Brilliant individual, this is leadership. Our culture has never progressed and will never do easily. Enjoy your liberated life. Heroes don’t come only from war zones but people like you are more than that for saving lives. Those religious leader should be ashamed of themselves for not doing their primary job. These people are there to collect money.
Ayzon my brother gin anch min aynat set nash dadab majamarya anbiby interview ka maragesh bafit bado cinqlat...
Qoye medanitu tegegn aletebalem inda
Ayzon jegna wendime
Brilliant individual, this is leadership. Our culture has never progressed and will never do easily. Enjoy your liberated life. Heroes don’t come only from war zones but people like you are more than that for saving lives. Those religious leader should be ashamed of themselves for not doing their primary job. These people are there to collect money.
Selkun magnt eflgalhu defrthi adnkiwalhu amelke mhirtun yamtalen
Tiru timihirit new .allah ke ante gar yihun .
Egzer yimarik.ina.kuturikin.biyagagn.des.yilagnal
fetarri mehrehun yelaklen........
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