@@blazingdragonknight they just joking because he said he changed his mind/was convinced that the skin was good, making it seem like riot was forcing him to review it positively
@@SStrikeFury There is a 8 min video called *"Caster Spotlight: Quickshot"*, put out by Riot. Worth a watch, if you're interested. Quickshot joined the official casting in 2013, right at the start of Season 3, so we kind of only had one "proper" season of pro-play without ability names. The casters not knowing the names wasn't that bad of an experience. I found it to still be rather hype, thanks to the casters' energy. It is also worth noting that Worlds season 2 had Taipei Assassins' Cinderella run, which was a great watch, even without ability names called out. As the level of skill being displayed increased rapidly, it certainly made it more engaging to hear the ability names called out. Thankfully we never had to hear "Azir's R" instead of "Emperor's Divide".
Basically on the whole Jankos drama: Everyone involved is chill and just having banter but the community is too psychotic and socially inept to not turn it into a hate thread like they do with everything. The reason Caedrel cares about this is that he’s been on the receiving end of these hate threads and it makes him feel self-conscious and anxious that anything he says can be used to shit on him. This is even worse for Vedius who now has to constantly worry about what he’s saying on cast and how it will be taken by the community. Even if you think Dom deserves it because he likes to exaggerate and shit on people too when he can, the fact remains that none of the people actually involved are bothered by it and the fans are the ones turning banter like this into hate threads that will only bully people like Caedrel and Vedi into not saying anything controversial and for people like Dom and Gillius it will only make them more defensive and resentful of the community.
Sure we are supposed to feel bad for the casters, yet if it was some newer player that dosnt have a fame and veterancy of jankos he would be eatne alive, called out, and memed on. The casters literally blamed him for missplaying and said he is trolling when he played pixel perfect... I donth think anyone had a problem if casters made a mistake durong cast, but to trashtalk a player and roll him into mud whiles being completly wrong? Thats a step to far, its not even unprofessional, its straight up toxic
4:52 Nah sorry but saying somebody played bad when you're wrong is why those redditers are on their case. This is all down to reddit/the community behaving like that, but Jankos shouldn't need to be the one clearing anything. Dom and others outright call players shit all the time and that's why it turns into this
It really aint that deep. He flamed him for a precived missplay as he would have anyone. You sensitive mfers act like its a fucking crime or something while all of you do the same thing in solo q or reddit under threads about controversial figures and apparently thats fine by you guys? Get your sensitive fucking head out of your ass and stop actung like he deeply hurt jankos with that or some shit. They are even fucking friends you dumbfuck...
But that's only because you have a small... Like for real. Can we stop being offended by everything somebody says. I played football for 20 years and the amount of times either i told my opponent or he told me something about our mother's would have the avg reddit/Twitter User to start 4 genocides Like why would jankos, the western goat jungler, care when somebody who is retired talks shit. He just educated them and made a bit of fun of them, cause he is intelligent. Reddit/Twitter users: not intelligent
caedrel has probably spent more time with iwd than you can imagine, they r good friends so I dont think he gives a fuck if you would have been mad lmao
@@aryapalla2491 You don't get my point. If I were Jankos, I would've been mad by hearing IWD talk shit adamantly while he was so wrong. You can spin how you want but Jankos was annoyed by it. After it has blown out of proportions on Reddit, he tried to damage control.
Imagine being a random Korean person logging in for some good fun arena gameplay, and your team mate is Hide on bush using signature immortalised legends ahri skin
This is the problem, not only on the sejuani thing, but also outside. People look at someone based that tjey expect someone to be always correct because they have some name or a tittle on something. Those expectation will always make the person be in everyone sight. They expect them to know everything but the person dont, because no one is perfect.
Only time malz ult has done "full dmg" if you cancel it was when all the dmg was on the pool and the beam did literally no dmg. That was the broken malzahar with tanky voidlings, not the one caedrel is playing on the clip.
this is what they don't get and also reason b-b-b-b-b-but this kind of thing is normal... then don't make it normal? its not even players vs player trashtalking
exacty, how sitting on a costream and saying "x player/x team is so trash uahaha" is ok but Jankos pointing out how these 2 were objectively wrong about something they were confidently claiming is suddenly some kind of crossing the line...? The thread is just what happens when you make your whole personality about hating on shit, one day it all piles up and people are fed up, no reason to start crying about it
The Jankos tweet is fine to me imo. I understand what Caedrel saying about Vedius career and stuff, but same is about Jankos if youre gonna call him out on stream or costream and youre wrong, how can you ever be mad he corrects you. If casters or costreamers are allowed to call out people then pros are allowed to call them out when the pros right
the only people to blame are the ones that dont get the joke (its CLEARLY a joke), even the fact that jankos had to tweet again saying it was a joke is extremely cringe in my opinion. I feel like nowadays 90% of the people became stupid towards irony and jokes between people, i think they really need to wake up, we do not need to start a fucking new 143 tweets drama every time someone says "he is a total fraud"/"he is trash"/"he is a flateaarther" or stuff like that, most of the time its a joke and becomes a reason to start a new world war... :/
Redditors acting like the Sej E interaction was most obviously optimal play and discrediting both the casters and streamers who reacted to that in the moment is so ridiculous. A majority of people who upvoted that thread probably didnt even know about the Sej interaction to begin with either.
g2 winning winter spring then have 5 randoms soloq sub them while the core group go to cn or kr would be so kino i would follow them even if they never qualify to a LEC playoffs or international
Saying "this is people's careers" about medic and vedius as if the audience owes these people to protect their career just because. You're not absolved from criticism just bc "oh he might lose his job". And in this specific case, the commentators in the LEC are so bad to the point where I don't watch the official broadcast because it feels completely unprofessional, becuase of the commentators. And since it feels like just 2-3 guys sitting on a couch talking about a game. If they're constantly wrong about interactions in game then they deserve to be called out until they get better at their jobs. "It's people's careers" is true but their job is to make the experience of watching LEC more enjoyable and they're doing the complete opposite, so the viewers are entitled to demand better from them because the viewers are the ones who lose out becuase of the commentators underperforming at their job. Medic and Vedius are not my friends, I don't owe it to look out for their careers, I want my experience to be enjoyable and if it's not I have every right to call out the person who's making it unenjoyable
jankos clearly wanted that smoke lmaoooo he's not dumb. I'm sure he's cool with all these guys but this one time he turned a blind eye and knew this was going to happen even his "apology' or "explanation tweet" felt like yeah idc what happens lmao
Why is it ok for IWD and Gilius to say "Jankos is shit for misplaying" but it's not ok for Jankos to say "IWD and Gilius are shit for not knowing the interaction"? It's just hypocritical, IWD's whole deal is that he shit talks everything that breathes in the west, he should be held to higher standards, yes he is supposed to know every little detail if he wants to be disrespectful to players, it's just common sense.
Nobody is criticizing Jankos' response. Caedrel is criticizing redditors for fighting to the death to defend Jankos when he never even cared that much to begin with.
Yeah..I don't comment on videos at all but I think this is an L take from Caedrel. I get Reddit flamed IWD and Gillius and that Jankos was just joking, but it doesn't change the fact that IWD and Gilius were flaming Jankos on co-stream calling him a noob Sejuani. Like if they're gonna throw stones, don't do it in a glass house (this being that they didn't know the interaction). If they just called it a misplay and stopped there, there wouldn't be such a huge backlash. I get that Dom is Caedrel's friend and that he was super helpful to him in his early days, but this is clear bias. Why can they get away with calling out a pro player (and may cause community sentiment on that player to change) but the pro player defending himself (causing community flame on the co-streamer) is the problem? Jankos is even "memeing" but Dom doesn't even sound like he's joking; he's just toxic and has been for a long time. It's not like this is gonna hurt his career anyhow, his viewers know what they're watching for.
@@sshvi1867 how is this bias when Caedrel calls out Redditors and twitter for consistently making a big deal out of everything lately? If you didn't get that was his main point and this issue was the final straw that made him speak out about it, then i can see why you would even think this is bias.
@@justsomeredspy I love Caedrel but nahhhh - he clearly said "The reason I don't like this tweet by Jankos" and then he mentions that it should have been addressed that the tweet is just banter from the start or should have done it in person. That is just straight up wrong. They called him out in-front of everyone, they "meme" trash-talked him instead of simply saying its a misplay (all the while being absolutely wrong & yea none of them gave the banter disclaimer did they) - Jankos literally did the same thing back and now it should have been in person??? Why? We are concerned about their careers but its alright to not be concerned about the players' career at all? Lets say Jankos does not call them out here so everyone who watched the Dom+Gillius stream might end up think Jankos is a Sejuani Noob (Cause not everyone will get that they are "meme" trash-talking the same way people are not getting that Jankos is bantering right?) If you are gonna be meme-toxic calling someone out then you better be ready when its served back. I don't support the hate thread but Jankos had every right to call them out the way he did and I don't agree with Caedrel that it should have been done in person or should not have been misleading from the start(the same way Dom+Gillius commentary was misleading). You can blame the redditors for not getting the banter and starting a hate thread - sure, I agree with that but don't fault Jankos for giving a reply the way he did.
Caedrel literally suggested that Jankos should’ve talked to them in private. Why would that ever make sense when Dom and Gillius are berating him in public, live on their costreams? Thats the L take here. If they’re going to call people out they need to get ready to take the smoke when they’re wrong and Caedrel shouldn’t be defending them or suggesting that Jankos should’ve done things differently when it’s their just deserts
Crazy take by rat. Caster have been making false narratives about players for years impacting their carrers. Even if Jankos was not memeing the difference here is - HE IS RIGHT.
literally as someone who quit league and very rarely ever watches esports anymore i kind of get an outside perspective on the league community that i didn't have before and it's crazy how toxic and disgusting it really is. You don't even realize HOW bad it is until your out. legit insane
Its the league community. 1 big streamer can say chovy is a choker and even broadcasters will talk about it and the entire community will flame him with that narrative. It happens to every single player from iron to the literal pinnacle of the game and nothing will change. End of the day you reap what you sow. Dom thrives in flaming people and received flame in return, he will probably make a youtube video on it for content, profit and by next week no one will care.
Nothing to do with League community. Someone with even little bit of fame can say anything convincingly to get thousands to believe his complete horseshit. Terrence Howard can say that gravity is a hoax, 1x1=2 and traveling to Mars is literally impossible and thousands believe me or dare I say a million?
seems like caedrel is more miffed about vedius getting flack which is fair but dom and gilius could not have been more condescending on their stream calling out "jankos mechanics". otherwise its clearly a joke from jankos but people will use anything to flame dom and gilius lmao its rly no ones fault except for the toxic community.
Did u really just said that jankos should talk about it in private cause of some reddit thread and hate going on them? Dom lec streams are literally a hatewatch, and its not like its some funny banter. I get the fact that lec isnt good rn but hes just digustingly toxic. I think what jankos did was very "chill" compared to them. He couldve acted like them, and just competely flame the dogshit out of these guys. But as we know eye for eye would make the world blind. I always hated the fact of people sending hate messages to streamers/youtubers but in this case, i feel like they got their own medicine.😄
I wonder if it's something about Jankos' accent or how he talks that made them misunderstand. I tend to get confused with what he says when I see clips of him.
The simple solution is as it used to be back in the day before Social Media, if you are some form of celeberity or work for one or at some big corp etc you simply NEVER speak to media. As today the best thing to do is to not use social media at all, cause there are to many children (but not for long) until some law is passed to ban minors from using social media. (as it should be, people without a developed brain doesnt need to be making comments on social media or get involved in things beyond their understanding).
You say that like adults wouldn't say nonsense most of the time. Adults for the most part are narrow minded and they don't see most things beyond what they know or they just want their bias to be true. Similar to your take of thinking only children are making those comments, the "must be 12" comment. Just look at how people doesn't even focus on serious topics and their leaders pull their strings easily by even creating an artificial scandal after another one.
@@seishin4243 while true atleast they can take responsibility for what they do/say! Children has no place on social media as they are impressionable and cant be held responsible as an adult for what they say and do on social media
There a reason why IWD doesnt play pro, and was on DIG at one point (known for getting Barons stolen from them), and why Gillius can't find a pro team even in semi pro.
There are plenty of reasons. It is safe to say that at this point he would not be good enough to get into lcs anymore. But the biggest reason is probably that streaming is just way more lucrative. At least in my opinion it is why he quit pro back when was good enougho@@Antoine-du5qo
How does Caedrel not understand that we are not hating on them because they didn't know the interaction, we flame them because their reaction and how they called Jankos washed and more. They deserve it
@@soul0172 he's just like oh lets be civil guys, no bro fuck these 2 dudes, it'a common reoccurrence by now, i frikin hate how they talk about everybody like they know shit, they deserve this hate and more coming
L take. Maybe they shouldn't call Jankos a dogshit player in the first place? How is it okay for them to talk shit about him like that, while it not being ok for other people to call them out for their nonsense?
@@stagnant_ Dude, there is literally not even anything in the title suggesting what caedrel thinks of it, can you read? His entire point is that "jankos most likely doesn't really care so people shouldn't be upset". This is an L take, because its ridiculous to say that Dom and co can flame and say whatever the fuck they want, but that once they are wrong noone can call them out for their shit. Like yeah, more people saw the jankos tweet, but they still have a huge following and constantly shit on everyone, so they should get flamed to hell as well once they fuck up. You can't just be a toxic shit and then cry once people act toxic towards you
I mean, he will call a player shit one moment and best player goat of all time the next play. He flames them sure, but its cuz he knows how good they CAN be. Man's passionate about the game even if he's retired 🤷 I really don't get the hate for the sack, or Dom in particular, but it's reddit. They need something to have a hate boner for, and it's not like any streamer or player is ever gonna care about comment threads 😂 And yes. Jankos was right this time, but the hate thread over it is so asinine lol
@@minartson What’s pathetic is criticizing someone without realizing how they themselves are the one that’s clueless. You won’t get any applaud from teaching Messi how to play football. Criticism is rightfully deserved.
If it has his career name on the product, Riot has to already pay that, that's why those old SNES/Arcade games in the 90s, they used names that resembled real ones only, to not pay those real people for using their names. On the other hand, while some will say Riot is forcing him, Faker benefits from it, too, because it's also his product.
There's a reason why Jankos is a mulit time LEC champion, a Worlds Finalist, and MSI champion. There's also a reason why IWD has nothing to his name besides being an ex-pro who is not even that good, and Gillius being another ex-pro who can't find a team to play in.
Its kind of cringe if you can dish it out why can't they take it people calling out pros calling them dogshit and all that and then its reversed on casters and costreamers now its too far ? like what either don't criticize if you can't take it. Fans are a fans like calling out the ones calling death threats but the fans that call out Dom and gillius or vedius is fine, cause there is fans calling out Upset and targamis its their careers aswell stop you can't feel sorry for the casters and costreamers more then the Pro players like fans do take it too far but fuck me that can't be changed so if your not gonna take this stance when Castes and costreamers are directing hate towards Upset and as you said it was true he came 10th 3 times in a row but its also true Dom vedius and gilius were flaming Jankos when he played well so its fair game.
the rise edit is amazing, caedrel overreacting about drama as alaways is kinda tiring tho ngl IF U DON'T CARE/ DON'T WANT DRAMA THAN JUST DON'T FCKING REACT TO IT U GIVE EXPOSURE WHEN WILL U UNDERSTAND U R THE BIGGEST LEAGE FIGURE NEXT TO FAKER RN FFS
All league pros have the same personality and awkwardness lol i guess playing this game for 15 hours a day for 10 years really does something to you @itsgonnabeokay9341
Idk why people in these comments are coping about how RIOT is supposedly forcing Faker to promote the skin. He's used it for fun off-stream. The reality is he likes the skin and wants people to buy it. Anything else is just a forced narrative.
I wanted to buy it but 500$ is way out of my reach if it was like 100$ I could have gone for it. With 500$ I could afford a brand new PS5 that's how expensive it is.
"Bro why didn't he auto that? You saw that? His mechanics there? Like he's just noob Sejuani or what? That's literally the difference between killing or not. Solo." If Dom just didn't say the second line there wouldn't be nearly as much people who cared.
the RISE video had more budget than the LEC Content Team LUL
Riot really took the LEC content team out the back and old yeller'ed them.
Riot holding Faker at gunpoint to promote the skin xD
It's probably T1 more than Riot since they also get some money from this skin.
He normally don't talk this much
Faker always does this with any of his skins you kids are delusional
@@blazingdragonknight they just joking because he said he changed his mind/was convinced that the skin was good, making it seem like riot was forcing him to review it positively
@@blazingdragonknight hm ok?
”Oh you’re a caster? Name every ability interaction.”
Prior to Quickshot joining, the casters didn't even know abilities had names
@@Morecadodid it used to be that bad?Jesus (I only got into league ard 2018) would like to know
@@SStrikeFury There is a 8 min video called *"Caster Spotlight: Quickshot"*, put out by Riot. Worth a watch, if you're interested.
Quickshot joined the official casting in 2013, right at the start of Season 3, so we kind of only had one "proper" season of pro-play without ability names.
The casters not knowing the names wasn't that bad of an experience. I found it to still be rather hype, thanks to the casters' energy. It is also worth noting that Worlds season 2 had Taipei Assassins' Cinderella run, which was a great watch, even without ability names called out.
As the level of skill being displayed increased rapidly, it certainly made it more engaging to hear the ability names called out. Thankfully we never had to hear "Azir's R" instead of "Emperor's Divide".
0:15 : Caedrel Reacts To Jankos' Sejuani Drama
12:08 : Middle Schoolers Recreate RISE
18:18 : Faker Reviews His Own Skin
Thank you for the time stamps. 🥰🥰🥰
the Rise budget video is actually goated LMAOO these kids are absolute legends
Basically on the whole Jankos drama: Everyone involved is chill and just having banter but the community is too psychotic and socially inept to not turn it into a hate thread like they do with everything.
The reason Caedrel cares about this is that he’s been on the receiving end of these hate threads and it makes him feel self-conscious and anxious that anything he says can be used to shit on him. This is even worse for Vedius who now has to constantly worry about what he’s saying on cast and how it will be taken by the community.
Even if you think Dom deserves it because he likes to exaggerate and shit on people too when he can, the fact remains that none of the people actually involved are bothered by it and the fans are the ones turning banter like this into hate threads that will only bully people like Caedrel and Vedi into not saying anything controversial and for people like Dom and Gillius it will only make them more defensive and resentful of the community.
well said.
Sure we are supposed to feel bad for the casters, yet if it was some newer player that dosnt have a fame and veterancy of jankos he would be eatne alive, called out, and memed on. The casters literally blamed him for missplaying and said he is trolling when he played pixel perfect... I donth think anyone had a problem if casters made a mistake durong cast, but to trashtalk a player and roll him into mud whiles being completly wrong? Thats a step to far, its not even unprofessional, its straight up toxic
@@ArcDemonStudio "roll him into mud" really? league reddit hate threads are pathetic
the middle schoolers video ahsdgahafsda Im crying holy shet-
The disclaimer on the start of the faker's review video is still so funny to me. He also changed back into his actual icon after that stream. 😭🤣
The cut to after he came back from his door and the ENTIRE chat is just spamming MEALPOV is hilarious lol
That low budget rise music video has more effort in it than me in my ranked games.
the middle schoolers edit give me hope for the future of humanity, straight fire
That RISE parody was absolute peak cinema, reminds me of the old and authentic youtube stuff back in 2008
Reminds me of sivhd and instalok
someone give those kids worlds tickets. We need them on the maain event stage
I remember watching the rise music video few years back, rewatching reminds me how they really made the video so well. Specially the editing.
fakers skin nerfing his perfomance is funny af
That RISE parody is actually god tier
4:52 Nah sorry but saying somebody played bad when you're wrong is why those redditers are on their case. This is all down to reddit/the community behaving like that, but Jankos shouldn't need to be the one clearing anything. Dom and others outright call players shit all the time and that's why it turns into this
21:30 Chat says "real faker?" No real faker"
But did Caedrel see how IWD talked about Jankos ? I would've been mad.
It really aint that deep. He flamed him for a precived missplay as he would have anyone. You sensitive mfers act like its a fucking crime or something while all of you do the same thing in solo q or reddit under threads about controversial figures and apparently thats fine by you guys? Get your sensitive fucking head out of your ass and stop actung like he deeply hurt jankos with that or some shit. They are even fucking friends you dumbfuck...
But that's only because you have a small...
Like for real. Can we stop being offended by everything somebody says.
I played football for 20 years and the amount of times either i told my opponent or he told me something about our mother's would have the avg reddit/Twitter User to start 4 genocides
Like why would jankos, the western goat jungler, care when somebody who is retired talks shit. He just educated them and made a bit of fun of them, cause he is intelligent.
Reddit/Twitter users: not intelligent
Idk why that NA twat is even talking, washed barking lowpiss dog.
caedrel has probably spent more time with iwd than you can imagine, they r good friends so I dont think he gives a fuck if you would have been mad lmao
@@aryapalla2491 You don't get my point. If I were Jankos, I would've been mad by hearing IWD talk shit adamantly while he was so wrong. You can spin how you want but Jankos was annoyed by it. After it has blown out of proportions on Reddit, he tried to damage control.
Imagine being a random Korean person logging in for some good fun arena gameplay, and your team mate is Hide on bush using signature immortalised legends ahri skin
This is the problem, not only on the sejuani thing, but also outside. People look at someone based that tjey expect someone to be always correct because they have some name or a tittle on something. Those expectation will always make the person be in everyone sight. They expect them to know everything but the person dont, because no one is perfect.
Only time malz ult has done "full dmg" if you cancel it was when all the dmg was on the pool and the beam did literally no dmg. That was the broken malzahar with tanky voidlings, not the one caedrel is playing on the clip.
It was a joke
The RISE section is gonna get copyrighted + cut out the video so fast so claim your “I was here” card before its gone 😂
Why would it, none of riots songs have copyright on them, and are free to use for everyone
riot doesnt copyright their songs like that
That video is also 4 years old, they have no reason to copyright it now.
Maybe when some streamers will stop hating on pro players to farm viewership then ppl wont be mad at them when they are wrong about smthg
this is what they don't get and also reason b-b-b-b-b-but this kind of thing is normal... then don't make it normal? its not even players vs player trashtalking
exacty, how sitting on a costream and saying "x player/x team is so trash uahaha" is ok but Jankos pointing out how these 2 were objectively wrong about something they were confidently claiming is suddenly some kind of crossing the line...?
The thread is just what happens when you make your whole personality about hating on shit, one day it all piles up and people are fed up, no reason to start crying about it
Based Jankos
I reckon those kids should remake other worlds videos as well, they would for sure go into the league hall of fame
Yeah but also JANKOS should address it, the way dom spoke on stream acted like JANKOS was washed…
The Jankos tweet is fine to me imo. I understand what Caedrel saying about Vedius career and stuff, but same is about Jankos if youre gonna call him out on stream or costream and youre wrong, how can you ever be mad he corrects you. If casters or costreamers are allowed to call out people then pros are allowed to call them out when the pros right
In Jankos’ defense as a 10+year hard stuck silver I knew this?
Also the fact that this is JANKOS career? Why does it matter that JANKOS calls them out but not the other way round?
Bad take here Caedrel honestly
the only people to blame are the ones that dont get the joke (its CLEARLY a joke), even the fact that jankos had to tweet again saying it was a joke is extremely cringe in my opinion. I feel like nowadays 90% of the people became stupid towards irony and jokes between people, i think they really need to wake up, we do not need to start a fucking new 143 tweets drama every time someone says "he is a total fraud"/"he is trash"/"he is a flateaarther" or stuff like that, most of the time its a joke and becomes a reason to start a new world war... :/
Redditors acting like the Sej E interaction was most obviously optimal play and discrediting both the casters and streamers who reacted to that in the moment is so ridiculous. A majority of people who upvoted that thread probably didnt even know about the Sej interaction to begin with either.
The hurricane being named Beryl is crazy. Last I checked was a category 4 as well so sending well wishes to everyone down south!
Isn't that dance from the road trip video series of T1 with Faker and other T1 players?
g2 winning winter spring then have 5 randoms soloq sub them while the core group go to cn or kr would be so kino i would follow them even if they never qualify to a LEC playoffs or international
IWD get got in his own game, his content is based around shiting on people... Well he got shit on.
It's not about Dom and Gilius being wrong it's mainly because they are usually toxic towards some players or teams
Saying "this is people's careers" about medic and vedius as if the audience owes these people to protect their career just because. You're not absolved from criticism just bc "oh he might lose his job". And in this specific case, the commentators in the LEC are so bad to the point where I don't watch the official broadcast because it feels completely unprofessional, becuase of the commentators. And since it feels like just 2-3 guys sitting on a couch talking about a game. If they're constantly wrong about interactions in game then they deserve to be called out until they get better at their jobs. "It's people's careers" is true but their job is to make the experience of watching LEC more enjoyable and they're doing the complete opposite, so the viewers are entitled to demand better from them because the viewers are the ones who lose out becuase of the commentators underperforming at their job. Medic and Vedius are not my friends, I don't owe it to look out for their careers, I want my experience to be enjoyable and if it's not I have every right to call out the person who's making it unenjoyable
Caedral talking to his chat about hate from reddit like it isn't 80% of his chat posting comments there -___-
jankos clearly wanted that smoke lmaoooo he's not dumb. I'm sure he's cool with all these guys but this one time he turned a blind eye and knew this was going to happen even his "apology' or "explanation tweet" felt like yeah idc what happens lmao
I haven't played for over 5 years and I know that E interaction with Sej Ult. It is the way to maximize damage.
Why is it ok for IWD and Gilius to say "Jankos is shit for misplaying" but it's not ok for Jankos to say "IWD and Gilius are shit for not knowing the interaction"? It's just hypocritical, IWD's whole deal is that he shit talks everything that breathes in the west, he should be held to higher standards, yes he is supposed to know every little detail if he wants to be disrespectful to players, it's just common sense.
Nobody is criticizing Jankos' response. Caedrel is criticizing redditors for fighting to the death to defend Jankos when he never even cared that much to begin with.
Yeah..I don't comment on videos at all but I think this is an L take from Caedrel. I get Reddit flamed IWD and Gillius and that Jankos was just joking, but it doesn't change the fact that IWD and Gilius were flaming Jankos on co-stream calling him a noob Sejuani. Like if they're gonna throw stones, don't do it in a glass house (this being that they didn't know the interaction). If they just called it a misplay and stopped there, there wouldn't be such a huge backlash. I get that Dom is Caedrel's friend and that he was super helpful to him in his early days, but this is clear bias.
Why can they get away with calling out a pro player (and may cause community sentiment on that player to change) but the pro player defending himself (causing community flame on the co-streamer) is the problem? Jankos is even "memeing" but Dom doesn't even sound like he's joking; he's just toxic and has been for a long time. It's not like this is gonna hurt his career anyhow, his viewers know what they're watching for.
@@sshvi1867 how is this bias when Caedrel calls out Redditors and twitter for consistently making a big deal out of everything lately? If you didn't get that was his main point and this issue was the final straw that made him speak out about it, then i can see why you would even think this is bias.
@@justsomeredspy I love Caedrel but nahhhh - he clearly said "The reason I don't like this tweet by Jankos" and then he mentions that it should have been addressed that the tweet is just banter from the start or should have done it in person. That is just straight up wrong. They called him out in-front of everyone, they "meme" trash-talked him instead of simply saying its a misplay (all the while being absolutely wrong & yea none of them gave the banter disclaimer did they) - Jankos literally did the same thing back and now it should have been in person??? Why?
We are concerned about their careers but its alright to not be concerned about the players' career at all? Lets say Jankos does not call them out here so everyone who watched the Dom+Gillius stream might end up think Jankos is a Sejuani Noob (Cause not everyone will get that they are "meme" trash-talking the same way people are not getting that Jankos is bantering right?) If you are gonna be meme-toxic calling someone out then you better be ready when its served back. I don't support the hate thread but Jankos had every right to call them out the way he did and I don't agree with Caedrel that it should have been done in person or should not have been misleading from the start(the same way Dom+Gillius commentary was misleading). You can blame the redditors for not getting the banter and starting a hate thread - sure, I agree with that but don't fault Jankos for giving a reply the way he did.
Caedrel literally suggested that Jankos should’ve talked to them in private. Why would that ever make sense when Dom and Gillius are berating him in public, live on their costreams? Thats the L take here. If they’re going to call people out they need to get ready to take the smoke when they’re wrong and Caedrel shouldn’t be defending them or suggesting that Jankos should’ve done things differently when it’s their just deserts
Felt like ppl that like caedrel’s stream will hate iwd tho. Such big difference with IWD target-hating almost the teams/players to get the clout
i mean who do you want to watch? a negative old man or a wholesome old cancelled guy?
Caedrel stream doesn't even care if IWD stop existing. IWD fans tho are still upset that caedrel has been more successful at co-streaming.
Shitting on each other then themselves is the definition of Reddit
Crazy take by rat. Caster have been making false narratives about players for years impacting their carrers. Even if Jankos was not memeing the difference here is - HE IS RIGHT.
Can't say anything or else somebody might make a Reddit thread, Jankos might as well stream on mute.
whats the Seju R interaction in question (Jankos part)? could smn please save me time thx
Karendrel being dramatic about not liking people being dramatic
literally as someone who quit league and very rarely ever watches esports anymore i kind of get an outside perspective on the league community that i didn't have before and it's crazy how toxic and disgusting it really is. You don't even realize HOW bad it is until your out. legit insane
Its the league community. 1 big streamer can say chovy is a choker and even broadcasters will talk about it and the entire community will flame him with that narrative.
It happens to every single player from iron to the literal pinnacle of the game and nothing will change.
End of the day you reap what you sow. Dom thrives in flaming people and received flame in return, he will probably make a youtube video on it for content, profit and by next week no one will care.
Nothing to do with League community. Someone with even little bit of fame can say anything convincingly to get thousands to believe his complete horseshit.
Terrence Howard can say that gravity is a hoax, 1x1=2 and traveling to Mars is literally impossible and thousands believe me or dare I say a million?
so ironic that you have to spend gold in game to upgrade the skin model xdd
What was the sejuani mechanic they were even talking about?
seems like caedrel is more miffed about vedius getting flack which is fair but dom and gilius could not have been more condescending on their stream calling out "jankos mechanics". otherwise its clearly a joke from jankos but people will use anything to flame dom and gilius lmao its rly no ones fault except for the toxic community.
Holy shit that TheTrMachine in chat is deranged, bro, Dom flames everyone, ofc he was flaming jankos when he was mistaken about the sej mechnics.
i wish this was the kind of drama i had in my life, even my 4 years old cousin has bigger problems in life
25:00 i started banning ali so i did not have him on my team has he feels like he does not a single thing
Can someone explain the interaction?
Did u really just said that jankos should talk about it in private cause of some reddit thread and hate going on them? Dom lec streams are literally a hatewatch, and its not like its some funny banter. I get the fact that lec isnt good rn but hes just digustingly toxic. I think what jankos did was very "chill" compared to them. He couldve acted like them, and just competely flame the dogshit out of these guys. But as we know eye for eye would make the world blind. I always hated the fact of people sending hate messages to streamers/youtubers but in this case, i feel like they got their own medicine.😄
wtf happens to the sound at 15:51 ?
bgm removal to prevent copy claims is my guess
I wonder if it's something about Jankos' accent or how he talks that made them misunderstand. I tend to get confused with what he says when I see clips of him.
riot holding chovy and caps at gunpoint
The simple solution is as it used to be back in the day before Social Media, if you are some form of celeberity or work for one or at some big corp etc you simply NEVER speak to media.
As today the best thing to do is to not use social media at all, cause there are to many children (but not for long) until some law is passed to ban minors from using social media. (as it should be, people without a developed brain doesnt need to be making comments on social media or get involved in things beyond their understanding).
You say that like adults wouldn't say nonsense most of the time. Adults for the most part are narrow minded and they don't see most things beyond what they know or they just want their bias to be true. Similar to your take of thinking only children are making those comments, the "must be 12" comment. Just look at how people doesn't even focus on serious topics and their leaders pull their strings easily by even creating an artificial scandal after another one.
@@seishin4243 while true atleast they can take responsibility for what they do/say!
Children has no place on social media as they are impressionable and cant be held responsible as an adult for what they say and do on social media
There a reason why IWD doesnt play pro, and was on DIG at one point (known for getting Barons stolen from them), and why Gillius can't find a pro team even in semi pro.
No, there is no reason, get a life.
There are plenty of reasons. It is safe to say that at this point he would not be good enough to get into lcs anymore. But the biggest reason is probably that streaming is just way more lucrative. At least in my opinion it is why he quit pro back when was good enougho@@Antoine-du5qo
there are other things to life
Yeah the reason for Dom at least is that he makes a lot more money than any esports team player gets paid
Is there a reason jankos cant play qiyana in 2019 worlds? Or him cant power farm/hard carry jungler 2020 worlds?
"True, no? It's true!"
How does Caedrel not understand that we are not hating on them because they didn't know the interaction, we flame them because their reaction and how they called Jankos washed and more. They deserve it
He directly addressed that tho?
@@soul0172 he's just like oh lets be civil guys, no bro fuck these 2 dudes, it'a common reoccurrence by now, i frikin hate how they talk about everybody like they know shit, they deserve this hate and more coming
are u dumb they are legit joking because they are friends with jankos they called perkZ washed aswell when he was in call of them
Who told Caedrel that Malz ult does full damage even if cancelled?
L take. Maybe they shouldn't call Jankos a dogshit player in the first place? How is it okay for them to talk shit about him like that, while it not being ok for other people to call them out for their nonsense?
Did you not watch the video? He directly answered your question
bro... just reading the title not the whole
@@stagnant_ Dude, there is literally not even anything in the title suggesting what caedrel thinks of it, can you read? His entire point is that "jankos most likely doesn't really care so people shouldn't be upset". This is an L take, because its ridiculous to say that Dom and co can flame and say whatever the fuck they want, but that once they are wrong noone can call them out for their shit. Like yeah, more people saw the jankos tweet, but they still have a huge following and constantly shit on everyone, so they should get flamed to hell as well once they fuck up.
You can't just be a toxic shit and then cry once people act toxic towards you
You a fucking idiot fr. Jankos and IWD are friends by the way. They been to events together.
I mean, he will call a player shit one moment and best player goat of all time the next play. He flames them sure, but its cuz he knows how good they CAN be. Man's passionate about the game even if he's retired 🤷 I really don't get the hate for the sack, or Dom in particular, but it's reddit. They need something to have a hate boner for, and it's not like any streamer or player is ever gonna care about comment threads 😂
And yes. Jankos was right this time, but the hate thread over it is so asinine lol
The entire chat spamming BASED when Jankos was speaking is why I love Caedrel’s stream. The stream is more than the streamer, it’s the community.
A bit pathetic but mostly just sad
@@minartson What’s pathetic is criticizing someone without realizing how they themselves are the one that’s clueless. You won’t get any applaud from teaching Messi how to play football. Criticism is rightfully deserved.
gigachad middle schoolers
Lol arena is exactly like it was last time but with a new map and items
Riot must be offering Faker royalties on the skins for him to trying to sell it like that 😂
If it has his career name on the product, Riot has to already pay that, that's why those old SNES/Arcade games in the 90s, they used names that resembled real ones only, to not pay those real people for using their names. On the other hand, while some will say Riot is forcing him, Faker benefits from it, too, because it's also his product.
No criticising caster everyone. Criticism is hate apparently
u can definately fiora w an ignite
lets be honest none knows every single interaction in League not even the devs themselfs
But imagine thinking such a person like Jankos is flaming for real... wake up guys
Lawyer Caedrel always defending his close friends for obvious mistakes from their end is just too funny.
6:38 xdd
Because No one is 🥛the cow as RIOT took advantage of him.
Why does he spam click while watching videos. Like where does he even click so that the video doesnt stop?
damn bot is early af
Caedrel aint out here defending random players that IWD flames. Fuck the guy. He wants to play the heel, he can get it back.
To me if you are a caster , you should know your shit just like a surgeon who should know their shit before doing a surgery . It's called professional
There's a reason why Jankos is a mulit time LEC champion, a Worlds Finalist, and MSI champion.
There's also a reason why IWD has nothing to his name besides being an ex-pro who is not even that good, and Gillius being another ex-pro who can't find a team to play in.
no bro challenger players need to be better than all of us
Lol, you are blaming jankos for the tweet even knowing he is joking
Trust me those guys who are hating on IWD, Gulius and the casters were already hating.
With all good reason u can hate IWD and Gulius
Caedrel saying he needs to get good at jungle in the next 6 months... is he returning to LEC to cancel again?
Wasn't he doing a deam with Nemesis or something?
Its kind of cringe if you can dish it out why can't they take it people calling out pros calling them dogshit and all that and then its reversed on casters and costreamers now its too far ? like what either don't criticize if you can't take it. Fans are a fans like calling out the ones calling death threats but the fans that call out Dom and gillius or vedius is fine, cause there is fans calling out Upset and targamis its their careers aswell stop you can't feel sorry for the casters and costreamers more then the Pro players like fans do take it too far but fuck me that can't be changed so if your not gonna take this stance when Castes and costreamers are directing hate towards Upset and as you said it was true he came 10th 3 times in a row but its also true Dom vedius and gilius were flaming Jankos when he played well so its fair game.
the rise edit is amazing, caedrel overreacting about drama as alaways is kinda tiring tho ngl
you can tell faker doesnt even want to promote
He looks like that during every promo video lol. He is just awkward in general.
All league pros have the same personality and awkwardness lol i guess playing this game for 15 hours a day for 10 years really does something to you @itsgonnabeokay9341
@@samuel-nq6he They don't play 15 hours a day and they do probably more physical and mental trainings than you. It's just how some people are lol.
@@itsgonnabeokay9341 cap
@@samuel-nq6he It's a fact.
average arena experience when not picking tank. makes me glad its the same even for faker haha...
7:13 u ult then E. thats why it got canceled. Ez will definitely die there if E then ult. 🤦♂️
Idk why people in these comments are coping about how RIOT is supposedly forcing Faker to promote the skin. He's used it for fun off-stream. The reality is he likes the skin and wants people to buy it. Anything else is just a forced narrative.
I wanted to buy it but 500$ is way out of my reach if it was like 100$ I could have gone for it. With 500$ I could afford a brand new PS5 that's how expensive it is.
@@pratikroy227 you can get the 50 one
"Bro why didn't he auto that? You saw that? His mechanics there?
Like he's just noob Sejuani or what?
That's literally the difference between killing or not. Solo."
If Dom just didn't say the second line there wouldn't be nearly as much people who cared.
Oh dom got a hate thread? Am i supposed to feel bad for him? lol right.
Woooow the most toxic Co streamer gets hate? Maybe if he wasnt that toxic they wouldnt hate him
Redditors are a unique breed of human, I will leave it as that.
Faker!!!!! So cute!!!
Until riot cleans up the toxicity and until streamers stop being so toxic when they watch/play the game I kind of don't care if they get some hate.
*Who doesn't hate Dom anyway? Dude's a living punching bag*