is the new STARLIGHT EXPRESS as good as the original? | ★★★★ review of the West End musical revival

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024


  • @dylansmith1833
    @dylansmith1833 3 місяці тому +90

    I may be a serious lover of musicals myself but it’s always good to have shows that are FUN and not necessarily serious in that matter!

    • @stephaniehibbert2270
      @stephaniehibbert2270 3 місяці тому

      Agreed 👍

    • @josephlim6854
      @josephlim6854 3 місяці тому +1

      I agree as well. I know folks who go to Bochum every 1-2 years to watch Starlight Express to get a fix of their childhood again. Such a fun show.

  • @Charlotte-ci4is
    @Charlotte-ci4is 3 місяці тому +21

    Fun fact: U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D is based on the song D.I.V.O.R.C.E by Tammy Wynette. It's probably common knowledge but when i found out it makes Dinah's southern personality and outfit so much sense. I'm kind of sad about the loss of her accent! It made her unique :(

    • @Dalek194
      @Dalek194 Місяць тому +1

      To be fair, I like that they kept a reference to that will slipping into that accent briefly for the second verse.

  • @m1ssw1z61
    @m1ssw1z61 2 місяці тому +9

    Spoilers for plot of the new version below:
    I wish they had fleshed out Slick more.
    In ye olde original show C.B. was introduced as a really sweet brake truck who's super friendly Its shown in 'Frieght', 'Theres Me' and 'The Rap'. So when, plot twist, hes actually a train killer, its a big shock.
    When Slick is like "Oh yeah btw I'm a criminal!" Its like "....Okay? You've barely had much of a presence in the musical until now so you revealing this information does not make me feel any strong emotion."
    I also find it funny that despite her joining with Rusty for the race, its not even her doing the sabotaging, because of course she cant be releasing oil behind Rusty, that wouldn't sabotage him at all.
    I just felt if they were where gonna do C.B. they could adapt the story for it to make sense with Slick (have her not connected to Rusty when she sabotages the race) or just cut out the third antagonist altogether.
    Personal opinion! And I do think the overall musical was still really good!

    • @ParietinaeUmbra
      @ParietinaeUmbra 22 дні тому +2

      I couldn't agree more. I will never understand why so many productions have cut out or butchered C.B.'s character, he's a perfect example of a twist villain that works! I thought Slick was okay but yeah, I'm not sure that Wide Smile worked as well for her as for C.B.

  • @meltyholic
    @meltyholic 3 місяці тому +14

    the family guy reference killed me omg i bet that was so satisfying

  • @Oviya.
    @Oviya. 3 місяці тому +18

    I’ve been waiting for this video for 3 weeks 😂😂

  • @CharlotteGoulding-t7g
    @CharlotteGoulding-t7g 3 місяці тому +12

    My sisters and I have been avid Starlght fans since being little children. Overall we still thought there was a lot of magic in last Saturday's show, despite not having the amazing choreography & jaw dropping stunts of the previous version.
    We thought the child's dream scene gave clarity to the whole show, and we really loved the softening prescence of Mama thoughtout - a very positive change.
    But we were incredibly disappointed with the cartoon costumes and the space settings - we felt they confused the story and didn't enhance the train theme.
    We also felt the continual interruption of the child to be distracting - this spolit the flow of the show, and we felt it was too much pressure on a little child, we would strongly suggest aftet the dream scene the child does not appear again.
    But we really liked the introduction of Hydra & the technological projections, bringing the show up to date!

  • @MissCassieXxX
    @MissCassieXxX 3 місяці тому +10

    Justice for Hydra! The nerve pearl had getting on that podium with Rusty 😡 🛼

    • @Welcometotherox
      @Welcometotherox 2 місяці тому +1

      For real though! I always cheer so loud for Hydra.

  • @Seal0626
    @Seal0626 3 місяці тому +38

    I find it so strange listening to the OLC knowing that it's only about 2/3rds of the show. Once you know to listen out for it, you can hear the joins where massive great chunks have been skipped.
    I saw it on Wednesday, and it's so different from the show I fell in love with in 1999 that I couldn't really compare them, and didn't hate it.
    The set is cute(with a rising platform that looks inspired by the Japan tour set, watch the promotional documentary from 1990 if you haven't - yes, it's all in Japanese, but it's still riveting), though it really looks like they had much grander plans for it than they were ultimately able to realise. The platform barely lifts at all, it certainly can't serve as a race gate, and it could really do with a smaller circle in the middle as a trap so that Electra could enter the stage with some dignity. I'm also pretty sure that the model box had a stalls track for the races, which isn't there in the theatre, which really restricts what they can do with the races. Everything is very shiny and sparkly and colourful, to greater and lesser effect; the starfield that descends for the "Starlight Sequence" is just gorgeous, but the costumes are so overwhelmingly holographic that you can't really see them properly, which may be something of a mercy. It seems that a conscious effort has been made to not take human anatomy, or how to flatter it, into consideration. The irony is that the _Six_ costumes look like better _Starlight Express_ costumes than these ones do.
    Electra was always bisexual, why not nonbinary as well? Makes perfect sense to me.
    It strikes me though that it pretty much requires you to have in-depth knowledge of multiple prior versions across four decades to make sense of it, otherwise you might as well not bother. It's like a layered collage of stickers - they keep slapping new ones on top, sometimes they scrape bits of old ones off, but it's so disjointed and piecemeal, and full of load-bearing references back to things that are no longer there, that all you can expect most people to do is shrug off any attempt to parse out a story and just enjoy the sparkly costumes and flashing lights. This is sad, when it used to - and could still - have things to say. Johnie Pitts wrote an excellent article in the Guardian more or less to this effect that I recommend reading.
    It was far, far better than my worst fears. I still have a lot of problems with it, that I think could largely have been solved by getting a dramaturg in:
    It makes no sense for Momma to sing the "I Got Me" melody pre-race just because that's the girl tune, when she has nothing in common with the coaches who sing that song and one of them's not a girl anyway;
    "I Got Me" is in the wrong point of the show, it's very clearly a creative rewrite of "Rolling Stock: reprise" and not a replacement for "A Lotta Locomotion"(which is _not_ to be confused with "Whole Lotta Locomotion" which was seemingly written to fit the Las Vegas costumes) and if we're trying to elevate the women in the cast, how about putting back the number where the two less prominent coaches get to show off? Let us actually see what they're fed up with and refusing to stand for any more for more than 30 seconds before they proclaim that they're fed up and not going to stand for it any more. Also it doesn't introduce the coaches properly, we don't really know who they are from it;
    Can you use Jim Steinman's lyrics like that, just substituting a couple of words, in the middle of a song that does thematically match them, but to a tune so striking and evocative that it sticks out like a sore thumb that this is the only time we hear it? I assume it's a loving tribute to a deceased collaborator, but without weaving it into the score anywhere else it's a bizarre blip;
    Slick Oil, by not having Caboose's established arc - Nicest Guy you could ever hope to meet>comforting Dinah when she's down>volunteering to help Rusty when he's in a tight spot>heel turn oh my god he's a serial killer - does not earn "Wide Smile" because we have no reason to care about them proclaiming that actually they're bad and also they're not a brake van so the lyrics don't make sense;
    The other Freight really don't get to say to Rusty that they've been cheated by the system too when _they were the ones pouring oil on the track to derail him_ although that little bit of recit would recycle nicely into an alternate introduction to "Right Place, Right Time";
    "There's Me" having been excised from the score with surgical precision explains why Caboose's "Just for me, I'm in it just for me, I'm in it just for me" in the prelude to the Downhill Final couldn't remain in its previous form, but there are other melodies in "Wide Smile" that could sub in. The absence of that vocal line sucks at the ears;
    Stars are made of hydrogen, Hydra allows Rusty to be powered by hydrogen, maybe in a show where he believes in something called the _Starlight_ Express we could connect these ideas together and actually _say_ that the power of the Starlight Express is the stuff from which stars are made;
    "But I Do" has a pretty introduction then is a dirge which needs at least a second draft of the lyrics, maybe some that are relevant to the characters singing them and the situation they're in and perhaps even rhyme;
    All the songs sung by women in roles that were originally male are hostile to their vocal ranges, forcing them to leap up and down the octaves and contort their vocal cords to try to fit, as if to deliberately signal that they shouldn't be playing those roles in the first place when they could have been accommodated instead, the songs transposed to where they're comfortable and actually allow the performers to take ownership of their material;
    Dinah still spells out "bastard" at the end of UNCOUPLED, are there no not specifically masculine insults that she could spell out instead?;
    Dinah still takes Greaseball back at the end despite the supposed message of female empowerment and while Greaseball's been toned down a _lot_ from the earliest incarnation("But he beats you all the time, he gives you hell/he two-times you and he likes to kiss and tell"), this still sits uncomfortably in a world where we know that abusers will play nice and grovel after an incident of abuse only to turn nasty again in the future. Greaseball is still emotionally abusive to her, even if not physically.
    That said, my goodness, the cast are amazing. I don't think it's fair that Al Knott has to leap up and down and all around the octaves to sing her songs, but bloody hell she has the pipes to do it. Eve Humphrey's performance of UNCOUPLED was quite possibly the funniest I've ever seen, in a good way, and I was not expecting that at all. Jeevan Braich(17, it makes one very aware) impressed me from the start, holding a single note while gliding down that terrifyingly steep slope on the side of the stage, and Kayna Montecillo is so adorable as Pearl(despite the costume that looks like she's wearing granny pants sticking out from under a leotard because her mum said "There's no way any daughter of mine is wearing a thong") that you almost take for granted how very talented she is.
    I'm sorry this was such a wall o'text. I get a bit fired up about this show.

  • @JustinHeasman
    @JustinHeasman 3 місяці тому +4

    We saw the production last weekend and we all loved it (Me, my wife, 2 teenage children and 2 younger children). he kids haven't stopped singing it since! I have seen many incarnations of the show starting back in the 80's with the original run. If I lived in London I would definitely love to see it again, maybe after a few months when the cast have really gained their confidence on the skates. Bravo Starlight Express - loved it!

  • @sarahgoulding4579
    @sarahgoulding4579 3 місяці тому +6

    Great review MickeyJo. You really know the show inside out and you go into a lot of detail. I agree with nearly all of your points but not all.
    I am an obsessed Starlight Express fan and have been since a child and have seen it multiple times from the original in the Apollo to touring.
    I went to Wembley on 22/6/24 to see the long anticipated latest version along with my sister's and we were dressed as retro Rusty, Electra and Greaseball which attracted a bit of attention! But this meant we had a few encounters with several people and got to share opinions with those new to Starlight Express and hardcover fans who had seen it as children.
    The newbies absolutely loved it. The established fans including myself were a lot more critical.
    It had to change but changes are sometimes hard to accept. I have read a lot of the comments and reviews about the show and some of them are very very harsh. Starlight is deeply nostalgic for me and a lot of people but we were not going to get an exact replica of our childhood dreams.
    We have to remember a lot of the actors are very young and making their debut and they will be reading the feedback. They have very big shoes to fill. Starlight Express is an extremely demanding show to be in as an actor.
    It could not remain as it was. It had to be made more appealing to the widest possible audience and attract and connect with young people new to theatre. It also had to be safer, too many injuries had been sustained in previous versions.
    Some things were better and done beautifully. Some aspects were not right or diluted too much.
    Starlight Express is a musical, a stunt show and a sporting event with races all rolled into one. It is entirely unique.
    I wonder what the impact will be on the German version in Bochum? It is on my bucket list to visit. I sense there is a bit of worry there from reading comments. I am currently checking out transport options to get there asap.
    I had to get over my youthful memories and look forwards.
    Was it still magical? Yes
    Did I cry my eyes out when the Starlight Express arrived? Yes
    Have I been thinking about it none stop for the last 10 days? Yes
    Did I stand up and clap at the end with everyone else? Yes
    Would I go again? Yes

  • @rburns5495
    @rburns5495 3 місяці тому +5

    Great summary. I saw the original west end production and although I don’t recall all the details, I thought the skating had been faster. The new show did feel more family orientated, but the fun factor remained. I loved the new set and particularly enjoyed the intimacy of the smaller space. Had a great time.

  • @rey0girl
    @rey0girl 3 місяці тому +5

    I am so excited for this. When I tell people about this show, they don't believe me. But its just so fun and campy. I really hope this comes to Broadway.
    I'm a little sad CB isn't in it because his song is fun, but the new character sounds cool. Honestly I'm just happy the show is getting a second chance outside of Germany

  • @carriew5106
    @carriew5106 3 місяці тому +9

    I saw it last week, and the moment I heard the opening bars to Starlight Express I started welling up. By the time we got to the full song the nice man next to me had to comfort me I was such a mess crying! Its possible that I was more emotionally invested in seeing the show again than I realised.
    I loved it. I'll try to avoid too many spoilers. I was a bit worried before it started that it would have changed a lot, but I basically sung along to 90% despite not seeing it in 30 years. I've got zero issues with the gender swaps, they are trains at the end of the day and as an 8 year little girl I used to love singing 'Pumping iron' and wishing I could be an engine. So it's nice that kids can do that now and not worry about if it is for girls or boys. I thought the various changes made sense for the modern world.
    I was surprised by how many of the cast were having their professional debuts. They did a fantastic job. If I was being really picky then some voices were a little weak but I think they will get stronger very quickly as they get more used to the material and the skating.
    I was sat on the raised seating to the side. You are right next to the action (high fives at the end) and you can see the whole track, but I would pick a seat facing straight on towards the stage next time. And there's only one entrance to a row and hardly any room to squeeze past, so there was a lot of getting up and coming out of the row to let other people in.
    As a funny side note. I was delayed getting to the theatre because of trespassers on the line. I only appreciated the irony later.

    • @forbeartheatre
      @forbeartheatre 15 днів тому +1

      I saw it twice, once at the beginning of July and once at the beginning of August and already some of the weaker voices had improved. To be clear nobody was ever bad, but you can't expect new graduates who also have to skate up and down ramps for 2 hours to have developed a really full professional sound yet. I trained in MT but since went into straight plays and opera because I just couldn't handle the movement element- such respect for every one of these performers.

    • @carriew5106
      @carriew5106 15 днів тому

      @@forbeartheatre yeah, I fully expected voices to get stronger as I saw it within its first few shows. It's like all cast changes, a cast will always be stronger the longer into the run they are. And it was really impressive that so many were having their professional debut, maybe a sign of willingness to learn skating!

  • @cordelia5391
    @cordelia5391 3 місяці тому +17

    The uncoupled song is a reference to a famous Tammy Wynette country song called D-I-V-O-R-C-E , that’s why there’s the genre shift into country.

    • @Seal0626
      @Seal0626 3 місяці тому +9

      Which made sense when Dinah was a Southern Belle archetype.

    • @Welcometotherox
      @Welcometotherox 2 місяці тому

      ​@@Seal0626Mate it's a musical about trains played by humans on roller skates, we can live with the intricacies varying

  • @BellePullman
    @BellePullman 3 місяці тому +55

    The original production relied heavily on archetypes - every character, major or minor, had a strong recognisable type. Flat-top, for example, is a cheeky punk kid finding something to rebel against. Greaseball used to be "Rock'n'Roll Bad Boy", the sum of all toxic masculinity, so his numbers were heavy on the rock'n'roll.
    The new production almost entirely removes any use of archetypes, in characterisation or in costume. This is what divorces the musical styles from the characters, gives us costumes that are bright and shiny but quite hard to tell apart, gives us characters who all seem very similar in personality. I can understand not wanting to fall into harmful stereotypes, for sure, but Starlight is not a book heavy show with plenty of room to develop well rounded personalities that defy types. We used to meet three Boxers- muscle heads tackling life one punch at a time, a cheeky punk kid, the shy overweight guy, and the creepily smiling guy who's too keen to be friends. Now we meet the red one, the blue one, the yellow one and the green one. the others don't like the green one.
    Overall I'm just confused by most of the artistic choices. Why lean so heavily into the Space theme INSTEAD of toy trainset... why deny the retro cool 1980s vibe... Why cut so much choreography... I love experimenting with new ideas but I hate change for changes' sake. If it's not better than the old version, don't take it?

    • @lindakahler4799
      @lindakahler4799 3 місяці тому +3

      Loved the original. Saw it on Bwy

    • @danteorfei4815
      @danteorfei4815 3 місяці тому +5

      @@BellePullman well said...
      At the end of the day, all good storytelling relies on archetypes and character development!
      Whether it's neverending story, Tron, Coppola's the conversation, doctor who, Sergio Leone films and/or once upon a time in Hollywood or star wars...
      You remove the storytelling mechanisms, you derailed the train before it leaves the station!
      Cinema, theatre & ancient fables rely on characters, motivations, plot details & the presentation of philosophical negatives as a direct means to draw a reaction (albeit sometimes an uncomfortable one) to the audience in order to highlight a message!
      The world can be a really ugly place. Shelter our kids from that and we are just doing them a disservice!
      "No point in complaining Rusty
      Saying that the systems mean
      They keep us down by fighting dirty
      You can't win if u fight back clean!"

    • @BellePullman
      @BellePullman 3 місяці тому +6

      @@danteorfei4815 Yes! You have to show the conflict to be able to show the resolution, and teach kids that they can come out better in the end. We need to equip kids to deal with the bad stuff, have confidence they can overcome it, and make it better. Even in, especially in fun, silly stories like Starlight where the threats aren't overwhelming, the stories are so important!
      That's actually my single biggest issue with the original show, that Greaseball has treated Dinah so bad yet she takes him back... I've seen too many friends in abusive relationships who accept a "S.O.R.R.R.Y" on face value and fall back into bad places. That's one story the show should be teaching better, "Don't get back with your ex, it's not cute, it's not romantic, it's manipulation", *ahem* anyway, that's not the point... Starlight has the opportunity to mean something, to gently reinforce positive messages, to tell good stories. But that's not a priority in this new production, it's about being bright and shiny.
      And now the message seems to be "take performance enhancing substances to win!" LOL

    • @danteorfei4815
      @danteorfei4815 3 місяці тому

      @@BellePullman to answer your final questions...
      It's quite clear that many of the production team were awarded jobs based on their recent "notoriety" rather than their knowledge, familiarity &/or fascination to explore:
      A.) "Railroadiana," whether it be the side devoted to the study of Trains (the history, technical designs, folklore surrounding &/or their multiple abilities to induce magical appeal to many) OR the side focused on the tremendous attraction of the scaled down model/toy counterparts to folks from little kids to the elderly (as a way to channel back to nostalgic memories).
      For years I heard incipid arguments about cutting characters because they portrayed prototypical pieces of equipment that may no longer be relevant! It is a ridiculous argument because the magic of model railroads/ toy trains IS that they ARE NOT bound by the rules of realistic railroad operations! In the world of toy trains, the operator or control can run steam, diesel & electric simultaneously! They can also create a lash-up of a futuristic high speed European/Asian electric inspired locomotive with an American bay window caboose!
      Toy trains are fascinating because they allow fantasy and reality to coexist on the same layout.
      B.) The expansive history of the show, it's origins, multiple plot narratives throughout the years (including which ones the fanbase has been begging for returns to & those that alienated them).
      It's essentially the same disastrous logic employed by Kathleen Kennedy & Co with the incredibly underwhelming Star Wars sequel trilogy and the complete anthesis of the strategies of Jon Favreau & Dave Filoni in providing the equivalent of Star Wars film trilogy that old fans were yearning for but captivated new fans (to not only watch but also go back and research unfamiliar throwbacks) with the first 2 seasons of the Mandalorian (which were actually considered to be presented as film trilogy at one point*** see note).
      I read some post on Facebook that said something to the effect of, "kids in the UK have no idea what a caboose is and neither do I!"
      Well my response was, "all the more reason to give them a character that will spark their interests to do a Google search and WANT to LEARN something new!"
      The "empire strikes back," dies not consistently win the title of fan favorite star wars installment because it is the narrative that audience members (many of which were children when they first saw it) wanted or imagined they would see, but rather it did what GREAT ART does, it inspired a range of emotions upon the viewer!
      I think it is somewhat ridiculous that high performance trains are not represented in this new version (because folks were too lazy to write out stereotypical tropes that were employed as cartoonish comedic devices that crept into the show at some point after 86 when I first saw it and every national phone was simply presented as another mean machine.
      However, this current production provides costuming that actually make the "notion" of a "Pearl Twirl" hard to get off the mind, especially for someone who would rather enjoy a ride with buffy, ashley or belle!
      I obviously am referring to my affection for vintage rail cars! 🤫😉

    • @oakboundstudio
      @oakboundstudio 3 місяці тому +3

      @@BellePullman well said. Fear of offence/stereotyping/representation means that good messaging is also lost.

  • @EMM_84
    @EMM_84 3 місяці тому +7

    Sounds like a fun show! Must be a fun challenge to be part of. Any of the clips Ive seen are very intriguing.

  • @francescasmilgin-box3734
    @francescasmilgin-box3734 Місяць тому +2

    I just took my kids to see this when we were in London last week, and we all LOVED it! I remember seeing the original production in the 90s, and this was a great update. Like you said; it's a story about singing trains, so I don't think it would benefit from taking itself more seriously. Rusty, Mama and Hydra were our standout performers too (apart from the shunt scooterers, who were my 10yr old son's favourite!) :D

  • @scottdavis7730
    @scottdavis7730 3 місяці тому +37

    Oh, please give this the Cats treatment. Bottle of wine and roller skates, what could go wrong?

    • @hanonondricek411
      @hanonondricek411 3 місяці тому +7

      I posted above - Starlight Express lends well to elaborate and fancy leather/metal wear. It'd be an awesome drag ball. Greaseball as a muscle daddy on skates. And then all of what MJ refers to as "the coupling and un-coupling" of the trains...

    • @MaryanneNZ
      @MaryanneNZ 3 місяці тому

      I was thinking that too! I am forever telling people that Cats DOES have a plot, and Mickey Jo explains it! hehe

    • @ChasingPavenents1995
      @ChasingPavenents1995 3 місяці тому +1

      As a stage manager, that’s a HARD NO😭💀 too many hazards

    • @dreherwill3120
      @dreherwill3120 2 місяці тому

      hahaha I thought about that as well. In the 90's when Madonna and Janet Jackson were at the top of the game, I remember them being in talks for the movie version but it never happened.

    • @grayr5817
      @grayr5817 2 місяці тому

      @@scottdavis7730 Scott Davis it’s your understudy from Cats Graham. Hope life is treating you and Lucy well xx

  • @ColinAlbo24601
    @ColinAlbo24601 3 місяці тому +5

    Fun fact: The thing in front of a train is called a cowcatcher. A cowcatcher is the device mounted at the front of a locomotive to deflect obstacles on the track that might otherwise damage or derail it or the train.

  • @Nikkishops2022
    @Nikkishops2022 3 місяці тому +2

    I've been waiting for this video. I'm doing to see it next week, so excited! I've only seen it on tour where the races were on screen, can't wait to see the races live.

    • @Nikkishops2022
      @Nikkishops2022 3 місяці тому

      Ps. "Get a train there if you like trains so much" 😂 I'm actually considering it 🛼

  • @hanonondricek411
    @hanonondricek411 3 місяці тому +14

    "No bo dy can do it like a steeeeeeeam traaaaa-"
    wait. This is a commercial.
    Can Starlight Express be the next drag ball production except this one is hosted in a leather bar so the costumes totally work?

  • @operationlivetheatre
    @operationlivetheatre 3 місяці тому +2

    Listening to this while I’m in the tube. 🙌

  • @onemanfran
    @onemanfran 2 місяці тому +2

    I absolutely loved it! I've decided I hate all the bootleg recordings on youtube because they do something weird to the audio. I do wish they'd move I am Me to the second act though as I think it doesn't make much sense where it is. I saw it with my 13 year old stepdaughter and I think the lack of exposition and easy character references really confused her. They had to replace blue lightning due to a crash and we were all like "who is that". But the singing and skating was soooo good! And I'm very hard to impress. We sat in first class carriages and the skating felt very fast. My partner sat in locomotives and had a great view of the whole thing but said the skating felt slower from where he was. I want to go and see it again for sure. Also we had Arabella Stanton as our control and she was incredible, but they didn't give her her own curtain call which really bummed us out. She stole the show!

  • @larsmenken2679
    @larsmenken2679 2 місяці тому +3

    I think the smaller overall space was great because no spectator is too far away from any of the action. We were 2nd row in the back section and don't think we missed a thing.
    Vocally I found them all strong. My theory is there that from a very talented wetted pool of actors they will hav enough problems to find a cast who can sing. Even if you limit it to the people who can skate. Momma stood out to us vocally.
    And I didn't mind any of the gender changes. As you said, they are trains. Pearl and Rusty are possibly the only ones that are fixed.
    The only bit that I found weird was having control on stage. A bit like having Michael Douglas in a chorus line visible in the movie while the role was voiced only on stage.

  • @rohann3540
    @rohann3540 3 місяці тому +1

    big respect for posting this so so fast!!!

  • @Roadtripper5432
    @Roadtripper5432 3 місяці тому +8

    I still have huge nostalgia for the "New" Starlight Express show that I saw in 2000 when I was 12. It's the only show I've seen on the West End as an American. I've always found it odd that "A Lotta Locomotion" is not on that version's album, but a line of it is sung in the Megamix. I still love the blues and father figure of Poppa, the Elvis type for Greaseball from The U.S. of A., and Rusty proving himself by teaming up with the other outcast Dustin the Big Hopper, so overcoming fat shaming. If this newer version comes to Broadway I'm not sure I'll see it.

    • @BellePullman
      @BellePullman 3 місяці тому +1

      the 1993 Album is kinda meant to be supplementary to the 1984 recording, so the songs skipped are scenes that didn't really change. It's such a shame that Lotta Locomotion did get left out but that's bound to happen to some numbers on a 1 CD highlights!

  • @Dalek194
    @Dalek194 Місяць тому

    I saw this production yesterday and oh my gosh, I ADORE IT. Just so perfectly staged. It was the first show I ever saw on its first UK Tour, and I've now come full circle!

  • @andrewwisker6918
    @andrewwisker6918 3 місяці тому +2

    Loved it want them the release a new cd version of the musical

  • @rhosoftherovers
    @rhosoftherovers 2 місяці тому

    I haven't seen it yet, but you've managed to put into words how I feel about a lot of what I have seen and heard about it. Really good review and overview.

  • @claretooley7905
    @claretooley7905 2 місяці тому +3

    After booking I read about the changes and was worried as I loved the original! But it was fun and so different that I could accept and enjoy it. Just a pity about the moving seats we booked for that hasn’t happened! Quite annoying!

    @FUCHSIA.CARNAGE 2 місяці тому +4

    will never forgive them for removing my beloved caboose😢

  • @toric6005
    @toric6005 3 місяці тому +5

    I’m REALLY looking forward to his review of Great Comet! I just saw it was announced for its UK premiere.

  • @emergingmuses
    @emergingmuses 3 місяці тому +1

    Such a satisfying review!! 😊

  • @bobbler42
    @bobbler42 2 місяці тому +2

    9:00 “nobody can do it like a steam train” is still a “that went over my head c. 2000” line.

  • @donoakes85
    @donoakes85 3 місяці тому +1

    I’m flying over to England in Sept and seeing Starlight Express on the 4th. I can’t wait

  • @marksharks2235
    @marksharks2235 3 місяці тому +13

    After 40 years I was so excited to be revisiting the new version of the musical “Starlight Express” first time for me was at the original in 1984. As the original was a very long time ago I tried not to have any expectations and even though I was excited i kept an open mind, times have changed and I heard that it was quite different. The original for me was full of excitement , full of joy and I had many goosebump moments when the songs touched me deeply, I remember the incredible emotion of the singers and how the music was memorable and profound, the original build up to the races were thrilling. Definitely these factors are why the musical had such a large following as it still resides in many people hearts to this day
    On entering the venue at Wembley I found the whole experience underwhelming, soulless building, main reception area reminded me of some modern day bowling alley, felt the wrong vibe. I did however like the vibe of the auditorium and it is definitely designed for an immersive experience which is what I remember to be from the original production. I sat next to a lady of a similar age and when we spoke, it was clear she was looking for that same magical experience she had with the original years ago. Listening to people in the interval, I found that the younger audience enjoyed how different and up-to-date Starlight Express was, It was also evident that some adults in their 40s, 50s and 60s felt slightly disappointed in how woke the production was trying to be, how the spirit of the original wasn’t apparent and how underwhelming the rearranged songs and the singing was. The character “hydrogen” was a new addition, the characters song was repeated over and over and over again to the point of being very repetitive and annoying. The whole production I felt was lacking in the heartfelt moments of the original. The cast were very energetic and appear to enjoy performing this iconic musical. The last 10 minutes of the musical for me was the best, it was fast-paced and slightly resembled the excitement of the original. For me overall a Disappointment!

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  3 місяці тому +4

      @@marksharks2235 woke?

    • @onemanfran
      @onemanfran 2 місяці тому +2

      Eh? What part of it was woke? We sat next to two German mega fans who have seen the Bochum show many times. They couldn't help themselves, they were singing and dancing, going for high fives, smiles all around. I can't see how you could watch this and not have a smile on your face. Perhaps nostalgia ruins enjoyment?

    • @Rik77
      @Rik77 2 місяці тому +1

      Hmmm young people like it but older people know better? Ok lol

  • @CassetteVCR
    @CassetteVCR 3 місяці тому +2

    Awesome video! You're right on track with your train puns!
    I *really* really want to go and see this production, but due to multiple factors (including living in america) I probably won't ever get to, so I really appreciate your descriptions of what's changed! I wouldn't mind it if you spoiled the plot some more XD
    As someone who's been an intense fan of Starlight Express for only a few years, I tend to prefer what I've seen of the older versions, but I don't really have any nostalgia for them. I have mixed feelings about this new production, but overall I'm super glad it exists! From what you've said, it seems like it's accomplishing what it set out to do. This show already gets changed so much every time it's put on, none of these changes really seem that wild to me in comparison. Electra being nonbinary isn't even a new concept, it's just more explicit and specific in this version than it has been before.
    I also really love your comparison to Steven Universe to explain how pairing up for races has romantic connotations, even if it isn't always *necessarily* romantic.
    I've been watching pretty much every recording of the Megamix on youtube and all the actors' voices sound incredible. It's a shame this new Megamix has fewer songs than it used to, because I'd really love to see One Rock n Roll Too Many show up in it.

  • @tvredone1460
    @tvredone1460 3 місяці тому +1

    Oh my god Hey! I have seen this show, I never saw the 1980s version but have always loved the soundtrack, I did see the 90s touring version and enjoyed that very much. Did I enjoy it? Well by the time of the interval I had already decided I wanted to come back and as soon as act 2 finished I rebooked , I will be back for more. I had a platform seat so I did feel immersed somewhat in the action, but to back up, before entering the theatre I loved the foyer experience, the huge campness of the mirror ball ceiling and the disco instrumental versions of past Starlight Express songs (Including the much missed Next Time You Fall in Love) just added to the excitement and created such a buzz. Highlight for me, 2 moments, firstly the performance of I DO, I love this song, a fabulous addition and one that I have been excited to see included in a production. The other highlight and a total wow moment was the Starlight Sequence. Love the addition of Hydra, embraced the gender switch up from Poppa to Mamma and Greaseball is certainly a standout character. This show for me was fun, escapism, entertainment. What more could I have wanted. Is this still Starlight Express? I'm gonna say yes.

  • @daisycow5289
    @daisycow5289 3 місяці тому +9

    My biggest gripe with what I've seen from the show is the costumes really don't exactly represent trains... Like I am so confused and couldn't pick any specific characters out. Also, the megamix just seems... really jumpy? Like the Bochum production's megamix just flows so well, unlike this new London production.

  • @ValseTriste17
    @ValseTriste17 2 місяці тому +4

    I saw it last week and I’m still not sure what I think. It was the most bonkers thing I’ve ever seen and although it was definitely a spectacle I’m not sure I feel like it was a particularly good show. Although will say I still have “it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when, for Hydro-gen” stuck in my head days later so repeating it a million times worked.

  • @thephantomfantasia
    @thephantomfantasia 3 місяці тому +1

    I saw it Saturday I am proper obsessed with the musical now since seeing it I really want to see it in Bochum

  • @chuckoneill2023
    @chuckoneill2023 3 місяці тому +3

    ALW shows aren't usually about plot.
    They are about spectacle.
    A recent revival tour of Cats left us cold, because what had been a spectacle was reduced, seriously, to something I'd expect from the local dinner theater (I love my local dinner theater, but they don't charge Broadway prices.)
    If they deliver spectacle for S.E., then I may just cross the ocean (again) to see it.

  • @jschinker
    @jschinker 3 місяці тому +5

    We went to London from America specifically to see this show. We caught the preview on 20 June, and bought tickets for the 22 June show at the interval, because we wanted to see it again.
    I never saw the original in London, and I've never seen the Bochum version. So my only experience was the Vegas version in '96 and the US tour in '03, along with the original cast recording.
    In short -- I loved it. The updates fix some (not all) of the problems with the show. I missed A Lotta Locomotion and He Whistled at Me, but I understand why they were cut. Crazy is a catchy "new" song that fits well.
    I struggle with the Pearl character. She's another ALW helpless female character who can't think for herself (like Christine). And if the sexual/romantic motivations are removed (or at least de-emphasized), she doesn't really have any motivation to race at all. In general, the coaches are much more two-dimensional in this version. And if you interpret it as still being sexual, that raises another problem.
    I like Hydro. As you mentioned, it fixes the science stuff. But "it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when" is problematic if the attractions between the locomotives and coaches are sexual, because then he becomes a gay predator.
    I feel like Mama should die after her race, and her spirit motivates Rusty in the second act. It's ambiguous, but she DOES show up for LATEOTH, so she must still be alive. The blues song has always been one of my favourites, and I'm thrilled that they kept it in despite having no real purpose.
    The guy sitting next to me also loved the show, but was a bit disappointed in how much they scaled back the skating. They really don't do tricks like they used to; the skating is all pretty basic. That will hopefully cut down on injuries, but it's less exciting for the audience.
    I'll also note that this cast is ADORABLE. We stage doored both times, and talked to about 2/3 of the cast. They're all new to this, and they're not used to talking to fans. They're so enthuiastic about the show and just feeling so grateful to be doing this. Their enthusiasm is contagious.

    • @Welcometotherox
      @Welcometotherox 2 місяці тому

      "He becomes a gay predator" is...a massive leap! Maybe he becomes briefly bisexual - but he's clearly talking about hydrogen technology when he sings "if/when".

  • @Theplaysthet
    @Theplaysthet 3 місяці тому +5

    The original pearl lyric was..
    My names Pearl Im the brand new girl,
    My springs still bounce my fans still whirl.
    Aint gonna smoke, aint gonna drink
    What are you gonna do?
    Whatdya think!
    Yup... the 80s

  • @7465wgt
    @7465wgt 3 місяці тому +4

    I saw while I was London and I absolutely loved it!. I thought the cast many of whom where making their professional debut where amazing. I really loved their voices. I would love a cast album from this run. I only knew what it was about, never heard the music, and I was really surprised how much I enjoyed it. I can see the valid point that I've heard online that as far as the skating goes, compared to what is on Germany is not at the same level, but I still thought it was great. And what I got out of the space vibe, was that it was transporting the action into a dream state/ inside the control's imagination.

  • @lorenbennington4952
    @lorenbennington4952 3 місяці тому +3

    MickeyJoeTheatre may not be MickeyJoeTrains..
    But he sure is on his way to be 😂❤

  • @Stephenb033
    @Stephenb033 3 місяці тому

    I listened to this on the podcast, commenting here to feed the algorithm.

  • @fairieofficial
    @fairieofficial 2 місяці тому +2

    Thoughts on any of the character’s real life influences in either the older versions or this modern version? i.e. Greaseball was very Elvis but perhaps not now? In this production Pearl was so Ariana Grande, I like how you threw in that Electra gave off some Lady Gaga energy, and Hydra reminded me of YungBlud

  • @tarahanson1321
    @tarahanson1321 3 місяці тому +8

    I was sad that Dinah wasn't a Southern American Dolly Parton-esque. Uncoupled sounded so weird in a British accent to me, but that is purely my opinion. I also found Greaseball's singing quite jarring, it felt like a bit bad Alanis Morisette karaoke, despite the fact the actor was incredibly talented. Maybe I just have a soft spot for the tape I had on repeat as a kid. I did absolutely love it though. Although I will say, being 8 months pregnant and knowing the toilets were off limits was a struggle, but that's a me problem 😂😂

  • @archiejenner3799
    @archiejenner3799 3 місяці тому +3

    Woaa, I love the rainbow effects around the edge, how did you do it?

  • @lindsayriddle2167
    @lindsayriddle2167 3 місяці тому +4

    My TikTok algorithm is sure starlight express is my next obsession… and I fear it is correct.

  • @samb909
    @samb909 3 місяці тому +2

    The "come and bite my burgers" line was Buffy (the buffet car) who tbh was always pretty similar to Dinah (the dining car).

  • @LadyDragonbane
    @LadyDragonbane 3 місяці тому +8

    What annoys me about the costumes, except not looking like trains, is how they massacred the cool fits and colours when they updated Bochum, then they turn around and punch us in the face with these garish things. Which one is it to be? People say the costumes make sense because they are supposed to be toy trains, but they don't even match the actual toy trains in Control's room

  • @composer1972
    @composer1972 3 місяці тому +2

    LOVE the nod to Family Guy😂

  • @allisonbergh4429
    @allisonbergh4429 3 місяці тому +10

    Pearl: “Ain’t gonna smoke, ain’t gonna drink…”
    Other coaches: “What are you gonna do?”
    Pearl: “Waddaya think?”
    *silliest synth glissando ever*
    I really loved the original Starlight Express, and someone really needs to stop Sir Andy from tinkering with his shows!!
    Ok, I have too many thoughts. So I’m going to rant about one of them, and leave the rest for the next Starlight Express comment. IT WAS BETTER WHEN IT WAS SEXY. Trains are sexy - they hook up, it’s literally called coupling! And some of the best songs in the original were about sex or relationships: A Lotta Locomotion, AC/DC, He Whistled At Me, U.N.C.O.U.P.L.E.D., that one about keeping it going all night. Trains come in two types: pullers, and the pulled; the pulled come in two types as well: freight, and passenger. Making it a sex (as opposed to gender) thing makes sense, and is an easy way to get more variety of songs and stories. But it was never *just* a sex thing, as all the engines also regularly pulled “male” freight cars. What it was, was fun! Before it became self-consciously camp in the last “new & improved” version, it was silly, camp, ostentatious spectacle. The songs were great, with lots of innuendo and silly jokes, the suggestion of assorted positive messages, and a good time had by all.
    Also the only song from the show I’ve ever heard in another context is There’s Me. Justice for CB.

  • @bendrp28
    @bendrp28 3 місяці тому +3

    I think the “Starlight Express” was always thought of as a celestial/spiritual being/body/entity so the link to stars and planets is in my opinion not such a far reaching concept.

  • @castlestar454
    @castlestar454 2 місяці тому

    Great review! Saw the show today and it was the first time I'd ever seen it and I enjoyed it a lot! Just wanted to ask if in the future you could maybe link in the description any other videos you mention in your review? It would have been amazing if the Wait in the Wings video was linked there just for making things easier, I've thought this in the past too. Just something I thought might be a nice idea.

  • @lennies_mindful_life
    @lennies_mindful_life 3 місяці тому +2

    I saw starlight last week and I saw it in back in 99 in the west end from 10 quid standing tickets I preferred this version, at the interval we were saying that we could see this get lots of technical noms at awards next year but definitely nothing for its book 😂 ie it looks great but plot what plot I've still got the hydrogen song stuck in my head 5 days later

  • @danteorfei4815
    @danteorfei4815 3 місяці тому +1

    #1) I have an enormous amount of respect that you obviously spend a lot of time and effort to make these videos which obviously are intended to benefit, inform &/or better folks, other than yourself.
    So if I make a negative comment, it has absolutely nothing to do with you. So if a remark I make seems crabby:
    Pleas know it really has to do with you
    #2) I want that shirt!!! Not yours, but I love the simplicity of it.
    I actually had a tshirt from the Apollo Victoria that I miss grwatly😢😢...
    It was black and simply had StEx in😢the original artwork font (however the the letters were striped in yellow and red, similar to a candy cane!..
    One of the sleeves that the locomotive constellation in red and yellow.
    Simple. But to the point!

    • @danteorfei4815
      @danteorfei4815 3 місяці тому +1

      Phone was dying... Sorry for the interruption...
      #3) People throw the term original production quite frequently with StEx, but more times than not, never really clarifiy &/,or specify what time period or version of the show they are intending to refer to.
      The show ran at Apollo Victoria for almost 18 years, but there were several versions with very specific production characteristics performed in that window of time!
      I personally refer to the original production as the pre-broadway incarnation performed at AV from 84 - 87...
      That's the amazing, completely jaw dropping, kinda creepy, sci-fi-ishly surreal, high speed version that will go down in my childhood top 5, along with being snuck onto Space Mountain at DisneyWorld @ age 4 and accidentally waking up on Xmas and "hearing" and briefly getting a glimpse of 'Santa' hard at work (story for another time).
      Digressing, no other following version I saw ever soared as high!
      And it s not because it was more enchanting to be first time, but rather because the show had begun to morph into another narrative with another video by the second time I saw it in the US.
      It no longer had the intriguing interest with a side of intensity & intimidation, but rather started to become less of a high speed dream with creepy mechanical train people that came to life, but rather, a kiddie story with a plot that was stripped of its complexity.
      It went from something akin to the "Neverending Story to how to train your dragon..."
      To be continued

  • @callalily3994
    @callalily3994 3 місяці тому

    I never saw the original Broadway production, but my older sister did, and she dressed as one of the characters for Halloween that year.

  • @kerryfearnley7014
    @kerryfearnley7014 3 місяці тому +1

    I really enjoyed the show saw it last week. Never saw the original but knew the original music. Curious to hear your thoughts about the replacement of the love song with Rusty and Pearl as I really liked ‘Next time you fall in love’ and of course this has been replaced.

  • @mts7130
    @mts7130 3 місяці тому +1

    We call the front of the train a 'cowcatcher'. I guess it's really known as a 'pilot'. I found out train people don't want us to call it a 'cowcatcher'. In the UK, it might be called life-guards, rail gruards, or guard irons. I've never heard those terms used.

  • @TophR777
    @TophR777 2 місяці тому

    Starlight Express also ran in Las Vegas at the Hilton casino for over 5 years. Incredible staging and the set was incredible.

    • @lnxjenn
      @lnxjenn Місяць тому

      when was that? It wasn't there when I lived there. I did see Phantom while it was at Caesar's palace (I think! it's been quite awhile now!) I don't recall if Startlight was there. But i haven't lived there for 10+ years now.

  • @reedely3149
    @reedely3149 2 місяці тому

    The fact that Jeevan is 17! Outstanding performer

  • @chuckoneill2023
    @chuckoneill2023 3 місяці тому +5

    A steam train can definitely be powered by hydrogen.
    A steam train can run on anything that produces heat -- technically, nuclear power is steam power.
    Pardon my pedantry, I'll see myself out......

    • @Seal0626
      @Seal0626 3 місяці тому +1

      And stars are made of hydrogen.

  • @AdamBenghiat
    @AdamBenghiat 2 місяці тому +1

    I need a cast recording of this production I looooove the new songs "I am me" and "I do" sooo catchy! 🎶

  • @AnimalMagnetism1965
    @AnimalMagnetism1965 3 місяці тому

    I saw it last Friday & was blown away. Very immersive & lots of fun. I did see the original at Apollo Victoria. I think the races are not quite as thrilling in this update due to the smaller space.

  • @joewatts6016
    @joewatts6016 2 місяці тому +2

    Is it a good show - Yes. Is it as good as the Apollo versions - No. Does it meet the hype that lead up to it - err not really.
    I grew up in the New starlight era and I think this show just missed with what it could have been.
    Costumes, Once you are outside the main cast and coaches, they sort of loose their identity. Can you honestly say which of electra's components are which? The other engines just look like the baddie from lazy town in different colours.
    When they come to a race its Greaseball, electra, ow and the green and blue one to fill the race.
    As you said they are singing Trains, the older costumes and the Bochum ones have wheels and pads that look like trains that this doesn't. Biggest thing I thought was missing is the helmets. They were introduced as Trains, then took their helmets off to know who they were, but then put them back on to race. This production just has a glorified skate helmet.
    The theatre is small so can't get any real speed up so the races are more slow and plodding along, plus whats the fight about with greaseball and electra? They fight, rusty wins, they skate off, then minutes later they come back 'tangled' for one rock and roll. That made no sense. Originally they crashed, lost the race, then came back on all tangled.
    Lighting- Yes on the whole good. The tracking and changing the set colour I only really noticed during Hydras song. The Auto followspots work great at concerts etc over the last decade or something, but when we saw it, they kept up as they moved but once stopped 9/10 they only lit from the neck down, light the tracker is on their lower back. Also if they moved slightly as you do on skates they would jump future than needed.
    Set - Within the limitations of the space, I think it was OK. Could have done with a high level round the back of everyone or something to add more space to gain speed. That said the aesthetics of the auditorium I loved. Foyer I loved it was simple but the disco style music was cool. I think the walkway between the 2 was just bland. Newsies tried to dressed it up to make it look like the set with hammocks etc. A tin of paint to add some train tracks would have just added something or some of the signals on the walls.

  • @emryspaperart
    @emryspaperart 3 місяці тому

    i laughed so much at your description of how you felt about the previous steam conversion in the original story because honestly same, like we get it! the starlight is god and steam's "Second Coming" definitely doesn't have Evangelical vibes to it at all, no sirree, (/sarcasm) so it's nice to hear that vibe is... Less now lmao
    (edit: re the hard lean onto space visually, i wonder if this this also their attempt to shy away from the vague xtian connotations mentioned above because god knows a lot of people have commented on this over the years, and being very explicit that hey! the starlight is inspired by the kids love of space would certainly do that?))

  • @apricebcd
    @apricebcd 2 місяці тому

    I grew up listening the OST. and then Saw the Opening night of the 1988 production in Australia. It was such a huge arena production. from what I've seen of this production it seems small. I just wish there were some good videos available of the original, the Australia, the German and the new production. Here in Australia I don't know when or if we will ever see a production again.

  • @nathanmayer1530
    @nathanmayer1530 3 місяці тому +4

    'My Fair Lady' The On Wheels Tour coming soon to a live theater near you!

  • @marksargent2440
    @marksargent2440 3 місяці тому

    I saw it when it was just out side of london Victoria thats going back nearly 30 years ago .

  • @marcosohl1
    @marcosohl1 2 місяці тому +4

    Ohje, ich bin schockiert wie "gekauft" deine ganze Rezension auf mich wirkt.
    Ich schaue Starlight Express weiterhin in Bochum...weil die Alternative in London wie eine Zirkus-Show wirkt.
    Sehr schade.

  • @danielbond7536
    @danielbond7536 3 місяці тому +1

    10:59 You can become Mickey Jo Trains if you do a crossover episode with a transit UA-camr!

  • @nealeTH
    @nealeTH 3 місяці тому +9

    It’s a shame that Starlight has lost its verticality. Multiple levels are a massive gap in set, story and energy. As is the bridge structure connecting the levels, the stage and the spectacle of character arrivals, race starts and changing track configuration is sadly missing and holds back what were the thrilling highlight of the original show which exposes the uneven weaknesses in the score.

    • @roberthanisko9749
      @roberthanisko9749 3 місяці тому

      Any idea how much it would cost to re-create that original show today?

  • @ChristopherButler-um2ko
    @ChristopherButler-um2ko 3 місяці тому

    Just got back from NY PRIDE. You and Aeron have to experience this at some point in time.

  • @robwilkinson11
    @robwilkinson11 26 днів тому

    Howling at 'this isn't strong enough'. Fantastic review of a bonkers show which I had the pleasure to see a couple of weeks ago, being a fan of the 'sort of' original (but there have been so many iterations) Really enjoyed the show but couldn't bear Hydra and Control should be out of sight out of mind. Absolutely bonkers and ALW must have been on good stuff writing this. Total escapism though which we all need.

  • @oakboundstudio
    @oakboundstudio 3 місяці тому +1

    Nice, rounded review, thanks. I have tickets for October but having seen the photos and some snippets I'm not sure if I will be going. As a new production for a new generation I get that I am not their target audience. I love the rock 'n' roll, heavy industrial, massive set combo of the previous productions. The more poppy, clubby version (like the mid-2010s Bochum rewrite) doesn't float my boat and the Manga vibes I'm not digging. It also feels like a reduced-budget version which is trying really hard not to offend anyone and as a result strips so much of the character and humour from the show. I'll try to keep an open mind, go and try and enjoy it as its own thing and if it gets too much I'll close my eyes and remember the Apollo Victoria!

  • @suebradford890
    @suebradford890 Місяць тому

    Went to see this show today! We had seen the early 90s version with Greg Ellis as Rusty and John Partridge as Electra. In comparison, I preferred that version but realise shows sometimes have to change to appeal to a wider audience. I felt Pearl was more timid than originally; some male characters changed to female actors didn't work quite as well; as seems usual with shows some music was a little loud and distorted and the whole production was a bit "smaller" - maybe the Troubador theatre is smaller than the original Apollo Victoria. Overall though, we all thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle with fantastic lighting and race sequences.

  • @fp30e
    @fp30e 3 місяці тому +1

    Hello Mickey Joe. Starlight Expressed closed in London's West End 22 years ago. I saw it several times in a proper theatre (Apollo Victoria), not in an old TV studio with no atmosphere. OK I have not seen this new show, only seen several posted YT videos of the finale. What strikes me is the lighting is very TV, No feeling to it at all. If I pay £100 to see a show, I want to see it in a theatre and get a full theatrical experience. This show looks to be designed towards people who watch a lot of TV. I can't see it paying for itself.

    • @MickeyJoTheatre
      @MickeyJoTheatre  3 місяці тому

      @@fp30e for what it's worth, the production is reported to have advance sales of £14 million - the sound and lighting in the Troubadour is really top notch and the sight lines far better than most traditional theatres 🙂

    • @fp30e
      @fp30e 3 місяці тому +2

      @@MickeyJoTheatre Hello Mickey Joe, Thank you for your kind reply. I hear what you say and you make excellent points, and you know what you are talking about. From all of the videos I have seen and the comments I have read, it looks like a stage show itv would do. The lighting is not theatrical at all despite the "top notch" up-to date lighting technology. It reminds me of "An Audience With" on itv. Re: sightlines. It's an old TV studio!. I am surprised the local council has allowed those front pods of people who are essentially trapped in their areas during the show. What would happen if a skater slipped at speed, He/She would crash into the seating area, or an audience member needed to use the bathroom. I'm sure Westminster Council would have been concerned has the show been put on in the West End. £14m advance ticket sales is not a lot. The show is a far cheaper and more modern version of the original. It probably cost in ther range of £6-10m to stage (based on the original West End Staging cost). There is a huge cast in this production. Then all the back stage staff, rent of the theatre, it will be lucky to turn in a profit. I will be delighted to see it still in a place a year on without any major slimming down.

    • @BellePullman
      @BellePullman 3 місяці тому +1

      If it helps any the £30 seats all have great sightlines, so you don't need to spend £100!

  • @Nalah
    @Nalah 2 місяці тому +1

    I watched the new show back in show and loved it! I just wish they release a recording of all the cast singing. I struggle to listen to older show recordings because it's so different.

  • @alangray6046
    @alangray6046 3 місяці тому

    Huge fan of the original (93 and 01) so excited it’s back. Thought I was gonna have to go to Bochum (2025 trip for that)
    Excited and kinda nervous as I have read about changes, songs dropped etc
    Birthday treat was a ticket from a fried for last week)
    Apprehensive I ventured to Wembley Park.
    Trackside 1-FF-24 was my ticket. Great view although ticket stated restricted view. Not so
    Sadly seat 24 is at the end of the row and not the best leg room for a big old bear. Sitting fave on was so uncomfortable
    Thankfully the two seats next to me were a no show so was able to take middle seat and man spread. Will have to check other seats for next visit but despite the space it was a great view.
    Missed the National trains, the helmets of trains, I get it that it’s a new version
    Costumes were better up close and loved the Irn Bru train 😅
    News songs are good
    Absolutely love I Am Me (been singing it ever since, well what I remember)
    Missed some of the old familiar songs though.
    Found myself comparing them would get lost in the new and the moment !
    It was an absolute delight and so glad it’s back
    It was always a bit camp and gay. I was the G of LGB before all the other letters were added
    I get it, we move on. Touted for children but go kids need to have lesbian trains or non gender fluid carriages? I don’t think so
    Greaseball was a male engine (although new incarnation didn’t do a bad job)
    Momma instead of Poppa worked, she has a belter of a voice.
    Lots of plot add ons and I kinda lost the plot at few points
    Sounded amazing
    Looked amazing
    Cast were brilliant
    Will go back (different seats)
    Great music
    Great humour
    Absolutely loved it
    But some changes not needed but that’s my opinion.
    There was space to keep older songs
    National trains missed
    Helmets missed
    Too many new gender stuff added
    Miss the smiling car and Rocky (1,2 and 3)
    Disappointed with my seat, not sure who would have fitted in there, but great view
    No programmes
    T shirts don’t cater for larger sizes, an XL am not!
    Sadly they lost about £100 on merch that day
    No cast soundtrack, an opportunity missed, hopefully that will follow soon.
    Maybe a dvd (certainly would have loved one of the original)
    On the whole 🌟🌟🌟🌟

  • @MrEj7ak
    @MrEj7ak 3 місяці тому +1

    I’m all behind Big Steam lol

  • @chuckoneill2023
    @chuckoneill2023 3 місяці тому +2

    My wife and I saw S.E. in London, in 1987.
    We were actually in the dress circle, but there were no "high fives". Thick plastic barriers (as in a hockey rink) locked into place before the races. I don't know if those were there for the entire run.

  • @carrie4430
    @carrie4430 2 місяці тому

    I was halfway through this video when I realized I had confused Starlight Express with Rollerball.😜

  • @1stevenreid
    @1stevenreid 3 місяці тому

    I would 100% go see "My Fair Lady" on skate. It might be the only way I'd go see it again.

  • @browneyes142a
    @browneyes142a 2 місяці тому

    Was I expecting Mickey Jo's take on Salt N Pepa? No. Am I mad? No lol
    Have tickets in a few weeks and I can't wait.
    I first heard about Starlight Express from The Babysitters Club many many years ago. Since i've been in a position to indulge and experience my live theater obsession, it is one of those shows i've always been sad I missed it in its heyday.

  • @hayleyashton5854
    @hayleyashton5854 3 місяці тому

    I really want to see it but I'm struggling to justify the ticket prices and I get that is must be astronomically expensive to put on. But a decent seat, is difficult in their current pricing

  • @UlfPFK
    @UlfPFK 3 місяці тому +3

    Don't wanna be too pedantic - but having seen (I guess) all of your videos about Starlight as well as the ones about your trip to Hamburg, I wonder if you really can't pronounce Bochum (they way we would) or if it actually is pronounced "Bockum" in English? I guess you know how to pronounce Lock (as in Loch Ness) - the Scottish/UK way, not the US way (which would be Lock Ness, I guess) - then just think Lochum and change the L for a B😉
    And then you need to come and see Starlight here!!!
    Just been again with my nephews last winter (almost exactly 10 years after I'd taken them to see Starlight for the 1st time) - and still had a great time. BoCHum itself is boring - but Cologne (my home town - with a German and thus rather weird version of Moulin Rouge...) and Düsseldorf are nearby!

    • @LadyDragonbane
      @LadyDragonbane 3 місяці тому

      I think it's an English thing as I've heard other English speakers say it like that too

    • @londongirl2768
      @londongirl2768 3 місяці тому +2

      Scottish people pronounce loch properly, but most English people find that sound very difficult, as it doesn’t appear in English really.

    • @UlfPFK
      @UlfPFK 3 місяці тому +1

      I know - but I've found that the other native (English) speakers often suddenly "get it" when I tell them that "it's just like in loch". Or in "Ach!" - where many (or most) get this guttural "ch" after dark vowels right as well😊

  • @ThatRandomDude914
    @ThatRandomDude914 3 місяці тому +1

    Saw Starlight Express yesterday, want a recording sooo baddddd I want “I do” yesterday.

  • @Oviya.
    @Oviya. 3 місяці тому +1

    The Newsies mention!!!!!

  • @tonycourant9771
    @tonycourant9771 3 місяці тому

    It was really cool and great but it was also about anthropomorphic trains 😬

  • @michaeladkins6
    @michaeladkins6 3 місяці тому

    You saw the transfer of Next To Normal? Are you going to review it?

  • @EnterpriseGeek
    @EnterpriseGeek 3 місяці тому

    the space element is about dreams i think..the dreams of the boy

  • @jspihlman
    @jspihlman 3 місяці тому +5

    If this doesn't come to Broadway I'm gonna be upset!!

    • @Gary-o7q
      @Gary-o7q 3 місяці тому

      I cant see it making a broadway return, but a permanent production in Orlando FL would do really well!!!

  • @Welcometotherox
    @Welcometotherox 2 місяці тому

    Before anyone @s me, I am a hardcore Starlight fan and have been for years.
    Honestly, I loved it. It was loud, silly, bright and fast like it always has been. The singing was top notch and the cast worked incredibly hard to bring the story to life.
    Highlights for me - loved the new Hydrogen/eco angle, loved the enhancing of the existing queerness of the story, loved that it was brought right up to date.
    All of the negative reviews I've seen so far have been either a) sad things changed - it's a revival, things won't stay the same or b) upset that the new production is now "woke" - in which case, they're bigots.
    It's a great production. Is it your 1980s Starlight Express? No. But let's be honest, you're remembering that one with nostalgia goggles anyway and it was never supposed to be.
    Seriously arguing about changes to a child themed train musical just shows a lot of you never grew up!

  • @thomasscottwilliams6672
    @thomasscottwilliams6672 3 місяці тому

    I saw wicked the night after the matinee of the drowsy chaperone, wicked was tainted as superficial and green fluff whereas drowsy was about loneliness and fear of communication. Probably would have enjoyed wicked on a different occasion. I think this is the same as starlight and next to normal

  • @ChrisBiggs51
    @ChrisBiggs51 3 місяці тому

    I can’t recall you mentioning it but is “Rolling Stock” still in the show ?

  • @klausi6483
    @klausi6483 3 місяці тому

    I saw Cats in the early 80's on Broadway. After that there was no way in hell I was going to see an ALW musical about trains.....

    • @leo123722
      @leo123722 3 місяці тому

      You’re missing out

  • @edwardgray2339
    @edwardgray2339 3 місяці тому

    Hi Mickey, what are your thoughts on many followspot operator positions being replaced by the technology which tracks the costumes? Seems like a case of AI/technology replacing human jobs, but there doesn’t seem to be anywhere near the backlash there has been against AI art/voice acting etc.

    • @Welcometotherox
      @Welcometotherox 2 місяці тому

      It's not AI - there are human camera operators who stand there physically filming. If anything it creates jobs :)

    • @edwardgray2339
      @edwardgray2339 2 місяці тому

      ⁠@@WelcometotheroxI’m not talking about camera operators, im talking about the followspot operators - there’s plenty of videos on Starlight Express’ and the cast’s socials about the AI used :)