Erik De Anda god fucking bless you. these dweebs read fucking listicles and judge their human interactions based off of them. 100% they’re the type to be the overcontrolling boyfriend steve talked about lmao.
David needs food xD He's so cranky in this episode. Lmao and he tried to play it off by saying he thought they we're talking about fucking the robot in the article xD
David always talks so big and cocky when it comes to relationships like he has it all figured out. like geo said, wait until he gets married to Mariel and they move in together. he will definitely change his tune then plus he and mariel only see each twice a week. lol
I've never seen a more triggered comment in my life. David doesn't claim to have it all figured out when it comes to relationships where did you get that idea? Because he said he didn't want to fuck a robot or because Geo got triggered at a joke that david told about her and bart not fucking each other but instead are gangbanging a robot lol.
Wow David is such a liar! I know everyone would try it atleast one time for curiosity with a life like robot. Obviously they weren't referring to Baymax. lol And I don't Think porn stars will be out of a job. They can just mold their parts to the sex dolls and use it as marketing. I'm pretty sure they do that now in Japan.
Every time I get high I can actually understand Joe and Bart from their perspectives and the rest of the jk crew I can not fully understand them without being high
JK should do a video with just foreign accents. It would be hilarious! Ex: David does his Korean accent, Bart does his Chinese accent, Joe does his Japanese accent and etc.
I thought the article was about how a robot was begging a person to not turn him off and when the guy was trying to turn it off, the robot wouldn't turn off
Haha I’ve programmed several of those robot for my school! They’re so cute and fun to play with!! I made it do the electric slide and even do my Italian projects 😄
Yall have no idea how panic i got, playing to the part where bart and joe talking bout fuckin lady boy robot, while eating lunch in cafeteria at work, FULL OF PEOPLE 🤣😂🤣
im going to forever save this episode in my UA-cam favorites. its forever going to be "the day Steve said what we all were thinking and shut David the fuck up at the end of the episode"
I’ll be that one person who turn the robot off right away. If its bagging that means it has the ability to manipulate me, so nope! I am turning it off and keeping my fingers on the off switch just to make sure 😂
I love the comment section! Last time I commented about David, I got shit on by David himself... In this video everyone is saying what I've been stating all the time, so theirs truth to it. I'm not the only one that feels a certain way about David sometimes. But I'm the bad person! Lol
5:30 Bart: "Joe you need to get yourself a transgender robot (from male to female) or a hermaphrodite robot, and then you won't have to worry about sharing it with Jess." :D Me: Just make sure that a***hole isn't an AI robot otherwise it might try to trick you and run away with Jess. :P
THIS is why david left jknews lmao. So glad steve was here so that Geo wasnt the only one claling him out on his shit. David can never admit when hes wrong
It sounded like David wanted them off his back so he says he "thought" they were talking about the robot in the article
Yo I thought the same. He knew what they were talking about.
TheZoeBig yep😂😂! No way he didn't realize what they were talking about. Lolll
Why do yall mofos always gotta over analyze everything?? Yall sound like losers critiquing every little interaction
Erik De Anda god fucking bless you. these dweebs read fucking listicles and judge their human interactions based off of them. 100% they’re the type to be the overcontrolling boyfriend steve talked about lmao.
Makes me question his stories even more.
6:19 - 6:24 not gonna lie, that was cute af
They gonna tear that robot up
fuck that was cute haha
gdi I was gonna say that lol nicee
David needs food xD He's so cranky in this episode. Lmao and he tried to play it off by saying he thought they we're talking about fucking the robot in the article xD
yeah he thinks we're dumb af
Detrot: Become human!😨
common sense they actually reacted to the trailer because it was too violent. Search "justkiddingnews Detroit"
i've never heard of detrot. is it a horse dlc of detroit? i gotta check that out
footballgirl263 it’s a game about androids wanting to be free and given the same rights as people it’s pretty cool you should check it out
you missed the joke
common sense it’s RA9
David always talks so big and cocky when it comes to relationships like he has it all figured out. like geo said, wait until he gets married to Mariel and they move in together. he will definitely change his tune then plus he and mariel only see each twice a week. lol
Faaaaacts. Lmao.
I've never seen a more triggered comment in my life. David doesn't claim to have it all figured out when it comes to relationships where did you get that idea? Because he said he didn't want to fuck a robot or because Geo got triggered at a joke that david told about her and bart not fucking each other but instead are gangbanging a robot lol.
Exactly! These idiots act like the "triggered" ones lol. It literally an OBSERVATION! Weeeeee!😂
Tobi Ologbenla Lmao
Kara is Mine
Barts face at 11:16 HAHAHAHAH!
Aiden Vo "helll nahhh whadafuq" 😂😂
Ajedsshi made me laugh so hard 😂😂
Low key David annoyed tf outta me the whole episode lmao
*me reading the title*
...okay but what exactly is it begging - this could go very weird knowing jkn. 😂
Jennifer Peace the robot was begging not to be turned off.
Jennifer Peace just started watching but we all know they get off topic
Common sense, my dude
I think it's funny how David is a "comedian" yet he's less funny than Bart, Joe, and obviously Steve. Steve's a real comedian
8:25 Joe's face hilarious "we are doing robot talk tho"😂
Poor David😥 He thought they were staying on topic😂love this episode
Wow David is such a liar! I know everyone would try it atleast one time for curiosity with a life like robot. Obviously they weren't referring to Baymax. lol
And I don't Think porn stars will be out of a job. They can just mold their parts to the sex dolls and use it as marketing. I'm pretty sure they do that now in Japan.
Everyone? Everyone??
David isn't a liar, he has a different view. Personally, I would not either, even of the robot looks or at least resembles a human. Gross indeed!!!
Dude Wazap not me😂
Kraio yes everyone including you. You have no choice in the matter.
Mariel is watching 👀
Bart’s voice at 11:16; literally omfggg 😂😂😂😂😂
tiffany watches rick and morty?! poggers ♥
It's not gay its economic.
Lmaoo David had me dying when he thought they were talking about having sex with a robot that Tiff showed.
Every time I get high I can actually understand Joe and Bart from their perspectives and the rest of the jk crew I can not fully understand them without being high
Insertnamesz / Lije Thats meh
Why'd you do this to me?
More boze and Steve!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bart at 11:17 lmfaoooo😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂
6:18 - 6:23 This is easily my favorite clip of JKNews of 2018 so far. That synced "no" from that specific question is pure glory.
11:16 when your mom asks if you want soup for dinner
**Gasppp** A DEVIANT!!!!
Any DBH fans????
JK should do a video with just foreign accents. It would be hilarious!
Ex: David does his Korean accent, Bart does his Chinese accent, Joe does his Japanese accent and etc.
Jacob Lord Hell Yeah! But Steve would still has an American Accent.
Steven Nguyen David should do the white deep voice he does
Edison Verdugo no steve should do an Irish accent
I thought the article was about how a robot was begging a person to not turn him off and when the guy was trying to turn it off, the robot wouldn't turn off
Reminds me of the good place when Janet begged them not to turn her off
you've reminded me of how much i miss that show :(
The boom booms were so cute! 😂😂
Jesus Christ, Steve! You better patent that right now. Interchangeable parts?! 👌💎 Brilliant
3:53 Tiffany nooo! You had something there lol you're talking about AUTO
11:15 Barts Hell nah what the fuck got me in tears that shit was so funny
11:15 lol listen to Bart
when Geo and Bart fist pumped 😂😂😂
I have no headphones and I'm trying to watch but I have to keep turning down the volume anytime a family member passes by.
Are you human too? Kdrama peeps know what I'm talking about 😭 robot shin😭💙
You got 48th on trending in Canada!
6:08 aaaawwwwww David hahahaha
I was watching this with my mom in the room. Fml
I’m early..... yayyyyy and DAVID YOU SO SLIMMMMMMM
11:17 barts reaction lol
hahahahaha barts face 11:17
6:17 in before the James Rodolfo compilation/edit
PVC PIPE!!! lmao
bart: Boom boom!
me: Bboom Bboom! Momoland !
They comment so fast that little things seem to go unnoticed, like Geo saying Fucktendo 😂😂
Haha I’ve programmed several of those robot for my school! They’re so cute and fun to play with!! I made it do the electric slide and even do my Italian projects 😄
Yall have no idea how panic i got, playing to the part where bart and joe talking bout fuckin lady boy robot, while eating lunch in cafeteria at work, FULL OF PEOPLE 🤣😂🤣
I’m just connecting this article to Are You Human Too? And I’m not okay. That kdrama made me love robots. :))
“Well what if it’s interchangeable?”
Like a sexy Mr Potato-head?
im going to forever save this episode in my UA-cam favorites. its forever going to be "the day Steve said what we all were thinking and shut David the fuck up at the end of the episode"
So Bart wants to run a train on Geo, there we go.
They should have had me I would have turned it off.
"what is my purpose"?
"you pass butter"
" god"
Some robots are so cute but some robots are AF creepy and wired
All robots are wired. Also some are weird.
I wish they would have a background cam and see how far these conversations go before they move on to the next story.
ROFL When I read the title I thought the machines had malfunctioned & screwed up a study w/ faulty machinery XD.
On a side note, there is a dope RnB singer called NAO too. Chuck her a listen she is semi underground and i would love for y'all to give her a listen!
She's great
Side side note: Watch all Bryan dechart movies
What's up everybody, what's up Fran. Completed solstice armor days ago, a well needed break before Forsaken
hahahahahahaahahahahaha WTF David😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I’ll be that one person who turn the robot off right away. If its bagging that means it has the ability to manipulate me, so nope! I am turning it off and keeping my fingers on the off switch just to make sure 😂
Interesting 🤔 lmao I’m gonna open the robot and rip out the wires just to make sure
HAHAHAHA david got called out ! Wow such a badass
2:51am in London
what did i just listen to? im just glad i was wearing headphones...
I love the comment section! Last time I commented about David, I got shit on by David himself... In this video everyone is saying what I've been stating all the time, so theirs truth to it. I'm not the only one that feels a certain way about David sometimes. But I'm the bad person! Lol
Lmao Bart wants a futa robot
Time to get rid of David
It has begun. The robot has achieved sentience.
11:15 lol listen to Bart
Is there an Academy Awards version of Jk news for best video?? Cuz I wanna nominate this one.
Princess Peach 🤖 🍑 awwww yeah
Sasuke Hiro why you the second person to say that lmao
Yeah the computer on the ship was the bad guy in Wall-E
5:30 Bart: "Joe you need to get yourself a transgender robot (from male to female) or a hermaphrodite robot, and then you won't have to worry about sharing it with Jess." :D
Me: Just make sure that a***hole isn't an AI robot otherwise it might try to trick you and run away with Jess. :P
The bad guy in WALL:E was the the steering wheel.
You know who does that....a synth.
6:20 They are so fucking cute ! OMG I can't
Fuck... i havnt been watching youtube lately and i come back to see that David has lost so much weight 😂😂
They need to have Mariel on here and see how David reacts.Look at the difference of Joe when Jess is here.
How dare y'all do that to my David?
The microphone on Joe and David's side is still messed up. Dunno if this is an older episode or not though.
I think it's because their far away from the mic
3:19 I, Robot
Is there anything wrong with the audio?
Good guy robot movies; Iron Giant, Bicentennial Man, Batteries not included, Short Circuit just to name a few.
"If its on Filipino algorithm"😂😂😂😂😂 fuck dude
Steve changing up his wardrobe! I love it! (Check out Nikki's latest video on getting him a makeover)
the caterpillar 🤦🏽♀️😂😂
I love joes face when ever people think his married
You guys forgot chappie, even he robbed cars and stole from armored trucks.
"That's how they have survive"
6:21 Geo and Bart are so cute
human caterpillar lol
I would've been like fuck that robot and splashed it with a bucket of water
If only Byron had edited this video. That "boom boom" at the start could've had a kpop edit.
The Twilight Zone had an episode (S1E8) about this.
it's a robot! pat it on the head and turn it off.
We need to save the pron stars they might be out of jobs xD
THIS is why david left jknews lmao. So glad steve was here so that Geo wasnt the only one claling him out on his shit. David can never admit when hes wrong