January 2024 Cosmic Forecast

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • The colour for January 2024 is gold, representing completion, a new beginning. It feels like we are being flooded with gold light as we enter 2024. I love the Divine’s sense of humour, it literally is saying LIGHTEN UP!
    We are being given the space and the time to transition intentionally into the new 2024 energy. A new era, timeline and new possibilities. Use the power of gold this month, the highest frequency, the only colour qualities that can never be learned it is only earned. The Divine gifted us this colour for a reason. Use it wisely.
    Let’s start with a simple practice, place your left hand on your heart. Breathe in golden light of the highest consciousness into your heart and exhale fully clearing out any stale energies from within or around you, purifying you fully and completely. Let’s do this for another two breaths. Imagine you being enveloped with this golden light like a radiant spiritual sun that fills you and the space around you and extends out into all dimensions delivering light to all beings and places in need.
    The dept, the richness, wealth and the ancient wisdom gold brings are phenomenal. This frequency holds profound lasting healing that can take place. It requires total honesty, a willingness to love all parts of ourselves. If you are willing to go there this month then you will gain more freedom, get to know yourself more wholly and the breakthrough your experience will catalyst you into new opportunities. Know this YOU DESERVE THE BEST.
    You are invited this month to slow down and go within, get your stuff in order, declutter, let go of the automatic responses and auto-pilot ways and become conscious. Conscious of your behaviours, your desires, learnings and the life you truly desire. Release the wants, having to’s making things happen and allow. Create space for your soul because for your soul to expand it requires space.
    How about this month you make a commitment to be still even if for 5 minutes a day. Join me on Instagram daily this month for a 5 mins stillness or sitting in silence. My Instagram Account: / marcia_oregan
    What if just for January you wrapped yourself in the golden embrace of the highest consciousness, highest love, and highest protection and the outer world didn’t matter at all?
    What if at our core center, that center point where you are in stillness, feeling calm and the mind had stopped being busy, just still, quiet, and calm. Any problems, issues, or anything occupying your mind left and you were given a break and everything just fell into place.
    Harness the power of gold, by visualising this colour, wearing it, connecting with gold, and to tap into its frequency will really help you tap into the power, magic and mystic energy this colour offers.
    Gold is the colour of wealth. You can really have an exceptional January. A great month to upgrade your life. There is an opportunity where problems you have can be resolved this month and a more graceful experience can open up for you. It all depends where you are focusing your intention.
    We have been told in the scriptures seek and you will find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you. This is so interesting in Divinely Prosper I did a future life progression taking them through various doors of possibility, one that will show them where they head if they keep doing what they are doing, taking the knowledge given and going through another door to show them what is available and the last door is their highest soul’s destiny. This is prep for our 99-Day Divine Counsel Business Planning Session. If you would like me to lead a future life progression session, comment below and I will let you know if I run a workshop on this.
    Dakini is the goddess for Jan. A supernatural feminine Goddess who inspires spiritual practice, guides us to actualise siddhis (magical powers) and spiritual abilities, using our Divine connection and teaching the inner path to live a rich and fulfilled purposeful life. She protects us from negativity and restores our life force, soul, and spirit. Tapping into her power will teach you pure golden wisdom and to ACT on it.
    She is a demanding teacher so make sure you act from the power of love, Divine connection, and pure heart.
    It depends on where you are on your journey and in what facet you will meet her for your own growth and up-leveling.
    January 2024 Goddess is Dakini in Sanskrit, Khandro in Tibetan, literally means “sky dwell
    er” or “sky dancer,” and is the most sacred aspect of the feminine principle in Tibetan Buddhism, embodying both humanity and divinity in feminine form. Magenta is a combination of red the physical the human aspect and violet the spiritual aspect, 2024 is about the balance of both the spiritual and material worlds, harmony between Divine Feminine and divine masculine.
    Get your soul colour personality, below:


  • @fionaoreilly5990
    @fionaoreilly5990 8 місяців тому

    Fabulous Marcia. Thanks so much feeling the gold everywhere & will share. XX