It'd be a whole lot easier if you just said - "you'll never find the perfect place to set it up, put it up where you can"... so many requirements, so little space...
We wouldn't be doing our jobs if we didn't recommend best practices but it is absolutely ok to do what works for you. Please feel free to contact us for any support.
I have mine mounted about 38 feet in the air on top of a cedar utility pole i installed for my house. It's a little more difficult to get to but I get very accurate readings
So we should decide whether it's most important to have accurate temperature or wind? Is the reason the sensors are all together is it's more expensive to separate?
@@AmbientWeatherChannel I prefer a weather station that's always on and mounts to the wall, rather than a phone app. If I'm going to use a phone app then I'd use Weather Underground and watch my neighbor's $1200 Davis setup. The ws5000 is pretty sweet.
Very informative! I see a few things I would have done differently if I had this video for reference when I put up my station. Now if we could get the announcer to be a little less "happy..."
The video confirms to me that I positioned my array as best I could. Comparing to a nearby airport weather station, I find the temperature and humidity record is reliable, but wind speed is off. However, given the structures near my house, I don't think I can position it to get good wind readings unless I mount it on the roof. However, the second floor roof is beyond my comfort zone. I have no problems with the connection from the array to the base station. Also I have a 5000 unit, so the rain gauge is separate. However, we are still in a drought, so I have not been able to reliably calibrate the rain gauge.
I wish I could separate the wind sensor from the rain/temperature sensor. My wind gauge has never measured more than about 12mph, but if I place the wind gauge better the rain and temperature data will be terrible.
excellent informative video! Looks like we did a pretty good job of finding the 'best' location for our weather station, considering all circumstances such as 'above the roof' for wind, but '4-7 feet from the ground' for other data. We ended up with a 20' flagpole, located in the sun, about 10 feet from the house. Possible effects from nearby gravel driveway, but this was a good a we could do. Seems to be fairly accurate so far, but still doing comparisons to our 2 manual thermometers (which don't match to each other anyway).
My struggle is the accuracy of the wind gauge. I've mounted mine to my fence with a 2x4 and a tower-mount pipe antenna mount. It's a little over 11 ft. off the ground which means about 5 ft from the top of the fence. It's far enough away from the house and there's no other obstructions around it. We had a major storm a few weeks ago and the highest gust it recorded was ~45 MPH when I know they were well above that. Do I need to mount it a little higher?
Please contact us at and we will walk you through doing a comparison with another source near the weather station to test. Also, could we get a picture of the mounting location to compare your extremely local wind speed with another source that is taking in a larger area?
I know your post is a few years ago but I've found guessing a wind and knowing actual wind velocity is quite a bit different, I always thought a wind of 20 mph was actually maybe 10 mph or so, I went so far as to buy a handheld wind velocity gauge to check the accuracy of my weather unit and it was correct. If your unit read 45 mph that is quite a strong wind and is probably true, the closest official weather station to me is an airport about 8 miles away located in a wide river valley, many times both mine and the official are close but as I live on a ridge top to the west of the official station I have more wind showing. If you are still in doubt and your station is well situated buy a precision calibrated wind gauge, they are not too expensive and you will be better informed.
The one questionable recommendation was to mount the array in direct sunlight. Although there is passive cooling (not active via a fan) from the sensor housing, this will still cause temperatures to read 2-4 degrees or more higher than accurate. All in all I'm very impressed with the accuracy of the unit (when sun isn't shining directly on it).
I have not found that to be true. as long as you mount in a proper place the readings are very accurate. especially when compared to official highs for the area! and other temp gauges that I have around my house. if you mount in the shade the shade will cool the guage and you may not get the correct high reading for the day. you may have your gauge near concrete or to close to your roof or your house getting radiated heating.
It’s actually a widely accepted fact that unless a unit has active radiational cooling (fins as in our units, plus a motor that you can find in some Davis equipment and others to remove excess solar heating), temperature sensors should always be shielded from direct sunlight. Passive radiational cooling can’t remove all the excess heat generated by solar load. Even active radiational cooling, although certainly better than passive, is still not perfect. My temperatures, when the sun is not shining on the unit directly, are near perfect and consistent with known accurate units in my area. However when the sun is shining directly on my unit, my temperatures will generally be 2-4 degrees higher than the same surrounding units. I expected that as those are the same results I’ve gotten with other good quality stations. The NWS adheres to these standards too. For us mere mortals with all-in-one units, mounting is almost always a compromise.
@@kenross6028 The temperature sensor is mounted inside a Stevenson Screen, which is the standard way to mount a temperature sensor in a professional whether monitoring station. The Stevenson Screen shades the probe from sunlight and screens it from windchill. I think the manufacturer is recommending that the unit be installed in an un-shaded position so that solar radiation readings are accurate.
@@outbackacreage7214 Yes, I agree, but it’s obviously not as effective as an active radiation shield with a motor. This is why Davis has these as options. I had both versions of the Davis VP several years ago, one with and the other without the motor. The active shield was accurate within a degree even during direct sunlight. The passive shield was too high by about 2-3 degrees. My readings with the WS-5000 are very obviously too high in direct sunlight, by about 2-4 degrees. However during overcast skies, shade and nighttime hours, my temperatures are exactly where they should be. We can’t argue with physics, you can’t move out the solar heated air fast enough, via convection, to get accurate readings in direct sunlight. BTW, it’s also the reason why many manufacturers have their weather stations as separate modules. That enables better placement for each module, such as the anemometer, temperature & humidity sensors. All in ones are convenient, but we make sacrifices in the process. I still prefer the all in one arrangement for its convenience, but I accept its limitations.
My only complaint has been reception of the array to the base station. My array is on a 10’ piece of EMT clamped to the facia of my roof. Wobbles a bit in high winds, which I have plenty of, so probably need to install some lateral guy wires. My base station is about 45’ away but has to go through the attic and roof shingles, etc. It loses connection every now and again, and I have to go to factory settings to reconnect the array. Happens with the indoor sensor too which is literally 10’ away. So, overall good product. Just wish they used more robust wireless hardware to alleviate these issues.
That doesn’t sound right. I have had my 1400-IP 150’ away and 60’ down a hill (60’ lower in elevation I mean). That station seems to do slightly better than my 2902 though. I have had the 2902 100-150’ away from display, up 40’ on a hill with zero issues (signal passed through 1-2 internal walls and one exterior wall). Slight chance your unit is defective, especially that indoor sensor stuff (I own three WH31B and E sensors, and sometimes have them outdoors maybe 80’ away, 50’ lower in elevation and signal passing through one interior and one exterior wall). Idk🤷🏻♂️ I also own their WS-5000 and that station has the best wireless range of all their products. Might be something worth looking into assuming your issue isn’t mainly a defect which I still think could be the case. My 5000 wirless range has been amazing so far, never pushed it to the limit so not sure just how much farther it could go vs my 2902 but it certainly is plenty for me (and since I can’t even max my 5000’s range I won’t even comment on the insane 1000’ rated distance my VP2 has lol I’ll never push that one without getting more property😅). Good luck, I hope you can sort that out. They are amazing stations especially for the price (all of my AW track very closely to my expensive Davis VP2 6153) but the radio frequency distance in the 2902s etc are certainly an unfortunate weak point. Enjoy your weather!
So what you're telling me is, a foot off the peak of my house isn't the best spot..... All my reading have been fairly accurate to my surroundings. I don't get as high of wind reading as I would closer or on the water but it's not terrible
We don't recommend a mounting your station foot off of your roof due to the effects your roof may have on collecting/altering your data. If you currently aren't experiencing any issues, then continue with you data collection from your current position.
Mount the sensor in direct sunlight for accurate temperature readings? That makes no sense, in direct sunlight it makes the temperature readings way too high, they always tell you to not put those small remote temperature humidity sensors where the sun will shine on them and to put them under a deck or somewhere that is shaded all the time.
@@koreymayo8884 i have one of these weather stations mounted and it has reported very similarly to both the temperature presented on the news, as well as other weather stations in the area mounted in the sun.
@@stormtech8010 put it in the shade and compare the difference. My local private airport has a thermometer in direct sunlight, and I'm pretty sure no built in aspiration fan, but my thermometer in the shade reads 3 degrees lower. On cloudy/rainy days and at night they always read the same.
Completely wrong statement. Mounting the temperature in the shade just measures the temperature of the shading structure, not the air. The ambient sensor is very low mass and includes a well designed pagoda shield. If anyone tells you to mount a temperature sensor in the shade is a rookie mistake.
That's a very helpful video for newbies like myself, makes a lot of sense. Best location for me would be my rooftop, assuming the sensor can still connect with the base unit. One question: If I place the sensors at he rooftop, wouldn't the temperature reading be affected by direct sunlight?
You need to be able to separate the systems. Rain gauge where I can get to it for cleaning. Rooftop anemometer and wind direction. Thermometer..up there ten feet or so. Or you could mount together at your option. But obviously it's a compromise. And that said, it might be better to NOT use wifi but a proprietary 900 mhz transceiver system.
There is a reason stations like the 2902 retail around $160 USD and that right there is one of them. You want separate pieces, spring for the WS-5000… Or a Davis VP2.
My biggest complaint is that I have google wifi router system and it uses both 2.4ghz and 5.0ghz which 99% of new routers use but I cant turn off the 5.0 so I called Ambient they say you must turn off 5.0 so it can connect to 2.4ghz really 2021 and your system cant pick up either !!! wont buy another one really like the system but cant use some features because you cant do a simple software update!!!
This is not a simple software update it would require a new WiFi chip and the inability to turn off 5ghz on a google device is a design flaw on Google's router, not our software.
I don’t own a Google Wi-Fi router, but fail to understand why 5 Ghz is any playing a role at all. The weather station only uses the 2.4 Ghz network, but why is that problematic trying to connect to a router that does both? I run 7 networks, some in each band, and it’s not creating any problems connecting to the router. What makes that it’s failing to connect to a Google router? Can’t the WS see the 2.4 Ghz network when it performs a scan? Does it see the network but fails to connect?
same I have never had a problem with anything else hooking up to my google router and I have plenty of things at 2.4 ghz just this weather station so not my fault
In general, this isn't so much about "turning off 5GHz" but about having at least one SSID that is using 2.4GHz only. Most routers allow you to do that, Google's apparently (I don't own one of these) does not. There are _many_ IoT devices that can only connect to 2.4GHz WiFi - because they are using cheaper chips. A simple solution is to just set up a basic second WiFi router (no need for anything fancy - you won't need much bandwidth, just pay attention to range, but 2.4GHz has better range than 5GHz, everything else being equal).
I still don’t understand why anything 5 Ghz matters in this scenario. That band is not seen by the WiFi chip in the WS, but it should still pick up the 2.4 Ghz network(s). I’m trying to understand what part of the process is breaking down. Does the WS not LIST any of the networks, or does it refuse to CONNECT to them when you enter the password? I’ve seen my share of weird issues, and reported one for the WS that was fixed. Simply trying to understand this perplexing one :-)
Ah. Thank you. I am making that decision right now. This video really helps. I can't get weewx to work. Apparently it needs python 2 instead of 3, but nothing tells you that. I thought this would be straight forward. It is far from that.
Bought one it’s terrible !! Big mistake. Rain gauge accurate but wind way off mine 7 foot off ground and not going to put it up 35 foot it air but one day we had 60 mph winds and it said low 20s. It was windier than hell on the ground not just at 35 foot in air. Won’t connect cloud on ambient. Huge mistake buying it. Could have got a 5 dollar rain gauge
2 роки тому
The title of the video is 'How and Where to Mount Your Weather Station'. It should be 'Where to Mount Your Weather Station', 'how' is not explained at all. Useless.
It'd be a whole lot easier if you just said - "you'll never find the perfect place to set it up, put it up where you can"... so many requirements, so little space...
We wouldn't be doing our jobs if we didn't recommend best practices but it is absolutely ok to do what works for you. Please feel free to contact us for any support.
The WS-50, only found on Amazon, gives you 3 separate sensors for best accuracy!
I have mine mounted about 38 feet in the air on top of a cedar utility pole i installed for my house. It's a little more difficult to get to but I get very accurate readings
So we should decide whether it's most important to have accurate temperature or wind? Is the reason the sensors are all together is it's more expensive to separate?
The cost efficiency is paramount and it is more expensive to separate. An example would the WS-5000 which is separate but more expensive.
@@AmbientWeatherChannel I prefer a weather station that's always on and mounts to the wall, rather than a phone app. If I'm going to use a phone app then I'd use Weather Underground and watch my neighbor's $1200 Davis setup. The ws5000 is pretty sweet.
The WS-50, only found on Amazon, gives you 3 separate sensors for best accuracy!
I wonder how to replace batteries if the sensor array is on the roof, as suggested. Is it to be pulled down and then reinstalled or what else?
Very informative! I see a few things I would have done differently if I had this video for reference when I put up my station. Now if we could get the announcer to be a little less "happy..."
No excuse but to say we are a happy bunch.
The video confirms to me that I positioned my array as best I could. Comparing to a nearby airport weather station, I find the temperature and humidity record is reliable, but wind speed is off. However, given the structures near my house, I don't think I can position it to get good wind readings unless I mount it on the roof. However, the second floor roof is beyond my comfort zone.
I have no problems with the connection from the array to the base station. Also I have a 5000 unit, so the rain gauge is separate. However, we are still in a drought, so I have not been able to reliably calibrate the rain gauge.
I wish I could separate the wind sensor from the rain/temperature sensor.
My wind gauge has never measured more than about 12mph, but if I place the wind gauge better the rain and temperature data will be terrible.
That's why I decided on the ws5000 because I can separate the wind sensor from the rain sensor I was wondering about that as well
The WS-50, only found on Amazon, gives you 3 separate sensors for best accuracy!
Should this be grounded? If so how
excellent informative video! Looks like we did a pretty good job of finding the 'best' location for our weather station, considering all circumstances such as 'above the roof' for wind, but '4-7 feet from the ground' for other data. We ended up with a 20' flagpole, located in the sun, about 10 feet from the house. Possible effects from nearby gravel driveway, but this was a good a we could do. Seems to be fairly accurate so far, but still doing comparisons to our 2 manual thermometers (which don't match to each other anyway).
My struggle is the accuracy of the wind gauge. I've mounted mine to my fence with a 2x4 and a tower-mount pipe antenna mount. It's a little over 11 ft. off the ground which means about 5 ft from the top of the fence. It's far enough away from the house and there's no other obstructions around it. We had a major storm a few weeks ago and the highest gust it recorded was ~45 MPH when I know they were well above that. Do I need to mount it a little higher?
Please contact us at and we will walk you through doing a comparison with another source near the weather station to test. Also, could we get a picture of the mounting location to compare your extremely local wind speed with another source that is taking in a larger area?
I know your post is a few years ago but I've found guessing a wind and knowing actual wind velocity is quite a bit different, I always thought a wind of 20 mph was actually maybe 10 mph or so, I went so far as to buy a handheld wind velocity gauge to check the accuracy of my weather unit and it was correct. If your unit read 45 mph that is quite a strong wind and is probably true, the closest official weather station to me is an airport about 8 miles away located in a wide river valley, many times both mine and the official are close but as I live on a ridge top to the west of the official station I have more wind showing. If you are still in doubt and your station is well situated buy a precision calibrated wind gauge, they are not too expensive and you will be better informed.
The one questionable recommendation was to mount the array in direct sunlight. Although there is passive cooling (not active via a fan) from the sensor housing, this will still cause temperatures to read 2-4 degrees or more higher than accurate. All in all I'm very impressed with the accuracy of the unit (when sun isn't shining directly on it).
I have not found that to be true. as long as you mount in a proper place the readings are very accurate. especially when compared to official highs for the area! and other temp gauges that I have around my house. if you mount in the shade the shade will cool the guage and you may not get the correct high reading for the day. you may have your gauge near concrete or to close to your roof or your house getting radiated heating.
It’s actually a widely accepted fact that unless a unit has active radiational cooling (fins as in our units, plus a motor that you can find in some Davis equipment and others to remove excess solar heating), temperature sensors should always be shielded from direct sunlight. Passive radiational cooling can’t remove all the excess heat generated by solar load. Even active radiational cooling, although certainly better than passive, is still not perfect.
My temperatures, when the sun is not shining on the unit directly, are near perfect and consistent with known accurate units in my area. However when the sun is shining directly on my unit, my temperatures will generally be 2-4 degrees higher than the same surrounding units. I expected that as those are the same results I’ve gotten with other good quality stations.
The NWS adheres to these standards too. For us mere mortals with all-in-one units, mounting is almost always a compromise.
@@kenross6028 The temperature sensor is mounted inside a Stevenson Screen, which is the standard way to mount a temperature sensor in a professional whether monitoring station. The Stevenson Screen shades the probe from sunlight and screens it from windchill. I think the manufacturer is recommending that the unit be installed in an un-shaded position so that solar radiation readings are accurate.
@@outbackacreage7214 Yes, I agree, but it’s obviously not as effective as an active radiation shield with a motor. This is why Davis has these as options. I had both versions of the Davis VP several years ago, one with and the other without the motor. The active shield was accurate within a degree even during direct sunlight. The passive shield was too high by about 2-3 degrees.
My readings with the WS-5000 are very obviously too high in direct sunlight, by about 2-4 degrees. However during overcast skies, shade and nighttime hours, my temperatures are exactly where they should be. We can’t argue with physics, you can’t move out the solar heated air fast enough, via convection, to get accurate readings in direct sunlight.
BTW, it’s also the reason why many manufacturers have their weather stations as separate modules. That enables better placement for each module, such as the anemometer, temperature & humidity sensors. All in ones are convenient, but we make sacrifices in the process. I still prefer the all in one arrangement for its convenience, but I accept its limitations.
@@outbackacreage7214 even a stevenson screen will get hot in direct sunlight without a fan in it.
My only complaint has been reception of the array to the base station. My array is on a 10’ piece of EMT clamped to the facia of my roof. Wobbles a bit in high winds, which I have plenty of, so probably need to install some lateral guy wires.
My base station is about 45’ away but has to go through the attic and roof shingles, etc.
It loses connection every now and again, and I have to go to factory settings to reconnect the array. Happens with the indoor sensor too which is literally 10’ away.
So, overall good product. Just wish they used more robust wireless hardware to alleviate these issues.
That doesn’t sound right. I have had my 1400-IP 150’ away and 60’ down a hill (60’ lower in elevation I mean). That station seems to do slightly better than my 2902 though. I have had the 2902 100-150’ away from display, up 40’ on a hill with zero issues (signal passed through 1-2 internal walls and one exterior wall).
Slight chance your unit is defective, especially that indoor sensor stuff (I own three WH31B and E sensors, and sometimes have them outdoors maybe 80’ away, 50’ lower in elevation and signal passing through one interior and one exterior wall). Idk🤷🏻♂️
I also own their WS-5000 and that station has the best wireless range of all their products. Might be something worth looking into assuming your issue isn’t mainly a defect which I still think could be the case. My 5000 wirless range has been amazing so far, never pushed it to the limit so not sure just how much farther it could go vs my 2902 but it certainly is plenty for me (and since I can’t even max my 5000’s range I won’t even comment on the insane 1000’ rated distance my VP2 has lol I’ll never push that one without getting more property😅).
Good luck, I hope you can sort that out. They are amazing stations especially for the price (all of my AW track very closely to my expensive Davis VP2 6153) but the radio frequency distance in the 2902s etc are certainly an unfortunate weak point. Enjoy your weather!
I love my system here in Blithe California
Please feel free to use the social features on and share your local weather info.
So what you're telling me is, a foot off the peak of my house isn't the best spot..... All my reading have been fairly accurate to my surroundings. I don't get as high of wind reading as I would closer or on the water but it's not terrible
We don't recommend a mounting your station foot off of your roof due to the effects your roof may have on collecting/altering your data. If you currently aren't experiencing any issues, then continue with you data collection from your current position.
Mount station in imaginary perfect space that in no way resembles reality. Welp your video saved me a couple hundred bucks.
Sorry you feel that way. Hope you find a better solution to fit your needs.
The idea is to find the best compromise. Nothing in life is perfect including reality.
Mount the sensor in direct sunlight for accurate temperature readings? That makes no sense, in direct sunlight it makes the temperature readings way too high, they always tell you to not put those small remote temperature humidity sensors where the sun will shine on them and to put them under a deck or somewhere that is shaded all the time.
the thermometer is actually below the rain gauge and thus in the shade, so being in direct sunlight is ideal
@@stormtech8010 it still reads too hot without a built in fan
@@koreymayo8884 i have one of these weather stations mounted and it has reported very similarly to both the temperature presented on the news, as well as other weather stations in the area mounted in the sun.
@@stormtech8010 put it in the shade and compare the difference. My local private airport has a thermometer in direct sunlight, and I'm pretty sure no built in aspiration fan, but my thermometer in the shade reads 3 degrees lower. On cloudy/rainy days and at night they always read the same.
Completely wrong statement. Mounting the temperature in the shade just measures the temperature of the shading structure, not the air.
The ambient sensor is very low mass and includes a well designed pagoda shield.
If anyone tells you to mount a temperature sensor in the shade is a rookie mistake.
That's a very helpful video for newbies like myself, makes a lot of sense. Best location for me would be my rooftop, assuming the sensor can still connect with the base unit.
One question: If I place the sensors at he rooftop, wouldn't the temperature reading be affected by direct sunlight?
Yes it would be direct sunlight
You need to be able to separate the systems. Rain gauge where I can get to it for cleaning. Rooftop anemometer and wind direction. Thermometer..up there ten feet or so. Or you could mount together at your option. But obviously it's a compromise. And that said, it might be better to NOT use wifi but a proprietary 900 mhz transceiver system.
There is a reason stations like the 2902 retail around $160 USD and that right there is one of them.
You want separate pieces, spring for the WS-5000… Or a Davis VP2.
@@Weather_Nerd , thanks for the suggestion! I'm going to research those.
My biggest complaint is that I have google wifi router system and it uses both 2.4ghz and 5.0ghz which 99% of new routers use but I cant turn off the 5.0 so I called Ambient they say you must turn off 5.0 so it can connect to 2.4ghz really 2021 and your system cant pick up either !!! wont buy another one really like the system but cant use some features because you cant do a simple software update!!!
This is not a simple software update it would require a new WiFi chip and the inability to turn off 5ghz on a google device is a design flaw on Google's router, not our software.
I don’t own a Google Wi-Fi router, but fail to understand why 5 Ghz is any playing a role at all. The weather station only uses the 2.4 Ghz network, but why is that problematic trying to connect to a router that does both? I run 7 networks, some in each band, and it’s not creating any problems connecting to the router. What makes that it’s failing to connect to a Google router? Can’t the WS see the 2.4 Ghz network when it performs a scan? Does it see the network but fails to connect?
same I have never had a problem with anything else hooking up to my google router and I have plenty of things at 2.4 ghz just this weather station so not my fault
In general, this isn't so much about "turning off 5GHz" but about having at least one SSID that is using 2.4GHz only. Most routers allow you to do that, Google's apparently (I don't own one of these) does not. There are _many_ IoT devices that can only connect to 2.4GHz WiFi - because they are using cheaper chips. A simple solution is to just set up a basic second WiFi router (no need for anything fancy - you won't need much bandwidth, just pay attention to range, but 2.4GHz has better range than 5GHz, everything else being equal).
I still don’t understand why anything 5 Ghz matters in this scenario. That band is not seen by the WiFi chip in the WS, but it should still pick up the 2.4 Ghz network(s). I’m trying to understand what part of the process is breaking down. Does the WS not LIST any of the networks, or does it refuse to CONNECT to them when you enter the password? I’ve seen my share of weird issues, and reported one for the WS that was fixed. Simply trying to understand this perplexing one :-)
Ah. Thank you. I am making that decision right now. This video really helps. I can't get weewx to work. Apparently it needs python 2 instead of 3, but nothing tells you that.
I thought this would be straight forward. It is far from that.
Hi Wayne, sorry to hear you'r having trouble. Please reach out directly to our technical support team for assistance at
Bought one it’s terrible !! Big mistake. Rain gauge accurate but wind way off mine 7 foot off ground and not going to put it up 35 foot it air but one day we had 60 mph winds and it said low 20s. It was windier than hell on the ground not just at 35 foot in air. Won’t connect cloud on ambient. Huge mistake buying it. Could have got a 5 dollar rain gauge
The title of the video is 'How and Where to Mount Your Weather Station'. It should be 'Where to Mount Your Weather Station', 'how' is not explained at all. Useless.