You Gonna Fly by Keith Urban Lyrics

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tatertotiscool
    @tatertotiscool 12 років тому +9

    amazing song;3
    I love keith urban!
    He's my favourite country singer.

  • @societyproductions
    @societyproductions 13 років тому +1

    I have been looking for the song everywhere! I even guessed the name!

  • @alyssaclayton4165
    @alyssaclayton4165 10 років тому +7

    i listen to this song everyday! i want more good songs like this!

  • @Raleigh1994
    @Raleigh1994 13 років тому +3

    It is almost impossible to listen to a Keith Urban song and not automaticly start smiling.

  • @KMorgan7987
    @KMorgan7987 12 років тому +4

    i love keith urban!!

  • @AkatsukiGoodGirl13
    @AkatsukiGoodGirl13 13 років тому

    amazing Keith you have done it again

  • @nickbro97perales48
    @nickbro97perales48 5 років тому +2

    I haven't heard this song since 2010. My Grandpa used to put on the Sirius XM The Highway when I was ready to go to Middle School past 7AM

  • @amylange1978
    @amylange1978 13 років тому

    I am obsessed with this song right now! The lyrics make me smile : )

  • @lylaroe895
    @lylaroe895 4 роки тому +1

    I love you K U

  • @johnknisely6633
    @johnknisely6633 6 років тому +8

    I'm 13 now 14 in august and I remember sitting in a car seat singing this song when I was like 2

    • @northxrnn
      @northxrnn 6 років тому

      Omg same but I was like 8 lololol

  • @oscarboy68
    @oscarboy68 12 років тому

    My favorite song!!!
    Keith Urban is my favorite singer!!!
    Perfect match!!!

  • @lilbitfurtheron
    @lilbitfurtheron 12 років тому

    From the New Orleans! WHOOOOOOO!!!! XD My hometown!

  • @ShiShidbZk989
    @ShiShidbZk989 13 років тому

    It's amazing how quickly and effectively Keith Urban recovered from his surgery, and yet to me, he sounds better after than before. Go Aussies!

  • @ramdonvhstapes5986
    @ramdonvhstapes5986 4 роки тому

    Growled Up With This Song At The End Of Middle School

  • @turtle2448thomas
    @turtle2448thomas 13 років тому +1

    Great song and great job on the vid keep it up!!!

  • @123CountryStrong
    @123CountryStrong 13 років тому

    Keith Urban puts a smile on my face.(:

  • @SweetPanda1400
    @SweetPanda1400 5 років тому +6

    This brings me back to when I was in a country phase in middle school just because my boyfriend at the time liked country music... But I did unironically liked this song. Now I can't stand country music.

  • @surfacious
    @surfacious 12 років тому

    It is one of my favorite songs from Keith Urban. :) Ha ha ha!!!

  • @4459054
    @4459054 12 років тому

    When this song is on the radio I just turn it up and the bass as well lol this song is awesome .

  • @whatnowbro11
    @whatnowbro11 13 років тому

    I can't listen to this song without singin it, or danceing to it!!(:

  • @michaelking5744
    @michaelking5744 7 років тому +2

    this song is the best country song ever in the world

  • @Kchacon9012
    @Kchacon9012 11 років тому +1


  • @Platoon332
    @Platoon332 12 років тому

    Thanks for caring =)

  • @benjamincarter4962
    @benjamincarter4962 12 років тому

    Dude knows how to rock it!

  • @funnygirlforever14
    @funnygirlforever14 12 років тому

    this song gets stuck in my head all the time but i like it

  • @tabbymolesworth3712
    @tabbymolesworth3712 7 років тому +2

    I love it all the time

  • @kaigray2644
    @kaigray2644 11 років тому +1

    I Love This Song My Fave Keep Singing Keith Urban

  • @sookjaig.2697
    @sookjaig.2697 5 років тому


  • @metalxhorror
    @metalxhorror 7 років тому +11

    I remember when I went to Chuck E Cheeses and the Jasper animatronic was singing this song.

    • @cecwaterbury
      @cecwaterbury 5 років тому +1

      Yup! And this song reminds me of him!

  • @tallulahlovesya
    @tallulahlovesya 12 років тому +4

    Im an 'emo' chick but I gotta admit, I love this song.

  • @nsgovernment
    @nsgovernment 12 років тому +1

    You gonna fly with me

  • @BUBBLE2010ism
    @BUBBLE2010ism 12 років тому

    iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !

  • @Kacieann555
    @Kacieann555 12 років тому

    This is my favorite song

  • @tallulahlovesya
    @tallulahlovesya 12 років тому +8

    You know this song's good whwn an 'emo' kid likes it!(:

  • @Platoon332
    @Platoon332 12 років тому

    Remninds me of the Baby girl barn owl I found toay, she was sick and her mum abandonded her. Poor thing died. . R.I.P Sugar!

  • @haleybrumbaugh6557
    @haleybrumbaugh6557 12 років тому +1

    i can never forget this song ever!! and guess what i was the black bird who was scared to fly.

  • @briannasmoore6685
    @briannasmoore6685 5 років тому

    I love this song because I love herring New Orleans

  • @kaigray2644
    @kaigray2644 11 років тому

    IKR He Is The Best

  • @BrandonJamesGuetersloh
    @BrandonJamesGuetersloh 9 років тому +10

    When he said "Here we are baby in the back of my van", I thought he said "back of my bed"...

    • @mcslappinmcchicken1273
      @mcslappinmcchicken1273 9 років тому +3

      He did say "back of my bed" for the bed of his truck he meant... Lol

    • @BrandonJamesGuetersloh
      @BrandonJamesGuetersloh 9 років тому +2

      KU1AcousticJam Oh... I thought he meant him with his girlfriend behind his bed..

    • @mattybcool
      @mattybcool 8 років тому +2

      Either way, you know he got laid lol.

    • @jayceeraee7569
      @jayceeraee7569 4 роки тому

      The lyrics said back of my van. But that doesn't sound okay

  • @Madness7125
    @Madness7125 12 років тому

    @tydrtd Look at the vevo video...its you gonna fly.

  • @sonoyta5386
    @sonoyta5386 4 роки тому

    Working tonight at my moms house cleaning up plumbing mess but grateful for running water 💧

  • @4459054
    @4459054 12 років тому +1

    I have a big crush on a girl and her name is Sarah Thumbs up if I should sing it to her :)

  • @MaecaLarochelle
    @MaecaLarochelle 11 років тому

    Haha that would be awesome!

  • @Dirtman208
    @Dirtman208 11 років тому +1

    Go For It. If at least 8 random people agree that you should sing to her. You Better believe you should sing to her. (See What I did there?)

  • @MrPink2048
    @MrPink2048 12 років тому


  • @GiJordyn
    @GiJordyn 13 років тому

    @Madness7125 Actually no it's not. Check out the vevo. Its "you gonna fly"

  • @tydrtd
    @tydrtd 12 років тому

    @Madness7125 it is your gonna fly

  • @michelenelson3513
    @michelenelson3513 9 років тому +2

    Keith Urban did not write this song. It was written by Preston Brust and Chris Lucas of LoCash Cowboys

    • @singingforeva3355
      @singingforeva3355 9 років тому

      Okay captain obvious

    • @michelenelson3513
      @michelenelson3513 9 років тому

      Apparently it was not obvious to the person who put the video together and didn't credit the correct songwriters

    • @davedundee
      @davedundee 7 років тому

      Not forgetting Jaren Johnston.

    • @DallytheQueer
      @DallytheQueer 7 років тому

      Michele Nelson So? people can sing covers idiot

  • @CrazyTeens2
    @CrazyTeens2 12 років тому

    3 people have no taste in music! I LOVE YOU KEITH URBAN!!!

  • @jasminperalta20
    @jasminperalta20 12 років тому

    hahahah!!!! this comment made my day!!

  • @4459054
    @4459054 12 років тому

    I had a dream last night that keith urban came over to my house and we played this song and made a cover lol anyways .. SO we started to jam and a thunderstorm made the power go out so , He fix the power so it would turn on again then we played this song over and over lol and alot of people came and we scared them away with firecrackers fml...

  • @paradox4708
    @paradox4708 6 років тому


  • @kaigray2644
    @kaigray2644 11 років тому +1

    Me Etheir He Rocks

  • @isaaclynn8748
    @isaaclynn8748 12 років тому +2

    It's a ninja... We know its there we just can't see it.

  • @Madness7125
    @Madness7125 13 років тому

    Just so you know...the song is just called "Fly" not "You gonna fly"...

  • @4459054
    @4459054 11 років тому

    lols I don't remember posting that :P

  • @Baptistbowhunter
    @Baptistbowhunter 5 років тому

    Felt that it's l kiss

  • @GiJordyn
    @GiJordyn 13 років тому

    @RandomandBizarre How can you even compare Swift with Urban? I love Taylor but I'd take Keith any day.

  • @emanvfuturemd
    @emanvfuturemd 12 років тому

    Just when you thought you escaped a video with an advertisement...

  • @breeslover21
    @breeslover21 13 років тому

    @MegaSavvy10 hahaha cleverrr :D

  • @Lilmythman13
    @Lilmythman13 13 років тому +1

    People have no idea what the actual lyrics are to songs. hah.(:
    I love this song though.(:

  • @whatsuptrinity_
    @whatsuptrinity_ 12 років тому


  • @hayjiggins7308
    @hayjiggins7308 11 років тому +3

    I hate country, hate hate hate it....but dammit I love this song

  • @icecreampantz
    @icecreampantz 13 років тому

    @Raleigh1994 my brother: i know right?

  • @Dogs101fan100
    @Dogs101fan100 12 років тому +3

    do u see that dislike bar? Cus i sure dont...

  • @Toaster003
    @Toaster003 3 роки тому


  • @kylerogers8081
    @kylerogers8081 12 років тому

    its bed not van

  • @JordanS215
    @JordanS215 12 років тому

    Its "FELT that kiss..." not "FILL"

  • @leftoverhippies
    @leftoverhippies 13 років тому

    Did you make up these lyrics? lol "Fill that kiss?" "You knew we're gonna be alright?" Dude, look them up if you don't know...

  • @GiJordyn
    @GiJordyn 13 років тому

    Its" In the back of my bed" Not "in the back of my van" What kind of cowboy drives a van? Lol

  • @heyyousmartone
    @heyyousmartone 12 років тому

    1) thats not cool dude
    2) theres now 11
    3) its irrelevant just enjoy the music
    and at Dog i appologize for my friends rude comment. continue to enjoy this song with me :)

  • @HanahanRocketz23
    @HanahanRocketz23 12 років тому

    You can be a black bi rd on a coun tru strret

  • @WickedWazz
    @WickedWazz 12 років тому

    5 people can't read!

  • @crempel97
    @crempel97 12 років тому

    Who cares about the lyrics LISTEN TO THE SONG!!!

  • @isaiahboyd466
    @isaiahboyd466 2 роки тому

    Whoever made this video needs to learn the lyrics many mess ups on the words...try again and listen to the words firsr

  • @BanadaBabes
    @BanadaBabes 12 років тому +1

    4 people have no taste in music.

  • @isaiahboyd466
    @isaiahboyd466 Рік тому

    Before you post lyrics learn them cause you f-ed up at least twice !!!

  • @MrPink2048
    @MrPink2048 12 років тому


    @MOTANANCY 9 років тому
