Why Satan Hates Jesus
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- Why satan hates Jesus and how to defeat satan.
#christianedit #jesusisking #defeatsatan
#christ #christianedit #jesuschrist #jesusislord #godedit #jesus #jesusedit #jesusiscoming #jesusisking #cross #lustig #lust #sin #bible #bibleverse #sad #edit #fyp #foryou #viral #forgiveness #stop #turntogod #turntojesus #believeingod
The road to Jesus is thin and hard to walk in, and the road to damnation is wide. Satan is tricking you to walk the comfortable and easy path. Follow Jesus brothers and sisters, he is the only way!
Amen God bless everybody❤
Messiah says: STAN has nothing but love for Christ. Too follow religion is to follow a fool and a conman, WAKE THE MUCK UP out of your derelict fantasy. Allfather
No Hindu has burnt a Christian when they told Jesus was king christianity is well respected in India . Hindus are tolerant and they respect Jesus Christ
plenty of Christians are persecuted in Hindu countries… Global Christian relief for example
Not what I’ve heard
There are many telugu Anti-Christian UA-cam channels.
God bless
@@ManthanSingh-u5s liar
They did not seem to hate each other. That much. Depends on who you’re calling Satan tho. Big. Decide r. In it
The same thing with Mary. Protestents beleive in this made up myth that Mary was a sinner but they forget one God and sin don't get along they don't intertwine much less have coffee together. In if you go to the first chapter of Luke when Gabriel visited Mary he said to Mary "HAIL FULL OF GRACE THE LORD IS WITH THEE" When you are full of grace you are without sin/ Eve disobedience and the desire to be like God (same with adam). Point is a women brought death and sin to the world and so to repair that God needed to have a women who can birth light and life the world. God never took his off of Mary and even Satan and the demons confessed to catholic exorcists about the fact that no matter how much they tempted Mary they never could have gotten her to sin even once. That's why the devil hates mary and fears her.