Asians did not join the far right. The LEFT just zoomed and passed us and neglected the Asian American communities. I can’t believe these Asian mayors that got voted in are pro-criminal when we know doing crime in any Asian country means punishment very close to ending life for the criminal.
Who commits crime against the Asian community? Does Asians think that anyone getting killed by the police innocently is a problem or once it's not an Asian it's none of your business. But other communities rally for you, that's just hyper selfish,just a selfish cohort of people.
@@waynestrainer Exactly they want their cake and eat it too! No one shouldn’t be attacked innocently, regardless if they are black or Asian. That’s why we have to fight back because the systems at be don’t act in good faith
Asian Americans tend to be conservative regarding economics, family and social values . . . but Left when it comes to American patriotism (nationalism).
The left likes to call anything that doesn’t agree with them far something. They also like to put people in buckets. The left has gone so far left that what used to be in the center is now considered far right to them.
I kinda understood why perhaps over 40 years ago Asians tended to overwhelmingly vote Democrat but by the 90’s that no longer made any logical sense. People who tend to be higher achievers in life voting to have half their money confiscated to fund lazy people , have their businesses strangled with regulations, have their children shut out of elite schools, and voting for criminals to be turned loose on the streets assaulting them really never made any sense. Also a people that stresses (or used to ) strong family units voting for an anti-family , anti-children party was bewildering to me. Plus frankly much of the Democratic voting base dislikes Asians and views them as elitists. Sadly it took watching stories of elderly women being harmed or even killed for people to finally start changing how they vote.
The LA Riots of 1992 took place over 30 years ago. It's the classical Dog, Cat, Mouse Syndrome. But there are twists and turns . . . *Matthew 10:34-35* “Do NOT suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a *SWORD.* For I have come to turn a man _against_ his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law." *Luke 14:26* “If anyone comes to me and does not *HATE* their father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters - yes, even their own life - such a person can NOT be my disciple."
Sure, Joseph. I guess when you lose your moral compass and dignity, you vote for a criminal. See how that works. None what you stated make sense unless you yourself are filled with hate and lack compassion for others which you layed out. Unless you are clueless, regulations are required, we don't just let any and all medicines reach the market. Their children shut out of elite schools? Clueless again, it has been proven that one doesn't have to attend an elite school to be successful. I'll stop at elite as you are silent on corporate tax breaks and lobbyists, elitist aren't we?
Half of the Vietnamese voters have already been here, but considering people who shift to trump “far right” is ridiculous and strictly a media talking point to diminish their own shortcomings appealing to the people.
More like you love America that doesn't love you and you ignore all the wrongs it's done to people like us and side with the people who want to keep doing those wrongs.
Exactly! The left is so far left now they have left their base. The democrats used to stand for the working families and unions, now it is burn the system down.
Didn't expect you would understand affirmative action but ending wars. What as China done to be considered an enemy? By taking it's population out of poverty? Republicans and probably you as well, find no issue with African nations remaining poor but if a non-white ( Yes, you Asians are not white) nation like China develops they are an enemy. Must be a north american virus that non white people come here and are spooked by white people and think as long as they dance to rap and eat Jamaican food, they're good. Your parents were peasants at best, they knew no better but you new generation as just a bunch of cowards. Ever consider why America thought it was safe to drop the atomic bomb in the east, they know and own you. They did Africans bad and still do but we offer some resistance while helping you all. Think about it, or use AI on it.
When Trump called out Harvard and other Ivy leagues for their discriminatory practices in excluding Chinese-Americans (a 40 point deduction for lack of personality), that got me to pay more attention to conservative thinking. Equality shouldn't be about getting everybody to the same level, it's about making sure everyone has equal opportunity and the playing field is fair. Work hard, put in the time, behave - and earn what you deserve.
To be honest, I voted Democrat most of my life. Only because I was influenced by liberal whites, blacks and Hispanics. But, once I voted for the first time for Obama and did my own research. I was like aww Fugk, what did I just do to my country. Been voting against the swamp ever since. Thank you President TRUMP!!!
I consider myself pretty progressive, but even I felt really alienated by the *the left*. When you are at school, everything is framed as a black people VS white people thing, and no one talks about Asians despite 20% of students are Asians. Meanwhile older generation of immigrants look down on the newcomers, some even calling me poor and ugly right in front of my face. I agree it is a pick your poison thing, even I feel the liberals maybe still give me more hopes, it is very frustrating because I also felt both sides disappoint me.
asian americans in general care more about stability / less crime (stemmed from that is economic stability, inflation, immigration, homelessness, etc) and care less about many other things. I somewhat understand, but don't totally agree with the conservative.
you need to watch Ray Dalio on the big late debt cycle. Huge debt will cause/manifest as internal conflict (if the debt is small, then the conflict is neglectable but we are in huge debt cycle).
@hunglukenguyen ....... just wait for when trump needs a group of people to blame for the troubles and the financial issues in America. You can't think they just want to blame hispanics and other migrants from South America, do you??? lol, Fox News has already tried to plant the seed that the majority of the immigrant caravan coming over these days are military aged Chinese men. That narrative just hasn't caught steam yet. Just wait until inflation continues to skyrocket based on these tariffs that Trump is so adamant to put into place. Which is nothing but a tax on the end user/ consumer. I've already warned you.
Why do black americans hate asians so much? I'm Afro-Canadians born and bred and we don't have that crap here. We get along very well, too well but in America does everything have to be about race?
because white elites trap minorities in certain areas and pit them against each others. First poor whites against blacks...then European immigrants versus blacks and Asians...Blacks and Latino...then Blacks v Asians.
@AmorFati-n6q...Bro who told you that blk americans hate Asians so much ? There population is bigger then Asians to even much such a blanket statement. But the awnser is no, they dont hate Asians, because peole are very diverse in their experiences and upbringing. What i wil say is some Asians when migrating to the US, saw blk americans as a marginalized group and as you know Asians are very focused on the superficial, status and prestige in image and to many that was associated with whte americans. So many developed a bias against blk americans and some also showed high level of disrespect to them. But its thanks to blk americans many asian immigrants could walk in society with civil rights acts and fighting racism in society for all. But all in all everyone is different and unique personality matters the most not so called ethnic backgrounds.
@ the media was attacking Asians during Covid who attacked Asians during the Roddy king riots blk Americans have never welcomed us Asians and you know that especially us Chinese where we were more neutral unlike the civil rights and stuff
I think Andrew is wrong to say that Asians are for abortion because most Asians are very conservative with a strong sense of responsibility and they have been that way for generations. The whole idea of killing a child to escape the responsibility of have to raise that child is very foreign to them and they have been staunchly against it.
The religious Asians such as Filipinos may see it that way. They are 99% Catholic. But the non religious (and not too religious) Asian countries don’t see it that way. It’s not killing a “child” as you put it. It’s a bunch of cells inside of a woman’s body. A woman with her own freedom to choose what she wants to do with her body. There are no 9 year old kids in her womb.
Guess which country has one of the highest abortion rates?...Vietnam ....and of course anyone who has actually experienced life around Asia will know that comparatively, Asians are more open to abortion as Asian logic will usually (except the Philippines who were indoctrinated with Catholicism by the west) override the religious arguments against abortion.
@@kenhew4641 if you talk about the new gen asian kids yes they align with new gen westerners in their thinking but if you talk to asians from the older generations it definitely is seen as a bad thing
100%. I just want my community to be safe. It’s sad to see small/bug businesses closed down due to crimes. I vote for whoever can speak out what’s going on and go fix it.
The Republicans have been very supportive of Asians for so long, especially with regards to discrimination in education and crime targeting asians. And Democrats have totally taken Asian support for granted. It's time Asians in America realise who their real friends are.
True! So many Indian and Chinese and other Asian groups are hurt by affirmative action in top universities. Republicans have always been against affirmative action because it is discriminatory.
15ish years ago I read an article that was essentially saying "Isnt it weird Asian Americans arent right wing considering all their values align so closely?" The article interviewed some guys who basically said they felt attracted to the republicans at first but then became democrats because they felt the republicans were the White man party and they felt left out while the dems didnt have that vibe as much. At that time I already knew there would eventually be a shift of Asians going right wing eventually, simply because its a repeating of American history. First it was the WASPs who were old school and protectionist while the Irish were the lefty newcomers. Then people forgot the Irish were that different and American identity was redefined. The Irish shifted to the right, and the new immigrant Germans, Dutch, French, Norwegians, etc. became the lefty newcomers. In the next wave it was the Italians, Jews, Polish and some more Irish who became the new left, with each new wave being absorbed into the dominant American identity. Now American society has adopted the language of "White-passing" people aka "you might not be White but you are close enough". Mestizos, Northeast Asians, and non-Muslim Middle Eastern people like Armenians and Assyrians are all being grouped in while the next big immigration boom is coming from the South Asians who are still seen as foreign and likely are looking for a political party that will cater to that. In 2040 India's population will start shrinking and the next immigration wave will be from sub-Saharan Africa, where women still have 6-7 kids and their population will continue to explode until 2100, at which point Nigeria alone will have a higher population than China. Its all a big repeating pattern.
Reminds me how when you are young you want to be liberal but as you get older and more responsible you move to the right, on average. Asians moved into the cities where liberals convinced them that they were victims and it's ironic since the democrats were the party of slavery and Jim crow until the 60s and even then they were dragged by some of their leadership and republicans into the modern era. But democrats have an advantage. No shame and the desire to manipulate emotions and gas light with the best. Like they convinced people there was a party switch with no evidence.
that's exactly the problem with the American democratic system. you only have TWO choices, which is one more choice than the CCP in China. because you only have two choices, they swing to the extremes, left and right with no middle ground for those with common sense and know that not everything and every issue is black and white.
Some people are late to the party. Democrats BEEN turned on its voters from the jump. Look how long they’ve been using POC votes and they still vote and support them without anything to show for it.
I am more moderate these days. I want the USA to stop sending our money to other countries and focus on our own problems. Crime, drugs, healthcare, our porous borders and stabilizing our $34 trillion dollar debt.
The author is just writing for fellow socialists in the echo chamber. It's hard to take socialists seriously when they lose every online debate vs non-socialists.
That's not what the petit bourgeoisie in Marxism is. It refers to small business owners, which Chinese people have belonged to historically in the past 120 years in America and forms a significant part of their identity and this positioning makes them more likely to align with conservative capitalist class policies
Being a true patriot for the United States is admirable, but it cannot be universally praised, as there are also people in Canada and Australia who raise red flags to show their love for their former homeland. In any case, conservatives are better than liberals who support the media and the Democratic Party, which disrupt the stability of a healthy society. The term "far right" is a label favored by the media and liberals, and it subconsciously carries the implication of being a racist. As a conservative, I find it to be an uncomfortable label.
You are far right the moment you ask questions, ask people to think about their ideas and voice skepticism. A lot of people are becoming far right nowadays.
@@Devilishlybenevolent Not really. And speaking of sniffing, you'll soon be sniffing the sweat off your fellow inmates as all of you losers will be departed back to what you came from.
You're right on schedule. Remember your Winston Churchill.....Show me a young person who is a Conservative and I'll show you a person with no heart. Show me an old person who is a Liberal and I'll show you a person with no brains.
I've been running an argument with my super conservative brother-in-law (we are both Chinese American thought he's ABC and I am not) for years. But after all the anti-Asian crime and the lip serve about equality from the left while they continue to discriminate in court to higher education to foreign policies, and especially after the Gaza genocide and Ukraine proxy war under the liberal watch, I have to finally give in to a lot of my brother-in-law's point. I'm not going to go line up with the Far Right, but hell if I'm going to stand with these murdering and lying left.
@@DiamondFlame45 I know. You have right wing nuts like Steven Crowd3er who spent a lot of his youth in Canada saying how great the American system is compared to the disaster that is Canada. And yet the Minister of Heath in Canada doesn't have to.....Don't want comment deleted.
All I have learned in the past few years is that Asian people need a serious history and politics lesson, for real. Learn about history prior to 1949 please, learn about how Asian Americans before us were treated, and the wars and intentions behind those wars in Asia. FFS, we can't afford this bs anymore where we end up siding with people who want to ultimately get rid of us.
All these retards think "Me light skin, white like me" when these people call us China flu or "jokingly" say herro to us, how pathetic do you have to be to see these conservatives and go "oh yeah I'll just ignore it cause I'm one of the good ones!"
This isn't an us versus them. Also, things change. Republicans fought against slavery. Democrats were pro slavery at one point in history. You should have known that if you learnt your history.
Yeah. Democrat Roosevelt locked up Japanese Americans. Democrats oar the party of the K KK. Nothing has changed. It was Biden and former Gov Jerry Brown both Democrats who didn’t want the Vietnamese refugees. It was conservatives Christian Republicans who sponsored Vietnamese/South East Asian refugees.
"Merit based" means something is awarded or determined based on an individual's achievements, skills, or abilities, essentially meaning that someone receives recognition or reward based on their merit or worth. The best person for the job.
There are quite a few Chinese American gun groups on FB that share some ideas in conversations that may seem to be "far right." However, just because you share some of the similar ideals as those in the "far right", i.e. clean sky, clean water, securing the borders, etc, that doesn't make you an instant "far right." Though, as more Chinese American come up on the social ladder, they too don't want to see their taxes get squandered while seeing other ethnic groups constantly abuse the system for their maximum gains while contributing nothing back to society as a whole. Especially when you see the increase in gain violence from groups from around the world as well as various "gypsies" type groups from South America and Eastern European, they (Chinese Americans) are starting to see the same issues and experience the same problems as those of the upper middle class that want to protect their wealth and assets.
Yo let's get real here Asian people abuse the system as much or more than anybody else They create companies and then dissolve them every year so they don't have to pay taxes. They flow everything through the company, bank accounts open by relatives who don't live in the USA, so they can collect Medicaid, food stamps, and other social services by keeping their cash income unreported. I'm not beating up on "the community" but I know "the community" and I know what they do. Anybody that's in "the community" in urban areas knows when they are inside the community the tricks that they use to squeeze as much out of the system as they can They pay nothing if they can get away with it. If you have a regular W2 job, your income is monitored and you have no choice. But don't start with that BS about "other minorities" doing these things when Asians do it as much or even more so. The same thing goes for Hasidic Jews too. They have been caught committing massive fraud. They even have their own town where they can manipulate public records.
@@waynestrainer civil rights movement, not all Dixiecrats from the south switched to republican nor did all the republicans switch to democrat. Some of that shit was not needed especially lgbt crap.
There were a lot of populists that voted red. It’s not just conservatives and far right. There is also a libertarian strain too. We may only have two parties but each party is made up of a several different ideologies that doesn’t always agree.
If you invest in improving the lives of people, there will be lesser crimes. You dropped millions of dollars worth of booms in the mountain region of Afghanistan while your children are going hungry at school. I had to rely on school lunches to get by when I immigrated to Canada in the 80s. If you dropped a fewer booms, you can feed more people, kill less people, cause less havoc, produce less migrants… the benefits goes on and on. The American government continues to make military its first priority over everything else. 😢
Yes, I agree. Too much budget on the military, too little on education and health sectors. I once spoke to 2 Spanish backpackers, both college graduates. They didn't like the USA because it considers itself as the "police of the world".
@@itsover9008 This is way the establishment hates Trump, cause he is anti war, the only president that didn't start a war and ended wars. Fact is both the traditional democrats/republicans are a part of the warmongering industrial military complex. This is why the Lagacy Republicans hate Trump.
As a so-called white person, I think Asians are great for America. And I think the vast majority of Americans agree. Don't live in the past. Trump has several Americans of Indian origin in high places. The Chinese Americans need to jump into politics, as the Jews did long ago, and the Indians have more recently.
@@OatmealGrillBlazer no, liberal is woke. Like the Taiwan DPP, very woke. In Asia, the majority of political parties are socially conservative, but economically socialist. Be it from Japan, Singapore, or China. They are all very similar when it comes to social issues and economics, except for Taiwan DPP.
@@UeharaKeitaro上原恵太郎 It is, liberalism is a center left ideology that advocates for equal rights and expressing individual liberties, also I have noticed people always used the word wok without explaining what does it mean, They just use it as a buzzword to describe something they don't like on the internet.
That's crazy I live in Seattle I've never heard of that. I used to live over by that Costco and it's actually a pretty nice neighborhood and it's a business district so there's not a lot of traffic of humans there so I have no idea what happened in that situation but RIP to that woman, I'm pretty sure she didn't deserve it.
Damn. It was all over the news. I dunno how you missed it. You heard about the pregnant Korean woman who was shot in the head while sitting in her Tesla though right?
I voted Biden in 2020. I am a single Asian male in Seattle. I couldn't vote for Harris under any circumstance. I may not like Trump but my wallet loves him. I voted with my wallet and so far I am up a bit since I own shares of TSLA. No regrets yet.
I spent my whole life in Seattle. Moved to TX. It’s crazy how different they are. No more druggies and tent cities. I don’t miss 3rd Ave at all. I heard Chinatown got worse though
I hope to see more Chinese-Americans run for offices all across the land and for all offices. We have greater economic leverage than other groups but we lack political agency. Running for offices is one area where we can help ourselves. Other areas to exert and employ our economic advantages big time are political organizations, thinktanks, academic institutions, entertainment industries, and mass media outlets. If we Chinese-Americans don't stick up for ourselves, those people will step on us forever.
Everyone wants to stop crime. That's not a left or right issue. The issue is HOW we stop crime. The how is a left and right issue. According to FBI data, crime did drop. The right use basic fear to get your vote. If you can show data of increasing crime in your area, and what type, then maybe you can show policies not working. Then I could see flipping sides. But as you side, they FELT crime is rising. Asian grandma killed = asian fear-mongering and community voted with their feelings; right wing. And as far as I could tell, the right has no idea how to stop crime; but with more violence & guns. Nevermind their right wing policies are not going to lower prices but make it worse. More people in hard time, makes more crime, justify police violence for "your protection".
I agree with most left wing policies like making the justice system more equitable, but the alternative infrastructure needs to be in place for that to happen. For example, we can't be all about homeless rights without having available shelters and functional pipeline for people to move through. We can't be about lowering drug sentences and treating it like a mental health issue when most addicts can't actually afford detox, and there aren't enough spots open for the ones that can. We can't be about switching everyone over to public transportation if the bus schedule is inconsistent and doesn't get people where they want to go. We can't be about defunding the police without the social services system in place to solve community issues. All of these left wing policies are correct in theory, but the Democratic party always puts the cart before the horse, because they can't get the funding and bills through to do the real work.
What we need to do is to for example bite the bullet and create the alternative system AND fund the police at the same time. Get the proven results that police are less effective in certain situations before defunding them. We need to create social and recreational activities in working class neighborhoods, put more money into their public schools. But no, it's much easier just to get some college admissions officers to lower standards for certain people through affirmative action -- which solves absolutely none of the real problem.
Yep crime has dropped everywhere around the world, but the media/these right wing retards keep looping the same 10 stories and propagating people to pearl clutch. It's both sad and pathetic how many morons fall for it.
@jonathanchang1574 Have you asked yourself why blue can't get funds and bills through? Maybe red opposing any welfare might be the problem. When Dems. wanted to hire more social workers Repubs. wanted proof of necessity. When explained it was for the criminals, then Repubs. don't see a need to build infrastructure if they're already in jail. It's as if the reds cannot see the whole picture of social progress, or worse, wants to prevent it from happening. The reds prevent blue from doing a two prone attack against the social injustice. So when blue proves the cart, red tells society that there's no horse, society votes red and the back & forth continues.
You’re a low information voter. This is why Democrats get your vote. Google “Stealth Edit: FBI Quietly Revises Violent Crime Stats” and see what the real numbers are
Man, I'm born/raised/live in Seattle. I'm so sorry to hear about that grandmother being killed at that Costco. That's near the mall, so I'm surprised to hear of this happening in that area; I don't recall hearing a thing about it. Tukwila is not a safe city, but that's more up in the highlands near Pacific Highway S. My heart goes out to her family and friends. RIP!
I get tired of people using extreme terms to describe people's political affiliation without a specific point that would even suggest that. Far right is extreme. I agree that most would be considered center/right.
I think you fail to understand what True Conservativism is much less Christian Conservativism. If you did, you would not talk and think the way you do. Having said that you are making a very rational thought regarding crime from a secular point of view.
@@The_king567 are you gaslighting? Because universal healthcare and paid parental leave is a left wing policy. The democrats in the US don’t support it. The Republicans definitely don’t. Even the conservatives in the EU support universal healthcare and parental leave, that’s had far right the US is
It's not that they're shifting right. The majority of Asian people are conservative by default based on their family value. They were kept quiet as silent majority all along because the legacy media had no interest talking about it until now
I think people are not monolithic, this is a vague political demographic breakdown. Chinese people live all over the world. This is the Chinese-American demographic. Not all Chinese people vote in the United States vote (only a quarter of the public do) and when doing this political polling, not everyone is polled. Your vote is your choice.
you need to watch Ray Dalio on the big late debt cycle. Huge debt will cause/manifest as internal conflict (if the debt is small, then the conflict is neglectable but we are in huge debt cycle).
Why did you only focus on white supremacy in your discussions on social structure? How about the rising issues of black supremacy that are genuinely affecting the Asian elderly folks in the urban parts of America. You don't seem to mention that the entitlement of black power and the privileges of black supremacy is fueling the shift toward the right.
I saw somewhere on the election result of the various demographics that voted. For the Asian group, it was split down in the middle. They didn't go further than that like they did with the black demographic showing that 80-92% voted left with the remaining either undecided, voted opposite or say out. With the Asian group, I suspect that more of those that are within the first generation and some second generation being more conservative but being conservative has nothing to do with being radical. For me being conservative just means having the values that made me get to where I am today and far from where I started at. Being here on the west coast for about 40+ years, I can see how the cultural shift and this applies across the board to more of a liberal mindset. Who gets taught those norms and thinking? Usually the second or third generation and they forget the plan guys their parents had gone through to get their family to where they are today only to turn around and look at their parents as if they are ignorant/racist/radical/conservative like they don't understand. Maybe some of these good for nothing children should've been ship back and let them fend for themselves because clearly they can't seem to comprehend. Of all the countries on earth, the United States is the only country to provide so much assistance and opportunities for those that want it to make a name for themselves. It might not be overnight, it might not be in 10 years but it has shown across the Asian community overall that these efforts do have results. Whether those values are carried over is another topic.
@@Drownedinbloodmore meritorious than Biden put people in. Example Kamula Asian Americans are here talking about college admission system. Don't change the topic.
@johnnywang206 Trump and the Republicans incited hate crimes against Chinese-Americans with their Covid rhetoric in 2020? Have you already forgotten or don't you care?
I was told a lot of my forebears from Guangxi went to America to build the railroads. My grandparents came to South East Asia instead. That's the reason why I loved the movie "The Big Lebowski" so much. The shout out to my forebears at the bowling alley scene.
Democrats aren't left wing. The party has it's social democrat and socialist wings, but it doesn't mean the party is a left wing party. I think the democrats could easily sweep the elections if they had a proper charismatic candidate who campaigned with populist working class rhetoric. But the donor elites don't like this, so candidates like Bernie get shunned by the party.
@@DanH-u3f How is Biden even left wing? He supported a genocide in Gaza, he struck down federal dock workers from striking, and he didn’t push for paid parental leave and a federal $15 minimum wage
Thinking about the history, the original China lobby was right wing, KMT Vs CCP. Mainland Vs Taiwan n HK. HK got swallowed up and KMT minders in the USA have been mostly replaced by CCP minders. Given all that, it's going to be complicated. The progressive movements in the Ctowns of the 60's and 70's that aligned with other left and progressive minorities were always on the edges of their generation and group politics. In the Orwellian politics of today where China is now where the KMT was in 1970, HK is "gone" and Taiwan is totally different, you really have to weave and dodge to follow all the changes during the past 60 years alone. So of course, the immigrants of today and the generations of today go back and forth. We are in a transition period now. Everyone's contradictions are showing. This is a complex subject.
Yup just about. It's complicated to explain if you don't know the Chinese communities history in the past 70 odd years in a comment and not hog the space . Look up "the China lobby " in post WW2 USA. I've been involved with the community and the progressive politics scene with 3rd world people for decades. What my man is talking about today is Real in so many ways. The ironic thing is the right has infiltrated people we ALl thought were on "our side" and lack of love for the people and communities needs to improve.
I am a 韩国华侨(Chinese-Korean), and I am pretty much center right. I didn't support chump, nor did I vote for him. As for China, I am pro-China, and for the issue of immigration I think they need to have a comprehensive immigration policy. If people are needed in various industries, they should be allowed in, and be given a path to getting a green card and citizenship. When it comes to maintaining law and order, I am for that 100%.
I feel so scared, veulnerable and angry for Asians and other targeted people in the US. You say, in US, people have human rights and you can have your voice and protest for injustice. But nothing is happening or being heard. Americans are just being owned unfortunately.
I don't know what "far-right" means anymore. These days, the meaning of "words" have been changing. But calling asian far right maybe a far reach. I'm more conservative than anything ie democrats or republicans. I like logic and facts. If you feel I'm far right I couldn't give two shit. I voted for Trump so I'm definitely far right in your views. Welp there you go deal with it.
The article discussed by the host in this clip reminds me of a freely accessible book authored by Catherine Liu criticising the Professional Managerial Class (PMC) abandoning the labour class and aligning themselves with the capitalist and thereby increasing the quality of life gap between and top and bottom economic strata, and that the Democratic Party is dominated by the PMC. Coinciding with such social cultural narratives is the ascendency of the DE&I movement embraced by the Democrats. One wonders whether there is something there that led to the perceived move of the Chinese community (with a high proportion of PMC?) relatively to the Right?
It would be great to see you on MSNBC as an analyst in the future or any mainstream platform on TV so you can inspire other young Asians to get involved in politics that don’t care enough currently…Your opinions are very relatable and I can see you are passionate about what you do. Rooting for you and your show!
You actually believe MSNBC would welcome him. This is the same network that did everything they could to silence Andrew Yang. Everybody knows he was a far better candidate than Kamala for the Democrat side and yet look what happened.
The only conservative Asians I know are my parents and some of their siblings...all old people. I live in a high concentration of white conservatives, so I don't really see what other Asian Americans are like politically. Thanks for sharing what's out there.
Regarding crime he is so right ✅️ 😫 😩 there's so much crime in the US and things like mass shootings are a thing which is even worse 😢so I understand why people are fed up
Asians did not join the far right. The LEFT just zoomed and passed us and neglected the Asian American communities. I can’t believe these Asian mayors that got voted in are pro-criminal when we know doing crime in any Asian country means punishment very close to ending life for the criminal.
What if that's why they have different policy from their country they thought was too harsh?
I see this all time...what the heck is "neglecting the Asian American community" even mean?
The US has NO LEFT. Both mainstream parties are right wing parties
Who commits crime against the Asian community? Does Asians think that anyone getting killed by the police innocently is a problem or once it's not an Asian it's none of your business. But other communities rally for you, that's just hyper selfish,just a selfish cohort of people.
@@waynestrainer Exactly they want their cake and eat it too! No one shouldn’t be attacked innocently, regardless if they are black or Asian. That’s why we have to fight back because the systems at be don’t act in good faith
Asian Americans are not far right, just moderate conservative!
Asian Americans tend to be conservative regarding economics, family and social values . . . but Left when it comes to American patriotism (nationalism).
@@oakridgemall-8jl2h9fwrong again. Asian Americans are not for lll egaIs.
Nu-huh.. Everything "right" is "Far-right"
The left likes to call anything that doesn’t agree with them far something. They also like to put people in buckets. The left has gone so far left that what used to be in the center is now considered far right to them.
To someone who is far left, any position right of him/her is considered far right.
This isn't true..stop strawmanning.
Nah you're confusing right wingers, to them dem (who are right wingers) = far left when in reality they aren't left AT ALL.
It's truth. Hell, Donald Trump isn't even "far right". Buddy voted and supported the Democrats until, what, 2015?
Jai Hind. From Fa lungong to Far right.
@@Drownedinbloodit’s true.
I kinda understood why perhaps over 40 years ago Asians tended to overwhelmingly vote Democrat but by the 90’s that no longer made any logical sense. People who tend to be higher achievers in life voting to have half their money confiscated to fund lazy people , have their businesses strangled with regulations, have their children shut out of elite schools, and voting for criminals to be turned loose on the streets assaulting them really never made any sense. Also a people that stresses (or used to ) strong family units voting for an anti-family , anti-children party was bewildering to me. Plus frankly much of the Democratic voting base dislikes Asians and views them as elitists. Sadly it took watching stories of elderly women being harmed or even killed for people to finally start changing how they vote.
The LA Riots of 1992 took place over 30 years ago. It's the classical Dog, Cat, Mouse Syndrome. But there are twists and turns . . .
*Matthew 10:34-35* “Do NOT suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a *SWORD.* For I have come to turn a man _against_ his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law."
*Luke 14:26* “If anyone comes to me and does not *HATE* their father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters - yes, even their own life - such a person can NOT be my disciple."
Well said my friend. This coming from a MAGA Asian!
More like people who turn conservative become sell outs and look down on people who had similar upbringings.
Sure, Joseph. I guess when you lose your moral compass and dignity, you vote for a criminal. See how that works. None what you stated make sense unless you yourself are filled with hate and lack compassion for others which you layed out. Unless you are clueless, regulations are required, we don't just let any and all medicines reach the market. Their children shut out of elite schools? Clueless again, it has been proven that one doesn't have to attend an elite school to be successful. I'll stop at elite as you are silent on corporate tax breaks and lobbyists, elitist aren't we?
Your grammar and punctuation is killing me. Shows how smart you really are. 🧐
Half of the Vietnamese voters have already been here, but considering people who shift to trump “far right” is ridiculous and strictly a media talking point to diminish their own shortcomings appealing to the people.
Its also an education and business talking point as well.
People: "I love America!"
Response: "You're FAR RIGHT!!!!"
Sad how this is the world we live in.
Agree, I voted Democrat my whole life except this past time I voted Trump. Now I’m ‘Far Right’ but my values haven’t changed.
@@JoyJoy-sc1ov So nothing has changed; you've just been voting right wing your whole life
More like you love America that doesn't love you and you ignore all the wrongs it's done to people like us and side with the people who want to keep doing those wrongs.
BLM is right !????
@@DrownedinbloodDon't go around telling others that America doesn't love them. That is for them to decide. Are you not liberal??
If you go left enough, everything will start to look far right.
Exactly! The left is so far left now they have left their base. The democrats used to stand for the working families and unions, now it is burn the system down.
They always call them “far” right. Nothing extreme about wanting secure borders, ending wars, ending affirmative action, and reducing crime.
Based! 🇹🇼🇺🇸
Lol. Everything there apart from affirmative action (which helps Asians) are left leaning policies too
Didn't expect you would understand affirmative action but ending wars. What as China done to be considered an enemy? By taking it's population out of poverty? Republicans and probably you as well, find no issue with African nations remaining poor but if a non-white ( Yes, you Asians are not white) nation like China develops they are an enemy. Must be a north american virus that non white people come here and are spooked by white people and think as long as they dance to rap and eat Jamaican food, they're good. Your parents were peasants at best, they knew no better but you new generation as just a bunch of cowards. Ever consider why America thought it was safe to drop the atomic bomb in the east, they know and own you. They did Africans bad and still do but we offer some resistance while helping you all. Think about it, or use AI on it.
Which wars did Donald Trump end in his first term? U.S troops were in Afghanistan during his entire four years in office.
Neither party wants to end wars, the military industrial complex has made sure of that.
When Trump called out Harvard and other Ivy leagues for their discriminatory practices in excluding Chinese-Americans (a 40 point deduction for lack of personality), that got me to pay more attention to conservative thinking. Equality shouldn't be about getting everybody to the same level, it's about making sure everyone has equal opportunity and the playing field is fair. Work hard, put in the time, behave - and earn what you deserve.
To be honest, I voted Democrat most of my life. Only because I was influenced by liberal whites, blacks and Hispanics. But, once I voted for the first time for Obama and did my own research. I was like aww Fugk, what did I just do to my country. Been voting against the swamp ever since. Thank you President TRUMP!!!
I consider myself pretty progressive, but even I felt really alienated by the *the left*. When you are at school, everything is framed as a black people VS white people thing, and no one talks about Asians despite 20% of students are Asians. Meanwhile older generation of immigrants look down on the newcomers, some even calling me poor and ugly right in front of my face. I agree it is a pick your poison thing, even I feel the liberals maybe still give me more hopes, it is very frustrating because I also felt both sides disappoint me.
asian americans in general care more about stability / less crime (stemmed from that is economic stability, inflation, immigration, homelessness, etc) and care less about many other things. I somewhat understand, but don't totally agree with the conservative.
I think you're right. I really care less about what's being said than what's being done.
you need to watch Ray Dalio on the big late debt cycle. Huge debt will cause/manifest as internal conflict (if the debt is small, then the conflict is neglectable but we are in huge debt cycle).
@hunglukenguyen ....... just wait for when trump needs a group of people to blame for the troubles and the financial issues in America. You can't think they just want to blame hispanics and other migrants from South America, do you??? lol, Fox News has already tried to plant the seed that the majority of the immigrant caravan coming over these days are military aged Chinese men. That narrative just hasn't caught steam yet. Just wait until inflation continues to skyrocket based on these tariffs that Trump is so adamant to put into place. Which is nothing but a tax on the end user/ consumer. I've already warned you.
Why do black americans hate asians so much? I'm Afro-Canadians born and bred and we don't have that crap here. We get along very well, too well but in America does everything have to be about race?
because white elites trap minorities in certain areas and pit them against each others.
First poor whites against blacks...then European immigrants versus blacks and Asians...Blacks and Latino...then Blacks v Asians.
@AmorFati-n6q...Bro who told you that blk americans hate Asians so much ? There population is bigger then Asians to even much such a blanket statement. But the awnser is no, they dont hate Asians, because peole are very diverse in their experiences and upbringing. What i wil say is some Asians when migrating to the US, saw blk americans as a marginalized group and as you know Asians are very focused on the superficial, status and prestige in image and to many that was associated with whte americans. So many developed a bias against blk americans and some also showed high level of disrespect to them. But its thanks to blk americans many asian immigrants could walk in society with civil rights acts and fighting racism in society for all. But all in all everyone is different and unique personality matters the most not so called ethnic backgrounds.
@ the media was attacking Asians during Covid who attacked Asians during the Roddy king riots blk Americans have never welcomed us Asians and you know that especially us Chinese where we were more neutral unlike the civil rights and stuff
I think Andrew is wrong to say that Asians are for abortion because most Asians are very conservative with a strong sense of responsibility and they have been that way for generations. The whole idea of killing a child to escape the responsibility of have to raise that child is very foreign to them and they have been staunchly against it.
no YOU are wrong. We asians don't really see abortion as a bad or sinful thing, we just don't think much of it.
The religious Asians such as Filipinos may see it that way.
They are 99% Catholic.
But the non religious (and not too religious) Asian countries don’t see it that way.
It’s not killing a “child” as you put it. It’s a bunch of cells inside of a woman’s body. A woman with her own freedom to choose what she wants to do with her body. There are no 9 year old kids in her womb.
Guess which country has one of the highest abortion rates?...Vietnam ....and of course anyone who has actually experienced life around Asia will know that comparatively, Asians are more open to abortion as Asian logic will usually (except the Philippines who were indoctrinated with Catholicism by the west) override the religious arguments against abortion.
@@kenhew4641 if you talk about the new gen asian kids yes they align with new gen westerners in their thinking but if you talk to asians from the older generations it definitely is seen as a bad thing
Forcing a woman who was raped or on a miscarriage doesn't sound like responsibility to me
“Far Right” - love for my country and not wanting it to be overthrown by progressives.
100%. I just want my community to be safe. It’s sad to see small/bug businesses closed down due to crimes. I vote for whoever can speak out what’s going on and go fix it.
The Republicans have been very supportive of Asians for so long, especially with regards to discrimination in education and crime targeting asians. And Democrats have totally taken Asian support for granted. It's time Asians in America realise who their real friends are.
True! So many Indian and Chinese and other Asian groups are hurt by affirmative action in top universities. Republicans have always been against affirmative action because it is discriminatory.
Asians ain't got no friends. Asians hate each other (homeland geopolitics) and even throw each other under the bus.
15ish years ago I read an article that was essentially saying "Isnt it weird Asian Americans arent right wing considering all their values align so closely?" The article interviewed some guys who basically said they felt attracted to the republicans at first but then became democrats because they felt the republicans were the White man party and they felt left out while the dems didnt have that vibe as much. At that time I already knew there would eventually be a shift of Asians going right wing eventually, simply because its a repeating of American history. First it was the WASPs who were old school and protectionist while the Irish were the lefty newcomers. Then people forgot the Irish were that different and American identity was redefined. The Irish shifted to the right, and the new immigrant Germans, Dutch, French, Norwegians, etc. became the lefty newcomers. In the next wave it was the Italians, Jews, Polish and some more Irish who became the new left, with each new wave being absorbed into the dominant American identity. Now American society has adopted the language of "White-passing" people aka "you might not be White but you are close enough". Mestizos, Northeast Asians, and non-Muslim Middle Eastern people like Armenians and Assyrians are all being grouped in while the next big immigration boom is coming from the South Asians who are still seen as foreign and likely are looking for a political party that will cater to that. In 2040 India's population will start shrinking and the next immigration wave will be from sub-Saharan Africa, where women still have 6-7 kids and their population will continue to explode until 2100, at which point Nigeria alone will have a higher population than China. Its all a big repeating pattern.
Reminds me how when you are young you want to be liberal but as you get older and more responsible you move to the right, on average.
Asians moved into the cities where liberals convinced them that they were victims and it's ironic since the democrats were the party of slavery and Jim crow until the 60s and even then they were dragged by some of their leadership and republicans into the modern era.
But democrats have an advantage. No shame and the desire to manipulate emotions and gas light with the best.
Like they convinced people there was a party switch with no evidence.
Please don't label us as right or left. We just have common sense. Left and right are the only choices left for us to choose.
that's exactly the problem with the American democratic system. you only have TWO choices, which is one more choice than the CCP in China. because you only have two choices, they swing to the extremes, left and right with no middle ground for those with common sense and know that not everything and every issue is black and white.
Everything gucchi until the party you voted for turns on you.
At this point which party aren't turns on you?
Apparently, that’s always the case. They always tells you one thing before they get elected, and does another thing once they get elected.
Exactly. They've made their bed. They can go lie in it for all I care!
Some people are late to the party. Democrats BEEN turned on its voters from the jump. Look how long they’ve been using POC votes and they still vote and support them without anything to show for it.
I am more moderate these days. I want the USA to stop sending our money to other countries and focus on our own problems. Crime, drugs, healthcare, our porous borders and stabilizing our $34 trillion dollar debt.
Just don’t overdo global disinterest like we did in the 90s after the Cold War, only to get sucker punched by 9/11.
We already did! It was called Obamacare but voted against it saying it was Socialism
As the FJB said, If you don’t vote for Republican, you ain’t Yellow.”😂
The author is just writing for fellow socialists in the echo chamber. It's hard to take socialists seriously when they lose every online debate vs non-socialists.
That's not what the petit bourgeoisie in Marxism is. It refers to small business owners, which Chinese people have belonged to historically in the past 120 years in America and forms a significant part of their identity and this positioning makes them more likely to align with conservative capitalist class policies
As Asians, we know that we are conservative culturally.
Have we considered the fact that Asian-Americans stayed the same… and the democrats moved left off the cliff?
I’ve been center right all my life. The values just align with me a lot more accurately.
Being a true patriot for the United States is admirable, but it cannot be universally praised, as there are also people in Canada and Australia who raise red flags to show their love for their former homeland. In any case, conservatives are better than liberals who support the media and the Democratic Party, which disrupt the stability of a healthy society.
The term "far right" is a label favored by the media and liberals, and it subconsciously carries the implication of being a racist. As a conservative, I find it to be an uncomfortable label.
You are far right the moment you ask questions, ask people to think about their ideas and voice skepticism. A lot of people are becoming far right nowadays.
We Vietnamese have always been Far Right conservatives and extremely proud of it
Too much agent orange sniffed as a baby? 😂
Vietnamese boat people were far right !!? What are you smoking ?
@@Devilishlybenevolent Not really. And speaking of sniffing, you'll soon be sniffing the sweat off your fellow inmates as all of you losers will be departed back to what you came from.
😂 proudly lost their country to Marxist 🎉 thx 🙏🏽 Uncle Ho ❤
@@Devilishlybenevolent Most of them died long time already please move on
the older i get the more conservative i become
You're right on schedule. Remember your Winston Churchill.....Show me a young person who is a Conservative and I'll show you a person with no heart. Show me an old person who is a Liberal and I'll show you a person with no brains.
The more Twinkie you are .😂
"If you are young and not a socialist, you have no heart. If you are old and not a conservative, you have no brain" - Some smart man.
I've been running an argument with my super conservative brother-in-law (we are both Chinese American thought he's ABC and I am not) for years. But after all the anti-Asian crime and the lip serve about equality from the left while they continue to discriminate in court to higher education to foreign policies, and especially after the Gaza genocide and Ukraine proxy war under the liberal watch, I have to finally give in to a lot of my brother-in-law's point. I'm not going to go line up with the Far Right, but hell if I'm going to stand with these murdering and lying left.
Hit the nail on the head. Thank you for speaking out for us
As the Chinese say...The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.
Asian Canadian here. It’s so crazy how politically fractured and polarized the US is.
It is! And they are blaming the wrong things and people!
Its highly fractured here in Canada too.
@@daklord Yeah....fractured between Toronto and Vancouver and the rest of the country.
@@DanH-u3f At least they have healthcare and not being bankrupted from medical expenses like they do in the US
@@DiamondFlame45 I know. You have right wing nuts like Steven Crowd3er who spent a lot of his youth in Canada saying how great the American system is compared to the disaster that is Canada.
And yet the Minister of Heath in Canada doesn't have to.....Don't want comment deleted.
All I have learned in the past few years is that Asian people need a serious history and politics lesson, for real. Learn about history prior to 1949 please, learn about how Asian Americans before us were treated, and the wars and intentions behind those wars in Asia. FFS, we can't afford this bs anymore where we end up siding with people who want to ultimately get rid of us.
All these retards think "Me light skin, white like me" when these people call us China flu or "jokingly" say herro to us, how pathetic do you have to be to see these conservatives and go "oh yeah I'll just ignore it cause I'm one of the good ones!"
This isn't an us versus them. Also, things change. Republicans fought against slavery. Democrats were pro slavery at one point in history. You should have known that if you learnt your history.
Yeah. Democrat Roosevelt locked up Japanese Americans.
Democrats oar the party of the K KK.
Nothing has changed.
It was Biden and former Gov Jerry Brown both Democrats who didn’t want the Vietnamese refugees.
It was conservatives Christian Republicans who sponsored Vietnamese/South East Asian refugees.
My parents, brother, sister, uncles, aunts, cousins are all Republicans.
"Merit based" means something is awarded or determined based on an individual's achievements, skills, or abilities, essentially meaning that someone receives recognition or reward based on their merit or worth. The best person for the job.
If you have a history of apartheid... it's not that black or white as its a way to redress or atone for past wrongs... it's nuanced like most things
There are quite a few Chinese American gun groups on FB that share some ideas in conversations that may seem to be "far right." However, just because you share some of the similar ideals as those in the "far right", i.e. clean sky, clean water, securing the borders, etc, that doesn't make you an instant "far right." Though, as more Chinese American come up on the social ladder, they too don't want to see their taxes get squandered while seeing other ethnic groups constantly abuse the system for their maximum gains while contributing nothing back to society as a whole. Especially when you see the increase in gain violence from groups from around the world as well as various "gypsies" type groups from South America and Eastern European, they (Chinese Americans) are starting to see the same issues and experience the same problems as those of the upper middle class that want to protect their wealth and assets.
Yo let's get real here Asian people abuse the system as much or more than anybody else They create companies and then dissolve them every year so they don't have to pay taxes. They flow everything through the company, bank accounts open by relatives who don't live in the USA, so they can collect Medicaid, food stamps, and other social services by keeping their cash income unreported. I'm not beating up on "the community" but I know "the community" and I know what they do. Anybody that's in "the community" in urban areas knows when they are inside the community the tricks that they use to squeeze as much out of the system as they can They pay nothing if they can get away with it. If you have a regular W2 job, your income is monitored and you have no choice. But don't start with that BS about "other minorities" doing these things when Asians do it as much or even more so. The same thing goes for Hasidic Jews too. They have been caught committing massive fraud. They even have their own town where they can manipulate public records.
Far right? Don't You mean chinese with common sense? FYI, Woke is out, yall best adapt.
It’s crazy how Asians get told what to do and what to feel in the united states of Amerikkka land of the “free”
Asian Americans have the highest median income and net worth in the USA. Maybe you should listen and learn from Asian Americans. 👍💪
Why is it right wing to want safe community and not have the government get in your business? 🤷♂️
Just because people support trump and vote conservative, it doesn’t mean they are far right.
Keep telling yourself that. U claim to be bright go read American history from 1964 to 1970, you might learn something.
Everything is far right to someone on the left
@@waynestrainerwho are you talking to?
@@waynestrainer civil rights movement, not all Dixiecrats from the south switched to republican nor did all the republicans switch to democrat. Some of that shit was not needed especially lgbt crap.
I moved from a far left deep blue state to a middle America swing state with red state tendencies. Never regret it, life is so much better.
Same! Won’t ever turn back
I would live in any red state better then living in New York.
@ hell the OP is trying to move out of the US.
There were a lot of populists that voted red. It’s not just conservatives and far right. There is also a libertarian strain too. We may only have two parties but each party is made up of a several different ideologies that doesn’t always agree.
If you invest in improving the lives of people, there will be lesser crimes. You dropped millions of dollars worth of booms in the mountain region of Afghanistan while your children are going hungry at school. I had to rely on school lunches to get by when I immigrated to Canada in the 80s. If you dropped a fewer booms, you can feed more people, kill less people, cause less havoc, produce less migrants… the benefits goes on and on. The American government continues to make military its first priority over everything else. 😢
Yes, I agree. Too much budget on the military, too little on education and health sectors. I once spoke to 2 Spanish backpackers, both college graduates. They didn't like the USA because it considers itself as the "police of the world".
But but but profits for the Military industrial complex!!! What about them??
@@itsover9008 This is way the establishment hates Trump, cause he is anti war, the only president that didn't start a war and ended wars. Fact is both the traditional democrats/republicans are a part of the warmongering industrial military complex. This is why the Lagacy Republicans hate Trump.
As a so-called white person, I think Asians are great for America. And I think the vast majority of Americans agree. Don't live in the past. Trump has several Americans of Indian origin in high places. The Chinese Americans need to jump into politics, as the Jews did long ago, and the Indians have more recently.
Like kendrid said to white comedians, Asians need to say to random white people in Asian space
Of course, you get your cheap Asian women with minimal standard since the black men are taking your women. Stop it!
The Fung Bros are basically liberals. They consider conservative Chinese as Far Right. Not, I'm not far right but I am conservative.
Sorry the Fung Bros are not Far left
@@hsuehhs1that’s why he said liberals
@@hsuehhs1liberal means center left
@@OatmealGrillBlazer no, liberal is woke. Like the Taiwan DPP, very woke. In Asia, the majority of political parties are socially conservative, but economically socialist. Be it from Japan, Singapore, or China. They are all very similar when it comes to social issues and economics, except for Taiwan DPP.
@@UeharaKeitaro上原恵太郎 It is, liberalism is a center left ideology that advocates for equal rights and expressing individual liberties, also I have noticed people always used the word wok without explaining what does it mean, They just use it as a buzzword to describe something they don't like on the internet.
That's crazy I live in Seattle I've never heard of that. I used to live over by that Costco and it's actually a pretty nice neighborhood and it's a business district so there's not a lot of traffic of humans there so I have no idea what happened in that situation but RIP to that woman, I'm pretty sure she didn't deserve it.
It's Black on Asian crime so it will be get shadow banned in the news cycle..
Damn. It was all over the news. I dunno how you missed it. You heard about the pregnant Korean woman who was shot in the head while sitting in her Tesla though right?
I voted Biden in 2020. I am a single Asian male in Seattle. I couldn't vote for Harris under any circumstance. I may not like Trump but my wallet loves him. I voted with my wallet and so far I am up a bit since I own shares of TSLA. No regrets yet.
Amen bro
I spent my whole life in Seattle. Moved to TX. It’s crazy how different they are. No more druggies and tent cities. I don’t miss 3rd Ave at all. I heard Chinatown got worse though
I hope to see more Chinese-Americans run for offices all across the land and for all offices. We have greater economic leverage than other groups but we lack political agency. Running for offices is one area where we can help ourselves. Other areas to exert and employ our economic advantages big time are political organizations, thinktanks, academic institutions, entertainment industries, and mass media outlets. If we Chinese-Americans don't stick up for ourselves, those people will step on us forever.
Everyone wants to stop crime. That's not a left or right issue. The issue is HOW we stop crime. The how is a left and right issue. According to FBI data, crime did drop. The right use basic fear to get your vote. If you can show data of increasing crime in your area, and what type, then maybe you can show policies not working. Then I could see flipping sides. But as you side, they FELT crime is rising. Asian grandma killed = asian fear-mongering and community voted with their feelings; right wing. And as far as I could tell, the right has no idea how to stop crime; but with more violence & guns. Nevermind their right wing policies are not going to lower prices but make it worse. More people in hard time, makes more crime, justify police violence for "your protection".
I agree with most left wing policies like making the justice system more equitable, but the alternative infrastructure needs to be in place for that to happen. For example, we can't be all about homeless rights without having available shelters and functional pipeline for people to move through. We can't be about lowering drug sentences and treating it like a mental health issue when most addicts can't actually afford detox, and there aren't enough spots open for the ones that can. We can't be about switching everyone over to public transportation if the bus schedule is inconsistent and doesn't get people where they want to go. We can't be about defunding the police without the social services system in place to solve community issues. All of these left wing policies are correct in theory, but the Democratic party always puts the cart before the horse, because they can't get the funding and bills through to do the real work.
What we need to do is to for example bite the bullet and create the alternative system AND fund the police at the same time. Get the proven results that police are less effective in certain situations before defunding them. We need to create social and recreational activities in working class neighborhoods, put more money into their public schools. But no, it's much easier just to get some college admissions officers to lower standards for certain people through affirmative action -- which solves absolutely none of the real problem.
Yep crime has dropped everywhere around the world, but the media/these right wing retards keep looping the same 10 stories and propagating people to pearl clutch. It's both sad and pathetic how many morons fall for it.
@jonathanchang1574 Have you asked yourself why blue can't get funds and bills through? Maybe red opposing any welfare might be the problem. When Dems. wanted to hire more social workers Repubs. wanted proof of necessity. When explained it was for the criminals, then Repubs. don't see a need to build infrastructure if they're already in jail. It's as if the reds cannot see the whole picture of social progress, or worse, wants to prevent it from happening. The reds prevent blue from doing a two prone attack against the social injustice. So when blue proves the cart, red tells society that there's no horse, society votes red and the back & forth continues.
You’re a low information voter. This is why Democrats get your vote. Google “Stealth Edit: FBI Quietly Revises Violent Crime Stats” and see what the real numbers are
Man, I'm born/raised/live in Seattle. I'm so sorry to hear about that grandmother being killed at that Costco. That's near the mall, so I'm surprised to hear of this happening in that area; I don't recall hearing a thing about it. Tukwila is not a safe city, but that's more up in the highlands near Pacific Highway S. My heart goes out to her family and friends. RIP!
I get tired of people using extreme terms to describe people's political affiliation without a specific point that would even suggest that. Far right is extreme. I agree that most would be considered center/right.
I think you fail to understand what True Conservativism is much less Christian Conservativism. If you did, you would not talk and think the way you do. Having said that you are making a very rational thought regarding crime from a secular point of view.
The notion that America is pretty left leaning is LAUGHABLE. I’m sorry!!
We dont even have universal health care or paid parental leave lol
Well they control the media narrative.
It is read a book America was founded as really left wing
@@DiamondFlame45that doesn’t make you left wing you people don’t know where left wing came from do you
@@The_king567 are you gaslighting? Because universal healthcare and paid parental leave is a left wing policy. The democrats in the US don’t support it. The Republicans definitely don’t. Even the conservatives in the EU support universal healthcare and parental leave, that’s had far right the US is
Liineralism without the downside?! Are you completely insane? Everything you described was downside!
If being about the nuclear family is"far right", so be it. I'd rather be right then be left.
Conservatives don't care about the nuclear family. They only like using them.
Great timing. You should read an article by Amy Qin in the NY Times dated December 9, 2024, titled "Why Chinese Americans Have Shifted Rightward."
What kind of crime are you talking about? Violent crime, white collar crime, victimless crime, property crime?
It's not that they're shifting right. The majority of Asian people are conservative by default based on their family value. They were kept quiet as silent majority all along because the legacy media had no interest talking about it until now
I voted for Trump but I ain't "Far Right"
Trump is an monster. I like real conservative not a evil who do everything for himself.
I think people are not monolithic, this is a vague political demographic breakdown. Chinese people live all over the world. This is the Chinese-American demographic. Not all Chinese people vote in the United States vote (only a quarter of the public do) and when doing this political polling, not everyone is polled. Your vote is your choice.
you need to watch Ray Dalio on the big late debt cycle. Huge debt will cause/manifest as internal conflict (if the debt is small, then the conflict is neglectable but we are in huge debt cycle).
I don’t think people gave up their values over economics, just luxury concerns.
Why did you only focus on white supremacy in your discussions on social structure? How about the rising issues of black supremacy that are genuinely affecting the Asian elderly folks in the urban parts of America. You don't seem to mention that the entitlement of black power and the privileges of black supremacy is fueling the shift toward the right.
Exactly, they are afraid of being "politically wrong" like many on the Left.
I'm Chinese and I've always been Republican.
Real republican don't like trump!
I love seeing you be more emotional/opinionated, more videos like that!
Being conservative is not same as far right.. bad title for video
I saw somewhere on the election result of the various demographics that voted. For the Asian group, it was split down in the middle. They didn't go further than that like they did with the black demographic showing that 80-92% voted left with the remaining either undecided, voted opposite or say out. With the Asian group, I suspect that more of those that are within the first generation and some second generation being more conservative but being conservative has nothing to do with being radical. For me being conservative just means having the values that made me get to where I am today and far from where I started at. Being here on the west coast for about 40+ years, I can see how the cultural shift and this applies across the board to more of a liberal mindset. Who gets taught those norms and thinking? Usually the second or third generation and they forget the plan guys their parents had gone through to get their family to where they are today only to turn around and look at their parents as if they are ignorant/racist/radical/conservative like they don't understand. Maybe some of these good for nothing children should've been ship back and let them fend for themselves because clearly they can't seem to comprehend. Of all the countries on earth, the United States is the only country to provide so much assistance and opportunities for those that want it to make a name for themselves. It might not be overnight, it might not be in 10 years but it has shown across the Asian community overall that these efforts do have results. Whether those values are carried over is another topic.
Would love to see the Fung Bros do a Zoom call and get back to old discussion format.
As an Asian I am so happy Trump won. Meritocracy matters more than DEI.
and what is merit based upon? Test scores? GPA?
Brother, look at Trumps cabinet picks...that looks like meritocracy to you? are you ok?
@@Drownedinblood That's my favorite part of all this...people who think that elite and rich care about them.
@@Drownedinbloodmore meritorious than Biden put people in. Example Kamula
Asian Americans are here talking about college admission system. Don't change the topic.
They needed to vote out any politician that supported bail reform
Because the woke lot have jumped the shark straight out of reality, hard to align with that and be sentient
Imagine supporting the guy who started hate crimes against your people. The self hate is real 😢
DeAndre, Devonte, Trevon, LeBron be laughin at guys like you.
Who started hate crimes against who?
@@johnnywang206 Trump and the Republicans incited hate crimes against Chinese-Americans with their covid rhetoric in 2020? Have you already forgotten?
@johnnywang206 Trump and the Republicans incited hate crimes against Chinese-Americans with their Covid rhetoric in 2020? Have you already forgotten or don't you care?
@@johnnywang206 this poster is just trying to gaslight
All i can say look up YG song called "meet the flockers". You will get your answer why some asians are going so called "far right"
America is “God” blessed. I think this mentality can explain why America is the way it is.
I am a Canadian born Korean and I love your channel.
I was told a lot of my forebears from Guangxi went to America to build the railroads. My grandparents came to South East Asia instead. That's the reason why I loved the movie "The Big Lebowski" so much. The shout out to my forebears at the bowling alley scene.
There is no law about honking in Thailand, we just don’t want to create noise pollution unnecessarily.
The Chinese American is the second largest Asian group after the Indian American. They were the largest before 2022.
Democrats aren't left wing. The party has it's social democrat and socialist wings, but it doesn't mean the party is a left wing party.
I think the democrats could easily sweep the elections if they had a proper charismatic candidate who campaigned with populist working class rhetoric. But the donor elites don't like this, so candidates like Bernie get shunned by the party.
Well said!
Biden made it left wing. Obama didn't.
@@DanH-u3f How is Biden even left wing? He supported a genocide in Gaza, he struck down federal dock workers from striking, and he didn’t push for paid parental leave and a federal $15 minimum wage
@@DanH-u3f lol Biden is centrist as they come.
I would choose Bernie over any of these crap candidates that the Democratic Party keep forcing upon us.
White (Centrist) Democrat here ! I fully agree with your analysis
Not all Asians are conservative. I’m a leftist who is very pro-worker. I am family oriented though.
Thinking about the history, the original China lobby was right wing, KMT Vs CCP. Mainland Vs Taiwan n HK. HK got swallowed up and KMT minders in the USA have been mostly replaced by CCP minders. Given all that, it's going to be complicated. The progressive movements in the Ctowns of the 60's and 70's that aligned with other left and progressive minorities were always on the edges of their generation and group politics. In the Orwellian politics of today where China is now where the KMT was in 1970, HK is "gone" and Taiwan is totally different, you really have to weave and dodge to follow all the changes during the past 60 years alone. So of course, the immigrants of today and the generations of today go back and forth. We are in a transition period now. Everyone's contradictions are showing. This is a complex subject.
im not sure I understand. people were pro kmt and now pro ccp? and now ccp is kmt?
@@Willxdiana Unificationist vs people now seeing themselves as Taiwanese not Chinese.
Yup just about. It's complicated to explain if you don't know the Chinese communities history in the past 70 odd years in a comment and not hog the space . Look up "the China lobby " in post WW2 USA. I've been involved with the community and the progressive politics scene with 3rd world people for decades. What my man is talking about today is Real in so many ways. The ironic thing is the right has infiltrated people we ALl thought were on "our side" and lack of love for the people and communities needs to improve.
“Far right” is new word for normal.
I am a 韩国华侨(Chinese-Korean), and I am pretty much center right. I didn't support chump, nor did I vote for him. As for China, I am pro-China, and for the issue of immigration I think they need to have a comprehensive immigration policy. If people are needed in various industries, they should be allowed in, and be given a path to getting a green card and citizenship.
When it comes to maintaining law and order, I am for that 100%.
Hello fellow 화교 nice to see another one
I feel so scared, veulnerable and angry for Asians and other targeted people in the US. You say, in US, people have human rights and you can have your voice and protest for injustice. But nothing is happening or being heard. Americans are just being owned unfortunately.
I don't know what "far-right" means anymore. These days, the meaning of "words" have been changing. But calling asian far right maybe a far reach. I'm more conservative than anything ie democrats or republicans. I like logic and facts. If you feel I'm far right I couldn't give two shit. I voted for Trump so I'm definitely far right in your views. Welp there you go deal with it.
The article discussed by the host in this clip reminds me of a freely accessible book authored by Catherine Liu criticising the Professional Managerial Class (PMC) abandoning the labour class and aligning themselves with the capitalist and thereby increasing the quality of life gap between and top and bottom economic strata, and that the Democratic Party is dominated by the PMC. Coinciding with such social cultural narratives is the ascendency of the DE&I movement embraced by the Democrats. One wonders whether there is something there that led to the perceived move of the Chinese community (with a high proportion of PMC?) relatively to the Right?
They are mostly centrist, the woke Democrats moved far left.
What? How are the "woke" left wing whatsoever?
As a Vietnamese person born in America, our olders didn't just swallow the red pill, but are bathing in the MAGA Kool-Aid 😂
It would be great to see you on MSNBC as an analyst in the future or any mainstream platform on TV so you can inspire other young Asians to get involved in politics that don’t care enough currently…Your opinions are very relatable and I can see you are passionate about what you do. Rooting for you and your show!
Independent media would be good too. I'd like to see him on MeidasTouch or Brian Tyler Cohen in discussing these issues.
You actually believe MSNBC would welcome him. This is the same network that did everything they could to silence Andrew Yang.
Everybody knows he was a far better candidate than Kamala for the Democrat side and yet look what happened.
MSNB C silenced Andrew Yang.
Not sure why this channel always censors comments.
Nah they’re just louder. Always been there. The apparent shift right is part of a general trend against incumbency.
I am so so soo PROUD of Us ASIAN AMERICANS!! Every country as establish theirs and we are Proud people. Haha I just subscribe for this video👍🏽
What do you mean by identity politics?
Thailand DID NOT FULLY legalize weed.
Now you need a video about the FAR LEFT to balance out your commentary. 😆
The only conservative Asians I know are my parents and some of their siblings...all old people. I live in a high concentration of white conservatives, so I don't really see what other Asian Americans are like politically. Thanks for sharing what's out there.
The dark side of the force is a pathway to many things.
petit bourgeois are small merchants, owners of small business
the author sounds like he’ll fit right in with the wumao and little pinks.
Regarding crime he is so right ✅️ 😫 😩 there's so much crime in the US and things like mass shootings are a thing which is even worse 😢so I understand why people are fed up