Hello miła pani jesteś bardzo zaradna i cieszę się że sobie radzisz po tym co doznałaś . Doceniam że tak ciężko pracujesz i w tych górach jest niebezpiecznie ale wszystko w rękach PANA BOGA i niech ma Cię w swojej opiece w każdej sekundzie Twojego życia ZOSTAŃ Z PANEM BOGIEM . SZCZĘŚĆ BOŻE .
Please don't let your actors litter. The cameraman goes to such lengths to show off how beautiful your country is. It won't stay that way if everyone just discards their trash where ever they sit, walk, fish and so on. You packed it in, you pack it back out.
Do not cut all the trees, the heavy rains causes flood in all different places on earth now. I hope you could plant more trees. Make seedlings of fruit trees.
If you are the villas chief and you suppose to help people in less fortunate situations then you why kick her out not because she didn’t ask you y you could let her stay because you are not using the house you are a heartless village, chief no humanity 😭😭😱
Maaf sy y vokalis karoke di hp mohon maaf y istrirah .kalau kangen suara y akan yanyikan.perubahan suara akan berubah muda menjadi tua begitu juga fisik dulu kuat sekarang melempem. Begitu ngarannya maaf ya semuannya tkh hiburan usai.
✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤dla Ciebie miła pani i się cieszę że tak sobie radzisz . Dziękuję PANU BOGU . PAPA Zostań z PANEM BOGIEM .
Hello miła pani jesteś bardzo zaradna i cieszę się że sobie radzisz po tym co doznałaś . Doceniam że tak ciężko pracujesz i w tych górach jest niebezpiecznie ale wszystko w rękach PANA BOGA i niech ma Cię w swojej opiece w każdej sekundzie Twojego życia ZOSTAŃ Z PANEM BOGIEM . SZCZĘŚĆ BOŻE .
Hej dlaczego u Was nie ma takiej organizacji co by pomagała poszkodowanym ???????????????????
Please don't let your actors litter. The cameraman goes to such lengths to show off how beautiful your country is. It won't stay that way if everyone just discards their trash where ever they sit, walk, fish and so on. You packed it in, you pack it back out.
Always building house kike out thire is noboday piety to there family
Do not cut all the trees, the heavy rains causes flood in all different places on earth now. I hope you could plant more trees. Make seedlings of fruit trees.
Ly Phuc you was wrong also if someone told you that you could stay there go and ask that person before you stay
For now she’s still camping for the place where she could live?
이나라는 어째서 여자들을 쪼차내는 거예요.
여서들이 힘든 생활을 하는군요.
여자는 강하다는 말이 틀린 말이 아닌것 같네요.
여성들이여 힘내시요.
Ini konten kereenn cewek bisa bangun rumah dengan alat fab bahan bangunnan apa yg sda
If you are the villas chief and you suppose to help people in less fortunate situations then you why kick her out not because she didn’t ask you y you could let her stay because you are not using the house you are a heartless village, chief no humanity 😭😭😱
Apakah beneran ada kehidupan seorang wanita tunggal begini ?
Nem értem Miért???nem lehet felírat semmit sem értek belőle !Kérem adjanak felíratott. Köszönöm.
Também não entendo, é cansativo olhar sem entender o que falam.
No.construyan Serca a los ríos o riachuelos.En lluvia se desbordan .pierden su trabajó
How you have time colored your hair😮
O homem deixa ela e vai embora nen para ajudar a moça
Hola esperemos que ese pedazo de tierra no tenga dueño exitoso que tengas buenas ventas🎉🎉
Porque ela saiu de lá?
Ещё пол метра по выше у тебя был бы двух этажный дом
힘내시기 바랍니다.
Po nrt7
Português Porfavor obrigado obrigado boa noite com Deus durmam bem
Малодец очень прочный дом прлучился
Before you build again make sure the land is not owned by someone else.
Nuguu machin erd huugsun bichleg davtan uzuulehnuu Ter er yagaad uuruu barij buteesen met avirlaad Ene huurhii ohin huuhed bairrnaas ni huuvuu
Não entendo por que??? não há legenda, não entendo nada sobre isso. Por favor, me dê uma legenda. Obrigado.
Tại xao k giúp cô ấy😢
Maaf sy y vokalis karoke di hp mohon maaf y istrirah .kalau kangen suara y akan yanyikan.perubahan suara akan berubah muda menjadi tua begitu juga fisik dulu kuat sekarang melempem. Begitu ngarannya maaf ya semuannya tkh hiburan usai.
Porquê não coloca em português brasil
Olá parabéns você vai a luta tem gue se independente ter atitude ❤❤❤😂