It happens all the time in top level play, actually! Usually it’s called a “happy birthday” because your opponent is giving you a present by being able to take out two characters at once. Little quirk of the engine that gives the game a bit more depth.
That’s my emulator’s fault. Since it’s emulating the PS2, it can’t really export in crystal clear quality, but I did the best I could. Glad you enjoyed!
As one of those people who played this game at a top level for several years.. the characters were a strange pick for a TAS. All the flashy Sentinel stuff requires being hit out of fly to activate fast-fly and unfly. If you were unaware there are TAS that go as far back as 2001 for this game.. check out the joo MvC2 vid for some good shit.
I kinda just picked whatever characters I wanted to play around with. Also, Joo’s video was and still is awesome, so many insane conversions of stuff you’d never think of.
Very late response, but there was a reason for this! This was to activate a specific glitch with Sentinel called Unfly. It basically allows Sentinel to get new conversions using flight that are normally completely impossible. So it was 100% intentional!
Please like and comment, the first 24 hours mean a lot for the algorithm, especially because I’m coming back from not posting in a long time.
"Algorithm"? What? ❓
Yeah! I wanna see more of these. There are so many cool combos that could be possible in this game TAS-wise, and I'd love to see them realized!
So glad you came back ! 😁
Hopefully I’ll be able to post a bit more frequently! Got a lot of stuff going on, but I’ll find time.
I've been waiting for this. Hell yeah
These guys are about to take the roster for a ride.
I didn't know KOing an assist was possible until seeing it in this TAS.
It happens all the time in top level play, actually! Usually it’s called a “happy birthday” because your opponent is giving you a present by being able to take out two characters at once. Little quirk of the engine that gives the game a bit more depth.
It wasn't called a happy birthday until mvc3. It was called a double snap kill. Or assist kill.
Love this game. Miss it so much. #freemvc2
1:08. 😂😂
For some reason the video looks grainy, even on 720p. Aside from that, great vid. Sentinel and Thanos are beasts in this game.
That’s my emulator’s fault. Since it’s emulating the PS2, it can’t really export in crystal clear quality, but I did the best I could.
Glad you enjoyed!
Morrigan Felicia Shuma Gorath [TAS] please
Marvel tas vs tas when? Haha, nice video!
To me this is the best part
Jill Sandwich
That looked so easy 🤣
you know a game is played too much when some of the human players look better than the tas.
Well, I was also new to TASing MvC2, to be fair. But yeah, top level players are INSANE.
As one of those people who played this game at a top level for several years.. the characters were a strange pick for a TAS. All the flashy Sentinel stuff requires being hit out of fly to activate fast-fly and unfly. If you were unaware there are TAS that go as far back as 2001 for this game.. check out the joo MvC2 vid for some good shit.
I kinda just picked whatever characters I wanted to play around with. Also, Joo’s video was and still is awesome, so many insane conversions of stuff you’d never think of.
@@MacAves you know some of the craziest ones that seem to make no sense are exploiting the ruby heart glitch?
@@dbycrash I have *yet* to understand how that one works. I cannot control it no matter what I do, she always just flies into space!
You took damage from Ruby Heart on the 2nd battle! No perfect game at all...
Very late response, but there was a reason for this! This was to activate a specific glitch with Sentinel called Unfly. It basically allows Sentinel to get new conversions using flight that are normally completely impossible. So it was 100% intentional!
@@MacAves I was been sarcastic... only a joke.