Why TPLF of yesterday doesn't accept it's mistake? It's disheartening to witness the transformation of a political party that once stood for honesty and unity. Initially committed to fighting corruption and tribalism, they have now become the very embodiment of what they once opposed. Their actions have led to widespread corruption, dishonesty, and a deepening of tribal divisions. This betrayal of trust has not only segregated communities but also plunged the region into conflict and chaos. It's a stark reminder of the importance of accountability and the dangers of unchecked power.
ጥፍአት መን ከምዝፈፀመ እናፈለጥና እርቂ ይግበሩ :እንደገና ጉባኤ ይግበሩ ንብል።
Thank you for the dedication to serve the peaple of tigray
God blesd you.
ንዙይ ኩሉ መፍተሒ ዝኮውን ደብረፅዮን ጌታቾው ካብ ስልጣኖም ክወርዱ አሎዎም
ዲሞክራሲ ዝአምን ብምርጫ እምበር ብአቔራጭ አይኮነን ድምፂ ህዝቢ ይሰማዕ ።እቶምፀገም ዘለዎም እውን ተጋሩ እዮም ስለዚብገምጋም ህዝቢ ይፍረዶም።
ብቃልሶም ዝረከብዎ ነፃነት አኢዩ።
Thanks ❤
Why TPLF of yesterday doesn't accept it's mistake? It's disheartening to witness the transformation of a political party that once stood for honesty and unity. Initially committed to fighting corruption and tribalism, they have now become the very embodiment of what they once opposed. Their actions have led to widespread corruption, dishonesty, and a deepening of tribal divisions. This betrayal of trust has not only segregated communities but also plunged the region into conflict and chaos. It's a stark reminder of the importance of accountability and the dangers of unchecked power.
Where do get this document please
እቲፅሕፍ ዝፀሓፍ ናይትግራይ ታሪኽእውንዘህስስእዩ 30ዓመትሙልእ ኣበይዝነበሩእዮም
ፀላእቲ ህወሓት ትውደቅ ይብሉ እቶም ተጋሩ ኢና ባሃልቲ ውን ህወሓት ትውደቅ ይብሉ ትግራይ ብዘይ መራሒ ምትራፍ እዩ ።ህወሓት ንዘጥፍኡ ይቀፅዕ አብጎደና ልምዓት ድማ ኔርና ።ግንሰባት ስለዝኾኑ ፍፁማትእዮም ማለት አይኮኑን ።አብትግራይ አብዛ ሕዚ ግዜካብህወሓት ዘሐይሽ የብሉን።
ብስራት፤ እቱ ጽሑፍ ምርካብ ይካኣል ዶ?
Just endeavor your time for the issues of Tigrai.
እቲ ናይ ዕድመ ጉዳይ ዕድመኦም ዓብዮም ዘይኮነስ ኣብ'ቲ ናይ ፖለቲካ መሪሕነት ዝጸንሑዎ ነዊሕ ዓመታት'ዩ ዘዛርብ ዘሎ ፡ ብዝተረፈ እቲ ዝቀረበ ጽሑፍ ኣዝ'ዩ ብዝርዝር ዝቀረበ ጸገማት መሪሕነት ትግራይ ዝተጓዕዞ ቁልቁል መንገዲ ብግቡእ ዝቀረበን መፍትሕታቱ'ውን ዘአንፈተ ኣገዳሲ ሰነድ'ዩ ።
ህዝቢ ትግራይ ገዛእቲ እምበር መራሕቲ ነይሩዎ ኣይፍልጥን እቲ ዝዓበየ ጸገም ግን እቲ ህዝቢ ዋላ ክስብ ለይቲ ሎሚ ነዚ ጸገም ኣይፈልጦን
Les TEGARUS il faut qu' ils accordent. Si non c'est la fin de notre éthique TEGARUS. Tous ces ÉROS QUI SONT ÉCRIT L HISTOIRE AVEC SANGS. I
ትግራይ ፐረስ 100% ሓቂ እዚ ምጽናዕቲ እንተኮነ ጉ 28:29 ጅለ ህዋሓት ክስምዓ ዘይደሊ መራር ሓቂ ኢያ እቲ ህዝብና ግን ሎምውን ጠንቂ ህልቂቱ ኣይፍልጦን ደጋዊ ጥራሕ ገይሩ እዩ ዝሪኦ ኮሙኡ ገይሩ ንክምዝኖ እውን 24ሳዓት ዝንገሮ ንኣዳለውቲ መጽናዕቲ ሉዕል ክብሪ ይግቦኦም ዘተሽፈነ ሓቕታት ስለ ዘቓሉዑን ዘንቕሑን
7godelo alewom
ኣነ ትክክል እዩ እቲ ገምጋም እየዝብል
Thank you
Way Tigray Netsaneta kitwetsie alewa elabelkas Eritrea nimintay Netsa wetset elabelka mingars ezom tsehafti tblom lelekas yidenagerom lelewu sebat eyom. Emo Tigrayna loulwuneta kiteregagits kihilwa endihir delinas na Ethiopia tekorkorti koynom eyom linageru lelewu.
To be honest, yob culture is growing fast in TIgrai 😭😭😭
ስልጣን ንምልቃቕምኮ ምርጫ እንዶ ይገበር ወይካአ እቲጊዚያዊ ምምሕዳርስ ግዚያዊነቱ ክሳዕ ማዓስእዩ ስልጣኑ ?አቱም ሰባት አብይ እኮእዩ ንትግራይ ዘማሐድራ ዘሎ ብንጻድቃን አቢሉ እበርዶ ይርዶኦ አሎ እትሰብ?
አቦይ ካሕሳይ ጻድቃን ስለዝፈተኹምዎ ዝገበረ እንትገበረስ ንምንታይ እትነቕፍዎ ድኹም እትብሉ?
Now we know that Getachew Reda is pompous, know it all, with unimaginable despise for his fellow Tigraysns. He must stop said - Now.
ናብ ዳግም ዕንክሊል ዘእቱ ኢዩ።ናይምሁራት ትንተና ዘይኮነስ ሃንደፍደፍ ኢዩ።ብማዕበል ሓፋሽ እቶም ዝተወሰኑ ዓንቀፍቲ ኣግሊሱ በቶም ዝተተኩኡ ናብ ብቑዕ ድርድር ወዲእኻ ናብ ስሩዕ ምርጫ ምእታው ኢዩ ክግበር ዘለዎ።
ታቁፅሪ ታቴለፎን አብቅድሚት ለጥፋ 2:43:16
I doubt you have any clue or honesty integrity about any historical events