A relative of mine, she went off to Uni. Pre-Uni: smart. out-going, sporty, confident. Within a year at Uni: Cut her hair short, invented some "dungeon & dragons" style name, new pronouns, wants a mastectomy when she finishes her course.... Exactly like her group of female friends at Uni.
Yeah teenage girls and young adult women really really need to fit in with their peer group. It’s instinctual. I joined a religious cult as a teenager to fit in with my friends. I’m glad this wasn’t happening back then. I’m glad it didn’t involve surgery.
I got into an argument with an ignorant person who insisted this isn't happening. But I have talked with several parents who are going thru this as well. of course legacy media would never discuss this or admit it is happening to young adults.
Similar thing happened to a friend's daughter. All of a sudden off to college and now decides she might be gay. Thankfully she quit after 1 year and is now totally normal. Thank God she quit and got a degree in a health care field and is married. Real marriage..a man and woman.
My daughter is an autistic ROGD sufferer. For 6 years, from 15 to now. So far, no hormones or surgery but so heartbreaking for me every day. So little support for parents fighting this.
@@leftalone9881 Oh I’m so happy to hear that you’re doing well ❤ The voices of those who have desisted and detransitioned NEED to be lifted up! I’ve seen how cruel and dismissive some T people can be towards your experiences. We need to combat that!
Thank you, Michael, for your comments regarding the limited impact of trauma over time. One of the most powerful messages I used in family counselling was "be steady, be hopeful, be a parent." I observed noticeable differences in parents' attitudes which flowed onto the children, and healthier family dynamics, even in the short term.
I spoke with a guy online who told me he was literally pressured by more than one person to transition! He just brushed it off like it wasn't a big deal they did that and just said "I don't like going to hospitals anyway".
I write online against trans ideology, use a real name and photo elsewhere, and multiple people have said I’m an egg, and only against trans because of personal denial. It may be true anti-gay voices are in denial on their own homosexual feelings, but in case of trans, they are 50 years too late. I mean I thought we escaped gender conformity, but now I see social media has caused a regression and reinforcement of gender stereotypes. But females can be more masculine in their own way, males can be more feminine in their own way, just requires courage. But trans just reinforces gender stereotypes, so the “egg charge” is silly. Trans identities want more medicalized trans identities for critical mass. They don’t want gnc males and females speaking against their regressive ideology which is leading to irreversible medicalizations.
And not just trauma but to early exposure to sexually inappropriate material such as porn and even that “sex ed” coming from the UN. If we understood Antonio Demario and the development of Dispositional Representations, we would see that this early exposure to sexual material will be built into the interna working models. Kids need to be kept away from this inappropriate sexual material. (We are increasing CSA including child on child).
Look dude, child sexual abuse is real. Exposing kids to inappropriate sexual material is epidemic including child sexual abuse. It all contributes to screwing up child minds by messing up their internal worlds. The goal is to get this insanity into kid’s internal worlds.
@@oliviamaynard9372 are you trying to argue that 7 year olds watching porn would not affect children because it absolutely does. It is harmful to adults and very harmful to children
I think people misunderstand what is meant by trauma. I read Bessel van der Kolk's "The body keeps the score". The hunger for loving support and attention is included by Bessel under the idea of trauma. The lack of unconditional love can set up coping mechanisms such as maladjusted rejection of intimacy and the adoption of attention seeking behaviour. In this way neglect can have just as traumatic an effect as physical abuse. Parents who revel in the attention celebrity gives them are likely to be using narcissism to feed their own hunger for the unconditional love of a parent. Neglect can be an invisible form of trauma. Positive physical or mental abuse is not the only reason why children are raised to act out attention seeking behaviour. The computer screen has a wide range of issues that come with capturing our minds.
"Phil Illy is a nice guy." Right, and there are 2 or 3 former girlfriends who wish they could speak out about what he put them through, but they are afraid of him and his allies. As the sole collector of data on trans widows in the world, I happen to know. One of his ex's wanted me to profile her on my channel (named in my handle name here) and then suddenly withdrew, afraid. Hmmm.
He gives me SUCH bad vibes. I don’t understand the widespread support for him, at all. He comes off as just a massive manipulative narcissist…and very clearly gives zero f*cks about women-or anyone for that matter-just himself, of course.
He made a few comments that dont sound right. When he said most teenage boys who turn trans are AGP. He didnt give any reference for that comment but everything I've seen says the vast majority of MtF trans (well over 90%) are the gay type, who are interested in men, specifically straight men. . The AGP type that are still interested in women are a small minority, but they also tend to be more dangerous, more boundary pushing, and much more likely to commit sx offenses. MtF trans in prisons are almost always the AGP type. I agree with him when he says the drug companies are not driving this for money.. Trans medical care is tiny compared to other forms of medicine. Just to add about his comment on false SA memories of the 90's being driven by therapists, I remember this time and it was all over mainstream media too. It started in the 80's through the 90's with the "satanic panic". When thousands of teachers, pre-school carers and daycare centers were accused of satanic ritual abuse. It was a major news story for years until the accusations became so ridiculous it obviously wasnt true. Media played a huge role too,
@@tubester4567 A "case study" that J Michael Bailey, James Cantor and Ray Blanchard cited decades ago, Sam Kaye, who for 25 years named himself Maya and had the surgeries, can no longer point to Bailey's, Cantor's and Blanchard's claim that perhaps there's a "genetic link" between father and son. Sam's father "transitioned" when he was about 9. Sam "transitioned" in his mid 20s, to detransition and claim his male biology 25 years later. The citation of these three I got from Bob Withers, who attended the conference where this paper was presented. This is not pretend. The entire older generation of "gender therapists" are corrupted. Sorry Stella, but this is real. There is no "true trans" and I now have helped 5 children out of that rabbit hole. Not with "conversion therapy" but with The Wellness Checklist. I wrote it. "Paul' graduated after 6 weeks.
Regrettably, this was not one of the better Genspect presentations. The audio was awful and I personally disagree with much of what Mike had to say - or at least his manner of presentation. Certainly I’m no expert. But it seems to me that ROGD is real social contagion that exists at the intersection of WPATH, woke culture, social media, teen/puberty angst, ASD & and other mental/developmental health commodities, the desire of the medical community to do what they’re being told is “right” by various “advocates” (while getting paid handsomely for their medical services), and the very real fear all of the adults in the room have of being cancelled/ostracized/fired if they don’t go along with what all of the DEI fanatics are telling them they have to do. AGP, like true gender dysphoria in young children is exceeding rare. Social media and peer influenced ASD teens, especially girls, who feel negative and awkward at puberty are not. Regrettably, unrecognized, internalized homophobia is also not rare. These are the factors that professionals should be focusing on. While the trauma card might be overplayed, when you look at the frequency with which ASD and homosexual teens are abused/assaulted/raped I have to believe this is a significant contributing factor for a fairly sizable sub populated of this demographic. Pharmaceutical companies have nothing to do with this. Hormones are incredibly inexpensive medications and most are generic. The surgical transition procedures, on the other hand are much more lucrative. Unfortunately, the only way this will end (in the USA) is when parents sue all of the doctors, hospitals, professional associations, schools, and affirming professionals into submission. And when this finally does happen, the poor kids/teens/adults with “real” GD lose access to the help they need.
If a furry came to this conference and said it's a sexuality, should I really believe it? Is eunuch really a sexuality like w p a t h says? I just think people want attention and will shove it in our faces because they're so narcissistic. They always say they need to create an identity. Which is bs. Normal people don't think like that. Then they go on to brag about how they change their sex on legal documents, etc. Complete narcissism.
US K-12 schools (both public and private) have, over the last 15 to 20 years, with respect to the promotion of gender dysphoria and trans identification, taken on chacteristics previously associated only with institutions such as thought control prisons in Maoist China during the 1950s thru the 1970s. When combined with similar promotive influences quickly becoming widespread on social media and the introduction of smart phones, it is not hard to understand how recently observed social behavior such as the extremely rapid rise in ROGD has occurred. See the talk at this meeting by Dr. James Lindsay and his other books and podcasts over the last five years.
Wpath has at least 2 chapter writers involved in "multiple personalities" and "repressed memories/Satanic Panic". (And let's not even start on the famous chapter addition beginning with E). Dan Karasac literally talks about "plural identities" and transitioning them (which has been done). Diane Ehrensaft was in the Satanic Panic to the end. She also thinks 1 yr olds can tell you their gender identity. Both think non-verbal, illiterate autistic children should be transitioned. Even when the child is literally proven to not be mentally capable of differentiating between male and female bodies.
@@robertmarshall2502 I'm a eunuch and we should not be denied care as Jesus Christ said in Matthew 19:12. So many psychologists wouldn't sign off on my paperwork and tried to discourage low dose estrogen and castration. I spent more 5 times more money on transportation and counseling than I did on surgery, hormones, and bloodwork because they didn't take me seriously. Just today I met people who are unfit and twenty years my junior. I run and bike while they have all they can do to walk because they let themselves go and their reproductive system is aging them rapidly. This treatment genuinely benefitted me and when I see people making a mockery of it, I'll let them know. The same grifts are going to be used to take out birth control, vaccines, and SSRI's. Desantis has already used the same playbook on vaccines. The medical restrictions and extremism has to end. I will not be brought down to a lower level of health nor will I surrender any bit of my youth.
Is it possible that many of the ROGD cases in biological males is due to similar peer influence processes as girls especially given that many (most?) of them are socialising with girl peer groups?
I think there’s something to your suspicion. I was ROGD (male) and mostly socialized with my female peers. That being said, I caught it from the internet, and most rogd boys I know also caught it from the internet. So it’s def a social contagion/subculture, but I don’t think boys are catching it from the girls
Mike Bailey was also right about trauma. Mental health professions (and increasingly normies) often exaggerate the role of trauma in explaining various outcomes. Its honestly just lazy how often people's first impulse is to explain mental outcomes as being a result of "trauma". So lazy.
thanx Oprah. "Trauma" is a useful weapon against solidarity, it depoliticizes. DEI also assists in that it fosters resentment which is harvested and weaponized to preserve the status quo. that's why billionaires love this stuff.
"AGP is innate" idunno about that. Let's strip humanity of modernity. Strip it of feminine fashion, makeup, lingerie, flamboyant or seductive behavior... Does AGP really exist in that world. I find that unlikely.🐿
@spiralvoid45 Very well. Thank you for sharing. What I am suggesting is, you weren't born AGP. Maybe born predisposed to be influenced by environmental forces fueling AGP. Early human beings were not exposed to these external forces in the past. Hence, no AGP, it's not innate. My analogy is very succinct. You're welcome to disagree. 🐿
@@Knuck_Knucks I think you make a compelling argument. I've spoken to spiral before he doesn't have very good explanations and that's largely because he can't distance himself from his own experience. My interpretation of his previous answers are the he clearly isn't innately AGP, same as every single one I've ever spoken to. Being incredibly generous I could say he was susceptibile to it from a young age. But it's largely a narrative the AGPs tell themselves due to sunk cost fallacy that reminds me of the men with addiction issues or repeat offenders I've worked with.
Psychology cannot exist without sociology. I am haunted by Calhoun's Universe 25 "Mouse utopia" experiments. The human species appears to display eerily similar reactions to affluence as Calhoun's mice.
The blurry background gives me a headache. Please unblur or find another background. Unblurring is preferred. We already have too much augmentation as is.
How about being born with female hormones my mother gave me by medicine she took ( des) I love being a female ❤ so much fun putting on makeup, nails painted.. ❤
What about the school curriculums influnce. This topic has became a daily bread inside schools even the catholics. Colorful and literature, activities influece. This is nonesence!!
Children shouldn't even be sexual beings... The only purpose to cultivate a child to be a sexual being is if you have intent of molestation and grooming.
God bless those of you seeking the truth. Know that there is only one truth and you will find it in God's word. You can put whatever filter over reality that you choose, but this manifested form of reality will never be the truth. The truth will heal you if you let it.
@@VauxhallViva-s8x I agree homosexuality is real. I suspect we agree Sex Dysphoria is real. That said, I hypothesize there are individuals, not homosexual, who suffer from mental illness or personality disorders. These comorbidities in tandem with environmental factors and isolation, combined with the romanticized portrayal of being 'queer' (different), or bucking social norms. In-turn, adopt homosexuality. In that fashion, yes, these two things are comparable. 🐿
@Michelle-Davis 2nd attempt... I hypothesize individuals, not hom osexu al, suffer from personality disorders. Comorbidities in tandem with environmental factors and isolation, combined with the romanticized portrayal of being different, or bucking social norms. Theses individuals adopt ho mosex uality. In that fashion, yes, these two things are comparable. (edited) 🐿
This guy was.a.quack. trauma isn't relevant? What a crap take. Genspec could have done so much better. They still could. Their misandry is getting so gross though. Its why their message can't resonate.
@SploinkyDH. He asserted an absurd take with zero evidence. Trauma is truly one of the biggest factors influencing being trans. This guy has no clue. Transition itself is trauma
I think his statement was in relation to the influences on male sexuality including the causes of autogynephelia. The role of sexual trauma on the formation of trans identity would be hard to deny. I don’t think he was doing that.
@uniformskins Dude. Let me be so clear. I was raped to insanity as a child cause I was gender nonconforming. I grow up I can't handle the fake personality. I transition. I am AGP by definition. Blanchard himself says so. This theory is just stupid and evil and and think you can all fuck right off
@uniformskins its.just they call.the peoples experience who don't conform to their theory liars. I have never lied about what happened. I just don't always share every gory detail. Blanchard is not kind or correct
This reminds me 100% of me at age 14 joining a new group of friends and one was born-again Christian. One by one, over the next year two years, every single one in the group including me, a Jew, became born again Christian. At first I pretended to fit in, but then I fell completely into it. And we did ostracize people who were not born again, telling them they would literally burn in hell. I heard that over and over and over. Thank goodness I started dating a Jewish boy at age 17, who pulled me out of the cult. And for me it was a cult, I was completely brainwashed from wanting to fit in. Nowadays, all of my friends, old and young, in Chicago are basically trans activists. And they think they are doing good. They are trying to help children. They have no idea what is really going on or what these medical procedures do. We also know some people who have transitioned or are in the middle, and they are lovely people. And they are very young, and have no idea what is ahead of them. No idea what these surgeries are going to do long-term. And I’m really curious how many of them will end up de-transitioning. There’s way too many all at once so it’s obviously just a social contagion, otherwise it would have to be something nefarious put in the food or dropped from chemtrails, there is no way this is naturally happening. Back 30 years ago I knew trans people, but only a few and they stayed to themselves. A lot more transvestites actually, who were fine just dressing up sometimes but not changing their actual body. And when I read about it back decades ago the doctors would always make the patients wait a full year before any medical intervention at all. To make sure they were not doing harm. Whatever happened to doctors not wanting to do harm??
so much more study into ROGD is urgently needed.
it's important that we, as a society, understand what is going on here.
the clock is ticking
A relative of mine, she went off to Uni.
Pre-Uni: smart. out-going, sporty, confident.
Within a year at Uni: Cut her hair short, invented some "dungeon & dragons" style name, new pronouns, wants a mastectomy when she finishes her course....
Exactly like her group of female friends at Uni.
Social contagion 100%! Why can it not just be being goth,emo,punk,hesh,whatever they fuck it was a few years ago. All better than this nonsense
Yeah teenage girls and young adult women really really need to fit in with their peer group. It’s instinctual. I joined a religious cult as a teenager to fit in with my friends. I’m glad this wasn’t happening back then. I’m glad it didn’t involve surgery.
I got into an argument with an ignorant person who insisted this isn't happening. But I have talked with several parents who are going thru this as well. of course legacy media would never discuss this or admit it is happening to young adults.
Similar thing happened to a friend's daughter. All of a sudden off to college and now decides she might be gay. Thankfully she quit after 1 year and is now totally normal. Thank God she quit and got a degree in a health care field and is married. Real marriage..a man and woman.
My daughter is an autistic ROGD sufferer. For 6 years, from 15 to now. So far, no hormones or surgery but so heartbreaking for me every day. So little support for parents fighting this.
Check out - you must be some kind of therapist podcast here on UA-cam
It took me 10 years to come out of it, but I am happy as I am now. Don’t give up hope.
@@leftalone9881 Oh I’m so happy to hear that you’re doing well ❤ The voices of those who have desisted and detransitioned NEED to be lifted up! I’ve seen how cruel and dismissive some T people can be towards your experiences. We need to combat that!
Thank you, Michael, for your comments regarding the limited impact of trauma over time. One of the most powerful messages I used in family counselling was "be steady, be hopeful, be a parent." I observed noticeable differences in parents' attitudes which flowed onto the children, and healthier family dynamics, even in the short term.
Jeanette Jennings, effectively - did a Dr Money, on her own kid. I think that she'll live to regret that..maybe not as much as Jazz will.
I agree.
I spoke with a guy online who told me he was literally pressured by more than one person to transition! He just brushed it off like it wasn't a big deal they did that and just said "I don't like going to hospitals anyway".
I write online against trans ideology, use a real name and photo elsewhere, and multiple people have said I’m an egg, and only against trans because of personal denial. It may be true anti-gay voices are in denial on their own homosexual feelings, but in case of trans, they are 50 years too late. I mean I thought we escaped gender conformity, but now I see social media has caused a regression and reinforcement of gender stereotypes. But females can be more masculine in their own way, males can be more feminine in their own way, just requires courage. But trans just reinforces gender stereotypes, so the “egg charge” is silly.
Trans identities want more medicalized trans identities for critical mass. They don’t want gnc males and females speaking against their regressive ideology which is leading to irreversible medicalizations.
And not just trauma but to early exposure to sexually inappropriate material such as porn and even that “sex ed” coming from the UN. If we understood Antonio Demario and the development of Dispositional Representations, we would see that this early exposure to sexual material will be built into the interna working models. Kids need to be kept away from this inappropriate sexual material. (We are increasing CSA including child on child).
No dude. You don't understand. The trauma from sex comes before age 5 to cause this. Before we leave home the first time.
Look dude, child sexual abuse is real. Exposing kids to inappropriate sexual material is epidemic including child sexual abuse. It all contributes to screwing up child minds by messing up their internal worlds. The goal is to get this insanity into kid’s internal worlds.
@@oliviamaynard9372 are you trying to argue that 7 year olds watching porn would not affect children because it absolutely does. It is harmful to adults and very harmful to children
Thanks for organising this event, Carrie, the team at Genspect USA, Lisa, and Mike.
I think people misunderstand what is meant by trauma.
I read Bessel van der Kolk's "The body keeps the score".
The hunger for loving support and attention is included by Bessel under the idea of trauma.
The lack of unconditional love can set up coping mechanisms such as maladjusted rejection of intimacy and the adoption of attention seeking behaviour.
In this way neglect can have just as traumatic an effect as physical abuse.
Parents who revel in the attention celebrity gives them are likely to be using narcissism to feed their own hunger for the unconditional love of a parent.
Neglect can be an invisible form of trauma. Positive physical or mental abuse is not the only reason why children are raised to act out attention seeking behaviour.
The computer screen has a wide range of issues that come with capturing our minds.
I appreciate the conversation! Thank you.
Excellent discussion! Tysm for sharing this. Family members are grateful.
The production company that produces “I am Jazz”, is called “This is just a test”😮kind of strange since jazz is experimental
Jazz and his life online ...beyond tragic.
@@user-ld7uj9pv8e I would not be shocked if Jazz ends up taking his own life when he matures enough to realize what his mother did to him
Lisa is a hero!
51:30 DING DING DING!!!!! He hits the nail on the head - these parents in the audience and talk around are way to reactive
"Phil Illy is a nice guy." Right, and there are 2 or 3 former girlfriends who wish they could speak out about what he put them through, but they are afraid of him and his allies. As the sole collector of data on trans widows in the world, I happen to know. One of his ex's wanted me to profile her on my channel (named in my handle name here) and then suddenly withdrew, afraid. Hmmm.
He gives me SUCH bad vibes. I don’t understand the widespread support for him, at all. He comes off as just a massive manipulative narcissist…and very clearly gives zero f*cks about women-or anyone for that matter-just himself, of course.
He made a few comments that dont sound right. When he said most teenage boys who turn trans are AGP. He didnt give any reference for that comment but everything I've seen says the vast majority of MtF trans (well over 90%) are the gay type, who are interested in men, specifically straight men. . The AGP type that are still interested in women are a small minority, but they also tend to be more dangerous, more boundary pushing, and much more likely to commit sx offenses. MtF trans in prisons are almost always the AGP type.
I agree with him when he says the drug companies are not driving this for money.. Trans medical care is tiny compared to other forms of medicine.
Just to add about his comment on false SA memories of the 90's being driven by therapists, I remember this time and it was all over mainstream media too. It started in the 80's through the 90's with the "satanic panic". When thousands of teachers, pre-school carers and daycare centers were accused of satanic ritual abuse. It was a major news story for years until the accusations became so ridiculous it obviously wasnt true. Media played a huge role too,
@@tubester4567 A "case study" that J Michael Bailey, James Cantor and Ray Blanchard cited decades ago, Sam Kaye, who for 25 years named himself Maya and had the surgeries, can no longer point to Bailey's, Cantor's and Blanchard's claim that perhaps there's a "genetic link" between father and son. Sam's father "transitioned" when he was about 9. Sam "transitioned" in his mid 20s, to detransition and claim his male biology 25 years later. The citation of these three I got from Bob Withers, who attended the conference where this paper was presented. This is not pretend. The entire older generation of "gender therapists" are corrupted. Sorry Stella, but this is real. There is no "true trans" and I now have helped 5 children out of that rabbit hole. Not with "conversion therapy" but with The Wellness Checklist. I wrote it. "Paul' graduated after 6 weeks.
Regrettably, this was not one of the better Genspect presentations. The audio was awful and I personally disagree with much of what Mike had to say - or at least his manner of presentation.
Certainly I’m no expert. But it seems to me that ROGD is real social contagion that exists at the intersection of WPATH, woke culture, social media, teen/puberty angst, ASD & and other mental/developmental health commodities, the desire of the medical community to do what they’re being told is “right” by various “advocates” (while getting paid handsomely for their medical services), and the very real fear all of the adults in the room have of being cancelled/ostracized/fired if they don’t go along with what all of the DEI fanatics are telling them they have to do.
AGP, like true gender dysphoria in young children is exceeding rare.
Social media and peer influenced ASD teens, especially girls, who feel negative and awkward at puberty are not. Regrettably, unrecognized, internalized homophobia is also not rare. These are the factors that professionals should be focusing on. While the trauma card might be overplayed, when you look at the frequency with which ASD and homosexual teens are abused/assaulted/raped I have to believe this is a significant contributing factor for a fairly sizable sub populated of this demographic.
Pharmaceutical companies have nothing to do with this. Hormones are incredibly inexpensive medications and most are generic. The surgical transition procedures, on the other hand are much more lucrative.
Unfortunately, the only way this will end (in the USA) is when parents sue all of the doctors, hospitals, professional associations, schools, and affirming professionals into submission. And when this finally does happen, the poor kids/teens/adults with “real” GD lose access to the help they need.
Michael is THE BEST!!!
I blame the psychologists and psychiatrists, if not for them no one would dare give this thing credence.
The fight is in the courts. Well said.
Even if Phil Ily isn't "showing" down below in the photo, he is still, visibly, playing out his s***** fantasy in public.
If a furry came to this conference and said it's a sexuality, should I really believe it? Is eunuch really a sexuality like w p a t h says? I just think people want attention and will shove it in our faces because they're so narcissistic. They always say they need to create an identity. Which is bs. Normal people don't think like that. Then they go on to brag about how they change their sex on legal documents, etc. Complete narcissism.
Yeah I don't get this continual defence of him playing out his fantasy.
@@Mymusic-pj1ocFurries are a good example where it's clearly connected to sexual fantasy.
Anime is another link.
@@robertmarshall2502 they removed my furry comment
Audio is awful and frankly this shouldn't have been posted until it was fixed. It's too bad, because I wanted to listen to the entire talk.
Somebody hands him a mic at 20:20. It gets better after that.
I just switched on my phone. Glad to catch this.
Great info on a devastating trend.
US K-12 schools (both public and private) have, over the last 15 to 20 years, with respect to the promotion of gender dysphoria and trans identification, taken on chacteristics previously associated only with institutions such as thought control prisons in Maoist China during the 1950s thru the 1970s. When combined with similar promotive influences quickly becoming widespread on social media and the introduction of smart phones, it is not hard to understand how recently observed social behavior such as the extremely rapid rise in ROGD has occurred.
See the talk at this meeting by Dr. James Lindsay and his other books and podcasts over the last five years.
Wpath has at least 2 chapter writers involved in "multiple personalities" and "repressed memories/Satanic Panic". (And let's not even start on the famous chapter addition beginning with E).
Dan Karasac literally talks about "plural identities" and transitioning them (which has been done).
Diane Ehrensaft was in the Satanic Panic to the end. She also thinks 1 yr olds can tell you their gender identity.
Both think non-verbal, illiterate autistic children should be transitioned. Even when the child is literally proven to not be mentally capable of differentiating between male and female bodies.
Your favorite eunuch tends to pop up with just one letter. Hi, Robert.
@@DorianPaige00 I don't know what point you were trying to make. Can you explain in more detail what it was or maybe it was lacking altogether.
@@robertmarshall2502 I'm a eunuch and we should not be denied care as Jesus Christ said in Matthew 19:12. So many psychologists wouldn't sign off on my paperwork and tried to discourage low dose estrogen and castration. I spent more 5 times more money on transportation and counseling than I did on surgery, hormones, and bloodwork because they didn't take me seriously. Just today I met people who are unfit and twenty years my junior. I run and bike while they have all they can do to walk because they let themselves go and their reproductive system is aging them rapidly. This treatment genuinely benefitted me and when I see people making a mockery of it, I'll let them know. The same grifts are going to be used to take out birth control, vaccines, and SSRI's. Desantis has already used the same playbook on vaccines. The medical restrictions and extremism has to end. I will not be brought down to a lower level of health nor will I surrender any bit of my youth.
53:39 he’s like ‘it’s your job to talk to the idiots’
Is it me or is the audio messed up?
It's not you. The audio is really messed up.
It is messed up but with headphones I could hear & understand most of what was said.
Is it possible that many of the ROGD cases in biological males is due to similar peer influence processes as girls especially given that many (most?) of them are socialising with girl peer groups?
I think there’s something to your suspicion. I was ROGD (male) and mostly socialized with my female peers. That being said, I caught it from the internet, and most rogd boys I know also caught it from the internet. So it’s def a social contagion/subculture, but I don’t think boys are catching it from the girls
Mike Bailey was also right about trauma. Mental health professions (and increasingly normies) often exaggerate the role of trauma in explaining various outcomes. Its honestly just lazy how often people's first impulse is to explain mental outcomes as being a result of "trauma". So lazy.
Wish I could like this comment 100 times. SO sick of the "trauma" explanation.
thanx Oprah. "Trauma" is a useful weapon against solidarity, it depoliticizes. DEI also assists in that it fosters resentment which is harvested and weaponized to preserve the status quo. that's why billionaires love this stuff.
Surely trauma can be AN explanation. But not the only possibility. Rigid either /or thinking is part of the problem in the first place, isnt it?
Your excuses for why you constantly live out your fantasy in public are lazy.
Please stop being a creep
It's not laziness as much as it is mental health professionals who like to create theories and hypothetical narratives without any evidence.
45:12 in other words “lady you’re making me uncomfortable.”
The audio is screwy in this presentation. Please attempt to fix and re-upload.
"AGP is innate" idunno about that.
Let's strip humanity of modernity. Strip it of feminine fashion, makeup, lingerie, flamboyant or seductive behavior...
Does AGP really exist in that world. I find that unlikely.🐿
I know right? Lol.
You're almost there cupcake 🧁
But it's more like, no freezers, no vanilla ice cream. 🐿
@spiralvoid45 Look up what "Innate" means. And then contrast that to what I said and get back to me. You may need to research what AGP means too. 🐿
I'd say just strip it of surgeries, hormones, female sports, and spaces. 😅
@spiralvoid45 Very well. Thank you for sharing. What I am suggesting is, you weren't born AGP. Maybe born predisposed to be influenced by environmental forces fueling AGP. Early human beings were not exposed to these external forces in the past. Hence, no AGP, it's not innate. My analogy is very succinct. You're welcome to disagree. 🐿
@@Knuck_Knucks I think you make a compelling argument. I've spoken to spiral before he doesn't have very good explanations and that's largely because he can't distance himself from his own experience. My interpretation of his previous answers are the he clearly isn't innately AGP, same as every single one I've ever spoken to. Being incredibly generous I could say he was susceptibile to it from a young age.
But it's largely a narrative the AGPs tell themselves due to sunk cost fallacy that reminds me of the men with addiction issues or repeat offenders I've worked with.
Psychology cannot exist without sociology. I am haunted by Calhoun's Universe 25 "Mouse utopia" experiments. The human species appears to display eerily similar reactions to affluence as Calhoun's mice.
The blurry background gives me a headache. Please unblur or find another background. Unblurring is preferred. We already have too much augmentation as is.
How about being born with female hormones my mother gave me by medicine she took ( des) I love being a female ❤ so much fun putting on makeup, nails painted.. ❤
Makeup and painted nails have nothing to do with being female
What about the school curriculums influnce. This topic has became a daily bread inside schools even the catholics. Colorful and literature, activities influece.
This is nonesence!!
19:30 look up Mr Metokur Tumblrisms for a good laugh
The way he snatched the mic off her.
Totally noticed that.
It’s important to be careful with all of this but to deny child sexually abuse is an evil as creating a memory of something that doesn’t exist.
Children shouldn't even be sexual beings... The only purpose to cultivate a child to be a sexual being is if you have intent of molestation and grooming.
God bless those of you seeking the truth. Know that there is only one truth and you will find it in God's word. You can put whatever filter over reality that you choose, but this manifested form of reality will never be the truth. The truth will heal you if you let it.
Are you saying that there is no such thing as child sexual abuse?
He sure did come close, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt about just not making his actual point clear.
He didn't say anything like this
@@talibotz He might as well have
im sure he isn't. his language didn't express that we'll though
@@oliviamaynard9372what happened to your 'benefit of the doubt?'
I'm sure what he meant was that it was over reported
Don't forget about "ROSS" ("Rapid Onset Salvation Syndrome") which stems from the Christian Nationalist need for immediate salvation.
At least it's reversible. Now go kick rocks 🙃
The evidence supporting ROGD strengthens my hypothesis that ROH exists. 'Rapid Onset Homosexuality.'🐿
But homosexuality is real, provable and observed across species. Trans identity is none of those things. The two things aren’t at all comparable.
@@VauxhallViva-s8x I agree homosexuality is real. I suspect we agree Sex Dysphoria is real. That said, I hypothesize there are individuals, not homosexual, who suffer from mental illness or personality disorders. These comorbidities in tandem with environmental factors and isolation, combined with the romanticized portrayal of being 'queer' (different), or bucking social norms. In-turn, adopt homosexuality.
In that fashion, yes, these two things are comparable. 🐿
All the the testimony and observation. You know, that evidence. 🐿
@Michelle-Davis I'm being censored. Filter the comments using "Newest First" and you'll find your answer. 🐿
@Michelle-Davis 2nd attempt... I hypothesize individuals, not hom osexu al, suffer from personality disorders. Comorbidities in tandem with environmental factors and isolation, combined with the romanticized portrayal of being different, or bucking social norms. Theses individuals adopt ho mosex uality. In that fashion, yes, these two things are comparable. (edited) 🐿
Listen to Dr. Sisterwife , she knows.
This guy was.a.quack. trauma isn't relevant? What a crap take.
Genspec could have done so much better. They still could. Their misandry is getting so gross though. Its why their message can't resonate.
@SploinkyDH. He asserted an absurd take with zero evidence. Trauma is truly one of the biggest factors influencing being trans.
This guy has no clue.
Transition itself is trauma
I think his statement was in relation to the influences on male sexuality including the causes of autogynephelia. The role of sexual trauma on the formation of trans identity would be hard to deny. I don’t think he was doing that.
@uniformskins Dude. Let me be so clear. I was raped to insanity as a child cause I was gender nonconforming. I grow up I can't handle the fake personality. I transition.
I am AGP by definition. Blanchard himself says so.
This theory is just stupid and evil and and think you can all fuck right off
@@VauxhallViva-s8x also I am just sad so don't take the you can eff rigjt off part personally
@uniformskins its.just they call.the peoples experience who don't conform to their theory liars.
I have never lied about what happened.
I just don't always share every gory detail.
Blanchard is not kind or correct
This reminds me 100% of me at age 14 joining a new group of friends and one was born-again Christian. One by one, over the next year two years, every single one in the group including me, a Jew, became born again Christian. At first I pretended to fit in, but then I fell completely into it. And we did ostracize people who were not born again, telling them they would literally burn in hell. I heard that over and over and over. Thank goodness I started dating a Jewish boy at age 17, who pulled me out of the cult. And for me it was a cult, I was completely brainwashed from wanting to fit in.
Nowadays, all of my friends, old and young, in Chicago are basically trans activists. And they think they are doing good. They are trying to help children. They have no idea what is really going on or what these medical procedures do. We also know some people who have transitioned or are in the middle, and they are lovely people. And they are very young, and have no idea what is ahead of them. No idea what these surgeries are going to do long-term. And I’m really curious how many of them will end up de-transitioning. There’s way too many all at once so it’s obviously just a social contagion, otherwise it would have to be something nefarious put in the food or dropped from chemtrails, there is no way this is naturally happening.
Back 30 years ago I knew trans people, but only a few and they stayed to themselves. A lot more transvestites actually, who were fine just dressing up sometimes but not changing their actual body. And when I read about it back decades ago the doctors would always make the patients wait a full year before any medical intervention at all. To make sure they were not doing harm. Whatever happened to doctors not wanting to do harm??