What is your FAVORITE Devil Fruit in GPO? I'm curious to know! Currently I don't have one, I'm using Goro right now! Also, before you comment about how the tier list is "wrong", 1. It's obviously Opinion Based 2. It was made by multiple people, not just me. Mera should be higher and Pika should be higher!
the ships ranked r Raw boat Caravel Flamingo boat Galleon Cupid boat Thrilled ship coffin Hover bored ( with zushi ) And the best on is striker with mera
Pika should be ranked above gura,suna,goro,tori,ito due to it being extremely practical for PVE due to its high DPS for PVP not so much but it has a decent guard break that'll get perfect blocked Yomi needs to be ranked above gura instead of number 5 since it's only really good to PVP and barely PVE. HIE is really decent for PVE but shines in PVP due to the stuns and GBs
i agree that pika should be ranked higher due to its pve aspect though should still be ranked under certain fruits that are good for a lot more since as know by everyone pika is dog for pvp and all moves are easily perfect blockable and predictable
honestly i disagree with 70% of this list but i'm happy you're playing gpo , so in some time soon you can remake it and i hope to see more videos on this game
I can't believe that pika isn't even in the top 5 while hie is top 3. it's just not true at all lol. Even if this was solely a pvp-based tier list, hie shouldn't be that high.
Now I just wanna say im not only commenting this because I like the pika fruit. I just want to say it should be higher on the list because it can be very useful in pvp for fruit users. You have so much range and deal so much damage that you can demolish your enemies.The only bad part about it is it's difficult to combo with.
I used to have horo, and even though it wasn’t the best fruit it was extremely fun for me with its cool gimmicks and powers. I recommend you try the fruit :)
To suke : the invisibly is useless cause of ken haki ( you see invisible people which should not happen cause only the people who mastered haki in the anime can see the user of that fruit) Spin: was for a short period of time meta for sword users Bari : used for farming even today for newbies at Baratie ( you tinytask it with the push move ) Gomu : the barrage move ( with enough stats in fruit ) can melt bosses in dungeon if other person stuns the boss Zushi is kinda eh for pvp cause most people pb a lot. And it’s “okay” for pve cause of the meteor move. Horo: was the most broken for dungeons ( cause of the ghost move where you go out of the body ) Pika : eh for dungeons tbh it got nerfed ( if you use pika to boss get either mera or kage at this point ). Gura is way to pvp based ima be real. Most people don’t pvp really that much ( gura needs a rework to be useable in pve aswell ) Mera : top Tier for pve and kinda low for pvp cause fireflies gets perfect blocked all the time. And you wanna know why top tier for pve? Cause of the flight alone. Goro: very stuns based and pve it’s alright. Tori : is lacking on attack moves ( rework is comming nobody knows when ) Ito: nerf got reworked it takes more stamina now , the sky string is slower once you are low hp. And yea it is very trash for pve. Kage : solos dungeons ( just afk with over 1000 stamina.) Kage is not pvp based ( it’s both ) Kage is gonna be very demanded once we ever get a new dungeon. Mochi : is “good” but the moves themself do more damage than the ult move which makes no sense really. Since people ask: Hie: is better now sause of the new block breaker it has gotten but I still think it’s not as high as magu ( they should be par in my option ) So my conclusion : if hie didn’t take that enormous stamina with hie bike I would give it more points ( hie bike is such a unique way to travel ) but takes too much stamina. Hie had combo potential as varsity said but the drain on ice bike puts it lower. Suna: oh suna… suna was so great for pvp when the fruit came out now it’s not even good anymore besides you want a “new” logia. They need to revert the nerf cause suna is a good fruit in my eyes sure it’s not what we wanted as fans ( I know we all wait for big tornado move and sink sand move ) but all in all suna should be fine the ult is well it’s underwhelming. As of right now if you want to pvp use Either magu for being annoying as hell Hie if you combo a lot Kage if you want to test stuff cause the close is amazing ( I’m using kage rn ) Pika if you wanna idk get perfect blocked allday? It’s only good for traveling in my option right now.. Mochi: the sheer damage… the ult is underwhelming. String : if you want to just make person ragequit ( you need to know how to combo tho cause of the new stamina drain and low hp= low string flight in pvp )
You can easily solo dungeons with gura and if you re with a friend, you can just grab the boss with gura z and they can do whatever they want, since the boss will be stuck in the animation but will still take dmg. It doesn't needs a rework it is fine as it is
@@bigdonnut5331 hie is good but on pve u gotta give it 692 points for max dmg and it makes dungeons very easy bc 1st skill does 81 dmg and ice stomp does like 225 dmg but on pvp 85 is enough bc ppl mainly use it for stun
You’re severely underrating the importance of pve and I get that coming from shindo where pve isn’t really something any bloodline struggles with but in gpo pve is just as important towards a fruits ranking than pvp is.
#13 for pika?😬, a person who knows what they’re doing with pika in pvp can easily make it viable since it’s full of block breaks and quick damage, it should be higher
@@Pranav_Gollapilliidk I kept magu for a year I found it really fun cause it's my favorite logia. I can agree goro is boring as fuck tho, I reset it in 2 days
I agree with everything but mera because mera is really good for pvp, best for dungeons, and op for pve in general, but other than that everything else looks good
I'm extremely happy for the paw placement almost every other fruit ranking paw just gets shit on when it's really damn good this is only video(I've seen) that gives paw the rank it deserves.
Paw is extremely good for bounty and hunting in boss events and stuff because of the rendezvous being able to trap people in a ship and just simply ult them but other properties make the fruit drop lower imo.
I disagree with this list but he does have some good ranking, but bro he put hie as #3. Hie is mid tier for grind and is not really good for PvP. It is very annoying but it is not that hard to counter, it was buffed so correct me if I am wrong. Pika is in #11 I think and that is by far a big mistake to be hones. Pika is probably the single best grinding fruit and is average for PvP not the worst. He did say he fought against some Pika users and from the footage we can see they used mirror kick a lot soooooo... I am personally a Pika user and I do quite fine in PVP the problem is that he fought some pretty bad pika users. Goro does take a lot of stamina but that is something you can fix with putting more points on stamina and maybe getting some stamina regen accessories. Yomi is very high in the tier list and I found that quite strange because as far as I know it is not really good for grinding and is well kind of good for PvP so I would personally rank it a little lower but it is alr if he thinks of it a little higher. No hate towards him I actually enjoyed the tierlist I just want to inform everyone of some mistakes he did and to share my personal opinion.
@@SAM-nv7xj idk pika users just win cus they have a good swprd since they never use moves in combos, well prob cus it has no combo extendors or combo finishers, you cant even 5m1 into light kick ñ, your ult is too predictable, the light beam is just useless, mirrorkick is a free parry and the only move you use is the other block brake, its really trash aat pvp tbh
you prob dont know this but suna has actually 2 combo extenders... when you use the r move you need to hold a weapon after u use the r move and if you hold the weapon it will push the playear to the west and if you have rokushiki dash you can make it true so suna is like one of the best pvp fruits including the super short cooldowns on e and r moves
Horo can attack during His ghost form But only the fruit moves,its also able to aggro npcs in this form making it simple to solo dungeons and yes It works with bosses too
Whilst i mostly agree with the tier list, I disagree with mera being number 10, i feel that it is defiantly top 3 fruits in the game both for pvp and pve. For starters, it is a logia, making it useful for grinding some npcs and long fights where people may run out of haki. It has a flight which begins with a jump up which can get you out of bad scenarios, getting around the map/travelling, and dungeon farming. The ultimate is a reliable one, hitting five times and being a block break meaning the counter is almost only tekkai. Fireflies is true on an uptilt and with around 541 devil fruit, can do 200 dmg and has a low cooldown. Hiken is a free quick casting, low stamina, large aoe move with quite a high dmg and a low cooldown. It also has Flame pillar which is a large aoe block breaking move which deals high dmg, and even when perfect blocked, it continues to dmg the opponent. Final thing is that if you have striker, you have the fastest boat in the game, which is useful for getting around. I like it because it is a good fruit in all scenarios and i can solo dungeons with it. I defiantly don't think it deserves the number 10 placement, rather it should be higher. EDIT: I forgot to include that it has burn ticks, which not only harm the logia reflex of logias, but can decimate paramecias.
@@toupr4770 just pre-prepare ur ult, then fly up and spam hiken and firefly. When one is low, flame pillar them then defeat the other as you would like a normal boss
Pika should be way higher because of its combos you can do with it. It’s very good for pvp and pve. I also think you should bring love fruit up because it’s good for pve. Spin is amazing because of its combo lol.
Imo Every fruit worst to best Kilo, Suke, Spin, Bari, Mero, Gomu, Horo, Bomu, Zushi, Ito, Yomi, Hie, Gura, Goro, Paw, Suna, Mera, Kage, Magu and Pika is a tie, Mochi.
Hey jay, just wanted to say that i feel like zushi is one of the most op fruits in the game if you know how to use it, i use it in dungeons and pvp and im still kinda op
it def deserves to be just a smidge higher, but saying that its "one of the most op fruits" most of the fruits can be really good if you know how to use them, it just seems that you are good
I love your videos but im going to critic the list a little bit, paw is too high, hie is too high pika is waay too low imo, and horo is too high in my oppinion but other than that the list is good in my oppinion. love your videos.
i just spent the entire 1-4 hour window that a fruit could spawn in a private server looking for one and didnt find it, should i just wait until im halfway to max level before even trying to get one? how can someone whos around level 100 get one?
I do believe that utilising pika flight in PvP makes it one of the best PvP fruits overall. It may be hard to use, but once you do know how to use it you have so many possibilities and combos which weren't possible without the flight.
@@mrdespacito not if you know what your doing dude, if you can hold a move for like half a second beyond the windup, the pb doesnt work 2. if your just randomly throwing out your move, thats not how you use pika, for example, 5 m1s into pika kick, etc
Bro pika is trash in pvp all moves can get pf’b and fruits that can fly like zushi suna mera can easily Dodge the moves even the ult is bad in air , the moves has a start up and it takes up a lot of stamina
Variety I wanna make zushi higher for what it can do. It has really high damaging combos and honestly it should be higher than horo. I know how it doesn’t have much value or is good for pve, but you have so much combo extenders. Pika should be really high, almost good for everything just almost I can agree in pvp it’s not the besttttt but it’s really good for pvp pve if you know how to use it, and it has decent combo potential.
pika is good for pvp, you just need to use it correctly! with elo hammer and pika you can do some really good combos, and also some other combos that work well with pika, you should try it out some day.
Do you even play the game, been going to 1v1s with pika and i always use my fighting styles nd the df moves are only for extenders and all of the combos with pika are not even true, makes it even worse that they can pb all of the moves except the ult
It's not just my opinion. I got input from people who no-life the game and have been playing it for an extremely long time. I said that in the video as well.
i think light should be top 3 boss grinding its really good dungeons really ez to solo with pvp it has 2 really good guard breaks and the r move can be really good for combo ending sb and kk farming it can be really good for use light ray form a far and also it only really bad in ship farming so this is just somthing i want to adress and the movemnet is the best in the game
depending on your build ( if youre a sword main) then mero is the best rare guarnteed no contest for pvp ( i also disagree with pika, it is not the best but its still really good for pvp) and gura should be at least top 5 that fruit is busted for pvp but for pve its pretty garbage) and yomi and paw arent better than mera, gura and pika imo, and i feel that hie is the worst legendary fruit, no way it beats pika, hie is knda bad, i agree with the rest.
Pika sucks for pvp its normally just a free pb if you have good ping and if you don't just use a counter and paw is one of the best fs not the best fruit for pvp. It has 3 combo extenders, a tp dash, low cds, good gb and a very good ult. You don't need nothing more than that. Gura is rlly good for pvp but not as good as paw or yomi I had all the 3 and gura is easily the worst out of them. And mera just sucks for pvp it only has one decent move.
im a magu + fishman + flower + ba'al head user i clap mochi user so many times that its my routine i just spam flower charm when theres a enemy who move so much and ye he cried
Variety being fruitless is better than havinf kilo since it has one attack and its the ult which has a long cd in arena also spin is decent it has a true combo extender in air combo and a damage output mero is broken for pvp and can be good for pve with waves and arrows barrier cage is broken u can use it to one shot someone with gravity cane and bomu is good at pvp tho without self distruct gomu is the wost rare its pretty garbage after the barrage nerf zushi is so op it has a pull a push a stun a pve move which is the ult a'd ur biggest mistake is pika it has huge range the sword os good to start combos the ult can one shot u suna is extremely good u can still use the cutlass and its true (i used to be a suna main) i agree about gura im a gura main goro is so unreal with black leg its just horrible to fight against a good goro user also yomi requires no skill no brain to fombo with but i think that it should be lower cus its so garbage at boss grinding mochi is over ranked magu is kinda better and a good pika user can beat a good mochi user so yeah thats all i have to say about the tier list
You haven't played enough of gpo yet to determine what's good and what's not. This tier list is incredibly wrong imo certain fruits you placed on this list should've been higher and others lower.
I asked around 6-10 people who nolife the game 24/7 for assistance. They play the game much more likely more than you. If you'd like to explain what was wrong feel free to do so
Very inaccurate tierlist, mera would be above hie because overall mera is a perfect fruit, tori is one of the worst only good for pvp and paw and mochi could get switched
mera at 10? yomi and ito are kinda mid for pve and overexcell at pvp tori kinda mid good damage but mostly heal spam goro paw and hie are more balanced than ito and yomi as they're decent for pve and great for pvp idk abt kage i've never seen it once mera is undisputedly the best dungeon fruit in the game and it's still good for pvp it's so great even if your leveling up with mera it's still good because of the stupid hiken hitbox mera should be top 5 bare minimum
@@ethandlamini2489 I think bomu isn't really good for grinding in thriller bark anymore since both exp quests have no walls to cheese npcs (zombie knights have 1as and shishi sonson
@@axie3285 i guess cause they too spread but its not like that through out gpo, only 2 or 3 quests aren't optimal for bomu grinding but by then I'm sure you'd be tryna get an A-S tier fruit
Ok so the list is not bad but he did make mistakes on a couple of the fruits such as the Kage, Mera, Paw, Yomi, and Mochi. Kage is a very well rounded fruit because of its ultimate and stuns has 2 AOE moves that hit for over 100 damage each that both stun a move to get out of bad situations and is generally a good fruit. Mera is widely known as the best dungeon fruit because of its ability to fly and a huge AOE ultimate that does alot of damage but it is also a very potent fruit in PVP that can do alot of damage fast. Paw is probly known asone of the worst fruits in this update it is not bad but does not excel at anything and should be higher on the list. Yomi is a great fruit but has alot of limitations yes it can do alot of damage but is not very good at PVE and is mid at PVP. Mochi is the new rarest fruit but is pretty disappointing most of the moves are guardable moves are hard to hit but in PVE it is a great fruit the ultimate is great at ship farming but does low damage but is not a bad fruit but does not deserve to be the best because it is the rarest.
You have no idea what you're talking about. What do you mean Paw does not excel in anything? Paw is literally one of the best fruits for pvp because of it's counter + great block breaks and combo extenders, and its dash. Same thing with yomi, because of the shit ton of combo extenders that fruit has. As for Mochi, I don't get what you mean by "most of the moves are guardable and hard to hit" since literally half of mochi's abilities guard break and have a big ass hitbox. It deserves to be the best for a good reason. It has the most amount of skills for a devil fruit (Seven, not including future sight), and it excels in literally every single category. It's good for dungeons (although not as good as mera), really good for pvp because of future sight and the amount of block breaks that it has, it's good for kraken farming because of chestnut mochi, good for bosses for the same reason, and okay for ship farming.
@@shxden1760 Yes but no I have used paw from my personal experience of using paw is that it was mid at PVE and solo dungeons with it is a very annoying and hard thing to do and from what I have fought and have played with paw I have not really lost to one and i am a kage user as of right now. Yes it has decent block breaks and a counter but its moves can be very punishable. if you want to call it good at PVP go ahead but from what I have seen and play. I am not calling paw bad it is just not in the spot it should be. plus if you use roku when ever paw does its ult all you got to do is press R because it has an insane start up time. yes paw has its teleport which is really nice but the moves are pretty close range and the ultimate to me is just disappointing. Mochi is nowhere near the best fruit in the game yes it has future sight it has alot of moves but 2 of the moves are bassicly the same mid to close range blobk break with a narrow line. Mochi chestnut is just good but it is not particular the best in PVP the ultimate does not do alot of damage to a single target. Mochi roll is fast but not better than pika and slightly better than ice bike. yes mochi is a great fruit but just not the best fruit the best fruit is subjective on what you want if you want a good PVP and PVE and boss grind fruit Kage would be the best so this tier list was doomed from the start as in he should be grading them all based on different categories depending what you want in a fruit. He does shindo life tier list so if Jay sees this if you want to grade something based on PVP and PVE 2 different lists and a list with both that has a jack of all trades. But personally I think this tier list needs a redo and a good think over highliting every fruits highlights and weaknesses and has to have different categories. I am not makingmy opinion based off of emotion purely what I have seen and experienced with each fruit and mochi barrage i do not like.
@@Donner0406 I never mentioned anything about Paw PVE tho? You said that Paw wasn't good at anything, when Paw is literally one of the best pvp fruits as of right now. Also I REALLY can tell you don't know what you're talking about, because if you didn't know, Paw's ultimate goes through Roku's tekkai. Also in PVP, ranged skills do not matter as much because you'll be M1ing each other anyway, so the range problem is obsolete.
I’ve been playing gpo for around 11 months now and I’ve used all fruits except the update 5 fruits I’ve probably used pika for about 5 of those months and I agree it’s one the best fruit for pve but it’s also good for pvp because it’s so powerful, light blade being a block break that can’t be cancelled is incredibly useful so personally I would rate it higher I would rate zushi above horo as it’s combos are better and pve felt so much longer with horo than zushi I would also rate bomb above gum and horo because it’s a pretty useful fruit for everything especially for early game grinding Personally I think goro is the most overrated fruit in the game and I would rate it below suna as it just feels underwhelming and is only used for it’s E move in pvp also all the knock back on goro is super annoying for boss farming Also I think ito should be much lower as it is near impossible to have a damage output for pve, when I was farming the update 5 bosses my friend with ito couldn’t even hit the damage threshold. I would also rate yomi lower as it’s also not that good for pve Anyways for my own list (out of fruits I’ve used) I would have: 1. Magu 2. Pika 3. Tori 4. Mera 5. Hie 5. Suna (tied with hie) 7. Ito 8. Gura 9. Goro 10. Zushi 11. Bomb 12. Gum 13. Bari 14. Horo 15. Mero 16. Spin 17. Suke 18. Kilo My list kind of favours pve fruits towards the top because a fruit being able to solo dungeons is important as if a fruit can solo dungeons it can get you more fruits which you can also trade for other items with.
tbh bomu is super underrated. bomu in battle royal pretty much gives you geppo if you dont have it, and if you actually pair it with geppo, you can get one of the fastest methods of transportation around the map. pretty much all of the moves are useful in pvp. wanna kill someone? just run and use explosive swipe, it can do 100 hp per hit. being chased? just use bomu dash or leap, or better yet, just place mines, they can deal hundreds of damage if all hit, and if you want to combo someones, just use explosive grab as a combo extender and use explosive swipe as a combo ender. this list probably wasnt made when gpo battle royae came out so i can see why bomu is ranked so lowly, but if it was made when battle royale came out, im sure it would be ranked higher
im a fan of yours, and im pretty impressed to se you uploading gpo content, but I just gotta say, you should check the fruits again, pika and mera ar far better than suna, goro, tori, Ito, Hie would be far lower, but it got recently buffed again so yea its op
What is your FAVORITE Devil Fruit in GPO? I'm curious to know! Currently I don't have one, I'm using Goro right now!
Also, before you comment about how the tier list is "wrong", 1. It's obviously Opinion Based 2. It was made by multiple people, not just me.
Mera should be higher and Pika should be higher!
Mochi for me
Mochi, because it looks like coom
Nice to see you transition into other games
my favorite fruit is mochi
never expected you to do gpo content tbh, great to see
my name is also lorenzo :o
Well he’s “variety” jay for a reason I guess
@@antique6503 true that
@@antique6503 corny
Nobody asked.
Worst to Best ships next? lol :P good video btw, this is gonna help me decide which devil fruit to get
the ships ranked r
Raw boat
Flamingo boat
Cupid boat
Thrilled ship
Hover bored ( with zushi )
And the best on is striker with mera
@@thegnral eh hoverboard is better alone cause of its small hit box with afk farming.
@@acornflake5074 i ranked them by speed mostly.
@@thegnralI dont recall galleon being slower than cupid boat..
Bro honestly you underrate pika so much, every ranked i seen in arena mode mostly they are pika users lmao
Pika should be ranked above gura,suna,goro,tori,ito due to it being extremely practical for PVE due to its high DPS for PVP not so much but it has a decent guard break that'll get perfect blocked
Yomi needs to be ranked above gura instead of number 5 since it's only really good to PVP and barely PVE.
HIE is really decent for PVE but shines in PVP due to the stuns and GBs
i agree that pika should be ranked higher due to its pve aspect though should still be ranked under certain fruits that are good for a lot more since as know by everyone pika is dog for pvp and all moves are easily perfect blockable and predictable
pika is too predictable dawg
@@orgazed1859 yet its almost the exact same fruit as magu but its higher
@@uh1159 magu definitely better for pvp aslong as u dont rely on fruit (use m1 for dmg output dont spam fruit moves)
I think this one is the pvp tier list...
honestly i disagree with 70% of this list but i'm happy you're playing gpo , so in some time soon you can remake it and i hope to see more videos on this game
apparently pika is worse than gura :skull:
@@neonfurret934 apparently horo is better than Zushi
Apparently bomu is in low tier
I can't believe that pika isn't even in the top 5 while hie is top 3. it's just not true at all lol. Even if this was solely a pvp-based tier list, hie shouldn't be that high.
@@shxden1760 ikr
is nice to see your favorite youtuber doing another gameplays of another games.
i love you man, am glad you are making gpo videos too
Now I just wanna say im not only commenting this because I like the pika fruit. I just want to say it should be higher on the list because it can be very useful in pvp for fruit users. You have so much range and deal so much damage that you can demolish your enemies.The only bad part about it is it's difficult to combo with.
You can get pbed easily tho
@@AzureTheSorcerer yea light actually gets over alot cause of the windup
he meant the fruits by it self
Hes not including the fighting styles and weapons bc u know that may to long.
SO if anyone is going b*tch around say: " oh u can combo with pika by equip heavy weapons." Shut the hell up you 100 dmg m1 users.
I used to have horo, and even though it wasn’t the best fruit it was extremely fun for me with its cool gimmicks and powers. I recommend you try the fruit :)
hollow isn't a fruit ;-;
@@alexweretel9724 ye lol
@@alexweretel9724 he's talking about the ghost fruit lol
Horo lol
bro in the wrong anime
Wasn’t expecting gpo content thought it was a one time thing, but still its entertaining
feels surreal to see varietyjay make a nonshindo tier list and am here for it
my guy woke up and decided to be different
yo jay can u do a video of the best figthing styles in gpo
because ur content in all games are good
cant wait for tori rework I recently ate it and im now ready to dominate arena in like 5+ months lol
Weird to see a GPO video from VarietyJay, Good video though!
thanks for including me in the video!
To suke : the invisibly is useless cause of ken haki ( you see invisible people which should not happen cause only the people who mastered haki in the anime can see the user of that fruit)
Spin: was for a short period of time meta for sword users
Bari : used for farming even today for newbies at Baratie ( you tinytask it with the push move )
Gomu : the barrage move ( with enough stats in fruit ) can melt bosses in dungeon if other person stuns the boss
Zushi is kinda eh for pvp cause most people pb a lot. And it’s “okay” for pve cause of the meteor move.
Horo: was the most broken for dungeons ( cause of the ghost move where you go out of the body )
Pika : eh for dungeons tbh it got nerfed ( if you use pika to boss get either mera or kage at this point ).
Gura is way to pvp based ima be real. Most people don’t pvp really that much ( gura needs a rework to be useable in pve aswell )
Mera : top Tier for pve and kinda low for pvp cause fireflies gets perfect blocked all the time. And you wanna know why top tier for pve? Cause of the flight alone.
Goro: very stuns based and pve it’s alright.
Tori : is lacking on attack moves ( rework is comming nobody knows when )
Ito: nerf got reworked it takes more stamina now , the sky string is slower once you are low hp.
And yea it is very trash for pve.
Kage : solos dungeons ( just afk with over 1000 stamina.)
Kage is not pvp based ( it’s both )
Kage is gonna be very demanded once we ever get a new dungeon.
Mochi : is “good” but the moves themself do more damage than the ult move which makes no sense really.
Since people ask:
Hie: is better now sause of the new block breaker it has gotten but I still think it’s not as high as magu ( they should be par in my option )
So my conclusion : if hie didn’t take that enormous stamina with hie bike I would give it more points ( hie bike is such a unique way to travel ) but takes too much stamina. Hie had combo potential as varsity said but the drain on ice bike puts it lower.
Suna: oh suna… suna was so great for pvp when the fruit came out now it’s not even good anymore besides you want a “new” logia. They need to revert the nerf cause suna is a good fruit in my eyes sure it’s not what we wanted as fans ( I know we all wait for big tornado move and sink sand move ) but all in all suna should be fine the ult is well it’s underwhelming. As of right now if you want to pvp use
Either magu for being annoying as hell
Hie if you combo a lot
Kage if you want to test stuff cause the close is amazing ( I’m using kage rn )
Pika if you wanna idk get perfect blocked allday? It’s only good for traveling in my option right now..
Mochi: the sheer damage… the ult is underwhelming.
String : if you want to just make person ragequit ( you need to know how to combo tho cause of the new stamina drain and low hp= low string flight in pvp )
You can easily solo dungeons with gura and if you re with a friend, you can just grab the boss with gura z and they can do whatever they want, since the boss will be stuck in the animation but will still take dmg. It doesn't needs a rework it is fine as it is
what about hie?
What about suna?
@@Ketheral suna gets carried by tornado and sand blade in pve at pvp tornado which is main dmg is blockable and easy to dodge
@@bigdonnut5331 hie is good but on pve u gotta give it 692 points for max dmg and it makes dungeons very easy bc 1st skill does 81 dmg and ice stomp does like 225 dmg but on pvp 85 is enough bc ppl mainly use it for stun
"It'll be a really good bloodline." xD of~ course.
Bro this was a Proper surprise keep at it UwU
You’re severely underrating the importance of pve and I get that coming from shindo where pve isn’t really something any bloodline struggles with but in gpo pve is just as important towards a fruits ranking than pvp is.
Thank you for your input
Pve is more important than pvp
Glad to know u play gpo now, remember when I asked u to play it a while back
also no, mero is not ''okay'' for pvp, its really op and you can do some nasty combos with it
exaclty i was like fatherless mero combos be at?
Thank you for your input
Never thought i would see a video like this from u
#13 for pika?😬, a person who knows what they’re doing with pika in pvp can easily make it viable since it’s full of block breaks and quick damage, it should be higher
Thank you for your input
@Bobo Not everybody is dumb bro
@Bobo use cc and light
fight a smart player and pika loses every time all of its moves are easily pbed and it has no combos that involve the fruit.
.. it has 2 of the worst block breaks in the whole game and 0 combo potential...
i watch you a lot im glad you're making a video on one of my favorite games
Bro, keep the nice gpo content!
in every one of theese games my fav is mochi/dough only cause of the spikey hand ability
goro has the crown of being the most boring fruit in game just so you know you're not the only one
Magu is more boring
@@yarinsalem no cap
@@yarinsalem it's super boring two moves feel like they are the same move
@@Pranav_Gollapilliidk I kept magu for a year I found it really fun cause it's my favorite logia. I can agree goro is boring as fuck tho, I reset it in 2 days
Love ur content variety
bro how zushi is it worse than horo 💀
Oooooh so this is what you were pinging the discord for
I agree with everything but mera because mera is really good for pvp, best for dungeons, and op for pve in general, but other than that everything else looks good
Tori>Mera for dungeons (I had both in fact i changed to Tori directly from Mera)
Em, pika, hie is way too high in the tier list, and gomu isn't better than bomu
@@6Angello1 bruh
@@6Angello1 L
@@undertale0 W*
Epic video. I really enjoy your content
I'm extremely happy for the paw placement almost every other fruit ranking paw just gets shit on when it's really damn good this is only video(I've seen) that gives paw the rank it deserves.
Paw is extremely good for bounty and hunting in boss events and stuff because of the rendezvous being able to trap people in a ship and just simply ult them but other properties make the fruit drop lower imo.
You say that goro is draining on stamina yet you only have 500
Agree with most things except for zushi, zushi has very nice pvp potential with the pull move being a free combo extender.
I disagree with this list but he does have some good ranking, but bro he put hie as #3. Hie is mid tier for grind and is not really good for PvP. It is very annoying but it is not that hard to counter, it was buffed so correct me if I am wrong. Pika is in #11 I think and that is by far a big mistake to be hones. Pika is probably the single best grinding fruit and is average for PvP not the worst. He did say he fought against some Pika users and from the footage we can see they used mirror kick a lot soooooo... I am personally a Pika user and I do quite fine in PVP the problem is that he fought some pretty bad pika users. Goro does take a lot of stamina but that is something you can fix with putting more points on stamina and maybe getting some stamina regen accessories. Yomi is very high in the tier list and I found that quite strange because as far as I know it is not really good for grinding and is well kind of good for PvP so I would personally rank it a little lower but it is alr if he thinks of it a little higher. No hate towards him I actually enjoyed the tierlist I just want to inform everyone of some mistakes he did and to share my personal opinion.
@@SAM-nv7xj bro the pika user in the vid is just his friend doing a showcase .-.
@@SAM-nv7xj idk pika users just win cus they have a good swprd since they never use moves in combos, well prob cus it has no combo extendors or combo finishers, you cant even 5m1 into light kick ñ, your ult is too predictable, the light beam is just useless, mirrorkick is a free parry and the only move you use is the other block brake, its really trash aat pvp tbh
@@SAM-nv7xj "hie is not good for pvp" nah bro tf you smokin
@@SAM-nv7xj bro hie is one of the best if not the best fruit for pvp 💀
Very nice video!!❤️
Mero is actually AMAZING for PVP.
well, u really love doing ranking videos
you prob dont know this but suna has actually 2 combo extenders... when you use the r move you need to hold a weapon after u use the r move and if you hold the weapon it will push the playear to the west and if you have rokushiki dash you can make it true so suna is like one of the best pvp fruits including the super short cooldowns on e and r moves
R move has like 20 sec cooldown its very high its even higher in arena
suna also had a severe lack of range
he just started playing gpo and litteraly came in with a tier list 💀
Horo can attack during His ghost form But only the fruit moves,its also able to aggro npcs in this form making it simple to solo dungeons and yes It works with bosses too
In ghost form the npcs doesn't agro on you, they will attack your real body, this was already patched
you can use other moves then the fruit like black leg or 2ss
I swear I’m not a hater…but tell me you’ve played gpo once in yo life without telling me u played once in yo life
i thought he would never move from shindo lmao
He doing other games until Shindo life has a update
Whilst i mostly agree with the tier list, I disagree with mera being number 10, i feel that it is defiantly top 3 fruits in the game both for pvp and pve. For starters, it is a logia, making it useful for grinding some npcs and long fights where people may run out of haki. It has a flight which begins with a jump up which can get you out of bad scenarios, getting around the map/travelling, and dungeon farming. The ultimate is a reliable one, hitting five times and being a block break meaning the counter is almost only tekkai. Fireflies is true on an uptilt and with around 541 devil fruit, can do 200 dmg and has a low cooldown. Hiken is a free quick casting, low stamina, large aoe move with quite a high dmg and a low cooldown. It also has Flame pillar which is a large aoe block breaking move which deals high dmg, and even when perfect blocked, it continues to dmg the opponent. Final thing is that if you have striker, you have the fastest boat in the game, which is useful for getting around. I like it because it is a good fruit in all scenarios and i can solo dungeons with it. I defiantly don't think it deserves the number 10 placement, rather it should be higher. EDIT: I forgot to include that it has burn ticks, which not only harm the logia reflex of logias, but can decimate paramecias.
i agree
Bro no one reading all of that
@@sgnkagngagknagoanffigc idk about that one ngl
I think than to, but i need some tricks to do dungeons bosses whit mera, i always lose in the dual bosses
@@toupr4770 just pre-prepare ur ult, then fly up and spam hiken and firefly. When one is low, flame pillar them then defeat the other as you would like a normal boss
Pika should be way higher because of its combos you can do with it. It’s very good for pvp and pve. I also think you should bring love fruit up because it’s good for pve. Spin is amazing because of its combo lol.
also pika is one of the top 5 fruits because its the best at everything
Thank you for your input
combos of being pbed over and over?
So he also does gpo content wow hes better than expected
Bari is Really good for pvp and its some what decent for pve great fruit in my opinon
Usually I use Bari to Gather npc
Imo Every fruit worst to best Kilo, Suke, Spin, Bari, Mero, Gomu, Horo, Bomu, Zushi, Ito, Yomi, Hie, Gura, Goro, Paw, Suna, Mera, Kage, Magu and Pika is a tie, Mochi.
honestly pika should be ranked higher because i almost never lost a match with pika before
look at top comment and its reply
bro ain’t no way you said ito is better that pika and mera
He right 🤫
@@DragGotCombos he’s not
zushi is really underrated imo
Nice vid
Hey jay, just wanted to say that i feel like zushi is one of the most op fruits in the game if you know how to use it, i use it in dungeons and pvp and im still kinda op
it def deserves to be just a smidge higher, but saying that its "one of the most op fruits" most of the fruits can be really good if you know how to use them, it just seems that you are good
Agreed man
so happy that variety is playing gpo
I love your videos but im going to critic the list a little bit, paw is too high, hie is too high pika is waay too low imo, and horo is too high in my oppinion but other than that the list is good in my oppinion. love your videos.
i just spent the entire 1-4 hour window that a fruit could spawn in a private server looking for one and didnt find it, should i just wait until im halfway to max level before even trying to get one? how can someone whos around level 100 get one?
I do believe that utilising pika flight in PvP makes it one of the best PvP fruits overall. It may be hard to use, but once you do know how to use it you have so many possibilities and combos which weren't possible without the flight.
pika sucks in pvp, It's only good move is the lunge, as everything else will either get you pb'd, or they will just block
@@mrdespacito not if you know what your doing dude, if you can hold a move for like half a second beyond the windup, the pb doesnt work
2. if your just randomly throwing out your move, thats not how you use pika, for example, 5 m1s into pika kick, etc
You need to be really pro in order to use pika in pvp
Bro pika is trash in pvp all moves can get pf’b and fruits that can fly like zushi suna mera can easily Dodge the moves even the ult is bad in air , the moves has a start up and it takes up a lot of stamina
The pika flight to combo extend is not true at all and can easily be avoided
Hey Jay can u plz do fighting styles btw I love the vids and also when u use trident with buzo and phoenix it will be unstoppable
Variety I wanna make zushi higher for what it can do. It has really high damaging combos and honestly it should be higher than horo. I know how it doesn’t have much value or is good for pve, but you have so much combo extenders. Pika should be really high, almost good for everything just almost I can agree in pvp it’s not the besttttt but it’s really good for pvp pve if you know how to use it, and it has decent combo potential.
It should be top 10
I've use zushi my self and it is good for dungeons but decent for ship farming and bosses
And it greatly op for pvp
16:09 Bro really said the he he no mi 💀
pika is good for pvp, you just need to use it correctly! with elo hammer and pika you can do some really good combos, and also some other combos that work well with pika, you should try it out some day.
@Bobo i bet you dont even got pika
no it isn’t, it’s so easy to pb. it’s only 2 gbs are some of the easiest to pb.
Do you even play the game, been going to 1v1s with pika and i always use my fighting styles nd the df moves are only for extenders and all of the combos with pika are not even true, makes it even worse that they can pb all of the moves except the ult
bro u started a few days ago dont act like ur better than every paid access player in pvp and pve
It's not just my opinion. I got input from people who no-life the game and have been playing it for an extremely long time. I said that in the video as well.
i think light should be top 3 boss grinding its really good dungeons really ez to solo with pvp it has 2 really good guard breaks and the r move can be really good for combo ending sb and kk farming it can be really good for use light ray form a far and also it only really bad in ship farming so this is just somthing i want to adress and the movemnet is the best in the game
Both pika guard breakers sucks
Pika is dodo mess mess for dungoens
Variety!! What you should do next or soon is combos for different fruits!
this guy doesnt know how good some of the fruits are at pvp dont expect to get any good combos from him
depending on your build ( if youre a sword main) then mero is the best rare guarnteed no contest for pvp ( i also disagree with pika, it is not the best but its still really good for pvp) and gura should be at least top 5 that fruit is busted for pvp but for pve its pretty garbage) and yomi and paw arent better than mera, gura and pika imo, and i feel that hie is the worst legendary fruit, no way it beats pika, hie is knda bad, i agree with the rest.
Gura def not too 5
Gura def lower than pika, and yomi is even better than gura tho
Pika sucks for pvp its normally just a free pb if you have good ping and if you don't just use a counter and paw is one of the best fs not the best fruit for pvp. It has 3 combo extenders, a tp dash, low cds, good gb and a very good ult. You don't need nothing more than that. Gura is rlly good for pvp but not as good as paw or yomi I had all the 3 and gura is easily the worst out of them. And mera just sucks for pvp it only has one decent move.
hie kinda bad???? nahhhh bro hie has so much one shot combos with gravity cane or any sword that does so much damage like elo
Zushi is under rated it is one of the best fruits for grinding due to the unblock able meteors and it’s easy to use in dungeons
I agree I leveled up so fast because of zushi and it is so good for bosses as well
im a magu + fishman + flower + ba'al head user i clap mochi user so many times that its my routine
i just spam flower charm when theres a enemy who move so much and ye he cried
Variety being fruitless is better than havinf kilo since it has one attack and its the ult which has a long cd in arena also spin is decent it has a true combo extender in air combo and a damage output mero is broken for pvp and can be good for pve with waves and arrows barrier cage is broken u can use it to one shot someone with gravity cane and bomu is good at pvp tho without self distruct gomu is the wost rare its pretty garbage after the barrage nerf zushi is so op it has a pull a push a stun a pve move which is the ult a'd ur biggest mistake is pika it has huge range the sword os good to start combos the ult can one shot u suna is extremely good u can still use the cutlass and its true (i used to be a suna main) i agree about gura im a gura main goro is so unreal with black leg its just horrible to fight against a good goro user also yomi requires no skill no brain to fombo with but i think that it should be lower cus its so garbage at boss grinding mochi is over ranked magu is kinda better and a good pika user can beat a good mochi user so yeah thats all i have to say about the tier list
Since I don’t play gpo still watch this video cuz I can’t miss a content from you
You haven't played enough of gpo yet to determine what's good and what's not. This tier list is incredibly wrong imo certain fruits you placed on this list should've been higher and others lower.
I asked around 6-10 people who nolife the game 24/7 for assistance. They play the game much more likely more than you. If you'd like to explain what was wrong feel free to do so
@@VarietyJay I did in a comment. Just read it :)
@@VarietyJay ur a no lifer in shindo too, bud.
damn, a diff game other then shindo its a nice change imo and i hope you do videos on other games as well.
Very inaccurate tierlist, mera would be above hie because overall mera is a perfect fruit, tori is one of the worst only good for pvp and paw and mochi could get switched
Am I the only person who played GPO BEFORE IT WAS FREE cuz the their list is literally bad and inaccurate no hate but please sick to shindo tier lists
In my Noob to Pro you can clearly see I have the Fedora
it does not clear anything the video is like really inaccurate so please just re do it or just stick to shindo PLEASE
mera at 10?
yomi and ito are kinda mid for pve and overexcell at pvp
tori kinda mid good damage but mostly heal spam
goro paw and hie are more balanced than ito and yomi as they're decent for pve and great for pvp
idk abt kage i've never seen it once
mera is undisputedly the best dungeon fruit in the game and it's still good for pvp it's so great even if your leveling up with mera it's still good because of the stupid hiken hitbox
mera should be top 5 bare minimum
Thank you for your input
@@VarietyJay oh wow i didn't expect a reply no problem man
OMG i used to watch this guys shindo vids put Gpo ??? imma start watching u again alr subbed
Fruits are hard to get.
Also bomu has an infinite combo and is good for dungeons (from wjat ive heard) so i think its the best rare
Ye I use bomu its good for afk farming and dungeons and its decent for pvp
@@ethandlamini2489 I think bomu isn't really good for grinding in thriller bark anymore since both exp quests have no walls to cheese npcs (zombie knights have 1as and shishi sonson
@@axie3285 i guess cause they too spread but its not like that through out gpo, only 2 or 3 quests aren't optimal for bomu grinding but by then I'm sure you'd be tryna get an A-S tier fruit
Great to see Jay playing other games
Uhh no more shindo vids?
He just posted one earlier?????
@@Kclanks it’s a joke god damn chill out
Gpo content less GOO from shindo to gpo amazing
Thx bro for going ahead to gpo
Ok so the list is not bad but he did make mistakes on a couple of the fruits such as the Kage, Mera, Paw, Yomi, and Mochi. Kage is a very well rounded fruit because of its ultimate and stuns has 2 AOE moves that hit for over 100 damage each that both stun a move to get out of bad situations and is generally a good fruit. Mera is widely known as the best dungeon fruit because of its ability to fly and a huge AOE ultimate that does alot of damage but it is also a very potent fruit in PVP that can do alot of damage fast. Paw is probly known asone of the worst fruits in this update it is not bad but does not excel at anything and should be higher on the list. Yomi is a great fruit but has alot of limitations yes it can do alot of damage but is not very good at PVE and is mid at PVP. Mochi is the new rarest fruit but is pretty disappointing most of the moves are guardable moves are hard to hit but in PVE it is a great fruit the ultimate is great at ship farming but does low damage but is not a bad fruit but does not deserve to be the best because it is the rarest.
You have no idea what you're talking about. What do you mean Paw does not excel in anything? Paw is literally one of the best fruits for pvp because of it's counter + great block breaks and combo extenders, and its dash. Same thing with yomi, because of the shit ton of combo extenders that fruit has.
As for Mochi, I don't get what you mean by "most of the moves are guardable and hard to hit" since literally half of mochi's abilities guard break and have a big ass hitbox. It deserves to be the best for a good reason. It has the most amount of skills for a devil fruit (Seven, not including future sight), and it excels in literally every single category. It's good for dungeons (although not as good as mera), really good for pvp because of future sight and the amount of block breaks that it has, it's good for kraken farming because of chestnut mochi, good for bosses for the same reason, and okay for ship farming.
@@shxden1760 Yes but no I have used paw from my personal experience of using paw is that it was mid at PVE and solo dungeons with it is a very annoying and hard thing to do and from what I have fought and have played with paw I have not really lost to one and i am a kage user as of right now. Yes it has decent block breaks and a counter but its moves can be very punishable. if you want to call it good at PVP go ahead but from what I have seen and play. I am not calling paw bad it is just not in the spot it should be. plus if you use roku when ever paw does its ult all you got to do is press R because it has an insane start up time. yes paw has its teleport which is really nice but the moves are pretty close range and the ultimate to me is just disappointing.
Mochi is nowhere near the best fruit in the game yes it has future sight it has alot of moves but 2 of the moves are bassicly the same mid to close range blobk break with a narrow line. Mochi chestnut is just good but it is not particular the best in PVP the ultimate does not do alot of damage to a single target. Mochi roll is fast but not better than pika and slightly better than ice bike. yes mochi is a great fruit but just not the best fruit the best fruit is subjective on what you want if you want a good PVP and PVE and boss grind fruit Kage would be the best so this tier list was doomed from the start as in he should be grading them all based on different categories depending what you want in a fruit. He does shindo life tier list so if Jay sees this if you want to grade something based on PVP and PVE 2 different lists and a list with both that has a jack of all trades. But personally I think this tier list needs a redo and a good think over highliting every fruits highlights and weaknesses and has to have different categories. I am not makingmy opinion based off of emotion purely what I have seen and experienced with each fruit and mochi barrage i do not like.
@@Donner0406 I never mentioned anything about Paw PVE tho? You said that Paw wasn't good at anything, when Paw is literally one of the best pvp fruits as of right now. Also I REALLY can tell you don't know what you're talking about, because if you didn't know, Paw's ultimate goes through Roku's tekkai. Also in PVP, ranged skills do not matter as much because you'll be M1ing each other anyway, so the range problem is obsolete.
how are you level 500 and you don't even have haki yet?????
I've been using Demon Step
I’ve been playing gpo for around 11 months now and I’ve used all fruits except the update 5 fruits
I’ve probably used pika for about 5 of those months and I agree it’s one the best fruit for pve but it’s also good for pvp because it’s so powerful, light blade being a block break that can’t be cancelled is incredibly useful so personally I would rate it higher
I would rate zushi above horo as it’s combos are better and pve felt so much longer with horo than zushi
I would also rate bomb above gum and horo because it’s a pretty useful fruit for everything especially for early game grinding
Personally I think goro is the most overrated fruit in the game and I would rate it below suna as it just feels underwhelming and is only used for it’s E move in pvp also all the knock back on goro is super annoying for boss farming
Also I think ito should be much lower as it is near impossible to have a damage output for pve, when I was farming the update 5 bosses my friend with ito couldn’t even hit the damage threshold.
I would also rate yomi lower as it’s also not that good for pve
Anyways for my own list (out of fruits I’ve used) I would have:
1. Magu
2. Pika
3. Tori
4. Mera
5. Hie
5. Suna (tied with hie)
7. Ito
8. Gura
9. Goro
10. Zushi
11. Bomb
12. Gum
13. Bari
14. Horo
15. Mero
16. Spin
17. Suke
18. Kilo
My list kind of favours pve fruits towards the top because a fruit being able to solo dungeons is important as if a fruit can solo dungeons it can get you more fruits which you can also trade for other items with.
Ngl this tier list is better in my opinion than his tier list but didn't he like just start playing gpo.
Tell me you dont play gpo without telling me you dont play gpo
Are you for real with this list? I cannot believe that.
I'm excited in this new genre of variety jay content: edit my favorite fruit is soul soul from blox fruits
tbh bomu is super underrated. bomu in battle royal pretty much gives you geppo if you dont have it, and if you actually pair it with geppo, you can get one of the fastest methods of transportation around the map. pretty much all of the moves are useful in pvp. wanna kill someone? just run and use explosive swipe, it can do 100 hp per hit. being chased? just use bomu dash or leap, or better yet, just place mines, they can deal hundreds of damage if all hit, and if you want to combo someones, just use explosive grab as a combo extender and use explosive swipe as a combo ender.
this list probably wasnt made when gpo battle royae came out so i can see why bomu is ranked so lowly, but if it was made when battle royale came out, im sure it would be ranked higher
OKAY that was unexpected
when he said the "mera-mera" fruit at 2:15 I was thinking why the mera-mera no mi (fire fruit) was this low on the ranking lmao
“If this was in the other game, then this will be a better bloodline”
Dang man GPO grind is hard i only play it on an alt but even after 4 years its so good
im a fan of yours, and im pretty impressed to se you uploading gpo content, but I just gotta say, you should check the fruits again, pika and mera ar far better than suna, goro, tori, Ito, Hie would be far lower, but it got recently buffed again so yea its op
Finally some one not trashing hie and Recognize that its a god tier fruit in pve and pvp
Ye its fatherless for pvp