This South American Sun Cult Looked A Lot Like Ancient Egyptians


КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,1 тис.

  • @eartheclipse8
    @eartheclipse8 Рік тому +705

    I live in Argentina and we were taught about the Incas in school. It's the first time I hear that that wasn't their actual name, and the first time hearing about chankillo too. Thanks for this, it's fascinating. Who knows how far back this advanced ancient civilizations go, and we will never know they existed unless something remains to this day.

    • @LordSesshaku
      @LordSesshaku Рік тому +15

      Hola Onyx, me alegra que te haya gustado el video. Te informo igual que aunque haya muchos misterios, y cosas que desconozcamos, sí podemos saber cuándo surgieron las primeras civilizaciones en América. De la misma forma que no sabemos todas las formas de vida que existieron, pero sí sabemos a partir de cuándo surge la vida en la Tierra.
      Actualmente se considera que la primer civilización del continente americano surgió en el 3500-3000 antes de Cristo, en lo que se llama "Civilización Caral"

    • @christopherlewis1847
      @christopherlewis1847 Рік тому +7

      Hopefully we learn more about this fascinating culture. Peace and love to all.

    • @StoutProper
      @StoutProper Рік тому

      @@LordSesshaku I’m pretty sure there’s civilisations older than that, who bully ask the huge megalith blocks and carted them up the mountains that the civilisations built on top of?

    • @LaurieAnnCurry
      @LaurieAnnCurry Рік тому +2

      @@sparklesparklesparkle6318 I’ll check out Secrets in Plain Sight & let you know what I think. Thanks for the recommendation.

    • @borisjohnson1944
      @borisjohnson1944 Рік тому +3

      @@sparklesparklesparkle6318 Having just watched one of his videos I can see why no one watches them. Rubbish.

  • @bluenniek4779
    @bluenniek4779 Рік тому +174

    As a south american (brazilian), I wish we learned more about these civilizations in school. We only learned a little about the three main (astecs, maias and incas), almost nothing really. And we don't learn about our own native groups. It can be hard to fit them into the curriculum, since they are so diverse, but I wish we learned at least something about them

    • @Themrine2013
      @Themrine2013 Рік тому +4

      thats because there really isnt much data to go off of. only speculation

    • @seiyuokamihimura5082
      @seiyuokamihimura5082 Рік тому +12

      ​@Themrine2013 yeah. A bit hard to learn about cultures that were literally scrubbed from history.

    • @Themrine2013
      @Themrine2013 Рік тому +9

      @@seiyuokamihimura5082 and? Welcome all of human history. Where the strong destroy and absorb the weak

    • @aztecklover69
      @aztecklover69 Рік тому +17

      in mexico its a wonder that we learned so much about our past; since the spaniards tried to eraze everything.

    • @tech-interview-meetup2171
      @tech-interview-meetup2171 Рік тому

      Why would you learn that in school, when catholic Christians destroyed everything and looted everyone, and removed everything about your history from school books.

  • @diyeana
    @diyeana Рік тому +740

    This is super interesting. It just goes to show you that people from 5-10k years ago *were not stupid.*

    • @ArchShrop
      @ArchShrop Рік тому +102

      Absolutely, if you took a baby from this time and gave them modern education they would grow up no different than anyone else living today

    • @batmeme9349
      @batmeme9349 Рік тому +9

      Or do they just have a lot of spare time

    • @dewiz9596
      @dewiz9596 Рік тому +41

      Certainly no more stupid than today. . . as a matter of fact. . .

    • @ThomasDoubting5
      @ThomasDoubting5 Рік тому +5

      @@ArchShrop Spot on .

    • @daveken9936
      @daveken9936 Рік тому

      Christianity is the enemy of intelligence, all religions destroy man's intelligence.

  • @driverjayne
    @driverjayne Рік тому +79

    I'm always amazed at ancient people's ability to see ANYTHING in the sky. Every time I've ever been in truly dark sky areas it's been a struggle to find constellations I KNOW. much less imagine new ones and keep track of them. There's just so many stars it becomes a blur. And it's not like they had any light pollution back then.

    • @johannageisel5390
      @johannageisel5390 Рік тому +21

      The Mesopotamian cultures had dedicated astronomers. When it's your job to watch the sky every night, you will definitely become familiar with it.
      I assume the high cultures of South and Middle America had similar specialists.

    • @driverjayne
      @driverjayne Рік тому +22

      I understand how they did it. It's still amazing. A truly dark sky with no light pollution has an overwhelming amount of stars.

    • @johannageisel5390
      @johannageisel5390 Рік тому +2

      @@driverjayne True.

    • @paulhaynes8045
      @paulhaynes8045 Рік тому +8

      Humans have a driving need (part of our evolution and the development of our brains) to see patterns everywhere. So, although I share your amazement, it's only natural that people, especially those who saw the full glory of the night sky every night, should 'see' patterns. It's basically how we make sense of things.

    • @StoutProper
      @StoutProper Рік тому +5

      You’ve got to think, people didn’t have electric lights, the entire planet was dark skies and they lived and saw that every night, as you move 5 yards from your campfire you can see the stars, of you saw them every night of your life constantly you’d know a lot more about them

  • @Spankedellic
    @Spankedellic Рік тому +4

    This man has youtube videos uploaded 16 years ago. What a legend

  • @juanito714ok
    @juanito714ok Рік тому +3

    Every time I hear an ancient site is precisely aligned with stars I wonder, has continental drift and astrological drift taken into account?

  • @Pyromanemac
    @Pyromanemac Рік тому +2

    It's nice seeing these entry level videos into all of this stuff. Interests people enough to go watch stuff from channels like Ancient Architects who goes into detail about all of this stuff and all of the papers around the structures and who those people were.

  • @DamienPalmer
    @DamienPalmer Рік тому +6

    Imagine thinking the moon doesn't affect you physically.

  • @MrCBiologyIreland
    @MrCBiologyIreland Рік тому +1

    People have been in Ireland for 11,000 years. They built the Boyne complex at Newgrange and this burial chamber is aligned with the June solstice and is older than the pyramids. ☘️ 🇮🇪 Keep up the great videos!

  • @MFLimited
    @MFLimited Рік тому +5

    Hold up my learned friend.
    The moon's gravitational pull is obviously strong enough to move oceans around, it does seem like it should be affecting our bodies as well . And it does. Barely. I mean, the difference in the moons gravitational pull between your head and feet is real, but very small. Lakes have tides. The great lakes have tides but it’s only about 5 cm difference because they are not the size of oceans . Just like the tides of seas, like the Mediterranean sea, are almost unnoticeable … to us.
    A lunar cycle is approximately 28 days long and so is a woman’s. 28 days is clearly a natural cycle time . And how man·splainey is it to insist it isn’t?
    The ancient belief that the moon was feminine, was not from imagination, but from observation.
    As people of science, we know The moon impacts: time, tides and light. 'For many animals, particularly birds, the Moon is essential to migration and navigation. Some reproduce with the specific phases of the lunar cycle. So, it affects them!
    Many animals will respond to both a circadian rhythm (real) and a lunar clock. The amazing mass spawning of corals in the Great Barrier Reef is also triggered by the Moon.
    The joint pine, in full moonlight, each lcone produces droplets that sparkle under moonlight creating a magic glittering disco display that draws bugs to it. That’s the only way it pollinates.
    So the idea that the moon affects us is very very far from crazy. I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out it does more in the future.

    • @Saffron-sugar
      @Saffron-sugar Рік тому +3

      There’s an article in The National Library of Medicine, The lunar cycle: effects on human and animal behavior and physiology
      by Michał Zimecki. There are several more like that but I think you’d find it interesting. Yes the weather affects a great deal on earth.

    • @brookeb7994
      @brookeb7994 Рік тому +2

      We're the caged animal that's screwed with the natural rhythms of our physiology. Women who pay attention to circadian rhythm and light pollution can and do reestablish a cycle with the moon.
      (Avoid artificial light / spend more time outdoors --- just like staring at screens after the sun sets is affecting our daily circadian rhythm. Lack of natural light spectrums messes our hormonal rhythm.)

    • @MFLimited
      @MFLimited Рік тому +3

      @@brookeb7994 thanks for that. It makes sense that the less one is affected by artificial things, the more one’s body would be affected by nature. It doesn’t make sense for scientist to believe that the body is not a natural thing lol.
      I was just reading in the abstract of the article mentioned by Saffron, above.
      In fish the lunar clock influences reproduction and involves the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis. In birds, the daily variations in melatonin and corticosterone disappear during full-moon days. But we’re supposed to believe it has no impact on us?

  • @Trust_me_I_am_an_Engineer
    @Trust_me_I_am_an_Engineer Рік тому

    "Sometimes you get flavours you never had before". Happened to me too. I'm much better at cooking now, though. I love your videos, Joe.

  • @TonyTrupp
    @TonyTrupp Рік тому +1

    Small correction: At 7:31 he shows a picture of a Caral and said it was Sechin Bajo. I see the website he got that same mislabeled image from too. Ive been to both sites, and that wasn’t sechin bajo.

  • @Geoffrey___
    @Geoffrey___ Рік тому +16

    I've been subscribed for a long time. Still love your channel, Joe. You and the "the why files" channel are similar to me in that both channels talk about things I already know about, but because you're both such great story tellers, I never miss an episode.
    That was a very roundabout way of saying I love what you do.
    You rock, Joe! Keep it up! ✌🖖

    • @Allogenes
      @Allogenes Рік тому +2

      Hell yeah!! Love me some The Why Files too.

    • @heracrossnt
      @heracrossnt Рік тому

      Why files guy is nuts. Joe is charismatic and uses factual information which is why I can trust even his more out there topics to be based in intellectualism.

  • @cyrusthevirus9878
    @cyrusthevirus9878 Рік тому

    I could have seen this as perhaps a seed storage area heavily guarded because its a food source using that calender they would know what crops to plant maybe?

  • @StandAgainstTheCartels
    @StandAgainstTheCartels Рік тому

    I went to the new (to me) Shopping tab page listed under the Trending tab. This channel was the top suggested channel. I'm subscribed to this channel, watched a bunch of science video, but never knew it was secretly about shopping. Thanks youtube!

  • @scienceface8884
    @scienceface8884 Рік тому +1

    See, this is why I think we should build a bunch of elaborate stone structures around the world that let people in the far flung future know that we were serious business. Something that really lasts for tens of thousands of years, but doesn't kill people who get close to it.

  • @SerDunk
    @SerDunk Рік тому

    Awesome vid! Big thanks from Peru 🇵🇪

  • @TheAJKahn
    @TheAJKahn Рік тому +1

    Schrodinger's Cook! Imma use this going forward! 😄

  • @Zacmaster78
    @Zacmaster78 3 місяці тому

    This is interesting. The only ones before the Inca that I ever heard of were Moche, Nazca, Paracas, chavin, Wari, Sipan, Lambayeque, Caral, etc.

  • @deni7457
    @deni7457 Рік тому

    Joe you the best, finally more content creators point out what mainstream keeps in shadows

  • @TheRealRinusP
    @TheRealRinusP Рік тому +4

    I've been to the Sechin valley and seen a good number of their archeological sites. They inhabited a huge area. It must've been a very big and sophisticated culture. I've seen remnants of giant palaces, ceremonial structures, artwork, pottery u name it. Unfortunately due to corruption in Peru and lack knowledge and funds most sites are just left to decay on the side of the highway without anyone paying attention.
    A couple miles down of the sechin bajo which on its own is very impressive, there is actually a HUGE pyramid structure. In fact archeologist believe it's the largest archeological structure in the ENTIRE AMERICAS.
    I've stood on top of the remnants. Sadly it is completely destroyed, neglected and actually used by locals as a farm area and the rubble as building material. I remember being in awe of the size of the structure looking out over the valley, while looking to my left just to see a pig pin amidst some structures.
    Peru is amazing.

  • @paytonedington5664
    @paytonedington5664 Рік тому +1

    PLEASE READ!! Hello, I have just recently subscribed to your channel because your research is beyond incredible, and unravels so much lost information unknown by mainstream Media due to the European exploration yielding a Eurocentric perspective on South American/ Mesoamerican history! I was not even aware of the Architectural sites dating back to 7600 BCE, because archeologists today won’t even consider ancient history as a part of Manchu Pichu’s construction, by saying it was only “founded” in 1400’s and presumably built during that same time.
    I am writing a research paper over ancient civilizations and how new proof (whether it be water erosion on the sphinx, or carbon dating specific samples of charcoal from the pyramid of Khufu) can explain how civilization could’ve started LONG before 6000-4000 BCE. I don’t like NOT giving the ancient Sumerians credit, but I don’t think they were the first classified civilization with advance architecture and knowledge.
    With this, may I use some of your information to help validate some of my claims toward the actual ages of megalithic sites in south and Central America? I will site you and not plagiarize, all I ask is your permission

  • @peterdore2572
    @peterdore2572 Рік тому

    Wow. The Astronomical Hypothesis actually comes with a Real Evidence and Clear function

  • @brenellhornsby6566
    @brenellhornsby6566 Рік тому +2

    No one knows much about these peoples other than the fact that this planet was one land mass so the peoples of South America and the continent of Africa contain very similar peoples. They were very different from that what we think of as "humans" today. They processed information VERY DIFFERENTLY than those influenced by the west. This cannot be simplified or denied.

  • @bertilhatt
    @bertilhatt Рік тому

    “What’s a pot?” That one was probably a tiny bit more believable than what Joe would be comfortable with.

  • @Frazful
    @Frazful Рік тому +1

    A few inaccuracies. It's well established at this point that Egypt was not dry at the time.

  • @leehilborn8118
    @leehilborn8118 Рік тому

    Joe's going down the rabbit hole. Curiouser and curiouser

  • @OddWomanOut_Pi81
    @OddWomanOut_Pi81 Рік тому

    The tech of these ancient civilizations, man... I, more than likely, wouldn't be able to come up with these things no matter how much brainstorming I did (lol), but when u observe how they perfected concepts of telling the time and date, deciphering the seasons, u kind of go🤦🏾‍♀️DUH! Very practical.

  • @scottpainter5503
    @scottpainter5503 Рік тому

    Cool video. Also that hello fresh meal looked delicious

  • @JohnBainbridge0
    @JohnBainbridge0 Рік тому

    ♫ Oh my little pretty Sun - my pretty Sun. ♫
    ♫ Telling us the time with Analemma! ♫


    Astronomy in the megalithic era is wow.

  • @anonygrazer3234
    @anonygrazer3234 7 місяців тому

    OMG, is that the robot from The Black Hole behind you????? And Jareth from The Labrynth to the left? And Andre the GIant to the right?
    Dude, I so wanna come to your house and play!
    Oh, and thanks for the vid on Chankillo.....absolutely fascinating. I'd never heard of them before this and I've had an interest in the Maya and Inca since I was a kid.

  • @calyodelphi124
    @calyodelphi124 Рік тому

    Fun fact about the Pleiades: there's a car company named after them. Subaru is also the Japanese name for that star cluster, and the six brightest stars of the cluster are featured prominently on the logo. :D

  • @herbertgearing1702
    @herbertgearing1702 11 місяців тому

    Dry places are still the best places to build optical observatories, so that doesn't mean they all lived there anymore than we all live in the high deserts which hold our optical observatories.

  • @garrytuohy9267
    @garrytuohy9267 Рік тому

    That was completely new to me.

  • @jabonjabon8670
    @jabonjabon8670 Рік тому

    my neighbours is fisherman , they know what time to go the ocean , and my village is kinnda good at it

  • @imsoemo2234
    @imsoemo2234 Рік тому

    Love this style of video. Right up my alley, as your videos often are.

  • @Old_Shoe
    @Old_Shoe Рік тому

    Thanks Joe. Just coming down from a heroic dose of mushrooms. Was gifted a glorious vision of how I am human manure in an enormous soul garden. Somehow this puts the cherry on top. So to speak.

  • @erockstoenescu6171
    @erockstoenescu6171 Рік тому

    This video makes me so proud to be Peruvian :)

  • @kaisersozay99
    @kaisersozay99 Рік тому

    Mate, U r in my top 10 UA-camrs, Along with Uncle Hajji's kitchen, the Engineer Guy, Dan Davis History, Religion for breakfast, Dan Carlin, Ancient Americas, World of Antiquity, Kurkgesagt, and anything related to Curb ur enthusiasm.

  • @erfansh4815
    @erfansh4815 Рік тому

    That calender is Iranian calender. It's amazing how accurate is it. U should compare it and see how amazingly it lines up.

  • @CaveWomanCuriosity
    @CaveWomanCuriosity Рік тому

    Such a great video Joe! Your videos are always right up there, but this subject is so intriguing!

  • @jacobs1754
    @jacobs1754 Рік тому

    Imagine knowing the moon affects the tides of oceans, yet being unaware of any effect on your body.

  • @lucylightbringer
    @lucylightbringer Рік тому

    Fantastic video Joe. I had never heard of this. Thank you!

  • @GalactusOG
    @GalactusOG Рік тому +1

    Ecuadorian UFC fighter is for sure Egyptian.

  • @jake4101
    @jake4101 Рік тому +2

    Loved the video, except the AI-generated background music wasn't great. Doesn't match the mood, in my opinion...
    How do you guys feel about it?

  • @SebastianA.W.
    @SebastianA.W. Рік тому

    back then, the valley was a lush and greenish paradise, and the people rised beasts and crops, ate fruit and fish.
    but one day all the water and green went away, and with it a huge ammount of fauna and flora, including the culture.. some fauna was pretty wild.

  • @gabrielpwv
    @gabrielpwv Рік тому

    Cerro Sechin’s picture looked more like Caral, in the Lima department. Which is also the oldest Archeological site in South America.

  • @thekittenfreakify
    @thekittenfreakify Рік тому +1

    12,000 years the are was probably a sort of plains

  • @Felixmz
    @Felixmz Рік тому

    The dates mentioned in the channel appears eerily accurate. Like when Joe mentioned "7600 BCE" for . The analysis will always provide a range of error: 7600 BCE plus or minus some years. I wish channels would report on that range of error instead of blindly assuming scientific analysis is so accurate.

  • @josejpullutasig6049
    @josejpullutasig6049 Рік тому

    very insightful. don’t assume these are “beliefs” or “cults” as it’s very offensive and destructive, this is millennial knowledge very much alive and essential for all civilizations.

  • @N1njaSnake
    @N1njaSnake Рік тому

    That joke about saving one's marriage was suspiciously specific.

  • @frankshifreen
    @frankshifreen Рік тому

    The blocks of cut rock- multi- ton rocks placed exactly square - Inka stone work ver crude

  • @paknbagn9917
    @paknbagn9917 Рік тому

    make a video about numbers and counting systems

  • @DragonsinGenesisPodcast
    @DragonsinGenesisPodcast Рік тому

    The opening chapters of the Book of Astronomy in 1 Enoch details the construction of a similar solar calendar. It also outlines the ancient Jewish sun worship that would later be banned.

  • @Face761
    @Face761 Місяць тому

    All of America and even Canada has pyramids everywhere. The Grand Canyon has ancient relics like the Isis Temple that are older than the Great Pyramid in Egypt AKA Kemit.

    • @lynnefox4892
      @lynnefox4892 Місяць тому

      There are structures broadly similar that predate the pyramids. They are not connected according to pretty much everyone not looking to sell a book or movie or something.

  • @SeanLynchXY
    @SeanLynchXY Рік тому


  • @zsazsa3814
    @zsazsa3814 10 місяців тому

    Interesting, thanks dude

  • @kenjohnson5124
    @kenjohnson5124 Рік тому

    13:02 It could be that vegetation was different at the time when there might have been more CO2 at that elevation or the valleys were the main source of food and archaeological evidence hasn’t been found yet.

  • @kylekirkparick426
    @kylekirkparick426 Рік тому

    This video makes me miss me as a child. I would just absorb information. I didn't need time to digest and process such complex things. I would just dumb everything down to my level. As an adult, I spend way too much time elevating my conceptions. You don't exactly make it easy, but I couldn't be entertained by anything less stimulating.

  • @lotslove2give
    @lotslove2give Рік тому

    Thank you ancestors!

  • @smallworldbigworld-yi3xw
    @smallworldbigworld-yi3xw Рік тому

    It's a shame that copyright laws weren't around back then; the Egyptians could have sued them.

  • @alexlouismorlevat654
    @alexlouismorlevat654 Рік тому

    I have never seen the sun turning back like that in the middle of the day. I should go out more... 😛
    It disturbed me because I have ASD, ADHD, and you made me doubt about my beliefs.
    F*** lol
    Love you Joe

  • @rzgrimes
    @rzgrimes Рік тому

    This site reminds me of Chaco Canyon in NM

  • @jimseals8659
    @jimseals8659 Рік тому

    Sent by Why Files, I'm now a subscriber.

  • @MrShuckedSean
    @MrShuckedSean Рік тому

    I've done the hello fresh and it is indeed good food and great recipes but it's expensive. You can make it work for 2 people but 3 doesn't cause they have no option for 3, only 2 and 4.

  • @diogenesenuts
    @diogenesenuts Рік тому

    Emergency rooms are statistically the fullest during the full moon. This is well documented. If anything, it’d be crazy to think the moon doesn’t have an effect on your body, as we know that our bodies are composed mostly of water and the moon is the reason we see shifts in the tides. What effects does the moon have on our bodies specifically? I don’t know, but I’m sure someone out there is doing sincere research to determine what it is.

  • @richc.3100
    @richc.3100 Рік тому

    8:40 I thought it was pretty well established that Egypt was a tropical rainforest during its rise.

  • @cykratzer3463
    @cykratzer3463 Рік тому

    Have you heard of or done anything on the Anasazi Sun Dagger

  • @raphaelvsantos
    @raphaelvsantos Рік тому

    I'm always amazed by the ingenuity of Ancient Latin American people. I feel that it is mostly ignored by everybody.
    Yeah, Egypt and the whole African continent is full of wonders but so is our continent. It is something that makes me really proud.
    And just a tip: Latin words with "RR" like Cerro are pronounced with strong R, almost as is Rolls Royce (I can't quite remember a word that actually uses the sound we do), and not with a "rolling R" sound, like in the video 😅

  • @brendacooper5729
    @brendacooper5729 Рік тому

    When Thor Heyerdahl reproduced the Egyptian double prow reed boat depicted on the pyramids, the local reed boat builders were unable to make a usable copy as the pictures did not include the interior details of how it was put together, the original RA failed to make the crossing, so Heyerdahl went to South America, where on lake Titicaca, the locals were making smaller versions of the pyramid boats. He hired two builders, flew them to the middle east where they made a larger version of their reed boats, then sailed it across the ocean with no real problems. The South American boats were visually identical to the Egyptian drawings. Some of the Indigenous tribes claim to have arrived on America stashed inside reeds when their original home was flooded out. The locals may not have been genetically Egyptian, but that would not have stopped them from picking up Egyptian technology, papyrus is found on both sides of the ocean, maybe the Egyptians traded it for Cocaine?

  • @studlydude2000
    @studlydude2000 Рік тому

    hello fresh might even save your marriage......someone has to.... I'M DEAD LMAO!!!!!!!!!! love you joe. every single video

  • @The_Gallowglass
    @The_Gallowglass Рік тому

    3:12 We still call the Zhong Guo Ren, the Chinese, because of Emperor Qin. ( :

  • @darinfisher989
    @darinfisher989 Рік тому

    Also it's a matter of fact that the Egyptians probably traded with people in South South America and were responsible for a lot of the building techniques... Coca leaves were found in ancient mummy wrappings in Egypt the coca leaf only comes from South America.... And when these places were built the climate's were not aired they were lush

  • @lelouchz7765
    @lelouchz7765 Рік тому

    That was an interesting story.

  • @rh1507
    @rh1507 Рік тому

    I just can't believe that the Incas didn't have an AOL.

  • @kagestone56
    @kagestone56 Рік тому

    I don't fear death as much as I fear loss of autonomy. With all the corruption, lies, greed, curtailing of freedom and every psychopathic head of state being completely full of shit and bought & paid for, I must say that I am glad that I'm closer to the end of my life than in the beginning or middle of it. It's terrifying to ponder what this world will look like in 5, 10 or more years. I fear for the youth especially. I hope there's some great rift in the current order of things that sets us on a course towards peace and love and unity. But I'm just an old hippie, so what the hell do I know?

  • @lazerhosen
    @lazerhosen Рік тому

    Couldn't tell if you were being facetious, but yeah, the moon does have an effect on menstruation. It is thought that cycles would often align with the new moon so as not to be bleeding during full moons when more predators are hunting more successfully. Evolutionarily this would have been advantageous for survival. On another note, the polarity of water molecules actually aligns to the gravitation of the moon in conjunction with tidal pull... and we're made of water and are on some level under this effect as well... plus menstrual cycles are 28 days long, just like lunar cycles.
    It is also worth noting (according to sources I don't remember) that at some point our ancestors could only ovulate upon orgasm, so sex used to be fair when we were more ape-like, though I am not sure as to the accuracy/veracity of this claim... supposedly we eventually adapted to an ovulation/menstruation cycle more closely aligned with the moon.
    Imagine evolving on a planet covered in water, being made mostly of water, with a natural satellite that has a profound effect on water and nighttime light levels and *not* being adapted to some of these phenomena...

  • @templeofleila
    @templeofleila Рік тому

    There are 13 pillars because there used to be 13 months. And you said, "we don't know who they are" but the swastika, the sun god worship symbol, which was found on ancient artifacts at these sites in Peru can be tracked back to the Golden horde or the Aryans.

  • @071Mccoy
    @071Mccoy Рік тому

    It´s a shame we live in cities and at night we cannot enjoy the stars.

  • @Neoprototype
    @Neoprototype Рік тому +1

    Built in the 9th to 12 century? That would mean the Inca predate them. . .

  • @CoryPickerign333
    @CoryPickerign333 Рік тому

    it was built by psychic receiving information through a telepathic communication channel with a higher life form, these people were apart of the first science laboratory and all people in it remembered life times from way b4 having a body on this planet.

  • @no.1spectator39
    @no.1spectator39 Рік тому

    There is atleast 2 to 3 thousand years difference between these two extinct cultures, so we know which culture influenced which

  • @CatchingCharkraLight
    @CatchingCharkraLight Рік тому

    The Moon can have an affect on the human body and their is countless documents about this. If the Sun can affect the body, so can other celestial objects.

  • @dougbillman2333
    @dougbillman2333 Рік тому

    The box in the king’s chambers, great pyramid… the arc of the covenant… they are the exact same size and measurements… what are the odds….

  • @nathandunn5775
    @nathandunn5775 Рік тому

    Loved that "F" segue, haha!

  • @JordanAnastasio
    @JordanAnastasio Місяць тому

    Meatballs with BUKKAKE SAUCE??? No thanks, I just ate. 👍

  • @ranjaxwolf9725
    @ranjaxwolf9725 Рік тому

    Bass too high on the background music on this video, makes it very difficult to focus on what Joe is saying. Was not able to watch the video due to the background music issue.

  • @basbos5637
    @basbos5637 Рік тому

    The assumption that the Egyptians were not in South America, is just that, an assumption. I think it is crazy to see they could build Piramids with exact dimensions on a precise Longitude and Latitude; they were lifting blocks of 1200 tons but yet they were not able to cross an ocean. One of the first things mankind does when travelling; is climbing on a floating tree in a river. Later they lash them together into a raft; and even later they think of ways to improve the raft to transport loads. Shipping is not the end of an evolution but starts already at the beginning and develops. Sure the Egyptians could reach South America; if they wanted to. Thanks for the video though.

  • @Critter145
    @Critter145 Рік тому

    When people say “it was religious or political” why does it always sound like they’re saying “we don’t know what it was for”?

  • @Jj-xl3xg
    @Jj-xl3xg Рік тому

    I think there actually are some studies on the moon's effect on people?

  • @joelkurowski7129
    @joelkurowski7129 Рік тому

    Their ruler's title was 'Sapa Inca'. Not just 'Inc(k)a'.

  • @dougbillman2333
    @dougbillman2333 Рік тому

    Constellations go round and round earth…..

  • @catsupchutney
    @catsupchutney Рік тому

    All hail the great Pug Sun God (6:41) !

  • @JermoZif
    @JermoZif Рік тому

    I think the moon could affect someone's body if they held a belief that activated the placebo effect

  • @kylekirkparick426
    @kylekirkparick426 Рік тому

    Shrodenger's chef... it's fine. Just don't look at it directly. I just laugh at all your jokes. I'm either somewhat knowledgeable and laugh easily, or I'm infatuated. I'm pretty sure your wife would have a problem with one of those... unless I'm infatuated with knowledge. Who wouldn't support that?
    You're great, I'm... always in need of a Joe Scott video, even if I'm falling asleep or just waking up. Sometimes it's both. Don't ask. All the love and support (but only the correct amount Mrs Scott) (you have a cool nerdy husband jtlyk).

  • @robhill9989
    @robhill9989 Рік тому

    I wish people understood that these people did survive. How do you think that you and I are here? Maybe not direct ancestors, but there had to be some survivors who picked up and moved. If they could navigate the stars, then they could navigate the seas.

  • @AlKeys411
    @AlKeys411 Рік тому

    Interesting. The moon is powerful enough to physically effect water on earth (tides). But how do we know it doesn’t effect us humans in some way?

  • @bjornsolarin
    @bjornsolarin Рік тому +1

    The moon affects the menstrual cycle, fishing, planting, tides… and you don’t think it affects us…?!?

  • @anarcho-savagery2097
    @anarcho-savagery2097 Рік тому

    There's literally a notch for April 20