다른 집 남편들도 치킨 좋아하나요? 요즘 치킨값 올라서 그런가 전보다는 덜 시켜 먹어요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그래서 치킨 올린 솥밥 만들어줬는데 이거 맛있데요~~~😆 한 그릇 요리로 솥밥이 제일 편한데 (밥+메인메뉴를 동시에 만들 수 있음) 치킨 솥밥 추천드려요❣️ 🍗🍚간장치킨 솥밥(2인분) 닭다리살 두덩어리, 쌀 한컵 반(불리기) 버터, 마늘, 간장, 설탕, 전분가루, 쯔유(생략가능) 다진생강or생강가루(생략가능),쪽파 •닭다리살 물기 닦고 전분가루 묻혀두기 •예열된 냄비에 버터 녹이고 마늘 넣어 볶아요 •마늘기름에 닭다리살 굽기- 간장양념 넣고 졸이다가 잠시 꺼내두기 •닭 구운 냄비에 그대로 불린쌀1:물0.8비율로 넣고 •쯔유 1T 넣어서 팔팔 끓으면 저어주기 •쌀이 물을 많이 먹었다 싶을때 뚜껑 닫고 중불로 7분 (인덕션 4단) •뚜껑 열어서 썰어둔 닭이랑 파 올려주고 뜸들이기 7분(인덕션 1단)하면 완성! 🧂간장양념 •간장2T, 설탕1T, 생강약간(생략가능) ✔️Tip •마늘은 다져서 넣어도 좋고 편으로 썰어서 넣어도 좋아요 •닭 구울때 깊은 속살은 살짝 덜 익어도 돼요 밥이랑 뜸들여 줄거니까요 •버터에 마늘 볶고 닭고기 구울때 중약불-중불로 해야 마늘이 많이 타지 않아요 •밥물 비율은 불린쌀보다 약간 적게 넣어주세요 (냄비에 닭기름과 양념이 있어 물양을 조금 줄였어요) Do other husbands like chicken? Is it because the price of chicken is up these days? They order less than before. So I made chicken pot rice. This is delicious~~~😆 One bowl dish is the most convenient. (You can make rice and main dish at the same time) Chicken pot rice rice recommended 🍗🍚Soy sauce chicken pot rice (2 servings) 2 chicken thighs, a cup and a half of rice (soaked) Butter, garlic, soy sauce, sugar, starch powder, zyuu (can be omitted) minced ginger or ground ginger (can be omitted), chives -Wipe the chicken thighs dry and coat them in the starch powder. -Melt the butter in a preheated wok and fry the garlic in it. -Sear the chicken thighs in the garlic oil - Add the soy sauce marinade Bring to a boil and take the thighs out -Add 1 part soaked rice to 0.8 parts water to the pot where the chicken was roasted. -Add 1 T of zyuu and stir when it boils. -Close the lid when you think the rice has absorbed a lot of water. 7 minutes on medium heat (4th level of induction) -Open the lid and add the shredded chicken and scallions. Take time for 7 minutes (1st level of induction) and you're done! 🧂Soy Sauce -2T soy sauce, 1T sugar, a pinch of ginger (can be omitted) ✔️Tip -Garlic can be chopped You can also add sliced garlic -When grilling the chicken, the deep flesh can be slightly undercooked. It will take time with rice in hot pot. -Sautéing garlic in butter when roasting chicken You should use medium-low or medium heat, so the garlic doesn't burn too much. -Use slightly less water than soaked rice. (I reduced the amount of water because I had chicken oil and seasoning in the pan)
다른 집 남편들도 치킨 좋아하나요?
요즘 치킨값 올라서 그런가
전보다는 덜 시켜 먹어요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그래서 치킨 올린 솥밥 만들어줬는데
이거 맛있데요~~~😆
한 그릇 요리로 솥밥이 제일 편한데
(밥+메인메뉴를 동시에 만들 수 있음)
치킨 솥밥 추천드려요❣️
🍗🍚간장치킨 솥밥(2인분)
닭다리살 두덩어리, 쌀 한컵 반(불리기)
버터, 마늘, 간장, 설탕, 전분가루, 쯔유(생략가능)
•닭다리살 물기 닦고 전분가루 묻혀두기
•예열된 냄비에 버터 녹이고 마늘 넣어 볶아요
•마늘기름에 닭다리살 굽기- 간장양념 넣고
졸이다가 잠시 꺼내두기
•닭 구운 냄비에 그대로 불린쌀1:물0.8비율로 넣고
•쯔유 1T 넣어서 팔팔 끓으면 저어주기
•쌀이 물을 많이 먹었다 싶을때 뚜껑 닫고
중불로 7분 (인덕션 4단)
•뚜껑 열어서 썰어둔 닭이랑 파 올려주고
뜸들이기 7분(인덕션 1단)하면 완성!
•간장2T, 설탕1T, 생강약간(생략가능)
•마늘은 다져서 넣어도 좋고
편으로 썰어서 넣어도 좋아요
•닭 구울때 깊은 속살은 살짝 덜 익어도 돼요
밥이랑 뜸들여 줄거니까요
•버터에 마늘 볶고 닭고기 구울때
중약불-중불로 해야 마늘이 많이 타지 않아요
•밥물 비율은 불린쌀보다 약간 적게 넣어주세요
(냄비에 닭기름과 양념이 있어 물양을 조금 줄였어요)
Do other husbands like chicken?
Is it because the price of chicken is up these days?
They order less than before.
So I made chicken pot rice.
This is delicious~~~😆
One bowl dish is the most convenient.
(You can make rice and main dish at the same time)
Chicken pot rice rice recommended
🍗🍚Soy sauce chicken pot rice (2 servings)
2 chicken thighs, a cup and a half of rice (soaked)
Butter, garlic, soy sauce, sugar, starch powder, zyuu (can be omitted)
minced ginger or ground ginger (can be omitted), chives
-Wipe the chicken thighs dry and coat them in the starch powder.
-Melt the butter in a preheated wok and fry the garlic in it.
-Sear the chicken thighs in the garlic oil - Add the soy sauce marinade
Bring to a boil and take the thighs out
-Add 1 part soaked rice to 0.8 parts water to the pot where the chicken was roasted.
-Add 1 T of zyuu and stir when it boils.
-Close the lid when you think the rice has absorbed a lot of water.
7 minutes on medium heat (4th level of induction)
-Open the lid and add the shredded chicken and scallions.
Take time for 7 minutes (1st level of induction) and you're done!
🧂Soy Sauce
-2T soy sauce, 1T sugar, a pinch of ginger (can be omitted)
-Garlic can be chopped
You can also add sliced garlic
-When grilling the chicken, the deep flesh can be slightly undercooked.
It will take time with rice in hot pot.
-Sautéing garlic in butter when roasting chicken
You should use medium-low or medium heat, so the garlic doesn't burn too much.
-Use slightly less water than soaked rice.
(I reduced the amount of water because I had chicken oil and seasoning in the pan)
완전 침 넘어가요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 간장치킨에,,, 거기다가 솥밥이라니,,!!!!