I think it's more, they probably filmed a bunch of different videos on the same day and this one acted as a chill break in between the other more active ones.
Now I want to know what the story for Peter was 😭 What a great fantastic video of We Three Thieves at the beach with a group of people having fun sharing stories.
@@zefersanity6537 he was quiet most of the time and if u look closely u can tell he was thinking abt something but he might’ve had a rough time just like brooke said
@@zefersanity6537 He came from a long flight when they filmed the video and you can tell he's tired with the way he's not really talking, which was probably because of jet lag and stuff. The sun probably wasn't helping either.
@@rosa_stars349 I mean idk it seems like he's good sociably and like both guys and girls love him lol must be a personal insecurity of his but he doesn't come off as introverted or socially unaware at all. Socially unaware people have a hard time making friends/dating girls.
@@Bobe_Kyrant.42 He said he was introverted when he was younger, but he learned to be extroverted when he came to LA. Which was only two years ago, when he turned 18.
I wish everyone had a fair chance to speak. Because some were reading and answering most if not all the questions, the others seemed left out. Making it so everyone gets to participate and read a question is better.
a lot was cut out, so we don't know how it actually was but you do have a point. but also, some people just enjoy being around others and listening over talking or don't feel like they have anything interesting/valueable/funny etc. to add to (certain) questions
As someone who's heard of Peter's story on stream, seeing everyone's reaction to it was GOLD LMAO I still remember learning about Mr Elephant as well 🤔
Peter actually told this story on stream a few times, sort of can recall what happened something about skin scraping of his PP in a perfect rectangular shape because he scraped over the rough ocean floor
@@canadiancatdog1236 I've taken plenty of international flights. I've also been hungover plenty of times. He might have some jet lag, but that man is hungover lmao
@@canadiancatdog1236 I understand what they said. Now you understand what I am saying: This was a sponsored stream and he is under 21. They can't say he is hungover. I'm saying his behavior aligns far more with a hangover rather than jet lag. I get you might be a little slow in the head, but just because you believe everything people say doesn't mean others have to believe those things too. And just fyi, people don't always tell the truth, especially when the truth can harm them.
no unless you ask him on stream... I think it's about him losing his swim trunks and then getting hurt down there and he started touching himself and then He thought he made mayonnaise... This is my educated guess from everyones reaction and knowing him he's perverted.. he tells alot of stories like that.
Sucks to hear that BrookeAB won't be attending at the new 100 Thieves creator camp. Hope she has fun with whatever she does. (Great to hear that the Camp is coming back though)
Brooke: Introducing everyone
Leslie: Eating food with joy
Why do I feel like they had planned something else, but they got bored or tired and decided to just sit and talk 🤣🤣
I think it's more, they probably filmed a bunch of different videos on the same day and this one acted as a chill break in between the other more active ones.
yeah this vid was filmed the same day as their beach cup pong video
Still worked out
I want an uncensored version… they’ve piqued my curiosity
Tbh 😭
I need to know 💀
me too, peter's story had to have been good with those kind of reactions
Maybe Vinnie will do a storytime about it on his channel?
Now I want to know what the story for Peter was 😭
What a great fantastic video of We Three Thieves at the beach with a group of people having fun sharing stories.
For real we need this now lol
Idk why Leslie eating and enjoying food made me laugh!! Everything she does makes me laugh
Brooke is amazing at moderating these videos she's like on top of everything.
Yeah she is great!
I wanna hear Peter's story that got censored out.
He would have to stream it but i feel like he wont be able to talk about things anymore.
Vinnie just looks like he doesn’t want to be there most of the time.. lol
He always looks bored as hell lol
He’s like a decade younger than them all
like said on the beginning he just got off a flight or smth, prolly jet lag
he’s an introvert
Vinnie, you good, bro? The jet lag's hitting hard.
@@zefersanity6537 he was quiet most of the time and if u look closely u can tell he was thinking abt something but he might’ve had a rough time just like brooke said
@@zefersanity6537 He came from a long flight when they filmed the video and you can tell he's tired with the way he's not really talking, which was probably because of jet lag and stuff. The sun probably wasn't helping either.
@@itsdanielle yeah
And he’s next to peters loud and disgusting storys
I gotta say my favorite part was the censored story of Peter. The reactions are just 💯
Leslie and Peter are such big personalities
Brooke and Leslie were actually so hyped and excited that's what I loved about this video 😂 I swear Vinnie looked like he didn't want to be there lol
The kyedae slipping in the pond really hits me. One of the best clips you can see in the internet
Leslie knows her priorities food first.
I love Leslie on we 3 thrives
leslie & brooke look extra lovely outdoors 🥹🫶
I sincerely hope Peter tells his story on stream soon Lmao
I love him so much vinnie 😭💗💖
Vinnie looked like he GENUINELY hated being there lmao
jetlag +introvert + having really extroverted people around you speak for a long period of time can be energy sucking
@@rosa_stars349 hes an introvert? dude seems extroverted to me
@@Bobe_Kyrant.42 he mentions it all the time on his tiktok and how it prevents him from having any good social cues
@@rosa_stars349 I mean idk it seems like he's good sociably and like both guys and girls love him lol must be a personal insecurity of his but he doesn't come off as introverted or socially unaware at all. Socially unaware people have a hard time making friends/dating girls.
@@Bobe_Kyrant.42 He said he was introverted when he was younger, but he learned to be extroverted when he came to LA. Which was only two years ago, when he turned 18.
Someone give B12 to Vinnie he obviously had a rough night
Am I day dreaming!! They used my question!!! This just made my day!! Love you guys so much!!
LMAO Leslie is just casually eating!!!
I cannot stop looking at vinnie. He’s so beautiful 😭
I wish everyone had a fair chance to speak. Because some were reading and answering most if not all the questions, the others seemed left out. Making it so everyone gets to participate and read a question is better.
yea agreed
are you 5? Life aint fair. they are all rich, theyll get over it lol. I promise you they didnt care lol
a lot was cut out, so we don't know how it actually was but you do have a point. but also, some people just enjoy being around others and listening over talking or don't feel like they have anything interesting/valueable/funny etc. to add to (certain) questions
Leslie at the end LMFAO 😭😭😭😭
As someone who's heard of Peter's story on stream, seeing everyone's reaction to it was GOLD LMAO
I still remember learning about Mr Elephant as well 🤔
You HAVE to link me.
Peter actually told this story on stream a few times, sort of can recall what happened
something about skin scraping of his PP in a perfect rectangular shape
because he scraped over the rough ocean floor
I saw leslie, I CLICKED IT!!!!
Offline tv have michael reeves. 100 thieves have leslie👌💯
This is just great! Peter really made the video with his stories. This is why I'm happy he's with them!
"i should have gone last man thats crazy" xDDDD
11:20 the way leslie and peter quickly looked to see who megan lee was because one of their old roommates was a streamer/singer called megan lee
99% of us need Peter's uncensored story please thank u... we waiting 😊
Dammit I need to know what happened with Peter. Hopefully he tells us on stream!
I’m the same with punching the waves and than run 🤣💀
Peter always tells the most traumatic stories ever bro☠️
Vinnie looks miserable lmao
I see leslie, i CLICK!!
Not leslie self reporting/exposing again at the end kekw
I need to hear peters story!!!!! It is a dream job to start working for 100t
Please dunk vinnie’s head in the water and please do a 100 thieves volleyball tournament and vinnie can play
peter is so funny im so o glad he’s in 100t and poor vinnie looks tired out of his mind
I'm so happy we Three Thieves is continuing!
i have wave boxed, glad im not the only one.
Vinnie be like: WhEN cAn I Go hOMe..😹
Vinnie so cute 🥹💛
Beach stories and a special We Three Thieves! Let's goooooo! Thx for the content 100T!
y’all inspire me so much! 💗
This was an awesome video! Thank you guys so much for answering my question 🙌🏼❤️
Josh is an Icon
Leslie at the end 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
All these outdoor videos are so great!!
I NEED to know what Peter said
Dang. Be careful with Vinnie at camp, he can’t swim😔
he can’t ??
Peter brought up summer camp again ????? LETS GOOO
brooke was obviously drinking💀
I want now the unfiltered version of peter's story in his stream 😏
Vinnie is looking so tired
Thanks Peter for making 100 Thieves content relatable to us boomers. 😁
Can we get a peek of the uncensored ver. of peter's story?
Please do a 100 thieves volleyball tournament on the beach
Vinnie has to be hungover 😂
He literally said he just got off a flight at the beginning
@@canadiancatdog1236 I've taken plenty of international flights. I've also been hungover plenty of times. He might have some jet lag, but that man is hungover lmao
@@futbolfan27 you didn’t pay attention to the beginning of the video did you?
@@canadiancatdog1236 I understand what they said. Now you understand what I am saying: This was a sponsored stream and he is under 21. They can't say he is hungover. I'm saying his behavior aligns far more with a hangover rather than jet lag. I get you might be a little slow in the head, but just because you believe everything people say doesn't mean others have to believe those things too. And just fyi, people don't always tell the truth, especially when the truth can harm them.
@@futbolfan27 now you’re just being rude. No need for that
I really want to hear the story now!!!! There's gotta be a place to talk about that
Best We Three Thieves yet!
Is there a way we can hear peter's scary beach moment somewhere lmaooo
no unless you ask him on stream... I think it's about him losing his swim trunks and then getting hurt down there and he started touching himself and then He thought he made mayonnaise... This is my educated guess from everyones reaction and knowing him he's perverted.. he tells alot of stories like that.
@@bebdaumon3948 He has told this story on stream. I think its the one where he lost a chunk down there from scraping the bottom
@@UP18TV link to the video.. want to hear the storie
@@UP18TV link please or atleast a more detailed
Sucks to hear that BrookeAB won't be attending at the new 100 Thieves creator camp. Hope she has fun with whatever she does.
(Great to hear that the Camp is coming back though)
why isn’t she ?
i'd love to go to camp with 100t. it sounds so fun.
Noah, I also went to marine biology camp. I got to dissect a baby shark and it was SO COOL!
Peter has been a great addition for sure
Why did they change the thumbnail to Vinny naked ? 😂😂😂
Now I REALLY wanna know Peter's story 😞
10:00 If you do that and the phone rings, just tell "them" you got a call on the other line and has to take it 🤷♂️
Do some team competition where you guys have to build sand castles
8.6K views FINS!!! Keep up the good work
Brooke and Leslie are such a vibe
poor vinnie
i NEED to know what peter said
That is not what getting water boarded looks like lol
Vinny is hating this and I completely understand... 😅
This is a 🔥 🔥 video idea to do in this video in life right know today for us only okay
4:36 bru....😂
I remember I had spent hundreds of dollars on Habbo xD
Prayers for Peter 🙏🏾😔
God bless yall
Gin is is such a mood
beach volleyball before the summer ends?
This was hilarious!
This is too funny
We need an Uncensored Version!!! 😤
I know what Brooke is talking about, the 5th grade field trip but Covid happened and I never got to go but my older brother did.
I refuse to believe that I am the same age as Vinnie, dude is fckin gorgeous and I look like a freshly dug potato.
it is what it is
For the outside school thing, I had that for my 7th and 8th grade, although couldn’t go during my 7th grade. It was called natures classroom
There are two kinds of people: people who admit to peeing in the pool and liars
Someone tell leslie you don't need to eat chips with 2 hands.
vinnie is the biggest introvert ever bro look at him
sameee tho
ive thrown down with some waves before lol
I love noko 😂
Leslie with those sunglasses looks like her sister lil fooze