Bellroy Coin Wallet, is thicker better?

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @techalpha7362
    @techalpha7362 Рік тому +42

    Bought this wallet and travelled with it. Heres my two cents. The leather is very high quality and it carries alot, and it still stays slim enough. HOWEVER, between going to 4 hotels on my vacation, the outside 3 card slots ALL erased my hotel key cards. I got tired of going to the front desk for a new one. I think this may be due to the magnet. Also due to the magnet, some euros and gbp get stuck onto them, so you have to pluck them out and they fly everywhere. I bought the note sleeve instead, carries coins without ruining my hotel cards.

    • @grimgoreironhide9985
      @grimgoreironhide9985 Рік тому +4

      Thank you for mentioning the issue with the hotel cards. I use hotels often due to my job. I am now aware of this issue. Thank you.

    • @iz5442
      @iz5442 4 місяці тому

      what do u mean by erased your hotel key cards? mind explaining?

    • @iCutWaffles
      @iCutWaffles 20 днів тому

      De magnetize ​@@iz5442

    • @iCutWaffles
      @iCutWaffles 18 днів тому

      De magnetizes cards ​@@iz5442

    • @cavan_goh
      @cavan_goh 14 днів тому

      @@iz5442probably he meant the chip inside the hotel key cards, that are used to detect the sensor of your door when you tap it outside to unlock the door.

  • @chgri4590
    @chgri4590 4 роки тому +12

    According to Bellroy, the lip at the end of the opening of the coin pouch is to be used as a tray, so you can grab which coins you need easily without having to pour them all out on your hand

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +4

      Makes sense. If that’s the case then I would like the visual space provided with the flap open to be wider as you can only see one coins with from top to bottom right now. Almost perfect.

  • @diegocedillo7791
    @diegocedillo7791 4 роки тому +6

    Your reviews are really good and complete, i really love this new Bellroy wallet.
    This channel has another suscriber...

  • @Jakuzziful
    @Jakuzziful 4 роки тому +12

    I really like the detail of the matching pen for each Wallet 😁

  • @g-rated-g
    @g-rated-g 4 роки тому +20

    Having lived in Japan I see this as a great wallet for visiting or living there. It fits Yen and you can store some of the coins you get. Got to make that exact change to please the store owner :)

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +8

      LOL, very true, they give you the stink eye if you try and make them break a note.

    • @gabrielgermann9148
      @gabrielgermann9148 2 роки тому

      Thanks, this is exactly the info I needed!

  • @lastsamuraial
    @lastsamuraial 3 роки тому +6

    Using it since a week.Very good quality and practic.

    • @devzy844
      @devzy844 2 роки тому

      Still going strong? thinking of buying one.

    • @Snella-UB
      @Snella-UB 9 місяців тому

      @@devzy844 I do not own this particular wallet, but my experience with bellroy has been quality since day 1

  • @GoldbergDaBoss
    @GoldbergDaBoss 4 роки тому +3

    These videos are so satisfying. I have 100% no intention of buying this wallet but thoroughly enjoyed this video

  • @penguinshug151007
    @penguinshug151007 4 роки тому +10

    I really appreciate your demonstration of USD, EURO, and YEN notes. Great review!!!!

  • @rebeccasagichnicht9517
    @rebeccasagichnicht9517 3 роки тому +6

    I tried this wallet and what they don't tell you is, that some coins (Euro) are magnetic and stick on the inside of the pouch. That's super annoying and i send it back to get the note sleeve. The coin pouch in the Coin wallet is not much better/bigger than the small one in the note sleeve. With both wallets you have to empty the coins into your hand to see what you have.

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  3 роки тому

      Wow! Great information on the Euro coins, I didn't know that.

    • @gippywhite
      @gippywhite Рік тому

      Canadian coins, too. 😬🤭

  • @wahtsg
    @wahtsg 4 роки тому +1

    Been waiting for this! Thanks for reviewing it!

  • @MrDragonorp
    @MrDragonorp 4 роки тому +6

    do you mind to give me an example of better quality and a slim wallet with a coin pouch? I carry 3-6 cards(running now on 4) including ID, 5-10 coins and 4 of bills on average I think. I am looking for a slim quality wallet that will last me a long time and will still look good. what are your recommendations?
    also, I live in Israel so shipping availability is also important to factor

  • @Noah_L07
    @Noah_L07 3 роки тому +2

    A big thumb up for this video 👍🏻
    I'm planning to get one coin wallet / note sleeve. May I get your suggestion on selecting among these two?

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  3 роки тому

      If you carry coins, the coin wallet, more cards the note sleeve. If you like more rugged, the Woven version of the Note Sleeve is cool.

    • @Noah_L07
      @Noah_L07 3 роки тому

      @@walletopia Cool, thanks a lot for the suggestion 👍🏻

  • @danniemathew6538
    @danniemathew6538 4 роки тому +3

    i love my note sleeve, this is very similar! I feel like the coin pouch is given a lot of space though

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +1

      I totally agree! The coin pouch is its focus with a few other common features put in.

  • @PhearaXT
    @PhearaXT 3 роки тому +1

    Good! I’m looking for a wallet that carry coins because I’m tired of losing coins that felling out of my wallet.

  • @bimaajiwibowo923
    @bimaajiwibowo923 4 роки тому +3

    Hey mark, happy to see another wallet review. Im curious, in your opinion, what are the wallet brands/companies that you personally think could labelled as luxury?

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому

      Tough call as that's usually in the marketing plan of the wallet maker and can generally been seen by how much they charge, where they call home (New York or Paris for example) and any advertising they may do and where.

    • @bimaajiwibowo923
      @bimaajiwibowo923 4 роки тому

      @@walletopia Thankyou for the reply mark!! Im a business student currently researching about the premium leatherwork industry and i would love to have your opinions on my questions. I have one more for you, which country/ies you see could be considered as the pioneer or 'the best' at producing premium leather and leather goods?

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +1

      @@bimaajiwibowo923 The answer is nobody and everybody. Leather production from preservation of hides to the tanning process to make available leather for finished goods is a massive exercise with China, India, Brazil, US and Russia creating the most volume of hides for finished goods production. That doesn't mean it's the best leather. Since the basics of tanning are not secret it comes down to the type of tanning for quality. Chrome tanned, where chemicals are used to prepare the hides and takes a fraction of the time to produce finished leather compared to veg tanned leather, accounts for 85% of all leather made in the world. The remainder is veg tanned which is an all natural process and produces superior leather but takes longer. Due to the time consuming nature of veg tanning its impractical to do it at a large scale like chrome tanned. While universally accepted that veg tanning produces better quality leather, it is produced by small tanneries all over the world, with each tannery producing leather with some unique method, ingredient, hide type, etc. for differentiation. Thus, while establishing that veg tanned leather is superior, there are tanneries that produce it all around the world so to indicate one country or group of countries is the "best" at producing it would not be truthful.

    • @bimaajiwibowo923
      @bimaajiwibowo923 4 роки тому +1

      @@walletopia Wow, i didn't expect that long of an answer, but thank you soo muchh, i truly appreciate it. Keep making videos and interacting with your audiences man! Love your format of reviewing each wallet.

  • @MrMozkoZrout
    @MrMozkoZrout 3 роки тому +2

    Hm I don't like how that card at the front sticks out so much and the wallet is so thick even when not all that much packed, i expected a bit more clever design from Bellroy in that regard. Seems like Aurochs Eclipse is the better option but that one isn't really slim or clever about the coin pocket either. Maybe i will have to pay the premium for something japanese.

  • @michaeloliva8353
    @michaeloliva8353 3 роки тому +1

    Would the coin pouch be able to fit an air tag? I tend to misplace my wallet a lot lol

  • @rutlegs
    @rutlegs 4 роки тому +2

    Another enjoyable review! I hate carrying change and avoid it at all costs!

  • @thomasschiller7848
    @thomasschiller7848 2 роки тому +2

    Are this Magnets not deleting the Cards ? Would be a bit concerned tbh.

    • @techalpha7362
      @techalpha7362 Рік тому +1

      It deleted my hotel card 3 times. I returned it for the note sleeve as that has a coin slot also.

  • @sidkings
    @sidkings 4 роки тому +10

    I think the concept is very good, but in practice when fully loaded, it just looks way too bulky. The Notesleeve for me at the moment is fine. The small coin pouch at the back serves me well as I use alot of coins.
    I can appreciate they are trying to plug a gap in the market with the Bellroy Coin, but this is one Bellroy I think might not survive.

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +3

      Good point, and I believe they're good with a wallet not surviving, they continue to combine various features in new wallets to see what sticks.

    • @MrDragonorp
      @MrDragonorp 4 роки тому

      how many coins do you use? I have in my country coins up until 5 euros worth, and bills start from there. I carry like 5-10 coins all the time, sometimes even more as alot of machines only give change only in coins.

    • @sidkings
      @sidkings 4 роки тому

      1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1, £2.
      You can have several of those at any time.
      I would say 80% of the time I use card payment. But some shops only take cash.
      Hence we still use coinage in the UK.

    • @Commander_Cat
      @Commander_Cat 3 роки тому +1

      @@sidkings Hi, do you pour the coins out or pinch them?

    • @sidkings
      @sidkings 3 роки тому

      @@Commander_Cat Sometimes both..

  • @jakakebe4636
    @jakakebe4636 3 роки тому +1

    Hi! Will the coin magnet harm your credit cards in the wallet?

    • @techalpha7362
      @techalpha7362 Рік тому

      Dont know about credit cards, but it erased my hotel cards a few times. I went with the note sleeve.

  • @cedtavernier
    @cedtavernier Рік тому

    Hi ! I'm looking for a (slim) wallet. I'm using a paprcuts RFID wallet, really interesting an provide all i need : cards, bills and coins. But I'm looking for leather wallet with more quality. This bellroy has almost everything i need : quick access card slots / other card slots / hidden card slot (id, etc.) / coin pouch and full size bill section. The Bellroy seems not to be perfetc : magnetic euros coins, quickly bulky... This review has 2 years so i'm wondering if something equivalent but better exists ... (I saw the revelot W2V2 but i can't find any review). Thanks !

  • @seionislam7119
    @seionislam7119 4 роки тому +2

    In your opinion what is the best quality leather

  • @mccrimmon574ify
    @mccrimmon574ify 4 роки тому +13

    I find the bellroy over priced for what you get

    • @ihavenoname8020
      @ihavenoname8020 4 роки тому

      Your right, their cheapest in my country is 69$ Canadian. Wayyyy to overpriced in my opinion. Wish they would lower the price.

    • @APPLEPIE978
      @APPLEPIE978 4 роки тому +1

      @@ihavenoname8020 Also Canadian. I'm finding that it's cheaper to get a good quality handmade wallet from Etsy as opposed to most companies featured on this channel. Shipping to Canada is pretty brutal.

    • @ihavenoname8020
      @ihavenoname8020 4 роки тому +1

      @@APPLEPIE978 yea, shipping is fricking brutal here in Canada. I would rather buy a cheap wallet that could handle the abuse.

  • @TheGrony
    @TheGrony 3 роки тому +5

    Thanks for review!!
    This lookslike a cool wallet. I have already Bellroy Card Pocket (really good quality wallet btw) but living in Czech Republic = A lot of cash and coins use so those 'smart wallets' are not always that smart and practical... So I'm looking for some relatively slim profile wallet with bigger coin storage with more 'traditional' approach and this looks like the one I need! :)

    • @MrMozkoZrout
      @MrMozkoZrout 3 роки тому

      Hey man, living at the same place and actually looking for the exact same thing so i'd like to ask if found any cool wallets for this purpose apart from this one.

    • @techalpha7362
      @techalpha7362 Рік тому

      Hope you didn’t get it as the coins stick to the inner part of the pocket, some 1 euros and 5 cents which is very annoying. I noticed this when i was travelling europe, also the hotel keys get erased by it.

  • @sdophoto1405
    @sdophoto1405 Рік тому

    This might be the perfect travel wallet for me. I have not found one yet. I don't carry cash or coins at home, maybe one 20$ bill. When I travel it is ussually only id, 2 credit cards, bank card. Would it hold about 10 bills and some coins?

  • @alpfra1636
    @alpfra1636 4 роки тому +1

    1:02 what is it?

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому

      If it’s what I think you’re referring to, it’s the data analysis Bellroy is likely doing on their products to determine what features do well, design layouts, colors, etc., then they find new combinations they believe will be successful, then they try it and keep measuring.

  • @TimKraus
    @TimKraus 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you for the video!
    Greetings from Germany 🇩🇪

  • @TheGrandRapidian
    @TheGrandRapidian 4 роки тому

    How does this compare to the coin fold (A Bellroy Wallet I already have)?

  • @mydimplesarewinning
    @mydimplesarewinning 4 роки тому +1

    Have you tried the Zenlet before? Would love to see a review on it. 😊

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому

      We have the Zenlet in inventory so I'll add your vote to it!

  • @alphadawg7360
    @alphadawg7360 2 роки тому

    do these last long as full grain leather handmade wallets?

  • @robertcarlson5819
    @robertcarlson5819 4 роки тому +1

    Great review!! Any chance you would do a review of the Louis Vuitton Discovery Compact Wallet? Serious price point but looks like it might function pretty well. Hope you can arrange to look at that one.

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому

      Hi Robert, we'll take a look at getting it.

  • @chowchinyek
    @chowchinyek 3 роки тому +1

    Does the bellroy wallet usually need to be changed after a few years?

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  3 роки тому

      Based on everything I've heard it largely depends on how hard you are on them. There are many who still have a pristine wallet years after purchase and others where they're falling apart after a couple years.

  • @kenaustero7619
    @kenaustero7619 3 роки тому +3

    Wow nice wallet

  • @RoaringJaguar
    @RoaringJaguar Рік тому

    Great review - thank you!

  • @arslanmushtaq5176
    @arslanmushtaq5176 Рік тому

    Best review ever!

  • @PandaCristos
    @PandaCristos 4 роки тому +1

    Bellroy's wallets are getting bulkier. I think they started out with the slim sleeve and card sleeve, then all over the place @@ the good side is that there are more options for the customers right:-? a slim sleeve owner!

  • @BeardsBaconTech
    @BeardsBaconTech 4 роки тому +1

    Hey I know you buy all your wallets but I was just wondering what do you do with all your wallets because I know you have so many how do you get into this business of making a channel for wallets

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +2

      We keep them all as we do other videos whether it be comparisons, carry tests, etc.

  • @Woodtechnologist
    @Woodtechnologist 4 роки тому +1

    I would like to see reviews from the entire wallet collection from PIONEER CARRY, as you have reviewed collections from other manufacturers

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Hector, I just finished recording a review for their Flyfold wallet which will be released soon.

  • @mcc6008
    @mcc6008 4 роки тому +1

    Please please review Popov slim wallet 🙂

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому

      We've got the Popov 5 card hand sewn wallet coming up!

  • @lordallainsestoso9320
    @lordallainsestoso9320 4 роки тому +1

    what is that watch your using?

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Lil, I commented on your questions before, they're the same watch, Citizen Men's Eco-Drive Chronograph Watch with Perpetual Calendar and Date, BL5400-52A

  • @John-lg1vf
    @John-lg1vf Рік тому

    Why is RFID blocking a "dead thing"?

  • @anurag1106
    @anurag1106 4 роки тому +1

    Can you please review wallets by Rose Anvil?

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +1

      I just finished recording the review for the Claude, so it should publish in the next couple weeks!

    • @anurag1106
      @anurag1106 4 роки тому +1

      @@walletopia That's great news

  • @Sappdesign
    @Sappdesign Рік тому +1

    Why is this color no more?

  • @SpyridonBoukouris
    @SpyridonBoukouris 4 роки тому +1

    Well yeah, that's what we expected

  • @to_ru_kw
    @to_ru_kw 4 роки тому +1

    After getting my bank card demagnetized by the zip wallet I’m afraid of those magnetic clasps haha Do you have any slim wallets recommendations that have easy to access coin slots? Most have very tiny ones, and since I live in Japan it’s kind of impractical

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +1

      I understand that problem :). If you go to there are several filters to drill down on coin capable wallets that will provide you good options.

  • @roshansum
    @roshansum 3 роки тому

    Just got it. Coins get stuck to the magnet making it almost unusable

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  3 роки тому

      That's interesting, I didn't experience that.

    • @techalpha7362
      @techalpha7362 Рік тому

      I second this! Got the note sleeve instead.

  • @stephaniemaster9915
    @stephaniemaster9915 3 роки тому +1

    I'm really enjoying the videos but when you do the carry tests. Can you tell us how many of your cards you put in the wallet?

    • @vegeeater
      @vegeeater 3 роки тому

      Watch again lol

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  3 роки тому +1

      I consistently carry 8 to 9 cards in every wallet. I’ll mention it quickly in the beginning but I don’t illustrate it very well, I apologize

  • @ahmedhishamdr8485
    @ahmedhishamdr8485 4 роки тому +1

    These are the kinds of wallets you buy to upgrade from to a much better quality wallets from Saddleback, Craft and Lore, Ashland leather..etc.

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +1

      Yes, Bellroy is a good gateway wallet for people who end up learning more about higher quality leather, understanding what features are most relevant to them and carry habits. They then end up on this channel wanting to buy all the best quality wallets they can find! 😂

  • @manosvichos9864
    @manosvichos9864 4 роки тому +1

    hello, a nice wallet indeed. however, contrary to what the name of this wallet would suggest, it is not very convenient with coins. not easy to pick the right coins for the circumstances. the opening for the coin pouch is not large enough and coins can not exit the pouch easily due to the way the magnet flap is positioned.

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому

      Great points, I found the same problems with it.

    • @ronbarker6075
      @ronbarker6075 3 роки тому

      That's a shame. Living in Germany and looking for a good wallet with easy coin access. It seems like the coin pocket here is oriented the wrong way. Should be the same direction as the bill slot. That'd make the opening of the pouch larger as well.

  • @Street-ty7ce
    @Street-ty7ce 4 роки тому +2

    Had the bellboy hide and seek for only a few months till I saw the Nomad Slim on walletopia !!! Ditched the bellroy and plan on using the Nomad till it’s no longer functional. Absolutely love my Nomad wallet !!!

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому

      Better leather, better build, you can't go wrong there!

    • @CHP81
      @CHP81 Рік тому

      Nomad so far no rfid.
      Probably get the above with rfid option. The +pt is the coin slot and much cooler than the Zip model. 😂

  • @lastsamuraial
    @lastsamuraial 3 роки тому

    Thank u for your videos.Subscribed.

  • @Chino-47
    @Chino-47 4 роки тому +2

    Hmm I personally am not a fan of Bellroy wallets. Auroch and Nomad wallets feel like the better buy. Just my opinion.

    • @MrDragonorp
      @MrDragonorp 4 роки тому

      why is that? I am searching to get another wallet that has place for cards, at least 4 and ID plus lots of coins as bills start only at 5 euros worth in my country. maybe also a key spot.

    • @Chino-47
      @Chino-47 4 роки тому +1

      Think it's the quality of the leather. It's good but over time? Feels like it should last longer. The type of leather Aurochs uses feels much more durable and they have versions that are coin friendly.

    @MR.THANKMEL8TR 3 роки тому

    Why is rfid bad?

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  3 роки тому +1

      RFID is not bad as a communication protocol for purchases, same with NFC. However, putting RFID lining in wallets is unnecessary and really a marketing gimmick with where technology is today. I talk about it more here,

  • @ВикторияСавченко-м9ы

    Please, don't be so salty about RFID protection in wallets. There are a lot of regions outside of US where RFID card are used and thefts like that are happening. It's always better to be safe, than sorry.

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +1

      Hi, thanks for your comment. If this is still possible, the likelihood of sniffing actually happening is still low as the return on time versus effort is low. HOWEVER, if the concern is there, I would still recommend an RFID card versus having it all over the wallet, taking away from good leather and design.

    • @ВикторияСавченко-м9ы
      @ВикторияСавченко-м9ы 4 роки тому +1

      @@walletopia I can agree with that, blocking cards are quite useful in these situations. You can also pull them out anytime you want. I have a leather wallet myself)

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +1

      @@ВикторияСавченко-м9ы Exactly! You can transfer them from wallet to wallet, very convenient.

  • @alexorphic2752
    @alexorphic2752 3 роки тому

    Coin wallet or note sleeve?
    What's more minimal?

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  3 роки тому +1

      They're both about the same size, but when you put coins in the coin wallet, it thickens up fast.

    • @alexorphic2752
      @alexorphic2752 3 роки тому

      @@walletopia I have never owned a real leather wallet .
      Is it possible for cards to cut the card pocketse and "make" them bigger ? I have seen it on other wallets.. probably due to fast picking of a card or wrong direction of pulling ..

  • @buckvitulli
    @buckvitulli 3 роки тому

    Thanks for doing Yen and Euro cash!

  • @arobbins8755
    @arobbins8755 4 роки тому +4

    I think this wallet is a hot mess. Magnets, pull straps, coin pouch, liner, etc. Not my cup of tea but wallets are a to each his own. I'm sure it would have won a ribbon at a middle school science fair.

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +4

      😂 this wallet seems to be following Bellroy's use of marketing analytics to provide new wallets they believe meet their customer needs, which is what all companies should do. With their material and construction platform determined, it's a matter of combining different features to hit a specific market demographic.

  • @千果-j4i
    @千果-j4i 4 роки тому +1

    小銭入れがスナップでなくて磁石で高さがなくていいですね ナイスアイディア

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +1


    • @千果-j4i
      @千果-j4i 4 роки тому +2

      @@walletopia 🙇‍♀️😃👛👏

  • @igorbiezieliuk4064
    @igorbiezieliuk4064 2 роки тому


  • @kofei
    @kofei 4 роки тому +1

    Too big, too expensive. I do appreciate what it offers though

    • @MrHerbster28
      @MrHerbster28 4 роки тому

      If you like this one but I agree the price is abit too high. Check these out, its pretty much the same design but nicer in my opinion.

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому

      There is a tradeoff of what you put in versus what you get, in this case the many features end up with a bigger wallet.

  • @JimDrews
    @JimDrews 4 роки тому +1

    Way too thick. George Costanza would love it!

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  4 роки тому +1

      It would absolutely be something he would enjoy! 😂

  • @gippywhite
    @gippywhite Рік тому +1

    Soooooo... Canadians can’t use this wallet because Canadian coins are magnetic. 😬 Woopsie!

    • @techalpha7362
      @techalpha7362 Рік тому +1

      I went with the note sleeve. Has a non magnetic coin slot also.

  • @oops6413
    @oops6413 3 роки тому

    you have japanese yen ^^

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  3 роки тому +1

      Always, I lived in Japan for years 😃

  • @yominrak7975
    @yominrak7975 2 роки тому

    This wallet is fat... too fat for my liking, thank you for the review.

  • @gryff42
    @gryff42 Рік тому

    Why is RFID blocking a dead thing?

    • @walletopia
      @walletopia  Рік тому

      Blocking RFID isn't all that necessary, but for those who are still concerned, get a blocking card or sleeve. To have it built into wallets actually takes away from the material, which for more traditionally built leather wallets (not Bellroy), destroys the quality.

    • @gryff42
      @gryff42 Рік тому

      @@walletopia I see, thank you for explaining!

  • @kenaustero7619
    @kenaustero7619 3 роки тому +1

    Wow nice wallet