To me Rocky had more impact on me as blue than red... I loved LOLing at his antics during Zeo, specially when he got turned into a plant and told Kat she had "nice leaves"
Why do people keep commenting on his age for?? I was like 5 years old when he first started power rangers (during the thunderzord season), and now I'm 23. People age, that's just how things work.
When I saw power rangers for the first time when iwas a kid he was the red ranger than and until today his my first and best red ranger and I was sad he didn't was in forever red
I think it's just because you've got people like Catherine Sutherland (Kat), Nakia Burrise (Tanya), and Selwyn Ward (TJ) who don't look like they've aged a single day. But seriously, he's a super active guy. People just need to give him a break, like you said.
He seems so awesome. Very noble of him to run martial arts programs for after school.
He's still gorgeous!
Steve! This interview was so awesome! We miss you, and love you dearly. You look great dude, you really do.
Your sister n law (Hollie)
To me Rocky had more impact on me as blue than red... I loved LOLing at his antics during Zeo, specially when he got turned into a plant and told Kat she had "nice leaves"
He seems like a really nice guy, i wish i could go to one of these conventions.
I love steve. So sweet and genuine and so damn sexy omg I love him.
He seems like a really nice guy
Steve is a darling- Rocky was always one of my favorites. He needs to borrow Walter Jones' anti aging cream, though ;)
Uh, they were obviously FRIENDS in the show.
I has the bigist crush on him when i was little!!!
Im still crazy about Steve! I LOVE YOU! =)
Why do people keep commenting on his age for?? I was like 5 years old when he first started power rangers (during the thunderzord season), and now I'm 23. People age, that's just how things work.
When I saw power rangers for the first time when iwas a kid he was the red ranger than and until today his my first and best red ranger and I was sad he didn't was in forever red
Happy New Year's
ohh steve baggin the yellows !!!!
The link for the 2007 interview doesn't exist anymore.... is there a replacement for that full interview?
It's obvious they were a couple in the show. They were and still are my favorite rangers, ok?. U_U
I kinda knew him in middle school, he was pretty cool. :-)
I think it's just because you've got people like Catherine Sutherland (Kat), Nakia Burrise (Tanya), and Selwyn Ward (TJ) who don't look like they've aged a single day. But seriously, he's a super active guy. People just need to give him a break, like you said.
They should have asked about Forever Red
Damn, he AGED!
saw him this year at Anime expo, He got way more Skinnier and more balder... Hope his health is ok
mmmm I sitll love him
How can it be Rocky and Aisha forever when they were never a couple to start with?
shot DAMN Rocky! He's got that Lebron hairline
Damn, he got old
wow, he got some bad teeth, Rocky teeth been on the rocky side. lol
Rocky and Aisha 4EVER!!!!. ;)
Kk now get one of JDF :D
whats his age now?
He's still HOT.
He's really good for his age! Compared to Austin ... DAMN STEVE !
@Tuse01 Lucky bugger.
1st latino ranger.
Aw c'mon take it easy on the guy, he was in bad lighting, but still, huge drop...
He's still handsome but what's up with his teeth??
he has aged
prob got punched in the fave couple times.