Audrey Hepburn is a 6/2 she had such a hard upbringing, but later in life she flourished and had so much wisdom because of her intense childhood experiences! 🌺
I’m 29 and just found a comfortable position on the roof admiring the universe and exploring what it offers. Funny thing, I’ve known all this since I was a kid. You confirmed any lingering doubt I had otherwise. Thank you.
Enjoy your time on the roof Sadie. Your journey to authenticity just went to a different level. Only get involved with what is worthwhile for you. Life can be lived as a blessing. :)
Thank you so, so much for this clarification Richard. I'm a 6/2 and find this fascinating reflecting on my life knowing this. I was diagnosed with several chronic illnesses during my Saturn return. This news completely changed my life. I'm now in the second phase and healing intensely. I sold my business and now I'm feeling truly nourished with a simple, gentle life where I can embrace my hermit side more and more. However, wherever possible I will share my story of chronic illness if it can ever support and comfort those who need it xoxo
I’m a 6/2 generator my life path is 8 and resonate with this so much ! ! Life’s been extremely mad ! I’m 26 and feel so full of knowledge already but feel like I’m here to unveil the truth and to break karmic cycles !
i’m life path 1 with a mars in leo and i feel im destined to be a leader. its hard when you feel like youre doing the wrong thing because then u dont want other people following ur way and its wrong. life has definitely been intense and eventful. and i’m only 21.
Heard the calling at 18, and my life before that was INTENSE. I could write books, make a novel, a series, 15 albums... flowing and resting into myself has been quite the experience. Everything seems to be an experience with 6/2. Even this.
6/2 9 here started my deconditioning about two years ago in an Osho ashram, that's where i've encountered HD and got my chart. turning 28 very soon and I already can see the hardships of my past falling away as I progress into what I really am. Thank you Richard!
Im a 6/2 generator with an 11 life path lol patience is my key theme I see 😆 I trust the process & I don’t feel as much of that “time Is running out” feeling like I used to now that I turned 30. Becoming a master takes time & should never be rushed
Thank you:) I'm a splendic projector 6/2. On top of having a difficult upbringing there was constant fatigue as everyone expected me to perform like a generator. Going on 42 this year and life is not such a struggle as long as I wait for the invitation.
At 42 you are entering your Uranus Opposition Cycle, so let your intuition guide you to a life that is YOUR way. Spontaneous decisions from the physical sensations that run through your body when something important comes your way... and an invitation fits you.
I have a 6/2 daughter, she's 4 years old. I'm teaching her "progress not perfection", very literally (for example she says "practice makes progress"). Hoping this might help her!
I love that you are parenting with a knowing so you can actually guide here, knowing she’s going to struggle and being more comfortable as a mother to let her experience. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@@matrixist A child is born with energetics and access to things unseen. But the knowledge and experiences can be guided and supported by the parent, and in the circumstances that arise, to help her with her design. I think what I really mean to say here, is just because there is a design does not mean we turn ourselves off and pretend that consciousness and mindfulness throughout this process isn’t incredibly relevant, because they mean all the difference.
I am a 6/2 profile,I have always been doing things that are true and at times get so much attack on me that I pull myself back. AS I am going into age 50 next year, I am hoping to gain a smoother life ahead. In my career, I have always been told by my manager to be the role model for the team, and I seriously don't want so much limelight on me, but I just get into them unknowingly. Yes, I am also seeing people from a distance and knowing who to trust and guard myself more to avoid more hurt. Thank you for telling me to do what I want to do, I should have done it years back. Thank you.
Good for you Kimyen. May your Kiron Return be a wonderful flowering for you as it unravels. If you wish to look at that cycle you can book a session with me using this link: I'm very happy you've found Human Design it is both a refuge and an incredible way to see who you are and who those around you are too. It is a real blessing. :)
i'm a splenic manifestor 6/2, 25 years old in this moment, and this video give a lot of hope. I love being this way and the thing of "Perfection" it's really true. Thank You!!!
Hello, i am also a 6/2 splenic Manifestor. I am 44, retired military and starting a new family. I sometimes feel like i could destroy the world with my anger. I am glad im mature enough to process this in a positive manner. We are rare, you and I.
6/2 Splenic projector here with a ton of Capricorn placements and a Scorpio moon 😅 I just hit my 30’s and my world has been turned upside down in the last year or so internally...I’m unbelievably stressed and trying to figure out this new version of me but I have an inner knowing that it’s only going to get better from here. Thanks for this video!
50 seems like very late in the game to step into my purpose, but I do very much resonate with the life mission of being “authentic” often above all else. I’ve often felt like I came here to teach ppl certain things and be an example in that regard and I love time alone much more than the average person. So happy to see there are others out there like me!
im 16 and a 6/2 and when you talk about the idea of perfect that really got to me because im always trying to be perfect weather its my looks, choices, anything at all i always try to make it perfect but at the end i always fail no matter what
You won’t really fail, trust me🐞🦋 The Things in which you try to be perfect will change - until the day, you find out, that you already ARE perfect exactly the way you are - and That you‘ve always been perfection itself. Like every being on earth❤️🔥 lot‘s of (self-)love and power to your way🦋
I find my broken trust comes from intimate relationships in this first stage of life. I'm 28 and so excited to enter that new stage of life, I can almost smell it! I totally resonate with the living my own authentic life! That work Authenticity rings true.
6,2 Manifestor in my 3rd stage - I’ve been telling my friends for a few years, life just keeps getting better and better and better. On to research Ego manifested authority
Is it? I'm 6/2, 24 years old, it really is trial and error. Been through a lot. Doesn't seem to end, I am mostly positive, but someday I'm very negative.
My daughter is a 6/2 Projector and I am a 6/3 Manifestor quad right. Interesting know to watch her .. she is now 15, but I already see that she will have many adventures like I had. Now on the roof and observing the whole game.. .35 now. Let's see how life will go on. It's never going bored. :)
Finely I am on the top of the roof 🙈 and … I ve learned that I don’t know anything 😀 I was silly and suffered from that, later on I just accepted for being silly and enjoying that. Felt sorry for my family, friends, everyone who is trying to accept me the way I am, and now got new formula, who loves and who destined to be next to me - means should be like that, I hate to go against Gods will. No matter how much we learn, still in invisible trap of destiny, kinda game, kinda trying to get levels and tools by fight, by chance, by recourse and slow down. And again jump into fight. 😀 sometimes it makes me laugh, and I feel I am lucky brat, lucky to feel happiness, lucky to be alive to enjoy new discoveries, new beauty in everything. Thank you Richard, for your hard work and understanding ! 🙏
I am a 6/2 and a lot of these attributes are accurate. However, spending roughly 20 years from 30-50 ‘potting around’ is not very appealing me. I want to be a role model but I want to achieve great things during the middle part of my life.
Once you have learned the patience that you need it likely won't bother you the same way as much, and by the time you are a full 6 you will maybe even ask yourself if you need more time in preparation and self mastery before assuming the massively important job of a true role model, with gaining the life experience you need to make this real and solid it will maybe turn your perspective around. That ambition to 'achieve great things' during that long phase will probably fuel your interests with what you want to prove to yourself and learn about yourself from the 2 perspective of easy natural talent, and you can achieve great things during that time for sure, but you simply won't be the fully cooked role model that will take much longer to bring into full culmination! Maybe think of life experience and emotional reactivity like the toothpick test in baking, once you stop sticking to the probing instrument (life's triggers) then you are truly a safe and digestible example and not a golden brown shell with a raw middle hiding inside... As a child we often wish we could be born fully grown up, and that we could speed things up and be adults right away :) But our mother's bodies can only generate the smaller forms, and without growth how would change matter? That's my basic comprehension of how/why these changes work like this, and as always, YMMV. I speak as someone with a 6/2 soul tied best friend here on earth who is lost to me right now as he makes his way to the 50 year transition (still 10 to go) and I can see even from the distance that has grown between us in the last decade, how his path needs this different life experience to bring him back around again. Growth is not easy! Much love to you!
You are still a role model during the potting around stage, the fact that we spend so much time focusing on self development is inspiring to others. It seems like the role model stage is when we fully trust ourselves to lead others, it doesn’t mean we don’t inspire others along the way.
thanks a bunch for the tips people. 6 / 2 ~ 35 years old. i understand the potting around s a bit gnarly in today s society with all my friends ' careered up ' with families and good jobs. but yes, i try stay authentic. it is a shame i am disgustingly impatient. the self-improvement vibe is definitely a theme....i wonder sometimes if it s almost too much? LMAO. anyway appreciate the feedback guys....15 more years LOL.
You should do things. This isn’t void of trying things out. To perfect something, it must be tried from many angles and ways, to become the master. Experience is key, and map the thing you feel called to intimately. You cannot Master something you have not experienced. What calls to you?
I am almost 25 but feel like I'm in the second period. Actually, i always find serenity in my life. I don't enjoy social life anymore and i feel so sorry to feel like this. I want to do a lot of things but I can not find the excitement inside me.
Well it normal to be more subjective and even pessimistic as the first stage comes to an end. There is usually something that comes along to cause you to go "on the roof". Wanting to do a lot of things is not the same as really having the energy for them. If you want to really know more you can always book a reading with me. I can't really comment precisely without knowing what your chart looks like.
You are more than your Profile, so it's impossible for me to comment in detail without seeing your chart. However, you will feel some of the affects of the Saturn Return up to 2.5 years before it comes. Please remember it does get better. The second period can bring a great deal of optimism and it often feels like a completely different life. Live through it, life will get much better. :)
I'm 35, 6/2, a lot of Scorpio planets (Sun/Moon/Mercury/Saturn/Pluto). The rest of the world can suck my appendage, I'm just doing this for my family and my two sons (5/2 & 5/1 Projectors, both Leo). Let's see what Chiron does if I get to see it come back.
I am 27 turning 28 in December. So far the video resonates with my soul. Still have a few minutes left, and already wish the video was 25 minutes longer 😌
Well, I'm a 6/2 and I'm a Reflector. Life at work is not easy. Now I'm 36 years old, I discovered Human Design two weeks ago. And it is increasingly clear that my job is not for me. But I still don't know what to do with all of that.
I’m a 6/2 Projector and just learning about Human Design... I do feel like the hermit right now but even though I thought I was being authentic - my path now seems to be to get out of people-pleasing and set boundaries/show up more authentically. It’s very strange and seems backwards from the description. I am curious about how that fits in.
I find it interesting that you said we're meant to live our own seperate lives! along with being 6/2 I have the left angle cross of separation (5/35, 47/22)
Yes, our aura is the most precious thing we have. Becoming deeply familiar with it, through sleeping alone, enables one to be with others but also become sensitive to their conditioning... and our conditining of them. The LA X of separation is the epitome of what it is to live in a world of many while still maintaining one's personal autonomy. :)
How about twins who have the same design, born only 2 minutes apart, but are so totally different? They both have 6/2 and couldn't be more different...
a 6/2 manifesting generator getting closer to the 2nd phase Things do gradually feel better, I'm not afraid of aging even, not sure if i touched the roof or not yet. I'm looking forward to some relief.
Human design videos tend to quickly gloss over the chiron return and ignore the saturn return for 6/2 as if they are not completely transformational, and sometimes extremely difficult and challenging times. I find this interesting.
Yes, the Cycles are important, but they are also very personal and not something that can be addressed in detail for UA-cam videos and each journey is different.
An excellent place from which to discern what is worthwhile and what is nothing to do with your world. Enjoy. The worst is over, you made it to the roof. :)
I see me here. “Quite something” that’s how it feels sometimes. 6/2 manifestor - i could just do my thing and inform, right? And I sit here as a literal hermit not knowing how to put all of my skills and peace making deeds out there. I still have 14 years to try and error, I guess. Thanks for the information!
Yes, you hang on Alexandria. Things may fall apart in the short term, but you are getting close to the jump to the roof. The catalyst may not be known right now. But I urge you to trust that it will come and then optimism replaces pessimissim.
Hi, I’m 6/2 projector, about to get to 57 (on11/11) so, my ruler is Mars ( and Pluto) and as far as I know, time on Mars or the age on this plane could be divided by 2 ! Consider that for your mom, if you can :) Also, forgive her for giving her opinion on everything - we shouldn’t do it up until being asked for it! Yet, unfortunately, we where not aware of it up until Human Design came up with explanation 😇You may try to introduce HD to her - pretty sure, she’d be interested 💕
Hmm. I am in alignment with the original teachings of Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design. There is no 'Vedic' Human Design in his system. So I can't really know if you are actually a 6/2 Profile or not and so can't comment. If you go to my free chart page and simply put in your date, time and place of birth then we will be working from the same context. To be 21 is to be full of potential with the energy to explore, to learn, to experience - it's only "lost" if you're not enjoying your life. Be happy!
6’-2” 6/2 emotional projector cancer moon, quadruple Scorpio, to say it’s been intense is mild. Just stepping out in full authenticity at 49. Hang in there it’s magnificent when you live in flow.
I wonder if children born more recently (because of Aquarian age) don't wait for their Saturn return to stop experimenting. My 8 years old is now having his Saturn first quarter and already started turning introvert a couple of years ago. Or maybe it's because he has Saturn in Scorpio right on his IC...
I remember in the early days, four Reflectors where sitting on the stage and they were asked what's it like to be a Reflector. Each one of them described what it was like to be a Reflector from a completely different perspective. It was a real eye-opener for me. You have a very rare experience of life. :)
It will certainly be less intense and often a safe plateau is reached from which to observe the world objectively. If you are correct, then even the 'negative' can be good in expanding your consciousness and deepening your wisdom. And yes, it's often a much happier time once you land on your feet in the new life. :)
1. Survive abuse
2. Heal from abuse
3. Share love and wisdom with others
Audrey Hepburn is a 6/2 she had such a hard upbringing, but later in life she flourished and had so much wisdom because of her intense childhood experiences! 🌺
Precisely! It's a long-time maturing process being a 6th Line, but the flowering in the third part of the life can be truly amazing. :)
I really like your profile picture!
So interesting! Everyone always thinks I remind them of Audrey and I’m a 6/2
This man is the definition of 'Unintentional ASMR'. I've never heard such a soothing voice in my life.
I’m 29 and just found a comfortable position on the roof admiring the universe and exploring what it offers. Funny thing, I’ve known all this since I was a kid. You confirmed any lingering doubt I had otherwise. Thank you.
Enjoy your time on the roof Sadie. Your journey to authenticity just went to a different level. Only get involved with what is worthwhile for you. Life can be lived as a blessing. :)
I love how we of course know ourselves and Human Design helps to affirm it :)
That is how it feels to me, in a way auto rejecting all that does not feel "right" or authentic to me nowadays...the video explained a lot thank you.
great video! now lot's of things make sense! I'm 33 and life gets better and better!
Many blessings I'm 31 and it does get better..yeeei I'm so happy
same here ☺️
Same here
Thank you so, so much for this clarification Richard. I'm a 6/2 and find this fascinating reflecting on my life knowing this. I was diagnosed with several chronic illnesses during my Saturn return. This news completely changed my life. I'm now in the second phase and healing intensely. I sold my business and now I'm feeling truly nourished with a simple, gentle life where I can embrace my hermit side more and more. However, wherever possible I will share my story of chronic illness if it can ever support and comfort those who need it xoxo
Thank God you are still here! This is a testimony in and of itself!
I’m a 6/2 generator my life path is 8 and resonate with this so much ! ! Life’s been extremely mad ! I’m 26 and feel so full of knowledge already but feel like I’m here to unveil the truth and to break karmic cycles !
i’m life path 1 with a mars in leo and i feel im destined to be a leader. its hard when you feel like youre doing the wrong thing because then u dont want other people following ur way and its wrong. life has definitely been intense and eventful. and i’m only 21.
same as me! also life path 8!
Heard the calling at 18, and my life before that was INTENSE. I could write books, make a novel, a series, 15 albums... flowing and resting into myself has been quite the experience. Everything seems to be an experience with 6/2. Even this.
6/2 9 here
started my deconditioning about two years ago in an Osho ashram, that's where i've encountered HD and got my chart.
turning 28 very soon and I already can see the hardships of my past falling away as I progress into what I really am. Thank you Richard!
Im a 6/2 generator with an 11 life path lol patience is my key theme I see 😆 I trust the process & I don’t feel as much of that “time Is running out” feeling like I used to now that I turned 30. Becoming a master takes time & should never be rushed
This is exactly what I needed to hear
6/2 with life path 1 im 20 and i feel like my skeleton is going to jump out of my skin
Same!!! I'm just turning 30 next month. Excited for what life has in store for me 😊
Im a 22 life path 6/2 generator
I’m an 11 life number and 6/2 generator! Highly sensitive and psichic healing abilities
Thank you:) I'm a splendic projector 6/2. On top of having a difficult upbringing there was constant fatigue as everyone expected me to perform like a generator. Going on 42 this year and life is not such a struggle as long as I wait for the invitation.
At 42 you are entering your Uranus Opposition Cycle, so let your intuition guide you to a life that is YOUR way. Spontaneous decisions from the physical sensations that run through your body when something important comes your way... and an invitation fits you.
I have a 6/2 daughter, she's 4 years old. I'm teaching her "progress not perfection", very literally (for example she says "practice makes progress"). Hoping this might help her!
All well and good, your daughter is already equipped with wisdom. Not much you are going to teach her.
i really like that im making "practice makes progress" my new mantra now lol
Progress will be her word instead of perfection . If that's how she understands it. I know 🤣
I love that you are parenting with a knowing so you can actually guide here, knowing she’s going to struggle and being more comfortable as a mother to let her experience. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
A child is born with energetics and access to things unseen. But the knowledge and experiences can be guided and supported by the parent, and in the circumstances that arise, to help her with her design.
I think what I really mean to say here, is just because there is a design does not mean we turn ourselves off and pretend that consciousness and mindfulness throughout this process isn’t incredibly relevant, because they mean all the difference.
I am a 6/2 profile,I have always been doing things that are true and at times get so much attack on me that I pull myself back. AS I am going into age 50 next year, I am hoping to gain a smoother life ahead. In my career, I have always been told by my manager to be the role model for the team, and I seriously don't want so much limelight on me, but I just get into them unknowingly. Yes, I am also seeing people from a distance and knowing who to trust and guard myself more to avoid more hurt. Thank you for telling me to do what I want to do, I should have done it years back. Thank you.
Good for you Kimyen. May your Kiron Return be a wonderful flowering for you as it unravels. If you wish to look at that cycle you can book a session with me using this link: I'm very happy you've found Human Design it is both a refuge and an incredible way to see who you are and who those around you are too. It is a real blessing. :)
Hi Richard may I ask what does an exhausted 6/2 do to recover .....
i'm a splenic manifestor 6/2, 25 years old in this moment, and this video give a lot of hope. I love being this way and the thing of "Perfection" it's really true. Thank You!!!
Hello, i am also a 6/2 splenic Manifestor. I am 44, retired military and starting a new family. I sometimes feel like i could destroy the world with my anger. I am glad im mature enough to process this in a positive manner. We are rare, you and I.
I'm 28 and glad to hear things will get better soon
6/2 Splenic projector here with a ton of Capricorn placements and a Scorpio moon 😅 I just hit my 30’s and my world has been turned upside down in the last year or so internally...I’m unbelievably stressed and trying to figure out this new version of me but I have an inner knowing that it’s only going to get better from here. Thanks for this video!
i m also 6/2 splenic projector🌞
Another 6/2 Splenic Projector here!
@@niki.goddess same
@@rootsclauds7142 🌞
Exactly same...
As a 6/2, I’ve been through a lot in my 1st stage. I’ll be 29 next year n I’m already going through my hermit mode.
50 seems like very late in the game to step into my purpose, but I do very much resonate with the life mission of being “authentic” often above all else.
I’ve often felt like I came here to teach ppl certain things and be an example in that regard and I love time alone much more than the average person.
So happy to see there are others out there like me!
im 16 and a 6/2 and when you talk about the idea of perfect that really got to me because im always trying to be perfect weather its my looks, choices, anything at all i always try to make it perfect but at the end i always fail no matter what
You are born to be incomparable in your uniqueness. That's what's perfect.
You won’t really fail, trust me🐞🦋 The Things in which you try to be perfect will change - until the day, you find out, that you already ARE perfect exactly the way you are - and That you‘ve always been perfection itself. Like every being on earth❤️🔥 lot‘s of (self-)love and power to your way🦋
I find my broken trust comes from intimate relationships in this first stage of life.
I'm 28 and so excited to enter that new stage of life, I can almost smell it!
I totally resonate with the living my own authentic life! That work Authenticity rings true.
6,2 Manifestor in my 3rd stage - I’ve been telling my friends for a few years, life just keeps getting better and better and better. On to research Ego manifested authority
Is it? I'm 6/2, 24 years old, it really is trial and error. Been through a lot. Doesn't seem to end, I am mostly positive, but someday I'm very negative.
Welcome to the manifestors club! 6/2 splenic, here in.... Im 44, so that stage.
6/2 Manifestor here.
This guy is on point with this talk!
My daughter is a 6/2 Projector and I am a 6/3 Manifestor quad right. Interesting know to watch her .. she is now 15, but I already see that she will have many adventures like I had. Now on the roof and observing the whole game.. .35 now. Let's see how life will go on. It's never going bored. :)
Richard Beaumont, You are a legend !
Finely I am on the top of the roof 🙈 and … I ve learned that I don’t know anything 😀 I was silly and suffered from that, later on I just accepted for being silly and enjoying that. Felt sorry for my family, friends, everyone who is trying to accept me the way I am, and now got new formula, who loves and who destined to be next to me - means should be like that, I hate to go against Gods will. No matter how much we learn, still in invisible trap of destiny, kinda game, kinda trying to get levels and tools by fight, by chance, by recourse and slow down. And again jump into fight. 😀 sometimes it makes me laugh, and I feel I am lucky brat, lucky to feel happiness, lucky to be alive to enjoy new discoveries, new beauty in everything. Thank you Richard, for your hard work and understanding ! 🙏
I am a 6/2 and a lot of these attributes are accurate. However, spending roughly 20 years from 30-50 ‘potting around’ is not very appealing me. I want to be a role model but I want to achieve great things during the middle part of my life.
Once you have learned the patience that you need it likely won't bother you the same way as much, and by the time you are a full 6 you will maybe even ask yourself if you need more time in preparation and self mastery before assuming the massively important job of a true role model, with gaining the life experience you need to make this real and solid it will maybe turn your perspective around.
That ambition to 'achieve great things' during that long phase will probably fuel your interests with what you want to prove to yourself and learn about yourself from the 2 perspective of easy natural talent, and you can achieve great things during that time for sure, but you simply won't be the fully cooked role model that will take much longer to bring into full culmination! Maybe think of life experience and emotional reactivity like the toothpick test in baking, once you stop sticking to the probing instrument (life's triggers) then you are truly a safe and digestible example and not a golden brown shell with a raw middle hiding inside...
As a child we often wish we could be born fully grown up, and that we could speed things up and be adults right away :) But our mother's bodies can only generate the smaller forms, and without growth how would change matter?
That's my basic comprehension of how/why these changes work like this, and as always, YMMV.
I speak as someone with a 6/2 soul tied best friend here on earth who is lost to me right now as he makes his way to the 50 year transition (still 10 to go) and I can see even from the distance that has grown between us in the last decade, how his path needs this different life experience to bring him back around again. Growth is not easy! Much love to you!
You are still a role model during the potting around stage, the fact that we spend so much time focusing on self development is inspiring to others. It seems like the role model stage is when we fully trust ourselves to lead others, it doesn’t mean we don’t inspire others along the way.
thanks a bunch for the tips people. 6 / 2 ~ 35 years old. i understand the potting around s a bit gnarly in today s society with all my friends ' careered up ' with families and good jobs. but yes, i try stay authentic. it is a shame i am disgustingly impatient. the self-improvement vibe is definitely a theme....i wonder sometimes if it s almost too much? LMAO. anyway appreciate the feedback guys....15 more years LOL.
You should do things. This isn’t void of trying things out.
To perfect something, it must be tried from many angles and ways, to become the master.
Experience is key, and map the thing you feel called to intimately.
You cannot Master something you have not experienced.
What calls to you?
I am almost 25 but feel like I'm in the second period. Actually, i always find serenity in my life. I don't enjoy social life anymore and i feel so sorry to feel like this. I want to do a lot of things but I can not find the excitement inside me.
Well it normal to be more subjective and even pessimistic as the first stage comes to an end. There is usually something that comes along to cause you to go "on the roof". Wanting to do a lot of things is not the same as really having the energy for them. If you want to really know more you can always book a reading with me. I can't really comment precisely without knowing what your chart looks like.
You are more than your Profile, so it's impossible for me to comment in detail without seeing your chart. However, you will feel some of the affects of the Saturn Return up to 2.5 years before it comes. Please remember it does get better. The second period can bring a great deal of optimism and it often feels like a completely different life. Live through it, life will get much better. :)
just wait 3 more years. you'll see.
@@humandesigninfo can i book a reading with you? 6/2 manifestor over here... getting into lots of trouble.
@@mottave12 Yes Mati. I will be available next week starting with the 21st January. Go to:
I'm 35, 6/2, a lot of Scorpio planets (Sun/Moon/Mercury/Saturn/Pluto). The rest of the world can suck my appendage, I'm just doing this for my family and my two sons (5/2 & 5/1 Projectors, both Leo). Let's see what Chiron does if I get to see it come back.
"Enjoy puttering around". Yes, thank you! I love to be in my workshop....alone!
I am 27 turning 28 in December. So far the video resonates with my soul. Still have a few minutes left, and already wish the video was 25 minutes longer 😌
The older and shorter the videos you study, the better.
Well, I'm a 6/2 and I'm a Reflector. Life at work is not easy. Now I'm 36 years old, I discovered Human Design two weeks ago. And it is increasingly clear that my job is not for me. But I still don't know what to do with all of that.
Interesting, that’s really descriptive of my way of life so far. 💚🙏
Wow best closer ever!!
At what age did you have a solid understanding about who you are?
Why didn’t you make the video of 6/3 profile?
Does anyone know a good resource for researching how the cross definition plays into Human Design?
I am a 6/2 manifestor raising their first child, a 6/2 manifesting generator. Oh boy!! thank you!
Thankyou Richard, your explanation of 6/2 so very helpful. 🙏😊💗
Truth I'm living this life!
I'm still waiting for my call at 46 years at age..perhaps I have to wait a few years more before it opens up? Cant wait :-D
Find out when your Chiron returns happen, it’s connected to that
Thanks Richard, i really love this.
You’re presence is so peaceful
I’m a 6/2 Projector and just learning about Human Design... I do feel like the hermit right now but even though I thought I was being authentic - my path now seems to be to get out of people-pleasing and set boundaries/show up more authentically. It’s very strange and seems backwards from the description. I am curious about how that fits in.
I find it interesting that you said we're meant to live our own seperate lives! along with being 6/2 I have the left angle cross of separation (5/35, 47/22)
Yes, our aura is the most precious thing we have. Becoming deeply familiar with it, through sleeping alone, enables one to be with others but also become sensitive to their conditioning... and our conditining of them. The LA X of separation is the epitome of what it is to live in a world of many while still maintaining one's personal autonomy. :)
How about twins who have the same design, born only 2 minutes apart, but are so totally different? They both have 6/2 and couldn't be more different...
a 6/2 manifesting generator getting closer to the 2nd phase
Things do gradually feel better, I'm not afraid of aging even, not sure if i touched the roof or not yet. I'm looking forward to some relief.
Human design videos tend to quickly gloss over the chiron return and ignore the saturn return for 6/2 as if they are not completely transformational, and sometimes extremely difficult and challenging times. I find this interesting.
Yes, the Cycles are important, but they are also very personal and not something that can be addressed in detail for UA-cam videos and each journey is different.
6/2 Manifestor and I'm 35 and still not off the roof
An excellent place from which to discern what is worthwhile and what is nothing to do with your world. Enjoy. The worst is over, you made it to the roof. :)
I see me here. “Quite something” that’s how it feels sometimes. 6/2 manifestor - i could just do my thing and inform, right? And I sit here as a literal hermit not knowing how to put all of my skills and peace making deeds out there. I still have 14 years to try and error, I guess. Thanks for the information!
Thank you. ❤ this really resonates.
I'm 27 now and my Saturn return won't start until next year but I already felt the shift. I am happy that I will finally get to relax a bit
Yes, you hang on Alexandria. Things may fall apart in the short term, but you are getting close to the jump to the roof. The catalyst may not be known right now. But I urge you to trust that it will come and then optimism replaces pessimissim.
Super helpful video, thank you Richard!
Beautiful thank you. Being 40, so comfortable tho... :-)
6/2 MG here. 32 years old. The world is slowly coming apart. Hard times are ahead
I’m 63 and still waiting to hear the call 😟
Very good explanation!
Woooow 29 years old 6/2 here ❤️so spot on Hahahah
I’m a 6/2 generator with only 2 active chakras. Sacral and g center Anyone knows what that means ? Is it rare ?
What about after 50? I'm trying to figure out my Mom, whose a 6/2 Projector and shes 73.
Hi, I’m 6/2 projector, about to get to 57 (on11/11) so, my ruler is Mars ( and Pluto) and as far as I know, time on Mars or the age on this plane could be divided by 2 ! Consider that for your mom, if you can :) Also, forgive her for giving her opinion on everything - we shouldn’t do it up until being asked for it! Yet, unfortunately, we where not aware of it up until Human Design came up with explanation 😇You may try to introduce HD to her - pretty sure, she’d be interested 💕
Also, the 2nd return of Saturn will affect her personality drastically - either she will leave or will start new beginnings
I'm a 6/2 in vedic human design and I do relate to this.. But I'm only 21 so feeling lost until 30 sounds so difficult to me 😅😭
Hmm. I am in alignment with the original teachings of Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design. There is no 'Vedic' Human Design in his system. So I can't really know if you are actually a 6/2 Profile or not and so can't comment. If you go to my free chart page and simply put in your date, time and place of birth then we will be working from the same context. To be 21 is to be full of potential with the energy to explore, to learn, to experience - it's only "lost" if you're not enjoying your life. Be happy!
6’-2” 6/2 emotional projector cancer moon, quadruple Scorpio, to say it’s been intense is mild. Just stepping out in full authenticity at 49. Hang in there it’s magnificent when you live in flow.
I am 35 now & 6/2 emotional manifestor 😌🙏🏽
thankyou richard
I wonder if children born more recently (because of Aquarian age) don't wait for their Saturn return to stop experimenting. My 8 years old is now having his Saturn first quarter and already started turning introvert a couple of years ago. Or maybe it's because he has Saturn in Scorpio right on his IC...
What is exactly a 6 2? Is that a manifesting generator?
The Profile represent the costume we wear. There are 12 Profile possible. They can apply to any of the four Types.
6/2 Splenic Manifestor here. Wow.
Stay free Manifestor :)
Im a spelenic projector 6/2 , with a life path 20/2 im 28, most of this resonates
I love your expression 😇
Thank you Catherine :)
Love it
6/2 emo manifestor
Be true and wild :)
thank you
so true !
im a 6/2 generator with north node in leo life path 1. I just discoverd my draconic chart I have a leo sun now i'm getting identity crisis
I’m a 6/2
Reflector with a life path 33. Life for me has been…. Different.
I remember in the early days, four Reflectors where sitting on the stage and they were asked what's it like to be a Reflector. Each one of them described what it was like to be a Reflector from a completely different perspective. It was a real eye-opener for me. You have a very rare experience of life. :)
"The call when you hear it".
Oh, what will it have to be to drag me down off the roof, I can't imagine that something breaking my pessimism.
You will see Marcin. The Cycles bring the necessary change and in you case the potential for deep healing :)
Please say after 30 it will be all good 😬😬😬
It will certainly be less intense and often a safe plateau is reached from which to observe the world objectively. If you are correct, then even the 'negative' can be good in expanding your consciousness and deepening your wisdom. And yes, it's often a much happier time once you land on your feet in the new life. :)
@@humandesigninfo thank-you for your guidance :)
Thank you