to me the facetron looks like a toy there is nothing massive about it its flimsy and cheaply made, the cheap plastic water tank is a joke, the motor is weak and tiny with no substantial power to it i think the ultratech would be a better choice compare to the facetron ,well the dop holder on the quill design and the dops are better than the ultratech . also there is a rack and pinion gear inside the facetron head that with time and use it will star creating backlash that happens to a facetron machine that a friend of mine have . we had to fix that problem on his machine . plastic cheap parts like number counters also , i think that without a doubt the ultratech is a better build machine
Cost, value, and ease of use are not too be discounted when comparing equipment. Many who see this will be entry level cutters who may not have the means to pay north of six thousand dollars for a machine. But thank you, I can't wait to see your comparison video when it comes out.🙏🏻
to me the facetron looks like a toy there is nothing massive about it its flimsy and cheaply made, the cheap plastic water tank is a joke, the motor is weak and tiny with no substantial power to it i think the ultratech would be a better choice compare to the facetron ,well the dop holder on the quill design and the dops are better than the ultratech . also there is a rack and pinion gear inside the facetron head that with time and use it will star creating backlash that happens to a facetron machine that a friend of mine have . we had to fix that problem on his machine . plastic cheap parts like number counters also , i think that without a doubt the ultratech is a better build machine
Cost, value, and ease of use are not too be discounted when comparing equipment. Many who see this will be entry level cutters who may not have the means to pay north of six thousand dollars for a machine. But thank you, I can't wait to see your comparison video when it comes out.🙏🏻