I have headphones, the audio is moved to the left side and there is just noise in the right one. Very bothering, I couldn't listen. I will try eventually with other means of audio that don't need things in my head because it's always interesting to listen to this guy 💘 his latin is amazing
haec pelicula auri sinistra mea placet maxime!
utinam mihi contingat aliquando audire scholas ab ipso Daniele recitatas!
I have headphones, the audio is moved to the left side and there is just noise in the right one. Very bothering, I couldn't listen. I will try eventually with other means of audio that don't need things in my head because it's always interesting to listen to this guy 💘 his latin is amazing
Mihi quique, eheu
El professor tiene su página UA-cam?
Sí: latinitium.com
Hae orationes Latinae eis , qui ad sermonem Latinum discendum operam impigerrimam navant , summo opitulari queunt opere.
Este hombre no ha nacido en Escandinavia sino en la antiquissima Roma.