housewife routine // clean and cook 1 menu
- Опубліковано 2 лис 2024
- Assalamu alaikum, how are you, friend? I hope you are always in the protection of Allah swt!!
Thank you for clicking on this video and for those who have watched it, hopefully
always given health!!! amennn
My video is about the daily activities of housewives, activities in the green kitchen, simple menu cooking, cleaning, unboxing of goods, weekly shopping, food preparation, monthly shopping and product reviews and places...
watch the video until it's finished!
watch the video until it's finished :))
#dailyvlogihousewife#housewife routine#daily housewife activities, #the busyness of a housewife
sedap bgt Bun pepes tahu dan pepes ikan patin nya
jadii laper nih
Terima kasih bun💚
Selamat beraktifitas bunda..
Terima kasih💚
Pepesnya enak ya bun, semangat Dan Salam kenal
Pepes emang enak Bun,jd laper nih, salam kenal ya Bun 🙏, salam silaturahmi 🙏☺️ Yo main
Terima kasih 💚 siap bun🙏
Kuat ya mam ngangkat galon hahaha kau gak kuat mam lemah banget emang 🤣
Wah pepesnya enak mam, aku tuh suka makan pepes pengen bikin pepes tapi gak pinter bungkusnya mam 🤭
Jadi ngiler liat pepesnya mam apalagi pake kemangi juga duh sedep banget itu mah 🥰
Harus kuat bun😅💚