As a young sailor in 1977 I worked on a Dutch oiltanker and we went to Indonesia. To my amazement all the harbor and custom officials spoke Dutch to us, especially the older men.
There are only 2 foreign oil companies that are common to see in Java. American Castrol and Dutch Shell. It's so interesting to Shell remaining and even expanding in Indonesia, and providing ordinary Indonesians with high paying jobs.
I can't thank you enough for sharing this. I've heard many stories from my parents and their friends about growing up in Indonesia before the war. I've seen paintings of the time, but now I can actually SEE what I've only been able to imagine. THANK YOU!!
Wow! Finally I found the rare footage of West Java from Dutch East Indies era! It's quite hard to find the footage of West Java actually, because most of the documentations were documenting Bali or Cental Java especially Yogyakarta and Surakarta. Thanks for uploading this! From this rare footage, I can see what my ancestor did in this "Tanah Parahyangan" 😊💕 Greetings from West Java, Indonesia! 🇮🇩
@@milesedgeworth2079 para ia ng an (para=plural) ia (they, he/she, them) ng (preposition) an (to make it "noun"). it's a place that represent a spiritual world mostly for mountains or high ground place.
Great footage, probably from a lot of different (amateur) sources. But I really would appreciate some redaction and explanation of what is shown here. Maybe via subtitles
It's a glimpse into a lost era. It's good that some people had the presence of mind to record these images for posterity. I really must read more about the Dutch East Indies - can anyone recommend a good English-language history of the Dutch East Indies? All that I know of it so far has been gleaned incidentally, reading other histories of other empires and wars.
@@bonbonboy7525just forgotten lol i even forgot that we are austronesian, our ancestor that sailed the farthest is in hawaii. Would love to visit there sometime
Kalau melihat filem-filem dokumenter lawas gini yang pertama terlintas dipikiran adalah, berapa suhu udara saat itu, bagaimana cuaca saat itu. Mikir nya, masih enak kali ya ? Masih adem, udaranya masih bersih.
Iya sama aku jg penasaran sm suhu udara itu......di tambah lagi rasa masakan jaman dulu ky apa gitu.....aroma sabun mandi mereka juga.....terakhir, intonasi dialeknya pasti beda juga sama skrg.
@@evadennabella6402 selain itu juga, ada diskriminasi perlakuan pemerintah thdp pribumi. Selain itu, teknologi kedokteran belum maju.. misal kalo kena tumor ringan aja, mungkin bisa mati saat itu :(
As a dutch person of Indonesian descent I find this doc to be quite interesting. I'm glad I am Indonesian but also dutch. The connection between these 2 people is good and the dutch people have never been racist (modern era) against Indonesians. :)
I knew this is rather too late but thanks to Dutch, we can united as Indonesian People. We paid our independence from Dutch back then at 1949. I hope we can help each other again
Indonesia would have been independent anyway since the Dutch were already planning it. The war messed everything up. Just like Suriname, Aruba and Curaçao the transition would have been peaceful and so many lives would have been saved.
Yuris Abrori Not thanks but despite the Dutch, Indonesia could become a united country. I'd like to remind you, that after WW2 they first tried to reoccupied Indonesia and then they tried to split up the country. Even after they failed in both cases, they wanted to keep the Papua provinces. In all those attempts they were not succesfull because the Indonesian people make their own choises.
this is the country where my grandfather and mother were born, before we decided to move and live forever in America, at that time there was a very big riot in the era of President Habibi, and just last year we officially became citizens of the United States, really miss Jakarta, Being an Indonesian with a mixture of Indonesian, Korean and Dutch blood makes me even more proud that these three countries have a great history
@@vijriatievrilani6787this footage were taken in 1938, while we gain independencies in 1945. So yeah, it is older than the nation itself. By the way, this footage is as old as my grandma tho 😆
Beautiful footage! Could you be so kind to share the source? Who shot it and where did you get the footage? Is it to be found in public archives or does it belong to a private collector? Sharing this information is highly appreciated. With kind regards.
Dutch archives probably.. Ae Dutch kept a incredible amount of documents and such related to Indonesia back in the Netherlands.. Much has being saved for that reason.. You could try and contact various organisations back in the Netherlands regarding these kind of images.. Pictures, video's, documents. Much of it still exists from around 1900ish both domestic and colonial.
Dutch East Indies, also known as the East Indies Dutch East Indies, East Indies and India, or informally as the East, was from 1816 the official name used for all colonized by the Dutch state in the Indian Archipelago. areas that became the size of present-day Indonesia in the 1920s. The official spelling used at the time was the Dutch East Indies. In Malay, the name was Hindia-Belanda; the term "(Our) Indies" was represented by Tanah Hindia.
@@keladitua8535 Years before Dutch arrived there, Tribes from India region, took control of these Islands, and had many of their people migrate to these Island, willing, or mostly unwilling..
Mooie beelden! Het geeft een goed beeld; Zonder het achteraf te politiceren; Kun je heel goed er zelf indrukken aan ontleden...! De ellende decennia later,blijven ook voor zichzelf spreken...!
They have close relations to this very day.The Netherlands is Indonesia's biggest European trading partner.Many joint ventures in Indonesia.Also both countries have thriving expat communities of each other's citizens.The Netherlands,Indonesia,Surinam and the Dutch West Indies have a de facto grouping as a loose community sharing a similar history.
@@limcako41 most Indonesian don't perceived it as such. Maybe more than 80% of Indonesian harbor resentment toward the Dutch thanks to our textbooks describing bad things about Dutch occupation. I know that there are 2 million Indonesian in Netherlands and my cousin married to a Dutchman and at least 2 of my relatives are in Netherlands but we are minorities. There's no institutionalized relationship on the State level. I myself love Netherlands
I think you are right.The War of Independence was very brutal and many Indonesian people suffered.It was very sad because if the Netherlands had sat down and negotiated with Sukarno and Hatta and compromised instead of launching a big war things would have been different.
post brexit that commonwealth will only become more important, I can see it becoming a union like the EU, for the countries that wish to join, there are already moves towards this with CANZUK!
I concur with that. Commonwealth countries are young in demographics and have a lot of room to grow, while on the other hand EU is getting old thereby it relies more on immigration for rejuvenation. thereupon EU is stepping into a precarious position which would let it's identity slowly subverted and one day EU will be more like Mideast than Europe. I don't mind immigration, but the good immigration is where the immigrant adopting and assimilating the values and traditions of the country he/she immigrated into and not the other way around. Ideological and demographic subversion is pernicious. That's how Indonesia subverted from a Hindu Empire into a Muslim dominated countries.
klu di liat di dalam film ini belanda lebih konsisten merawat cagar budaya jajahannya kebalikan kalau di lihat sekarang orang indonesia itu lebih ingin menghilangkan budayanya sendiri. bravo for duch
Belajar sejarah lagi sebelum bicara yg engga engga, emg kalian udh berbuat apa untuk Indonesia? Udah melestarikan budaya indo belum?? Udah rajin bayar pajak belum? Kalau masih suka kena tilang dah gak ush bicara negara mending lu ubah diri lu sendiri taati aturan baru lu boleh ngomongin negara!!!! Gada otak emg
Dan btw, sama seperti Jepang video seperti ini hanya untuk dokumenter, dan propaganda Belanda, kalau mereka ada andil merawat cagar budaya, padahal mah banyak cagar budaya kita yg dicuri dan entah gimana nasibnya. 👹 Gimana dengan berlian dari Sultan Banjar yg sekarang masih di museum Belanda, gimana dengan manuskrip, pusaka, dan harta benda lainya milik setiap daerah di Nusantara?.
The instrument they used is Gamelan (west java gamelan) for the music but the music itself seems to be not indonesian. It sounds like turkis or anatolian sounds.
May God Bless All Our Indonesian Brothers & Sisters. We pray for the Peace, Progress, Positive Development, Safety, Security, Stability & Prosperity of Indonesia. May God Bless Indonesia with Health, Wealth & Prosperity. Amen.❤️❤️❤️💐💐💐🌺🌺🌺🌸🌸🌸🌹🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍.
Kami juga bingung bagaimana kami menilai. Salam dari indonesia datanglah kesini. ke pulau Bali, yogyakarta banyak orang barat lagi berjemur di sana..🙏❤❤❤
kebanyakan persepsi kita selalu buruk di masa penjajahan belanda, mngkin yg di pikiran kita saat itu hanya perang dan perang, angkat senjata, pribumi ditembaki dll. Padahal perang sesungguhnya belum benar2 terjadi di masa pendudukan belanda saat video ini di ambil. Jd kondisi sebenarnya ya adem ayem aja kaya kita sekarang, tetap ada pemerintahan (bupati, raja/sultan) yg mengelola daerah masing2 walaupun memang di bawah kendali utama pemerintah hindia belanda. Layanan umum seperti rumah sakit, transportasi, sistem perkotaan, jalan raya dan pusat2 ekonomi juga sekolah sudah ada jd masyarakat hidupnya biasa aja gak ada intimidasi apa2 apalagi perang karena penguasa saat itu bekerjasama di bawah kontrol belanda, belum berdikari sendiri sbgmana negara merdeka. Bagaimanapun hidup di bawah penjajahan bangsa asing memang tidak enak, di tanah sendiri justru kita yg harus tunduk pada aturan mereka, tp disisi lain penjajahan bangsa barat memberi banyak ilmu dan tatanan sistem yg penting untuk kemajuan kita sebagai bangsa.
Adem ayem kelihatannya, tapi di masa "adem ayem" itu strata itu tidak sama kaum nmer 1 adalah belanda yg kedua adalah asia timur baru yg terbawah adalah pribumi indonesia, yg membuat kita melepaskan diri dari belanda ya karena strata itu, meski belanda membuat kemajuan yang pesat bagi indonesia tapi jika mereka tetep menganggap kita jongosnya ya tetep kita lawan.
Untuk yang adem ayemnya itu biasanya orang-orang Belanda, tuan tanah, keturunan kerajaan, dan orang-orang ningrat (Raden). Kalau untuk rakyat kecilnya hidupnya sulit, ditambah lagi saat dahulu dilakukan sistem cultuurstelsel (tanam paksa) oleh Gubernur Jendral van den Bosch. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri karena adanya bangsa Belanda datang ke Indonesia, bangsa kita merasakan pembangunan kereta api, gedung-gedung pemerintahan (istana negara, gedung sate, dll), institusi pendidikan (seperti UI dan ITB, dahulu dibangun oleh orang-orang Belanda agar terdapat institusi pendidikan untuk memajukan negara jajahan mereka), dan candi-candi peninggalan kerajaan jaman dahulu pun ditemukan oleh ekspeditor Belanda yang penasaran akan Indonesia. Kita hanya perlu melihat dari kedua belah sisi, sehingga kita dapat bersyukur akan semua hal yang telah terjadi saat ini 😊
Karena orang indonesia di doktrin membenci belanda setelah perang dan orang indonesia sengsara karena jepang merusak fasilitas dan pemerintahan yang membuat ekonomi lumpuh, orang pribumi dulu lebih diutamakan sedangkan keturunan arab dan tionghoa terahir. Dimata orang belanda kitalah yang berhianat
Chielz0r Yep so true, look at al the African countries with a black government/prime minister/dictator in charge, they only enrich themselves, and leave the people with nothing, we Dutch colonizers did the same but we gave them houses, railroads, education, harbors, infrastructure etc.
@@billybara4061 Before the Dutch arrived in Indonesia there were multiple warring sultanates and kingdoms present. Some of these states even supported the Dutch that colonized Java, because they were enemies of Portugal. No one was living in prosperity during that time period. Just a very small elite, this applies to European nations as well. Also, you sound more like a racist than anyone else.
@@naufalpalembang Well, my father was born inThe Netherlands, my mother in Surabaya, her mother in Surabaya, her father in The Netherlands. I was born in The Netherlands, while my mom and brother were visiting Holland for first time. He was also born in Surabaya and my younger sister was born in Palembang. My mother gave birth to six children on three continents, the last one in California. How about that!! 🤗
@@orde_plongo.3.0 masih= past tense? Dumbass thats a present tense, think of it like this. Masih= still Translation= we still love you indonesia! Dont you try to start an argument here. They still love us and accept love please, in an age where corruption and hoax, people like you dont help.
I'm crying laughing, wheezing, coughing, thinking about a dutch VOC sailor looking at mountains for the first time and be like that one wojak pointing meme.
Halo.. greeting from indonesia, Thanks.. And Nederland is also a beautiful province of Europe. I wish someday i can go to the capital of European country which is United states of america, she really did something great to preserved her vassals.
@Roosje Keizer Probably because they can't live without our laws and guidelines. The situation in Indonesia hasn't really gotten better after they became independent..
Roosje Keizer No it is being smart.The Indonesians have taken on board the best of the Netherlands because it works.Just like Australia, Canada,NZ and even the USA have retained elements of British Common Law
@@Dikkeganzenclub Now there are many more schools and universities than during the Colonial time. When Indonesia became independent, 95% of the people were still illiterate, today everybody can go to school and also can get higher education.
Very Nice Video. May God Bless You For Such a Nice Video. May God Bless Your Channel. I wish you & your channel “All The Best”.Thank You.🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍👍
@@DutchDocuChannel Through the Kalijati Subang Agreement, 8-3-1942, the Netherlands handed over its power in the East Indies (Indonesia) to Japan. 1942-1945 East Indies (Indonesia) under Japanese rule. You forgot about it ..😂😂
@@fahmyabdulmannan5350 Subang Agreement was not signed by Queen Wilhelmina and not in effect, it was about the capitulation of the KNIL. due this non effectiness the KNIL fought on between 1942-1945. Merauke base never surrendered. Since Japanese rule was never official recognized it was an occupation of the Dutch East Indies hence the historian term; Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies;
From 04:30 to 08:30 we see the quinine plantations and fabrication of quinine powder in Bandung, Java, ("Java powder" it used to be called). The Jezuits in South-America had discovered it was a medical wonder drug against fever and malaria. But the Spanish culture is one of taking, not of caring, and so around 1850 the quinine trees were almost all gone in South-America. Dutch and English colonial tradesmen thought it wise to bring some quinine trees to their own colonies to safeguard the supply. The Spanish lost a lucrative trade by the shortsightedness of their culture of despoliation. The same happened to chocolate and coffee resulting in immense chocolate and coffee plantations in English colonies in Africa and elsewhere. It is curious why no Spanish governer or King ever came up with the idea to grow things instead of just cutting everything down like there were no tomorrow and losing it forever.
At that time the knowdledge of agricalture is not well known and not fully established yet, even at that time people thought that spice come only from the Molocus island and cannot be cultivated elsewhere.
Great Footage, as the young Indonesian generation, when I first time sees this. I see it's Indonesia, not Dutch. Since you posted this 3 years ago. You need to Mention Indonesia first and change the title maybe? “ Indonesia when colonialized by the Dutch “ its name was ( you can put whatever was Dutch colonial name it). I think it is more reliable and sensible for youngster audiences. Thank You 🙂
29:20 iam 100% sure this was in solo because ive seen thing footage from an another video plus i think the dutch never interfere with my grandmothers parents and my grandmother herself because idk why this is just my theory if there were dead people in my hometown the grave would be alot and big plus the house if i remembered nothing is damaged or anything like that but iam not sure if they like beat my grandmothers parents or not but iam sure they didn't and this includes japanese era plus well my hometown its like how do i explain just imagine a provonce map from gta and my hometown is next to the edge of the map...
Beslist een van de modernste steden uit die tijd,vergeleken zelfs met Parijs,Londen ,Hong Kong met zijn slaafse-Richsha rijders; Hier geen spoor..ervan..Of er moet een gigantisch toneel stukje opgevoerd worden,dat alles; De rust; Architectuur, properheid ,gelukkige gezichten,allemaal schijn is..
Keadaan lingkungan hidup pada zaman pemerintahan Hindia Belanda masih tampak bersih,asri dan terjaga.Soalnya rakyat masih mau taat peraturan/hukum pada masa itu.Situasi lingkungan hidup setelah merdeka?.Saksikan sendiri secara objektip.
@@YusanTRusli Betul sekali,plastik saat itu belum ada/muncul.Kita saat ini hidup tidak bisa lepas dsri plastik,paling kurang minimalkan lah penggunaan plastik melalui peraturan/regulasi dari pihak Negara/Pemerintah yg ketat at any cost.Mungkin sudah mengetahui kan?bahwa Indonesia adalah no 2 di dunia dalam hal kontribusi sampah plastik global."Wirang"dan menyedihkan!.Terima kasih&salam.
Di balik kejahatan dia ada sisi baiknya sudah merekam.. seandai tidak mana saya tau sejarah indonesia. Cuma kata katanya doank.. tanks you netherlands...👍
The Dutch were very evil towards the indigenous people. but the Indonesian natives succeeded in expelling and fighting the Dutch invaders using only the Yellow Bamboo Heirloom. The Dutch cowardly never apologized continuously to Indonesia
As a young sailor in 1977 I worked on a Dutch oiltanker and we went to Indonesia.
To my amazement all the harbor and custom officials spoke Dutch to us, especially the older men.
they must all be gone now
@@geolin5578 Probably. But for a 19 yr old kid, who knew absolutely NOTHING about history this was quite a surprise
@@waltertaljaard1488 the history not taught in school?
@@vintageb8 They might not have back then, but they do now
There are only 2 foreign oil companies that are common to see in Java.
American Castrol and Dutch Shell. It's so interesting to Shell remaining and even expanding in Indonesia, and providing ordinary Indonesians with high paying jobs.
Dankjewel voor het delen van deze prachtige film. Nooit geweest maar toch voelt het als thuis.
wonderful indonesia in the past time, thank you for your video
Well yes but actually no
I can't thank you enough for sharing this. I've heard many stories from my parents and their friends about growing up in Indonesia before the war. I've seen paintings of the time, but now I can actually SEE what I've only been able to imagine. THANK YOU!!
Wow! Finally I found the rare footage of West Java from Dutch East Indies era!
It's quite hard to find the footage of West Java actually, because most of the documentations were documenting Bali or Cental Java especially Yogyakarta and Surakarta.
Thanks for uploading this! From this rare footage, I can see what my ancestor did in this "Tanah Parahyangan" 😊💕
Greetings from West Java, Indonesia! 🇮🇩
What is tanah pagraykanata
Tolol sana tanam pala
@@milesedgeworth2079 tanah parahyangan is "land of parahyangan" / West Java- Bandung
@@milesedgeworth2079 para ia ng an (para=plural) ia (they, he/she, them) ng (preposition) an (to make it "noun"). it's a place that represent a spiritual world mostly for mountains or high ground place.
Great footage, probably from a lot of different (amateur) sources. But I really would appreciate some redaction and explanation of what is shown here. Maybe via subtitles
It's a glimpse into a lost era. It's good that some people had the presence of mind to record these images for posterity. I really must read more about the Dutch East Indies - can anyone recommend a good English-language history of the Dutch East Indies? All that I know of it so far has been gleaned incidentally, reading other histories of other empires and wars.
Max Havelar.
As Indonesian, i am thankful to you my friend. This video shows how beautiful my country is from time to time. Cheers!
Beautiful images! Very nice to get such a live impression of a country where my grandparents and my father lived for a while.
Thanks to this Dutch film a little history has been saved. So much was destroyed 😢
Yeah why did they were destroy
@@bonbonboy7525just forgotten lol i even forgot that we are austronesian, our ancestor that sailed the farthest is in hawaii. Would love to visit there sometime
Hello from the Netherlands Indonesia! I really love Indonesia and I hope our countries will have a good relationship in the future. Indonesia raya!
I hope it too
@Bidu Bidu ngontol
@Bidu Bidu KONTOL
@Bidu Bidu Woi babik, gak usah bahas yang itu
@@vebywulandari3413 keliatan dari cara ngomong lo, udah jelas orang tolol buta sejarah
Bedank voor uploading deze mooie video van oud tanah priangan.
Whre u from grandpa?
@@anandapungky9916 I was born in Bandoeng in 1940.
@@agielibrantooey7388 so now, u r dutch man?
@@anandapungky9916 No, I am mixed Chinese.
@@agielibrantooey7388 whre did u stay?
Kalau melihat filem-filem dokumenter lawas gini yang pertama terlintas dipikiran adalah, berapa suhu udara saat itu, bagaimana cuaca saat itu. Mikir nya, masih enak kali ya ? Masih adem, udaranya masih bersih.
Iya sama aku jg penasaran sm suhu udara itu......di tambah lagi rasa masakan jaman dulu ky apa gitu.....aroma sabun mandi mereka juga.....terakhir, intonasi dialeknya pasti beda juga sama skrg.
Ada enaknya ada gk enaknya krna masih diambang kehawatiran penjajah masih ada
@@evadennabella6402 selain itu juga, ada diskriminasi perlakuan pemerintah thdp pribumi. Selain itu, teknologi kedokteran belum maju.. misal kalo kena tumor ringan aja, mungkin bisa mati saat itu :(
Dijajah cok mana enak,,,ngg ad otaa.mnding Skrg laaa
@@walay7084 penjajah itu datang silih berganti. kuit boleh merdeka tapi jiwa terjajah itulah indonesia skrg
As a dutch person of Indonesian descent I find this doc to be quite interesting. I'm glad I am Indonesian but also dutch. The connection between these 2 people is good and the dutch people have never been racist (modern era) against Indonesians. :)
@Raus Schweinehund Nazistisch gedachtegoedje Raus Himmler?
@Snelle Jelle Lol wat een bullshit. Waarom zo'n zelfhaat?
@G V "alles wat ik niet leuk vind is links en leugenachtig" doe je ogen open het was niks minder dan slavernij
@h1mb He said he is Dutch with Indonesian descent.
How does it feels being indo-dutch during the expelled?
I knew this is rather too late but thanks to Dutch, we can united as Indonesian People. We paid our independence from Dutch back then at 1949. I hope we can help each other again
Indonesia would have been independent anyway since the Dutch were already planning it. The war messed everything up. Just like Suriname, Aruba and Curaçao the transition would have been peaceful and so many lives would have been saved.
@@moow950 or not because there are already many insurgencies in Indonesia before world war. Indonesia is big, like europe
Yuris Abrori Not thanks but despite the Dutch, Indonesia could become a united country. I'd like to remind you, that after WW2 they first tried to reoccupied Indonesia and then they tried to split up the country. Even after they failed in both cases, they wanted to keep the Papua provinces. In all those attempts they were not succesfull because the Indonesian people make their own choises.
@@harryblack7323 If not because of the Dutch, now you guys would live in tribes or each island would be a nation.
Hell No!
this is the country where my grandfather and mother were born, before we decided to move and live forever in America, at that time there was a very big riot in the era of President Habibi, and just last year we officially became citizens of the United States, really miss Jakarta, Being an Indonesian with a mixture of Indonesian, Korean and Dutch blood makes me even more proud that these three countries have a great history
Yes, I wish you happines and peace ✌🏼
I hope you can comeback to our country and had some travel to see how far we're changed.
@@gurunhitam3414i hope this traitor never set foot on indonesia's land ever again. he is not even native indonesian.
Terima kasih untuk videonya..
Crazy to think this video is older than Indonesia itself.
How ? Our country is much more older
@@vijriatievrilani6787 The Footage Is Older
@@vijriatievrilani6787this footage were taken in 1938, while we gain independencies in 1945. So yeah, it is older than the nation itself.
By the way, this footage is as old as my grandma tho 😆
Beautiful footage! Could you be so kind to share the source? Who shot it and where did you get the footage? Is it to be found in public archives or does it belong to a private collector? Sharing this information is highly appreciated. With kind regards.
1:55 look at them moves
Dutch archives probably.. Ae Dutch kept a incredible amount of documents and such related to Indonesia back in the Netherlands..
Much has being saved for that reason.. You could try and contact various organisations back in the Netherlands regarding these kind of images..
Pictures, video's, documents. Much of it still exists from around 1900ish both domestic and colonial.
What was that music? was wonderful👍🏼
Dutch East Indies, also known as the East Indies
Dutch East Indies, East Indies and India, or informally as the East, was from 1816 the official name used for all colonized by the Dutch state in the Indian Archipelago. areas that became the size of present-day Indonesia in the 1920s. The official spelling used at the time was the Dutch East Indies. In Malay, the name was Hindia-Belanda; the term "(Our) Indies" was represented by Tanah Hindia.
very good point
There's is not india
@@keladitua8535 Years before Dutch arrived there, Tribes from India region, took control of these Islands, and had many of their people migrate to these Island, willing, or mostly unwilling..
@@skelejp9982 No
Terimakasih yang besar buat lembaga kearsipan dan dokumenter negeri Belanda. Ini sebuah pekerjaan yang mulia. Tuhan memberkati kalian.
Mooie beelden! Het geeft een goed beeld; Zonder het achteraf te politiceren; Kun je heel goed er zelf indrukken aan ontleden...! De ellende decennia later,blijven ook voor zichzelf spreken...!
nice choice of music...
jack jones it just goes on & on like a needle is stuck on a record.
David Parsons - Urartu to Ubud
Prachtige beelden. Heerlijke muziek. Dank.
Dank U wel, meneer. Mooi Indie !
Het is mijn kampung.priangan...thank you so much... journey to past periode
British colonies unite under a Commonwealth and have a very good relationship.
Indonesia was a Dutch colony, I wish we had a better relationship.
They have close relations to this very day.The Netherlands is Indonesia's biggest European trading partner.Many joint ventures in Indonesia.Also both countries have thriving expat communities of each other's citizens.The Netherlands,Indonesia,Surinam and the Dutch West Indies have a de facto grouping as a loose community sharing a similar history.
@@limcako41 most Indonesian don't perceived it as such. Maybe more than 80% of Indonesian harbor resentment toward the Dutch thanks to our textbooks describing bad things about Dutch occupation.
I know that there are 2 million Indonesian in Netherlands and my cousin married to a Dutchman and at least 2 of my relatives are in Netherlands but we are minorities.
There's no institutionalized relationship on the State level.
I myself love Netherlands
I think you are right.The War of Independence was very brutal and many Indonesian people suffered.It was very sad because if the Netherlands had sat down and negotiated with Sukarno and Hatta and compromised instead of launching a big war things would have been different.
post brexit that commonwealth will only become more important, I can see it becoming a union like the EU, for the countries that wish to join, there are already moves towards this with CANZUK!
I concur with that.
Commonwealth countries are young in demographics and have a lot of room to grow, while on the other hand EU is getting old thereby it relies more on immigration for rejuvenation. thereupon EU is stepping into a precarious position which would let it's identity slowly subverted and one day EU will be more like Mideast than Europe.
I don't mind immigration, but the good immigration is where the immigrant adopting and assimilating the values and traditions of the country he/she immigrated into and not the other way around.
Ideological and demographic subversion is pernicious. That's how Indonesia subverted from a Hindu Empire into a Muslim dominated countries.
Cantik ya nature Indonesia, Wonderfull, dulu indo jelita skali, skrg mudah2 masih yaa
klu di liat di dalam film ini belanda lebih konsisten merawat cagar budaya jajahannya kebalikan kalau di lihat sekarang orang indonesia itu lebih ingin menghilangkan budayanya sendiri. bravo for duch
Betul pak...negara mrka pemikiran lebih maju drpd kita..mrka lebih mnghargai pendahulu pembuat peradaban.
Belajar sejarah lagi sebelum bicara yg engga engga, emg kalian udh berbuat apa untuk Indonesia? Udah melestarikan budaya indo belum?? Udah rajin bayar pajak belum? Kalau masih suka kena tilang dah gak ush bicara negara mending lu ubah diri lu sendiri taati aturan baru lu boleh ngomongin negara!!!! Gada otak emg
@@ShaerynNaggaryan banyak bacot lu sampah
@@absyahwa7698 idih sampah ngatain orang lain sampah, lawak lo bos.
Dan btw, sama seperti Jepang video seperti ini hanya untuk dokumenter, dan propaganda Belanda, kalau mereka ada andil merawat cagar budaya, padahal mah banyak cagar budaya kita yg dicuri dan entah gimana nasibnya. 👹
Gimana dengan berlian dari Sultan Banjar yg sekarang masih di museum Belanda, gimana dengan manuskrip, pusaka, dan harta benda lainya milik setiap daerah di Nusantara?.
Nice! Could you give information about the music?
The instrument they used is Gamelan (west java gamelan) for the music but the music itself seems to be not indonesian. It sounds like turkis or anatolian sounds.
David Parsons - Urartu to Ubud
Populier Vogel : thnx I will check it out!
May God Bless All Our Indonesian Brothers & Sisters. We pray for the Peace, Progress, Positive Development, Safety, Security, Stability & Prosperity of Indonesia. May God Bless Indonesia with Health, Wealth & Prosperity. Amen.❤️❤️❤️💐💐💐🌺🌺🌺🌸🌸🌸🌹🌹🌹🌷🌷🌷🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍.
Kami juga bingung bagaimana kami menilai.
Salam dari indonesia datanglah kesini. ke pulau Bali, yogyakarta banyak orang barat lagi berjemur di sana..🙏❤❤❤
Seharusnya Indonesia tetap dengan Belanda, sehingga akan lebih baik dibandingkan Indonesia yang sekarang, amburadul dan tidak tertata rapi....
The place where my family came from.
It looks beautiful and orderly, just as the dutch are known for
@Kosmos de Kosmopoliet Onze kosmopoliet begrijpt 't niet, ohh the irony.
@1world1blood Misschien ook niet.
By what, Netheristan?
Rot op
yep die goeie ouwe tijd ;-) (sarcastisch bedoeld uiteraard)
kebanyakan persepsi kita selalu buruk di masa penjajahan belanda, mngkin yg di pikiran kita saat itu hanya perang dan perang, angkat senjata, pribumi ditembaki dll. Padahal perang sesungguhnya belum benar2 terjadi di masa pendudukan belanda saat video ini di ambil. Jd kondisi sebenarnya ya adem ayem aja kaya kita sekarang, tetap ada pemerintahan (bupati, raja/sultan) yg mengelola daerah masing2 walaupun memang di bawah kendali utama pemerintah hindia belanda. Layanan umum seperti rumah sakit, transportasi, sistem perkotaan, jalan raya dan pusat2 ekonomi juga sekolah sudah ada jd masyarakat hidupnya biasa aja gak ada intimidasi apa2 apalagi perang karena penguasa saat itu bekerjasama di bawah kontrol belanda, belum berdikari sendiri sbgmana negara merdeka.
Bagaimanapun hidup di bawah penjajahan bangsa asing memang tidak enak, di tanah sendiri justru kita yg harus tunduk pada aturan mereka, tp disisi lain penjajahan bangsa barat memberi banyak ilmu dan tatanan sistem yg penting untuk kemajuan kita sebagai bangsa.
Era yang lebih "mengambarkan" penajajhan saya rasa era PD2
Adem ayem kelihatannya, tapi di masa "adem ayem" itu strata itu tidak sama kaum nmer 1 adalah belanda yg kedua adalah asia timur baru yg terbawah adalah pribumi indonesia, yg membuat kita melepaskan diri dari belanda ya karena strata itu, meski belanda membuat kemajuan yang pesat bagi indonesia tapi jika mereka tetep menganggap kita jongosnya ya tetep kita lawan.
perlu belajar sejarah lagi
Untuk yang adem ayemnya itu biasanya orang-orang Belanda, tuan tanah, keturunan kerajaan, dan orang-orang ningrat (Raden). Kalau untuk rakyat kecilnya hidupnya sulit, ditambah lagi saat dahulu dilakukan sistem cultuurstelsel (tanam paksa) oleh Gubernur Jendral van den Bosch.
Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri karena adanya bangsa Belanda datang ke Indonesia, bangsa kita merasakan pembangunan kereta api, gedung-gedung pemerintahan (istana negara, gedung sate, dll), institusi pendidikan (seperti UI dan ITB, dahulu dibangun oleh orang-orang Belanda agar terdapat institusi pendidikan untuk memajukan negara jajahan mereka), dan candi-candi peninggalan kerajaan jaman dahulu pun ditemukan oleh ekspeditor Belanda yang penasaran akan Indonesia.
Kita hanya perlu melihat dari kedua belah sisi, sehingga kita dapat bersyukur akan semua hal yang telah terjadi saat ini 😊
Karena orang indonesia di doktrin membenci belanda setelah perang dan orang indonesia sengsara karena jepang merusak fasilitas dan pemerintahan yang membuat ekonomi lumpuh, orang pribumi dulu lebih diutamakan sedangkan keturunan arab dan tionghoa terahir. Dimata orang belanda kitalah yang berhianat
amazing footage
my beautiful country, i love my country - indonesia
now its fcked up by your people because you really wanted the colonisators away, same in most of Africa, we left and its a mess since
@@timdekeyser5360 Yep killing the Boers in SA, it will become a shit hole soon.
Chielz0r Yep so true, look at al the African countries with a black government/prime minister/dictator in charge, they only enrich themselves, and leave the people with nothing, we Dutch colonizers did the same but we gave them houses, railroads, education, harbors, infrastructure etc.
Populier Vogel haha je doet net alsof je er self allemaal bij was. Ben je ooit in Zuid-Afrika geweest?
@@billybara4061 Before the Dutch arrived in Indonesia there were multiple warring sultanates and kingdoms present. Some of these states even supported the Dutch that colonized Java, because they were enemies of Portugal. No one was living in prosperity during that time period. Just a very small elite, this applies to European nations as well. Also, you sound more like a racist than anyone else.
Wow!! Fantastic footage. My father joined the KNIL and left for Indonesia the end of 1937. Thanks for sharing!
Whre are you from?
@@naufalpalembang Well, my father was born inThe Netherlands, my mother in Surabaya, her mother in Surabaya, her father in The Netherlands. I was born in The Netherlands, while my mom and brother were visiting Holland for first time. He was also born in Surabaya and my younger sister was born in Palembang. My mother gave birth to six children on three continents, the last one in California. How about that!! 🤗
@@ellencattan hello im from palembang city, south sumatera Provinc, Indonesia. Greatings 🙏
Halo Indonesia, Belanda masih mencintaimu!
we love your girls too
Jangan Jajah lagi yah...
Trimakasih masih ingat kami...tapi kami jg tidak lupa kekejaman tentara kolonial belanda menjajah orang tua kami dulu..kini kita sejajar brother.
@@dedesulaeman6621 kalau seandainya perang lagi 1 by 1.menang siapa ya!! 🤔🤔🤔
@@orde_plongo.3.0 masih= past tense? Dumbass thats a present tense, think of it like this.
Masih= still
Translation= we still love you indonesia!
Dont you try to start an argument here.
They still love us and accept love please, in an age where corruption and hoax, people like you dont help.
Wow you changed your channels pp into more better and make this good video ik hou van this channel!
Perfect videos! Is there one about the korean war? Where dutch participated in de 2nd infantry division.
Superb footage
Reminds me of the colonial past of my country India...
This is not india this is Dutch east indies
@@altamisamzar3304 He said "It reminds me". He didn't say that the video was about India.
Saya cinta indonesia. 🇮🇩
Mesmerizing. Mystical Indonesia.
I'm crying laughing, wheezing, coughing, thinking about a dutch VOC sailor looking at mountains for the first time and be like that one wojak pointing meme.
WHAT THE FUCK IS A MOUNTAIN??? 🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱🧀🧀🧀🧀🍺🍺🍺
Can I have permission to upload on Facebook this video?
Gag menderita amat keknya
Can somebody tell me what this music is, from 0:00-10:00 ? It sounds so calm and wonderfull...
Monster Network *lengser wengi*
dangdut koplo ( waru doyong )
it's so surreal to see how my country was in the video. usually, we only saw it from photos in our history books
Garoet aan het eerst, heel goed, mooie film van Indie.
Halo.. greeting from indonesia,
Thanks.. And Nederland is also a beautiful province of Europe.
I wish someday i can go to the capital of European country which is United states of america, she really did something great to preserved her vassals.
Sorry but are you sarcastic?
Bruh are there even schools in Indonesia of did the Dutch take them back when they left?
@Roosje Keizer Probably because they can't live without our laws and guidelines. The situation in Indonesia hasn't really gotten better after they became independent..
Roosje Keizer No it is being smart.The Indonesians have taken on board the best of the Netherlands because it works.Just like Australia, Canada,NZ and even the USA have retained elements of British Common Law
@@Dikkeganzenclub Now there are many more schools and universities than during the Colonial time. When Indonesia became independent, 95% of the people were still illiterate, today everybody can go to school and also can get higher education.
Very Nice Video. May God Bless You For Such a Nice Video. May God Bless Your Channel. I wish you & your channel “All The Best”.Thank You.🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹💐💐💐💐💐❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍👍👍
Does anyone know who made this video? Where did it come from?
rare color footage in that era's asia!
Masya alloh indahnya indonesiaku tempo dulu salam persahabatan nkri dan kerajaan belanda dari mojokerto jawa timur indonesia
If only indonesia was like back then reunited as one and not divided by the aussies.
VoC, the ultimate richest Company around the world. Forever.
@sabrialimi betul. Tapi V.O.C menghabiskan nyawa orang pribumi
Nyesek juga kalo ingat Indonesia pernah dijajah belanda selama 300 tahunan. Tpi kita harus move on itu sudah menjadi masa lalu.
Dutch colony 1816-1949, not 300 years ;)
Through the Kalijati Subang Agreement, 8-3-1942, the Netherlands handed over its power in the East Indies (Indonesia) to Japan.
1942-1945 East Indies (Indonesia) under Japanese rule.
You forgot about it ..😂😂
@@DutchDocuChannel well, the VOC also fully supported and backed by dutch official, so it also count
@@DutchDocuChannel no
@@fahmyabdulmannan5350 Subang Agreement was not signed by Queen Wilhelmina and not in effect, it was about the capitulation of the KNIL. due this non effectiness the KNIL fought on between 1942-1945. Merauke base never surrendered. Since Japanese rule was never official recognized it was an occupation of the Dutch East Indies hence the historian term; Japanese occupation of the Dutch East Indies;
14:00 mantap dah arsiteknya
Iya, kincir air buat irigasinya juga keren
From 04:30 to 08:30 we see the quinine plantations and fabrication of quinine powder in Bandung, Java, ("Java powder" it used to be called). The Jezuits in South-America had discovered it was a medical wonder drug against fever and malaria. But the Spanish culture is one of taking, not of caring, and so around 1850 the quinine trees were almost all gone in South-America. Dutch and English colonial tradesmen thought it wise to bring some quinine trees to their own colonies to safeguard the supply. The Spanish lost a lucrative trade by the shortsightedness of their culture of despoliation. The same happened to chocolate and coffee resulting in immense chocolate and coffee plantations in English colonies in Africa and elsewhere. It is curious why no Spanish governer or King ever came up with the idea to grow things instead of just cutting everything down like there were no tomorrow and losing it forever.
At that time the knowdledge of agricalture is not well known and not fully established yet, even at that time people thought that spice come only from the Molocus island and cannot be cultivated elsewhere.
That’s because more people were dying of malaria than they could plant. They just couldn’t keep up with the demand
Great Footage, as the young Indonesian generation, when I first time sees this. I see it's Indonesia, not Dutch. Since you posted this 3 years ago. You need to Mention Indonesia first and change the title maybe?
“ Indonesia when colonialized by the Dutch “ its name was ( you can put
whatever was Dutch colonial name it).
I think it is more reliable and sensible for youngster audiences.
Thank You 🙂
Anak muda Bodoh tertipu hanya dengan Vidio Sampah seperti ini
30:20 the best part
Does anyone know the music to this? It s not what is in the description...
Dank U wel
Trimakasih telah membawa kemasa lampau, dimana Situ Bagendit, Gunung Papandayan dll menjadi saksi perjalanan sejarah Garut
THE.. MUSIC 🎶🎵🎵🎶 IS..SO.. 🥰 AWESOME 👍😎 UNBELIEVABLE..LLY ... SO GOOD 😌😊 🎵🎶 MUSIC...& 📃 documentary
29:20 iam 100% sure this was in solo because ive seen thing footage from an another video plus i think the dutch never interfere with my grandmothers parents and my grandmother herself because idk why this is just my theory if there were dead people in my hometown the grave would be alot and big plus the house if i remembered nothing is damaged or anything like that but iam not sure if they like beat my grandmothers parents or not but iam sure they didn't and this includes japanese era plus well my hometown its like how do i explain just imagine a provonce map from gta and my hometown is next to the edge of the map...
Arsitek/ bangunan dulu kok malah lebih kokoh dan rapi yah🙂
iya , yg skrg acak2an
nice video
I hope more Dutch people would visit Indonesia and explore these old places
Najis cringe banget liat londo ireng di kolom komentar
Orde, rust en welvaart onder Nederlandse leiding.
@RandomWords Zit wat in.
You were using an old word
Robin Van der Parra Waktu itu Orang Indonesia tidak senang, karena mereka tidak suka dijajah oleh Orang Belanda.
@@harryblack7323 tidak ada negara dimanapun yang mau dijajah
@@harryblack7323 namanya juga "empire" dan bukan hanya belanda yang menjajah, ada ingris, amerika(philipina), perancis dll.
This very rare Documenter, this video show how Indonesia people livin, the culture and the nature very about beautiful.
Beslist een van de modernste steden uit die tijd,vergeleken zelfs met Parijs,Londen ,Hong Kong met zijn slaafse-Richsha rijders; Hier geen spoor..ervan..Of er moet een gigantisch toneel stukje opgevoerd worden,dat alles; De rust; Architectuur, properheid ,gelukkige gezichten,allemaal schijn is..
my father was Hollander a.k.a Netherland Indie LOL. javanese men looks Handsome gentelman
Where can I find video about queen Wilhelmina when the queen visited Nederland oost indiee ?
Keadaan lingkungan hidup pada zaman pemerintahan Hindia Belanda masih tampak bersih,asri dan terjaga.Soalnya rakyat masih mau taat peraturan/hukum pada masa itu.Situasi lingkungan hidup setelah merdeka?.Saksikan sendiri secara objektip.
Terus maksudnya lebih baik kita dijajah gitu??? Cuihh.. Kami benci penjajah ...
Bapak lahir tahun berapa kalau boleh tau?
Kepadatan penduduk beda dan belum banyak plastik dan kemasan.
@@YusanTRusli Betul sekali,plastik saat itu belum ada/muncul.Kita saat ini hidup tidak bisa lepas dsri plastik,paling kurang minimalkan lah penggunaan plastik melalui peraturan/regulasi dari pihak Negara/Pemerintah yg ketat at any cost.Mungkin sudah mengetahui kan?bahwa Indonesia adalah no 2 di dunia dalam hal kontribusi sampah plastik global."Wirang"dan menyedihkan!.Terima kasih&salam.
This would be a good Assassin's Creed Game
interesting i see name of my hometown in the first minute.. GAROET
Garoet is my hometown.... 😱
32:31 Whats the song name ?
De goeie ouwe tijd. Wat een naargeestige toekomst wacht ons nu wij onze specerijen verloren hebben.
Go find your spices someplace else.
@@黒田たかし-n5f :(
The spices is from Indonesia
@@masda9733 yes and then we take it :D
Specerijen die jullie niet gebruiken😂😂.
Nice 😄
Anyone know what's going on at around 28:00 minutes in ?
om bule boleh dateng lagi ke Indonesia tapi sebagai turis ya.. bawa gulden yang banyak! kalo coba jajah lagi kita sunat toean punya tytyd...
Aceh gayo please if you have a documentation
Di video ini kebanyakan menampilkan tanah Sunda dan orng2 Sunda nenek moyang ku 😭
West java itu bagus
Ia juga ya sedih sih
I feel like...? That I have travelled by Time machine
Thanks to Netherlands
welcome to Indonesia
Before: 🇳🇱
After: 🇮🇩
Based before
May I requeques want to see the city of Bandoeng in 1938 ?
Sebelum TikTod menyerang.
Di balik kejahatan dia ada sisi baiknya sudah merekam.. seandai tidak mana saya tau sejarah indonesia. Cuma kata katanya doank.. tanks you netherlands...👍
If you want to say it in Dutch, you can say "Dank u" or "Bedankt" 😊
@@andiarif1110 Tank baja
Great scene from 27:48 and 50:00
1:22 damn son you did well
Im a Retired Silat from Malaysia and I retire cuz I knew that I will never succeed ._.
he is a grandpa now
The Dutch were very evil towards the indigenous people.
but the Indonesian natives succeeded in expelling and fighting the Dutch invaders using only the Yellow Bamboo Heirloom.
The Dutch cowardly never apologized continuously to Indonesia
you know not what you speak. You can be happy it was the dutch and not someone else
Saya Dari Madura...Mungkin Ada Dokumen Madura Old...Tq