Denise's 2023 Da Vinci Palette Updates & New Trio! | Ladybug Tutorial

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @gingerblue
    @gingerblue Рік тому +21

    Congrats on your evolving color palettes and lines! I use diox purple constantly as my strong contrast/dark value in painting, so sad to see that disappearing from so many palettes. I really dislike "drippy" weak reddish pinky purples- they make my skin crawl for some reason. They remind me of crummy, granular fruit punch from when I was a kid- I can literally "taste" them when I see them painted out. I love strong inky colors, so that may explain my love of diox purple- the stronger and darker the better.

  • @johnsullivan4413
    @johnsullivan4413 Рік тому +1

    Thanks so much, Denise. I really enjoy using your Earth Friendly Palette! I have really enjoyed Da Vinci's Thioindigo Violet paint for years and I love it. It's a mystery paint because I can't remember buying it.

  • @pennycandyys
    @pennycandyys Рік тому +1

    Haha, happy mistake. ☺ Great voiceover Denise, and love your lady bug, and palettes. 😍

  • @ChantelleArts
    @ChantelleArts Рік тому +5

    That grey blue used for the background of the ladybird is actually gorgeous! 😊

  • @vatiammatri2660
    @vatiammatri2660 Рік тому

    I just got the updated Earth Friendly palette.... I'm enamored with both Da Vinci watercolors and your selection! Just beautiful! Thanks Denise. I love your green, and Stormy Blue! 🎉❤

  • @s.maskell7134
    @s.maskell7134 Рік тому +9

    This is a good trio. Having said that, Violet Iron Oxide is a stunner - I'd love to see that in a trio. I like using Daniel Smith Quinacridone Sienna as an orange.

    • @staceydesorgoalbers7480
      @staceydesorgoalbers7480 Рік тому +2

      the quin sienna used the discounted PO48, as do some very popular DS offerings. I'm curious to see what they'll do to change their line. even their sap green and sap green deep use it.

  • @italiangabster
    @italiangabster Рік тому +8

    The way i dropped everything to grab those tubes 😆I'm so excited to get to try Denise's gray and stormy blue for myself :D

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому +1

      That makes me so happy to hear! I hope you love them!

  • @twozsinapod
    @twozsinapod Рік тому +1

    Absolutely beautiful new trio and fun palette updates! Your website updates look really polished too. I adore the mixes with the trio and the Opacity palette and might have to sneak some half pans in the middle row to try them out. Glad to see Stormy Blue and Denise's Grey in tubes. They're gorgeous and much better than Neutral Tint and Artemis IMO. Would also love to see the soft grey from Lilac + Phthalo Green offered in a tube someday!

  • @l.nelson3093
    @l.nelson3093 Рік тому +2

    Congrats on new and glorious color! Love DaVinci (+) You! What a lovely picture!

  • @grey-fs4bo
    @grey-fs4bo Рік тому +4

    As a perylene maroon stan, I am sad that it's leaving the bigger palette, seeing it still present in the new trio is truly fantastic. Also paired with my favorite blue? It's a big yes. Personally, I just cannot separate perylene maroon and indanthrene blue so seeing you put them together as well is so nice to see. Also I do agree that the neutral tint-ish color was missing in the original lineup so that stormy blue is

  • @mostlyvoid.partiallystars
    @mostlyvoid.partiallystars Рік тому +1

    I purchased the Earth Friendly palette after you announced the alterations and I LOVE IT. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @Ktpstudio
    @Ktpstudio Рік тому +2

    First congratulations on your update. Second the piece that you created is absolutely beautiful. Third, this was so calming to watch. ❤ love and light

  • @Lauraisabelgonzalezart
    @Lauraisabelgonzalezart Рік тому +2

    I appreciate you Denise, I really do... Thank You so much for that you've done for my Opaque Watercolor loving heart...
    🫂 Laura

  • @eternal8song
    @eternal8song Рік тому +1

    I'm so happy for you, Denise! ive been subscribed to you for five years now, since I first started getting serious about learning watercolor, and It's been really gratifying seeing an artist I admire grow and succeed. I'm definitely going to grab a tube of Denise's gray!

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому

      Thank you so much for your support over the years!

  • @mjpete27
    @mjpete27 Рік тому +1

    Hullo Denise, I am glad that you are continuing to evolve your palettes! I also feel a pinch when colors are discontinued, yet it happens a lot! I have changed my go to color selections so many times over the years. I love that you continue to create and grow your selections for your palettes and that DaVinci is so accommodating! I do have the new opaque palette and when I order tubes of your new trio with your new selections I can arrange them with my other palettes. Most Trio’s are packaged in 8ml tubes, so I suppose that you might only get “credit” for boxed trios? Best to use the affiliate links below this video! I am just so glad you are doing well and continuing to share your art journey with us. Please stay safe, be well and keep painting!

  • @parleymanderson7490
    @parleymanderson7490 Рік тому +11

    Just want to leave a comment that PO48 dup can be mixed with PV19 quin rose and PY129. This mixture looks almost identical to Daniel Smith PO48 without the drying shift.

    • @parleymanderson7490
      @parleymanderson7490 Рік тому +1

      I'm quite sad to see perylene maroon gone. Especially since it's mixture with Red Rose Deep can make an identical dup for Da Vinci Alizarin Crimson PV19 ( quite surprising). Well, I can still buy this color seperatly though( or buy the Moody Too trio of course :)). I just happy that Denise can update her pallete to be truer to her current preferences . For the PV23, as much as I love that color I agree it can be easily mixed and the Thioindigo violet does make the pallete stand out more.

    • @litylu
      @litylu Рік тому +2

      I recently discovered the PV19+PY129 as well. Haven’t painted with it yet, only swatched it out but it looks great.

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому +2

      I'll have to try that out! Thank you.

    • @lmac_z
      @lmac_z Рік тому

      That’s very interesting. Thank you for sharing that mixing combo.

  • @averymorgan1369
    @averymorgan1369 Рік тому

    Yessss the embrace opacity is my most favorite palette!!

  • @LisaHetrickIndigojadeArt
    @LisaHetrickIndigojadeArt Рік тому

    Great updates! I just ordered your new earth palette. Love the changes. Congratulations!

  • @na.nella.
    @na.nella. Рік тому +2

    The Phthalo Green and Lilac mix is so pretty!! I'm glad that the Moody Too palette has some of my palette staples, and I'm excited to try Perelyne Maroon :)

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому +1

      Not gonna lie that I didn't realize until after I picked the colors that I realized they were all on my original palette 😜 must mean they're really good! Hahah

  • @lschimes6844
    @lschimes6844 Рік тому

    Congratulations to you 🎉 I enjoyed your video and I’m eyeing Stormy Blue. Just took a look at your website and I am wowed! Stunning! You really have kicked it up a big notch! I always look forward to your videos and the information you provide. Thanks so much. This one has truly made my day! Congratulations 🎉

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому

      Thank you so much! I really appreciate the kind words and support :)

  • @aliceg3574
    @aliceg3574 Рік тому +3

    Yaaas! I think the update to the Earth Friendly palette is fantastic! It seems much more well rounded with these new colors- my personal palette had a Dioxazine Violet and Perylene maroon, and I have barely made a dent in mine as well.
    I'm so excited about the trio! I snatched up the Embrace Opacity palette as soon as I saw it come out and I LOVE IT! I'm so excited to try these colors with it!
    🕯RIP Quin Burnt Orange🕯

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому

      Thank you so much Alice! Both PV23 and PR179 are stunners on their own, but they really have to be in the right company for me to use them. I'm so glad you're loving the Embrace Opacity Palette, and I hope the Trio makes for a great addition!

    • @parleymanderson7490
      @parleymanderson7490 Рік тому +1

      I often use PV23+PR179( Da Vinci version) combo as it resembles Perylene Violet. Though I have to agree that PR88 and Stormy Blue make the pallete more unique.

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому +1

      @@parleymanderson7490 ooo that combo sounds dreamy!

  • @geckonia
    @geckonia Рік тому

    I just love everything you’re doing. Very well thought out. Congrats!😊

  • @Makachopping
    @Makachopping Рік тому +2

    Oh my GOSH. Always a good day when you post, Denise. Love the changes, but I already have your original palette. Might just grab the embrace opacity palette and some of that gorgeous violet!

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому +1

      Thank you so much! I hope whatever configuration you end up makes your heart happy 🥰

  • @safaiaryu12
    @safaiaryu12 Рік тому

    Thank you for the tutorial, and oh, those palettes are gorgeous! I'm excited!

  • @nancywhite2014
    @nancywhite2014 Рік тому

    Thanks for the update Denise 🎉. I look forward to ordering more of your collections 🥰

  • @morganadams2122
    @morganadams2122 Рік тому +1

    I just bought the embrace opacity palette and here I am getting ready to buy that trio 😂
    I feel super geeked that the Thio color going into the original palette is an awesome color, I picked it up on a whim and now I'm even more excited to get it.

  • @glorioskiola
    @glorioskiola Рік тому +1

    PR206 has also been discontinued. It is the pigment in DS quin burnt scarlet, and WN brown madder (my favorite) as well as others such as permanent alizarin crimson.

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  10 місяців тому

      *melts into a sad puddle of pigment loss*

    @THEMAYQUEEN1 Рік тому +1

    Such beautiful palettes. I wish da Vinci paints were affordable in Australia.

  • @StephenMarkTurner
    @StephenMarkTurner Рік тому

    I really like your near grey colours

  • @meldixon1918
    @meldixon1918 Рік тому

    Your script on this was making me laugh so much. Beautiful color choices!

  • @awatercolourist
    @awatercolourist Рік тому +8

    We’re supposed to have pitch forks and torches? Huh! That’s news to me. Need to do some shopping 😂

    • @staceydesorgoalbers7480
      @staceydesorgoalbers7480 Рік тому +1

      I'm doing with pitchforks, torches, and daggers assumed at the pigment manufacturers. PO48 is indispensable!

    • @parleymanderson7490
      @parleymanderson7490 Рік тому

      @@staceydesorgoalbers7480 Try to mix quin Rose and PY129, the mixture is quite close to PO48.

  • @StephenMarkTurner
    @StephenMarkTurner Рік тому +2

    I either didn't know, or had forgotten, that PO48 is discontinued. Thanks for the reminder.

  • @deejcarter2003
    @deejcarter2003 Рік тому +1

    It makes me said when colours are no longer made.😢 I do have your new palette and I like it even more than I thought I would. I’m kinda shocked at how lovely these look watered down. I think I two favs are the Naples yellow and the Denise’s gray🥰

  • @hollystop
    @hollystop Рік тому

    Super slay! Def gonna check out your gray in a few months :) (I’ve got a lot of grays!! :-: )

  • @chisucake
    @chisucake Рік тому

    Hello Denise. Those palettes are really beautiful and I would love to try it someday. Would it be available in Europe? Thank you so much :)

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому

      Hi Diana, they ship internationally :)

    • @chisucake
      @chisucake Рік тому

      @@InLiquidColor Thank you for your feedback Denise. After checking the website, with the shipping costs andcustoms, it will be around 70 dollars more to add to the total :(

  • @ashtoncousins-3261
    @ashtoncousins-3261 Рік тому

    Will the tube refill set for the updated palette be available? I can’t find it on the DaVinci website.

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому +1

      I sent an email and they said early March! Fingers crossed!

  • @themightierpencil
    @themightierpencil Рік тому +1

    It’s so interesting (and validating) to me that you replaced PV23 with Thioindigo because I’ve already done that on my Earth Friendly palette. I’m gonna keep the Perylene Maroon and fortunately I bought a large tube of it for refills, but I also love that Stormy Blue was added 😊

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому

      Yay! I'm so glad to hear that. I know that the Thioindigo Violet has less value and range than the PV23, but I just don't use the letter anymore. I also took it off my main studio palette, so I had to follow my heart here :)

  • @norinjon3240
    @norinjon3240 Рік тому +2

    Losing another quinacridone color, orange/sienna is so sad. I stocked up some M.Graham and Daniel Smith tubes, a pan of Roman Szmal and some Rembrandts. Oddly, I quite like the texture of MG and bought 7 tubes. The rest are quite similar, but Rembrandt seems to be the least pigmented.
    DVPs are quite expensive and rare here so I didn’t pick those up.
    A PR101/102 alternative is expected, though the saturation of PO48 is quite hard to find in these iron pigments.
    I wonder why an opaque color?
    P.S. besides PR88, there are other recently discontinued colors. Those I know of are PO59 PO73(a very high chroma bright orange) PR168 and PR206.

    • @parleymanderson7490
      @parleymanderson7490 Рік тому +1

      I found out the mixture of Quin Rose PV19 and PY129 is just like the Daniel Smith PO48 , so it may worth checking out.

    • @lmac_z
      @lmac_z Рік тому

      PO 48 is also in Daniel Smith’s Undersea Green and Sap Green.

  • @dkstamberose
    @dkstamberose Рік тому +1

    Quin gold really can't catch a break

  • @kristiw.1823
    @kristiw.1823 Рік тому +1

    I completely agree with removing the Diox purple. Even tho I do a lot of florals, that color was so strong that I barely touched it. But the Quin orange loss hurts! If you have any influence with Da Vinci, can you please ask them to remove the "coming soon" line on that color's stock? It's said that since last December, and I've been waiting for it to show back up. If it's being discontinued.... 🤷‍♀

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому

      They're working on replacements 💜

    • @lmac_z
      @lmac_z Рік тому +1

      It’s still available through Daniel Smith and if memory serves correctly they stocked up on PO 48.

  • @monsoon_magic2874
    @monsoon_magic2874 Рік тому +1

    Why not use Quinacridone Violet PV19 itself instead of PR88 which has lightfastness issues?

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому +3

      Quin Violet is available in some of the other DV palettes and I didn't want to step on those artists toes 💜

    • @davincipaints
      @davincipaints Рік тому +2

      Hello there. The mix that we use to create Thioindigo Violet has a very good lightfast rating and is very safe to use in all fine art applications. Hope this information helps!

    • @monsoon_magic2874
      @monsoon_magic2874 Рік тому

      @@davincipaints thank you.

  • @irritatedlibrarian9057
    @irritatedlibrarian9057 Рік тому +5

    I actually discovered that grey mixture when I was playing with the embrace opacity palette. I saw the patreon post about the new trio and decided to put it into the palette. My original thought process was "normally when I mix a pink with green I get some fun purples, wonder what kind of mix I'll get with lilac?" Needless to say, I fell in love with that gray.

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому +1

      It's so, so good. I'm bummed that I shunned pastel paints with white in them for so long. I still don't need alllll of them, but lilac has been a game changer for me!

  • @awatercolourist
    @awatercolourist Рік тому +2

    Is PR88 lightfast?

    • @Makachopping
      @Makachopping Рік тому +2

      Nope. That's one of the beefs people had with the original alizarin crimson.

    • @awatercolourist
      @awatercolourist Рік тому +1

      @@Makachopping Thanks! :)

    • @parleymanderson7490
      @parleymanderson7490 Рік тому +4

      My quick google search says that it is marginally lightfast. However since it is mixed with PV19 I think the mixture's lightfastness may not be that bad. I would still expect some fading though so maybe save this color for sketchbook paintings.

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому +2

      Both PV23 and PR88 are rated LFII. DVs also has PV19 to anchor it. Sadly, it's rather pointless for me to run my own lightfastness tests here in Oregon (many o' cloudy skies) but I don't believe it's any worse off than the PV23 was.

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому +5

      If you take a look at handprint, he has samples if you prefer to see examples of how much PV23 vs PR88s fade. I wouldn't have included it without a warning if I was worried about it!

  • @MarlyMcG
    @MarlyMcG Рік тому

    Eeeeeeeepppppp!!!! Look at all of it

  • @tistlenut
    @tistlenut Рік тому

    I would love to know what you think about DaVinci's new "New Gold" color. Do you have any plans to test it out in a video?

    • @InLiquidColor
      @InLiquidColor  Рік тому

      I haven't been able to try it yet! Hopefully in the new year :)

  • @awatercolourist
    @awatercolourist Рік тому +4

    First! First! I’m first 😂

  • @Mirrigold
    @Mirrigold Рік тому

    I wish we could get these easily in the UK but the shipping from Da Vinci here is horrendous (not their fault I know), almost a third of the cost of the palette itself!

  • @ericakauffman5786
    @ericakauffman5786 Рік тому


  • @KellyMaia
    @KellyMaia Рік тому

    Doesn't ship to Brazil :(

  • @appleknocker56
    @appleknocker56 Рік тому

    I’m so glad you put Terra Cotta in as saw Q. Burnt orange (pigment discontinued) 🥹 so choose Terra cotta & hope it mixes well! Ty so much for all this information!