Why is this not mainstream? How much longer do we have to listen to the industry tell us to maximize our yields following their plan? When do we start to see a poster in your local retail sales office with a 5 lb nitrogen per bushel application contest? Or not, even a contest. Just a promotional poster of you can grow two bushels per pound of nitrogen. So my question is does alfalfa or a cover crop that can produce a lot of nitrogen count as part of your 180 lb? Or is the 180 lb the how much corn you can apply limit?
Why is this not mainstream? How much longer do we have to listen to the industry tell us to maximize our yields following their plan? When do we start to see a poster in your local retail sales office with a 5 lb nitrogen per bushel application contest? Or not, even a contest. Just a promotional poster of you can grow two bushels per pound of nitrogen.
So my question is does alfalfa or a cover crop that can produce a lot of nitrogen count as part of your 180 lb? Or is the 180 lb the how much corn you can apply limit?