Tannhäuser Overture, Richard Wagner - Brass Band Luzern Land - Swiss Open Contest 2017

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • 28th Besson Swiss Open Contest - September 2017, KKL Lucerne
    Tannhäuser Overture by Richard Wagner, arr. Hervé Grélat
    performance by Brass Band Luzern Land
    conducted by Hervé Grélat


  • @robertmarsh3588
    @robertmarsh3588 2 роки тому +2

    Bravo!! That really captured the original.

  • @smitlag
    @smitlag 5 років тому +3

    It is great to see this work arranged for these outstanding brass players. It amazes me that brass instruments can give such a wide variety of subtle shades of sound.

  • @tonycollins4376
    @tonycollins4376 6 років тому +2

    Nunca en vida había escuchado algo así , maravilloso , muchas felicidades , un gran arreglo y una ejecución de otro mundo !!!!!

  • @danjones9589
    @danjones9589 6 місяців тому

    Lovely tone on whatever instrument was playing at 7:48, sounds like a Tuba but I cannot believe it can play so beautifully in the upper register. Amazing how the brass was able to pick up the sting parts so nicely! Excellent!

    • @Xenol1997
      @Xenol1997 Місяць тому

      That'll be the Euphonium!

  • @adrianwilson4197
    @adrianwilson4197 5 років тому +1

    "Iam loving it"

  • @threethrushes
    @threethrushes 5 років тому

    The Master of all Masters.

  • @BessesothBarnBandChannel
    @BessesothBarnBandChannel 2 роки тому

    Alexander Owen wrote an arrangement of Tristan and Isolde for Besses o’ th’ Barn Band in the late 19th Century. I have never heard it played though

  • @MMAJ07
    @MMAJ07 6 років тому


  • @dunshan
    @dunshan 7 років тому


  • @CoolstixDave
    @CoolstixDave 3 роки тому

    Has this arrangement been published ?

  • @dimzay
    @dimzay 4 роки тому

    If they had Wagner Tubas instead of Euphoniums, it would be facing the audience, and that part would sound much more noticeable.

    • @steffenmrsk4720
      @steffenmrsk4720 3 роки тому +3

      Maybe the conductor asked for the balance he is getting?....