do your own research. Don't rely on people to give you a summary because these people have their own agenda to sell.
Back to europe white invader
Outstanding interview ✔️
This is the most sensible view of the problem that I have seen.
Thank you CBN👍✌🇺🇸
Fantastic to listen to someone who actually knows what he is talking about🤘
You are not very bright, are you..
The man before me said it, so I won't repeat it. Now you should ask yourself if he is right. How did these Jews live so long there and why did the Arabs, on the land conquered from Byzantium, give the Jews to return?
Actually he doesn't - so unfortunate!
This dude has no idea what he is talking about! He is a zionist puppet using talking points and spewing hatred. Jews and Muslims lived side by side peacefully for centuries. Do your own research.
Maher knows nothing about other than what's on the teleprompter
Robert Spencer is spot on. I have his book and read parts of it, there is a lot there. Well researched and just filled with information and facts.
It’s absolute gibberish and nonsense. it’s like Germans saying Jews didn’t like to live so they where just helping them out. It sickening to listen to. For anyone who is able to view things from an objective point. The man sounds semi retarded at best. If you think there is any basis for his outrageous claims I would suggest you try finding other historical sources. To claim Palestinians are Armenian people is utter ridiculous and only for the ignorant and people that haven’t gone to school so they have learned how to be critical to information and find sources themselves. You need to read other books
This was four years ago (now 24dec2023) and it is astonishingly prescient. I'm gonna get his book.
That’s exactly what I was thinking too!
Fantastic Job!! I’ve been warning people with a forceful voice for 23 years, that this is not going to work.
At last! This is the first time I hear someone who has totally understood the situation
I wish all the protestors for Palestine would know this information! People can be so blind.
they are payed.
Robert Spencer should have a conversation with Norman Finkelstein on this topic.
He is so right! He predicted everything three years ago!
Spencer is brilliant. I wish he debated more on YT
Remember why history is important!
People need to hear that now more than ever !!!! Thank you 🙏
The history is well documented.Exactly as he has explained.There are many travelers and writers that mention the lack of people in that area at that time .People mainly Arabs drifted in when Jewish settlers began working the land and developing trade.The British issued every body with a Palestinian passport when they had the mandate after the ottoman control was relinquished.There should be no argument about that it is well understood from history.But the Jews were there thousands of years back.
There were hardly any Muslims in Israel until around 1890's. There are very few ancient Mosques there!
this video should be played in every school in the UK part of history lessons .
99.9 % of the total land in the Middle East is occupied by the Arab Muslims which leaves a very small area of land for Christians Jews and others ( less than 1% ) . Israel is only a tiny state and Saudi Arabia is over 100 times its size. Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and also has over 2 million Arab Muslims with full citizenship and rights. No Jews are allowed live in the 50 Arab states and were expelled when Israel became a nation. There we forced to leave without their properties. Israel took all these refugees home and it’s here where they call home
thank you
A world famous Russian writer Gogol was in Palestine in 1848. From his letter we know that the land was uninhabited except for a few beduins. There were small Jewish viliges, but almost no real agriculture.
Yeah ... read the Old testament and for the time period mentioned by you! The status of things are clear.
Your ignorance and cherry picking is so laughable. If it was empty of people. Why did Napoleon found so much trouble defeating the pasha of Acre? If its so empty why did 10000 arabs from Nablus Jericho and Hebron rose up in rebellion against Muhd Ali the Albanian and laid seige to Jerusalem itself.
I quoted Gogol who visited Palestine and left his impression in writing. Later, Mark Twain, had a similar impression. Not being there at that time myself I have to rely on those two great writers who didn't have any reason to be biased. As for the siege of Akre, there were only 5,000 garrisons in the city. The Napoleon army was harassed by the English and many french soldiers were dying from the plague. Interesting that Napoleon thought that Palestine should belong to the Jews. Apparently he was the first Zionist. Calling me ignorant is laughable, as I am sure you didn't read Mark Twain or Gogol.
@@markpong5435 I did. And I also read a whole gamut of french travellers from Napoleans generals to missionaries. I also read Archeological Survey of Palestine publiched in the 1880s in Great Britain. It has a whole section on the Palestinian Fellahin (peasants) their numbers how many villages and why they were so stubbornly and violently attached to their land around Nazareth Nablus Jericho Hebron Ramleand Lydda.
@@markpong5435 Not to belabour the point and I apologise for my harsh language. Another way to test this theory is through Ottoman population census and Bernard Lewis have spent enormous amount of time going through Ottoman archives.
Thank you, Mr Robert Spencer!
Thank you for posting this. One other thing, almost no muslims that claim to have been kicked off their land, have an actual land deed showing their purchase. For the very few that do, they were just assigned to squatters so that taxes could be collected. No actual purchase was made however. This is very different than the Jews that arrived and purchased the land, without making any religious claims of ownership which they could have made.
Please make him sit vis-à-vis Norman Finkelstein, not with his friend Douglas Murray. This will certainly make the discussion worth listening to.
you could give the Palestinians everything they wanted, even Israel, that still wouldn't change a thing:! similar to some blacks in America, always blaming others for their failures, it' doesn't matter, they'll always blame others';
lol, just say you like colonial projects and love to hate anyone with an ounce of melanin.
I find it interesting that one of the Hamas rockets was headed to the Dome of the Rock, and Israel spent one of their Iron Dome anti-missile to save it. I do think it so regrettable that Israel saved Hamas from destroying it.
Yeah Amen
Thank you for all your word and sharing this video today very meaningful thank you so much blessings and Merry Christmas💙🎄🎅❤🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🇺🇸
For the first time a proper analysis of the problem of Hamas and how they use takhia to their immediate advantage, and prophet as their model in everything that think and do.
Thank you Robert and Pat, please continue to spread the truth.
CBN thank you for another great video and interviews I am sharing this today as I believe knowledge can end War
Really good interview about a very important book. Teza from Sydney Australia
If God tells you to never make peace, you never make peace
This is truly amusing. Hollywood's comedy excellence shines through, a testament to the exceptional creativity of the storyteller.
More than 3 yrs old book but how its every word relevant for all time.... because they r based on old facts , The big mistakes western countries had done , by not listening to Mr Robert Spencer lessons ....
Truly thank you for all your energy and all your meaningful coverage back then and today💙❤💙❤
Guys let’s face it, every time this conflict could come to an end the Palestinian rejected it and choose violence.
Check what happened with Palstns' in Kuwait, Lebanon, and Jordan.
You mean Philistine Arabs. "Palestinians" are a fiction and a lie.
❤❤❤thank you sir robert spencer...this was informative...and helpful in clearing issues with facts and truthful reference...
Oh! I just love the way you along with the U.S. C.I.A twist and control the narative to suit your needs and control the people's perception.
Very rarely do TV shows invite Muslims on live TV since they know all their arguments against islam are totally baseless !
2-state-solution was performed in 1946 by creation of the Kingdom of Jordan in TransJordan and 1948 for The State of Israel in Cis-Jordan, according to the LoN rulings from 1922.
Bravo Robert Spencer👏👏👏
Somebody should send this video to the White House. We must share this video with everyone
There is even a question if Muhammad ever existed.
All these people predicted these Palestinians lies. Yet all these people are calling for two states which is ridiculous.
Israrl keep going. Brave IDF i am praying for you. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🙏🙏🙏💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️
If they separate the land that country that does will reap God's hand of punishment.
or worse damage from our hands.
Just look up,in the back of your BIBLE. The land GOD gave to lsrael! In a few years they will have it back. The land they have NOW is microscopic to the land GOD gave to lsrael!
What kind of delusion this guy is proposing? He is manufacturing one story after the other
It's all facts!
Israel - stay strong 🇮🇱🙏
Lying is the bigest crime of all! 😢😢
It's worsened, completely agree
Can you please come educate the government of South Africa
The anc government is way to arrogant and ignorant.....
truth. cant change history...
In the Quran you will find the word ‘kafer’ which is mistranslated as ‘unbeliever’ of ‘infidel’.
In reality, ‘kafer’ is someone who INTENTIONALLY COVERS THE TRUTH.
Are you interested in learning and growing closer to the Lord or are you committed to spread hate and falsehoods?
Two great erudite men - speaking truth to fanaticism!! Israel deserves our never-ending support.
I cannot judge this situation.
But they don’t even know His Name!
A man owns a car. He is thrown out and a squatter moves in. He lives there many years. The car is a mess, the seats battered and paint flaked, engine slumped. The owner gets in through the boot after the squatter locks the doors. But slowly the owner manages to get inside and fixes the seats while the squatter sits on the roof banging with his heel.
Which one should the policeman arrest? He is new to the beat. Knows nothing about the man in the car, but hears the man on the roof saying, "I am just fixing the dents in the roof. But the man inside is stealing the seats!"
"Who owns the car?" asks the policeman.
"My great grandfather lived here first." the man on the roof exclaims, and waves a broken brake lever as proof of ownership.
"Out you get," says the policeman. "Leave your driver's licence, paperwork and keys on the seat. And while you're at it, unhook your 3,500 year old caravan full of spare parts and photos of your darn car, you thief!"
"leave your drivers license"
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Israel has for decades forced everyone in Israel an Palestine to participate in an national identity card scheme which is materially equivalent to the 666 scheme china has now forced over a billion souls to participate in.
The Palestinians are genetic descendants of ancient Israelites as are the modern Israelites, their issue is a religious one.
Do you support the Jewish religion which specifically denies Jesus Christ, or do you support the muslim religion which specifically denies that Jesus Christ is the son of God?
@@fukushimaisrevelation2817 the jews are still living out thier history and will end at the second coming of Jesus Christ and all israel will accept him as the saviour
Kenneth Perry So do you imagine that the Jewish individuals who have been convicted of murder by the Israeli courts over the last 70 years will be saved by Jesus after Jesus comes back?
What do you imagine it means to be saved by Jesus?
Moses murdered the Egyptian before fleeing Egypt do you imagine Moses will be saved by Jesus?
@@fukushimaisrevelation2817 both jew and gentile must accept Jesus as Lord. Jesus said no man comes to the Father but by me. The jews are under Gods promises but that doesnt mean they are nice people
@@kennethperry5500 which of Gods promises do you imagine jews are under? God promises to curse in Deuteronomy 28 god an god promises to bless jewish food basically if jewish people keep all the law perfectly an dueteronomy promises to rain down curses upon Jewish people if they do not keep every part of the hundreds of commandments diligently.
Deuteronomy 28:2 And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:
Deuteronomy 28:14 And thou shalt not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.
15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:
Deuteronomy 28:20 The Lord shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me.
Deuteronomy 28:21 The Lord shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it.
22 The Lord shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish.
Deuteronomy 28:26 And thy carcase shall be meat unto all fowls of the air, and unto the beasts of the earth, and no man shall fray them away.
Deuteronomy 28:28 The Lord shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart:
29 And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee.
Deuteronomy 28:37 And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations whither the Lord shall lead thee.
etc etc etc
So really what promise do you image the Jewish people are entitled to from the Lord who came up with Deuteronomy as a contract?
Do you really imagine the Jewish people will dwell before the creator for eternity when they could not dwell before the creator for a few centuries?
My guess is God will take the most righteous Jewish people to be sure the righteous will have their inheritance, but in general I think folks are overly optimistic on the plight of the Jewish people before the creator. Perhaps the Lord the creator Jesus Christ will look at their hearts an have mercy on those who tried with contrite hearts before him but in general I think billions of Jewish people are going to be disappointed at the resurrection to not receive access to the kingdom of heaven an access to the life extending fruit from the tree of life.
But we can hope I guess that the Lord will have mercy upon the Jewish people, even though they give him no reason to have mercy upon them.
Deuteronomy is not a contract a sane person would agree too. Thus the Israelites agreed to it after having been traumatized as slaved in Egypt 400 years an then traumatized by wondering in the desert for 40 years eating birds an what appears on the ground after birds for 40 years.
If there were no Arabs in Palestine, how and why was Al Aqsa mosque built?
YERUSHALAYIM, cradle of Jewish civilisation and Holiest city of the Jewish people, was 80% Jewish in 1864 (Ottoman Turk occupation census) before @rob colonial migrant settlers came flooding in by the hundreds of thousands 1880+ after Jews had bought and developed the land (drained swamps, irrigated the desert, improved agriculture etc) and also during the British Mandate when 500,000+ @rob colonial migrant settlers came (many illegals) even in the 1930s+ according to the 1937 Peel Commission Report. Grand Mufti, Hitler’s ally who incited horrific hate and violence against the Jewish people already living there such as the 1929 massacre in the ancient Jewish city of Hevron (Abraham), wiping out helpless Jews of their city and others. Mufti also pressured the British to refuse Holocaust survivors while @rob colonial migrant settlers came flooding in.
A lot of Arabs migrated there during the rule of the ottoman empire !
This is laced in the most horrific lies and distortions . Clearly these two men do not believe in Gods wrath or the day of judgment , they lie with such ease !
No, Lying is part of Mohamed and your Plagiarized koran😭😭😭
Haven't heard anything from Robert Spencer for a while. He knows his stuff.
From the river to the see.. there was never a nation called „Palestine“ and there never will be ;)
100% Truth
Why can‘t people just educated themselves like these people?
Because it takes time and effort. Its easier to take one side and go with the flow. And the most important one: critical thinking, which unfortunately is not encourage in our educational system nor in the religion. Socrates was right : to reflectively question common beliefs and explanations, carefully distinguishing those beliefs that are reasonable and logical from those which - however appealing they may be to our native egocentrism, however much they serve our vested interests, however comfortable or comforting they may be - lack adequate evidence or rational foundation to warrant our belief. By the way Robert Spencer is from a Greek origin, just a nugget.
How can anyone in his right mind suggest that Hamas and its Palestinian supporters (80%) deserve a peace process, not to mention a two-state-solution. They do not, and I hope that Israel and most of the civilised world can see it that way, too, and act accordingly. The revival of the Abraham accord is of much greater importance to secure safety and a lasting peace in the region.