Epiphone Texan vs. Gibson J45 Standard | Does Scale Length Make a Difference?

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @AlfimAlves
    @AlfimAlves 11 місяців тому +8

    7:55 Texan Strumming
    10:06 J45 Strumming

    • @fabrizfabriz2512
      @fabrizfabriz2512 9 місяців тому

      ...and so what..for you?

    • @AlfimAlves
      @AlfimAlves 9 місяців тому

      @@fabrizfabriz2512 for anyone, you gay

    • @AlfimAlves
      @AlfimAlves Місяць тому +3

      @@fabrizfabriz2512be grateful little buddy

    • @HunterMaverick-gi1
      @HunterMaverick-gi1 Місяць тому +1

      thanks, man!
      saved me a lot of time

    • @AlfimAlves
      @AlfimAlves Місяць тому

      @@HunterMaverick-gi1 I got the Texan, I needed the extra projection and volume but I do think the J45 sounds nicer to the ear

  • @AlfimAlves
    @AlfimAlves 11 місяців тому +2

    8:37 Texan Fingerpicking
    10:48 J45 Fingerpicking

  • @davidohara6515
    @davidohara6515 2 роки тому +9

    I'm with you guys . The Texan sounded better than the j45 . But then , I've never played a j45 and thought "wow " . Hats off to Epiphone. Who are really Gibson in disguise!

    • @Harp_and_Guitar_Moving_Forward
      @Harp_and_Guitar_Moving_Forward Рік тому +1


    • @multipipi1234
      @multipipi1234 Рік тому +1

      Thumbs ..down. That Texan USA is a bloody Gibson. They won't get nicked in a pub...because people have misguided perceptions of the business.

    • @multipipi1234
      @multipipi1234 9 місяців тому


    • @trevorm3354
      @trevorm3354 7 місяців тому

      @@multipipi1234 aaaaand so were the original Texans... soooo?

  • @iamthemusicman13
    @iamthemusicman13 2 роки тому +15

    Also, Cooper you are beyond talented my man... both of you are! Love the demos!

  • @terrytosh7678
    @terrytosh7678 2 роки тому +7

    I definitely hear a tonal difference. Both are amazing, especially in Cooper’s hands. But the J45 has more warmth to my ears. But then there’s that historical/sentimental aspect of McCartney playing “Yesterday” with a Texan on the Ed Sullivan Show. Seeing that live on tv way back when was what made me want to play.

  • @jed1166
    @jed1166 2 роки тому +3

    “…We decided that we would get a soda. My favorite flavor, cherry red”. I love the looks of the red J-45! I tune down to D standard, so the longer scale Texan would be the logical choice. BUT, the Cherry Red is so cool looking, I would take it over the Texan, and just use beefier strings to keep the tension where I want. The tone is so close, I’m going with aesthetics!

  • @christophereadgbe2976
    @christophereadgbe2976 2 роки тому +2

    I don't think I heard a word either of you guys said, I just kept looking at that Cherry Red J-45 😍

  • @iamthemusicman13
    @iamthemusicman13 2 роки тому +9

    I literally just bought that Cherry J-45 this past Friday!

    • @soofitnsexy
      @soofitnsexy 2 роки тому

      how is it!!!?? congrats

    • @iamthemusicman13
      @iamthemusicman13 2 роки тому +1

      @@soofitnsexy It is superb! Still breaking it in of course but I restrung it with some D'Addario XS Light gauge strings phosphor bronze. Tightened truss rod just a hint to get the action a bit lower. other than that it is a great sounding and playing piece of art! played taylor and takamine for over 25 years until getting the gibson, no regrets at all :)

    • @soofitnsexy
      @soofitnsexy 2 роки тому

      @@iamthemusicman13 thanks! I just gig with my martin CS d 18..amazing guitar...I am lookin for a j 45! pickup decent??? thanks

    • @Harp_and_Guitar_Moving_Forward
      @Harp_and_Guitar_Moving_Forward Рік тому

      @@soofitnsexy 👍🎶🇺🇲

    • @Harp_and_Guitar_Moving_Forward
      @Harp_and_Guitar_Moving_Forward Рік тому

      @@iamthemusicman13 👍🏻🔥🎶🇺🇲

  • @marksenior2941
    @marksenior2941 Місяць тому

    I have felt in a minority of one regarding 'Epiphone Inspired by Gibson' guitars so today I went looking for a not so "WOW! These are ace at a fraction of the price" reviews. I was looking for a built-in double output electro acoustic to avoid having to get round not having a built-in double output electro acoustic guitar. An electro acoustic guitar of my choice is not a Gibson....but the EJ200SCE seemed like a good bet for what I was looking for based on the reviews on UA-cam so I bought one along with the appropriate Epiphone hard case. As for value for money it's not a bad guitar. Indeed I'd go further and say it offers good value for money....depending on what you are looking for. Mine has never left my home and remains on a wall bracket since the day it was delivered. As for a comparison to the Gibson that everybody tells me it is intended to emulate....it doesn't. The reviews I have so far seen about 'Epiphone Inspired by Gibson' have to have been compiled with a heavy bias. If you want a Gibson Les Paul, an SG, a Hummingbird, a J45 etc....I don't see a copy scratching your itch....It didn't scratch mine!

  • @texhaines9957
    @texhaines9957 2 роки тому +4

    I like the shorter scale length. Then there is the neck profile that Changes on Gibsons from time to time. Thanks Chris for the J45 you found for me, although that Texan sounds good. Thanks Chris and Cooper

  • @rexrathtar3893
    @rexrathtar3893 2 роки тому +2

    Clear, intelligent and engaging discussion of scale length. I play 24.83 inch scale length on my acoustic and would go with the J45 out of the two. Either would be a nice to have though!

  • @iamthemusicman13
    @iamthemusicman13 2 роки тому +3

    the cherry j45 has a bit of a wider more expanded sound if that makes sense, the texan sounded more tight, both were great but the cherry j45 takes the cake for me. The last part of each demo though the texan takes the cake. very hard to say which is on top, both are amazing.

  • @fiddsj45
    @fiddsj45 2 місяці тому +1

    I always liked the 60s Texans better than the J45s. I didn't realize until a couple years ago the difference in scale length.
    Wish Gibson would make a mahogany slope shoulder with the longer length.

  • @lilycat1694
    @lilycat1694 2 роки тому +5

    That’s a great sounding J45!! Epiphone nice, but preferred the J45. Nice demo.

  • @apropro1198
    @apropro1198 Рік тому +2

    I already have the USA Texan, but because of the difference, I might also have to get a J45.
    I have a very experienced guitar dealer (sold Gibsons, Martins … for decades). His opinion was, based on hundreds of sold guitars, that the quality with J45 has varied: some are great, some are not. With the USA Texan, he told that every one of them has been perfect. Comes from the same factory and from the same luthiers… His theory was, that the Epiphone-USA-Montana-lineup is a new effort for Gibson, and they are trying their best with it. Interesting theory…
    But, very pleased with my Texan and also looking for a J45.

    • @fiddsj45
      @fiddsj45 2 місяці тому

      J45 is the most inconsistent Gibson model, IMO. I think they spit them out like crazy because they know people will buy them just because "it's a J45".
      I always liked the Texans better.

  • @johnturner1624
    @johnturner1624 Рік тому +1


  • @artprince9163
    @artprince9163 2 роки тому +1

    I used to have a Heritage Cherry sunburst color J-45 Deluxe and it was a wonderful guitar till the binding started to disintegrate! That was a problem with the material used on the binding during a period of time. But before that happened it was a wonderful guitar and a looker. It looked like a Hummingbird without the bird on the pickguard. Both guitars sounded great so I would have to play them myself to determine which I preferred. Of course my simple noodling wouldn't do either justice.

  • @donhoward1975
    @donhoward1975 2 роки тому +3

    Cooper is an awesome guitar player. I think the Texan the best.

  • @johnlord1399
    @johnlord1399 2 роки тому +4

    Both sound great! I'd take either one, but practically speaking, shorter scale length lets these hands play longer these days.

  • @rlsmith6904
    @rlsmith6904 Рік тому +1

    I like the Texan for flat picking and the J-45 for finger picking. It has to do with the decay. The J-45 gets “busy” or “crowded” with the harder attack. It is possible that aspect of its sound could be used to advantage with a microphone, playing a little softer and easier, and lasting through a two or three set gig.

  • @artwise1415
    @artwise1415 2 роки тому +1

    J45 by miles. Thank you guys

  • @josephbelcher2568
    @josephbelcher2568 2 роки тому +2

    Same wood & scale length, I'd be interested in a comparison between a USA Epiphone Texan and a Martin D-18. I think I saw the D-18 for a hundred dollars cheaper, though it is plainer looking.

  • @Big.E
    @Big.E Рік тому +1

    That Texan just does it for me it's incredible. Both are but the Texan is something else

  • @apropro1198
    @apropro1198 2 роки тому

    Thank you guys for this video. I’ve been waiting and hoping this. You’re the best!

  • @tomformanek3312
    @tomformanek3312 2 роки тому +1

    I clearly like the Texan better. I just prefer punchier mahogany dreadnaughts. For that reason both a Guild D40 Traditional and Martin D18 would be higher on my list too.
    The J-45 is a great guitar if that is the sound you are after. I am just not swayed by who plays what and certainly don't want to fall into being a snob about my taste or trying to impress people with a headstock. I repeat the J-45 is a great guitar. I also hope it has gotten past it's consistency issues too of the recent past.

  • @chuckrips
    @chuckrips 2 роки тому +2

    It’s been so long since you guys have done some budget guitar picks ex: best guitars under $300/$600 etc. I’m looking to buy a guitar & those videos are the best 👍

  • @3cardmonty602
    @3cardmonty602 2 роки тому

    I prefer the J45. It’s warmer. It’s got a real boom to the low end that I prefer. Plus, as you age you acquire more arthritis in the hands and a shorter scale length is preferable. I’m 62 now & I don’t feel like eating ibuprofens like breath mints.

  • @Alexanderstarreveldo
    @Alexanderstarreveldo Рік тому +1

    10:48 vs 8:37

  • @gregweber3387
    @gregweber3387 Рік тому

    Nice job playing those guitars in the demo Cooper. Both guitars sound good; but I think I have to give the Gibson a slight edge.

  • @jazzhippie3878
    @jazzhippie3878 2 роки тому +2

    length always makes the difference!! That's what she said!!

    • @jshu1625
      @jshu1625 2 роки тому

      my lady likes the short scale

    • @jshu1625
      @jshu1625 2 роки тому +1

      I think the gibson still sounds better

  • @gerrickdastrup8953
    @gerrickdastrup8953 Рік тому

    Great playing. Both sound great

  • @texhaines9957
    @texhaines9957 2 роки тому +2

    Cooper, why can't you have both the J45 AND Martin D-28 and D-18?

  • @louieo.blevinsmusic4197
    @louieo.blevinsmusic4197 2 роки тому +2

    I genuinely liked the Texan more. Granted I easily love both of ‘em. Thinking more about it, I think Elliott Smith may of played a Texan on occasion (too lazy to Google) so not rlly surprised I liked the sound a tiny bit more. Both bad to the buttocks acoustics.

    • @Harp_and_Guitar_Moving_Forward
      @Harp_and_Guitar_Moving_Forward Рік тому


    • @Sjobeck7
      @Sjobeck7 Рік тому

      Elliott Smith Championed an Epiphone Texan you are correct, as well as a Martin D-28 that was so beat up he called it Gramps and at the Oscars he played a Yamaha Red Label FG 180 ( early 70s model )

    • @cozmos21
      @cozmos21 Рік тому +1

      he also played a 60s J45

  • @johnwashburn3793
    @johnwashburn3793 Рік тому

    I watched this again because I love mahogany guitars. I like both but need neither. I have a nice old Epiphone case but I have a D-18GE so I would go with cherry red. I could use a J-45 and this is unique.

  • @softsouthernknight
    @softsouthernknight 2 роки тому +2

    The J-45 has a clean sound.

  • @jjoltra
    @jjoltra 2 роки тому

    Best sound J45, best look the Epi. 🔥

  • @CarlosGonzalez-tx4cb
    @CarlosGonzalez-tx4cb 2 роки тому +1

    I disagree that longer scale length means more projection. I have two good friends that are guitar builders and they both say it’s theoretical, but in practice it’s bunk. There are so many more things that impact projection than scale length. I had a 20 year old classical with a standard 25.5in scale and a brand new one with slightly shorter scale, only difference was the short scale. In terms of volume, they are both equal. Granted the shorter scale length is newer. Both spruce, so the newer guitar will have greater projection over time.

  • @abiding_ihsan
    @abiding_ihsan 2 роки тому +2

    The Texan has the D18 sound, with more bass. J45 seems to be a bit brighter, maybe a slightly less focused sound.

  • @vocalion9519
    @vocalion9519 2 роки тому +1

    The J45 sure seemed to sound a bit wild and wooly when strummed hard.

  • @Big.E
    @Big.E 2 роки тому +1

    J45 sweet, sweet sound

  • @mikeyohe4750
    @mikeyohe4750 Рік тому

    I’ll take the J45. Bigger, fuller sound and projection.

  • @HeliBenj
    @HeliBenj 10 місяців тому

    Cooper’s a beast

  • @HarryNicNicholas
    @HarryNicNicholas 2 роки тому +3

    i have a 66 j45 and a 69 epi texan. that's it.

  • @fabrizfabriz2512
    @fabrizfabriz2512 9 місяців тому +1

    No way... Especially for acoustic guitars, shorter scale guitars are more playable than longer ones and that's the reason why you producers let the shorters in more expensive prices; that's a clear trick:
    Common-short-sausage-hand-players first buy cheaper ones (obvious) and then for a sort of relief want to buy the shorter scales more suitable and less painful to play from Blues shuffles on.. and so they'll buy twice... (while obv. large-hand-players don't need) good business guys, everything planned! ;-)

  • @texhaines9957
    @texhaines9957 2 роки тому +2

    More out of Mahogany? Martin 000-18 VTS!

  • @jmonni8
    @jmonni8 Рік тому

    The difference is pretty astonishing. J45 is warmer and more pronounced. It’s almost like you used a mic from a iPhone for the Texan and then used a quality external mic for the J45.
    J45 is also 2grand more… I’d go with the Texan because of price. I’m curious how the Epiphone j45 sounds compared to the Texan.

  • @paulhendershott667
    @paulhendershott667 2 роки тому

    I probably missed it, but I'm thinking this the USA Texan at the same $2,849 price as the J-45? Also, is the Non-USA Texan made in China at $799 all the same materials and specs as the USA model? I would think not, but on Sweetwater they look similar...

    • @The1stLumiens
      @The1stLumiens 2 роки тому +1

      nut width difference, no?

    • @mikechivy
      @mikechivy 2 роки тому +1

      It’s the USA Texan for sure

    • @rexrathtar3893
      @rexrathtar3893 2 роки тому +2

      They are basically the same price (specifically the Texan is 50 bucks cheaper at $2799).
      There are reasonable differences in the specs, material and finish. Different neck profile (USA is round D, Chinese is slim 60s C). Bone nut for USA, graphtech for Chinese, wider nut on USA, Indian Laurel fretboard on Chinese vs Inidan Rosewood for USA, USA uses LR Baggs pickups vs Fishman Sonitone for Chinese. I suspect the bracing may be different, though cannot confirm. Perhaps most significant of all: the USA has a nitro finish while the Chinese one has a poly finish. On solid bodies I don't care about this, but it's a big deal on acoustics. Finally, you get a hard case with the USA and no case with the Chinese.

    • @paulhendershott667
      @paulhendershott667 2 роки тому

      @@rexrathtar3893 Thanks Rex, great explanation. It seems that for thre same-ish price you get a lot more from the USA model

    • @rexrathtar3893
      @rexrathtar3893 2 роки тому +1

      Well, I think you get what you pay for. To be clear, the Chinese-Masterbilt Texan is much cheaper than the US-built Texan. It is the US-built Gibson J45 and the US-built Texan that are close in price. They will both have similar specs in terms of nitro finish, will both came with a case, and have rosewood fretboards, etc. All the differences I listed previously were between the two Texans (Chinese and US), which are $2000 apart in price.

  • @harryhoward4178
    @harryhoward4178 2 роки тому

    You guys need to turn up your volume on your podcast.

  • @JohnNesbit1957
    @JohnNesbit1957 2 роки тому +2

    One thing I have found for sure after watching hundreds of these Alamo music video reviews and comparisons, is that no matter how good the Epiphone or the less expensive of the two guitars sound, the comment section always favors the more expensive Gibson or Taylor. And that is mental conditioning in favor of something that costs more money.
    It tells me a couple of things. That people do not know the history and background of Epiphone Guitars or they don't know how guitars are made and what makes them better in sound or build. The truth is that Gibson and or Taylors are not superior to all of the guitars.

    • @johnwashburn3793
      @johnwashburn3793 2 роки тому +1

      Actually I do know the history and I own neither. I do have two Martin guitars and others.
      Also these guitars are only about $50 different in price. I also preferred the sound of the Gibson but I have no intention of buying either. I have my mahogany guitars well covered.

  • @Duane-o2v
    @Duane-o2v Рік тому

    Thought the j45 sounded way more bright .. not necessarily a good thing

  • @eazyrider6122
    @eazyrider6122 2 роки тому +1

    Hes a good player so all the rest don't matter.

  • @johnturner1624
    @johnturner1624 Рік тому


  • @patrickmeaney6743
    @patrickmeaney6743 2 роки тому +1

    Good video-p

  • @thesimulations8900
    @thesimulations8900 Рік тому

    Acoustics more so than any other guitar you get what you pay for. I spent $500 on an 1964 "inspired by" Texan. This was in 2010. Man what an unplayable "uninspiring" hunk of shit! Horribly built. Would love a J45. Someday.😕

  • @vasral
    @vasral Рік тому +1

    unfair comparison in the style of playing. What he played is certainly suitable for a longer scale and a rear-bracing dreadnought, so the Texan wins. If he would play traditional blues the J45 would prevail. That music was mainly composed in shorter scale guitars. Give it a shot to see what happens

  • @trl6913
    @trl6913 2 роки тому

    Uh oh, I have an Epi's Sound Les Paul and a Epi es-339 in, ahhh ,Vintage Sunburst AND, A PRS S2 McCarty 594 in ahhh Tobacco Burst...
    Cool vids guys! I've been checkin' on youse. I am ready for a small, parlor-ish, accoustic for me living room also I was encouraged by your comment that you had a short scale in your living room .( you briefly, hesitate) and then say "accoustic", cool!. Thanks! I DO kike your vids. I'm at the point to go accoustic! All information is helpful. A parlor-ish with cutaway electric, slow withdrawal from electric...., in the same Korsa and Mahogany(?) youse did on the 900(!) So, beautiful! Any thoughts guys???
    (Edit) Maybe an OM? I don't know sizes, guys. Sorry, I forgot to look up your names please excuse my rudeness.

  • @lion9171
    @lion9171 7 місяців тому

    To me the texan sounds better then j45. It is more balanced

  • @philc4520
    @philc4520 Рік тому

    Gibson is clearer, brighter, louder & more articulate. Looks crappy though in red.

  • @terryjohinke8065
    @terryjohinke8065 2 роки тому +1

    Who in their craziness decided to defile the Gibson J-45 ? I like smaler scale- makes each fret easier to play. That clour is Vile, cheap and reeks of a cheap Chinese guitar.What were Gibson thinking?

    • @rexrathtar3893
      @rexrathtar3893 2 роки тому +1

      I'm surprised you have hands free to play the guitar while clutching your pearls.

  • @terryjohinke8065
    @terryjohinke8065 2 роки тому +3

    That Gibson J-45 Cherry horror won't last a year in sales.The ugliest thig i've seen. The Epiphone Texan is the one. I had one for 17 years.

    • @rexrathtar3893
      @rexrathtar3893 2 роки тому +2

      Sounds like you are out of touch with the current guitar buying demographic. You probably have some insight to share on what people wanted in the early 2000s though.

    • @Harp_and_Guitar_Moving_Forward
      @Harp_and_Guitar_Moving_Forward Рік тому

      @@rexrathtar3893 👎🇺🇲

  • @jimmymack6820
    @jimmymack6820 8 місяців тому

    You all talk too much. Simply play it and our ears will tell us what's better. Boring.

  • @brucewaynee1452
    @brucewaynee1452 9 місяців тому

    man u guys talk a fkn lot ffs just play

  • @JackTheRabbitMusic
    @JackTheRabbitMusic 2 роки тому +1

    Gibson makes some of the UGLIEST acoustic guitars around. I can’t get past the upside down bridge...it’s hideous...but, to each their own. I’m not a fan of the brand, the sound, or the aesthetic.
    As far as I am concerned, Martin, Taylor, and Gibson don’t even exist. I would never buy any one of these brands, but I understand you are running a retail store, so you have to be nice about such things.
    Peace. 🐰💙🇺🇸🎸🎶✌️

    • @gforce7four
      @gforce7four 2 роки тому +5

      And James Taylor, Paul Simon, Neil Young, Paull McCartney, John Lennon, Jim Croce, Gordon Lightfoot, Joni Mitchell, Dan Fogelburg, John Mayer, Ed Sheeran, and even Andy Griffith plus countless of others who have played these brands would disagree. But thanks anyway for that useful bit ofl input.

    • @rexrathtar3893
      @rexrathtar3893 2 роки тому

      I can assure you they do exist.

    • @G_Demolished
      @G_Demolished Рік тому +1

      How’s your Esteban guitar holding up?

    • @Harp_and_Guitar_Moving_Forward
      @Harp_and_Guitar_Moving_Forward Рік тому

      Ok bunny rabbits

  • @luluteixeiraoficial3872
    @luluteixeiraoficial3872 2 місяці тому

    7:27 epiphone texan

  • @multipipi1234
    @multipipi1234 Рік тому

    D18 and Texan same specs. Long scale. That would be a better review.

    • @AlfimAlves
      @AlfimAlves 11 місяців тому

      D18 has square shoulders and the Texan is sloped. Pretty much the only external difference

    • @multipipi1234
      @multipipi1234 11 місяців тому

      Yep..I agree. The comparison should be between these two.

  • @multipipi1234
    @multipipi1234 Рік тому
