The key to winter container design ❄️

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SusanMathews-gu7jd
    @SusanMathews-gu7jd Рік тому +58

    First time I have ever seen someone explain this so all. Lots of problem solving techniques and creative ideas to use. Missed the boat this year as my pots (20 miles up the road from you) are frozen. But, I'll put a note in my Linda Vater garden journal to remind me of your ideas and get an earlier start next year.

    • @lisamorris4232
      @lisamorris4232 Рік тому +2

      You can pour in hot water to thaw soil unless you have live plants in the container.

    • @suemathews4966
      @suemathews4966 Рік тому

      Yes, but i just don't have the time right now or the right materials.

  • @jcking6785
    @jcking6785 Рік тому +36

    Erin, your winter containers are by far some of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen! I love your use of so many different elements and the scale of your containers. (Go big or go home, right)?! 🎄

  • @flam8882
    @flam8882 Рік тому +11

    Every year my neighbor gathers up bales of various types of pine and invites all her friends over for a 'pot party' Everyone goes home with a beautiful porch pot of greens.

  • @ivyandroses25
    @ivyandroses25 Рік тому +2

    ERIN! WOW! What beautiful works of art! This video was wildly informative & inspiring! Thank you!! 🎄❄️❤

  • @ladikmk
    @ladikmk Рік тому +10

    Stunning Winter containers Erin! Love all the helpful tips on securing items in the pots so they will actually stay in place. The use of red in every container, those crystal drop ornaments, and tiny white lights just makes everything pop. Thanks so much for sharing.

  • @Peoniesandpinks
    @Peoniesandpinks Рік тому +11

    I love the kitchen window box and the metal structure

  • @conniemcquaid8795
    @conniemcquaid8795 Рік тому +7

    I always love your container but the large one you made by your step this year is stunning!
    These were wonderful practical tips for container assembling

  • @lkh511981
    @lkh511981 Рік тому +10

    This year my planter decorations fell off the back of a truck, literally. 😄 I noticed traffic swerving in front of my house so I went to investigate and found a giant arbortvitae branch in the road. I did my civic duty and dragged it away, and now it's the filler in all my planters.

  • @Angel-wolfe
    @Angel-wolfe 19 днів тому +2

    Secrets to the most beautiful and creative containers!! ❤ super inspiring!

  • @rebjones6484
    @rebjones6484 Рік тому +5

    Thanks for these tricks. These are the most helpful tricks I've learned this year please do more of these types of container videos.

  • @SnappyR
    @SnappyR Рік тому +15

    Thanks Erin - big fan of your containers over the years! I love the tip on bunching lights in the back or bottom of the container to provide a glow♥

  • @kathleengibson8793
    @kathleengibson8793 Рік тому +1

    Hi Erin - I'm very impressed by the beauty of your outdoor containers. They look very much like Deborah Silver's from Detroit Garden Works. Anyone who has visited her website knows how impressive those are and your containers rank right up there. Thank you for all of the great tips you shared with us.

  • @ericjorgensen8028
    @ericjorgensen8028 Рік тому +9

    And ... I find that a good portion of red or yellow twig dogwoods, and willows, will root over the winter in the window boxes. So it gives me some new rooted cuttings to work with in the spring. I'm in zone 7 and we have plenty of winter moisture and temperatures that fluctuate above and below freezing for most of the winter...and I think the window boxes get some moderating warmth from being against the house too.

    • @socutebracelets
      @socutebracelets Рік тому +3

      They root in my pots too. Mine freeze solid over the winter, but I often procrastinate emptying the pots in the spring and they thaw and the branches root. 😂

  • @dienekeoonk7018
    @dienekeoonk7018 Рік тому +2

    Your containers are, by far, the most beautiful, stylish, impactful and creative I have ever seen! Thanks for showing how you put them together!!

  • @valerieenlow6282
    @valerieenlow6282 Рік тому +1

    This was very helpful to me. Thanks so much! You’ve made containers “doable” 😊

  • @karenbuesing1546
    @karenbuesing1546 Рік тому +6

    Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! Hands down, you are the QUEEN of winter containers. You should offer a Master Class. Happy holidays.

  • @МарияГалушко-ш1ц

    I love that big ol' branch with crystals, it looks so cool!

  • @roslynholcomb
    @roslynholcomb Рік тому +3

    I’m always green with envy of those of you in colder climates who can have evergreens. Nothing will keep them green when it’s 75 degrees on Christmas day! Your containers are so pretty. Meanwhile my petunias are still blooming.

  • @dennisfeldman7799
    @dennisfeldman7799 Рік тому +4

    Naturally beautiful. Happy holidays!

  • @stephaniestatnick
    @stephaniestatnick Рік тому +1

    Love this nuts and bolts (zipties and glue gun) video! And of course your beautiful containers!!

  • @brooklynhomesteader3721
    @brooklynhomesteader3721 Рік тому +2

    Absolutely magical🎉

  • @valeriezendiver263
    @valeriezendiver263 Рік тому +1

    Excellent video with solid strategies, thank you!

  • @carmenbailey1560
    @carmenbailey1560 Рік тому +1

    Your planters are without a doubt, absolutely beautiful. Well done. Thanks for sharing. 👍❤️😊

  • @marybosworth1231
    @marybosworth1231 Рік тому +6

    Thank you for such a great video with so many useful tips, especially for those of us who live in the North! The softly falling snow was a nice backdrop for your beautiful containers ...well done, Erin!

  • @budgetgardeningvita
    @budgetgardeningvita Рік тому +4

    Great tips for making winter containers! 🎄🎅🏼

  • @juliehorney995
    @juliehorney995 Рік тому +2

    Very inspiring! Love a succinct review of tips. Using flora from the garden with a few sparklies from a nursery or store are my only outdoor decor as well. Yay God!

  • @MiloSweet22
    @MiloSweet22 Рік тому +3

    Great video as always! I have found that a battery powered drill with a fat longer bit is always your friend when dealing with frozen soil.

  • @amyparker1762
    @amyparker1762 Рік тому +1

    Love these ideas! ❤ thanks for sharing your tricks and tips.

  • @twilde3754
    @twilde3754 Рік тому +3

    Very helpful...also, beautiful arrangements!

  • @guntaweiland3428
    @guntaweiland3428 Рік тому

    Beautiful dramatic displays. I love that you utilize what you have in creative ways. Happy holidays🎄

  • @janetorello5716
    @janetorello5716 Рік тому

    One of the best winter containers ever! The large branch is beyond perfection. Love that you decorate first before putting it in the container. I am going to copy you.

  • @Bamboo4U2
    @Bamboo4U2 Рік тому +1

    Erin, at 5:01 ....whoa. Show stopper image. That looks fantastic. I love when I see arrangements with not just red dogwood twigs but also the yellow and even orange twigs. 👍

  • @ydoyougarden
    @ydoyougarden Рік тому +1

    Taking notes 📝 😊

  • @beckyscheller9358
    @beckyscheller9358 Рік тому +1

    Love the containers. Looks like Debra Silver ones from Detroit Gardens Putting a large pot on my Christmas list for next year😂.

  • @juliefurman1978
    @juliefurman1978 Рік тому

    Oh my word your containers are beautiful ❤

  • @victoriafren4832
    @victoriafren4832 Рік тому +4

    Thanks so much Erin for sharing your creativity with us!!!This video was so helpful!!!

  • @dorothyfielding8209
    @dorothyfielding8209 20 днів тому

    Love. ❤ thanks for the great ideas. Especially love the one about the string of lights at the bottom of the arrangement. Gorgeous!

  • @elainereed4842
    @elainereed4842 17 днів тому

    Beautiful Containers! They are a work of art!
    Can’t wait to make mine!!

  • @alcg3981
    @alcg3981 Рік тому +3

    Awesome Winter containers AND Tips! You've inspired me to do at least one this year. Thx. I especially love the window box with the lit Moon element❤.

  • @allisonsnz
    @allisonsnz Рік тому +2

    As always - So helpful and I love your style!

  • @juliafiore120
    @juliafiore120 Рік тому +3

    Beautiful, Erin😍 I love your explanation and the Magnolia 🍂 are a gorgeous addition.

  • @MariMari-vq8hl
    @MariMari-vq8hl 11 місяців тому

    Such great tips for using lights you haven’t used or missing bulbs, bamboo stick as support, and hot gluing pinecones to add sturdy stick/support! 👏🏼 Thank you and beautiful containers!

  • @61katharine
    @61katharine Рік тому

    As a guide if anyone is interested, my three window boxes plus two medium square pots take 2 wheelbarrow loads of greenery from my forest. A lot! Black eyed Susan heads look very good as do hydrangeas and other seed heads. I like the scrunched lights idea.

  • @theskiesthelimit-q2k
    @theskiesthelimit-q2k 22 дні тому

    Great tips and beautiful containers :)

  • @debbiesitarz3455
    @debbiesitarz3455 22 дні тому

    Wow! Martha Stewart has nothing on you. I have been scouring youtube looking for troubleshooting solutions for how to keep all this decor in place, etc., as I'm designing it and trying to keep it all in place. Your video by far, is THE BEST! There are no shortage of videos of people showing off their creative handy work, but very little about just how to stabilize, form structures, etc., to help keep your design in place. Your video is very comprehensive and to the point. Excellent work on both the video, and your stunning outdoor decor.

  • @michelejensen7420
    @michelejensen7420 Рік тому

    you have such beautiful, creative containers, Erin. You are an inspiration, and I loved watching this video. Thank you for what you do and wishing you the happiest of holidays!

  • @alaine57
    @alaine57 Рік тому

    So beautiful, such wonderful design.

  • @lizetterivera166
    @lizetterivera166 10 місяців тому

    These tips are phenomenally helpful! Never thought to improvise - I’m always trying to stick branches in the soil and then they look like little stubs! Always marveled at how fantastic some people (including you obviously) could make it look & assumed their branches must have been juicing! Duh!!

  • @azyEmpero
    @azyEmpero Рік тому +1

    The best video I watched for container decorations, Thank you for teaching us❤

  • @japanesemaplesbonsai7133
    @japanesemaplesbonsai7133 Рік тому

    Very artistic and thanks for sharing … All the very best from the UK🇬🇧

  • @valerievrettos3472
    @valerievrettos3472 Рік тому +1

    Excellent video. Wonderful ideas and tips. Gorgeous containers!

  • @tammykuhar4420
    @tammykuhar4420 Рік тому

    Beautiful containers and wonderful instructions

  • @lightbodyvehicle
    @lightbodyvehicle 17 днів тому

    Beautiful fabulous gorgeous. Great tips. Really appreciate this content.

  • @socutebracelets
    @socutebracelets Рік тому +2

    I loved this video. Your containers are so creative and artful.

  • @stephanieblume5448
    @stephanieblume5448 Рік тому

    Erin this was a GREAT , HELPFUL video! Thank you. I enjoy and appreciate all of your videos.

  • @jmuth890
    @jmuth890 11 місяців тому

    What a beautiful container. Love it.

  • @christinahaftmann4065
    @christinahaftmann4065 Рік тому

    Your extraordinary ability to expand possibilities is very inspiring! It's always a delight to see your creations. 💐 💐 💐

  • @AliceBurns-bw4yv
    @AliceBurns-bw4yv Рік тому

    Erin What a LOT of great tips. Never could imagine in the past.

  • @daphneschultz8330
    @daphneschultz8330 Рік тому

    Absolutely gorgeous! I never thought to about making winter containers before. You have made me fall in love with the idea! Thanks☃️

  • @krismatson2137
    @krismatson2137 Рік тому

    This is my dream container! I love container gardening the best too and especially grouping multiple containers together. I want to find a spot to do one extra large container some day.

  • @christinestraub1994
    @christinestraub1994 11 місяців тому

    Another planter I love great job!❤

  • @JRP58
    @JRP58 Рік тому +1

    Your planters are stunning!

  • @Max-hq2jm
    @Max-hq2jm Рік тому +3

    Glorious work! Thank you for presenting and sharing your magical talents. The tomato cage idea is fab. Happy Christmas!

    • @Bamboo4U2
      @Bamboo4U2 Рік тому

      I liked that the cage was red too.

  • @karenlay9691
    @karenlay9691 Рік тому

    Such great tips! Why haven't I ever thought of the hot water tip? I'm going to try that this year after Christmas to take out Christmas and add winter elements. You have also inspired me to do more with lights. As always- you have absolutely stunning displays!

  • @alisonbwise
    @alisonbwise Рік тому +2

    That was great, Erin, and so helpful!!! I loved all of the tips. You can also drill a hole in the bottom of birch logs and stick a little dowel in there so you can stick them in place more easily, sort of like you did with the pine cones. Everything looks so pretty ❤

  • @kerrygoldstrand
    @kerrygoldstrand Рік тому +1

    I use pvc pipe in my pots before they freeze to hold up branches etc. love the big container next to your steps. You always do a fabulous job.

  • @123WorryFreeGardening
    @123WorryFreeGardening Рік тому

    Gorgeous! What wonderful ideas. I cannot wait to implement something similar out front this winter. We had to remove several diseased trees that had been with us a long time. We needed something to fill the empty spots.

  • @jenniferbatey9418
    @jenniferbatey9418 Рік тому

    By far the most informative container video I have seen, thank you Erin!!! ❤

  • @jillsimpson8716
    @jillsimpson8716 Рік тому

    Oh my gosh…just beautiful

  • @lorraineophoff4984
    @lorraineophoff4984 17 днів тому

    Thank you for your great tips!

  • @chrismoser7059
    @chrismoser7059 Рік тому

    Love this! You explained the tips so well, thank you!

  • @samanthaw1419
    @samanthaw1419 Рік тому +1

    Wow you looked cold, how cold is it? Great video but I missed the near death experience of the ring 😂It's minus 5oC here in the UK and it's horrendously cold and damp. Wer'e not used to cold and don't have the ability to cope😂😂

  • @joanieG6
    @joanieG6 Рік тому

    Beautiful! Thank you for all the great ideas. Merry Christmas Erin! So appreciate you and your channel.

  • @valjalava1951
    @valjalava1951 Рік тому +1

    Just gorgeous containers great job

  • @cwarren7356
    @cwarren7356 Рік тому

    This was such a fantastic and useful video! You’ve really inspired me for next year!

  • @tinah8065
    @tinah8065 Рік тому

    Beautiful! I just did mine yesterday, but I do need to secure them in a little better. Unfortunately most of my wild red twig got bulldozed to start our house but i was able to find a small handful! I also can’t reach any of my spruce branches anymore so I might have to buy 1 clump. 😂 Wild grapevines can make some neat structure or even a tree form wrapped on a tomato cage and dried out milkweed pods add nice white (I like to use those where they don’t get wet though.)

  • @Gardenmimi1950
    @Gardenmimi1950 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for the tips. Beautiful containers

  • @melissahuber9741
    @melissahuber9741 Рік тому

    Your winter containers are always amazing! Thank you for this video

  • @deborahhaynes8361
    @deborahhaynes8361 Рік тому

    Ty I have never thought about cut greens in a pot.

  • @kimbar11
    @kimbar11 Рік тому

    That front porch pot is gorgeous! Swoon!

  • @mariemcgrath8681
    @mariemcgrath8681 Рік тому

    Fascinating video, just love your containers. Everything looks so cool, we are sweltering
    in Hot/Humid tropical heat. Have a lovely Christmas from Australia.

  • @buckeyefangirl1976
    @buckeyefangirl1976 22 дні тому

    Thank you👍 I needed this info.

  • @naturalbynecessity4197
    @naturalbynecessity4197 Рік тому +1

    Excellent video…so helpful. I live in far north Illinois and experience the same weather as you do. Thank you so much!

  • @cherylbelott
    @cherylbelott Рік тому

    Great tips Erin! Thx!
    Before seeing your video: My urns were already frozen and so I brought them in my foyer to thaw. Forged some garden items and decided to assemble in the warmth of my foyer. What a mess. I won’t be repeating that method. Live and learn. 😆 Your containers look stunning.

    • @greenthumbelina7331
      @greenthumbelina7331 Рік тому +1

      I never get around to putting my outdoor winter arrangements together until everything is frozen solid. I lay a large waterproof tarp on the floor in my entryway, place my pots (filled with frozen soil) on it, and start arranging. After adding the greenery, lights, and whatever else I'm using, I carry the planters back outside (or enlist the help of someone stronger than me). By containing the mess on the tarp clean-up is so much easier. Margie☃🎄🎀

    • @cherylbelott
      @cherylbelott Рік тому +1

      I like that idea! Merry Christmas Margie! 🌲 🎁 ❄️

  • @aalejardin
    @aalejardin Рік тому +4

    Very useful, thanks! I did my first large winter container this year, mostly using foraged material and some fake berries (otherwise the birds eat them or they fall off). Love the glow effect idea -- going to see whether I can push another string of lights into the container. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  • @tarasz6288
    @tarasz6288 Рік тому

    Ur containers r beautiful!

  • @eleanormarcellus8676
    @eleanormarcellus8676 Рік тому

    Great info beautiful arrangements thx

  • @susannewlove2115
    @susannewlove2115 Рік тому

    Great tips and tricks!

  • @franthomas5867
    @franthomas5867 Рік тому

    thank you so much Erin! , Nice ,concise, and quick info we can all use right away! Sending you much thanks during the winter clebrations1 Merry Christmas too:)

  • @MK-wm6gu
    @MK-wm6gu Рік тому

    This was interesting and helpful. Thank you.

  • @annwoleben5439
    @annwoleben5439 Рік тому +1

    Beautiful arrangements~

  • @thebuzzybumblebee15
    @thebuzzybumblebee15 Рік тому

    Great video, and such a beautiful container this year. The sparkle ornaments are gorgeous!

  • @julesdavis1845
    @julesdavis1845 Рік тому

    I have learned so much from you. We’ve moved to Connecticut , zone 6b, and winter containers are a new concept. All those little things you do do are so practical, and your results are lovely. Thank you.

  • @JM-lo8xu
    @JM-lo8xu Рік тому

    Amazing 👏 👏👏

  • @katherinekelly4782
    @katherinekelly4782 Рік тому


  • @reginaneufeld1092
    @reginaneufeld1092 29 днів тому

    Great tips.. thankyou

  • @fleurjardin1012
    @fleurjardin1012 Рік тому

    Great tips! Thank you!

  • @marthasidney2387
    @marthasidney2387 Рік тому

    Thanks Erin! Always love seeing your winter containers. They look amazing. And some really good tips about how to do them. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and stay warm.

  • @dustyflats3832
    @dustyflats3832 Рік тому +1

    Nice ideas! I don’t spend $ on indoor decos either. What’s cool about outside is most of it we already have. There is one thing I would like to make and that is the large ornaments for outside. Those are always pricey and was thinking papier-mâché over balloons would work and then paint to protect. Only thing I could come up with because I’m not spending $20-50 per bulb.

  • @pamelacallaway3922
    @pamelacallaway3922 Рік тому

    Lovely! ❤