[X세끼] Ep.5 (Full Ver.) | XG's three meals a day (ENG/JPN)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kfkm
    @kfkm Рік тому +757

    i love the maknaes bc maya is full of energy 24/7 and cocona is so chill, they're like day and night its so cute

    • @NikkiGTA416
      @NikkiGTA416 5 місяців тому +14

      Maybe Maya is the reason Cocona started meditating lol

  • @yourbearry
    @yourbearry Рік тому +549

    Chisa's onions is burn, her basket is half melted while Maya & Juria shared the same brain cells & the toast scene is undoubtedly so funny to the point that my eyes teary!! All happened while Cocona is resting peacefully 🤣

  • @ina8753
    @ina8753 Рік тому +499

    I swear when I first got introduced to XG, Maya was an unnoticeable member for me, like she was always just in the background. But after watching this variety show, she’s rapidly climbing up my bias list and has now become one of my favorites! She’s so carefree and unapologetically loud, just like how a 17 year old girl should be. Thank you MNET for giving us a chance to get to know these talented girls outside the idol stage 🥰. Will surely miss this show!

    • @JessAnonymous
      @JessAnonymous Рік тому +21

      lol I love Maya!!!

    • @nititornp7279
      @nititornp7279 Рік тому +10


    • @silversolkal
      @silversolkal Рік тому +24

      Same, Maya and Hinata have reached bias level for me haha!

    • @ananiger1815
      @ananiger1815 Рік тому +12

      Ela tem múltiplos talentos. She is the most streetwise member of xg. Maybe that's why people don't like it so much. She is very different from the typical cute idol.

    • @markbaxman1
      @markbaxman1 Рік тому +12

      Maya-chans smile is infectious マヤちゃんの笑顔は伝染する

  • @yon6920
    @yon6920 Рік тому +358

    진짜 너무너무 재밌음 멤버들 다 귀엽고 예쁘다… 이 컨텐츠로 XG입덕했어요 ㅡ.,ㅡ

  • @JabbaNoFatta
    @JabbaNoFatta Рік тому +178

    12:19...there is "mama" Chisa taking care of "baby" Cocona with a LOVING pat . Jurin is the leader of the group but Chisa really is the mom of the group that takes care of everyone's needs. Love seeing all the interactions between the ladies.

  • @ammmm_4803
    @ammmm_4803 Рік тому +409

    12:13 24:50 - I'm so happy that XG are forced to rest if they get sick or feel unwell. When Harvey got sick in their 'XG Days - RelaXX', they didn't film her, and gave respect to her privacy. When Cocona got sick in KCON Japan, they didn't force her to go to the booth for pictorial nor did they made her stay for the group stage for all KCON performers that day.

    • @patr9131
      @patr9131 Рік тому +62

      I agree! It's comforting to know they are treated well. 🥹❤

    • @badboyonibaku
      @badboyonibaku Рік тому +70

      Plus i see that the company doesn't force them to diet but only to have a healthy weight

    • @dylandillyd6076
      @dylandillyd6076 Рік тому +27

      Oh that was reason why she wasn't any of the picture in kcon?

    • @Issh0_
      @Issh0_ Рік тому +9


    • @marfztv
      @marfztv Рік тому +30

      Wow that’s good to know, I really think that they have a really good management 👌🏼

  • @hungrywolf_alphaz
    @hungrywolf_alphaz Рік тому +385

    I laughed so hard on Maya 🤣 Instead of giving the toast to the camera man, she ate it infront of the camera man 🤣🤣🤣😭
    And harvey's aegyo 🤣🤣🤣
    The staff are good ✅❤️ love love love ✨

  • @nutok712
    @nutok712 Рік тому +272


  • @Mercy14lily
    @Mercy14lily Рік тому +178


  • @user-yh1bp4fj6u
    @user-yh1bp4fj6u Рік тому +149


  • @JabbaNoFatta
    @JabbaNoFatta Рік тому +122

    19:44 So cute...Juria just starts laughing because everyone else is laughing. Beautiful smile and laugh plus seeing the obvious confusion from Maya ( in her eyes even behind shades) was hilarious.

  • @イーリオ-h4l
    @イーリオ-h4l Рік тому +99


  • @user-nn4rn1oi1k
    @user-nn4rn1oi1k Рік тому +172


  • @takazo8065
    @takazo8065 Рік тому +199

    M2 씨, 이런 콘텐츠를 XG에 감사드립니다.

  • @SB-ee6lg
    @SB-ee6lg Рік тому +70


  • @thevectorchef
    @thevectorchef Рік тому +141

    XG has convinced me in several ways:
    1. I can DEFINITELY see them in an episode of Running Man in the future.
    2. The ladies would have no problems running a cafe with their delicious food.
    3. For some reason, I can see fans playing these same games at a future fan meeting.
    Thank you M2 for these moments !

    • @eekay3646
      @eekay3646 Рік тому +1

      What is "Running Man" about?

    • @thevectorchef
      @thevectorchef Рік тому +5

      @@eekay3646 Running Man is a show where various celebrities get together with hosts and play a variety of games. It's a spinoff to the popular X-Man series in South Korea.

  • @ちゃんかー-g5g
    @ちゃんかー-g5g Рік тому +63


  • @mmyy9677
    @mmyy9677 Рік тому +354


    • @euzabittencourt2134
      @euzabittencourt2134 Рік тому +11

      Vocês são maravilhosas,lindas ,divertidíssima,amo vocês.sao muito alegres e me fazem ficar alegres também.sou do 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷.

  • @TheBladerunner119
    @TheBladerunner119 Рік тому +368

    Maya is killing me every week, she is so so so hilarious! 🤣🤣🤣🤣Harvey definitely can't game in the morning, like her motherboard needs longer time to boot😅
    Next week gonna be epic, really can't wait.

    • @ewik551
      @ewik551 Рік тому +16

      Not just morning, remember badminton? 😂

    • @BurgerMANIA-l8x
      @BurgerMANIA-l8x Рік тому +6

      Watch three meals a day and down bad alternately
      You will not be able to understand the gap between the two lol

  • @user-nm303
    @user-nm303 Рік тому +138


  • @namulee3780
    @namulee3780 Рік тому +198

    신인 아이돌중에 가장 요리 잘함 ㅋ. 아이들 예능감도 좋음!!!

  • @Issh0_
    @Issh0_ Рік тому +208

    Juria and hinata combo is the best especially when they laugh together ❤❤❤

    • @MarkCalica
      @MarkCalica Рік тому +7


    • @MarkCalica
      @MarkCalica Рік тому +15

      Their laughter is so intoxicating, I just love it. Juria’s laugher when she was saying Maya’s name during the French toast debacle lol. And on the go kart with Harvey😂❤

  • @alienss7
    @alienss7 Рік тому +538

    Juria and maya are always being walking memes they never stop to produce funny moments🤣

  • @sakurali6166
    @sakurali6166 Рік тому +70

    I wish I’m like Maya’s energy, I love her vibe. So energetic.

  • @Cahibonara
    @Cahibonara Рік тому +181

    Hinata's curly hair is so cute!❤

  • @pjintoy
    @pjintoy Рік тому +449

    The Maya and Juria scene was the highlight of this episode! *They really do share the same braincells.* ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @nititornp7279
      @nititornp7279 Рік тому +29

      For me... They the main characters of every ep. Ha ha ha. Such a comedy , ball of sunshine duo.

  • @Ameey.
    @Ameey. Рік тому +54

    12:22 I’m in love with jurin’s “ Frenchi toasti, tomato soupu, cheesey toasti” 😂 and hinata and juria agreeing 😂😂

  • @rosepetals_yuji
    @rosepetals_yuji Рік тому +429

    Juria & Hinata's laugh is my favorite thing from now on 😢

    • @MissJenOfficial
      @MissJenOfficial Рік тому +11

      their laughs echos to my smol fragile heart

  • @alienss7
    @alienss7 Рік тому +88

    Chisa makes other XG member feels safe be with her in every condition like a angel..

  • @sheFEISTY.43110
    @sheFEISTY.43110 Рік тому +104

    Maya is just too funny. Her energy totally fits variety shows. I want to see XG on Running Man!

  • @yukinkodesu
    @yukinkodesu Рік тому +185

    이번에도 XG멤버들 진짜 귀여웠어요🤭🧡

  • @jofx1027
    @jofx1027 Рік тому +70

    This episode was so beautiful, seeing them enjoying simple things like normal people do - we can clearly see the other side of XG on this besides their outstanding performances on stage. They really are sister who love the members so much.
    The toast scene with Maya and Juria is soooo funny. 😂😂😂😂😂
    M2 you've outdone yourselves producing a show for XG like this - it's bittersweet to say goodbye to them enjoying the K-Countryside and seeing their great personalities. I hope they get another show like this.

  • @Preeen0128
    @Preeen0128 Рік тому +62

    Maya is so kind to Cocona❤❤She takes care of Cocona and doesn't want to do the dishes.❤❤❤❤

  • @きゅうす-y1z
    @きゅうす-y1z Рік тому +118


  • @user-yh1bp4fj6u
    @user-yh1bp4fj6u Рік тому +50


  • @TT-fx2gx
    @TT-fx2gx Рік тому +271


  • @su_ji
    @su_ji Рік тому +168


  • @onealsanders2554
    @onealsanders2554 Рік тому +115

    Hinata is such a little lady. During break she puts on her bonnet goes out and does painting of the mountains. So relaxing and quality"me time." ❤ it

    • @NikkiGTA416
      @NikkiGTA416 5 місяців тому +3

      Her and Coco are such introverts and I love it. Hinata does her art to relax and recharge. Cocona meditates.

  • @dojahellokittycat
    @dojahellokittycat Рік тому +52

    15:23 ジュリンのウインク男前すぎて惚れた

  • @neur0ticat
    @neur0ticat Рік тому +92

    Cocona is my bias, but watching Three Meals a Day made Hinata grow on me. She has a calm yet fun demeanor.
    I hope XG will do this again in the future. 🌞

  • @alienss7
    @alienss7 Рік тому +73

    Hinata looks so peaceful in the beautiful landscape..

  • @커피-m2b
    @커피-m2b Рік тому +236

    마야 미치겠다 너무 좋아 너무 웃겨 ❤❤
    같이 놀고싶을정도 ㅋㅋ
    아냐 그냥 xg다들 너무 좋아 ❤❤
    코코나 아프지마 ㅠㅠ

  • @きゅうす-y1z
    @きゅうす-y1z Рік тому +110

    10:30 juria勘違いでもう一回まわりにいってんのめっちゃ笑った!!

  • @--miru--
    @--miru-- Рік тому +110


  • @Meigooo259
    @Meigooo259 Рік тому +82

    Who can resist Juria’s sweet smile ~?
    I can see beautiful soul in her eyes 💙

  • @냐아앙
    @냐아앙 Рік тому +72

    이 집 예능 잘 하네

  • @MnetM2
    @MnetM2  Рік тому +764

    Now the English subtitles for 'XG's three meals a day' have been added. Thank you so much for waiting!

    • @_yearofthetiger_
      @_yearofthetiger_ Рік тому +19

      Thank you M2 ❤

    • @bbpopofficial
      @bbpopofficial Рік тому +13


    • @yejibro
      @yejibro Рік тому +51

      they should be subbed when the video goes live

    • @sandykatiellemoraes3480
      @sandykatiellemoraes3480 Рік тому +9

      Português 🙏

    • @まりもこ-s8c
      @まりもこ-s8c Рік тому +15


  • @midnightpetal12
    @midnightpetal12 Рік тому +45

    That "Chisa is holding my heart, not the handle." is just flawlessly true!

  • @chihayaayase1299
    @chihayaayase1299 Рік тому +32

    19:45 I always love to hear laughter voices behind the camera. It just shows that everyone are having fun filming, including the staffs, and that the show is funny not because of editing only.

    • @darthcygnus7692
      @darthcygnus7692 3 місяці тому

      They were laughing their asses off! AHaha maya did it also in tape 4 bts, made everyone laugh there too!

  • @camrolaguardia
    @camrolaguardia Рік тому +103

    The editors had a lot of fun in that Harvey edit 😂😂😂😂

  • @karenpit7429
    @karenpit7429 Рік тому +209

    This is the secret of XG's popularity. they are great personalities

  • @ammmm_4803
    @ammmm_4803 Рік тому +34

    8:39 Chisa saying, "Relax and Just do it". I swear this is the only variety show that I heard Chisa (and mostly just Chisa) speaking random but, relevant English phrases the most 💖

  • @ammmm_4803
    @ammmm_4803 Рік тому +17

    12:21 The way Maya and Chisa taking care of Cocona is so heartful 🥺✨✨

  • @リコ-v8x
    @リコ-v8x Рік тому +66


  • @samhue4194
    @samhue4194 Рік тому +36

    So precious.. Juria's smile is contagious

  • @delphium
    @delphium Рік тому +77

    Hinata’s laugh gives me life

  • @헬무투
    @헬무투 Рік тому +100

    마야는 개그맨이네 ㅋㅋ

  • @ammmm_4803
    @ammmm_4803 Рік тому +53

    45:15 The way they greeted Hinata-chan excitedly too! 💗💗💗

  • @cale-nims6975
    @cale-nims6975 Рік тому +147

    Hinata's wavy blond hair looks so gooddd. These girls are so fun to watch, hoping to see them in more shows like this (⁠^⁠^⁠)

  • @もち-j7c
    @もち-j7c Рік тому +47

    10:30 ジュリアちゃんが本能で回り出したの笑った 可愛すぎる

  • @leftieceliz
    @leftieceliz Рік тому +60

    harvey aegyo mvp and maya and juria are so forking funny my children 😭😂💕

  • @1joary3
    @1joary3 Рік тому +23


  • @jinain
    @jinain Рік тому +225

    만약 소속사에서 푸쉬가 가능하다면, 마야는 한국 예능에서 충분히 활약할 수 있다

  • @mitsuyossy6074
    @mitsuyossy6074 Рік тому +37


  • @lovexg6739
    @lovexg6739 Рік тому +67

    Their cuteness is unparalleled. really amazing group

  • @영훈-z1q
    @영훈-z1q Рік тому +52


  • @はるはる-c2r
    @はるはる-c2r Рік тому +33


  • @jollibeeda
    @jollibeeda Рік тому +98

    Chisa is even earlier than the alarm 😂😂😂😂

  • @つくね-e1s
    @つくね-e1s Рік тому +81


  • @inxiaomnia
    @inxiaomnia Рік тому +71

    12:19 Chisa being the mother of the group as per usual 🥹🤍
    13:55 its Mayah-yah-yah-yah
    19:45 Maya and Juria misunderstood the staff lmao they were supposed to let the director taste the french bread but instead Maya fed herself and Juria in 20:02 trying to make up for it nakes it even more hilarious- 😭😭

  • @ammmm_4803
    @ammmm_4803 Рік тому +54

    21:24 진짜 귀여워 💖💖

    • @se7550
      @se7550 Рік тому +2


    • @ammmm_4803
      @ammmm_4803 Рік тому +4

      @@se7550 違う~ かわいい瞬間だ ☺

  • @miomio000
    @miomio000 Рік тому +106


  • @TT-fx2gx
    @TT-fx2gx Рік тому +31


  • @shadiakansha17
    @shadiakansha17 Рік тому +75

    i love this reality show, don't end please. i wanna see more xg 😖❤✨

  • @_mafer17
    @_mafer17 Рік тому +110

    Every episode was so much fun!!!! I don't want it to end 😭😭😭

  • @auihjk
    @auihjk Рік тому +59

    They are really cute kids who greet the staff properly. Loved by staff

  • @D_JIM99
    @D_JIM99 Рік тому +55

    Everyone is cute and each their own charm. This time I recognize how cute AMY actually is. 🫶🫰

  • @TheBladerunner119
    @TheBladerunner119 Рік тому +36

    7:53 the dancig baby Harvey meme🤣🤣
    editor certainly knows what ALPHAZ want🥰

  • @舘ひろし-x7j
    @舘ひろし-x7j Рік тому +46


  • @kyunn-f4o
    @kyunn-f4o Рік тому +63


  • @omochi-z9p
    @omochi-z9p Рік тому +44


  • @94x27
    @94x27 Рік тому +56

    56:22 「2匹の翼竜が登場」に吹いた😂字幕のセンス😂

  • @user-fu2vu1qt1z
    @user-fu2vu1qt1z Рік тому +34


  • @MarkCalica
    @MarkCalica Рік тому +44

    Hinata hitting her head hurts but her reaction is so cute 🥰 😂.
    Juria’s laugh is so intoxicating and super cute. They are so wholesome and funny and chaotic and goofy lol. Love them all😂❤

  • @ammmm_4803
    @ammmm_4803 Рік тому +63

    19:42 - 21:19 I love this interaction with the staffs!! 💖💖 Three-meals-a-day team, I hope you had a memorable and fun day with XG 🥰

  • @just_walking9968
    @just_walking9968 Рік тому +23

    진짜 재밌게 노네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @mehlanie13
    @mehlanie13 Рік тому +17

    the thing with stanning xg is that you will constantly doubt your choice of bias because every members in xg has irresistibly distinctive charms

  • @seroiz
    @seroiz Рік тому +59

    can't believe the next ep is the last one :( i don't want this to end

  • @ammmm_4803
    @ammmm_4803 Рік тому +43

    7:25 귀여워 😂

  • @Luna8167
    @Luna8167 Рік тому +92

    XG❤ Huge love and greetings from Ukraine ❤❤❤

    • @Allen_Alphaz_XG
      @Allen_Alphaz_XG Рік тому +11

      welcome~Ukraine alphaz~🐺

    • @Luna8167
      @Luna8167 Рік тому +3

      @@Allen_Alphaz_XG Alpha alpha we gon' ride or die 💫💖🥰

    • @CouZer
      @CouZer Рік тому +4

      Slava Ukraini!!

    • @Luna8167
      @Luna8167 Рік тому +2

      @@CouZer heroyam slava, thank you 🙏❤️

  • @さな-f8t6x
    @さな-f8t6x Рік тому +21


  • @KorGuys
    @KorGuys Рік тому +45

    13:03 히나타 왜케웃김 ㅋㅋㅋ. 오늘의 히나타 입덕포인트

  • @mahinajp6568
    @mahinajp6568 Рік тому +34


  • @十二月うさぎ
    @十二月うさぎ Рік тому +23


  • @janenote-s6z
    @janenote-s6z Рік тому +44

    I can't stop laughing.They are so cute and full of charm.

  • @ammmm_4803
    @ammmm_4803 Рік тому +23

    21:48 'Girl boss' & kind-hearted Maya 😂

  • @junn7759
    @junn7759 Рік тому +35


  • @きゅうす-y1z
    @きゅうす-y1z Рік тому +75


  • @jvip5056
    @jvip5056 Рік тому +35


  • @user-em7jx7ke7l
    @user-em7jx7ke7l Рік тому +31
