This is the part of my game the is really holding me back to score better and drop my handicap into the single digits. At a 10 right now but invariably I lose three or four strokes per round by failing to chip the ball close enough to the hole for a one putt. Greens that I hit in regulation I usually make my par but if I don't , I struggle.I'm going to take this lesson and really work on it. Thanks Ali!
Great tip! It took me 20+ years to figure this out for myself…early in every golf season, I use more of a putting stroke (even taking the wrist out too which makes me use more of my clubs for chipping) with my wedges and then as I play more during the season and get more comfortable, I add in some of the more difficult shots with different heights, spin, etc…
At that kind of distance, I have started playing this type of chip just like a big/long putt. In other words, wrists flat and straight, hit through the ball, keep a thought in my head to NOT decelerate and trust the club/loft. Withing 15-20 yards this has been working great for me, and I feel I have much more control. No lean, no hitting down, just play with the loft of the club and your backswing.
Thanks Ali for a great video. Chipping has been the weakest part of my game, but following a lesson, the pro told me to use my sand wedge due to its forgiving bounce, stand the club up more upright and my chipping is much improved. Some fat shots still, but no thins now.
Good one, thanks Ali. I normally use a 7 or an 8 iron to pitch and run from the position you are in there. I only use the wedge if there is a hump of grass in front. I can't judge the run time of the ball after doing it with a wedge, and it costs me strokes at 28 handicap. I will give it a try though.
What’s causing the problems is the lies around the greens here in northern Illinois & southeastern Wisconsin 🙄 Sometimes hard pan, sometimes DEEP rough,, sometimes wet sticky grass, sometimes dry hay (we had a drought all Summer). Sometimes lightning fast greens, sometimes soft fringe or soft greens. Sometimes ball is buried, other times ball sitting on top (club goes under it), sometimes a severe uphill lie, other times a severe downslope short sided. Pretty easy to make chips from perfect lies in good grass like in the video. Come take a walk in my shoes.
Release occurs when the “club shaft “ seeks its inline condition with the lead arm. The full release interval ends at the point when BOTH ARMS ARE STRAIGHT , this is often referred to as the end of the follow through. If you try to release the club head the club will move DOWN prematurely and result in a fat shot or a thin shot. This is why the false advice to move the ball back is often given. In essence there is a new low point which sadly becomes timing dependant. Cheers : F
Seriously think you’re the best coach on UA-cam 👍
Thanks Ali will be taking your chipping tips out onto the course the next time I play 👍🏼
saw all three this morning.... almost the most frustrating thing in the world.... love this channel!
Great tip. Much needed
This is the part of my game the is really holding me back to score better and drop my handicap into the single digits. At a 10 right now but invariably I lose three or four strokes per round by failing to chip the ball close enough to the hole for a one putt. Greens that I hit in regulation I usually make my par but if I don't , I struggle.I'm going to take this lesson and really work on it. Thanks Ali!
Ali has just shown my whole range of short game... great tips, plenty of practice over the winter to come
Great video Ali. How much do you rely on your pivot in this shot? The better I pivot the better contact I make.
You didn’t show the double hit shot! A particular specialty of mine. 😬
Great tip! It took me 20+ years to figure this out for myself…early in every golf season, I use more of a putting stroke (even taking the wrist out too which makes me use more of my clubs for chipping) with my wedges and then as I play more during the season and get more comfortable, I add in some of the more difficult shots with different heights, spin, etc…
At that kind of distance, I have started playing this type of chip just like a big/long putt. In other words, wrists flat and straight, hit through the ball, keep a thought in my head to NOT decelerate and trust the club/loft. Withing 15-20 yards this has been working great for me, and I feel I have much more control.
No lean, no hitting down, just play with the loft of the club and your backswing.
Thanks Ali for a great video. Chipping has been the weakest part of my game, but following a lesson, the pro told me to use my sand wedge due to its forgiving bounce, stand the club up more upright and my chipping is much improved. Some fat shots still, but no thins now.
Good one, thanks Ali. I normally use a 7 or an 8 iron to pitch and run from the position you are in there. I only use the wedge if there is a hump of grass in front. I can't judge the run time of the ball after doing it with a wedge, and it costs me strokes at 28 handicap. I will give it a try though.
Great video Ali, would you advocate keeping ones hands quiet?
Depends on a number of factors
Ali, should I use the same wedge to help get my distances down, like a 52 degree maybe?
My chipping was trash today. Going to try this tomorrow
Always have hands forward with by chips! Club Face will dictate loft! My opinion and works for me.
I am very confident with all three, and I can also do a brilliant shank shot…..
I like golf
What’s causing the problems is the lies around the greens here in northern Illinois & southeastern Wisconsin 🙄
Sometimes hard pan, sometimes DEEP rough,, sometimes wet sticky grass, sometimes dry hay (we had a drought all Summer). Sometimes lightning fast greens, sometimes soft fringe or soft greens. Sometimes ball is buried, other times ball sitting on top (club goes under it), sometimes a severe uphill lie, other times a severe downslope short sided.
Pretty easy to make chips from perfect lies in good grass like in the video. Come take a walk in my shoes.
I agree with you, my home course in Texas has what seems like 3 to 4 inch rough around the greens.
Yip.... I do all of they shots
Bingo... that's me😱
Great video it pains me to make the Par 4 &5s in 2 shots, then make a complete mess of the chip shot in, a wasted shot * 10 every round!
Release occurs when the “club shaft “ seeks its inline condition with the lead arm. The full release interval ends at the point when BOTH ARMS ARE STRAIGHT , this is often referred to as the end of the follow through. If you try to release the club head the club will move DOWN prematurely and result in a fat shot or a thin shot. This is why the false advice to move the ball back is often given. In essence there is a new low point which sadly becomes timing dependant. Cheers : F
First like ever 🙏🏼
Have you ever used one of those chipping clubs for some shots around the green ?
All of those chip shots in a round.
Ok I’ve been instructed to either hit chips off front foot or the back foot is this the incorrect 🤷♂️
All of them....