Just a silly question would you be willing to pass on the knowledge of Bread and butter rotations for both PvP and PvE with out the reliance of heavy use of backstab I play on console and alot of the Valk players rely so heavily on that guessing they don't know they will patch it's cool in the future. But I want to show people just how much cancer this class is. So if you are willing to teach me the ways of the Broken Valk I'd appreciate and mechanic tips and pointers and rotations. Thanks in advance!
Hi sadly I m not a valkyrie main so I can not help you, I have played this class less than 4 days. so I m not advanced enough for give you tips, and i m not sure of with patch note you are aswell
I start 1 week ago and i am archer yesterday i hit lvl65 Is archer good for pvp or i should play another class? Cuz everybody is saying that archer sucks...now is support class not dps dealer and in pvp is rubbish...so what would you recomenf me to do keep archer or play another? I like zerk! Looks strong and fun
I just want to say, there is some class slightly better than the others, but in general, it is quite balanced like / The best class for team fights, will be medium in 1v1, and the best class in 1v1 will be medium to team fight, as much as class super tanky like lancer who can not be killed, they have a hard time to kill enemy aswell. It's fair enough, and the main thing who should influence you is the gameplay of a class. If you like the gameplay of a class and you enjoying playing it, then go ahead and master it. On my channel, I have proof that I can destroy everyone with every class, I have videos where I destroy everything with gunner, sorcerer, archer, berserker, warrior, reaper. And I have some friends who are brawlers, slayers, lancers and are insane as well. In my opinion, if you are a great archer, with great gear, you will make a decent job in PVP. But if you still wanna know about your original question, after all the class I played, the one I enjoyed the most, and have the best results with, is Reaper and Berserker
Salut, fort probable, mais je ne suis pas a jours depusi quelques mois donc je ne peux que te conseiler de chercher des joueurs Main Valkyrie du patch actuel car il y a eu bcp de modifications dans les derniers patch.
Salut je joues sur le serv pvp ps4 ! Je suis actuellement un joueur slay mais j'ai ENORMEMENT de mal contre la valk. Tu aurais des conseils? Cette classe va me faire quitter le jeu lol. Je bats tout le monde sauf les valks
Salut, a la version sur la quelle vous etes, les valkyries est la classe la plus puissantes de tout le jeu (tout en etant facile a jouer) et il n y aura pas de changement avant 7-9 mois, donc bon courage jusque la, sinon tu peux eventuellement jouer valkyrie aussi mdr, tu la stuff pendant les 5-6 prochaines mois, et a partir du moins 7 tu economise tes PO pour restuff ton slayer quand les valkyrie seront nerf. En attendanr good luck, moi ca a ete infernal sur PC, et le jour ou elles ont recu leur nerf, 70% des valk ont stop leur classe a la recherche de la nouvelle classe la plus opti lol
Hi, hmm as keybind I think u can see all in my barre skills if you make Pause on it :p , just using 2 specific buttons who demmand to have a MMO Mouse with lot of additionals buttons, but otherwhise all is 1-2-3-4-5-6, + e, r, c, q, or Alt 1, Alt 2, Alt 3 , Alt 4 ...
I am not sure if my glyph are -THE BEST GLYPH VALKYRIE- but I make good job with these one : www.essentialmana.com/glyph-calc/#va65:b2:c014:g2:j024:k5:m13:n0:r1:t0
main quest until lvl 20, then only dungeon 20 - 65 (bastion of lok 20-26, sinistral manor 26 - 31, karash ascent 31 - 36, cultist refuge 36 - 43, necromancer tomb 43-48, gold lab 48-53, saleron garden 53-56, lab of terror 56-58, ebon tower 58-60, sabex armory 60-63, macelarius catacomb 63-65) ABOUT 7H30 playtime for all this in party 5 ppl
58-60 Hmmmm Ebon solo so much long a difficult, I think the best way is still trying to find some people for succes it, or making quest, but not sure, I always make dungeon so I don't really know (maybe Kuma Battleground can give nice exp ?)
If you are Valkyrie yes, I mean, if I do 1v1 reaper 426 vs brawler 449, I will basically need 7/8 stun combo before ending the duel, but with the valkyrie dreamslash, that allow me to win most of opponent in 2 or 3 combo as max Hahaha
Tu joues vraiment bien poto, petite questions la classe à été nerf ou elle est toujours aussi forte comme sur ton gameplay ? :) Car j'hésite entre Valkyrie et Ninja quand elle vont sortir sur Ps4 ^^ Je sais pas si c'est fort Ninja ou si c'est usless j'ai un peu peur de m'investir dans une classe avec la qu'elle je suis même pas sur si elle est viable en 1v1 ^^ Comme tu es assez balez pourrait tu me renseigner un minimum sur les deux si ça te dérange pas merci poto continue tu vend du rêve avec tes 1v1 :p
Yep, valkyrie et ninja... c est un peu comparer Une grue et une pelle hahaha, bon j'vais quand meme developper un peu plus quand meme :p Ninja : Classe de cleaner, en gros tu vas etre bon pour chasser des ennemis low HP qui vont fuire les team fights, classe tres tres mobile, extremement difficile a attraper, dps correcte en 1v1 (mais defence de croquette, c est la classe qui prend le plus cher en terme de degat subis :s) principalement basee pour faire du dps solo target sur des cibles isolees, plusieurs petit coup de moyennes pouissances, 1 seul sort de stun, mais qlq sort de support permettant de proteger ta team. TRES difficile de faire bcp de kill avec cette classe, et l impacte qu elle a en teamfight est plus basee sur sauver tes allies grace a tes stag et fumigene de zone plutot que de dps... Valkyrie : Simplement la classe la plus FAT jamais sortie sur Tera... un mix hybride de plusieurs classes, qui fait la meme chose que plusieurs classes differentes, MAIS EN ENCORE MIEUX. y a pas un skill qui soit useless, tout est extremement fort que ca soit offencivement ou defencivement parlant, tu peux full stun combo des mecs tout comme tu peux egalement les one shoot. mobiliter extremement forte aussi, sont nerf n est pas encore arriver malgre qu elle soit sortie depuis deja 1 ans presque. Jte conseil de jouer le gameplay qui t attire le mieux, car c est un jeu, te force pas a joeur la classe la plus forte si tu ne l.apprecie pas vraiment... apres si t as peur de faire une classe avec la quelle tu risques d avoir du mal a te demmener contre les autres classes, pick valk, que sa soit 1v1, 15v15, 3v3, 50v50, pve, pvp... tu es sure de mener la danse
Merci pour ta réponse, c'est que je suis un très gros joueur d'Assassin (Fufu sur WoW si tu connais ) Mais malheureusement il y en a pas et ces vrai que la seul classe qui ressemble à un Assassin ces la Ninja mais quand j'ai look quelque vidéos j'étais un peu dessus des dégâts car pour moi un Assassin ces perso qui fait mal mais feuille de papier A4, après oui je sais qu'il y a Reaper mais je t'avoue que j'aime pas trop le gamplay :x Je trouve ça vraiment con qu'il non pas mis de classe à la WoW, Blade and Soul, Teso ou bien même BDO un vrai Assassin avec des Dagues ^^ Mais merci tu m'as un peu aider sur mon choix je pense faire Valk même si je pense que tous le monde doit considéré cette classe comme la classe pour les noobs mais osef ^^ Merci encore :)
Hi, Slayer is not the top 1 pvp class, but that doesn't mean they are unplayable :p You can still make quite good win in duel and battleground with them. and they have receive an awakening, wich put them in the top 5 best class pvp right now
Yo, nice vidéo sa me donne presque envie de Replay à tera étant ancien joueur (lvl max 60) enfaite si j ai bien compris tes plus sur les serveurs de gf ? Et slayer il est encore viable ?
Yop, j ai migrer IRL en thailande, et gros coup de chance, la thailand qui n avait jamais eu de Serv Tera en a recu en il y a pile 2 mois. Du coup new serv, avec new player (la majoriter encore un peu debutants) avec le patch actuel Europeen. Le jeu a enormement changer (alkahest n existe plus, up des stuff un peu a la maniere balde and soul si tu connais le jeu) bcp de nouvelle classe, toutes les classes sont assez viables Sauf 2 classes qui se distingues du lot de par leur Force assez colossales comparer a la moyenne. Mais bon que tu play reaper, archer, sorcier, berserker, slayer... tu peux faire du tres bon Taff TANT que ton gameplay est bon evidemment :p Apres par exemple avec Valkyrie (la classe de la video) un debutant de 4-5 jours sur la classe pourra facilement battre qlq qui joue berserker,archer,sorcier depuis plusieurs mois du au faite que la classe est vraiment forte (leur nerf tombe d ici 3 mois). Du coup parfois c est un peu ralant de faire des duel, de faire de beau outplay sur 80% du match mais finir sur une defaite principalement du aux inegaliter des classes :(. Mais bon de maniere generales j ai des amis qui joue bien sur un peu pres toutes les classes, et chacun arrivent quand meme a faire de truc beau KDA en pvp, le skill reste primordial meme si le choix de la classe va aider/un pe udesavantager. Jcrois ca resume a peu pres tout
Alukah ok merci, je croyais que ta changé de serv car serveur non peuple sur gf (l une de mes raisons de départ presque plus aucun bg 15v15 c étais relou) et a-t-on avis sa vaut le coup de reprendre now sur le serveur de gf ? Je veux dire sa c peuplé depuis etc ?
ca fais 2 ans je ne me suis plus connecter sur le serv EU quasiment, donc j aurai du mal a te repondre, si tu vas sur le serv INT Killian, j imagine qui dois tjs avoir pas mal de monde actif, sur tu vas sur le serv PVE Francais, ca serait deja bcp moins actif :c
no this combo got nerf about 1 year ago, it was too overpower haha. I currently don't know what is the potential of actual valkyrie in PVP, long time I did not seen a main pvp valkyrie on my South East Asia Server. if you find some good youtube clip of a GREAT pvp valkyrie, please leave me the link in that comment, that would be a pleasure for me to watch it :)
@@TheLucaslepro52 Thank you for your response Alukah , its been a long since my last tera experience , may i ask you what is viable in pvp right now ? Still depends on ur skills?>
@@giorgosshadow really depends on our game style ? A: Do you like being a range shooting at everyone? Archer, Gunner, Sorcerer B: Do you like being in the melee, harassing those pesky healers and other solo target tasks? Slayer, Ninja, Warrior C: Do you like to bring some big AOE damage and have a great amount of damage in a teamfight ? Brawler, Berserker, Valkyrie (then of course, sorcerer and gunner as well) Really depend if you are more like a 1v1 type of person, or if you just like smashing some big hits inside a pack of players. For my personal point of view, Brawler, gunner and Berserker are the 3 strongest teamfighter, hard to kill, can have a lot of dammage very fast, many AOE attacks. But of course, you will be able to be top 1 kill with any class at the moment you play without mistakes and your gear/build is good enough. I don't recommand slayer tho, the weakest right now in my opinion
Hi Thanks, High End specs with gtx 1080ti, i7-7700k, ssd m.2 samsung pro 960 512giga, msi Z270 gaming pro, 850w gold seasonic Alim, 1T hdd, 16GB RAM 3000mhz
Honestly I have never see any good player on Ninja, it s so rare to see people who play ninja, so I really don t know about if ninja is good or bad, because no one are ninja main in pvp. SO i really don t know about the potential of the class
@@TheLucaslepro52 tks bro i just play tera and main valkyrie, i like ninja but i dontknow too much about ninja. Damage, pve pvp play style etc... with valkyrie
@@Lonely2910 If you want to chill on the game, pick the class that the gameplay make you dreaming about ;) If you aim for pvp ranking, and a class who have big impact into winning a game in arena, then go for My personnal top 3 Carry class : Reaper, Valkyrie, Archer (My personnal top 3 class if you aim for killing lot of people, very fast, without thinking too much about a long combo) Then high tier class : Brawler, Berserker, Sorcerer (High dammage class, with AOE effect skills, nice mobility, can combo with most of other class) Then middle tier class : Gunner, Slayer (They are not bad, but not good, they can make everything, but with an very average impact) Then low impact in fight : Warrior, Ninja (these class are based on a real 1v1 situation, they don t have intresting AOE or high dammage skills)
It is a good class but after enough practice and loosing to Valkyries with enough classes I've been able to successfully beat them all with gunner over and over in 1 vs 1.
Right, in fact... It's a class very easy to play, because they have long who can reset, an instant 12meter range grab, backsteb, 360 degree stun, stag on melee attack who can cover a big area, dreamslash one shoot on KD, all with very short Cooldown... so, basically an medium valkyrie against a medium other class players, the valk gonna basically have 80% win rate. Because the skill they need for win is very low compare to the skill required to a slayer (for exemple)... But yea, when you can master your class, and know how to play perfect against them, you can start to winning them, because their skill cap gonan reach their limit very fast, when other class gonna have a skill cap who can extend very highly compare to them. But anyway, on my server in Thailand, valkyrie nerf is in 9 days, so it's gonna be even more easy to win them
SkY DiVer yea I prefer my reaper, but difficult to keep enjoying our predilection class when you see some things like Valkyrie wich can kill you without even making the brain working 😂
I have plan to move ALL my character on Zuras :D But tera TH not possible to transfer character server :( I need to wait, and when it gonna be available, I will join Zuras
I already have 2 reaper and 1 valkyrie haha :p I need making gunner for make a gunner pvp video :) I try to make pvp video with all class in the game, and learning all class
fighting your reaper is really hard i need play perfect to beat you but atleast i can do descent pvp. but against your valk it looks like im a beginner who played tera few weeks ago. hahaha
mc 13 5555 don’t worry the first day Ingold was playing Valkyrie he has win 2 duels to me who was playing reaper since 3 years 😂😂 When valkyrie duel me I am very affraid to hahahaha
Haha j ai l avantage d avoir passer 4 ans a spammer le jeu ca aide, mais la classe reste beaucoup trop superieur de maniere globale :s A partir du moment ou le seul contre de la Valkyrie c est... une autre Valkyrie... C est tendu haha
Yep tres redoutable du a ses degats + son grab de zone a 18sec de CD (pour 1min10 chez le lancier) et ces stun 360 degree qui stun 5-6 personnes faciles en teamfight xD c est bien enervant
What are the top five pvp classes?
Just a silly question would you be willing to pass on the knowledge of Bread and butter rotations for both PvP and PvE with out the reliance of heavy use of backstab I play on console and alot of the Valk players rely so heavily on that guessing they don't know they will patch it's cool in the future. But I want to show people just how much cancer this class is. So if you are willing to teach me the ways of the Broken Valk I'd appreciate and mechanic tips and pointers and rotations. Thanks in advance!
Hi sadly I m not a valkyrie main so I can not help you, I have played this class less than 4 days. so I m not advanced enough for give you tips, and i m not sure of with patch note you are aswell
Can you kind of list like the combos that you normally used?
Waiting for this to come out at PVE PS4.
And which are the names of the songs?
I start 1 week ago and i am archer yesterday i hit lvl65
Is archer good for pvp or i should play another class? Cuz everybody is saying that archer sucks...now is support class not dps dealer and in pvp is rubbish...so what would you recomenf me to do keep archer or play another? I like zerk! Looks strong and fun
I just want to say, there is some class slightly better than the others, but in general, it is quite balanced like / The best class for team fights, will be medium in 1v1, and the best class in 1v1 will be medium to team fight, as much as class super tanky like lancer who can not be killed, they have a hard time to kill enemy aswell. It's fair enough, and the main thing who should influence you is the gameplay of a class. If you like the gameplay of a class and you enjoying playing it, then go ahead and master it. On my channel, I have proof that I can destroy everyone with every class, I have videos where I destroy everything with gunner, sorcerer, archer, berserker, warrior, reaper. And I have some friends who are brawlers, slayers, lancers and are insane as well.
In my opinion, if you are a great archer, with great gear, you will make a decent job in PVP. But if you still wanna know about your original question, after all the class I played, the one I enjoyed the most, and have the best results with, is Reaper and Berserker
Archer is bad ass if youu play it right, it has a great stun lock if you're fast enough
Peut etre tard mais y'a t'il un combo " préfait " pour le 1v1 a ne pas louper si tu vois ce que je veux dire lol
Salut, fort probable, mais je ne suis pas a jours depusi quelques mois donc je ne peux que te conseiler de chercher des joueurs Main Valkyrie du patch actuel car il y a eu bcp de modifications dans les derniers patch.
O.O name of the first song plz we’ll at 0.12 secs lol.
Salut je joues sur le serv pvp ps4 ! Je suis actuellement un joueur slay mais j'ai ENORMEMENT de mal contre la valk. Tu aurais des conseils?
Cette classe va me faire quitter le jeu lol.
Je bats tout le monde sauf les valks
Salut, a la version sur la quelle vous etes, les valkyries est la classe la plus puissantes de tout le jeu (tout en etant facile a jouer) et il n y aura pas de changement avant 7-9 mois, donc bon courage jusque la, sinon tu peux eventuellement jouer valkyrie aussi mdr, tu la stuff pendant les 5-6 prochaines mois, et a partir du moins 7 tu economise tes PO pour restuff ton slayer quand les valkyrie seront nerf. En attendanr good luck, moi ca a ete infernal sur PC, et le jour ou elles ont recu leur nerf, 70% des valk ont stop leur classe a la recherche de la nouvelle classe la plus opti lol
@@TheLucaslepro52 C'est juste infâme 😂
Merci gros 👌
Could you write down your key binds in a video sometime? Do a vid about your gear and stuff :))
Hi, hmm as keybind I think u can see all in my barre skills if you make Pause on it :p , just using 2 specific buttons who demmand to have a MMO Mouse with lot of additionals buttons, but otherwhise all is 1-2-3-4-5-6, + e, r, c, q, or Alt 1, Alt 2, Alt 3 , Alt 4 ...
le logo de guild me rappel vaguement quelque chose.... Nereid ?
Haha nope c est le logo que j avais remodifier en mode BG sur PAINT quand j avais fait ma guilde sur Killian a l epoque xD
hey alukah can I see Glyphs skill ? thank you or guide vk
I am not sure if my glyph are -THE BEST GLYPH VALKYRIE- but I make good job with these one : www.essentialmana.com/glyph-calc/#va65:b2:c014:g2:j024:k5:m13:n0:r1:t0
Name of the first song ?
What did you do to level up fast enough to get that cutting edge reaper title?
main quest until lvl 20, then only dungeon 20 - 65 (bastion of lok 20-26, sinistral manor 26 - 31, karash ascent 31 - 36, cultist refuge 36 - 43, necromancer tomb 43-48, gold lab 48-53, saleron garden 53-56, lab of terror 56-58, ebon tower 58-60, sabex armory 60-63, macelarius catacomb 63-65) ABOUT 7H30 playtime for all this in party 5 ppl
Alukah thank you!
Alukah one last question if you don’t mind though. From 58 if you didn’t have a group to run dungeons what’s the 2nd fastest way to rank up?
58-60 Hmmmm Ebon solo so much long a difficult, I think the best way is still trying to find some people for succes it, or making quest, but not sure, I always make dungeon so I don't really know (maybe Kuma Battleground can give nice exp ?)
Alukah hmm okay thank you
Tu utilise quoi comme cristaux ?
you still play? please teach me senpai :3
Is valk still broken or it got nerfed after release?
It seems that gear lvl doesnt metter if you have skill
If you are Valkyrie yes, I mean, if I do 1v1 reaper 426 vs brawler 449, I will basically need 7/8 stun combo before ending the duel, but with the valkyrie dreamslash, that allow me to win most of opponent in 2 or 3 combo as max Hahaha
First music name?
Tu joues vraiment bien poto, petite questions la classe à été nerf ou elle est toujours aussi forte comme sur ton gameplay ? :)
Car j'hésite entre Valkyrie et Ninja quand elle vont sortir sur Ps4 ^^
Je sais pas si c'est fort Ninja ou si c'est usless j'ai un peu peur de m'investir dans une classe avec la qu'elle je suis même pas sur si elle est viable en 1v1 ^^
Comme tu es assez balez pourrait tu me renseigner un minimum sur les deux si ça te dérange pas merci poto continue tu vend du rêve avec tes 1v1 :p
Yep, valkyrie et ninja... c est un peu comparer Une grue et une pelle hahaha, bon j'vais quand meme developper un peu plus quand meme :p
Ninja : Classe de cleaner, en gros tu vas etre bon pour chasser des ennemis low HP qui vont fuire les team fights, classe tres tres mobile, extremement difficile a attraper, dps correcte en 1v1 (mais defence de croquette, c est la classe qui prend le plus cher en terme de degat subis :s) principalement basee pour faire du dps solo target sur des cibles isolees, plusieurs petit coup de moyennes pouissances, 1 seul sort de stun, mais qlq sort de support permettant de proteger ta team. TRES difficile de faire bcp de kill avec cette classe, et l impacte qu elle a en teamfight est plus basee sur sauver tes allies grace a tes stag et fumigene de zone plutot que de dps...
Valkyrie : Simplement la classe la plus FAT jamais sortie sur Tera... un mix hybride de plusieurs classes, qui fait la meme chose que plusieurs classes differentes, MAIS EN ENCORE MIEUX. y a pas un skill qui soit useless, tout est extremement fort que ca soit offencivement ou defencivement parlant, tu peux full stun combo des mecs tout comme tu peux egalement les one shoot. mobiliter extremement forte aussi, sont nerf n est pas encore arriver malgre qu elle soit sortie depuis deja 1 ans presque.
Jte conseil de jouer le gameplay qui t attire le mieux, car c est un jeu, te force pas a joeur la classe la plus forte si tu ne l.apprecie pas vraiment... apres si t as peur de faire une classe avec la quelle tu risques d avoir du mal a te demmener contre les autres classes, pick valk, que sa soit 1v1, 15v15, 3v3, 50v50, pve, pvp... tu es sure de mener la danse
Merci pour ta réponse, c'est que je suis un très gros joueur d'Assassin (Fufu sur WoW si tu connais )
Mais malheureusement il y en a pas et ces vrai que la seul classe qui ressemble à un Assassin ces la Ninja mais quand j'ai look quelque vidéos j'étais un peu dessus des dégâts car pour moi un Assassin ces perso qui fait mal mais feuille de papier A4, après oui je sais qu'il y a Reaper mais je t'avoue que j'aime pas trop le gamplay :x
Je trouve ça vraiment con qu'il non pas mis de classe à la WoW, Blade and Soul, Teso ou bien même BDO un vrai Assassin avec des Dagues ^^
Mais merci tu m'as un peu aider sur mon choix je pense faire Valk même si je pense que tous le monde doit considéré cette classe comme la classe pour les noobs mais osef ^^
Merci encore :)
what do you think of slayer in pvp now? Are they still strong? I heard pvp became broken cuz of the new classes
Hi, Slayer is not the top 1 pvp class, but that doesn't mean they are unplayable :p You can still make quite good win in duel and battleground with them. and they have receive an awakening, wich put them in the top 5 best class pvp right now
Ive got awakening with slayer but still no chance against decent valkyries or warriors with def stance
what's your ping?
what's your attacks speed?
Hi, ping about 45 and 60. and base +48 atk speed without buffs
Whats ur favorite pvp class ?
Reaper and Berserker
Yo, nice vidéo sa me donne presque envie de Replay à tera étant ancien joueur (lvl max 60) enfaite si j ai bien compris tes plus sur les serveurs de gf ? Et slayer il est encore viable ?
Yop, j ai migrer IRL en thailande, et gros coup de chance, la thailand qui n avait jamais eu de Serv Tera en a recu en il y a pile 2 mois. Du coup new serv, avec new player (la majoriter encore un peu debutants) avec le patch actuel Europeen. Le jeu a enormement changer (alkahest n existe plus, up des stuff un peu a la maniere balde and soul si tu connais le jeu) bcp de nouvelle classe, toutes les classes sont assez viables Sauf 2 classes qui se distingues du lot de par leur Force assez colossales comparer a la moyenne. Mais bon que tu play reaper, archer, sorcier, berserker, slayer... tu peux faire du tres bon Taff TANT que ton gameplay est bon evidemment :p
Apres par exemple avec Valkyrie (la classe de la video) un debutant de 4-5 jours sur la classe pourra facilement battre qlq qui joue berserker,archer,sorcier depuis plusieurs mois du au faite que la classe est vraiment forte (leur nerf tombe d ici 3 mois). Du coup parfois c est un peu ralant de faire des duel, de faire de beau outplay sur 80% du match mais finir sur une defaite principalement du aux inegaliter des classes :(. Mais bon de maniere generales j ai des amis qui joue bien sur un peu pres toutes les classes, et chacun arrivent quand meme a faire de truc beau KDA en pvp, le skill reste primordial meme si le choix de la classe va aider/un pe udesavantager.
Jcrois ca resume a peu pres tout
Alukah ok merci, je croyais que ta changé de serv car serveur non peuple sur gf (l une de mes raisons de départ presque plus aucun bg 15v15 c étais relou) et a-t-on avis sa vaut le coup de reprendre now sur le serveur de gf ? Je veux dire sa c peuplé depuis etc ?
ca fais 2 ans je ne me suis plus connecter sur le serv EU quasiment, donc j aurai du mal a te repondre, si tu vas sur le serv INT Killian, j imagine qui dois tjs avoir pas mal de monde actif, sur tu vas sur le serv PVE Francais, ca serait deja bcp moins actif :c
valkyrie still able to do that in pvp ?
no this combo got nerf about 1 year ago, it was too overpower haha. I currently don't know what is the potential of actual valkyrie in PVP, long time I did not seen a main pvp valkyrie on my South East Asia Server. if you find some good youtube clip of a GREAT pvp valkyrie, please leave me the link in that comment, that would be a pleasure for me to watch it :)
@@TheLucaslepro52 Thank you for your response Alukah , its been a long since my last tera experience , may i ask you what is viable in pvp right now ? Still depends on ur skills?>
@@giorgosshadow really depends on our game style ?
A: Do you like being a range shooting at everyone? Archer, Gunner, Sorcerer
B: Do you like being in the melee, harassing those pesky healers and other solo target tasks? Slayer, Ninja, Warrior
C: Do you like to bring some big AOE damage and have a great amount of damage in a teamfight ? Brawler, Berserker, Valkyrie (then of course, sorcerer and gunner as well)
Really depend if you are more like a 1v1 type of person, or if you just like smashing some big hits inside a pack of players.
For my personal point of view, Brawler, gunner and Berserker are the 3 strongest teamfighter, hard to kill, can have a lot of dammage very fast, many AOE attacks.
But of course, you will be able to be top 1 kill with any class at the moment you play without mistakes and your gear/build is good enough. I don't recommand slayer tho, the weakest right now in my opinion
@@TheLucaslepro52 Τhank you very much for your answer and your time
valk use full power our crit in pvp?
Full power for both pve and pvp
Greego here best class in the world Kappa
hahaha Yea, why playing zerk for make knockdown combo, when you can play valkyrie and make one shoot knockdown single skill xD
please post a gunner pvp video
pc specs? great vid
Hi Thanks, High End specs with gtx 1080ti, i7-7700k, ssd m.2 samsung pro 960 512giga, msi Z270 gaming pro, 850w gold seasonic Alim, 1T hdd, 16GB RAM 3000mhz
What a sad man! I liked the video!!
brawler for pvp
valkyre for VS
ที่เล่นคนไทยหรือป่าวครับ ผมคิดว่าต่างชาติ
รบกวนแนะนำ ออฟวุธ ชุด ประดับสายPVP ให้หน่อยจะได้ไหมครับพี่ ผมอยากดิ่งไปกับวาคริรี ไม่ชอบลงดัน ได้โปรดนะครับ
ninja good in pve and pvp?
Honestly I have never see any good player on Ninja, it s so rare to see people who play ninja, so I really don t know about if ninja is good or bad, because no one are ninja main in pvp. SO i really don t know about the potential of the class
@@TheLucaslepro52 tks bro i just play tera and main valkyrie, i like ninja but i dontknow too much about ninja. Damage, pve pvp play style etc... with valkyrie
@@Lonely2910 If you want to chill on the game, pick the class that the gameplay make you dreaming about ;) If you aim for pvp ranking, and a class who have big impact into winning a game in arena, then go for
My personnal top 3 Carry class : Reaper, Valkyrie, Archer (My personnal top 3 class if you aim for killing lot of people, very fast, without thinking too much about a long combo)
Then high tier class : Brawler, Berserker, Sorcerer (High dammage class, with AOE effect skills, nice mobility, can combo with most of other class)
Then middle tier class : Gunner, Slayer (They are not bad, but not good, they can make everything, but with an very average impact)
Then low impact in fight : Warrior, Ninja (these class are based on a real 1v1 situation, they don t have intresting AOE or high dammage skills)
@@TheLucaslepro52 tks bro
@@TheLucaslepro52 what do u think about reaper and valkyrie
wow this music make me go high ! xD
It is a good class but after enough practice and loosing to Valkyries with enough classes I've been able to successfully beat them all with gunner over and over in 1 vs 1.
Right, in fact... It's a class very easy to play, because they have long who can reset, an instant 12meter range grab, backsteb, 360 degree stun, stag on melee attack who can cover a big area, dreamslash one shoot on KD, all with very short Cooldown... so, basically an medium valkyrie against a medium other class players, the valk gonna basically have 80% win rate. Because the skill they need for win is very low compare to the skill required to a slayer (for exemple)... But yea, when you can master your class, and know how to play perfect against them, you can start to winning them, because their skill cap gonan reach their limit very fast, when other class gonna have a skill cap who can extend very highly compare to them.
But anyway, on my server in Thailand, valkyrie nerf is in 9 days, so it's gonna be even more easy to win them
Alukah what type of nerf?
nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf nerf :P
lol one of the main reasons why um about to quit this game, cancer class ever. Good times tho. I like your reaping more =)
SkY DiVer yea I prefer my reaper, but difficult to keep enjoying our predilection class when you see some things like Valkyrie wich can kill you without even making the brain working 😂
well i think reaper will be stronger once her aw get release.. xD
Go SV.Zuras if you want Best Valkyrie
I have plan to move ALL my character on Zuras :D But tera TH not possible to transfer character server :( I need to wait, and when it gonna be available, I will join Zuras
Alukah You can make new Character in Zuras for PVP only
Yea I was thinking about it, If I have some free time I will try to lvl up a gunner on Zuras
No, I need you make Reaper or Valkyrie
I already have 2 reaper and 1 valkyrie haha :p I need making gunner for make a gunner pvp video :) I try to make pvp video with all class in the game, and learning all class
Jesus JXR hahaha thanks
Damn Luka! I think i got a better chance against your geared reaper than on your guardian valk. Hahaha #nerfvalk GG!
mc 13 hahahaha #TeamNerfValkyrieNoBrain
fighting your reaper is really hard i need play perfect to beat you but atleast i can do descent pvp. but against your valk it looks like im a beginner who played tera few weeks ago. hahaha
mc 13 5555 don’t worry the first day Ingold was playing Valkyrie he has win 2 duels to me who was playing reaper since 3 years 😂😂 When valkyrie duel me I am very affraid to hahahaha
rip! if all the geared valks in our server will become skilled as you, that would be scary hahaha
mc 13 if that happen I go play minecraft 😥 or I main gunner, they are the only one who can face valkyrie without crying hahaha
Ur so izi Alukah TRY TO FIGHT NTR ON PS4
Lol you're buffed out dueling wtf 😂
This class is balanced.
they nerf it yet ?
yes they did nerf it, it is less broken then before, but STILL a very strong class in teamfight
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice )
Thanks :D
Oui enfin quand tu détruis d'autres valkyries, du coup le problème c'est pas la classe. C'est juste toi qui est broken sur ce jeu :p
Haha j ai l avantage d avoir passer 4 ans a spammer le jeu ca aide, mais la classe reste beaucoup trop superieur de maniere globale :s A partir du moment ou le seul contre de la Valkyrie c est... une autre Valkyrie... C est tendu haha
Oui pas faux, ça a quand meme l'air bien fort autant en 1v1 qu'en 20v20. En tout cas continu les vidéos, c'est cool de te revoir :)
Yep tres redoutable du a ses degats + son grab de zone a 18sec de CD (pour 1min10 chez le lancier) et ces stun 360 degree qui stun 5-6 personnes faciles en teamfight xD c est bien enervant
hahaha thanks #TeamReaper :p
Un asco esa clase, jodio el tera para siempre
ingold noob
@@TheLucaslepro52 come back to sea server plzz xD
@@muhammadfathahillah1053 does the pvp is active or still dead ?
@@TheLucaslepro52 after this month it will be active again xD
@@muhammadfathahillah1053 Why ?