Just sold all of my gas powered lawn equipment except my tractor. Bought all DeWalt and love the hedge trimmer, weed wacker, and leaf blower. I have the 20v hedge trimmer, but the other two are 60v. I am amazed at the power. I can use both tools on my half acre lot with lots of trimming and blowing and only use 2/3 of one battery with all that work. No mixing of gas and oil or jerking that rope over and over. Love it!
I bought the dewalt at the beginning of the season. My gas trimmer hasn't been started since. I love it. Quiet, no mixing gas, starts every time. Charge lasts as long as I need it to.
First off good comparison. These companies are pushing the battery thing hard (you seen it, that was all there was at GIE)but what no body is talking about is the mining and manufacturing of these batteries the carbon footprint is 100 times more than gas plus disposal WHEN they go bad, and they have to be charged and that electricity comes from somewhere
Lawn Commander I think you’ll find upon closer look the carbon footprint of lith-ion production vs gas is a fair bit less then 100x more lol I’m not anti fossil fuel at all but These economic and environmental statistics on electric are changing so fast if you got your statistics 6 months ago, you are guaranteed to be wrong now. And as far as the majority of electricity being produced by fossil fuels, you can make 100% of your electricity from coal (which it’s not) and still be at least 40% cleaner then burning gasoline. In other words the carbon footprint of X amount of gasoline needed to do X amount of work is at least 40% more then the carbon footprint created by coal to make the amount of electricity needed to do that exact amount of work. Even Elon Musk has explained this CO2 per mile formula in exact detail in many interviews on the Model S as well as the Model 3. Even just the isolation of that carbon footprint being in 1 spot (factory or mine) makes it 100x easier to capture, contain, clean and recycle the pollution as that technology improves then spreading it all across the earth with every internal combustion engine polluting everywhere all the time.
Kermit...I w/n be overly concerned about fossil fuels & carbon footprints because solar, hydro & wind farms are both the present & very near future providers of electricity, especially solar.
@@ThisTall exactly! These new lithium batteries, when disposed of properly, are not a problem. Also the brushless motors are a major enegry saver, I used to be totally against battery powered anything, they all sucked, but the game has been changed.
Batteries are expensive but I think your time is more expensive. You are forgetting you are spending money on fuel, possibly oil on a 4 stroke, air filter, spark plug, time at buying, filling fuel. Time and aggravation trying to start it. Etc etc
yes, all of that combined by the time you have to buy another battery, if you ever have to, I am sure would surpass the cost of a battery. The smell of the 2 stroke especially on a rainy day is another big factor not touched on. Also I have had good luck with aftermarket batteries on my 18 volt set, so as time goes on if this battery fails there will be cheaper alternatives then the one shown.
Great video! We have used the Milwaukee tools hedge trimmer and for us it has replaced our echo gas powered hedged trimmer. The lighter weight has saved us from getting fatigue due to trimming for longer periods of time straight.
I just replaced my 25cc line trimmer with the Dewalt 20v and don’t have a single bad thing to say about it. I can’t imagine needing the 60v cause it had more then enough power to trim and edge my place. 1 battery 5ah took just over 2 bars to do my entire front and back yard for at least 30-40 minutes work without breaks. And if I ran out it would have taken under 5 seconds to swap the battery so there’s zero to complain about range imo.
Awesome video of course. I actually used to run an hs 45 and a battery powered hedge trimmer as a backup or unit for tiny jobs. It worked pretty good, but the issue with it I had was batteries. It seemed like once my batteries went down hill after several uses they just wouldn't hold a charge anymore for long. I've since went back to gas powered all the way around. Though I'd be willing to give battery a try again, knowing they've come a long ways with technology. Still waiting for a video on the snoway!
😎 For the monthly shrubs we gravitate to the battery Milwaukee and for the here and there trimming we go for the gas just because of the power. When the battery equipments increase their power then gas will definitely have a contender, great topic!
We felt that same way on the pole saws... my local dealer made a believer out of me. Gave us one to use for a week. We got about 3 hours of run time on the batter operated pole saw from Stihl. Power was not an issue at all. We now own 2.
Probably should have actually weighed the machines. Other reviews/websites say that the battery-powered actually weighs less than comparable gas-powered machines. When considering that the battery is expensive, think about all of the money that you will pay for gas in the long run. The batteries can often be used for more than one tool, as well, whereas, you can't remove the engine from your gas-powered machine and use it elsewhere. Thanks for mentioning the noise. That is a big factor, not only with respect to damaging your own hearing, but also with respect to others' hearing. The most important factor, however, is probably the fumes that gas-powered blowers spew into the air. That is not good for the worker or for others nearby. Stihl now advertises its electric machines alongside its gas-powered machines, so it apparently recognizes the potential of the latter. Just my two cents.
I realize you don't want to hear this, but if you truly prefer gas powered equipment to battery except for the pull starting you should switch to echo. I have 4 pieces of Echo equipment and all four always start within 2 pulls hot or cold if you follow echos starting procedure. I love Stihl equipment and dealership availability, but for consistent starting ease Echo wins hands down. Excellent video again.. Merry Christmas
Chris Lawrence honestly if I followed the correct starting procedures it wouldn’t take long to start either. I always forget to choke it the first couple of pulls.
echo has always made quality lawn care equipment, I would say better then Sthil, who I think makes the best chainsaws, besides dewalts battery chainsaw.
I will just wait the battery thing for another 2-3 years when all the little things are worked out and battery prices drop. Battery prices are idiotic.
Some great points! Once battery prices come down the decision will be easier. The thing I get tired of with gas is starting as you mentioned, and dealing with the refueling and mixing. Hate it!
i have bought offbrand batteries for my old lithium 18volt set and they worked very well, havent had one fail yet. So by the time dewalts 20 40 or 60 volts go bad they will have cheaper alternatives for people who want a battery at half price.
I agree with you on the replacement battery topic. They will burn out, eventually, and they are expensive to replace. If you don't use it much, battery all the time. But for professionals, I'll stick with my Stihl:)
With regards to my last comment, been using the Husqvarna 122HD60 and it's more comfortable to use, much quieter than the Stihl HS45 & lighter! Kind of halfway between the two, only take a few seconds to refuel too!!!
I have that same DeWalt trimmer and also have the handheld blower that way I have two batteries. I actually use the little blower quite a bit and like it when I'm just blowing off a sidewalk or a small area instead of using my backpack blower. So far they've been good but we'll have to see how long they last
with an inverter those batteries can be charged off your truck. If you have an enclosed trailer for tools, you could run a cord back to it and mount charger.
I went with the Kobalt 40v from Lowes. I saw it on Lawncare for Life. 150.00 vs the 300.00 echo gas powered i hsd my eye on. Light weight and has a quality cut. Love it.
Haven’t tried battery yet but I’ve been having a lot of trouble with my hedge trimmers I have hs 45 and hs 75 and both keep breaking down so I’d like to try the battery hedge trimmers
How long does the battery last? That is the biggest thing that has kept me from electric because on big jobs I'm concerned about how much time I can get out of it. Great video as usual!
Nice review. I think I would like the battery-powered hedge trimmer and chainsaw,polesaw,because I don't use them alot.l hate trying to start those things !
Yep, im now useing battery equipment because im doing part time lawn care...i love makita's battery power, i can do over 3 to 5 small yards on makitas new 18x2 volt system....love it so much, and everything so damb light weight too!!!! Have a merry x-mas to u Brian!
Hi Brian Gas is the best more grunt. I don't want to do a job and worry about battery going flat half way through the job.For work around the home battery is ok but with commercial use gas is the go I think you would agree. Cheers mate.
that is the old way of thinking, and it was true. These have brushless motors and lithium batteries, they last a long time, also they have built in battery gauge so you know where you are at with the battery. Also if you have multiple tools you will have multiple batteries. You can charge them with an inverter off your truck. Almost no maintenance, no fuel, and all the parts if they did break are available. I started out with the 3/8 impact and let me tell you it replaces my air ratchet, it is that powerful. Once you got a few batteries all these tools can be bought as a bare tool for just over $100.
I swtched over to the Echo battery powered weed wacker and hedge trimmer , works great for me but i'am only part time for full time all day use you would need to carry more batterys.
i dont do alot of hedges but the ones i do do i use the Ryobi 18 volt extended pole hedge trimmer has made me alot of money. property i did yesterday still had over half batter left . for random hedge jobs battery operated is the way to go .if u do alot i think best to stay petrol models
The reason I watched your video is because I am looking to upgrade to battery operated vs. gas. I can't stand the constant pulling on the rope any longer! Battery all the way for me!
are you sure they didnt just get run too low? if you had them about dead and then sitting in the cold they might discharge more. I cant say yet about the 20v, but the 18v dewalts if you run them too low they wont recharge. Simple fix is to jump one off of a charged one, the charger wont work, you have to get a volt or two in with another battery, I fixed a dead one this way. Like the carburated cars, if you run them out of gas, dont try to restart it, you will make more work for yourself.
I've got the Ryobi Expand-it 40 volt tools. I really like the string trimmer and edger attachment since I only use them at my house. The blower attachment runs the batteries down too fast and is a little unwieldy because the weight is further away from the handle. I bought a gas blower for more power and the ability to refill the gas and get back k goi g vs. Waiting on batteries to charge.
I guess the question is which battery system you want to go with. You could have Dewalt hedge trimmer, blower, chainsaw etc, you commit to that battery system. Interesting to do cost analysis battery vs 2 cycle engine. Price of gas ,2 cycle oil, filters, and time required vs battery power equipment. I could geek out on this for hours, HaHa. Have a Merry Christmas Brian
I prefer the battery powered Kobalt 40v I use this year. No gas to stop and fill up. Quiter on residential sites. And easy enough to keep charged. I only use the gas on super heavy thick stuff. Or jobs that require extended periods of times where I can't charge a battery.
Dewalt and Milwaukee has gotten a lot of love this year in the lawn care community but I would like to see Kobalt get some as well. I personally like Kobalt power tools as much as Dewalt
Agree....I will stick with my gasoline powered mower, trimmers,etc. I have found the electric or battery powered to be too light duty. Batteries are expensive.
I run all electric equipment in my lawn business. I use Mean Green Mowers and Stihl Lightning tools with the backpack batteries...so far I havent had a job they couldnt handle.
MrDicedToTheSocks I have to tell you that I'm beyond happy with the machines...the power is there, the battery life is there. Totally worth the investment.
Brent Banks no anger here for the edger...I can edge pretty well with a line trimmer. If a property is overgrown, I will hit the edging manually then line trimming for the season is great. It has to do with the heavy edger blades taking so much energy to keep spinninh.
Personally I would go with the gas power just because the parts are readily available I don’t have time to be dealing with a piece of equipment that if something broke I have to go to the manufacture and then go through a whole bunch of different hoops
If you need to take into account the cost to replace the battery when it finally dies, you need to take into account the cost of the petrol in the Stihl over the same period. Would you spend $200 or more in fuel for the Stihl over (lets say) 3 years? Then the battery works out cheaper.
The stihl is better then bonus is that you get to gas yourself and get high while using it as the exhaust fume goes straight to your face. I pick the stihl!
Good info. There is def a place for battery hedge trimmers and chain saws. I dont think they will replace our gas stuff but they are nice in certain citations. As far as battery blowers and weed eaters.. I dont feel they are up to the challenge yet. Keep the videos coming. PS nice hat in the back lol
keep telling yourself that because you spent so much money. These tools are changing the game, you can get in on it now or wait and see, these tools are going to take over, I dont think they are there yet on the lawn mower but everything else they are there if not surpassed gas tools.
@@artamus73 there's not a trimmer or blower that can touch what we use. That's just facts. I'm sure they will eventually catch up but their not there yet. And not sure by what you mean bc we spent money?? Doesnt everything cost money even battery operated stuff lol. I'd rather be able to fill up my stuff on the spot then run out of batteries and be screwed.
Something you didn't address when talking about the cost if the battery....a gallon of mix fuel is close to 6 bux a gallon now depending on which oil you use....I'm going to add a dewalt trimmer next year....I know I can't clear a knee high field .....but I think for weekly maintenance it will be ok....I will see how many yards I can get out of a charge and then switch back to a gas unit for the rest of a day
Also its a pain if you have a large trimming job, if the battery goes dead you have to stop and go get another one, or if you dont have another one you have to charge it.
they have meters on these batteries. Also you would have more then one battery, more then likely you would have more then one of their tools, the batteries all go with all their tools. You can also be charging in your truck with an inverter.
@@artamus73 true!! It also depends on the job too!! If you got a small residential job or just for personal use at your own house then battery will be plenty for you.
Dewalt makes a good tool but the batterys are expensive for sure.. even for there drills.. and the cold will kill them fast I'm a contractor who lives in upstate ny I've put them threw the test lol
are you sure they didnt just get run too low? if you had them about dead and then sitting in the cold they might discharge more. I cant say yet about the 20v, but the 18v dewalts if you run them too low they wont recharge. Simple fix is to jump one off of a charged one, the charger wont work, you have to get a volt or two in with another battery, I fixed a dead one this way. Like the carburated cars, if you run them out of gas, dont try to restart it, you will make more work for yourself.
The next year or 2 are going to define battery tools imo, at least in the major brands like Dewalt and Milwaukee pushing Volts and amp hours so hard. The 60v Dewalt weed wacker is as powerful as anything but the largest gas version and would certainly be lighter, my 20v is more then powerful enough. And with Milwaukee trying so hard to compete with 20v tools ppl are going to be happy to just add these tools to there cordless tool collection imo.
I suggest find a good battery repair guy in your area. I have a good one, bought a Milwaukee impact 18Volt wrench tool, battery, charger and case for $100. Batteries are cheap if you go to a good battery place.
my pos black and decker lasted 10 years and still works. These dewalt tools are game changers. Brushless motors and lithium batteries make the batteries last a long time.
Nice vid Brian! I prefer my petrol stuff because it lasts longer has more power and is more convenient in many ways but I reckon battery stuff is getting better and better especially for homeowners these days
That is the old facts. Brushless motors and lithium batteries have changed the game forever. I used to really dislike cordless toold, even a drill, but I have seen the light. If a 3/8 impact can replace a air tool, you got my attention.
@@artamus73 For hand tools like that yes I agree. All of my drills, impacts, angle grinders etc. are battery but my actual business equipment is all petrol. I've thought about it for the smaller jobs but the outlay cost is just too much for what they are.
I have been upgrading to dewalt 20v, my old porter cable 18 volt lithium took so long to run those batteries down, I bought that set used, the battery was junk. I risked it and bought a battery for 30 something on ebay, works great, lasts for so long, I have not wore one down all the way yet. So I bought another aftermarket battery, no problems. My point is by the time these dewalt batteries fail there will be cheaper aftermarket batteries. Also Dewalt has a real good chainsaw and the trimmer looks good too. I got the 3/8 drive impact and it is amazing. I never liked cordless tools in the past but lithium batteries and brushless motors are a huge game changer. My point is by the time these wear out you will be able to get one for 50$. The biggest problem is running the batteries too low where they wont recharge, if it ever happens you have to jump the dead one off of a charged one. That was dewalt 18v, maybe they fixed that problem with these.
how about how long to add gas vs swap battery? or how about how long it takes to get 2 cycle oil, get gas at pump, mix, then add to trimmer, vs charge time of battery.
First, I stopped buying DeWalt - way over priced in my opinion, especially the batteries. I have 4 hedge trimmers - two gas, one plug-in electric and one 20V Li Battery (Black and Decker). I prefer the 20V Li Battery - light weight (one hand operation is easy) - and the batteries are not that expensive to replace. It cuts as good or better than the other three and using the "fast" charger, changing batteries is a snap.
dewalt is only expensive when you buy the batteries, then those are used on all their tools, so they let you just buy bare tools which most are right around $100 without battery. I am a cheap skate and I got started cheap, I bought a 3/8 impact, which is amazing, and it came with three new batteries and a charger for $200 on ebay. Dewalts brushless motors will make the battery last so long you forget you are using a battery.
I rather have all my machines run on gas because supposed the battery dies then you have to wait for it to charge up and with a gas you just have to fill up the tank and finish
these have battery gauges. Also you can have another battery, they also make a very good trimmer and chainsaw, and pole pruner. If a guy had those then he would have other batteries, they all go together. These brushless motors really conserve battery power and lithium batteries go a long time. I bought the 3/8 impact and it really works good, removes rusted on bolts even, I was shocked and impressed, battery powered tools have finally arrived.
@@artamus73 yeah i been buying stihls now 13 years now plus i allways get free stihl hats,tshirt,glasses,wrenches,screwdriver with my stihl perchuse plus full tank of feul in it because they start it up before leaves the store wich in boxed stores they just sell cheap junk and cant get parts for them or no free gifts with them wich stihl's does and free gifts with the perchuse wich nice buy stihl and get free stuff
I work at pride industries,I wear mask with N95, I using gas hedger trimmer but, I smell fume from hedger, then will get using gas and fume mask, Stihl and Echo gas hedge trimmer
Dewalt has over 200 tools in their line up. Most are about $100 for the bare tool. I love the platform. It replaces my air compressor as well as my fuel cans. They all use lithium batteries now, and probably all use brushless motors. It is a preference at this point. Makita, millwaukee or dewalt. None are what they used to be, but in ways they are way better. The color of makita makes me want to gag, not only is it hidious, but it reminds me of times using their crappy 9.6 and 12 volt tools. They were all bad then, but I had to endure makita, the huge long battery. What a waste of money. I bought a couple plug in ryobi screw guns so I could actually get things done. Times have changed but makitas color still makes me think crap. Like I say, preference. They are all good tools at this point I would imagine.
Just sold all of my gas powered lawn equipment except my tractor. Bought all DeWalt and love the hedge trimmer, weed wacker, and leaf blower. I have the 20v hedge trimmer, but the other two are 60v. I am amazed at the power. I can use both tools on my half acre lot with lots of trimming and blowing and only use 2/3 of one battery with all that work. No mixing of gas and oil or jerking that rope over and over. Love it!
I bought the dewalt at the beginning of the season. My gas trimmer hasn't been started since. I love it. Quiet, no mixing gas, starts every time. Charge lasts as long as I need it to.
First off good comparison. These companies are pushing the battery thing hard (you seen it, that was all there was at GIE)but what no body is talking about is the mining and manufacturing of these batteries the carbon footprint is 100 times more than gas plus disposal WHEN they go bad, and they have to be charged and that electricity comes from somewhere
Lawn Commander I think you’ll find upon closer look the carbon footprint of lith-ion production vs gas is a fair bit less then 100x more lol
I’m not anti fossil fuel at all but
These economic and environmental statistics on electric are changing so fast if you got your statistics 6 months ago, you are guaranteed to be wrong now.
And as far as the majority of electricity being produced by fossil fuels, you can make 100% of your electricity from coal (which it’s not) and still be at least 40% cleaner then burning gasoline. In other words the carbon footprint of X amount of gasoline needed to do X amount of work is at least 40% more then the carbon footprint created by coal to make the amount of electricity needed to do that exact amount of work.
Even Elon Musk has explained this CO2 per mile formula in exact detail in many interviews on the Model S as well as the Model 3.
Even just the isolation of that carbon footprint being in 1 spot (factory or mine) makes it 100x easier to capture, contain, clean and recycle the pollution as that technology improves then spreading it all across the earth with every internal combustion engine polluting everywhere all the time.
Kermit...I w/n be overly concerned about fossil fuels & carbon footprints because solar, hydro & wind farms are both the present & very near future providers of electricity, especially solar.
@@ThisTall exactly! These new lithium batteries, when disposed of properly, are not a problem. Also the brushless motors are a major enegry saver, I used to be totally against battery powered anything, they all sucked, but the game has been changed.
Batteries are expensive but I think your time is more expensive. You are forgetting you are spending money on fuel, possibly oil on a 4 stroke, air filter, spark plug, time at buying, filling fuel. Time and aggravation trying to start it. Etc etc
yes, all of that combined by the time you have to buy another battery, if you ever have to, I am sure would surpass the cost of a battery. The smell of the 2 stroke especially on a rainy day is another big factor not touched on. Also I have had good luck with aftermarket batteries on my 18 volt set, so as time goes on if this battery fails there will be cheaper alternatives then the one shown.
Great video! We have used the Milwaukee tools hedge trimmer and for us it has replaced our echo gas powered hedged trimmer. The lighter weight has saved us from getting fatigue due to trimming for longer periods of time straight.
I just replaced my 25cc line trimmer with the Dewalt 20v and don’t have a single bad thing to say about it. I can’t imagine needing the 60v cause it had more then enough power to trim and edge my place.
1 battery 5ah took just over 2 bars to do my entire front and back yard for at least 30-40 minutes work without breaks. And if I ran out it would have taken under 5 seconds to swap the battery so there’s zero to complain about range imo.
Awesome video of course. I actually used to run an hs 45 and a battery powered hedge trimmer as a backup or unit for tiny jobs. It worked pretty good, but the issue with it I had was batteries. It seemed like once my batteries went down hill after several uses they just wouldn't hold a charge anymore for long. I've since went back to gas powered all the way around. Though I'd be willing to give battery a try again, knowing they've come a long ways with technology. Still waiting for a video on the snoway!
+FreshKutt LawnCare the dewalt batteries have been great so far. They hold a charge for a long time. It’s coming 😉
😎 For the monthly shrubs we gravitate to the battery Milwaukee and for the here and there trimming we go for the gas just because of the power. When the battery equipments increase their power then gas will definitely have a contender, great topic!
We felt that same way on the pole saws... my local dealer made a believer out of me. Gave us one to use for a week. We got about 3 hours of run time on the batter operated pole saw from Stihl. Power was not an issue at all. We now own 2.
Probably should have actually weighed the machines. Other reviews/websites say that the battery-powered actually weighs less than comparable gas-powered machines. When considering that the battery is expensive, think about all of the money that you will pay for gas in the long run. The batteries can often be used for more than one tool, as well, whereas, you can't remove the engine from your gas-powered machine and use it elsewhere. Thanks for mentioning the noise. That is a big factor, not only with respect to damaging your own hearing, but also with respect to others' hearing. The most important factor, however, is probably the fumes that gas-powered blowers spew into the air. That is not good for the worker or for others nearby. Stihl now advertises its electric machines alongside its gas-powered machines, so it apparently recognizes the potential of the latter. Just my two cents.
I realize you don't want to hear this, but if you truly prefer gas powered equipment to battery except for the pull starting you should switch to echo. I have 4 pieces of Echo equipment and all four always start within 2 pulls hot or cold if you follow echos starting procedure. I love Stihl equipment and dealership availability, but for consistent starting ease Echo wins hands down. Excellent video again.. Merry Christmas
Chris Lawrence honestly if I followed the correct starting procedures it wouldn’t take long to start either. I always forget to choke it the first couple of pulls.
echo has always made quality lawn care equipment, I would say better then Sthil, who I think makes the best chainsaws, besides dewalts battery chainsaw.
Lithium Ion is the way to go. I have all battery operated equipment. Lawn mower,weed eater,blower,edger,hedge trimmer & a pole saw.
How many properties are you taking care of? What equipment are you using?
1 commercial property and several residential homes. I should get a lot more for 2018 as I started at the end of the season this year.
I will just wait the battery thing for another 2-3 years when all the little things are worked out and battery prices drop. Battery prices are idiotic.
Lithium Man .
the dewalt lawnmower seems to really go through the batteries, is that what you find? I am looking to get all of the dewalt tools except the mower.
You never even touched on how clean electric is! Breathe in that two-stroke mix with gas for 40 years is it your health or something!
pro tip : you can watch movies at flixzone. Me and my gf have been using them for watching loads of movies recently.
@Abdullah Rex definitely, I have been using Flixzone} for since november myself =)
@Abdullah Rex yup, I have been watching on flixzone} for since december myself :)
Some great points! Once battery prices come down the decision will be easier. The thing I get tired of with gas is starting as you mentioned, and dealing with the refueling and mixing. Hate it!
i have bought offbrand batteries for my old lithium 18volt set and they worked very well, havent had one fail yet. So by the time dewalts 20 40 or 60 volts go bad they will have cheaper alternatives for people who want a battery at half price.
I agree with you on the replacement battery topic. They will burn out, eventually, and they are expensive to replace. If you don't use it much, battery all the time. But for professionals, I'll stick with my Stihl:)
Whenever I hear someone complaining about starting a 2 stroke It's usually human error involved with the premix, wrong ratio, wrong oil or both!
With regards to my last comment, been using the Husqvarna 122HD60 and it's more comfortable to use, much quieter than the Stihl HS45 & lighter! Kind of halfway between the two, only take a few seconds to refuel too!!!
I have that same DeWalt trimmer and also have the handheld blower that way I have two batteries. I actually use the little blower quite a bit and like it when I'm just blowing off a sidewalk or a small area instead of using my backpack blower. So far they've been good but we'll have to see how long they last
with an inverter those batteries can be charged off your truck. If you have an enclosed trailer for tools, you could run a cord back to it and mount charger.
I went with the Kobalt 40v from Lowes. I saw it on Lawncare for Life. 150.00 vs the 300.00 echo gas powered i hsd my eye on. Light weight and has a quality cut. Love it.
Haven’t tried battery yet but I’ve been having a lot of trouble with my hedge trimmers I have hs 45 and hs 75 and both keep breaking down so I’d like to try the battery hedge trimmers
I used a Ryobi 40v hedge trimmer this year before buying echo gas powered. I only use the battery operated equipment if it's early in the morning.
How long does the battery last? That is the biggest thing that has kept me from electric because on big jobs I'm concerned about how much time I can get out of it.
Great video as usual!
Nice review. I think I would like the battery-powered hedge trimmer and chainsaw,polesaw,because I don't use them alot.l hate trying to start those things !
Yep, im now useing battery equipment because im doing part time lawn care...i love makita's battery power, i can do over 3 to 5 small yards on makitas new 18x2 volt system....love it so much, and everything so damb light weight too!!!! Have a merry x-mas to u Brian!
Hi Brian Gas is the best more grunt. I don't want to do a job and worry about battery going flat half way through the job.For work around the home battery is ok but with commercial use gas is the go I think you would agree. Cheers mate.
that is the old way of thinking, and it was true. These have brushless motors and lithium batteries, they last a long time, also they have built in battery gauge so you know where you are at with the battery. Also if you have multiple tools you will have multiple batteries. You can charge them with an inverter off your truck. Almost no maintenance, no fuel, and all the parts if they did break are available. I started out with the 3/8 impact and let me tell you it replaces my air ratchet, it is that powerful. Once you got a few batteries all these tools can be bought as a bare tool for just over $100.
I swtched over to the Echo battery powered weed wacker and hedge trimmer , works great for me but i'am only part time for full time all day use you would need to carry more batterys.
i dont do alot of hedges but the ones i do do i use the Ryobi 18 volt extended pole hedge trimmer has made me alot of money. property i did yesterday still had over half batter left . for random hedge jobs battery operated is the way to go .if u do alot i think best to stay petrol models
Nice hoodie i have same one.electric hedge trimmers are awesome☺
“What’s going on guys this is Brian from cut and clean, i mean top notch!” Lol Brian thought I was watching the wrong video
Have you tried the Dewalt on thicker hedges, & if so, how does that drain the battery? Because the HS45 will just chomp through it!
The reason I watched your video is because I am looking to upgrade to battery operated vs. gas. I can't stand the constant pulling on the rope any longer! Battery all the way for me!
Fantastic video Brian! Great information and fun to watch. Gotta love the bloopers at the end lol!
I have a Battery operated hedge trimmer by Black and Decker . The motor smoked while I was working on a job, so I went with a gas powered one
how long will the battery last , 1 hour 2 hours ?
Cold weather zapped battery on a drill i had and batteries are expensive. I just can't go with battery stuff yet.
are you sure they didnt just get run too low? if you had them about dead and then sitting in the cold they might discharge more. I cant say yet about the 20v, but the 18v dewalts if you run them too low they wont recharge. Simple fix is to jump one off of a charged one, the charger wont work, you have to get a volt or two in with another battery, I fixed a dead one this way. Like the carburated cars, if you run them out of gas, dont try to restart it, you will make more work for yourself.
I've got the Ryobi Expand-it 40 volt tools. I really like the string trimmer and edger attachment since I only use them at my house. The blower attachment runs the batteries down too fast and is a little unwieldy because the weight is further away from the handle. I bought a gas blower for more power and the ability to refill the gas and get back k goi g vs. Waiting on batteries to charge.
I guess the question is which battery system you want to go with. You could have Dewalt hedge trimmer, blower, chainsaw etc, you commit to that battery system. Interesting to do cost analysis battery vs 2 cycle engine. Price of gas ,2 cycle oil, filters, and time required vs battery power equipment. I could geek out on this for hours, HaHa. Have a Merry Christmas Brian
4 years later what are your thoughts on the dewalt?
I've been using battery powered hedge trimmers ever since. I use mainly Milwaukee now and gave my Dewalt stuff to my dad.
Ive been using ego electric every thing. Easy of use and no maintenance I'd a plus. Batteriesseem to work great after two seasons
Where did you get that jacket?
I prefer the battery powered Kobalt 40v I use this year.
No gas to stop and fill up. Quiter on residential sites. And easy enough to keep charged.
I only use the gas on super heavy thick stuff. Or jobs that require extended periods of times where I can't charge a battery.
Dewalt and Milwaukee has gotten a lot of love this year in the lawn care community but I would like to see Kobalt get some as well. I personally like Kobalt power tools as much as Dewalt
Nice video. Good comparison and breakdown of the positives and negatives of each. Love the thumbnail too!
Lawn Care Business Success thanks buddy.
Was busy yesterday and today doing snow removal. I use a snow blower
Brian great video I'm going to have to stick with the gas powered. I have too much money tied up in my equipment
Hi I'm Bryant very informative didn't know battery powered had that much power
Agree....I will stick with my gasoline powered mower, trimmers,etc. I have found the electric or battery powered to be too light duty. Batteries are expensive.
Good comparison. I may pull the trigger on a dewalt next year.
by the time when battery fails you will be already saved money for new battery ( no fuel used )
I run all electric equipment in my lawn business. I use Mean Green Mowers and Stihl Lightning tools with the backpack batteries...so far I havent had a job they couldnt handle.
Does it make you mad they don't even have an edger? That's one of my biggest hold backs. I also need a bigger blower.
MrDicedToTheSocks I have to tell you that I'm beyond happy with the machines...the power is there, the battery life is there. Totally worth the investment.
Brent Banks no anger here for the edger...I can edge pretty well with a line trimmer. If a property is overgrown, I will hit the edging manually then line trimming for the season is great.
It has to do with the heavy edger blades taking so much energy to keep spinninh.
Brent Banks also, the BGA100 has handled every job I throw it at.
Personally I would go with the gas power just because the parts are readily available I don’t have time to be dealing with a piece of equipment that if something broke I have to go to the manufacture and then go through a whole bunch of different hoops
If you need to take into account the cost to replace the battery when it finally dies, you need to take into account the cost of the petrol in the Stihl over the same period. Would you spend $200 or more in fuel for the Stihl over (lets say) 3 years? Then the battery works out cheaper.
The stihl is better then bonus is that you get to gas yourself and get high while using it as the exhaust fume goes straight to your face. I pick the stihl!
Good info. There is def a place for battery hedge trimmers and chain saws. I dont think they will replace our gas stuff but they are nice in certain citations. As far as battery blowers and weed eaters.. I dont feel they are up to the challenge yet. Keep the videos coming. PS nice hat in the back lol
keep telling yourself that because you spent so much money. These tools are changing the game, you can get in on it now or wait and see, these tools are going to take over, I dont think they are there yet on the lawn mower but everything else they are there if not surpassed gas tools.
@@artamus73 there's not a trimmer or blower that can touch what we use. That's just facts. I'm sure they will eventually catch up but their not there yet. And not sure by what you mean bc we spent money?? Doesnt everything cost money even battery operated stuff lol. I'd rather be able to fill up my stuff on the spot then run out of batteries and be screwed.
Something you didn't address when talking about the cost if the battery....a gallon of mix fuel is close to 6 bux a gallon now depending on which oil you use....I'm going to add a dewalt trimmer next year....I know I can't clear a knee high field .....but I think for weekly maintenance it will be ok....I will see how many yards I can get out of a charge and then switch back to a gas unit for the rest of a day
Also its a pain if you have a large trimming job, if the battery goes dead you have to stop and go get another one, or if you dont have another one you have to charge it.
they have meters on these batteries. Also you would have more then one battery, more then likely you would have more then one of their tools, the batteries all go with all their tools. You can also be charging in your truck with an inverter.
@@artamus73 true!! It also depends on the job too!! If you got a small residential job or just for personal use at your own house then battery will be plenty for you.
Man wow how battery powered equipment has come. It never was even a comparison.
Dewalt makes a good tool but the batterys are expensive for sure.. even for there drills.. and the cold will kill them fast I'm a contractor who lives in upstate ny I've put them threw the test lol
are you sure they didnt just get run too low? if you had them about dead and then sitting in the cold they might discharge more. I cant say yet about the 20v, but the 18v dewalts if you run them too low they wont recharge. Simple fix is to jump one off of a charged one, the charger wont work, you have to get a volt or two in with another battery, I fixed a dead one this way. Like the carburated cars, if you run them out of gas, dont try to restart it, you will make more work for yourself.
The next year or 2 are going to define battery tools imo, at least in the major brands like Dewalt and Milwaukee pushing Volts and amp hours so hard. The 60v Dewalt weed wacker is as powerful as anything but the largest gas version and would certainly be lighter, my 20v is more then powerful enough.
And with Milwaukee trying so hard to compete with 20v tools ppl are going to be happy to just add these tools to there cordless tool collection imo.
I suggest find a good battery repair guy in your area. I have a good one, bought a Milwaukee impact 18Volt wrench tool, battery, charger and case for $100. Batteries are cheap if you go to a good battery place.
Yea...qhat is the run time on battery.
Thinking about Snow. What about Snow blower s
very well documented and tested by someone who has on-site experience /stockport england
If you are over 65 year old battery is much better I try both
Brian great video. I don't think electric would last for a few years. Motors or battery's would break down. Petrol power for me. All the best. Calvin
my pos black and decker lasted 10 years and still works. These dewalt tools are game changers. Brushless motors and lithium batteries make the batteries last a long time.
Great video Brian do you have any snow yet well we got our first snowfall yesterday
Nice vid Brian! I prefer my petrol stuff because it lasts longer has more power and is more convenient in many ways but I reckon battery stuff is getting better and better especially for homeowners these days
That is the old facts. Brushless motors and lithium batteries have changed the game forever. I used to really dislike cordless toold, even a drill, but I have seen the light. If a 3/8 impact can replace a air tool, you got my attention.
@@artamus73 For hand tools like that yes I agree. All of my drills, impacts, angle grinders etc. are battery but my actual business equipment is all petrol. I've thought about it for the smaller jobs but the outlay cost is just too much for what they are.
You had me until the replacement cost of the battery. If the replacement battery was $50, I am going electric, otherwise no shot I'm leaving Stihl.
I have been upgrading to dewalt 20v, my old porter cable 18 volt lithium took so long to run those batteries down, I bought that set used, the battery was junk. I risked it and bought a battery for 30 something on ebay, works great, lasts for so long, I have not wore one down all the way yet. So I bought another aftermarket battery, no problems. My point is by the time these dewalt batteries fail there will be cheaper aftermarket batteries. Also Dewalt has a real good chainsaw and the trimmer looks good too. I got the 3/8 drive impact and it is amazing. I never liked cordless tools in the past but lithium batteries and brushless motors are a huge game changer. My point is by the time these wear out you will be able to get one for 50$. The biggest problem is running the batteries too low where they wont recharge, if it ever happens you have to jump the dead one off of a charged one. That was dewalt 18v, maybe they fixed that problem with these.
Hi Sir, you didn't mention how long both re fuel. eg 20 sec to fill gas into Stihl and how long to re charge battery?
how about how long to add gas vs swap battery? or how about how long it takes to get 2 cycle oil, get gas at pump, mix, then add to trimmer, vs charge time of battery.
First, I stopped buying DeWalt - way over priced in my opinion, especially the batteries. I have 4 hedge trimmers - two gas, one plug-in electric and one 20V Li Battery (Black and Decker). I prefer the 20V Li Battery - light weight (one hand operation is easy) - and the batteries are not that expensive to replace. It cuts as good or better than the other three and using the "fast" charger, changing batteries is a snap.
dewalt is only expensive when you buy the batteries, then those are used on all their tools, so they let you just buy bare tools which most are right around $100 without battery. I am a cheap skate and I got started cheap, I bought a 3/8 impact, which is amazing, and it came with three new batteries and a charger for $200 on ebay. Dewalts brushless motors will make the battery last so long you forget you are using a battery.
I like battery but nothing compares to the power of gas
I rather have all my machines run on gas because supposed the battery dies then you have to wait for it to charge up and with a gas you just have to fill up the tank and finish
these have battery gauges. Also you can have another battery, they also make a very good trimmer and chainsaw, and pole pruner. If a guy had those then he would have other batteries, they all go together. These brushless motors really conserve battery power and lithium batteries go a long time. I bought the 3/8 impact and it really works good, removes rusted on bolts even, I was shocked and impressed, battery powered tools have finally arrived.
Are you a Wichita thunder fan?
Callen Grissom I wouldn’t say I’m a fan as we don’t go that often but we do enjoy it.
stihl sells both gaspowered,battery powered and electric power equipment
you want a real expensive battery, buy sthil products. There is a time for change. You dont owe sthil anything.
@@artamus73 yeah i been buying stihls now 13 years now plus i allways get free stihl hats,tshirt,glasses,wrenches,screwdriver with my stihl perchuse plus full tank of feul in it because they start it up before leaves the store wich in boxed stores they just sell cheap junk and cant get parts for them or no free gifts with them wich stihl's does and free gifts with the perchuse wich nice buy stihl and get free stuff
I work at pride industries,I wear mask with N95, I using gas hedger trimmer but, I smell fume from hedger, then will get using gas and fume mask, Stihl and Echo gas hedge trimmer
😂 haha. Love the out take.
Can't do a gas vs electric. Video..
Go check out your stihl deal for the electric battery operated products. For the real vs. Test
I've tried the DeWalt 40- leaf blower
Gas all the way I’ve had batteries that I have to replace all the time so I went back to gas I guess it’s just bad luck
peace out bro.. yo yo yo.. and Merry Xmas ;)
Religion a side, country a side, they are human!!
The battery stihl hs66 is Great! Battery last about 5 hours. Not cheap, but quiet. As far as tools go, if it is yellow and black, Put it Back.
I love my stihl's
What about cord-electric?
Dewalt has over 200 tools in their line up. Most are about $100 for the bare tool. I love the platform. It replaces my air compressor as well as my fuel cans. They all use lithium batteries now, and probably all use brushless motors. It is a preference at this point. Makita, millwaukee or dewalt. None are what they used to be, but in ways they are way better. The color of makita makes me want to gag, not only is it hidious, but it reminds me of times using their crappy 9.6 and 12 volt tools. They were all bad then, but I had to endure makita, the huge long battery. What a waste of money. I bought a couple plug in ryobi screw guns so I could actually get things done. Times have changed but makitas color still makes me think crap. Like I say, preference. They are all good tools at this point I would imagine.
Home owner = Home Depot shit / yard guy = Gas powered shit / STIHL Gas powered tools = Landscape Professional