10 Haunted Dolls Caught On Tape

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 30 тис.

  • @Someone-xy4bc
    @Someone-xy4bc 5 років тому +3250

    That first doll really looked pissed off, can't even blame him since he got his ass dragged into a talkshow just to get called unnattractive.

    • @frixling2871
      @frixling2871 4 роки тому +85

      Edward Johnson that’s the 2nd one

    • @ecksitz
      @ecksitz 4 роки тому +15

      Hello 9th

    • @Sayyestoheaven31
      @Sayyestoheaven31 4 роки тому +13

      Lmao I so agree better check under my bed tonight that green jacket and piercing look!!!!!!!!😳😬

    • @-hemloyeno9119
      @-hemloyeno9119 4 роки тому +7

      Hehehehehe im kinda sad these dolls if they are real they just do something and immediately get scared of,thrown away,get shown

    • @nezuxiiko1021
      @nezuxiiko1021 4 роки тому +6

      Yes and at the last one I didn’t have heart conditions but still felt this very weird sensation around me feeling like ghosts where speaking to eachover next to mw

  • @drooksrat1739
    @drooksrat1739 7 років тому +13497

    if all moving dolls are scary then toy story is probably a horror movie

    • @Cal_8_5
      @Cal_8_5 7 років тому +48

      Dr Drooky

    • @bennybouken
      @bennybouken 7 років тому +48

      Dr Drooky lol

    • @kv51m7
      @kv51m7 7 років тому +156

      Dr Drooky there is always someone that makes a horrifying situation into a joke lol

    • @sos-ey3bj
      @sos-ey3bj 7 років тому +18


    • @cloroxbleach-mc4rn
      @cloroxbleach-mc4rn 7 років тому +11

      Dr Drooky Lmfao

  • @nilmn6687
    @nilmn6687 6 років тому +7006

    It's not childish when you talk to dolls. The problem starts when they answer you back.

    • @americangirllovepuggymnast346
      @americangirllovepuggymnast346 6 років тому +24

      Nil Mn yeah im gonna say ya because in th emovoe annabelle danas freind gos up stairs and sees the doll next to ths window and danas creind replies and says why are next tk the window watching lue and the doll trspondes thats very creepy and freaking scary i agree

    • @zeeshanhussain2026
      @zeeshanhussain2026 6 років тому +20

      I fully agree

    • @AltynGuy
      @AltynGuy 6 років тому +5


    • @gulnaseem2314
      @gulnaseem2314 5 років тому +6


      @lCANTBREATHE 5 років тому +4


  • @FernandoMacaco
    @FernandoMacaco 5 років тому +2214

    Woman: He's not too atractive
    Doll: So you have chosen *DEATH*

  • @saud2
    @saud2 5 років тому +4709

    Doll: * exists *
    Demon: "it's free real estate”

  • @nathalie7704
    @nathalie7704 5 років тому +4265

    Plot twist: The dolls in this video are paid actors

  • @josephstalin5428
    @josephstalin5428 5 років тому +2659

    Doll: *looks exactly like me*
    Reporter: oh... He is not very attractive

    • @sasha._.4471
      @sasha._.4471 5 років тому +58

      Joseph Stalin chill out Stalin you got an army to hurt that reporter, stay strong 💪🏻

    • @SwaggyDuck-
      @SwaggyDuck- 5 років тому +9

      Ameen Nafti bruh

    • @iza908
      @iza908 5 років тому +9

      Love that lmaoo

    • @testedalexthegreat1759
      @testedalexthegreat1759 5 років тому +2

      Starve her.

    • @angryboi595
      @angryboi595 4 роки тому +7


  • @sydneymiller5103
    @sydneymiller5103 3 роки тому +1371

    I do not claim ANY negative energy in this video‼️✝️🙏

  • @geraldinepaulinepoland8998
    @geraldinepaulinepoland8998 5 років тому +6209

    Wish me luck people I’m going full screen

    • @rosejohnson6279
      @rosejohnson6279 5 років тому +335

      Legend has it Gerlaldine Pauline Poland was never seen ever again, friends and family are organizing a funeral soon.

    • @reimiguel5438
      @reimiguel5438 5 років тому +103

      Rip i watched it full screen aswell

    • @jimbo1226
      @jimbo1226 5 років тому +135

      I love your bravery, I'm too much of a bitch to do it

    • @gabrielobregon7651
      @gabrielobregon7651 5 років тому +44

      Wish you luck commander

    • @wardellbowman6404
      @wardellbowman6404 5 років тому +9

      Geraldine Pauline Poland 👌

  • @mrsqueaker751
    @mrsqueaker751 6 років тому +146

    “He’s not that attractive.”
    I was ready for the doll to charge out and attack her. Edit: holy guacamole thanks for the likes! Also thank you for liking my comment to dude your channel is awesome and it gets to the point and you don’t just do top tens! This channel is everything I wanted!

    • @Bree_999
      @Bree_999 6 років тому +3

      Mr Squeaker honestly same. Or maybe just like turn his head towards her

  • @wolfiedog8331
    @wolfiedog8331 7 років тому +671

    Why do I do this to myself

  • @ChubbsRN
    @ChubbsRN 5 років тому +368

    Rofl I love how the doll with the changing faces slowly progressed into having a stroke

    • @julito2309
      @julito2309 4 роки тому +3


    • @jaydenim7272
      @jaydenim7272 3 роки тому


    • @vengefulwarrior5852
      @vengefulwarrior5852 3 роки тому +4

      I'm pretty certain that is Annabelle to the left of that doll.

    • @KingNexusMOCs
      @KingNexusMOCs 3 роки тому +3

      @@vengefulwarrior5852 Annabelle is at Ed and Lorraine Warren's Horror Museum. That's not Annabelle.

    • @1eah
      @1eah 3 роки тому +2

      @@KingNexusMOCs have u heard that the museum got destroyed? i think the doll is with their son now too which is so crazy, i've always wanted to visit the museum and now i can't :(

  • @lindstaa
    @lindstaa 7 років тому +1624

    "perhaps a gift from someone who hates her"

    • @usoppfangirl8153
      @usoppfangirl8153 7 років тому +13


    • @supremegoat24
      @supremegoat24 7 років тому +7

      lindsta ann little black squash balls

    • @freelikeyve
      @freelikeyve 7 років тому +2

      lindsta ann 😂😂😂😂

    • @Mr-ps2rh
      @Mr-ps2rh 7 років тому +1

      lindsta ann wasn't that one a prank their family did on her

    • @yashthakur3412
      @yashthakur3412 7 років тому

      lindsta ann

  • @spongebob5325
    @spongebob5325 6 років тому +1633

    Back me up im going fullscreen

  • @Gkowi
    @Gkowi 7 років тому +812

    I heard voices on the last one but it wasnt anything you explained. It was quite faint but I'm sure i heard, "ravioli, ravioli, give me the formuoli."

  • @vincentzombi3916
    @vincentzombi3916 5 років тому +423

    I believe that girls reaction to the dolls head turning is genuine! I literally had chills when I saw it

    • @damoallen7216
      @damoallen7216 4 роки тому +10


    • @vincentzombi3916
      @vincentzombi3916 4 роки тому +1

      Damo Allen 🤘🏻🤘🏻death till death

    • @bonsoir5170
      @bonsoir5170 4 роки тому +43

      Could've been a prank tho, someone using strings to freak her out

    • @Bdrawm
      @Bdrawm 4 роки тому +7

      i would shit myself

    • @Haidar536
      @Haidar536 4 роки тому +5

      @@bonsoir5170 definitely all are fake

  • @koala9359
    @koala9359 5 років тому +1595

    Dolls: Exist
    Demon: I’m about to start this mans whole career

  • @snafu3016
    @snafu3016 7 років тому +3502

    *watches the video during the day* "Come at me ghosts!!!!"
    *watches the video during the night* "please dont hurt me ghosts"

    • @CRegensche1n
      @CRegensche1n 7 років тому +30

      lIlIlIlIlI lIlIlIlIlI bruh i am german and then there is a possessed holocaust doll that’s scary

    • @af.9267
      @af.9267 7 років тому +46

      I watch these all the time but not at night I feel like some one is watching me

    • @yourloveisnthere__7806
      @yourloveisnthere__7806 7 років тому +16

      That's just like me

    • @adbyt3212
      @adbyt3212 7 років тому +1


    • @supremerex3731
      @supremerex3731 7 років тому +19


  • @sushantpanwar1875
    @sushantpanwar1875 7 років тому +284

    Step 1-Rip it apart
    Step 2-Take the peices to different places far away
    Step 3-Melt it with acid or Simply *BURN IT!*

    • @xyon9090
      @xyon9090 7 років тому +14

      *Sushant Panwar,* yeah I wonder why they don't do that.

    • @giogava7479
      @giogava7479 7 років тому +18

      Dean Natuno cuz in the movies they always come back

    • @obitosdoritos2937
      @obitosdoritos2937 7 років тому +1

      Sushant Panwar ay kaneki

    • @like-icecream
      @like-icecream 7 років тому +14

      Step 4 - Come back home and it's wAITING FOR YOU AT THE SAME PLACE !!!!!

    • @carltrellroberts9285
      @carltrellroberts9285 7 років тому +11

      You'd only be destroying the vessel, sometimes it's better to keep the Jeanie inside the bottle. Lol

  • @chirilaioana4937
    @chirilaioana4937 3 роки тому +96

    watching this at 2 am isn't a good idea.
    update: it wasn't a good idea, can't sleep anymore

  • @qariahwilliams1855
    @qariahwilliams1855 8 років тому +633

    Who else is looking at the comments while watching the video

  • @gamergaming00
    @gamergaming00 7 років тому +1292

    Lady: He's... not too attractive...
    Doll: Bitch, what?

  • @ronneyrocksray1586
    @ronneyrocksray1586 5 років тому +625

    I died 😂

  • @mightymaxglitches1548
    @mightymaxglitches1548 4 роки тому +96

    Its like I want a creepy doll collection, because it would constantly put me on edge and it would be a thrill, but at the same time, I don't wanna be murdered.

    • @AltonTRU
      @AltonTRU 3 роки тому +3

      I do but I don't want to be murdered by a doll I want to murder myself

    • @awakefortwoweeks4770
      @awakefortwoweeks4770 2 роки тому

      by who?

    • @kourt3976
      @kourt3976 2 роки тому +2

      @@awakefortwoweeks4770 the dolls bro

    • @awakefortwoweeks4770
      @awakefortwoweeks4770 2 роки тому +1

      @@kourt3976 damn

    • @PS2Damon
      @PS2Damon Рік тому

      you're not going to get murdered by some vinyl fabric and plastic covered in paint

  • @angela6025
    @angela6025 6 років тому +1886

    My haunted doll story:
    When I was younger I used to have a doll. I got the doll from a yard sale and once I saw it I immediately fell in love with it. When my dad told me it was ok to get it I went up to the lady to pay for the doll she got really nervous and started sweating all of the sudden. It was kind of windy out and she had on short sleeves and shorts on, but it was summer, so it could of have been that she was hot. I asked her how much for the doll and she told me to just take it. I was really excited and happy that the doll was free. I played with that doll everyday and took it everywhere with me. After a couple of days that I had that doll I started having breathing problems. My mom was scared, so she took me to the doctors office and they told me I had asthma. Even though I had asthma I took that doll with me everywhere. I loved that doll until one day I was asleep with the doll next to me and the next morning when I woke up it was on the floor. The doll wasn’t a mechanical doll and didn’t use any batteries. I was creeped out once I found it on the floor. For the day I just put it on my bed. Once night time came around I went in my room and it was still on the bed. I thought I just accidentally pushed it off the bed last night, so when I was going to go to sleep I put it on my bedside table. The next morning when I woke up the doll was on the bed next to me. I freaked out and told my friends and family. One of my older brother’s friend said that it was normal and that dolls move at night. That was the only doll I ever had that moved at night. The next night I wanted to see if my brother’s friend was telling the truth or not, so I put my doll in my wardrobe and I close it. I also put a couple Barbie dolls on my beside table. I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t any of my family members that were pranking me, so I locked the door. The next morning the doll was right beside me on the bed sitting up and the barbies where still right where I put them. I was terrified. I grabbed the doll and threw it in the trash can. Once Tuesday came around I watched the garbage men pick up the garbage and I saw them throw the doll away as well. Once I got rid of that doll somehow I didn’t have asthma anymore and I could breathe perfectly fine. To this day I still believe that doll was haunted.

    • @hiyarecemarmut1984
      @hiyarecemarmut1984 6 років тому +68

      Shookieth MSP Omg is this a real story?

    • @thegodfather2007
      @thegodfather2007 6 років тому +128

      All that for 4 likes. Feels bad man.

    • @fokuwot
      @fokuwot 6 років тому +46

      My haunted doll is name obunga

    • @cjgames1415
      @cjgames1415 6 років тому +26

      Angela Creepy oof they should make a movie of that

    • @momangal1543
      @momangal1543 6 років тому +13

      @@fokuwot cow obunga dude

  • @immiinent
    @immiinent 6 років тому +1599

    Who else is watching this video on mobile but minimized their screen 😂

  • @gymnastsforever2432
    @gymnastsforever2432 7 років тому +1446

    I think dolls are just creepy in general.

  • @itsjakerria2927
    @itsjakerria2927 3 роки тому +241

    God protect me for watching this Amen 🙏🏾

  • @arigrace28
    @arigrace28 5 років тому +1251

    But why is the third doll just making emoji faces 😉😁😕

  • @wahidahmed2525
    @wahidahmed2525 6 років тому +725

    My dear daughter, you're not getting a doll ever

    • @aqeedafoundation8278
      @aqeedafoundation8278 6 років тому +2

      Wahid Ahmed 😂

    • @Jescide
      @Jescide 6 років тому

      Tammy Lorraine
      Hell no.

    • @shwethasweety7128
      @shwethasweety7128 6 років тому +7

      Wahid Ahmed daddy plzzzzzzzzz I want doll buy me plzz 😭

    • @wahidahmed2525
      @wahidahmed2525 6 років тому +17

      Shwetha Sweety you want Annabelle or Chucky? ?

    • @shwethasweety7128
      @shwethasweety7128 6 років тому +5

      Wahid Ahmed I hate u daddyyyy 😢 u know that I'll get scare wn i c u but how can u buy me a goast dolls haaa 😠 lol

  • @Onemissstudios
    @Onemissstudios 5 років тому +1134

    I’m too scared to watch on full screen so I’m hiding in the comment section 😰

    • @medinaortiz8547
      @medinaortiz8547 5 років тому +16

      Army bitch !!!! Wuss goooddddd

    • @Q1Rong
      @Q1Rong 5 років тому +12

      Pfft I literally clicked the video put stop and started reading the comment section, so imma watch this in the morning
      Edit:I never actually watched the video 😅

    • @TheTirkus
      @TheTirkus 5 років тому +1

      @@medinaortiz8547 wusss guuddd niegga

    • @medinaortiz8547
      @medinaortiz8547 5 років тому +5

      Army fighting !!! 💜😂 Thats wuss good.

    • @bushraarif6882
      @bushraarif6882 5 років тому +2

      Lol same

  • @liahamilton8931
    @liahamilton8931 4 роки тому +105

    My grandma has doll collection. She keeps them everywhere. Under the beds, mounted on shelves inside cabinets. The room with the most dolls is the room that my sister and i slept in whenever we went to visit. Nothing crazy ever happened that we know of. I sleep walked a couple times which never happened before but thats really it. It was really unsettling to sleep with all those dolls in there staring at you though. Very creepy

  • @zetsu_1881
    @zetsu_1881 8 років тому +5053

    if I saw a doll moving I will do a video of 1000degree knife on emm
    Edit: ok so thank you guys for 5k likes and of course its just a joke that we should have just laugh about it. Stay safe dudes :D.

  • @cypher6928
    @cypher6928 6 років тому +753

    Cover me boys I'm going full screen...

  • @BigMobe
    @BigMobe 8 років тому +364

    This is clearly explained in Toy Story.

  • @antoniomartinez8896
    @antoniomartinez8896 4 роки тому +72

    Why on earth would anyone have a creepy collection of dolls 😬

    • @Bean_Pablo
      @Bean_Pablo 2 роки тому +1

      It's the griegos wey you ain't never seen a Latino Asian or Black families with dolls

    • @vivelenapoleon1927
      @vivelenapoleon1927 Рік тому

      I hope that after a year ago you learned its gringos

  • @axe092
    @axe092 5 років тому +847

    I died with pain in chest while watching the last video.
    Now I am a ghost, met Satan, and suggested him to watch it.
    Satan's dead now.

  • @sixtyninety
    @sixtyninety 8 років тому +783

    when I watched the last video my chest hurt and I started thinking "oh god no I don't wanna see satan" but then I burped and felt better

  • @issabirdissaplane5550
    @issabirdissaplane5550 8 років тому +737

    Who came to the comments to hide like me 😂

  • @jomama527
    @jomama527 3 роки тому +701

    May god protect everyone who watched this video ✝️✝️✝️✝️

  • @osamaherb
    @osamaherb 5 років тому +464

    Not a single soul:
    UA-cam recommendation at 3:00 am: hunted dolls

    • @goodputin4324
      @goodputin4324 5 років тому +12

      Haunted you fucking idiot, not hunted

    • @link.2487
      @link.2487 5 років тому +26

      @@goodputin4324 everyone makes mistakes you fucking idiot

    • @clock9142
      @clock9142 4 роки тому

      @Person why we are idiot, if we dont know how to ABC so we are idiot right?

    • @monamuller8969
      @monamuller8969 4 роки тому +1

      It´s 2:15 am for me. 😁

  • @UncleBort
    @UncleBort 5 років тому +276

    "How spooky have you found having posession of this doll."
    "Very spooky."

    • @cracklingrosiemakemesmile8973
      @cracklingrosiemakemesmile8973 5 років тому +6

      Incredibly articulate folks.

    • @cdulez
      @cdulez 4 роки тому +4

      “People being afraid”

    • @rosemarywage9917
      @rosemarywage9917 3 роки тому +3

      @@cdulez I’m not afraid 😱 of Letta the gypsy doll cause I have a friend for him. My haunted Mirodoll: an irksome grayish version of Luke doll, he’s 68cm tall with these two dolls they would make perfect 👌 playmates.

  • @regarded-raccoon
    @regarded-raccoon 8 років тому +272

    Proof of Toy Story?

  • @Obamide.
    @Obamide. 4 роки тому +478

    Hello! Welcome to the comments section we have:
    tea 🍵
    holy water🍶
    a robot that will keep spirits away!🤖🖕👻
    all are free
    edit: Oh shit didn't realize that I got this comment so popular but i might expand the shop if I get 500 likes! 😉

    • @sakariahzar2408
      @sakariahzar2408 4 роки тому +9

      Holy Water with sum tea

    • @anisaunknown
      @anisaunknown 4 роки тому +9

      Oh u have tae kookies and hobi water only sum understand idk if u do tho lol

    • @marcusente3384
      @marcusente3384 4 роки тому +6

      Devil: oh ill have- wait a minute

    • @PrettyWitchyDoremichi
      @PrettyWitchyDoremichi 4 роки тому +1

      lemme have one of each option please

    • @gameman3763
      @gameman3763 4 роки тому

      I need pasta nad frech fries

  • @chipperwilliams7854
    @chipperwilliams7854 8 років тому +505

    They should put all these 10 dolls in one room and see what happens.

  • @maxstrikes9891
    @maxstrikes9891 5 років тому +273

    Me: Finally at the last doll
    6:55 This part is dangerous, watch at your own risk
    Me: I'll just go...

    • @codecutner4902
      @codecutner4902 5 років тому +27

      bruh I literally paused the video😂

    • @PinksMagenta
      @PinksMagenta 5 років тому +29

      I’m paused on it right now. I have bad anxiety I don’t know how I even found this video. Something’s telling me to watch it though 😭😭😭

    • @behindmyblueeyes99
      @behindmyblueeyes99 5 років тому +7

      @@PinksMagenta are you still alive?)))

    • @beanbandit444
      @beanbandit444 4 роки тому +14

      I watched but had my volume turned down ;-;

    • @akil4102
      @akil4102 4 роки тому +3

      @@beanbandit444 me too

  • @melanchxlic0
    @melanchxlic0 7 років тому +1179

    I'm pretty sure this isn't paranormal but I once had a scooby doo doll and when you pressed it it would laugh like how scooby does well one night it was in my closet and it went he he he he he he out of no where

    • @hearwho8438
      @hearwho8438 7 років тому +62

      Blast some X and it will shut up

    • @e.g.e409
      @e.g.e409 7 років тому +42

      LMFAO 😂 this one is very creepy

    • @ComaLies225
      @ComaLies225 7 років тому +70

      Could be the battery dying. supposedly common

    • @behzadmastoor1382
      @behzadmastoor1382 7 років тому +43

      Brÿäñ IsC00L 😂😂😂😂 that must have been some hell of a night

    • @z_vizo4594
      @z_vizo4594 7 років тому +9

      Brÿäñ IsC00L mann
      Im laughing 😂

  • @bananamilkie4909
    @bananamilkie4909 4 роки тому +276

    My sister: *Has two American Girl dolls near her door*
    Me with a blowtorch: *time to exterminate.*
    Edit: Yes. Army.

    • @x-cdebaratidutta2522
      @x-cdebaratidutta2522 4 роки тому +4

      Army!!!! 💜

    • @nadafathima69
      @nadafathima69 4 роки тому +2


    • @aespacalling
      @aespacalling 4 роки тому +4


    • @nadafathima69
      @nadafathima69 4 роки тому +2

      @@aespacalling ✌️

    • @clock9142
      @clock9142 4 роки тому +3

      Why is army? I dont know what thats means if i saw korean pfp i know everyone could comment 'Army' but i dont know what that means? Tell me whats that means?.

  • @Reeseyus
    @Reeseyus 7 років тому +299

    Girl: yeah this is my new doll(:
    Doll: what's the wifi password fam
    Girl: *chucks doll* AHHHH!!!

  • @Kelly99844
    @Kelly99844 5 років тому +611

    How tf did I get here, I swear I was just watching animation memes 😭

  • @dan8558
    @dan8558 6 років тому +267

    UA-camr makes video with random doll in the background? Must be legit.

    • @talxaN
      @talxaN 6 років тому

      Koastala ikr. Sits on the right side too

    • @warmecanic
      @warmecanic 6 років тому

      YEan even bought a bench

    • @donteventhinkaboutit4594
      @donteventhinkaboutit4594 6 років тому +1

      Even if it's a boy

    • @petitebaje
      @petitebaje 6 років тому +1

      I think he had it placed there to check if it was haunted, it was a supposedly "haunted" doll he got off the net. (taking this from other haunted dolls videos I've watched)

    • @nanoic2964
      @nanoic2964 6 років тому +1

      The scary thing is that doll wasn't there when he began recording.

  • @danielajahaj1440
    @danielajahaj1440 4 роки тому +182

    In the heavens of god please keep everyone safe from the last video, from having to suffer from chest pain,nausea or crippling headaches. Amen 🙏

    • @aaaaaaaannnnnn
      @aaaaaaaannnnnn 3 роки тому +2


    • @tobyfinney768
      @tobyfinney768 3 роки тому +7

      I’m not even religious but I’ll say Amen to this 😅

    • @Yui714
      @Yui714 3 роки тому +2

      Nope, your protections are countered and null. You're bound to this mortal plane to experience it as it is. Your God has nothing to do with this and he isn't here right now. Good luck going through life as a coward.

    • @n0tk4t
      @n0tk4t 3 роки тому


    • @TTETrapStar
      @TTETrapStar 3 роки тому


  • @volfgang1393
    @volfgang1393 6 років тому +453

    The doll with the facial expression changes looked like a fun loving ghost had possessed it

    • @mcmcribblit9603
      @mcmcribblit9603 6 років тому +21

      it was in full selfie mode

    • @parkermakes5767
      @parkermakes5767 6 років тому +3

      The hell

    • @3458-s3q
      @3458-s3q 6 років тому +15

      Maybe our perception of ghots is wrong, why would they be evil all the time?

    • @JohnDoeRando
      @JohnDoeRando 6 років тому +2

      @@3458-s3q they're not.

    • @angie-iy4by
      @angie-iy4by 6 років тому +14

      She was like yes queen take my picture 💅🏻

  • @ilhamid2913
    @ilhamid2913 6 років тому +382

    Wish me luck, I’m going full screen!

  • @AurezX
    @AurezX 7 років тому +560

    After i saw the last one i had headache. because i had headache before.

  • @yoshiyaki5100
    @yoshiyaki5100 3 роки тому +25

    Lord God, I pray for your protection as I start my day. Amen ✝️

    • @M4g1cp1nec0ne_YT
      @M4g1cp1nec0ne_YT 3 роки тому


  • @hannahfbr
    @hannahfbr 8 років тому +2151

    I heard someone scream.... It was my dad, mom caught him stealing biscuits

  • @taescypherpt5
    @taescypherpt5 6 років тому +817

    "watch at your own risk"
    "Causes 80 viewers to suffer chest pain, nausea, and crippling headaches"
    Me: *starts thinking I have chest pain without even watching the video*

    • @paul7771
      @paul7771 6 років тому +10

      Kloey Sanders XD same

    • @mariarose616
      @mariarose616 6 років тому +7

      Did she knock it with her paper so that it would fall

    • @moonblossomsa
      @moonblossomsa 6 років тому +8

      Stopped me watching 😂

    • @taescypherpt5
      @taescypherpt5 6 років тому +2

      Maria Rose idk maybe🤔🤷🏽‍♀️

    • @mariarose616
      @mariarose616 6 років тому +12

      Kloey Sanders I had a haunted salad for my dinner.. but then I ate it....

  • @eryngiae7142
    @eryngiae7142 7 років тому +539

    *Goes for an interview*
    Boss: So any achievements?
    Me: Guess what?....... I. watched. the. last. one.
    Boss: Holy shit, youre hired

    • @HoogaShaaka
      @HoogaShaaka 7 років тому +5

      The doll just falls over and that was it, what are you talking about?😂😂

    • @mntomorii
      @mntomorii 7 років тому +1


    • @510.junior6
      @510.junior6 7 років тому +7

      Hooga Shaaka its because the youtuber said people have gotten pain watching the last one so he said he would recommend people not watching it

    • @sezjamaelstrom9696
      @sezjamaelstrom9696 7 років тому +1

      I just felt sorry for it.. like an overwhelming feeling of empathy. I wasn't afraid though.

    • @franklinclinton249
      @franklinclinton249 7 років тому +2

      Lolicon Level 999 3:43 That was how my friend acted when I showed her my Little Miss No Name doll.

  • @paigestation8229
    @paigestation8229 4 роки тому +34

    Slappy from Goosebumps is laughing at these amateurs

    • @lwrncjms
      @lwrncjms 3 роки тому +2

      Night of The Living Dummy. Classic

  • @13syt
    @13syt 6 років тому +753

    If I have a daughter when I'm older, you're not having dolls, We have legos instead xD

    • @thaohuongnguyen4476
      @thaohuongnguyen4476 6 років тому +32

      Legos are better and deadlier when you accidently step on it :))

    • @witorious13
      @witorious13 6 років тому +5

      ill never let my dauhgter get a doll man i had a doll at 6 and i put it in my toy box and when i was a sleep and then in the morning it was right in my face i was crying hard

    • @nanoelbatero57
      @nanoelbatero57 6 років тому +8

      What if the legos start building by themselves

    • @ladyflowerspinkbooks.writing
      @ladyflowerspinkbooks.writing 6 років тому +1

      Haunted legos....

    • @pinkysparkledonuts6708
      @pinkysparkledonuts6708 6 років тому +3

      I think legos is better than doll

  • @nikkinixon8417
    @nikkinixon8417 7 років тому +538

    Bruh all you have to do is yell “Andy’s coming” and we’re good

  • @Natalie-mr1ky
    @Natalie-mr1ky 6 років тому +404

    going to the comment section to feel safe

  • @Fluteloops6269
    @Fluteloops6269 4 роки тому +190

    Annabelle after escaping her prison and making an only fans be like: 😌💅

    • @DotX9674
      @DotX9674 3 роки тому +11

      Where's the funny??

    • @robertocamargo4599
      @robertocamargo4599 3 роки тому +12

      You forgot the funny! 😧

    • @rosemarywage9917
      @rosemarywage9917 3 роки тому +1


    • @iwokeuplikethis3589
      @iwokeuplikethis3589 3 роки тому +1

      Thank you

    • @tenusboat
      @tenusboat 3 роки тому +1

      So funny....

    @TWDxKILL3R 6 років тому +313

    The first video is crap.... the doll that moves just happens to be literally the only thing in the room....why would a 25 year old male have an antique doll in his room behind him while doing a UA-cam video???

    • @SwaggyDuck-
      @SwaggyDuck- 6 років тому +1

      TWDxKILL3R I Believe It’s His Sisters Room And He Is Moving. At Least That’s My Strange Prediction.

    • @messyhowling9603
      @messyhowling9603 6 років тому


    • @KilluaZoldyck-wj5cy
      @KilluaZoldyck-wj5cy 6 років тому +8

      He bought that doll on eBay which was claimed to be haunted. So, in that video he was saying that he had the doll for a long time now but nothing has happened. He didn't notice but his viewers did that doll was moving by it's own.

    • @spartacusani
      @spartacusani 5 років тому


    • @TheWorldisQuietHere3
      @TheWorldisQuietHere3 5 років тому +2

      Anime Invader. So a guy buys a haunted doll places it in his video becuase he wants to be able to catch it doing something "haunted" and it just so happens to do that? BS.

  • @JrsBoatRocker
    @JrsBoatRocker 6 років тому +315

    This whole video need Holy Water thrown on it!!!! 😭🙌

    • @gabbygriffin1850
      @gabbygriffin1850 6 років тому +2

      Cammie Nelson It’ll probably just drink it lmao

    • @haleloi3018
      @haleloi3018 6 років тому

      Just P on it

    • @ta1stgernadecat267
      @ta1stgernadecat267 6 років тому

      Cammie Nelson then you just made your thing your watching this vid on HOLY

    • @koooooooookie
      @koooooooookie 6 років тому +1

      Cammie Nelson Ikr. :') Help me

  • @davisnicholas9123
    @davisnicholas9123 6 років тому +523

    To be honest most of this can be easily faked

    • @mickeymantle5008
      @mickeymantle5008 6 років тому +12

      Ur jusy telling yourself that because your scared

    • @ReziahT
      @ReziahT 6 років тому +15

      Most of this happens to pretty much every doll with rubbery hollow limbs... It's basic physics...

    • @32davkav
      @32davkav 6 років тому +43

      Of course it's all faked, dolls are not alive and can not move on their own, how the fuck anyone believes this shit has me stumped, if they can move an arm why don't we see them walking around smoking cigarettes and getting drunk?

    • @djexgirlfriend5169
      @djexgirlfriend5169 6 років тому

      well of course

    • @32davkav
      @32davkav 6 років тому +4

      nasser wiz demons aren't real buddy, get a grip...

  • @mikomappi
    @mikomappi 3 роки тому +6

    Me:scared of dolls
    Also me : watching this video

  • @heru-deshet359
    @heru-deshet359 6 років тому +617

    The lesson here is to get the original G.I. Joe action figure. He''ll protect you and kick these doll's asses.

  • @shin8107
    @shin8107 7 років тому +712

    Don't worry the comments section has blankets and cocoas ☕☕

  • @EEEEEEE36364
    @EEEEEEE36364 5 років тому +778

    What would i do if my doll moved:
    Me: **playing with doll**
    **doll moves her arm alone**
    Me:...**hugs it**im so happy ur alive ;w;

    • @rameez875
      @rameez875 5 років тому +43

      throw it in the grinder

    • @armygotnojams9175
      @armygotnojams9175 5 років тому +62

      Me when I was younger. I litterally tried to electrocute my baby doll so it would come alive lol I was stupid

    • @jennieswifey
      @jennieswifey 5 років тому +6

      I will do the same 😂😂

    • @froladee
      @froladee 5 років тому +8

      @@armygotnojams9175 that's hilarious 🤣 kids' imaginations are amazing!

    • @Raja-mv3ih
      @Raja-mv3ih 5 років тому +6

      @@armygotnojams9175 you weren't stupid, you were possessed. Stare yourself down in the mirror tonight exactly at 3:17 am and your entire life will change forever.

  • @Xyrut
    @Xyrut 2 роки тому +2

    ghost :Oh shoot theres a camera let me just move the doll real quick for that content

  • @redline9979
    @redline9979 5 років тому +67

    FYI: If the “Holocaust Victim possessed doll” really was a Holocaust victim, I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be wearing a Christian cross... 🤦🏼‍♂️

    • @juliette6432
      @juliette6432 3 роки тому +1


    • @craigdavis8377
      @craigdavis8377 3 роки тому +6

      Well that is certainly how you ruin someones whole career. Say your nightly prayers and pray that the Christian Jew doll doesnt get its revenge for exposing it...

    • @awakefortwoweeks4770
      @awakefortwoweeks4770 2 роки тому +1

      @@craigdavis8377 😀🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮

  • @ivandumpy
    @ivandumpy 5 років тому +154

    Me: has huge fear of dolls
    UA-cam recommendations: 10 of the most haunted doll

  • @lanakk6536
    @lanakk6536 5 років тому +278

    I was eating while watching this and my cat decided to jump on me.... yeah... i fell out of my chair

  • @rahulhingve2480
    @rahulhingve2480 5 років тому +4

    Dolls : do nothing except moving arms n eyes....
    Chucky : huh, amateurs....

  • @dontcomeback1385
    @dontcomeback1385 8 років тому +2995

    who else is scrolling thru the comments because they're to scared to watch thd last doll.

    • @FearlessProductionsMSP
      @FearlessProductionsMSP 8 років тому +6

      PlumpyUnicorn me

    • @00_heidi4
      @00_heidi4 8 років тому +1

      PlumpyUnicorn me

    • @00_heidi4
      @00_heidi4 8 років тому +73

      PlumpyUnicorn I was just scared that they said "flashing photos of satan"

    • @РауфГасан-г1ц
      @РауфГасан-г1ц 8 років тому

      PlumpyUnicorn me too

    • @uncorrxpted
      @uncorrxpted 8 років тому +5

      PlumpyUnicorn no i didn i was checking the comment bout the last doll cuz its creep

  • @hartronniya6908
    @hartronniya6908 5 років тому +484

    Get your holy water

  • @hugo3t6
    @hugo3t6 6 років тому +921

    On the first one I'm more bothered that this grown man has a little girls doll on his bed👀

    • @vglycorpse2001
      @vglycorpse2001 6 років тому +5

      Ink Addict I'm crying lmao

    • @YouGetThePicture_08
      @YouGetThePicture_08 6 років тому +1


    • @kandithornton1599
      @kandithornton1599 6 років тому +10

      He is a youtuber that was doing a video on his haunted doll. He bought the doll to see if was really haunted and to try and communicate with it.

    • @Hydraw
      @Hydraw 6 років тому +2

      Ink Addict it was for A test

    • @veronicaconerly9756
      @veronicaconerly9756 6 років тому +2

      He knew it was haunted tho. I think someone gave it to him to see how long he could handle it or something

  • @sydneymiller5103
    @sydneymiller5103 3 роки тому +10

    “Viewers have suffered chest pains after watching it” well then 😀 let’s not watch it 😁

  • @laurenmai4653
    @laurenmai4653 8 років тому +1561

    I see you hiding in the comments 😏

  • @drehasthebestbeats2874
    @drehasthebestbeats2874 8 років тому +682

    *Arrives at the last doll*
    "This doll may cause chest pains"
    Me: "Oh hell no!

  • @roguex9469
    @roguex9469 7 років тому +77

    7:18 It is a psychosomatic effect caused by the brain out of fear. You are being tricked into believing that you are indeed experiencing the phenomena by the doll when it is actually nothing more than a false sense of pain caused by your thoughts. The brain is so complex and intricate, it's no wonder we still don't know everything about it.

  • @b.s2843
    @b.s2843 4 роки тому +7

    POV: we are here from TikTok after searching Annabel escape

  • @dvsh_grn4181
    @dvsh_grn4181 5 років тому +532

    *I won't sleep tonight*
    *Edit: Who didn't put full screen..?*

  • @kirstyrosex1413
    @kirstyrosex1413 5 років тому +216

    The last video
    My breathing is funny
    I feel stressed out
    My ears hurt
    I can see fuzzy lines
    Just like when I get my period

    • @H3C8
      @H3C8 5 років тому +7

      Are you a male or female xd

    • @Xjjhgg3
      @Xjjhgg3 5 років тому +2

      Yur period is running

    • @chumincoomim
      @chumincoomim 5 років тому +9

      @@BryanRodriguez-ml1vd and you sound like a very smart person

    • @Ranaebostin
      @Ranaebostin 5 років тому +3

      Bryan Rodriguez so rude..

    • @ashleydelp5510
      @ashleydelp5510 5 років тому +1

      Makes me sick...

  • @kenwanted6218
    @kenwanted6218 5 років тому +558

    “They say those that watch experience chest pain”
    Me: ight ima head out

    • @edcrfvtgbyhnujmikolpqazwsx
      @edcrfvtgbyhnujmikolpqazwsx 5 років тому +86

      LOL I paused the video and came down to the comment section to see if anyone had a heart attack.

    • @karinamobley9856
      @karinamobley9856 4 роки тому +38

      Lmaoo right lol I STOPPED WATCHING THEN

    • @Ashutoshc777
      @Ashutoshc777 4 роки тому +31

      damn. same here. I was like stooooop it right here right now. rofl.

    • @shayanriaz6588
      @shayanriaz6588 4 роки тому +18

      I also stop there to

    • @acespades9801
      @acespades9801 4 роки тому +14

      I watched it

  • @mookiezworld13
    @mookiezworld13 Рік тому +2

    My mother told me a story when she was little. So my family is catholic . My grandparents had 9 children . My mother said she shared a room with her sister and every night her father would say the rosary with his children. But her sister was the only one who was stubborn to go so she acted as if she was sleeping so they went on about praying saying the rosary and you see her sister running out the room because she seen a her doll moving with red eyes. The way a nutcracker would move in the form of its arms positioned like that. For now on she started to pray hahah true story but now my mom and my aunt are passed away but that’s a story that I remember

  • @tajziezu8820
    @tajziezu8820 6 років тому +336

    I can always count on the comment section of a scary ass video to keep me sane. Lmfao yall funny as hell

  • @systemoverrider4270
    @systemoverrider4270 5 років тому +369

    There's this thing called stop motion...

    • @cloroxbleach3451
      @cloroxbleach3451 5 років тому +11

      Oh shit

    • @siennausalis206
      @siennausalis206 5 років тому +53

      yea. and string lmao

    • @samlore6373
      @samlore6373 4 роки тому +27

      Just string , its impossible to stop motion in live and stop motion without being mannequin or argile

    • @ultra-flamaxus
      @ultra-flamaxus 4 роки тому +4

      If they are doing it, then they are over skilled.

    • @strudel1347
      @strudel1347 4 роки тому +14

      the one with the girl talking wouldve been impossible for stop motion, and one of them specifically had a clock in front of it to disprove claims about stop motion. but yea theres other ways of faking it

  • @pinapple3607
    @pinapple3607 7 років тому +388


  • @matthewdeluna3804
    @matthewdeluna3804 3 роки тому +10

    4:08 he gotta keep an eye out for selener

  • @kittikitticammi
    @kittikitticammi 5 років тому +323

    innocent dolls: *exists*
    Spirit: i’m about to end this mans whole career

    • @dumpydoo5783
      @dumpydoo5783 4 роки тому +1

      Bruh🤣true tho

    • @kl4pp3d_78
      @kl4pp3d_78 3 роки тому +3

      it should have been " i'm about to end this DOLL'S whole career" XD

    • @Yolande-w5r
      @Yolande-w5r 2 роки тому

      Spirits aren't evil, its either demonic "spirits" or either a negative spirit.

  • @kyliegarcia6297
    @kyliegarcia6297 6 років тому +882

    My doll farted after watching this video.

    • @Annie-gu4kx
      @Annie-gu4kx 6 років тому +15


    • @wiseseaweed9033
      @wiseseaweed9033 6 років тому +31

      I dont know if that's....hilarious or creepy._.

    • @arcticfox2390
      @arcticfox2390 6 років тому +1

      Lol hahahahahahhahahhahahaha

    • @Taha-UwU
      @Taha-UwU 6 років тому +21

      Mine made a sandwich for me

    • @gachatiger1655
      @gachatiger1655 6 років тому +1

      Funny... Scary... Funny... But scary

  • @rubie1009
    @rubie1009 6 років тому +610


    • @ElNingyou
      @ElNingyou 6 років тому +7

      Tomorrow, then.

    • @rubie1009
      @rubie1009 6 років тому +6

      elNingyou Yeah tomorrow's good I have a busy schedule

    • @jordansalvador5425
      @jordansalvador5425 6 років тому

      R U B I E I have that shirt

    • @Superlifemania
      @Superlifemania 6 років тому +1

      Yo, that’s hilarious!!!!

    • @jessicagray51
      @jessicagray51 6 років тому

      R U B I E 😂😂😂😂

  • @Itz_JustMe-c4o
    @Itz_JustMe-c4o 3 роки тому +4

    If I was 7 a year old: *watches* :0
    Then me: *walks around dark room and trys to hunt for haunted/paranormal activity*
    Me now: *Smh* wtf was wrong with me?
    Edit:I had to do this but-
    8:10 the doll really went "I believe I can flyyyy-"

  • @arihuertas4423
    @arihuertas4423 6 років тому +103

    Brain: dont watch it, you'll be scared shitless
    Me: *clicks on video*

  • @jackthewalrus2332
    @jackthewalrus2332 8 років тому +205

    It's safe down here ;-; Right guys?

  • @singhamaninder5836
    @singhamaninder5836 6 років тому +645

    That's why I never loved dolls!

    • @katrinaarmiger4196
      @katrinaarmiger4196 6 років тому +1

      Singh Amaninder udjdjpgdjdpg

    • @r220wu
      @r220wu 6 років тому +6

      I loved dolls when I was 5 -4 But now NAH AW

    • @jackhyland3246
      @jackhyland3246 6 років тому +2

      Singh Amaninder it is called an edit lol 😂

    • @Tornex_games
      @Tornex_games 6 років тому +1

      Fuck the point

    • @summerm4911
      @summerm4911 6 років тому +2

      Singh Amaninder I only liked Disney dolls and monster high dolls.

  • @airconditioner177
    @airconditioner177 4 роки тому +2

    the doll was about to move until...
    😂 im so glad the ads are here