  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jackiegromacki686
    @jackiegromacki686 17 годин тому +13

    My husband and I are getting new recliners for Christmas. The weekend after . We found a store that will let us pay out with no interest.

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  17 годин тому +3

      @@jackiegromacki686 That’s Great !! Stay Comfy !!! 😂😂😃🎅😺🎄

    • @TamiJo6708
      @TamiJo6708 15 годин тому +2


    • @shoppergirl4363
      @shoppergirl4363 15 годин тому +4

      Jackie, that is so nice. I'm happy for you and your husband well deserved. I hope you both feel so comfortable in your chairs. Happy holidays. 🎄🙏

    • @CMoore8539
      @CMoore8539 3 години тому +2

      Merry Christmas!🎄 That’s Cool!!😊

  • @nataliebrooks6822
    @nataliebrooks6822 6 годин тому +2

    All good ideas you've had, and I've learned from you. Thanks Dale and Stewie! 🌞🐱🎅🏻🎄❤❤

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  4 години тому +1

      @@nataliebrooks6822 I’m glad you enjoyed them !! Thank you !!😺😃🎅

  • @tammycourtney9569
    @tammycourtney9569 13 годин тому +2

    Yes that makes a nice Christmas gift

  • @kendrasmith6637
    @kendrasmith6637 11 годин тому +1

    Hi Dale. Those do make nice gifts. Merry Christmas 🎄

  • @gene2675
    @gene2675 12 годин тому +1

    Have a great day 👍👍😎

  • @CMoore8539
    @CMoore8539 3 години тому +1

    Merry Christmas Dale, Stewie & Everyone Here!🎄⛄️🎅. Lots of Love and Respect Always!!!😊♥️😺

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  2 години тому

      @@CMoore8539 Thank you !!! Merry Christmas!!! And Happy New Year !! 🎊🎈🎅😺😺🎄🎊

  • @B.Dazzeled-cj4ss
    @B.Dazzeled-cj4ss 11 годин тому +1

    Thanks Dale 👍😊

  • @PatHyland-d2j
    @PatHyland-d2j 16 годин тому +2

    Great idea for a stocking stuffer!!

  • @FrancesLetner
    @FrancesLetner 11 годин тому +1

    Great ideal 😊

  • @CMoore8539
    @CMoore8539 2 години тому +1

    That’s a very nice idea Dale! Thank you!😊😺⛄️🎄🎅

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  2 години тому

      @@CMoore8539 Your Welcome !! Merry Christmas!! 🎄🎊😺🎅😃

  • @heathermcdonald7354
    @heathermcdonald7354 13 годин тому +1

    Great idea with the stocking suffer 😊 hot here and windy very tiring 🎄⛄🎄

  • @Vester661
    @Vester661 16 годин тому +1

    Merry Christmas to you and your family and Stewie

  • @SoniaGarcia-h3r1p
    @SoniaGarcia-h3r1p 16 годин тому +2

    Great Stocking Stuffers .👍🏻 Merry Christmas to you and Stewie..🎅🎄🐱☃️

  • @zinniagiova2167
    @zinniagiova2167 17 годин тому +3

    Merry Christmas to you Dale, Stewie and your family,

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  17 годин тому

      @@zinniagiova2167 You Too !! Thanks !!🎅😃😺🎄

  • @dianethisltlewood4327
    @dianethisltlewood4327 15 годин тому +1

    🎉good idea thanks hi Stewie

  • @jackiegromacki686
    @jackiegromacki686 17 годин тому +4

    We had 4 days of weather in the 70's . Now 33 tonight.

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  17 годин тому

      @@jackiegromacki686 Crazy !!! 😺😃🎅🎄

  • @Marcie-e1o
    @Marcie-e1o 15 годин тому +1

    I love your hat! You automatically put me in a Christmas mood. Love and well wishes to you and precious Stewie 💕💕

  • @dellasmalley6097
    @dellasmalley6097 17 годин тому +3

    Merry Christmas to you and Stewie ❤🎄🎄😊

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  17 годин тому

      @@dellasmalley6097 Merry Christmas!!! 😃😺🎅

  • @marthabomorgan7214
    @marthabomorgan7214 14 годин тому +1

    Rainy night here or was anyway--cold too! Good night Dale.

  • @chadcooper4033
    @chadcooper4033 16 годин тому +3

    Hi 🎅 Santa Dale, you look cute with red hat! Hope you are doing ok. How is your back? Hope Stewie sweetie 😘 💕 is doing good.
    Any more updates on your Mom? You said she got stitches that's awful😂.
    Hope she is feeling better.
    Great stocking stuffer. Sorry its cold and rainy, was a nice day for yous yesterday. Its crazy 84 degrees here - is it May seems like it. Where the heck is the cold weather. Santa will have to wear shorts/tshirt here to deliver presents 🎁 lol!
    Wishing you, Stewie kitty 😺 , Mom and family Merry Christmas. ☃️🎅💘🎄.
    Stay warm. Be careful if you go out. Roads are probably going to be slippery. 😮
    Take care, see you soon. 😊
    Mary - California.

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  11 годин тому

      @@chadcooper4033 All good here !! Thanks !! Merry Christmas!!😺😃🎅

  • @bonniekaye
    @bonniekaye 17 годин тому +2

    *Merry Christmas!*

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  17 годин тому +2

      @@bonniekaye You too !! Thank you !! 😃🎅😺

    • @bonniekaye
      @bonniekaye 16 годин тому +1

      You're welcome!

  • @TamiJo6708
    @TamiJo6708 15 годин тому +1


  • @r.f.736
    @r.f.736 17 годин тому +3

    Hey Dale. Im now suffering from the crud! Has set me back a few days. Not sure if my pizzelles will get done before Christmas day. But what will be... will be!

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  17 годин тому

      @@r.f.736 Get better soon and Merry Christmas!! 🎄😃🎅😺

    • @r.f.736
      @r.f.736 15 годин тому +1


  • @Linda-in9ns
    @Linda-in9ns 17 годин тому +2

    Happy Holidays Dale and Stewie!! 🎅🏻😺🐾🐾🎄☃️

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  17 годин тому +1

      @@Linda-in9ns You too !! Thank you !!🎅😺😃

  • @Cindyxxxxxx
    @Cindyxxxxxx 17 годин тому +3

    I have a flash drive that is FULL of pictures and I can’t find it !!😮

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  17 годин тому +1

      @@Cindyxxxxxx Oh No !!! 😬😩😺🎅😃

    • @Cindyxxxxxx
      @Cindyxxxxxx 17 годин тому +2

      @ oh its somewhere VERY safe so safe I’ll never find it 😵‍💫

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  16 годин тому +1

      @ lol !!😂

  • @cheryaltry5346
    @cheryaltry5346 5 годин тому +1

    I'm staying home for Christmas I don't wanna be around my family this Christmas

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  4 години тому

      @@cheryaltry5346 Oh No ! Sometimes our Family can be hard to be around . I’ll Pray that you all come back together soon . Please take care of yourself . You are important and I hope you can have a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy Holiday Season ! 🎅😃😺

    • @cheryaltry5346
      @cheryaltry5346 Годину тому

      @PrepperDale you to dale I'm withdrawing from my anti depressant pill paxil I have to wait two weeks to get a new refill 🤢

  • @jbf331
    @jbf331 17 годин тому +2


    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  17 годин тому +1

      @@jbf331 😃🎅😺🎄🎊

  • @KrisHrabe
    @KrisHrabe 17 годин тому +2

    Hello dale and stewie ⛄️⛄️🎤🎤🫎🫎🌲🎄🌲🌫️🌫️🌫️🎤🎤🤘🤘❄️❄️🎶🎸🎸

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  17 годин тому

      @@KrisHrabe Howdy !!🤠😺🎅😃🎄

  • @brendat7346
    @brendat7346 10 годин тому +1

    I wish I could find a thumb drive that can suck the pictures out of my iphone and put them on my computer!

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  9 годин тому +1

      @@brendat7346 You can ! One like I showed or just plug your phone into your Computer ! It should go directly to your photos and you can d/load them !! 😺😃🎅

    • @brendat7346
      @brendat7346 Годину тому +1

      @ I tried to empty my phone onto my computer but it always seems to want to “time out” about 3/4th way through. I have also tried doing a few at a time and then deleted directly off my phone so there are no repeat photos. Kind of a pain in the butt tho. I also have a couple tech suave sons who can’t seem to figure out this weird glitch. I saw the rose colored one you had, will that suck photos off my phone? I have all the best tech terms, I know lol. Maybe my pc can’t read my phone or vise versa, because of age difference? Anyway, I’ll keep the thumb drive in mind and see what my boys say. Maybe they didn’t mention it because I haven’t recently. Thanks for the help!! It’s just time consuming and frustrating sometimes.

    • @PrepperDale
      @PrepperDale  43 хвилини тому +1

      @@brendat7346 You should be able to get a thumb drive that will plug into your phone like mine !! Or offload all your photos to something like Amazon Photos and the you can wipe clean your phone !! 😺🎅😃

  • @karenmbbaxter
    @karenmbbaxter 12 годин тому +1

    2000 pictures.....That is a lot of pictures.