Day-ahead and intraday electricity trading (The Energy Academy - S3 E7)

  • Опубліковано 16 бер 2023
  • Neil again! Welcome back to The Energy Academy.
    In the last few episodes, we looked in detail at forward and futures markets - where electricity is traded for a specific price in advance of delivery.
    But advance forecasts are never completely accurate - and so suppliers have to fine-tune their predictions - the industry term for this is “adding shape”.
    They do this to meet more dynamic, up-to-date forecasts of their customers’ demands.
    This is where the spot market comes in. The spot market is for day-ahead and intraday trading.
    It’s called the ‘spot’ market because it’s the market for ‘on-the-spot’ trading, as in, trading for the here and now.
    And ‘day-ahead’? Yep, you guessed it - day-ahead trading means that electricity is bought and sold for delivery at some point during the following day.
    Intraday trading (sometimes called “within-day” trading) means that electricity is bought and sold for delivery on the same day.
    Find out more:


  • @fabiobottoni

    Great job! Stumbled upon this video and I the explanation it's really clear and concise. Keep up the good work!

  • @ScottE77

    Close of trade is 15 minutes before delivery, not 1 hour. There are 45 minutes of trading available after the Final Physical notifications have been released publicly.

  • @GiovanniCharles

    "yo yo what's up!" 🤣

  • @navido9622

    Hey buddy

  • @breadb4meat

    good vid though.

  • @anthony212459

    How can I get started doing this?

  • @breadb4meat

    can you take a speach class please

  • @breadb4meat

    your accent lost me mate.