Of course it’s worth it. This is the only game u can play as Ghidorah on modern platform. Any self respecting Kaiju fans should support this game, where the developer team also Kaiju fans. No other game developers out there even remotely interested to make such game.
hedorahs beam is actually decent, not the best move but it provides a good poke and can interrupt the enemy attack
Short answer: yes.
The *MIGHTY DLC* has been teased, you should do a thoughts review on it
if you like the game you should absolutely buy the DLC, even if you're not gonna main either of the new characters
Yes it is, next question
Please tell me how I can Improve. I'm open to any and all criticism!
Of course it’s worth it. This is the only game u can play as Ghidorah on modern platform. Any self respecting Kaiju fans should support this game, where the developer team also Kaiju fans. No other game developers out there even remotely interested to make such game.
Yea, but I cant believe you forgot about how this is the first appearance of Hedorah in any game