that is why you are required knee, elbow pads, wrist guards. helmet, mouth guard. also can wear booty pads, nose guards, etc. they teach you to fall safely
@pinkfurryhat I play derby and you can get hit pretty hard, I mean those girls are skating at you full speed, but I love it more than anything and if you're into it you should definitely give it a try just be careful haha
My friend wants me to join his derby team but I naturally assumed it'd be a bunch of big butch chicks waiting to crush me. I'm petite, 5'3 and 100-110 lbs. idk what my role would be! Are there ANY advantages to being small (maybe being able to duck under people?) I do have leg/butt muscles & work out but I don't think that will matter if someone twice my size charges at me :/
This is why I love roller derby and I love my derby sisters. You feel so empowered and strong playing roller derby. LOVE YOU FMDG!
242 Motley Bruze 4-ever! Miss you and love you.
Thats awesome im gonna look up tickets
But that's the fun in it
that is why you are required knee, elbow pads, wrist guards. helmet, mouth guard. also can wear booty pads, nose guards, etc. they teach you to fall safely
Yeah, this is my kinda sport.
awww i want to be on a roller derby team : ( true about men in fishnets and short shorts ;)
I play roller derby too, and I feel ya bro. the worse people to get hit by are the bony girls X-X
@pinkfurryhat I play derby and you can get hit pretty hard, I mean those girls are skating at you full speed, but I love it more than anything and if you're into it you should definitely give it a try just be careful haha
The Donnas. Win.
My friend wants me to join his derby team but I naturally assumed it'd be a bunch of big butch chicks waiting to crush me. I'm petite, 5'3 and 100-110 lbs. idk what my role would be! Are there ANY advantages to being small (maybe being able to duck under people?) I do have leg/butt muscles & work out but I don't think that will matter if someone twice my size charges at me :/
i would like to try it but i dont want to get hurt, lol :-))
anya dixon.... hmmmm
woooooo, death ray 8. and "slam bags?"
you all have issues. see a shrink.