Where can i learn grasshopper properly i have tried learning before but it seems to me that you need a prior knowledge of math to learn how the software works i find it kinda confusing like there some knowledge that im missing
The best way to start is by joining our free community. We have lots of resources inside for learning both Rhino and Grasshopper. Here's the link: www.skool.com/howtorhino
Thanks! Glad you liked it :)
Awesome! I don't have any idea how to start a project. Instead I moved to Grasshopper. It is only a hobby
It's better to learn Rhino first before starting Grasshopper because you'll have lots of "holes" in the knowledge later on 😉
Where can i learn grasshopper properly i have tried learning before but it seems to me that you need a prior knowledge of math to learn how the software works i find it kinda confusing like there some knowledge that im missing
The best way to start is by joining our free community. We have lots of resources inside for learning both Rhino and Grasshopper. Here's the link: